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Link Posted: 3/4/2024 5:15:41 PM EDT
I have some preparations but nothing crazy. I'm not going to let fear consume my life, because really, what is the point? When my time is up, it is up.
Link Posted: 3/4/2024 5:16:22 PM EDT
Simply put, yes and yes. We're following Rome's playbook step by step.
Link Posted: 3/4/2024 5:17:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/4/2024 5:19:58 PM EDT
OP loves doom.

Link Posted: 3/4/2024 5:29:12 PM EDT
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Guess you missed the rolling gun battles, looted gun shops, fire, ems, and emergency helicopters getting shot at, murders, rapes, robberies , gov confiscation of guns from citizens , all of which exploded during Katrina.
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Been through hurricanes with extended lack of first world Luxuries.

People adapt, and the average person is not nearly as feral as as arfcom thinks they are.

Exactly, constant exposure to news stories about people going insane and murdering whole families for no apparent reason creates biases. In an actual emergency most people just muddle along. They don't usually declare themselves "lord Humongous of the Cul de Sack" and begin demanding tribute of gold, saltpeter and slaves from their neighibors.

Guess you missed the rolling gun battles, looted gun shops, fire, ems, and emergency helicopters getting shot at, murders, rapes, robberies , gov confiscation of guns from citizens , all of which exploded during Katrina.

So what am I supposed to do? Go outside and start firing into the sky?
Link Posted: 3/4/2024 5:33:29 PM EDT
GD has been awash with doom mongering chicken littles for a long, long time.
Link Posted: 3/4/2024 5:35:22 PM EDT
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The "A Dire Warning from Michael Yon" thread has been active on this forum since May, 2022. Enthusiastic Doomers are still posting on it.
It's currently ARFCOM's loudest/longest echo chamber  . But, we're still here.
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Link Posted: 3/4/2024 5:41:01 PM EDT
I usually pay little attention to doomer stuff. People have been making predictions like that all of my life and each new generation thinks they have it figured out when something in politics does not go their way.

What's the worse that could happen? I could die? I was going to that that anyway.
Link Posted: 3/4/2024 5:56:13 PM EDT
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The "A Dire Warning from Michael Yon" thread has been active on this forum since May, 2022. Enthusiastic Doomers are still posting on it.
It's currently ARFCOM's loudest/longest echo chamber  . But, we're still here.



Its usually on the first page of GD
Link Posted: 3/4/2024 6:14:42 PM EDT
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GD has been awash with doom mongering chicken littles for a long, long time.
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You don't even need an algorithm for GD when the members habitually do it for you.
Link Posted: 3/4/2024 6:16:09 PM EDT
I'm not a doom person, but shit also hasn't gotten better over the last 15 years.
Link Posted: 3/4/2024 6:39:02 PM EDT
Double doom tap.
Link Posted: 3/4/2024 6:39:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/4/2024 6:40:34 PM EDT
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Its usually on the first page of GD
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come on guys  -- give it two more weeks

for real
Link Posted: 3/4/2024 6:54:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/4/2024 11:30:22 PM EDT
I read all the doom stuff because I find it interesting.  I don't live in fear because of it.  On occasion something will cause me to panic buy something I was going to buy at some point in the near future anyways.  

With that being said almost everything has gone up in cost significantly recently.  Everything.  I don't feel bad about any of it, but I also don't let "stuff" go to waste.  Other than my knife collection, and a few heirloom guns I will use most of my "stuff" that can also be considered "preps" even if shit doesn't hit the fan like we often theorize.  OK, well maybe not the case of candles.  

My lifestyle and several of my hobbies revolve around a self-reliance theme and mindset but I don't let it consume me.  Doing fun stuff, enjoying life, planning for retirement, and being prepared for realistic scenarios are all equally important in my book.
Link Posted: 3/4/2024 11:50:24 PM EDT
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The "A Dire Warning from Michael Yon" thread has been active on this forum since May, 2022. Enthusiastic Doomers are still posting on it.
It's currently ARFCOM's loudest/longest echo chamber  . But, we're still here.
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Evidently, you only read the headlines and completely ignore the actual articles.

“Still being here” is the whole point of that thread.

Link Posted: 3/4/2024 11:56:24 PM EDT
I do not know if it's doom. But when I'm out in public I can see and sense a change is a lot of people's deminor. They do not seem to smile as much, seem more worried, angry ect compare to past times. People seem just less happier than in the past. Is that doom or helplessness feeling I do not know. But when you've got now elected representatives attack people every day and ignoring the citizens and catering to the needs of the few instead of the whole. Well........

I do feel that this virus know as the Democratic Socialist party has played a hugh role in what I feel I'm seeing.
Link Posted: 3/5/2024 11:40:53 AM EDT
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My belief in "DOOM" has been on a general decline as I aged. This isn't to say any number of things aren't a PITA, or even a straight up bad problem, but that it's absolutely positively certain to all build up in some confluence, creating a SHTF collapse of some sort?

For fucks sake, get over it. It's not. If it was, it would have already in any number of ways

Or, if/when some big SHTF does happen, the details and the "Who, What, Where, When, Why, & How" will bear zero relationship to most anyone's predictions or warnings.

Yes, there's "Normalcy bias" and it'll burn you bad, especially if there's cattle cars & Gestapo rounding folks up. Or the volcano is rumbling. However, the opposite is true. And, "Normalcy bias" is not the same as "Optimism bias."

And it's important to note, it's very rare that someone can sell you something with "Normalcy bias." Instead, it's almost "Worst Case bias."

Even when Normalcy or Optimism biases are being used to sell something, it's often still got some negative aspects to it, usually trying to instill FOMO, etc.

And if/when they do match someone's warnings & predictions, it's almost always complete blind luck. Because when there's a bazillion different doom predictions and warnings being thrown everywhere, one will be "correct" sometimes.

As you get older, you have the opportunity to gain perspective, although that doesn't mean everyone takes that opportunity. And, one should realize there were historical times just in the US alone, where things were very very spicy as compared to today.

Bleeding Kansas.
The actual Civil War.
The Great Depression.

And more recently on the US domestic culture & politics front, the late 60s and early 70s were extremely spicy in real terms. Race riots in multiple cities. And in '71 & '72, radicals were getting extremely salty that the huge counter-culture shifts, "Sumner of Love," Woodstock, hippies, free-love, drugs, Vietnam protests, and whatever else that seemed so "big," was just kind of flattening out, leveling, returning to the mean.

At least that's how it looked from their perspective anyway. They all thought, or hoped, that it was some huge tsunami they could ride, and maybe steer just a bit, that would wipe everything away.

And as they got frustrated that it didn't, they tried to make it happen. There were 2,500 terror/political bombings in the year and a half span between 1971 & '72. That's roughly 5 a day.

Granted, these weren't ANFO truck VBIEDs like OKC or the first '94 attempt on the WTC, but they were all bigger than the Unabomber's devices, and were from the last years of when retail "ditching dynamite" was still a thing at rural hardware and feed stores.

Then look at the hand wringing shitshow over the single lone '96 Olympic Park Atlanta bombing, and Richard Jewell made it a nothingburger with zero casualties because he raised the alarm, and the FBI had such a hard-on to solve it, they fucked him as the suspect on a "fake hero" theory.

And perhaps a big incentive for the FBI to ignore it might have been Eric Rudolph whom they'd been unable to catch, and was an embarrassment

Then of course Ruby Ridge, Waco, the '94 AWB which had the big "they're trying to disarm us" aspect to it. And the building impression there were double-standards of justice for the Democrats/Left vs. The Republicans/Right, as the absolutely sleazy Clintons were embroiled in endless scandals. Several of which arguably were official misdeeds easily as bad or worse than Watergate.

Then, 9/11, with its own set of problems and overreactions, bullshit, and security theater like the TSA in response, 20 years in Afghanistan.

It just goes on...

Economic? With the debt-backed fiat dollar, and perpetual inflation, even if Fed Reserve & Treasury monetary policy was sound, and Congress hadn't deficit spent once since WWII?

Yeah, that absolutely sucks, I won't lie. You coukd fill an encyclopedia with all the problems it causes. And a lot are arguably things the whiny-ass SJW Left bitches about too. Including the poor, and "generational wealth." And it has implications for when they bitch about the ultra-wealthy too. Because they generally have ASSETS, not MONEY. And the assets get bigger numbers as the money inflates, or individual bills shrink in value.

However, it wasn't all rosebuds & unicorns when money was "real" with actual silver/gold backing it either. There were big swings, and crunches, and inflation/deflation cycles, stuff that royally screwed over "little people" just trying to pay bills and get groceries.

And, there's not enough silver, gold, platinum, or other rare & expensive metals on Earth in its crust, to represent even the US economy. Plus, instead of coins, jewelry, & a King/Queen's crown, we've gotten industrial uses for all of it now. And gold in your smartphone or laptop isn't in a bank vault or coin, and vice-versa.

And "goldbugs" or even "multimetals" guys, that just confidently state "Just let it float, and inflate/deflate until it matches the economy..." that is so retarded, there isn't a school bus short enough to take them to special-ed kindergarten.

Because your (currently) $1000 smartphone, as priced in shitty debt-fiat FRNs, if it was $10,000 in gold, or $10 in some gold or PM backed currency, either way, it represents a catastrophe the size of the Great Depression and Venezuela combined, and then some. And if you can't understand WHY that is, you really aren't competent to hold any opinions on this at all.

I'm not even asking anything sketchy here, like stepping outside the Austrian School.

And if you're old enough, you also remember the 1960s & x70s doomerism of overpopulation and starvation and "food wars" as Earth reached impossible populations of five, even six billion... How the next ice-age, the energy crisis, and nuclear winter from the "inevitable" WWIII with the Soviets would make all this incredibly worse... add in the Ozone Layer, and Acid Rain from coal plants too.

And maybe you noticed the gradual shift over to Global Warming and then the even more (conveniently) vague "Climate Change." As if to say, "Whatever the weather is like, hotter, colder, wetter, or dryer... it's a big problem that's our fault, and the only way to fix it is FO EVERYTHING WE SAY."

Almost as if... "the Doom industry" figured out that the earlier stuff from the 60s & 70s fell flat because it was too specific, hit deadlines that disproved it all in embarrassing fashion, or it had reasonably easy fixes, like sulfur scrubbers on coal plants, and switching fluorocarbon formulas. (And that all happened after the Dupont CFC patents expired too... odd.)

And, other subsets of the "Doom Industry" ranging from flat-earth whackjobs, to rather respectable things like economics, inflation, China, illegal immigration, that are more appealing to those on "our side" of the political fence... they do this too. Because, maybe they've got a book to sell.  Or, it's not even deliberate or intentional.

Doomerism just always has legs, because the pessimism seems astute, and it has a certain sense of cynical wisdom to it.

And, one also learns to understand, and filter a bit on the basis that the signal volume, the noise-level, or the signal-to-noise ratio overall, is NOT an indication of "seriousness" or risk.

And that's been of increasing importance over the years. The media inflation of the 24/7 cable news channels, then the Internet & Web, then Social Media, then smartphones... now means the "Doom Industry" isn't getting under your skin from the 1 ton oak Curtis Mathes console TV in the living room, with ABC, NBC, CBS, a PBS, and maybe 2-3 UHF channels running old re-runs...

Now, it's in your back pocket, and completely interactive, filtered, and selected, & curated based on your interests and clicks or viewing patterns.  

In terms of how we mainline the Doom Industry today, every day, 24/7 with a drugs analogy, we went from "strong tea or coffee" to straight up smoking Crystal Meth in just a generation.
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Very well said.  Thank you for writing it.  A lot to unpack there.
Link Posted: 3/5/2024 11:46:57 AM EDT
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I was going to go through this claim by claim, but even just the first has so much to unpack here, I am just going with the first as an example.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." Did "the government," or a loose, or even uncoordinated cabal of Democrat/Left biased officials actually swing the election? I mean, I've seen the graph with the jump in it, everyone has. But does it really indicate anything? Did any of the other sub-scandals about the 2020 election, the ballot box cartons left here & there, the observers not allowed to be at XYZ, did any of it get anywhere substantive?

If not, that was all suppression by the MSM, or more officials too? I certainly understand that none of it looked good, and election systems that have far more rigor and trust or actually zero-trust elements would be great. And I am also sympathetic that opposing any or all of that, or audits & investigations, is: "Exactly what the side benefitting from fraud would do and say..."

However, none of that is the same as proving it actually did happen. When do claims of massive fraud and stolen elections become an endlesss game of "move the goalposts" just like UFO, Loch Ness Monster, and Bigfoot claims, and there's just never any good cut-n-dried unambiguous evidence? Because reasons... or "the conspiracy" suppressed it yet again?

That Trump didn't get a 51% popular vote majority in 2016, and only pulled out an Electoral College Squeaker, against an incredibly flawed, cold, disingenuous, and unlikeable candidate with enormous political/scandal baggage... that didn't have anything to do with not winning a second term in 2020?

Not even a little?

But say for the sake of argument it's true, or, stands a high chance of being true. And the whole: "You are an election-denier, and are endangering our democracy!"-narrrative & talking-points, besides being a terribly ill-advised self-fulfilling prophecy kind of thing to say... is indeed a big-ass Catch-22 trap, and makes forging ahead difficult. And yeah, the FBI, and DOJ, ad various state bureaucracies are biased against you, or overtly part of the scheme...

Isn't then the wise approach to: STFU, & "Do your homework" and gather the evidence without broadcasting it to everyone, so the opponent or, outright enemy, is less likely to circle the wagons? Then, when you've got something that's difficult for the other side to dismiss, THEN come forward?

I'm not saying it's going to be easy, not by a long shot, but if it's absolutely as dire as claimed, nobody is trying this approach? Nobody could gather up a truly credible "Cross the frozen Delaware"-moment to try and save the Republic? Not even anyone that suddenly became Public Enemy #1 in overwhelming dogpile coordinated MSM character assassination, that might indicate they were the one getting close?

Or, is screaming and yelling about in the absolutely most ineffective manner possible what someone, or an entire movement does, when it's not really about "the issue" and its just a chest-beating exercise?
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This one too, though we fundamentally disagree about the main point.  Well written, and again thank you for writing it.
Link Posted: 3/5/2024 11:58:59 AM EDT
Doom clouds judgement.

It causes people to invest in another bucket of rice instead of their 401k.

In the end it causes actual harm, when those people retire penniless with just a semi-perishable bucket of rice.
Link Posted: 3/5/2024 12:03:50 PM EDT
Anything short of yellowstone blowing, or the new Madrid hitting or other events like in Alas Babylon/Lucifers Hammer/one second after/lights ….i could care less
Link Posted: 3/5/2024 12:04:04 PM EDT
Not sure why arfcom assumes I’m a miserable unhappy person , living in a dark hole, scared to venture outside, who’s using possible future problems / unrestas an excuse to let everything go to hell.

I’m happily married, get loads of loving, love my life, 800 credit score, love my house and neighbors, I’m taking classes and learning new skills and languages, I’m planning vacations for this spring, going fishing, have many hobbies, have lots of family interactions , visited the grandkids and played ball with them yesterday , recently joined a local church Iv been attending for years, getting baptized next week and much more. Hell, been considering finding a local D&D group to play with.

I’m Simply trying to turn care free grasshoppers onto more ant based activities, and bring attention to the seriousness of things.
Link Posted: 3/5/2024 12:45:35 PM EDT
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I was going to go through this claim by claim, but even just the first has so much to unpack here, I am just going with the first as an example.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." Did "the government," or a loose, or even uncoordinated cabal of Democrat/Left biased officials actually swing the election? I mean, I've seen the graph with the jump in it, everyone has. But does it really indicate anything? Did any of the other sub-scandals about the 2020 election, the ballot box cartons left here & there, the observers not allowed to be at XYZ, did any of it get anywhere substantive?

If not, that was all suppression by the MSM, or more officials too? I certainly understand that none of it looked good, and election systems that have far more rigor and trust or actually zero-trust elements would be great. And I am also sympathetic that opposing any or all of that, or audits & investigations, is: "Exactly what the side benefitting from fraud would do and say..."

However, none of that is the same as proving it actually did happen. When do claims of massive fraud and stolen elections become an endlesss game of "move the goalposts" just like UFO, Loch Ness Monster, and Bigfoot claims, and there's just never any good cut-n-dried unambiguous evidence? Because reasons... or "the conspiracy" suppressed it yet again?

That Trump didn't get a 51% popular vote majority in 2016, and only pulled out an Electoral College Squeaker, against an incredibly flawed, cold, disingenuous, and unlikeable candidate with enormous political/scandal baggage... that didn't have anything to do with not winning a second term in 2020?

Not even a little?

But say for the sake of argument it's true, or, stands a high chance of being true. And the whole: "You are an election-denier, and are endangering our democracy!"-narrrative & talking-points, besides being a terribly ill-advised self-fulfilling prophecy kind of thing to say... is indeed a big-ass Catch-22 trap, and makes forging ahead difficult. And yeah, the FBI, and DOJ, ad various state bureaucracies are biased against you, or overtly part of the scheme...

Isn't then the wise approach to: STFU, & "Do your homework" and gather the evidence without broadcasting it to everyone, so the opponent or, outright enemy, is less likely to circle the wagons? Then, when you've got something that's difficult for the other side to dismiss, THEN come forward?

I'm not saying it's going to be easy, not by a long shot, but if it's absolutely as dire as claimed, nobody is trying this approach? Nobody could gather up a truly credible "Cross the frozen Delaware"-moment to try and save the Republic? Not even anyone that suddenly became Public Enemy #1 in overwhelming dogpile coordinated MSM character assassination, that might indicate they were the one getting close?

Or, is screaming and yelling about in the absolutely most ineffective manner possible what someone, or an entire movement does, when it's not really about "the issue" and its just a chest-beating exercise?
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Quoted:How often did your government steal an election in a coup, and surround the capital with barbed wire and thousands of armed troops, because they feared a revolt ?
I was going to go through this claim by claim, but even just the first has so much to unpack here, I am just going with the first as an example.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." Did "the government," or a loose, or even uncoordinated cabal of Democrat/Left biased officials actually swing the election? I mean, I've seen the graph with the jump in it, everyone has. But does it really indicate anything? Did any of the other sub-scandals about the 2020 election, the ballot box cartons left here & there, the observers not allowed to be at XYZ, did any of it get anywhere substantive?

If not, that was all suppression by the MSM, or more officials too? I certainly understand that none of it looked good, and election systems that have far more rigor and trust or actually zero-trust elements would be great. And I am also sympathetic that opposing any or all of that, or audits & investigations, is: "Exactly what the side benefitting from fraud would do and say..."

However, none of that is the same as proving it actually did happen. When do claims of massive fraud and stolen elections become an endlesss game of "move the goalposts" just like UFO, Loch Ness Monster, and Bigfoot claims, and there's just never any good cut-n-dried unambiguous evidence? Because reasons... or "the conspiracy" suppressed it yet again?

That Trump didn't get a 51% popular vote majority in 2016, and only pulled out an Electoral College Squeaker, against an incredibly flawed, cold, disingenuous, and unlikeable candidate with enormous political/scandal baggage... that didn't have anything to do with not winning a second term in 2020?

Not even a little?

But say for the sake of argument it's true, or, stands a high chance of being true. And the whole: "You are an election-denier, and are endangering our democracy!"-narrrative & talking-points, besides being a terribly ill-advised self-fulfilling prophecy kind of thing to say... is indeed a big-ass Catch-22 trap, and makes forging ahead difficult. And yeah, the FBI, and DOJ, ad various state bureaucracies are biased against you, or overtly part of the scheme...

Isn't then the wise approach to: STFU, & "Do your homework" and gather the evidence without broadcasting it to everyone, so the opponent or, outright enemy, is less likely to circle the wagons? Then, when you've got something that's difficult for the other side to dismiss, THEN come forward?

I'm not saying it's going to be easy, not by a long shot, but if it's absolutely as dire as claimed, nobody is trying this approach? Nobody could gather up a truly credible "Cross the frozen Delaware"-moment to try and save the Republic? Not even anyone that suddenly became Public Enemy #1 in overwhelming dogpile coordinated MSM character assassination, that might indicate they were the one getting close?

Or, is screaming and yelling about in the absolutely most ineffective manner possible what someone, or an entire movement does, when it's not really about "the issue" and its just a chest-beating exercise?

I’m not going to argue over “ did the government steal the 2020 election”, because they absolutely did, and you won’t ever convince me otherwise. The AG of the USA , the guy responsible for investigating voter fraud in federal elections, recently gave a speech about how voter Id, voter registration, and vote security etc was racist and wrong, you know, the guy who runs the DOJ, doesn’t support vote security.  It’s been nothing but conflicts of interest for years now. Biden bragged about creating the biggest voter fraud organization in history, So yeah, church it up all you want, laugh at the lack of government speeches admitting fraud happened, lack of investigations via corrupt agencies. Biden didn’t even bother to campaign, strutting around absolutely confident he had it won, there’s a reason for that, because he did. Via fraud.

Everytime evidence popped up, fraud deniers said the same thing. “, well, that doesn’t prove anything”. Over and over and over, except at some point, it does prove something, examples keep coming, government keeps laughing, refusing to investigate, blocking any attempts to investigate, and later use lack of evidence/ lack of investigations as proof nothing happened. The government AND media agreed 100%, which screamed fraud really happened to me and anyone who’s learned to read between the lines.

It absolutely happened. And it will happen again in 2024.  

Covid vaccines killed / maimed people too, I figured that out within a few months of them being given. How? Because media and government attacked anyone who tried to bring attention to possible issues. I didn’t need government spokesman telling me they were dangerous, it was easy to figure out.

Some people won’t admit fraud happened unless Biden gives a speech claiming fraud happened, which will never happen. Doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, because it absolutely did, and will happen bigger this November.

I think trumps a tard, but I think he won the election in a landslide, and only lost due to massive fraud occurring. He gained millions of new votes over 2016, and had massive support everywhere he went, meanwhile, Biden could not fill a school bus even when he did go outside and give a speech.
Link Posted: 3/5/2024 1:08:53 PM EDT
My entire family is complaining of unexplained anxiety.  No one knows exactly why.
Link Posted: 3/5/2024 2:14:37 PM EDT
I am aware of the impending doom.

Someday I will perish and cross to the other side so I live my life the best way I know how. I try and keep myself healthy and make good choices. Not much else a person can do? I mean I have some guns, ammo and gear. Some food for disasters or something. Fuel up my vehicles at half a tank. Stuff like that.

But I don’t live my life in a constant fear of Joe Biden, the economy or Putin taking over the world.

I’m over the hill. I’m pretty sure I will age out before Mexican, Arabs, Chinese or the USMC over run my neighborhood with tanks and reaper drones.

Link Posted: 3/6/2024 7:32:30 AM EDT
I've come to the realization here lately since losing someone I loved dearly. I honestly just do no not care anymore. We can call it doom or fortuitous of things to come. I just do not care anymore. I feel anger that a small group of people that maybe at one point we may have trusted to be leaders have pretty much turned into dictators wishing to impose there will up on us all all for the sake of power over us and the Pacification of the few over the majority and ignoring the fact that people just want to be left a lone and live their live as they see fit. I feel it it is  reaching a breaking point for many. Is that doom or outright anger I do not know.

But I do feel that these tyrants are so blinded by power that they are either oblivious or just do not care that they are setting the stage for something that might not happen but will most certainly will happen if they are not stopped and the blood that is shredded will be on their hands, because no matter what some may said it will happen. Because if things do not change it is inevitable and there will be a war because this nation is so divided it is impossible for any kind of compromise. It is these very same elected representatives that are for whatever reason instigating the possibility and If that is the doom we are describing it's coming and there is no avoiding it.

You can see it everyday getting worst by simply watching and that the very actions and attacks these political leaders are perpetrating against the very people they are elected to represent. Over one half of the nation according to those in power are evil and pretty much in their own words must be destroyed if democracy is to endure

Is this the doom that some recognize and others bury their heads in the sand and ignore maybe it is. But one thing I do know there is no compromise and that hatred is very real. Simply based upon your beliefs. Something has either got to give or there will be a war. It's happened before under these same exact circumstances. This is what happens when one side wants to erase History and therefore history will repeat.

That's if we as a world does not blow ourselves in to oblivion using more nukes to destroy this world 10 times over. Because the adults are in charge now and doing everything that they accused another of doing.

Peace as a whole is something that is only gained thorough compromise not through the force of one side.
Link Posted: 3/6/2024 7:38:27 AM EDT
I think I've actually been lower on the doom scale, not because I don't think anything's coming, but because I've started to realize if something is coming, its better to enjoy the time when things are relatively good.

Also more studying into cyclical history and the comfort of societal rebirth from collapse leaves me still excited for the future, no matter what it brings. Beats the same old same old.
Link Posted: 3/6/2024 8:22:46 AM EDT
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For the record, i don’t expect a catastrophic, world ending SHTF, like killed the dinosaurs, super volcano, comet, supernova sun, etc. I mean those are possible, but not something you can avoid / survive.

The doom I believe is coming, ISNT world ending, it’s simply where our comfortable standards of living, safe streets, quiet homes, opportunities, and freedoms are degrading quickly, and in the near future the average street in the USA will resemble Brazil, Mexico, South America, rampant poverty, crime, violence, brutal tyrannical government, where opportunities only exist for certain select few who check the right diversity boxes, wealthy / connected etc.

Where your live in very real fear of your daughter being kidnapped / raped, your front door kicked in in violent home invasion, your car ran off the road by robbers, robbed on the street by motorcycle thugs, gangs demand protection money or they will burn your home / business down, you can’t afford electricity, or rolling blackouts are common, clean water is hard to get , and various things like that.

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Ever been to Puerto Rico?
Link Posted: 3/6/2024 8:24:17 AM EDT
No.  My belief that shit has always been a mess has only been reinforced in the last few years.
Link Posted: 3/6/2024 9:26:43 AM EDT
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Doom is an excuse.

To not work today, we're doomed.

To not save money for tomorrow, we're doomed.

To not bother to get educated, we're doomed.

To not treat people with respect, we're doomed.

To not follow tradition and cultural norms centuries old, we're doomed.

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The same list of excuses applies to "nothing is going to happen" just on the other side considering all consequences vs not thinking about consequences at all.
Link Posted: 3/7/2024 3:50:44 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/7/2024 3:57:06 AM EDT
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I love DOOM
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Well that's a pretty good first post.
Link Posted: 3/7/2024 3:59:49 AM EDT
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Yet, it's all happened before
There will be a world war.
There will be a global natural and manmade catastrophe
The world economy will crash

I don't sit and worry about it but it's inevitable. May as well accept it and be prepared

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Or another way, all the hysteria about "impending doom!!!!", and nothing happening; can create the complacency that causes the real doom.
Link Posted: 3/7/2024 8:37:25 AM EDT
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Not sure why arfcom assumes I’m a miserable unhappy person , living in a dark hole, scared to venture outside, who’s using possible future problems / unrestas an excuse to let everything go to hell.

I’m happily married, get loads of loving, love my life, 800 credit score, love my house and neighbors, I’m taking classes and learning new skills and languages, I’m planning vacations for this spring, going fishing, have many hobbies, have lots of family interactions , visited the grandkids and played ball with them yesterday , recently joined a local church Iv been attending for years, getting baptized next week and much more. Hell, been considering finding a local D&D group to play with.

I’m Simply trying to turn care free grasshoppers onto more ant based activities, and bring attention to the seriousness of things.
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Because arfcom is incapable of discerning shades of gray. If you’re not 100% happy, you must then be completely miserable.

Congrats on your baptism brother!
Link Posted: 3/7/2024 8:39:48 AM EDT
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My entire family is complaining of unexplained anxiety.  No one knows exactly why.
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That is an undercurrent of the zeitgeist right now. People are anxious and worried, with no idea why.

As Bret Weinstein put so aptly, “our sensemakers have stopped making sense” and those who can’t get the world to make sense on their own, are left rudderless. They’ll look to other, stronger people, and it’s up to us to provide that rudder.
Link Posted: 3/7/2024 8:44:21 AM EDT
Unfortunately most media & entertainment is woke so doom is preferable.

Also doom is just opportunity & great mental exercise
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