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Link Posted: 6/3/2020 7:51:49 AM EDT
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Super soaker loaded with gas might work well
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Ammonia is a better choice..
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 8:41:43 AM EDT

Exothermic Pulsefire™ LRT™

The patent-pending Pulsefire is the ultimate compact, lightweight, fully handheld flamethrower that sends a blast of fire 25 feet away with the press of a button.


Link Posted: 6/3/2020 10:41:42 AM EDT
Tell that to the Ukrainians

Kiev, Ukraine - APC attacked with Molotov Cocktail

mute, the music is horrible
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 10:48:40 AM EDT
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It's stupid if you only carry it, and don't use it.  If he would have hacked up the first few people, the outcome may have been different.
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Correct.  If he had a plan other than charge the line, it would have been different.  Honestly, a gladius is not the best choice.  But if he picked a target (or three), hacked a neck, chopped out some legs and removed an arm on the first three people would have backed off temporarily.

He would have been overwhelmed eventually as a single combatant against many, but it would have put the fear into his attackers.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 10:56:25 AM EDT
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Fucking 3 years and GD has Alzheimer’s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1P4YvZNyk_E
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That's a good point.

Have any of the non-firearm weapons worked in these riots?  Other than bricks vs cringing helpless unarmed non-combatants.

Fucking 3 years and GD has Alzheimer’s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1P4YvZNyk_E

GD doesn’t want to remember it was a bunch of Californians that took it to Antifa.

Link Posted: 6/3/2020 10:57:56 AM EDT
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War hammers are nice but it is a pain pulling the spike free, for close in with no armor a mace or mass weapon works better
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War hammers are nice but it is a pain pulling the spike free, for close in with no armor a mace or mass weapon works better
I should have bought the flanged mace from Cold Steel when they still made it.

Link Posted: 6/3/2020 10:58:27 AM EDT
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You might look at the cops with sticks and shields and tell them they are stupid, different weapons for different battles
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Sticks and shields work if you have a shield wall and a phalanx to back you up.
Say like a line of riot police.

But if you are alone it is easy to get overwhelmed and swarmed.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 11:05:45 AM EDT
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Sticks and shields work if you have a shield wall and a phalanx to back you up.
Say like a line of riot police.

But if you are alone it is easy to get overwhelmed and swarmed.
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That's why you need to be quick of mind and feet
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 12:19:00 PM EDT
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A couple dudes with rifles backed up by a couple dudes with polearms would be pretty badass. Getting shot sucks but you can’t vusualize it like you can a spear to the gut or a halberd swipe to the knees.
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Link Posted: 6/3/2020 12:23:37 PM EDT
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Of course no evidence since that pic is dudes wearing 3 color desert
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 12:33:02 PM EDT
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That's a good point.

Have any of the non-firearm weapons worked in these riots?  Other than bricks vs cringing helpless unarmed non-combatants.

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No weapon is stupid if it works

That's a good point.

Have any of the non-firearm weapons worked in these riots?  Other than bricks vs cringing helpless unarmed non-combatants.

Against a large group of similarly armed aggressors you need something truly devastating to even the odds.  Force multiplier.

In a pinch, if for some reason I had to go out of town to somewhere I couldn't be armed (I travel for work and cannot carry where I am working) then I would do my best to be certain that the crowd would hesitate to approach someone else who was armed only with improvised weapons, but it isn't likely that I would succeed.  To beat a crowd you have to have your own crowd who is willing to step in and get their hands dirty.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 12:38:57 PM EDT
We had a cool trench mace thread a few years ago.

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Link Posted: 6/3/2020 1:00:34 PM EDT
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A guy who knows what he is doing with a sword and has a proper one will fuck you and you friends up bad and do it quickly.  Just because one guy does it poorly and there are much better options doesn't mean it cant work.
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Did you not watch the video of the guy with the sword? What are you gonna do when the rioters stay out of reach and pelt you with bricks?
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 1:05:38 PM EDT
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Mine is propped up against the desk.   Of course there are other options too.  
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 1:18:14 PM EDT
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Captain Cook learned that in Hawaii
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Moro taught the Spanish that lesson too...

I'm thinking a boar spear or Iklwa would be useful
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 3:35:27 PM EDT
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Moro taught the Spanish that lesson too...

I'm thinking a boar spear or Iklwa would be useful
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The conquistadors won in Mexico before the Philippines but I read obsidian was sharp and still used in medical fields
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 3:37:11 PM EDT
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Did you not watch the video of the guy with the sword? What are you gonna do when the rioters stay out of reach and pelt you with bricks?
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I guess Stickman thought that thru in 2017
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 3:38:28 PM EDT
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Super soaker loaded with gas might work well
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Until it melts in your hands and you are covered in sticky napalmy flaming goodness.

Not that I ever did this when I was in high school of course...
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 3:39:08 PM EDT
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Of course no evidence since that pic is dudes wearing 3 color desert
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For shits and giggles
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Link Posted: 6/3/2020 3:39:56 PM EDT
Tell Reginald Denny that bricks aren’t weapons
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 3:42:11 PM EDT
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Sticks and shields work if you have a shield wall and a phalanx to back you up.
Say like a line of riot police.

But if you are alone it is easy to get overwhelmed and swarmed.
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I’ve fought off 50 Culver City gangmembers over a 2 mile stretch mostly running, shaking off tackles until I got on an RTD bus and the driver slammed the door on them. Started because i won a 1 vs 1 with one of their members and they rushed me after he lost so I had a fighting retreat for 2 miles. Thankfully Mexican gang members don’t keep up their cardio
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 3:42:19 PM EDT
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I guess Stickman thought that thru in 2017 https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/022/409/stickmannn.jpg
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A lot of people don't realize that the shield is a very good weapon in itself, shield edges to the face work very well
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 3:46:23 PM EDT
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Correct.  If he had a plan other than charge the line, it would have been different.  Honestly, a gladius is not the best choice.  But if he picked a target (or three), hacked a neck, chopped out some legs and removed an arm on the first three people would have backed off temporarily.

He would have been overwhelmed eventually as a single combatant against many, but it would have put the fear into his attackers.
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1 Viking vs hundreds of Englishmen because he held the only bridge lol https://www.smithsonianmag.com/videos/category/history/the-violent-1066-battle-of-stamford-bridge/
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 3:48:32 PM EDT
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Exothermic Pulsefire™ LRT™

The patent-pending Pulsefire is the ultimate compact, lightweight, fully handheld flamethrower that sends a blast of fire 25 feet away with the press of a button.


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Link Posted: 6/3/2020 3:50:06 PM EDT
I'm curious, how many in gd have actually practiced sword fighting and know what there talking about?
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 3:54:18 PM EDT
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A lot of people don't realize that the shield is a very good weapon in itself, shield edges to the face work very well
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Million ways to incorporate shield from basic bash to trapping to throat punch etc. I thought GD liked Sparta 300?
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 3:55:22 PM EDT
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Million ways to incorporate shield from basic bash to trapping to throat punch etc. I thought GD liked Sparta 300? https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_super/11120/111202188/4416813-4686620377-Aq4g6.gif
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That is proper use of a shield
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 4:19:41 PM EDT
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That is proper use of a shield
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I got hip checked sparring one time and that sucked. Can’t imagine if I was on the receiving end of a shield
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 4:27:23 PM EDT
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I got hip checked sparring one time and that sucked. Can’t imagine if I was on the receiving end of a shield
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It will break bones,fingers, most organizations don't allow it , but it happens padding the edge of shield helps but it will knock you on your ass, armor helps
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 4:28:12 PM EDT
Gun and running shoes.  Those aren't options, they are a combo.  And the only acceptable one at that.

The idiot with the sword didn't do so well.  Bats, Molotov cocktails, bricks... none of them appear to be any risk for anyone around them.
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A trained swordsman with armor would have killed several before being taken down.  But yes, one man with a melee weapon can be overwhelmed if out in the open.

He used bad tactics and was not a trained swordsman.  

In a narrow corridor where only one or two attackers could come at you a trained swordsman would have a field day.

Now if there was a dozen trained men with swords who could support each other the crowd would have suffered greatly.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 4:36:01 PM EDT
Even if you were lucky enough to get a two-for on every shot, a 30rd AR will still only take down 60. In a crowd of hundreds not sure there is any non-belt fed that will suffice. Maybe a flamethrower??
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 4:37:05 PM EDT
Platoon (1986) - Retribution Scene (10/10) | Movieclips
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Link Posted: 6/3/2020 4:37:33 PM EDT
What’s wrong with having options?
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 4:38:38 PM EDT
1 vs 1 melee weapons can be viable, if you have the right one, know how to use it, use it immediately without hesitation, and the other guy doesn't have time to pull a gun. Even then they are less useful than even a crappy gun

If you are in a group of people, they can be semi-effective, as long as the other side doesn't bring guns or vastly outnumber you.

Beyond that they are actually a liability if you choose to use them over a firearm.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 4:39:12 PM EDT
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Even if you were lucky enough to get a two-for on every shot, a 30rd AR will still only take down 60. In a crowd of hundreds not sure there is any non-belt fed that will suffice. Maybe a flamethrower??
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If you started lighting them with an AR the crowd would quickly disperse.  Or move onto an easier target.  These rioters are not Zulus who keep coming at you in swarms.  

Link Posted: 6/3/2020 4:40:03 PM EDT
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I'm curious, how many in gd have actually practiced sword fighting and know what there talking about?
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Started fencing with a foil in 1974 on the college fencing team. Then Epee, saber, rapier, single sword and back to cut & thrust rapier using Joachim Meyer's text for the last 10 years.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 4:41:45 PM EDT
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For melee weapons to work, you need training, situational awareness and you actually need intent to follow through with violence. As shown in videos from this and other events, simply showing up with a weapon doesn't make you invincible.

Same deal even if you have a gun. Yes with a gun your chances are better, but if the crowd calls your bluff or somehow isn't deterred by the threat of injury or death, you very well may be stomped into the ground and your shit stolen if your position is not ideal.
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True, but people are more likely to call your bluff with a melee weapon.

Link Posted: 6/3/2020 4:41:54 PM EDT
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Started fencing with a foil in 1974 on the college fencing team. Then Epee, saber, rapier, single sword ad back to cut & thrust rapier using Joachim Meyer's text for the last 10 years.
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25 years hema,sca heavy, some fence with epee
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 4:44:36 PM EDT
Melee weapons are right up there with karate.

American Dad: Guns Beat Karate
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 4:44:48 PM EDT
Horatius did pretty good at the bridge.

Then out spake brave Horatius, The Captain of the Gate: To every man upon this earth Death cometh soon or late. And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers, And the temples of his gods”
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 4:46:49 PM EDT
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Then you must begin with the bayonet. The bayonet must be for an American what the sarissa was for a Macedonian. If the communists dare set foot in America, we must show them the bayonet. Train with the bayonet and we shall keep our freedom!
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Link Posted: 6/3/2020 4:46:56 PM EDT
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True, but people are more likely to call your bluff with a melee weapon.

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That is because they know most people are not trained in them.  If they actually encountered someone who knew what he was doing there attitude would probably change quickly.  

A firearm is superior no doubt about it.  But obsolete does not mean ineffective if you are trained in the weapon.  

And with any weapon you have to use the right tactics.   and wear the right body defenses too if available.  

If it comes down to pulling a sword out to defend yourself you have to use it.  There can be no bluff.  You have to follow through.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 4:47:10 PM EDT
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Horatius did pretty good at the bridge.

Then out spake brave Horatius, The Captain of the Gate: To every man upon this earth Death cometh soon or late. And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers, And the temples of his gods”
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Bridge battles are some of the best fights to have
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 4:49:32 PM EDT
I was amazed at the fact every video where the fight went to the ground, at least one  shoe came off in the scuffle .  

Maybe it goes with the “no belt, pants around your ass” thing .
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 4:55:06 PM EDT
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That is because they know most people are not trained in them.  If they actually encountered someone who knew what he was doing there attitude would probably change quickly.  

A firearm is superior no doubt about it.  But obsolete does not mean ineffective if you are trained in the weapon.  

And with any weapon you have to use the right tactics.   and wear the right body defenses too if available.  

If it comes down to pulling a sword out to defend yourself you have to use it.  There can be no bluff.  You have to follow through.
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Yep. That is why it can be viable in close quarters on a battlefield (or in your home), where you are in much better legal standing for hacking someone to death. When out in public, encountering a large group, many of whom have cell phone cameras out, extreme deadly action is not generally the move people make, but rather hesitate.
Link Posted: 6/3/2020 5:00:34 PM EDT
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Yep. That is why it can be viable in close quarters on a battlefield (or in your home), where you are in much better legal standing for hacking someone to death. When out in public, encountering a large group, many of whom have cell phone cameras out, extreme deadly action is not generally the move people make, but rather hesitate.
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That is because they know most people are not trained in them.  If they actually encountered someone who knew what he was doing there attitude would probably change quickly.  

A firearm is superior no doubt about it.  But obsolete does not mean ineffective if you are trained in the weapon.  

And with any weapon you have to use the right tactics.   and wear the right body defenses too if available.  

If it comes down to pulling a sword out to defend yourself you have to use it.  There can be no bluff.  You have to follow through.

Yep. That is why it can be viable in close quarters on a battlefield (or in your home), where you are in much better legal standing for hacking someone to death. When out in public, encountering a large group, many of whom have cell phone cameras out, extreme deadly action is not generally the move people make, but rather hesitate.

I agree.   His tactics were wrong and he was not willing to use the weapon for its intended purpose.   A recipe for failure.   Never mind the legal ramifications.  

To use a melee weapon against a crowd you either have to lure them into close quarters were you can use the weapon to your advantage or if you attack a crowd in the open go in swinging or stabbing.  Use
the element of surprise to catch them off guard.   Anything else is doomed to failure.
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