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Link Posted: 12/12/2005 9:35:26 AM EDT
I JUST proposed to my girlfriend in Nov. I paid $6500.00 in total with taxes for the ring from Tiffany. By the looks of things I paid a lot compared to most people on here. She has said that she will be buying the wedding bands, from the same place.

In truth, I think I spent too much, esp. with Christmas comming up and a batchlors party I have to throw in May. Plus that amount of money would have made a better down payment on a house. In any case, she loves the ring and I love her.
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 9:36:31 AM EDT

Thousands of dollars... for an egagement / wedding ring???

I'm sorry, but I thought a ring was a "symbol of love" not a security deposit on it.

This thread should be titled "American Whores, and their Men Who Don't Understand The Dollar vs Peso Conversion Rate"

You get what you pay for.........if you date Ms. Material Girl you've already fucked yourself financially........a  $6k ring says "Hey everyone! Look at US! Look at ME!!"..........A real relationship is bought with genuine love - not money.

Yeah - people who do not love each for face value shouldnt be together.............Investing in a relationship takes time and genuine effort - its not as simple as a ring.......its not playing the Stock Market!

That much on a ring or a wedding!

..........I must ask.........

When do you all intend to sell your guns to support her Gucci habit??

Link Posted: 12/12/2005 9:36:39 AM EDT
Engagement ring ~$2200.  Loose stone + mount.

Wedding ring ~ $70.  Plain gold band.

Size vs quality is a decision you need to make.  I decided on a smaller, high quality stone vs. larger/less quality.

Two months salary is the industry recommendation = BS.  Spend what you can pay cash for comfortably.  Mine was about 2 weeks takehome salary.  
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 9:37:05 AM EDT
About $11,000.

Damn I coulda bought a class 3 weapon.  
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 9:39:58 AM EDT


Thousands of dollars... for an egagement / wedding ring???

I'm sorry, but I thought a ring was a "symbol of love" not a security deposit on it.

This thread should be titled "American Whores, and their Men Who Don't Understand The Dollar vs Peso Conversion Rate"

You get what you pay for.........if you date Ms. Material Girl you've already fucked yourself financially........a  $6k ring says "Hey everyone! Look at US! Look at ME!!"..........A real relationship is bought with genuine love - not money.

Yeah - people who do not love each for face value shouldnt be together.............Investing in a relationship takes time and genuine effort - its not as simple as a ring.......its not playing the Stock Market!

That much on a ring or a wedding!

..........I must ask.........

When do you all intend to sell your guns to support her Gucci habit??

I guess nothing says "PWN3D" like $10,000 on a ring, $20,000 on a wedding, and $30,000 on the divorce settlement.  
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 9:40:03 AM EDT
A lot.  

Link Posted: 12/12/2005 9:40:28 AM EDT
LOL at some of you guys who have bought the diamond industry's BS hook line and sinker.

Unless you are very, very wealthy it is wiser to take the money and put it into your future retirement or a downpayment for a home.  At the very least do not begin your life together by getting into credit card debt!!

An engagement ring is merely a token and a gesture and it does not mean you love her less if you don't spend a ridiculous amount of money.

My parents have a wonderful happy marriage (going on 40 years) and they never even bought an engagement ring at all.  They did, however, save carefully and they retired early.  
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 9:42:58 AM EDT
I paid about 3000 for engagement ring and band. Engagement ring is 1.5ct 3 stone and the band has a total of .5ct. You may think I am nuts but check Sams Club. Good prices and pretty good quality selections.
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 9:46:07 AM EDT
I didn't buy an engagement ring. I bought a two-piece wedding ring. White/Yellow gold with diamonds.

For an anniversary I bought a really nice necklace and bracelet that was very expensive, (at that time it was just shy of about 3 months income), and ya know what happened? She lost the bracelet less than six months after she got it, (still has the necklace).

For a Christmas present, one of the things I bought her was a higher quality european watch, two-tone, self winding, locking bracelet, (you know the kind). Well all I've heard about is nothing but bitching because it is self-winding and if she doesn't wear it for a couple of days, it stops running. Then she can't get the crown to unscrew to reset the day/time. So, I bought a watch winder, gave it to her, plugged it in and showed her how to use it. The damn thing collects dust, and is never plugged in.

I don't believe in expensive jewelry. I will buy myself another pistol before I spend any large sum of money on jewlery, and whatever is left over she can spend at walmart for socks and sweatpants.
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 9:49:34 AM EDT
The amount of money spent on wedding rings is inversely proportional to the length of time the marriage will last. (its true, studies have been done)

I spent $275.00 28 years ago. Still married to same wonderful woman.

My grandfathers spent about $5.00 apeice and they were married over 65 years each!

The moral of the story is that if a woman insists on you spending more that a few hundred bucks, get rid of her now! Otherwise, you will spend about 4 times as much on your divorce.
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 9:49:52 AM EDT
 I think my Dad did something special later in marriage for my mom's ring - ultimately the MOST manly thing my Dad every did was provide for a family - he paid off all the bills and worked so he could have the mortgage paid in full. My Mom didnt marry my Dad for the ring - she married him for his character. They are still happily married at over 27 years now......

Character - something I need more of personally - and something society has TRIED to replace with a Dollar Figure.

You can't buy true love or character. Its much more difficult then that.
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 9:56:27 AM EDT

How much..............Less than W_W, more than the rest  

Here is my wifes ring, still attached to her finger

The center is a 2.0 carat and Flanked byTwo  1.0 carat diamonds, The wedding band has eight  .15 carat diamonds both set in Platinum
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 10:00:46 AM EDT

The oft-repeated rule of thumb on engagement rings is two months' salary. Gulping for air? Don't worry--you really should just buy the nicest ring you can without overextending yourself, and shoot for quality over size. Research independent jewelers, consider resetting a family heirloom, and, above all else, remember not to lose perspective. The "yes" is a yes to you, after all, not to the rock.

Debeers  made that "rule of thumb" up out of thin air. It is a total crock. As are diamonds.
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 10:02:43 AM EDT
$4,200. The jeweler came back after he took my credit card, and said, "Bad news...........................................................the charge went through."     She never takes it off.
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 10:02:49 AM EDT
My husband borrowed $300 for mine.  I got the engagement ring a week before our wedding.  I had to repay the guy he borrowed money from five years later when I found out.  
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 10:14:35 AM EDT
I will be sending this link to my GF. It is a pretty darn good read.
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 10:21:57 AM EDT
Lets see, the first one ran around $1,500 in 1972. It was made into a cocktail ring in 1985.

The ones in 1995 was around $10K. Appraisal value then was around $16K. I bought it at a diamond whosaler shop.

The next one gets a cigar band.

And she'll love it too!
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 10:42:22 AM EDT
TOO DAMN MUCH!!! LOL!  Just under $4,000 for the engagement ring. She's worth it though. The ring is .80 carats, certified and has very high grades. I hand picked it from about 20 stones that I looked at, and she wanted a Tiffany setting, so that's what it was put into.
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 10:49:35 AM EDT

Link Posted: 12/12/2005 11:37:38 AM EDT
Spending outrages amounts of money on a ring is stupid and any woman who would ask you to do so is questionable. Take my advice, buy her a cubic zirconia. There is no way in hell that she will ever get the rock checked and if she does then she’s a gold digging whore and can’t be trusted.
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 11:40:03 AM EDT

$1500 15 years ago.

Best money I ever spent.

Link Posted: 12/12/2005 11:46:09 AM EDT

$1800 for an engagement ring twenty years ago.  I don't know what that would be in 2005 dollars.  The diamond was about .6 carat round with good color and clarity and a white gold solitare mount.  I would guess that would be $2500-$3500 today.  I would like to replace it with something over a carat, but I don't know if she would give up the one she has.

Inflation Calculator

What cost $1800 in 1985 would cost $3194.39 in 2005.

Also, if you were to buy exactly the same products in 2005 and 1985,
they would cost you $1800 and $1014.28 respectively.
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 11:51:37 AM EDT


How much..............Less than W_W, more than the rest  

Here is my wifes ring, still attached to her finger


The center is a 2.0 carat and Flanked byTwo  1.0 carat diamonds, The wedding band has eight  .15 carat diamonds both set in Platinum

WOW! You cut off the WHOLE hand!?!?

Link Posted: 12/12/2005 11:54:42 AM EDT
15k on engagement
2.5k on wedding

I'm getting married this spring.
She likes to shoot, what can I say.
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 11:56:47 AM EDT
$12,750.00 11 years ago.
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 11:58:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 12:00:47 PM EDT
Most I'd spend is $500-$1000. Big rocks do not a good marriage make. Personally I think I'd go with a simple titanium band and platinum ring.

Unless you're a millionaire and have the cash to blow, spending thousands and thousands of dollars on useless jewelry is a waste. If a $5,000-$10,000 ring and $20,000 wedding is what makes your wife happy, that speaks volumes about your wife. That money could be spent so much better on other things. Hell buy a full auto AR15. It'd be a hell of an investment.
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 12:01:08 PM EDT

The girlfriend and I have decided to get married sometime next year. She came home today and said she found a wedding band that she loves. It's $6200. I told her she's fooking nuts and if she doesn't get a grasp on how hard it is to make and save enough money to retire, she's gonna die penniless.

So.... please give me an idea on a good dollar limit for her on a wedding band. I have a diamond that was my great grandmothers that I'm going to have made into an engagement ring. Out of curiosity, what are typical engagement rings are going for now days.

If you want, IM me the specs on the ring. I can likely put together a similar ring, or at the very least get you the center stone for around a third of that price.

Zales and the like are a grossly overpriced joke.
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 12:06:55 PM EDT

The oft-repeated rule of thumb on engagement rings is two months' salary. Gulping for air? Don't worry--you really should just buy the nicest ring you can without overextending yourself, and shoot for quality over size. Research independent jewelers, consider resetting a family heirloom, and, above all else, remember not to lose perspective. The "yes" is a yes to you, after all, not to the rock.

Two months salary!  

No fucking way!  
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 12:07:09 PM EDT

The girlfriend and I have decided to get married sometime next year. She came home today and said she found a wedding band that she loves. It's $6200. I told her she's fooking nuts and if she doesn't get a grasp on how hard it is to make and save enough money to retire, she's gonna die penniless.

So.... please give me an idea on a good dollar limit for her on a wedding band. I have a diamond that was my great grandmothers that I'm going to have made into an engagement ring. Out of curiosity, what are typical engagement rings are going for now days.

WTF  a Wedding band for 6,200

Better get the prep h ready for the Engagemrnt ring.

BTW I paid 5,000 for 1.86 ct Engagement ring and 500 for wedding band
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 12:10:42 PM EDT
I bought it at an auction. Appraised at 23k and I paid about 7500.
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 12:18:57 PM EDT
$550.  The independent jeweler hand made the ring with a heart shaped opening at the top.  A small diamond chip is set into the heart.  The $110 band matches the lower profile of the heart.

My wife appreciates it because it didn't come out of a catalog, is unique, is pretty, and doesn't have a protruding stone to tear through rubber gloves she sometimes wears as a nurse.

Link Posted: 12/12/2005 12:58:13 PM EDT
I keep seeing posts that an expensive ring does not equal a long and happy marriage.  I have yet to see anyone here state that it does.  I have nice toys and wanted to get my wife something nice that she treasures.  I did so within my budget and glad that I did.  She would have said yes to a $20 ring, but that was not the point.
Link Posted: 12/12/2005 1:03:33 PM EDT

I keep seeing posts that an expensive ring does not equal a long and happy marriage.  I have yet to see anyone here state that it does.  I have nice toys and wanted to get my wife something nice that she treasures.  I did so within my budget and glad that I did.  She would have said yes to a $20 ring, but that was not the point.

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