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Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:29:14 AM EDT

No, but I've had to subdue a pissed off girlfriend before because she walked in on me with another chick and I was able to do so without striking her.  


Yeah, that's how you win an argument about professionalism.

Silly people.
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:29:21 AM EDT






I wish bad things to happen to that man. He is not better than anyone else who hits a woman. If the piece of shit wouldn't be wearing a badge all of you apologists would be thumping your chests saying how much of a pussy he is for hitting a woman. Fuck him. He doesn't deserve to be a police officer. Pussy.

Someone has never arrested a noncompliant female if they think gender has anything to do with use of force.

No, but I've had to subdue a pissed off girlfriend before because she walked in on me with another chick and I was able to do so without striking her.  

He is a pussy and so is anyone else who hits an unarmed, let alone handcuffed woman.

Like this guy huh?


LOL yeah, like SDP is such a fine outstanding police force

I don't anything about that dept. I'm just the video as an example.

Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:29:31 AM EDT
She slapped a guy in the casino then kicked a cop.

Good kick and cop is not guilty.

You go around hitting and kicking people you deserve to get your ass kicked.

I really hope you don't carry a gun and a badge for a living, if you do I really feel bad for the city you "serve".

Somebody kicks me they get kicked back.

Especially if she just punched another guy like she did in the casino.

Fuck her.  She's a violent loon who needs her ass kicked.

So you believe in vigilante justice then?  I believe in self defense, but the only person who was remotely in any danger was the guy that got slapped because she could have used something from the bar as a weapon.  If a woman slaps me at a bar I will take a step back and let security, then the justice system handle it.  If she picks up a bottle or knife or something else, she's getting knocked out.   That didn't happen.   All she deserves is to be tried and sentenced accordingly.
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:29:48 AM EDT




No, but I've had to subdue a pissed off girlfriend before because she walked in on me with another chick and I was able to do so without striking her.  


Yeah, that's how you win an argument about professionalism.

Silly people.

I'm still waiting on him to answer my question.

Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:31:20 AM EDT

Apparently not the first time the guy's temper got him in trouble.

Assaulted a jogger while off duty in 2001 (plus an extended cut of the kicking...looks like the lady was out for the count)

Well well, imagine that. So are all you cops on here still going to stick up for your fellow officer along the "thin blue line"? He's a dirt bag that can't control his emotions just like the judge said in the video. He shouldn't even have a badge, let alone be allowed to carry a fire arm, how long before he gets mad and shoots some one just because he was having a bad day?

So a misdemeanor assault from over 10 years ago means he can't control his emotions?  

Well thats the way the DA would play it against anyone other than a cop. why should he be treated any different?

Generally past convictions can't be brought up in court because it would bias the judge or jury against the defendant, rather than weighing the facts of the case at hand.

A biased DA defending his corrupt cop buddy can find a way around "Generally".
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:33:29 AM EDT
She slapped a guy in the casino then kicked a cop.

Good kick and cop is not guilty.

You go around hitting and kicking people you deserve to get your ass kicked.

I really hope you don't carry a gun and a badge for a living, if you do I really feel bad for the city you "serve".

Somebody kicks me they get kicked back.

Especially if she just punched another guy like she did in the casino.

Fuck her.  She's a violent loon who needs her ass kicked.

So you believe in vigilante justice then?  I believe in self defense, but the only person who was remotely in any danger was the guy that got slapped because she could have used something from the bar as a weapon.  If a woman slaps me at a bar I will take a step back and let security, then the justice system handle it.  If she picks up a bottle or knife or something else, she's getting knocked out.   That didn't happen.   All she deserves is to be tried and sentenced accordingly.

If a woman hits people then comes over and kicks me I use force against her attack.

She is a violent loon who needs to be put in her place.

I can't believe I have to explain this.

Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:35:48 AM EDT
She slapped a guy in the casino then kicked a cop.

Good kick and cop is not guilty.

You go around hitting and kicking people you deserve to get your ass kicked.

I really hope you don't carry a gun and a badge for a living, if you do I really feel bad for the city you "serve".

Somebody kicks me they get kicked back.

Especially if she just punched another guy like she did in the casino.

Fuck her.  She's a violent loon who needs her ass kicked.

Make up your mind, judge. Did she "punch" someone, or "slap" someone?
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:36:15 AM EDT

A biased DA defending his corrupt cop buddy can find a way around "Generally".[/div]

Rules of evidence, how do they work?

Hell, I'll gladly throw this guy under the bus if that means that I can start using the scumbag argument when I am prosecuting people.

You people seem to love the constitution, until it doesn't suit your agenda.
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:37:08 AM EDT
She slapped a guy in the casino then kicked a cop.

Good kick and cop is not guilty.

You go around hitting and kicking people you deserve to get your ass kicked.

I really hope you don't carry a gun and a badge for a living, if you do I really feel bad for the city you "serve".

Somebody kicks me they get kicked back.

Especially if she just punched another guy like she did in the casino.

Fuck her.  She's a violent loon who needs her ass kicked.

Make up your mind, judge. Did she "punch" someone, or "slap" someone?

Looked like a backhanded slap, not sure.  But the guy reacted like he had been hit fairly well.

What's the point?

If I walk up to you and slap you hard in the face, you have no right to hit back?  Is that what you are saying?

Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:39:22 AM EDT


No, but I've had to subdue a pissed off girlfriend before because she walked in on me with another chick and I was able to do so without striking her.  


Yeah, that's how you win an argument about professionalism.

Silly people.

I'm still waiting on him to answer my question.

Be more specific as your question was very vague.  Do I know about it?  Have I been party to it? Subjected to, witnessed, used?  What do you really want to know?
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:40:14 AM EDT

A biased DA defending his corrupt cop buddy can find a way around "Generally".[/div]

Rules of evidence, how do they work?

Hell, I'll gladly throw this guy under the bus if that means that I can start using the scumbag argument when I am prosecuting people.

You people seem to love the constitution, until it doesn't suit your agenda.

This has nothing to do with the constitution. it's about a shit bag cop who all the other apologists on here says he "did nothing wrong. I'm glad the judge saw it the other way. The guy is a low life that should spend the rest of his life regretting that descision.
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:41:41 AM EDT






No, but I've had to subdue a pissed off girlfriend before because she walked in on me with another chick and I was able to do so without striking her.  


Yeah, that's how you win an argument about professionalism.

Silly people.

I'm still waiting on him to answer my question.


Be more specific as your question was very vague.  Do I know about it?  Have I been party to it? Subjected to, witnessed, used?  What do you really want to know?
Actually it is very specific.

Please enlighten us with your experience with use of force.

Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:42:09 AM EDT
She slapped a guy in the casino then kicked a cop.

Good kick and cop is not guilty.

You go around hitting and kicking people you deserve to get your ass kicked.

I really hope you don't carry a gun and a badge for a living, if you do I really feel bad for the city you "serve".

Somebody kicks me they get kicked back.

Especially if she just punched another guy like she did in the casino.

Fuck her.  She's a violent loon who needs her ass kicked.

So you believe in vigilante justice then?  I believe in self defense, but the only person who was remotely in any danger was the guy that got slapped because she could have used something from the bar as a weapon.  If a woman slaps me at a bar I will take a step back and let security, then the justice system handle it.  If she picks up a bottle or knife or something else, she's getting knocked out.   That didn't happen.   All she deserves is to be tried and sentenced accordingly.

If a woman hits people then comes over and kicks me I use force against her attack.

She is a violent loon who needs to be put in her place.

I can't believe I have to explain this.

Only that's not how it happened.  You must be describing another video as you forgot to mention the part about her being in restraints and seated when kicked in the head.
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:43:44 AM EDT
She slapped a guy in the casino then kicked a cop.

Good kick and cop is not guilty.

You go around hitting and kicking people you deserve to get your ass kicked.

I really hope you don't carry a gun and a badge for a living, if you do I really feel bad for the city you "serve".

Somebody kicks me they get kicked back.

Especially if she just punched another guy like she did in the casino.

Fuck her.  She's a violent loon who needs her ass kicked.

So you believe in vigilante justice then?  I believe in self defense, but the only person who was remotely in any danger was the guy that got slapped because she could have used something from the bar as a weapon.  If a woman slaps me at a bar I will take a step back and let security, then the justice system handle it.  If she picks up a bottle or knife or something else, she's getting knocked out.   That didn't happen.   All she deserves is to be tried and sentenced accordingly.

If a woman hits people then comes over and kicks me I use force against her attack.

She is a violent loon who needs to be put in her place.

I can't believe I have to explain this.

Only that's not how it happened.  You must be describing another video as you forgot to mention the part about her being in restraints and seated when kicked in the head.

She kicked him didn't she.

She was violent until stopped.  As it should be.

You can't condone people going around hitting people and kicking them.

If I acted like that woman I would expect, and deserve, to have my ass kicked by a cop.
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:47:52 AM EDT

I just love it how RI never makes national news for anything good.
Typical RI woman, btw.

Wasn't it a RI women that had her leg broken resisting police during a protest in N. Providence a few years back? A pic was floating around of the broken leg at a 90 degree angle (at a spot where legs are not supposed to be at 90 degree angles).  

I don't remember that one but hell, it sounds right.North Provalone?
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:48:34 AM EDT
She slapped a guy in the casino then kicked a cop.

Good kick and cop is not guilty.

You go around hitting and kicking people you deserve to get your ass kicked.

I really hope you don't carry a gun and a badge for a living, if you do I really feel bad for the city you "serve".

Somebody kicks me they get kicked back.

Especially if she just punched another guy like she did in the casino.

Fuck her.  She's a violent loon who needs her ass kicked.

Make up your mind, judge. Did she "punch" someone, or "slap" someone?

Looked like a backhanded slap, not sure.  But the guy reacted like he had been hit fairly well.

What's the point?

If I walk up to you and slap you hard in the face, you have no right to hit back?  Is that what you are saying?

1. I'm not a officer of the law, sworn to serve and protect. He is, and therefore should act as such.
2. she did not walk up to him and slap him hard in the face. She was seated and cuffed, as it was stated in this thread many times he chose his actions poorly, there were better options.
3. I don't normally put myself in positions that would drive anyone to "walk up and slap me in the face", but if I had, I would be mentally prepared for the outcome of my actions, which he clearly was not, because the judge believes, as I do, that he reacted inappropriately.

Edited for spelling before the grammar nazis kick me in the back of the head after cuffing me and sitting me on the curb
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:49:27 AM EDT

A biased DA defending his corrupt cop buddy can find a way around "Generally".[/div]

Rules of evidence, how do they work?

Hell, I'll gladly throw this guy under the bus if that means that I can start using the scumbag argument when I am prosecuting people.

You people seem to love the constitution, until it doesn't suit your agenda.

This has nothing to do with the constitution. it's about a shit bag cop who all the other apologists on here says he "did nothing wrong. I'm glad the judge saw it the other way. The guy is a low life that should spend the rest of his life regretting that descision.

Bullshit. Regardless of your view about this guy, everyone has the right to due process. So, you want to bend the rules to prosecute him? Fine, let's bend the rules to get multipe offense drunk drivers off the road, or let's change the rules for drug dealers or rapists who have a shady past. It would make my job a lot easier.

Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:50:34 AM EDT


1. I'm not a officer of the law, sworn to serve and protect. He is, and there fore should act as such.
2. she did not walk up to him and slap him hard in the face. She was seated and cuffed, as it was stated in this thread many times he chose his actions poorly, there were better options.
3. I don't normally put myself in positions that would drive anyone to "walk up and slap me in the face", but if I had, I would be mentally prepared for the outcome of my actions, which he clearly was not, because the judge believes, as I do, that he reacted inappropriately.

In the casino, she she backhanded a guy sitting there and hit him pretty hard.

She was a violent scumbag who got what she deserved.
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:52:16 AM EDT



No, but I've had to subdue a pissed off girlfriend before because she walked in on me with another chick and I was able to do so without striking her.  


Yeah, that's how you win an argument about professionalism.

Silly people.

I'm still waiting on him to answer my question.

Be more specific as your question was very vague.  Do I know about it?  Have I been party to it? Subjected to, witnessed, used?  What do you really want to know?
Actually it is very specific.

Please enlighten us with your experience with use of force.

Not specific enough.  "Experience"  can mean a lot of things.  Are you asking me if I've been in a fistfight or if I am trained in the Escalation of Force of Continuum of Force?
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:53:07 AM EDT


1. I'm not a officer of the law, sworn to serve and protect. He is, and there fore should act as such.

2. she did not walk up to him and slap him hard in the face. She was seated and cuffed, as it was stated in this thread many times he chose his actions poorly, there were better options.

3. I don't normally put myself in positions that would drive anyone to "walk up and slap me in the face", but if I had, I would be mentally prepared for the outcome of my actions, which he clearly was not, because the judge believes, as I do, that he reacted inappropriately.

I've seen cuffed and seated people do serious damage.

That being said, policy usually indicates that you should the least force necessary to stop the threat. In this case, taking a step backwards probably would have done it for the officer. The kick to the face, while deserved, is not a professional or proportional reaction.

Anyway, I'm not feeling sorry for either of them really.

If someone sucker punches me, I just have to get them restrained, I don't get to punch back (unless it's necessary).

Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:54:30 AM EDT


1. I'm not a officer of the law, sworn to serve and protect. He is, and there fore should act as such.
2. she did not walk up to him and slap him hard in the face. She was seated and cuffed, as it was stated in this thread many times he chose his actions poorly, there were better options.
3. I don't normally put myself in positions that would drive anyone to "walk up and slap me in the face", but if I had, I would be mentally prepared for the outcome of my actions, which he clearly was not, because the judge believes, as I do, that he reacted inappropriately.

In the casino, she she backhanded a guy sitting there and hit him pretty hard.

She was a violent scumbag who got what she deserved.

So you thing that that JBT pig cop gets to be the judge and jury that gets to carry out the sentance for whay she did in the bar now? He is a piece as much a peice of shit as she is.
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:54:30 AM EDT








No, but I've had to subdue a pissed off girlfriend before because she walked in on me with another chick and I was able to do so without striking her.  


Yeah, that's how you win an argument about professionalism.

Silly people.

I'm still waiting on him to answer my question.


Be more specific as your question was very vague.  Do I know about it?  Have I been party to it? Subjected to, witnessed, used?  What do you really want to know?
Actually it is very specific.

Please enlighten us with your experience with use of force.


Not specific enough.  "Experience"  can mean a lot of things.  Are you asking me if I've been in a fistfight or if I am trained in the Escalation of Force of Continuum of Force?

Either is fine.

If you look up the meaning behind the phrase, it is basically the application of physical force to accomplish a goal.

Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:55:46 AM EDT
Funny, yet bad.


Not really the thing to do... but definitely what you want to do.

Love how he just goes right back to writing.

Pretty much exactly reaction on all counts.

Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:57:14 AM EDT


1. I'm not a officer of the law, sworn to serve and protect. He is, and there fore should act as such.
2. she did not walk up to him and slap him hard in the face. She was seated and cuffed, as it was stated in this thread many times he chose his actions poorly, there were better options.
3. I don't normally put myself in positions that would drive anyone to "walk up and slap me in the face", but if I had, I would be mentally prepared for the outcome of my actions, which he clearly was not, because the judge believes, as I do, that he reacted inappropriately.

I've seen cuffed and seated people do serious damage.

That being said, policy usually indicates that you should the least force necessary to stop the threat. In this case, taking a step backwards probably would have done it for the officer. The kick to the face, while deserved, is not a professional or proportional reaction.

Anyway, I'm not feeling sorry for either of them really.
If someone sucker punches me, I just have to get them restrained, I don't get to punch back (unless it's necessary).


Well, we agree on something
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:57:34 AM EDT




No, but I've had to subdue a pissed off girlfriend before because she walked in on me with another chick and I was able to do so without striking her.  


Yeah, that's how you win an argument about professionalism.

Silly people.

I'm still waiting on him to answer my question.

Be more specific as your question was very vague.  Do I know about it?  Have I been party to it? Subjected to, witnessed, used?  What do you really want to know?
Actually it is very specific.

Please enlighten us with your experience with use of force.

Not specific enough.  "Experience"  can mean a lot of things.  Are you asking me if I've been in a fistfight or if I am trained in the Escalation of Force of Continuum of Force?

Either is fine.

If you look up the meaning behind the phrase, it is basically the application of physical force to accomplish a goal.


Ok.  Then yes to both.
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:58:35 AM EDT


1. I'm not a officer of the law, sworn to serve and protect. He is, and there fore should act as such.
2. she did not walk up to him and slap him hard in the face. She was seated and cuffed, as it was stated in this thread many times he chose his actions poorly, there were better options.
3. I don't normally put myself in positions that would drive anyone to "walk up and slap me in the face", but if I had, I would be mentally prepared for the outcome of my actions, which he clearly was not, because the judge believes, as I do, that he reacted inappropriately.

In the casino, she she backhanded a guy sitting there and hit him pretty hard.

She was a violent scumbag who got what she deserved.

So you thing that that JBT pig cop gets to be the judge and jury that gets to carry out the sentance for whay she did in the bar now? He is a piece as much a peice of shit as she is.

We obviously are going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

She was a violent scumbag who clearly got what she deserved IMHO.

The cop should not even be brought up on charges in this instance.  I don't think the cop was a JBT pig for doing what he did to that violent lunatic.
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:58:40 AM EDT
While I will agree a drunk women who kicks at you has given up the right to be treated as a women I just can't see kicking a handcuffed drunk (man or woman) in the head when they kick at you but fail to connect.  Someone needs to take that cop out back and teach him some manners.

The issue to me is that too many of them feel like (and act like) the badge is a license to treat others anyway they want and get away with it.  They feel/act like they have a right to do things they would arrest others for.  

If they had a man and woman on the ground, handcuffed, and the woman kicked at the man and the man lashed out and kicked her in the head they'd go ahead and arrest the man for assault.  That's right, he's not wearing a badge and gun.

Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:59:01 AM EDT




No, but I've had to subdue a pissed off girlfriend before because she walked in on me with another chick and I was able to do so without striking her.  


Yeah, that's how you win an argument about professionalism.

Silly people.

I'm still waiting on him to answer my question.

Be more specific as your question was very vague.  Do I know about it?  Have I been party to it? Subjected to, witnessed, used?  What do you really want to know?
Actually it is very specific.

Please enlighten us with your experience with use of force.

Not specific enough.  "Experience"  can mean a lot of things.  Are you asking me if I've been in a fistfight or if I am trained in the Escalation of Force of Continuum of Force?

Either is fine.

If you look up the meaning behind the phrase, it is basically the application of physical force to accomplish a goal.


He already told you. He knows how to man-handle fiesty girlfriends without leaving any bruises.

Link Posted: 1/6/2012 10:59:41 AM EDT
I would never convict him.

Same here.

Although I do think it would be appropriate for his boss to have a chat with him about it. A verbal warning if you will.

ETA: With the additional information and extended video, I retract my statements above and would in fact vote to convict him.

Looks like a pattern.

Link Posted: 1/6/2012 11:00:06 AM EDT










No, but I've had to subdue a pissed off girlfriend before because she walked in on me with another chick and I was able to do so without striking her.  


Yeah, that's how you win an argument about professionalism.

Silly people.

I'm still waiting on him to answer my question.


Be more specific as your question was very vague.  Do I know about it?  Have I been party to it? Subjected to, witnessed, used?  What do you really want to know?
Actually it is very specific.

Please enlighten us with your experience with use of force.


Not specific enough.  "Experience"  can mean a lot of things.  Are you asking me if I've been in a fistfight or if I am trained in the Escalation of Force of Continuum of Force?

Either is fine.

If you look up the meaning behind the phrase, it is basically the application of physical force to accomplish a goal.


Ok.  Then yes to both.

Link Posted: 1/6/2012 11:01:43 AM EDT


1. I'm not a officer of the law, sworn to serve and protect. He is, and there fore should act as such.
2. she did not walk up to him and slap him hard in the face. She was seated and cuffed, as it was stated in this thread many times he chose his actions poorly, there were better options.
3. I don't normally put myself in positions that would drive anyone to "walk up and slap me in the face", but if I had, I would be mentally prepared for the outcome of my actions, which he clearly was not, because the judge believes, as I do, that he reacted inappropriately.

In the casino, she she backhanded a guy sitting there and hit him pretty hard.

She was a violent scumbag who got what she deserved.

So you thing that that JBT pig cop gets to be the judge and jury that gets to carry out the sentance for whay she did in the bar now? He is a piece as much a peice of shit as she is.

We obviously are going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

She was a violent scumbag who clearly got what she deserved IMHO.

The cop should not even be brought up on charges in this instance.  I don't think the cop was a JBT pig for doing what he did to that violent lunatic.

Do you "look the other way" alot for your co-workers?
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 11:01:46 AM EDT


He already told you. He knows how to man-handle fiesty girlfriends without leaving any bruises.

Which certainly qualifies him to make decisions on UoF!

Link Posted: 1/6/2012 11:02:25 AM EDT

A biased DA defending his corrupt cop buddy can find a way around "Generally".[/div]

Rules of evidence, how do they work?

Hell, I'll gladly throw this guy under the bus if that means that I can start using the scumbag argument when I am prosecuting people.

You people seem to love the constitution, until it doesn't suit your agenda.

This has nothing to do with the constitution. it's about a shit bag cop who all the other apologists on here says he "did nothing wrong. I'm glad the judge saw it the other way. The guy is a low life that should spend the rest of his life regretting that decision.

Bullshit. Regardless of your view about this guy, everyone has the right to due process. So, you want to bend the rules to prosecute him? Fine, let's bend the rules to get multiple offense drunk drivers off the road, or let's change the rules for drug dealers or rapists who have a shady past. It would make my job a lot easier.

I didn't ask any one to "bend the rules". He got his day in court, as will the stupid split tail that chose poorly to act inappropriately.
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 11:02:39 AM EDT
BTW as from another thread I hate arresting females. They hit, kick, bite, etc and don't think you will hit back.

Also arresting a female always looks like shit.

[flash width=' 425' height=' 350' src='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4qxH-6JFH8&feature=related]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4qxH-6JFH8&feature=related']

Yup... Most of my worst fights have been with females. Once you get a guy cuffed he usually knows its over and done... Woman... Not so much. I'd like to see how the guys here would handle a little handcuffed lady that has their balls in a death grip while they're escorting her. I'm sure if they were in that situation they'd politely ask her to let go.(seen the death grip more than once)

You're not here for the hunting, are ya....

Link Posted: 1/6/2012 11:02:59 AM EDT


1. I'm not a officer of the law, sworn to serve and protect. He is, and there fore should act as such.
2. she did not walk up to him and slap him hard in the face. She was seated and cuffed, as it was stated in this thread many times he chose his actions poorly, there were better options.
3. I don't normally put myself in positions that would drive anyone to "walk up and slap me in the face", but if I had, I would be mentally prepared for the outcome of my actions, which he clearly was not, because the judge believes, as I do, that he reacted inappropriately.

I've seen cuffed and seated people do serious damage.

That being said, policy usually indicates that you should the least force necessary to stop the threat. In this case, taking a step backwards probably would have done it for the officer. The kick to the face, while deserved, is not a professional or proportional reaction.

Anyway, I'm not feeling sorry for either of them really.

If someone sucker punches me, I just have to get them restrained, I don't get to punch back (unless it's necessary).


If someone sucker punches me then they will, without question, get healthy dose of hickory.........BTDYGTTS.
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 11:04:05 AM EDT


Do you "look the other way" alot for your co-workers?

I'm retired but I would never look the other way if I felt someone did something violently wrong.

IMHO, that violent woman deserves no sympathy or pity.
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 11:04:27 AM EDT



1. I'm not a officer of the law, sworn to serve and protect. He is, and there fore should act as such.

2. she did not walk up to him and slap him hard in the face. She was seated and cuffed, as it was stated in this thread many times he chose his actions poorly, there were better options.

3. I don't normally put myself in positions that would drive anyone to "walk up and slap me in the face", but if I had, I would be mentally prepared for the outcome of my actions, which he clearly was not, because the judge believes, as I do, that he reacted inappropriately.

I've seen cuffed and seated people do serious damage.

That being said, policy usually indicates that you should the least force necessary to stop the threat. In this case, taking a step backwards probably would have done it for the officer. The kick to the face, while deserved, is not a professional or proportional reaction.

Anyway, I'm not feeling sorry for either of them really.

If someone sucker punches me, I just have to get them restrained, I don't get to punch back (unless it's necessary).


If someone sucker punches me then they will, without question, get healthy dose of hickory.........BTDYGTTS.

Damnation, crwdplsr, I was trying to be politically correct.

Link Posted: 1/6/2012 11:07:10 AM EDT
I can not fucking believe nobody has said

Link Posted: 1/6/2012 11:08:36 AM EDT

I didn't ask any one to "bend the rules". He got his day in court, as will the stupid split tail that chose poorly to act inappropriately.

A biased DA defending his corrupt cop buddy can find a way around "Generally".[/div]

My bad. It kind of looked like you were implying that there was some kind of crookedness by not finding a way around the rules.

Link Posted: 1/6/2012 11:10:09 AM EDT



1. I'm not a officer of the law, sworn to serve and protect. He is, and there fore should act as such.
2. she did not walk up to him and slap him hard in the face. She was seated and cuffed, as it was stated in this thread many times he chose his actions poorly, there were better options.
3. I don't normally put myself in positions that would drive anyone to "walk up and slap me in the face", but if I had, I would be mentally prepared for the outcome of my actions, which he clearly was not, because the judge believes, as I do, that he reacted inappropriately.

I've seen cuffed and seated people do serious damage.

That being said, policy usually indicates that you should the least force necessary to stop the threat. In this case, taking a step backwards probably would have done it for the officer. The kick to the face, while deserved, is not a professional or proportional reaction.

Anyway, I'm not feeling sorry for either of them really.

If someone sucker punches me, I just have to get them restrained, I don't get to punch back (unless it's necessary).


If someone sucker punches me then they will, without question, get healthy dose of hickory.........BTDYGTTS.

Damnation, crwdplsr, I was trying to be politically correct.


Had a guy the othe night that while attempting to arrest him.......it took 3 cops to "restrain" him.....while doing so he tried to bite me..........I broke his fucking nose.  He didn't try to bite again.

Behavior modification.....how does it work?
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 11:10:25 AM EDT


He already told you. He knows how to man-handle fiesty girlfriends without leaving any bruises.

Which certainly qualifies him to make decisions on UoF!


Nope, I just know how to neutralize a situation without EXCESSIVE force.  In this case force was warranted, however the JBT's choice on the level of force used was more than necessary.  Do you use a 50BMG for rabbit hunting?  No.

I was a bouncer in college and was trained in UoF, CoF, and was Tactical Baton and Tactical Handcuff certified.  I have broken up many a cat fight and had to "escort" and/or detain many a drunk person (man and woman) that was causing trouble.  Blows were always a last resort and I pride myself in the fact that I hardly ever had to strike an individual to get them to comply with my "requests" to exit the establishment.  I have been in many situations where JBTs like the one in the video would have beat the shit out of people they didn't have to.
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 11:10:57 AM EDT



1. I'm not a officer of the law, sworn to serve and protect. He is, and there fore should act as such.
2. she did not walk up to him and slap him hard in the face. She was seated and cuffed, as it was stated in this thread many times he chose his actions poorly, there were better options.
3. I don't normally put myself in positions that would drive anyone to "walk up and slap me in the face", but if I had, I would be mentally prepared for the outcome of my actions, which he clearly was not, because the judge believes, as I do, that he reacted inappropriately.

I've seen cuffed and seated people do serious damage.

That being said, policy usually indicates that you should the least force necessary to stop the threat. In this case, taking a step backwards probably would have done it for the officer. The kick to the face, while deserved, is not a professional or proportional reaction.

Anyway, I'm not feeling sorry for either of them really.

If someone sucker punches me, I just have to get them restrained, I don't get to punch back (unless it's necessary).


If someone sucker punches me then they will, without question, get healthy dose of hickory.........BTDYGTTS.

Damnation, crwdplsr, I was trying to be politically correct.


Had a guy the othe night that while attempting to arrest him.......it took 3 cops to "restrain" him.....while doing so he tried to bite me..........I broke his fucking nose.  He didn't try to bite again.

Behavior modification.....how does it work?

You should be convicted for using excessive force!!
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 11:11:41 AM EDT


He already told you. He knows how to man-handle fiesty girlfriends without leaving any bruises.

Which certainly qualifies him to make decisions on UoF!


Nope, I just know how to neutralize a situation without EXCESSIVE force.  In this case force was warranted, however the JBT's choice on the level of force used was more than necessary.  Do you use a 50BMG for rabbit hunting?  No.

I was a bouncer in college and was trained in UoF, CoF, and was Tactical Baton and Tactical Handcuff certified.  I have broken up many a cat fight and had to "escort" and/or detain many a drunk person (man and woman) that was causing trouble.  Blows were always a last resort and I pride myself in the fact that I hardly ever had to strike an individual to get them to comply with my "requests" to exit the establishment.  I have been in many situations where JBTs like the one in the video would have beat the shit out of people they didn't have to.

Yes, oh god yes. .50 BMG makes such beautiful splats.
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 11:12:15 AM EDT
It's become evident to me, from the apologists on this board that the people sworn to uphold the law have a belief that the only way to enforce laws it to beat people into compliance, and that a brother of the shield can do no wrong in the eyes of other LEO.

Link Posted: 1/6/2012 11:12:56 AM EDT
Funny, yet bad.


Excessive force.
He's Toast.
I predict guilty for misdemeanor assault, not the felony he is charged with. Then fired from Lincoln PD for violating rules and regs for CUBO.

...and this. Bad kick.
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 11:12:58 AM EDT
Her dim brain and kicking foot wrote a check that was cashed on her face.

Good kick, let the cop go.
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 11:13:40 AM EDT
It's become evident to me, from the apologists on this board that the people sworn to uphold the law have a belief that the only way to enforce laws it to beat people into compliance, and that a brother of the shield can do no wrong in the eyes of other LEO.

I'm not an LEO, but I firmly believe in "kick and be kicked".
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 11:13:41 AM EDT
Only a coward kicks a hand-cuffed person.
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 11:14:15 AM EDT
I deal with these people and they're SCUM.

That said we have a Constitution and bigger issues at stake with civil liberties, which is why we have to tolerate SCUM like her and extend them all rights and protections under the law even though they're SCUM.

SCUM like that crank out six kids as well.  I can't believe all the SCUM out there breeding like damn animals multipling their SCUM DNA that later generations will have to deal with.  

If you're a cop you shouldn't be.
Link Posted: 1/6/2012 11:14:55 AM EDT
I deal with these people and they're SCUM.

That said we have a Constitution and bigger issues at stake with civil liberties, which is why we have to tolerate SCUM like her and extend them all rights and protections under the law even though they're SCUM.

SCUM like that crank out six kids as well.  I can't believe all the SCUM out there breeding like damn animals multipling their SCUM DNA that later generations will have to deal with.  

If you're a cop you shouldn't be.

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