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Link Posted: 2/11/2016 9:30:06 PM EDT
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there is no question that this is the reason that she wanted, and bargained/negotiated for the office of Sec of State.
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considering her past criminal behavior, considering her tendency to see everything that she does as fair game for her own enrichment, those that had access to her server from State more than likely wore two hats, members of her inner circle, criminal compatriots, and her advisers and assistants at State. In other words, in her mind, everything was more than Kosher.

You're right and right after I typed that I thought there's no way she has distinctly different people performing functions. In fact the DoS job was most likely just another way for her to enrich herself. In her mind it's "fuck this country, how do I get rich"?

there is no question that this is the reason that she wanted, and bargained/negotiated for the office of Sec of State.

I would like to see a comparison of Clinton Foundation donors and the amounts, cross-referenced with what classified information was found on her unsecured server.
Link Posted: 2/11/2016 11:31:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/12/2016 12:35:25 AM EDT
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I almost added that I realize there must be a need to know.  The article said that they lacked the clearance.
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Just because the have a TS does not mean that have access to a specific SAP.

I almost added that I realize there must be a need to know.  The article said that they lacked the clearance.

I seem to remember that Clinton didn't delete the 30,000 personal emails from her server herself.  Apparently some low level secretary that worked for her after she left government service went through the emails and deleted them.  Since these emails were deleted after she left the State Department, the employee going through them wasn't even a government employee.

Don't forget, all these 10's of thousands of emails, many that are classified, were in Clinton's possession after she left government service, in violation of federal law, she then illegally turned them over to her personal lawyer who was not authorized to have them, then one of her aides contacted the lawyer and tried to get him to delete those emails off of a flash drive which was a violation of federal law.

The transference of those classified emails to a flash drive was a crime, the transfer and storage of those drives by the attorney was a violation of federal law.  The attempt to have the attorney delete those documents under subpoena was a violation of federal law.  The attorney could also be prosecuted for possession of those flash drives.  The attorney refused to delete the drives and apparently contacted the FBI to report the possession and the FBI showed up to take possession of them.  
Link Posted: 2/12/2016 12:16:30 PM EDT
Pressure on Lynch to step aside in Clinton email probe

Loretta Lynch is on the edge of the spotlight, about to be dragged to the center.

If the FBI finds sufficient evidence to launch a criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton or one of her top aides for mishandling classified information, Lynch’s Justice Department will have to decide whether to press ahead.

Even if no evidence of wrongdoing is found, Clinton’s many critics are unlikely to take the word of an appointee of President Obama’s and will doubt that justice has been served.

Already, top Republicans are calling for a special prosecutor to be brought in and evaluate the situation.

No. 2 Senate Republican John Cornyn (Texas) took to the floor of the Senate last week to call for a special counsel to be appointed “because of the conflict of interest by asking Attorney General Lynch to investigate and perhaps even prosecute somebody in the Obama administration.”

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) agrees that Lynch ought to consider a special counsel, a representative said, to reassure the country that decisions are made “without regard to any political considerations.”

The Justice Department, however, has so far declined the request.

“This matter is being reviewed by career attorneys and investigators and does not meet the criteria for the appointment of a special prosecutor,” department spokeswoman Melanie Newman said in a statement.


Lynch’s critics are unconvinced that the attorney general can be a neutral arbiter.

“I think they probably won’t indict her, because the attorney general is from New York, who I believe is a friend of Hillary Clinton,” Donald Trump, a leading Republican presidential candidate, said on Fox News’s “Fox and Friends” in October.

Skeptics of Lynch have also pointed to an October interview in which President Obama appeared to dismiss concerns about Clinton’s private server.

“I can tell you that this is not a situation in which America's national security was endangered,” Obama said on CBS’s “60 Minutes.”

“It might appear that he’s trying to influence the conduct of the investigation,” Cornyn said on the Senate floor this week. “That’s a real problem.”

No close ties

Lynch and Clinton never had much of a personal relationship, former colleagues told The Hill in recent days.

“I’m not aware of any relationship with Hillary Clinton,” said Steven Edwards, who worked alongside Lynch for nearly a decade at the law firm Hogan Lovells (the firm was previously called Hogan & Hartson when Lynch joined it in 2001).


Lingering in the background is the prospect that Lynch’s decision may affect her own future.

Lynch was confirmed by the Senate last year after a five-month delay largely unrelated to her own qualifications. That left the nation’s top lawyer with just a year and a half in office, during Obama’s lame duck period in which policy efforts are likely to stall.

If Clinton becomes the next president, however, Lynch may be asked to stay on, at least for a short time. As such, she may have a little bit of skin in the game.

“That Hillary Clinton could be the Democrat nominee and potential next president represents an extraordinary circumstance that commends the appointment of a special counsel,” said Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.), the head of the House Oversight subcommittee on national security, in a statement to The Hill. “For a Democrat-appointed attorney general such as Lynch, this is obviously something that distinguishes the Clinton investigation from other cases.”
Along with 43 other Republicans, DeSantis wrote a letter to the Justice Department last year asking for a special counsel to be appointed so that the investigation can be conducted “impartially.”

Former colleagues of Lynch rejected the notion that she would be biased in the Clinton probe.

“I cannot imagine allowing any personal relationship to affect her work. It’s just not the way she is,” said Tracey.

Special prosecutor

So far, the Justice Department has declined congressional requests to appoint a special prosecutor to oversee the Clinton issue.

In a letter to DeSantis in November, assistant attorney general Peter Kadzik said that the law allowing for a special counsel “has rarely been used.”

“Any investigation related to this referral [into Clinton’s server] will be conducted by law enforcement professionals and career attorneys in accordance with established department policies and procedures designed to ensure the integrity of all ongoing investigations,” Kadzik wrote.

The FBI has refused to share details about its investigation. So far, however, the bureau does not appear to be conducting a criminal probe, and officials have said it is not directly targeting Clinton.

Multiple lawyers watching the case have suggested that Clinton’s top aides may be in more trouble than she is.

As one former senior Justice Department official noted, there are many options for the government to take apart from either nothing or an indictment against Clinton.

“It could play out with people agreeing to plead to … a misdemeanor charge, people agreeing to leave office or withdraw in return for a pardon,” the former official said.

“I think ultimately, one of those events is going to happen,” the former official added.

“It’s not going to be forgotten about.”
Link Posted: 2/12/2016 8:15:51 PM EDT
Anybody making wagers on the amount of classified materials that will be withheld or redacted in this release....

Or maybe we should just make it a drinking game and get blitzed tomorrow.

State Department offers Clinton email installment Saturday

Responding to a federal judge's complaints about delays in the court-ordered process of releasing Hillary Clinton's emails, the State Department is now offering to post a batch of about 550 messages online Saturday.
In a court filing late Wednesday, State Department records official Eric Stein said State had identified "additional resources" that could allow the sub-set of Clinton's messages to pass through a multi-stage process for release on the agency's website by Saturday.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2016/02/state-department-offers-clinton-email-installment-saturday-219122#ixzz400Ccz3Wa
Link Posted: 2/12/2016 9:00:19 PM EDT
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I seem to remember that Clinton didn't delete the 30,000 personal emails from her server herself.  Apparently some low level secretary that worked for her after she left government service went through the emails and deleted them.  Since these emails were deleted after she left the State Department, the employee going through them wasn't even a government employee.

Don't forget, all these 10's of thousands of emails, many that are classified, were in Clinton's possession after she left government service, in violation of federal law, she then illegally turned them over to her personal lawyer who was not authorized to have them, then one of her aides contacted the lawyer and tried to get him to delete those emails off of a flash drive which was a violation of federal law.

The transference of those classified emails to a flash drive was a crime, the transfer and storage of those drives by the attorney was a violation of federal law.  The attempt to have the attorney delete those documents under subpoena was a violation of federal law.  The attorney could also be prosecuted for possession of those flash drives.  The attorney refused to delete the drives and apparently contacted the FBI to report the possession and the FBI showed up to take possession of them.  
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Just because the have a TS does not mean that have access to a specific SAP.

I almost added that I realize there must be a need to know.  The article said that they lacked the clearance.

I seem to remember that Clinton didn't delete the 30,000 personal emails from her server herself.  Apparently some low level secretary that worked for her after she left government service went through the emails and deleted them.  Since these emails were deleted after she left the State Department, the employee going through them wasn't even a government employee.

Don't forget, all these 10's of thousands of emails, many that are classified, were in Clinton's possession after she left government service, in violation of federal law, she then illegally turned them over to her personal lawyer who was not authorized to have them, then one of her aides contacted the lawyer and tried to get him to delete those emails off of a flash drive which was a violation of federal law.

The transference of those classified emails to a flash drive was a crime, the transfer and storage of those drives by the attorney was a violation of federal law.  The attempt to have the attorney delete those documents under subpoena was a violation of federal law.  The attorney could also be prosecuted for possession of those flash drives.  The attorney refused to delete the drives and apparently contacted the FBI to report the possession and the FBI showed up to take possession of them.  

but, but, but, she is a Clinton, there is no governing authority............did I say she is a Clinton? no governing authority means she can pretty much do what she wants to.
Link Posted: 2/12/2016 9:15:15 PM EDT
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Anybody making wagers on the amount of classified materials that will be withheld or redacted in this release....

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All of it.  
Link Posted: 2/12/2016 9:17:37 PM EDT
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I would like to see a comparison of Clinton Foundation donors and the amounts, cross-referenced with what classified information was found on her unsecured server.
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It would be interesting to see her doners vs what State provided those doners, the timeline and email correspondence relating them.
Link Posted: 2/12/2016 9:23:45 PM EDT
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All of it.  
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Anybody making wagers on the amount of classified materials that will be withheld or redacted in this release....

All of it.  

Yep, all or most. Which is why they've held them until the bitter end, and are still trying to delay.
Link Posted: 2/13/2016 3:02:30 PM EDT
New batch of Clinton emails released, 84 now marked 'classified'

The State Department on Saturday released more emails from the private server that Hillary Clinton used when secretary of state, including 84 that have now been marked as “classified.”

The agency released 551 pages of emails, as part of a federal court order for officials to comply with a freedom of information act request for the official correspondence.

Link Posted: 2/13/2016 3:25:17 PM EDT
If she is not brought to justice how can anyone in the administration, the current congress, the current judicial system really expect any of us to follow their directives, their ordinances, their laws, their so called leadership? This is just the type of stuff the founders went to war over, a ruling class unable, unwilling, to live by the country's standards, laws, or traditions.
Link Posted: 2/13/2016 3:33:17 PM EDT
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If she is not brought to justice how can anyone in the administration, the current congress, the current judicial system really expect any of us to follow their directives, their ordinances, their laws, their so called leadership? This is just the type of stuff the founders went to war over, a ruling class unable, unwilling, to live by the country's standards, laws, or traditions.
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Monopoly on legal use of violence. All they did was change the rules. Legal in the sense that they believe in the rule of power instead of the rule of law.

Authority. Theirs is no longer restricted by their lessers.
Link Posted: 2/13/2016 3:54:14 PM EDT
A little better clarification here:

The State Department on Saturday released over 500 emails from Hillary Clinton's private email server from her time as secretary of State.

According to a State Department official, the latest batch of emails include 81 confidential messages, plus three that were upgraded to a "Secret" classification.

Link Posted: 2/13/2016 4:59:33 PM EDT
Well let's hear about some of them that make her look like a crook already
Link Posted: 2/13/2016 5:33:51 PM EDT

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If she is not brought to justice how can anyone in the administration, the current congress, the current judicial system really expect any of us to follow their directives, their ordinances, their laws, their so called leadership? This is just the type of stuff the founders went to war over, a ruling class unable, unwilling, to live by the country's standards, laws, or traditions.
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Well, if you don't follow them then your ass will be in prison. Them, not so much.


As far as anyone going to war over this shit, never going to happen.
Link Posted: 2/13/2016 5:42:21 PM EDT
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Well let's hear about some of them that make her look like a crook already
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We won't get those for a while if ever. The emails being released are the ones she turned over to the State Department. The emails she deleted and were recovered by the FBI aren't going to be released while they are investigating.
Link Posted: 2/13/2016 5:54:13 PM EDT
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I'm very surprised that the top aids to the SoS don't have a top secret clearance.

Eta,   I know you must have a need to know, byt the article said that she lacked the clearance.
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I'm very surprised that the top aids to the SoS don't have a top secret clearance.

Eta,   I know you must have a need to know, byt the article said that she lacked the clearance.

Sid Blumethal, who was not in the government, is likely one recipient of classified info.
Link Posted: 2/13/2016 7:15:27 PM EDT
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Well, if you don't follow them then your ass will be in prison. Them, not so much.    

As far as anyone going to war over this shit, never going to happen.
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If she is not brought to justice how can anyone in the administration, the current congress, the current judicial system really expect any of us to follow their directives, their ordinances, their laws, their so called leadership? This is just the type of stuff the founders went to war over, a ruling class unable, unwilling, to live by the country's standards, laws, or traditions.
Well, if you don't follow them then your ass will be in prison. Them, not so much.    

As far as anyone going to war over this shit, never going to happen.

more than a few of the founders thought the same, desired a peaceful resolution, but, tyrants and those who favor tyranny seldom if ever respond to reason............
Link Posted: 2/13/2016 8:00:44 PM EDT
Pollster Pat Caddell: Hillary Clinton Email Scandal ‘Worse Than Watergate’

Pollster Pat Caddell, also a former adviser to President Jimmy Carter, asserted that the Hillary Clinton email scandal is “worse than Watergate.”

Long the pinnacle of modern American political scandal, Nixon resigned after he was connected to the break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters.

“This is the greatest scandal in the history of the United States,” Caddell said. “They all ought to be indicted. This is worse than Watergate.”

Clinton, he explained, would soon be exposed for using her connections in the State Department to enrich her family, her foundation, and her supporters.

“They were selling out the national interests of the United States directly to adversaries and others for money,” he said. “There is just nothing that satisfies them. They are the greediest white trash I have ever seen.”
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Link Posted: 2/13/2016 9:28:35 PM EDT
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Pollster Pat Caddell: Hillary Clinton Email Scandal ‘Worse Than Watergate’

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Pollster Pat Caddell: Hillary Clinton Email Scandal ‘Worse Than Watergate’

Pollster Pat Caddell, also a former adviser to President Jimmy Carter, asserted that the Hillary Clinton email scandal is “worse than Watergate.”

Long the pinnacle of modern American political scandal, Nixon resigned after he was connected to the break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters.

“This is the greatest scandal in the history of the United States,” Caddell said. “They all ought to be indicted. This is worse than Watergate.”

Clinton, he explained, would soon be exposed for using her connections in the State Department to enrich her family, her foundation, and her supporters.

“They were selling out the national interests of the United States directly to adversaries and others for money,” he said. “There is just nothing that satisfies them. They are the greediest white trash I have ever seen.”


well, Duh.
Link Posted: 2/14/2016 9:57:13 AM EDT
all this... and yet she is still the odds on favorite to be the next president...
Link Posted: 2/14/2016 10:18:46 AM EDT
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all this... and yet she is still the odds on favorite to be the next president...
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WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, and IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH        all you need to know is that she is the only one capable, experienced, intelligent, steadfast, and honorable to be president.........
Link Posted: 2/14/2016 11:07:36 AM EDT
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WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, and IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH        all you need to know is that she is the only one capable, experienced, intelligent, steadfast, and honorable to be president.........
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all this... and yet she is still the odds on favorite to be the next president...

WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, and IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH        all you need to know is that she is the only one capable, experienced, intelligent, steadfast, and honorable to be president.........

see my sig line...

you are correct - that is the narrative and g_d help us because war is coming...
Link Posted: 2/17/2016 7:29:47 PM EDT

Another 551 emails from Hillary Clinton’s homebrew server, including
84 messages redacted due to classified information, 3 of which were
classified at the "secret” level, are now available.

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Link Posted: 2/17/2016 10:49:34 PM EDT
Clinton email chain discussed Afghan national's CIA ties, official says

EXCLUSIVE: One of the classified email chains discovered on Hillary Clinton’s personal unsecured server discussed an Afghan national’s ties to the CIA and a report that he was on the agency’s payroll, a U.S. government official with knowledge of the document told Fox News.

The discussion of a foreign national working with the U.S. government raises security implications – an executive order signed by President Obama said unauthorized disclosures are “presumed to cause damage to the national security."

More here:
Link Posted: 2/17/2016 11:07:52 PM EDT
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Clinton email chain discussed Afghan national's CIA ties, official says

EXCLUSIVE: One of the classified email chains discovered on Hillary Clinton’s personal unsecured server discussed an Afghan national’s ties to the CIA and a report that he was on the agency’s payroll, a U.S. government official with knowledge of the document told Fox News.

The discussion of a foreign national working with the U.S. government raises security implications – an executive order signed by President Obama said unauthorized disclosures are “presumed to cause damage to the national security."

More here:
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That's a go-to-jail offense.  

In fact, isn't that what Valerie Plame keeps bitching about pretending she was a secret agent while she was working at Langley headquarters?

Link Posted: 2/17/2016 11:13:40 PM EDT

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That's a go-to-jail offense.  

In fact, isn't that what Valerie Plame keeps bitching about pretending she was a secret agent while she was working at Langley headquarters?

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Clinton email chain discussed Afghan national's CIA ties, official says

EXCLUSIVE: One of the classified email chains discovered on Hillary Clinton’s personal unsecured server discussed an Afghan national’s ties to the CIA and a report that he was on the agency’s payroll, a U.S. government official with knowledge of the document told Fox News.

The discussion of a foreign national working with the U.S. government raises security implications – an executive order signed by President Obama said unauthorized disclosures are "presumed to cause damage to the national security."

More here:


That's a go-to-jail offense.  

In fact, isn't that what Valerie Plame keeps bitching about pretending she was a secret agent while she was working at Langley headquarters?

Makes me wonder if that Afghan national is still breathing.

Link Posted: 2/17/2016 11:15:03 PM EDT
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That's a go-to-jail offense.  

In fact, isn't that what Valerie Plame keeps bitching about pretending she was a secret agent while she was working at Langley headquarters?

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Clinton email chain discussed Afghan national's CIA ties, official says

EXCLUSIVE: One of the classified email chains discovered on Hillary Clinton’s personal unsecured server discussed an Afghan national’s ties to the CIA and a report that he was on the agency’s payroll, a U.S. government official with knowledge of the document told Fox News.

The discussion of a foreign national working with the U.S. government raises security implications – an executive order signed by President Obama said unauthorized disclosures are “presumed to cause damage to the national security."

More here:

That's a go-to-jail offense.  

In fact, isn't that what Valerie Plame keeps bitching about pretending she was a secret agent while she was working at Langley headquarters?

While I'm anxious to see her in jail for any reason, I want to see some corruption in office.  People have too little of an understanding of the security issues for all of this to have the proper impact.   We've seen stuff that should have her arrested, but nobody cares.  "What difference does it make?  No harm, no foul."  If / when it comes out that she was selling favors while SoS, she's political toast.
Link Posted: 2/17/2016 11:22:37 PM EDT
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Makes me wonder if that Afghan national is still breathing.  
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Clinton email chain discussed Afghan national's CIA ties, official says

EXCLUSIVE: One of the classified email chains discovered on Hillary Clinton’s personal unsecured server discussed an Afghan national’s ties to the CIA and a report that he was on the agency’s payroll, a U.S. government official with knowledge of the document told Fox News.

The discussion of a foreign national working with the U.S. government raises security implications – an executive order signed by President Obama said unauthorized disclosures are "presumed to cause damage to the national security."

More here:

That's a go-to-jail offense.  

In fact, isn't that what Valerie Plame keeps bitching about pretending she was a secret agent while she was working at Langley headquarters?

Makes me wonder if that Afghan national is still breathing.  

I would have my doubts.
Link Posted: 2/17/2016 11:25:09 PM EDT
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I would have my doubts.
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Clinton email chain discussed Afghan national's CIA ties, official says

EXCLUSIVE: One of the classified email chains discovered on Hillary Clinton’s personal unsecured server discussed an Afghan national’s ties to the CIA and a report that he was on the agency’s payroll, a U.S. government official with knowledge of the document told Fox News.

The discussion of a foreign national working with the U.S. government raises security implications – an executive order signed by President Obama said unauthorized disclosures are "presumed to cause damage to the national security."

More here:

That's a go-to-jail offense.  

In fact, isn't that what Valerie Plame keeps bitching about pretending she was a secret agent while she was working at Langley headquarters?

Makes me wonder if that Afghan national is still breathing.  

I would have my doubts.

means not a whit to Hillary.
Link Posted: 2/17/2016 11:51:32 PM EDT
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Makes me wonder if that Afghan national is still breathing.  
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Makes me wonder if that Afghan national is still breathing.  



Based on the timing and other details, the email chain likely refers to either an October 2009 Times story that identified Afghan national Ahmed Wali Karzai, the half-brother of then-Afghan president Hamid Karzai, as a person who received "regular payments from the Central Intelligence Agency" -- or an August 2010 Times story that identified Karzai aide Mohammed Zia Salehi as being on the CIA payroll. Ahmed Wali Karzai was murdered during a 2011 shoot-out, a killing later claimed by the Taliban.
Link Posted: 2/18/2016 6:33:46 PM EDT
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Makes me wonder if that Afghan national is still breathing.  



Based on the timing and other details, the email chain likely refers to either an October 2009 Times story that identified Afghan national Ahmed Wali Karzai, the half-brother of then-Afghan president Hamid Karzai, as a person who received "regular payments from the Central Intelligence Agency" -- or an August 2010 Times story that identified Karzai aide Mohammed Zia Salehi as being on the CIA payroll. Ahmed Wali Karzai was murdered during a 2011 shoot-out, a killing later claimed by the Taliban.

Link Posted: 2/18/2016 7:39:29 PM EDT
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Makes me wonder if that Afghan national is still breathing.  



Based on the timing and other details, the email chain likely refers to either an October 2009 Times story that identified Afghan national Ahmed Wali Karzai, the half-brother of then-Afghan president Hamid Karzai, as a person who received "regular payments from the Central Intelligence Agency" -- or an August 2010 Times story that identified Karzai aide Mohammed Zia Salehi as being on the CIA payroll. Ahmed Wali Karzai was murdered during a 2011 shoot-out, a killing later claimed by the Taliban.


she'll gladly and comfortably kill her friends to make a profit, why not a foreign national who she's never met?
Link Posted: 2/19/2016 8:53:35 AM EDT
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she'll gladly and comfortably kill her friends to make a profit, why not a foreign national who she's never met?
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Makes me wonder if that Afghan national is still breathing.  



Based on the timing and other details, the email chain likely refers to either an October 2009 Times story that identified Afghan national Ahmed Wali Karzai, the half-brother of then-Afghan president Hamid Karzai, as a person who received "regular payments from the Central Intelligence Agency" -- or an August 2010 Times story that identified Karzai aide Mohammed Zia Salehi as being on the CIA payroll. Ahmed Wali Karzai was murdered during a 2011 shoot-out, a killing later claimed by the Taliban.


she'll gladly and comfortably kill her friends to make a profit, why not a foreign national who she's never met?

Wali Karzai was into all sorts of bad shit...far beyond payoffs from the USG.  It's pretty safe to say that this email had little to do with him getting schwacked. My instinct is that he was killed by the Talibs over dope. Pretty common in that part of the peaceful Muslim world.
Link Posted: 2/19/2016 8:55:44 AM EDT
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she'll gladly and comfortably kill her friends to make a profit, why not a foreign national who she's never met?
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Shit she'd probably kill her own daughter to become president.
Link Posted: 2/19/2016 8:58:10 AM EDT
Perp walk coming any day now, I can feel it.
Link Posted: 2/19/2016 11:52:19 AM EDT

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Perp walk coming any day now, I can feel it.
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I'd give odds that it's just gas you're feeling.

Link Posted: 2/19/2016 11:53:26 AM EDT
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Perp walk coming any day now, I can feel it.
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My older buddy actually bet me that this DOJ WOULD indict her!!??

I gave him about 10 million chances to back out but he insisted on a straight up bet.

Link Posted: 2/19/2016 12:01:00 PM EDT

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I'd give odds that it's just gas you're feeling.

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Perp walk coming any day now, I can feel it.
I'd give odds that it's just gas you're feeling.


Might be, I had Qdoba for lunch and went sick with the hot sauce, but I'm sure she's gonna see a jail cell soon. OP will deliver.
Link Posted: 2/19/2016 12:05:13 PM EDT
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Shit she'd probably kill her own daughter to become president.
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she'll gladly and comfortably kill her friends to make a profit, why not a foreign national who she's never met?

Shit she'd probably kill her own daughter to become president.

I bet she'd at least stop and think about it if not actually do it which is just as bad.
Link Posted: 2/19/2016 12:14:32 PM EDT
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  Might be, I had Qdoba for lunch and went sick with the hot sauce, but I'm sure she's gonna see a jail cell soon. OP will deliver.
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Perp walk coming any day now, I can feel it.
I'd give odds that it's just gas you're feeling.

  Might be, I had Qdoba for lunch and went sick with the hot sauce, but I'm sure she's gonna see a jail cell soon. OP will deliver.

You promoting me to Attorney General now?  If you have nothing constructive to ad to the thread why don't you just leave and get back to driving your ice cream truck near the local schools.
Link Posted: 2/19/2016 12:18:02 PM EDT
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Perp walk coming any day now, I can feel it.
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dont hold your breath on that one
Link Posted: 2/19/2016 2:27:57 PM EDT
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I bet she'd at least stop and think about it if not actually do it which is just as bad.
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she'll gladly and comfortably kill her friends to make a profit, why not a foreign national who she's never met?

Shit she'd probably kill her own daughter to become president.

I bet she'd at least stop and think about it if not actually do it which is just as bad.

hell, she'd probably murder her grandkid and think nothing of it. be right in tune with late term abortion.
Link Posted: 2/19/2016 2:29:21 PM EDT
I still think at the end of the day shes going down.
They're taking their time and turning this into a solid case. I don't think we'll see a perp walk as she'll be allowed to come in on her own
She's way too big of a fish for someone to let go.Someone is going to want to make a name for themselves in history as bringing down the Clinton empire.
News media wants it too. Imagine all the coverage they'll have. Special interviews, trial coverage, verdict watch.
Link Posted: 2/19/2016 2:38:37 PM EDT

Bill is probably buying up some island in warm sunny place without extradition treaty that he can turn into sex resort / future home.  
Link Posted: 2/19/2016 2:41:27 PM EDT
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Bill is probably buying up some island in warm sunny place without extradition treaty that he can turn into sex resort / future home.  
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He already got busted doing that.
Link Posted: 2/19/2016 8:25:20 PM EDT
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Bill is probably buying up some island in warm sunny place without extradition treaty that he can turn into sex resort / future home.  
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Someone will "TIP" him the day before it happens, and he'll disappear to Belize, or somewhere like that, and leave "HILL-DOG" Holding the doggy bag....
Link Posted: 2/19/2016 11:41:22 PM EDT
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Someone will "TIP" him the day before it happens, and he'll disappear to Belize, or somewhere like that, and leave "HILL-DOG" Holding the doggy bag....
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Bill is probably buying up some island in warm sunny place without extradition treaty that he can turn into sex resort / future home.  

Someone will "TIP" him the day before it happens, and he'll disappear to Belize, or somewhere like that, and leave "HILL-DOG" Holding the doggy bag....

Now that would be massively funny, not the Bubba Rape end but the abandonment........
Link Posted: 2/20/2016 8:32:58 AM EDT
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I still think at the end of the day shes going down.
They're taking their time and turning this into a solid case. I don't think we'll see a perp walk as she'll be allowed to come in on her own
She's way too big of a fish for someone to let go.Someone is going to want to make a name for themselves in history as bringing down the Clinton empire.
News media wants it too. Imagine all the coverage they'll have. Special interviews, trial coverage, verdict watch.
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Are you suggesting Obama is slow rolling her? Using the big government bureaucracy machine to draw the life force out of her, a little trickle at a time? Some passive-aggressive virtual Chinese water torture payback machine? To one of their own? Because it got out in the public what she had done and it became too big to ignore? Woah....

Link Posted: 2/20/2016 8:43:13 AM EDT
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My older buddy actually bet me that this DOJ WOULD indict her!!??

I gave him about 10 million chances to back out but he insisted on a straight up bet.

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Perp walk coming any day now, I can feel it.

My older buddy actually bet me that this DOJ WOULD indict her!!??

I gave him about 10 million chances to back out but he insisted on a straight up bet.

Can we get in on the action?

I'm smelling a FA in my future
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