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Link Posted: 12/10/2005 5:31:14 PM EDT


This place is lousy with thieves.

ETA that's a pretty good deal, at least you get to eat the Cracker Jacks.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 5:34:23 PM EDT


I traded an early S&W 686 for our wedding ring set 23 years ago.

My dealer said the gun would be a better investment.

Kinda reminds me of soemthing that happened to me, I traded a S&W model 10 .38 for a watch. When my dad found out he made go and get the gun back. My dad said "you will glad you have the pistol becuase when you come home from work that day and your wife is in bed with some other guy you are not going to want to say, hey its time to get out of bed as you point to the watch."

If your dad is still alive, I'd surly like to buy him a beer.

He reminds me of me.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 6:29:43 PM EDT
I paid $1800 for the engagement and wedding bands, but I had the stones aready from my grandmothers wedding ring. If I had to buy the diamonds, it would have been well over 10K
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 6:30:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 6:34:29 PM EDT
Engagement ring about $10K.

I expect the wedding rings to be a heck of a lot cheaper.

Link Posted: 12/10/2005 6:44:32 PM EDT
i waited for my wife to ask me to marry her

she picked out the rings and paid for them herself

she hasn't got rid of me yet, i guess she wants to get her moneys worth.

Link Posted: 12/10/2005 6:53:00 PM EDT
69.99 for the engagment ring (she acted like it was the Hope Diamond)
99.99 for the wedding ring that she wanted and still fussed over how much it cost.

maybe 1500 for the wedding and it was perfect.When she walked thru the door she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 7:04:20 PM EDT
No engagement ring, Great Grandmothers wedding band.

Did drop about 5k for a Ten year anniversery ring.  Platnum, 3 stones.

Link Posted: 12/10/2005 7:21:43 PM EDT
17 Grand for a ring

150 bucks for the ring...and I dont remember... 50 bucks for the wedding bands at the BX... It wasn't mutch...

Debeers says I have to spend two months salary on a shiny rock?
Well, Debeers can kiss my ass. Marriage never was about going into debt over shiny little rocks.

Known my wife 16 years...been maried for five.....

Link Posted: 12/10/2005 7:23:35 PM EDT
In the summer of 2001, I spent a couple of months learning about diamond quality and then searching for a suitable stone.  Unless you want to take a flight to Israel, I found the web has some of the best deals on high-end stones.  I was going that route until I strolled into this unassuming little jewelry/art store.  The place was not much to look at, inside or out.  I spoke with their diamond specialist and she knew her stuff.

She had purchased a man's ring that contained a 1.25 ct, VS1 clarity, F-G color stone.  Knowing such a man's ring would be quite difficult to sell, she separated the stone from the band.  It was this stone that she showed me after about 30 minutes of conversation.  I was originally interested in a quality 1.00 ct. stone but this one was BEAUTIFUL.  After a little haggling I walked out with it for $6,500, right about where a similar 1.00 ct. stone would have run on the web.  I picked out a four prong Tiffany-style platinum band and had it mounted and appraised, all at a separate jeweler about 30 miles away.  Total cost was ~$7,200 including tax.

It appraised for $20,100.

I was expecting more like $12-13k.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 7:39:47 PM EDT
Buy a NICE but AFFORDABLE ring.  don't flush good money down the toilet paying for diamonds.  

The RING thing is just NY merchants (even if you buy it in mississippi) scaming you.  LOVE is forever.  Diamond rings come and go with the divorce.

Get a woman that loves YOU more than the stupid ring.   Of course I'm kinda practical and would NEVER Piss away hard earned money on a silly piece of jewelry.  Spend the savings on a washer and dryer - THAT has some value.

ETA - Don't be a sucker.  Spend only what you can afford - not one cent more.  When you've been married for 20 years and have SOME REAL money, then buy her another ring if she wants it.  Rings are soooo Stupid.  Unless you have PLENTY of money and want to MARK your TURF, a big ring is a total waste.   Be smart.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 7:52:18 PM EDT

69.99 for the engagment ring (she acted like it was the Hope Diamond)
99.99 for the wedding ring that she wanted and still fussed over how much it cost.

maybe 1500 for the wedding and it was perfect.When she walked thru the door she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

Like my wife, she's a keeper.

I spent $150 on the Engagement ring, $100 for the band, and $130 for my band. We spent about $3000 for the wedding 1/2 of which was her dress. It was all paid for up front before the wedding.

We have been married almost 10 years now and it just keeps getting better. Don't need an expensive ring or wedding, just total commitment to each putting 100% into the marriage.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 7:57:41 PM EDT
I believe the DeBeers recommendation is that you should finance it and the monthly payment should be 1.5 times your monthly income.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 8:07:56 PM EDT
Too much.

$1 would have been too much.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 8:12:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 8:14:34 PM EDT
I got my wife's band for 65 bucks.

Mine, I got for 35.

Plain gold bands.

If your chick wants that fat ass diamond?


I'll meet you on your divorce thread two years from now.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 8:17:08 PM EDT

I got my wife's band for 65 bucks.

Mine, I got for 35.

Plain gold bands.

If your chick wants that fat ass diamond?


I'll meet you on your divorce thread two years from now.

Oh yeah......

This was a year afeter we got married at the JP...lol.

It cost us 30 bucks to get married.

10 years now
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 8:18:13 PM EDT
My Wife got the Wedding band She saw and fell in love with. It is a Gold band w/ 15 small diamonds set into a spiral pattern. She didn't think She was getting that ring as it was $1000 and we decided it was too much to spend on a ring. I went back later and got it. The look on her face when she saw the ring I was putting on her finger was priceless.

She didnt get Her engagement ring till after we had been married for 3 years. When we could finally afford  to buy a decent rock, I got educated about diamonds and bought a NICE VS1 stone from www.bluenile.com for $2300. She got the loose stone for Christmas and went and had it put in a setting to match her Wedding band.



Link Posted: 12/10/2005 8:18:58 PM EDT
Ring + band about $1100 (Sam's Club), appraised at about twice that.  Paying much more than that is foolish, IMHO, especially when diamond values are bound to take a dive due to synthetics.  It has to hurt when your $10,000 ring is now worth $1000.  My wife picked out a ring that was perfectly in line with what I was looking to pay, without any prompting on my part.  I thank God for that woman every day.  
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 8:20:20 PM EDT
$1200 for the band and ring, then 2 years later a $1600 upgraded rock.

I thought that was a bit of cash, but I seem like a cheap ass after reading some of your posts.

We don't make tons of money, and the last thing I wanted  to do (just starting out) was go into a large debt.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 8:21:12 PM EDT

... I proposed to my high-school sweetheart last spring. First one made since my only wedding in '79.

... Ring & diamond was about $17,000.00

... I called it off though, I'm much happier as a bachelor.

Please tell me you got the ring back, buddy!!!  
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 8:21:50 PM EDT
Engagement ring - $150

His and Hers wedding band - $30
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 8:22:12 PM EDT
When we got married, we spent about $400 for the set. (She had the diamond).
Fast porward 25 years.
I took her to a broker for a new ring. She found a setting and a stone she liked.
I then upped it to the best stone on the tray. Why? Jehesus! that woman has put up with me for 25 years.... and still buys me guns.

As to what I paid?
With the new wedding band, about $4.5k
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 8:24:32 PM EDT

Buy a NICE but AFFORDABLE ring.  don't flush good money down the toilet paying for diamonds.  

The RING thing is just NY merchants (even if you buy it in mississippi) scaming you.  LOVE is forever.  Diamond rings come and go with the divorce.

Get a woman that loves YOU more than the stupid ring.   Of course I'm kinda practical and would NEVER Piss away hard earned money on a silly piece of jewelry.  Spend the savings on a washer and dryer - THAT has some value.

ETA - Don't be a sucker.  Spend only what you can afford - not one cent more.  When you've been married for 20 years and have SOME REAL money, then buy her another ring if she wants it.  Rings are soooo Stupid.  Unless you have PLENTY of money and want to MARK your TURF, a big ring is a total waste.   Be smart.

Actually in reality, Diamonds are forever.  If you have read anything about relationships in this forum its that love is fleeting.  Wives and GFs come and go.  The diamond is forever if you can get it back.  
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 8:25:59 PM EDT
My husband paid about $1500 for my engagement ring and about $100 for my wedding band.  I paid $150 for his wedding band.  
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 8:26:53 PM EDT
The one thing that no one has commented about is the status of the man.  Unfortunately in our society the pocketbook is what we are judged on.  The bigger the rock the more status that the purchasers possesses.  So if you can put a 3 karat rock on your wifes finger more power to you.  Doesnt mean a damn thing in reality but it demonstrates your station in life.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 8:31:12 PM EDT
25 years ago I was broke-dick poor. I put an engagement ring on lay-away and paid it off a week at a time.  Spent $300.  When we got married, we bought simple 14k gold bands for less than $100 each.

For our 10th, I got her a 5-diamond setting. Paid like $800 and she loves it.

Don't spend a lot of money better spent on housing or the kids college fund.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 8:32:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 8:33:28 PM EDT

The one thing that no one has commented about is the status of the man.  Unfortunately in our society the pocketbook is what we are judged on.  The bigger the rock the more status that the purchasers possesses.  So if you can put a 3 karat rock on your wifes finger more power to you.  Doesnt mean a damn thing in reality but it demonstrates your station in life.

How about who cares how many diamonds are on the ring?

My wife and I got married without rings, and, I got her a gold band a year in....

She bawled like a baby

Our rings were under 200 bucks, combined.

Mrs Goon is a south TX farmgirl.  I got her some goats and a bunch of plywood sheets.

That whole ring thing is such a man trap it's fucking unreal.

I'd suggest if you need to get your girl pretty rocks, you might be with  the wrong girl.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 8:38:22 PM EDT
Mine GF wanted a snowblower instead of a ring.  But what I was saying is that some guys get off on being able to get women high priced jewerly.  Its flexing the econmic hardon.  Unfortuately thats what a lot of our society value.
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 8:58:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2005 9:05:51 PM EDT

I don't care what level, classification, appraisal value, market price, size, weight, or cut a diamond is, it's still not worth owning.  
Link Posted: 12/11/2005 5:43:00 AM EDT


$6.5k for the engagement ring and just $650 for the wedding band.  I made decent money in Afghanistan last year.

The cool part is, her Dad paid for ALL of the wedding.  Just over $40k for everything.


40k down the toilet imho...that would have been a great start to a college fund...

No kids. And I don't see our horses or dogs going to college anytime soon. So there...

Link Posted: 12/11/2005 6:25:52 AM EDT
Diamonds are over-rated. I'd rather have a nice gun. We spent $90.00 total on 2 plain gold bands. BTW, I'm the wife.
Link Posted: 12/11/2005 6:36:10 AM EDT
One Christmas I spent about $2000 on a gold ring from CARTIER.
The next morning found me back at the shop returning it.
She made me return it and bought a ring for about $300.

I was and still am convinced that she is a keeper and this incident strengthened that belief.

Hopefully, I will be reporting my marriage within a few years on ar15.com
Link Posted: 12/11/2005 6:38:50 AM EDT
6K on the engagement, and 900 on the band.

Link Posted: 12/11/2005 6:43:40 AM EDT
Buy it from KAY jewlers see my topic in GD that I just posted as to why you should buy it there. AS for your grandmothers ring I personally woundnt do it because if it is ever splitsville you may not ever get the ring back. Thats just me but I dont know how good the history is with you too either.
Link Posted: 12/11/2005 6:44:46 AM EDT
Buy it from KAY jewlers see my topic in GD that I just posted as to why you should buy it there. AS for your grandmothers ring I personally woundnt do it because if it is ever splitsville you may not ever get the ring back. Thats just me but I dont know how good the history is with you too either.
Link Posted: 12/11/2005 6:53:21 AM EDT
How much..............Less than W_W, more than the rest  
Link Posted: 12/11/2005 7:03:32 AM EDT
I spent about $1200 on the band.  My mom gave me the stone from her ring to put in it.
Link Posted: 12/11/2005 7:04:00 AM EDT
About $4,000

At least I didn't have to make payments on it.
Link Posted: 12/11/2005 7:12:46 AM EDT
it all depends on the diamond.

We turned down a 1carat yellow diamond for a .5 carat white diamond for the same price.
The setting has 4 little white diamonds that total .5 carat. all set in a 18carat gold ring.

So for a "1 carat" ring I paid $2k.

ETA: The dealer had a 5 carat diamond that looked like sand on the desk, he wanted $250 for it. LOL!
Link Posted: 12/11/2005 7:14:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/11/2005 7:21:39 AM EDT
$6K on Engagement ring.  $250 Wedding band (simple with no stones)

I got the Engagement ring through Blue Nile and both wedding bands came from Mondera.  I saved a bunch of cash ordering online.  After visiting all of the local jewlers I wrote off all of the mall shops because I knew more than they did after a little research.  The only place I found that had employees that knew what they were talking about was at a family owned local jewler.  I wanted to buy from them and support local bussiness  but for them to match the same stone I got from Blue Nile it would cost over $10K.  I was nervous as hell making such a big purchase online but the ring came as described and I'm very happy with the purchase (so is the wife).

Oh, I also recommend spending time on Price Scope for research.  Great site.
Link Posted: 12/11/2005 8:47:12 AM EDT
$2400 Cash.
Link Posted: 12/11/2005 12:03:26 PM EDT


...  I'm much happier as a bachelor ...

curious.. what was it.. ...

...a near-flawless, certified 2.08 brilliant round in a platinum setting - I still have it, even though I was the one that called it quits.

Link Posted: 12/11/2005 12:51:43 PM EDT



...  I'm much happier as a bachelor ...

curious.. what was it.. ...

...a near-flawless, certified 2.08 brilliant round in a platinum setting - I still have it, even though I was the one that called it quits.


That's beautiful. man.  Was the center stone 2.08 or is that t.c.w.?  Do you rememer the color and clarity?
Link Posted: 12/11/2005 1:32:02 PM EDT
6500 is ridiculous.

i'm 21, and i promised myself i will never spend that much on something that useless.  i'll get her a nice ring, because its important to them.  but i refuse to spend that much on a ring.  i will not do it, period.

dont let people fool you into thinking that blowing your savings account means you love her more.  its bs.

on a somewhat side note, i hate diamond commercials because they tell guys that if you love her, you have to buy her something or you actually dont.  and then they see that shit and expect it.  its called business to them, they want to make $$.
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 9:28:31 AM EDT
Thousands of dollars... for an egagement / wedding ring???

I'm sorry, but I thought a ring was a "symbol of love" not a security deposit on it.

This thread should be titled "American Whores, and their Men Who Don't Understand The Dollar vs Peso Conversion Rate"

Link Posted: 12/12/2005 9:30:22 AM EDT
I got off easy. Wife had a diamond from her great aunt who never married but was engaged for the better part of her life. Her aunt wanted to see the diamond come to fruition.

The setting cost me $525.
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