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Link Posted: 12/25/2015 3:10:17 PM EDT
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  Microsoft disagrees with you..."your typed and handwritten words are collected,".

Microsoft also admits that they are collecting your first and last name, e-mail address, postal address, phone numbers, age, gender, and country. They collect your online account passwords, password hints, and other security information, credit card account numbers and security codes, internet searches and your interests and favourites, the names of all your contacts, the contents of your calendar, and the contents of private files.

They also admit to collecting your photos, videos, music, e-mails, instant messages, and Skype sessions. They monitor all the software and hardware you install on your system.

They also readily admit that they will use this information for their own purposes or disclose it to whomever they wish (government or third-party vendors).

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That and you got a Keylogger built in sending every thing you type to a Microsoft Database.

Who Smells the NSA on this ??

No one.  Because it's not true to begin with.

  Microsoft disagrees with you..."your typed and handwritten words are collected,".

Microsoft also admits that they are collecting your first and last name, e-mail address, postal address, phone numbers, age, gender, and country. They collect your online account passwords, password hints, and other security information, credit card account numbers and security codes, internet searches and your interests and favourites, the names of all your contacts, the contents of your calendar, and the contents of private files.

They also admit to collecting your photos, videos, music, e-mails, instant messages, and Skype sessions. They monitor all the software and hardware you install on your system.

They also readily admit that they will use this information for their own purposes or disclose it to whomever they wish (government or third-party vendors).


I seriously love you guys. No homo.
Link Posted: 12/25/2015 3:18:57 PM EDT
I turned on my desktop today, and there was a Dell screen says Welcome to Windows 10, with my name and asking for my password.  I always cancel any requests to go to Windows 10. I've heard nothing good about it. I looked in our computer forum but saw nothing specific to my problem ( those guys are way over my head anyway.) I've been sick as a dog for the last 5-6 days so I have not used my desktop. Escape or shift does nothing and there is no back or quit or no Thank you to click on.  I am stuck on this screen. Thanks Arfcom.
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So pretty much, this is you saying you don't like vagina.  Got it.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 1:59:55 AM EDT
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I thought it was only free for one year then you have to purchase the license?
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How dare Microsoft offer a free software upgrade to their current Windows 7 and 8.1 customers?  Who do they think they are, anyway?  Apple?

Install Classic Shell and get on with life...

I thought it was only free for one year then you have to purchase the license?

Free forever for the hardware you install it on during this year.  

Unless you wait past a year and don't upgrade, then you have to buy the license.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 2:02:22 AM EDT
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  Microsoft disagrees with you..."your typed and handwritten words are collected,".

Microsoft also admits that they are collecting your first and last name, e-mail address, postal address, phone numbers, age, gender, and country. They collect your online account passwords, password hints, and other security information, credit card account numbers and security codes, internet searches and your interests and favourites, the names of all your contacts, the contents of your calendar, and the contents of private files.

They also admit to collecting your photos, videos, music, e-mails, instant messages, and Skype sessions. They monitor all the software and hardware you install on your system.

They also readily admit that they will use this information for their own purposes or disclose it to whomever they wish (government or third-party vendors).

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Welcome to Windows 10.

It's safer and faster and really like Windows 7.

You have been assimilated.

That and you got a Keylogger built in sending every thing you type to a Microsoft Database.

Who Smells the NSA on this ??

No one.  Because it's not true to begin with.

  Microsoft disagrees with you..."your typed and handwritten words are collected,".

Microsoft also admits that they are collecting your first and last name, e-mail address, postal address, phone numbers, age, gender, and country. They collect your online account passwords, password hints, and other security information, credit card account numbers and security codes, internet searches and your interests and favourites, the names of all your contacts, the contents of your calendar, and the contents of private files.

They also admit to collecting your photos, videos, music, e-mails, instant messages, and Skype sessions. They monitor all the software and hardware you install on your system.

They also readily admit that they will use this information for their own purposes or disclose it to whomever they wish (government or third-party vendors).


Unless you turn it off.  Which is so ridiculously easy it's not even worth talking about.

You really think the NSA would have anything to do with that?  If you do I've got a bridge to sell you.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 11:34:25 AM EDT
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Unless you turn it off.  Which is so ridiculously easy it's not even worth talking about.

You really think the NSA would have anything to do with that?  If you do I've got a bridge to sell you.
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Welcome to Windows 10.

It's safer and faster and really like Windows 7.

You have been assimilated.

That and you got a Keylogger built in sending every thing you type to a Microsoft Database.

Who Smells the NSA on this ??

No one.  Because it's not true to begin with.

  Microsoft disagrees with you..."your typed and handwritten words are collected,".

Microsoft also admits that they are collecting your first and last name, e-mail address, postal address, phone numbers, age, gender, and country. They collect your online account passwords, password hints, and other security information, credit card account numbers and security codes, internet searches and your interests and favourites, the names of all your contacts, the contents of your calendar, and the contents of private files.

They also admit to collecting your photos, videos, music, e-mails, instant messages, and Skype sessions. They monitor all the software and hardware you install on your system.

They also readily admit that they will use this information for their own purposes or disclose it to whomever they wish (government or third-party vendors).


Unless you turn it off.  Which is so ridiculously easy it's not even worth talking about.

You really think the NSA would have anything to do with that?  If you do I've got a bridge to sell you.

No it's not easy.  The settings in the user interface are deceiving, as several specialized article demonstrated and other posters here demonstrated that Win 10 keeps sending information back to Microsoft despite the user has "turned everything off".   To turn it off requires many other "under the hood" tweaks and even then we cannot be sure that they will not be cancelled by some of the updates, now mandatory.

For the users who do not care to be some rat labs Win 10 can be good.  However, for the ones who want to still control what their PCs do and when they do it, Win 10 is not the way to go.

Link Posted: 12/26/2015 11:34:58 AM EDT
Fuck Windows 10! Damn it to hell!
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 11:52:13 AM EDT
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I agree.  Having to spend an hour researching and typing random lines of code in the terminal just to watch Netflix on Linux left a bad taste in my mouth.  That and trying to set up Linux Mint to work kind of like windows with the fixed dock at the bottom and everything wasn't too hard.  But sometimes the buttons wouldn't work, and always seemed finicky, I gave up on it.
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Having to use Linux for our HBSS, I disagree.

Linux is neat-o keen for folks who like to tinker.

For the majority of folks?   No.

I agree.  Having to spend an hour researching and typing random lines of code in the terminal just to watch Netflix on Linux left a bad taste in my mouth.  That and trying to set up Linux Mint to work kind of like windows with the fixed dock at the bottom and everything wasn't too hard.  But sometimes the buttons wouldn't work, and always seemed finicky, I gave up on it.

Shouldn't have to do anything to watch Netflix on Linux outside of installing Chrome, provided you're on an Ubuntu variant:

Link Posted: 12/26/2015 12:26:48 PM EDT
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No it's not easy.  The settings in the user interface are deceiving, as several specialized article demonstrated and other posters here demonstrated that Win 10 keeps sending information back to Microsoft despite the user has "turned everything off".   To turn it off requires many other "under the hood" tweaks and even then we cannot be sure that they will not be cancelled by some of the updates, now mandatory.

For the users who do not care to be some rat labs Win 10 can be good.  However, for the ones who want to still control what their PCs do and when they do it, Win 10 is not the way to go.

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That and you got a Keylogger built in sending every thing you type to a Microsoft Database.

Who Smells the NSA on this ??

No one.  Because it's not true to begin with.

  Microsoft disagrees with you..."your typed and handwritten words are collected,".

Microsoft also admits that they are collecting your first and last name, e-mail address, postal address, phone numbers, age, gender, and country. They collect your online account passwords, password hints, and other security information, credit card account numbers and security codes, internet searches and your interests and favourites, the names of all your contacts, the contents of your calendar, and the contents of private files.

They also admit to collecting your photos, videos, music, e-mails, instant messages, and Skype sessions. They monitor all the software and hardware you install on your system.

They also readily admit that they will use this information for their own purposes or disclose it to whomever they wish (government or third-party vendors).


Unless you turn it off.  Which is so ridiculously easy it's not even worth talking about.

You really think the NSA would have anything to do with that?  If you do I've got a bridge to sell you.

No it's not easy.  The settings in the user interface are deceiving, as several specialized article demonstrated and other posters here demonstrated that Win 10 keeps sending information back to Microsoft despite the user has "turned everything off".   To turn it off requires many other "under the hood" tweaks and even then we cannot be sure that they will not be cancelled by some of the updates, now mandatory.

For the users who do not care to be some rat labs Win 10 can be good.  However, for the ones who want to still control what their PCs do and when they do it, Win 10 is not the way to go.

Yes, it actually is easy.

Regardless, feel free to be happy living in the dark ages, but eventually you're not going to have much of a choice but to upgrade, conspiracy theories or not.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 12:42:29 PM EDT
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Yes, it actually is easy.

Regardless, feel free to be happy living in the dark ages, but eventually you're not going to have much of a choice but to upgrade, conspiracy theories or not.
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I do wonder if any of these folks have accounts with Dropbox, Gmail, Youtube, Amazon, Netflix, etc...

ETA: Or use a Apple, Android, or RIM smartphone.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 1:05:33 PM EDT

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Page 2 says Mac
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I'd rather spend $300 for a cheap PC vs $1,300 for a cheap Mac.

Link Posted: 12/26/2015 1:18:36 PM EDT
Resistance is Futile.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 1:33:46 PM EDT
I bought a new SSD and fresh installed Windows 10 and then my wifi PCI card wouldn't reconnect after sleep, would take a full reset to get it working again.  Did the usual stuff, turned off power saving, reinstalled drivers from Asus, nothing changed it.

So I just reinstalled Win 8.1 (w/ Classic shell) and wifi works fine again, disabled and hid the Win 10 nags / updated.

I'll give it another year or so to mature.  Some other things that were annoying like the Xbox nag window when you start up a game, but can't disable unless I sign into my non-existent Xbox account.  Solved that by uninstalling the Xbox app via powershell.

Every release there's more and more things that you have to do to a vanilla install to make it usable.  In Win 8 it was having to install classic shell so you don't have to use the metro garbage, in Win 10 you need to uninstall all the integrated apps & Microsoft spyware.

Link Posted: 12/26/2015 1:38:35 PM EDT
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I bought a new SSD and fresh installed Windows 10 and then my wifi PCI card wouldn't reconnect after sleep, would take a full reset to get it working again.  Did the usual stuff, turned off power saving, reinstalled drivers from Asus, nothing changed it.

So I just reinstalled Win 8.1 (w/ Classic shell) and wifi works fine again, disabled and hid the Win 10 nags / updated.

I'll give it another year or so to mature.  Some other things that were annoying like the Xbox nag window when you start up a game, but can't disable unless I sign into my non-existent Xbox account.  Solved that by uninstalling the Xbox app via powershell.

Every release there's more and more things that you have to do to a vanilla install to make it usable.  In Win 8 it was having to install classic shell so you don't have to use the metro garbage, in Win 10 you need to uninstall all the integrated apps & Microsoft spyware.

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As opposed to Linux?
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 1:38:56 PM EDT
I like it.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 1:51:26 PM EDT
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Or just uninstall , then hide the following updates:


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Careful, I had KB3035583 uninstalled and hidden and MS did something to unhide it!  I had to go back in a re-hide it.

I am running Windows 7 on VMWare Fusion on OS X.   I only need it for a couple programs and I definitely need to avoid Windows 10.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 2:01:58 PM EDT
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Funny how that 'unifying' only became important the first time there was a windows version that got lots of bad press for being SPYWARE..

Total coincidence
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Microsoft must be really desperate to get people assimilated, err... using Windows 10 at all costs that it even created sneaky subterfuges like making Win 7 or 8 download that thing in the background and upgrading without first asking permission to the user.

That tells volumes about the company's intentions and the people there behind this stuff.

How dare they want to unify development efforts instead of supporting 7 different Windows variants!

Funny how that 'unifying' only became important the first time there was a windows version that got lots of bad press for being SPYWARE..

Total coincidence

Link Posted: 12/26/2015 2:08:24 PM EDT
I wouldn't mind Windows 10 if it could keep track of the fucking default network gateway on a cable modem that is hard wired to my goddamn PC

The default appearance is also not to my liking but since I mostly surf the Interwebz with my PC the constant failures to maintain a connection really piss me off.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 2:10:02 PM EDT
I just got a new laptop with 10, and frankly I love it.

Upgraded my old one from 8.1, and now my old laptop doesn't suck either.

Oh well, I guess microsoft knows about me what they can already find on google with about 30 seconds worth of work.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 2:26:21 PM EDT

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As opposed to Linux?
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I bought a new SSD and fresh installed Windows 10 and then my wifi PCI card wouldn't reconnect after sleep, would take a full reset to get it working again.  Did the usual stuff, turned off power saving, reinstalled drivers from Asus, nothing changed it.

So I just reinstalled Win 8.1 (w/ Classic shell) and wifi works fine again, disabled and hid the Win 10 nags / updated.

I'll give it another year or so to mature.  Some other things that were annoying like the Xbox nag window when you start up a game, but can't disable unless I sign into my non-existent Xbox account.  Solved that by uninstalling the Xbox app via powershell.

Every release there's more and more things that you have to do to a vanilla install to make it usable.  In Win 8 it was having to install classic shell so you don't have to use the metro garbage, in Win 10 you need to uninstall all the integrated apps & Microsoft spyware.

As opposed to Linux?

You can install most flavors of linux without a GUI and then add what you want from there.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 2:28:59 PM EDT
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  You can install most flavors of linux without a GUI and then add what you want from there.
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I bought a new SSD and fresh installed Windows 10 and then my wifi PCI card wouldn't reconnect after sleep, would take a full reset to get it working again.  Did the usual stuff, turned off power saving, reinstalled drivers from Asus, nothing changed it.

So I just reinstalled Win 8.1 (w/ Classic shell) and wifi works fine again, disabled and hid the Win 10 nags / updated.

I'll give it another year or so to mature.  Some other things that were annoying like the Xbox nag window when you start up a game, but can't disable unless I sign into my non-existent Xbox account.  Solved that by uninstalling the Xbox app via powershell.

Every release there's more and more things that you have to do to a vanilla install to make it usable.  In Win 8 it was having to install classic shell so you don't have to use the metro garbage, in Win 10 you need to uninstall all the integrated apps & Microsoft spyware.

As opposed to Linux?

  You can install most flavors of linux without a GUI and then add what you want from there.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but wouldn't this fall under the heading of "things you have to do to a vanilla install to make it usable"?
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 2:32:41 PM EDT
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lol @ OP thinking freedom of choice has any application outside of a societal philosophy for government.  

The rest of the factors of society are a dictatorship, you want Windows 7? Welcome to Windows 10!  

Hopefully you're not just now realizing the world worked that way.
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free market. MS can attempt to shove shit products down customer throats, but in the end they will lose money. Example: Windows 7. Example: cable tv
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 4:17:57 PM EDT
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I wouldn't mind Windows 10 if it could keep track of the fucking default network gateway on a cable modem that is hard wired to my goddamn PC

The default appearance is also not to my liking but since I mostly surf the Interwebz with my PC the constant failures to maintain a connection really piss me off.
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Which can easily be fixed by setting the network provider order under network settings and/or tweaking driver options on your shitty off-brand network card.  Just like every Windows since Vista, as they all share the same base architecture.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 4:26:38 PM EDT
No video driver for my AMD embedded display card.  Can't get the dual screen to work, just clone mode.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 5:15:44 PM EDT
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I do wonder if any of these folks have accounts with Dropbox, Gmail, Youtube, Amazon, Netflix, etc...

ETA: Or use a Apple, Android, or RIM smartphone.
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Yes, it actually is easy.

Regardless, feel free to be happy living in the dark ages, but eventually you're not going to have much of a choice but to upgrade, conspiracy theories or not.

I do wonder if any of these folks have accounts with Dropbox, Gmail, Youtube, Amazon, Netflix, etc...

ETA: Or use a Apple, Android, or RIM smartphone.

Of course not. They're all Opsec ninjas that live completely off the grid. Except when they post here of course.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 5:23:43 PM EDT
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free market. MS can attempt to shove shit products down customer throats, but in the end they will lose money. Example: Windows 7. Example: cable tv
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lol @ OP thinking freedom of choice has any application outside of a societal philosophy for government.  

The rest of the factors of society are a dictatorship, you want Windows 7? Welcome to Windows 10!  

Hopefully you're not just now realizing the world worked that way.

free market. MS can attempt to shove shit products down customer throats, but in the end they will lose money. Example: Windows 7. Example: cable tv

I have been using Windows since version 3.11 and never before has it tried to automatically update itself to the next version for free. That means the revenue stream is switching from people buying the product, to them selling your data (for instance Google's business model).

This opens up the door to all kinds of unwanted features and upgrades and ads in the future if they successfully move Windows onto this business model.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 5:24:58 PM EDT
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I have been using Windows since version 3.11 and never before has it tried to automatically update itself for free. That means the revenue stream is switching from people buying the product, to them selling your data (for instance Google's business model).

This opens up the door to all kinds of unwanted features and upgrades and ads in the future if they successfully move Windows onto this business model.
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lol @ OP thinking freedom of choice has any application outside of a societal philosophy for government.  

The rest of the factors of society are a dictatorship, you want Windows 7? Welcome to Windows 10!  

Hopefully you're not just now realizing the world worked that way.

free market. MS can attempt to shove shit products down customer throats, but in the end they will lose money. Example: Windows 7. Example: cable tv

I have been using Windows since version 3.11 and never before has it tried to automatically update itself for free. That means the revenue stream is switching from people buying the product, to them selling your data (for instance Google's business model).

This opens up the door to all kinds of unwanted features and upgrades and ads in the future if they successfully move Windows onto this business model.

Link Posted: 12/26/2015 5:25:53 PM EDT
My new laptop came with it. No complaints so far.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 5:26:41 PM EDT
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lol @ OP thinking freedom of choice has any application outside of a societal philosophy for government.  

The rest of the factors of society are a dictatorship, you want Windows 7? Welcome to Windows 10!  

Hopefully you're not just now realizing the world worked that way.

free market. MS can attempt to shove shit products down customer throats, but in the end they will lose money. Example: Windows 7. Example: cable tv

I have been using Windows since version 3.11 and never before has it tried to automatically update itself for free. That means the revenue stream is switching from people buying the product, to them selling your data (for instance Google's business model).

This opens up the door to all kinds of unwanted features and upgrades and ads in the future if they successfully move Windows onto this business model.


A true IT professional standing above the uneducated hordes on this board. Even the avatar screams "Subject Matter Expert"! I feel thoroughly outclassed
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 5:27:27 PM EDT
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A true IT professional standing above the uneducated hordes on this board. Even the avatar screams "Subject Matter Expert"! I feel thoroughly outclassed
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I'm 5'7".
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 5:29:07 PM EDT
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Yup. There were a lot of drivers that didn't work with Win10 when it was first released. It wasn't Win10, it was the companies that didn't update their drivers to run under Win10 code.

Most of those driver issues have since been remedied.
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/edit to the people saying that their software/apps work like shit or don't work on 10 when they did on 7,

ok, sure.gif

In my case there is a definite Windows 10 incompatibility between either the drivers and or software currently on one particular Toshiba laptop (a P755 model running Windows 7) or with the way the hard drive is formatted with hidden recovery partitions. Each time, I've tried twice, that I've tried to upgrade to Windows 10 on that laptop, post upgrade the computer's hard drive goes crazy for more than 30 solid minutes as if its scanning for files/data after one or two reboots. The taskbar/start button freezes after some sort of Windows 10 Update is installed post upgrade and doesn't work until the computer is forced rebooted. The computer takes as long if not longer to boot into Windows 10 than it did under Windows 7. Pauses on a black screen during boot for some reason before continuing. The worst problem and reason I rolled back was many of the Microsoft "apps", and the Microsoft Store App itself were corrupted and failed to load. None of the Googled fixes worked. The corrupted/missing apps also caused missing tiles on the Start Menu.

I have none of those problems if I install Windows 10 clean to a blank hard drive on that same laptop.

Yup. There were a lot of drivers that didn't work with Win10 when it was first released. It wasn't Win10, it was the companies that didn't update their drivers to run under Win10 code.

Most of those driver issues have since been remedied.

Well then Screw LG.  My superduper DVD burner worked alike a champ in Windows 7, but as soon as I did the Windows 10 upgrade that drive disappeared from the system and I can't get it seen in any way shape or form...

Link Posted: 12/26/2015 5:31:01 PM EDT
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I'm 5'7".
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A true IT professional standing above the uneducated hordes on this board. Even the avatar screams "Subject Matter Expert"! I feel thoroughly outclassed

I'm 5'7".

Its funny how I hit the nail on the head with this

"I have been using Windows since version 3.11 and never before has it tried to automatically update itself to the next version for free. That means the revenue stream is switching from people buying the product, to them selling your data (for instance Google's business model).

This opens up the door to all kinds of unwanted features and upgrades and ads in the future if they successfully move Windows onto this business model. "

And now people come along to post pictures, remove the quote from the tree, and try to slide it back so people cant see it. Happens in Syria threads also.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 5:31:03 PM EDT
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Well then Screw LG.  My superduper DVD burner worked alike a champ in Windows 7, but as soon as I did the Windows 10 upgrade that drive disappeared from the system and I can't get it seen in any way shape or form...

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I used a LG drive to do a bare metal install of Win10 on the new family computer.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 5:31:58 PM EDT
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Well then Screw LG.  My superduper DVD burner worked alike a champ in Windows 7, but as soon as I did the Windows 10 upgrade that drive disappeared from the system and I can't get it seen in any way shape or form...

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/edit to the people saying that their software/apps work like shit or don't work on 10 when they did on 7,

ok, sure.gif

In my case there is a definite Windows 10 incompatibility between either the drivers and or software currently on one particular Toshiba laptop (a P755 model running Windows 7) or with the way the hard drive is formatted with hidden recovery partitions. Each time, I've tried twice, that I've tried to upgrade to Windows 10 on that laptop, post upgrade the computer's hard drive goes crazy for more than 30 solid minutes as if its scanning for files/data after one or two reboots. The taskbar/start button freezes after some sort of Windows 10 Update is installed post upgrade and doesn't work until the computer is forced rebooted. The computer takes as long if not longer to boot into Windows 10 than it did under Windows 7. Pauses on a black screen during boot for some reason before continuing. The worst problem and reason I rolled back was many of the Microsoft "apps", and the Microsoft Store App itself were corrupted and failed to load. None of the Googled fixes worked. The corrupted/missing apps also caused missing tiles on the Start Menu.

I have none of those problems if I install Windows 10 clean to a blank hard drive on that same laptop.

Yup. There were a lot of drivers that didn't work with Win10 when it was first released. It wasn't Win10, it was the companies that didn't update their drivers to run under Win10 code.

Most of those driver issues have since been remedied.

Well then Screw LG.  My superduper DVD burner worked alike a champ in Windows 7, but as soon as I did the Windows 10 upgrade that drive disappeared from the system and I can't get it seen in any way shape or form...


I have 2 LG dvd burners since win7 and nary a problem with them in win10

Link Posted: 12/26/2015 5:32:17 PM EDT
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Its funny how I hit the nail on the head with this

"I have been using Windows since version 3.11 and never before has it tried to automatically update itself to the next version for free. That means the revenue stream is switching from people buying the product, to them selling your data (for instance Google's business model).

This opens up the door to all kinds of unwanted features and upgrades and ads in the future if they successfully move Windows onto this business model. "

And now people come along to post pictures, remove the quote from the tree, and try to slide it back so people cant see it. Happens in Syria threads also.
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What exactly should I be walking back?
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 5:52:01 PM EDT

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Correct me if I'm wrong here, but wouldn't this fall under the heading of "things you have to do to a vanilla install to make it usable"?
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  You can install most flavors of linux without a GUI and then add what you want from there.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but wouldn't this fall under the heading of "things you have to do to a vanilla install to make it usable"?


Difference betwixt building an engine from hand-selected parts, and buying a crate engine that won't function without adding random after-market parts.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 6:00:48 PM EDT
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Difference betwixt building an engine from hand-selected parts, and buying a crate engine that won't function without adding random after-market parts.
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  You can install most flavors of linux without a GUI and then add what you want from there.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but wouldn't this fall under the heading of "things you have to do to a vanilla install to make it usable"?


Difference betwixt building an engine from hand-selected parts, and buying a crate engine that won't function without adding random after-market parts.

Now you're just being obtuse. I have to assume you are viewing Linux as your "hand-built" option which actually belies your hitherto unstated opinion which is in no way relevant to the thread.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 6:13:00 PM EDT

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Now you're just being obtuse. I have to assume you are viewing Linux as your "hand-built" option which actually belies your hitherto unstated opinion which is in no way relevant to the thread.
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  You can install most flavors of linux without a GUI and then add what you want from there.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but wouldn't this fall under the heading of "things you have to do to a vanilla install to make it usable"?


Difference betwixt building an engine from hand-selected parts, and buying a crate engine that won't function without adding random after-market parts.

Now you're just being obtuse. I have to assume you are viewing Linux as your "hand-built" option which actually belies your hitherto unstated opinion which is in no way relevant to the thread.

My opinion is that OP shouldn't settle for massively invasive proprietary software when there are better options, both in function and privacy.

Link Posted: 12/26/2015 6:20:09 PM EDT
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LOL that is not caused by Windows 10. That is caused by a browser hijack that you picked somewhere along the way. Download Malwarebytes and run a scan to see what it finds. After it finds and removes the browser hijack, boot Windows into safe mode, see this link for how to enter Windows 10 safe mode, then run another Malwarebytes can and remove anything it finds.
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Everythiing seems to work fine except Google Chrome.  Google Chrome is a constant stream of virus warning, adware warning, malicious site warnings, outgoing data warnings (which I'd never seen before) and it switches screens/pages on me without warning or control constantly.

LOL that is not caused by Windows 10. That is caused by a browser hijack that you picked somewhere along the way. Download Malwarebytes and run a scan to see what it finds. After it finds and removes the browser hijack, boot Windows into safe mode, see this link for how to enter Windows 10 safe mode, then run another Malwarebytes can and remove anything it finds.

I've got Malwarebytes premium running.  It says everything is alright.  However, this issue only popped up when I installed windows 10.  Prior to that installation, google chrome worked fine.

I'll give your suggestion a try though.  I'm willing to try anything that might help.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 6:23:34 PM EDT
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  My opinion is that OP shouldn't settle for massively invasive proprietary software when there are better options, both in function and privacy.
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Your preference is for an operating system whose function is restricted to only those capabilities which you specifically desire or explicitly allow. All of which is good and well, just don't mistake that preference for being aligned with the desires of the general user community. Also don't try to pass off consumer-grade Linux variants as meeting that criteria, as you say, "vanilla out of the box".
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 6:24:49 PM EDT

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Why don't you want to upgrade to 10? I've had nothing but a positive experience using it on my gaming rig.
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I just bought a couple of games from Steam......not compatable with

with Win 10.

Going be to be awhile for me.  Plus it says my wifi antenna won't work anymore.

Link Posted: 12/26/2015 6:28:01 PM EDT
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I let my son talk me into downloading it
I am about to put this computer back to the factory settings (Windows eight, which is not that great)
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Eight gets much better with classicshell installed.  It still isnt Win7, but its at least tolerable.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 6:30:04 PM EDT
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Doesn't matter what you want if you can't log in to your computer.

ANY steps you might take to downgrade or whatever all start with logging in.  Short of formatting and reinstalling from media.

For what it's worth if you "haven't heard anything good about it" you haven't been paying attention.  It is a fine OS.
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I do not want Windows 10. Not too cryptic.

Doesn't matter what you want if you can't log in to your computer.

ANY steps you might take to downgrade or whatever all start with logging in.  Short of formatting and reinstalling from media.

For what it's worth if you "haven't heard anything good about it" you haven't been paying attention.  It is a fine OS.

It's not a "fine OS".  It works, sure, but the amount of information it sends back to MS is ridiculous.   If you want to see it for yourself, install and run a wireshark capture.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 6:31:01 PM EDT
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I uninstalled KB3035583 because I was sick of Microsoft trying to molest my computer with unwanted aids.

Once windows 7 becomes obsolete I guess I'll have to put more effort into figuring out how to get linux and wine to play nice with all of my windows based games.

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You can get pretty close to Win7 using Win8.1 with classicshell installed.   Should keep you going a little longer.
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 6:32:58 PM EDT
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I've been liking it.
It is a lot like 7 in terms of finding settings, where things are located, etc.
It doesn't have the gay ass "apps" start menu. It's been just fine in my book.
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That's all needed to hear. I'm going to try it free
Link Posted: 12/26/2015 6:33:58 PM EDT
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It's not a "fine OS".  It works, sure, but the amount of information it sends back to MS is ridiculous.   If you want to see it for yourself, install and run a wireshark capture.
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I do not want Windows 10. Not too cryptic.

Doesn't matter what you want if you can't log in to your computer.

ANY steps you might take to downgrade or whatever all start with logging in.  Short of formatting and reinstalling from media.

For what it's worth if you "haven't heard anything good about it" you haven't been paying attention.  It is a fine OS.

It's not a "fine OS".  It works, sure, but the amount of information it sends back to MS is ridiculous.   If you want to see it for yourself, install and run a wireshark capture.

We've already done that one.
Link Posted: 12/27/2015 8:45:01 AM EDT
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I do not want Windows 10. Not too cryptic.

Doesn't matter what you want if you can't log in to your computer.

ANY steps you might take to downgrade or whatever all start with logging in.  Short of formatting and reinstalling from media.

For what it's worth if you "haven't heard anything good about it" you haven't been paying attention.  It is a fine OS.

It's not a "fine OS".  It works, sure, but the amount of information it sends back to MS is ridiculous.   If you want to see it for yourself, install and run a wireshark capture.

We've already done that one.

Yeah there are several other GD threads including that one that cover how to disable most of the Windows 10 data collection and telemetry. Same bitching about Microsoft in this one was done in all of those too.. And that same bitching was done in the few threads in GD on how to prevent Windows 7, 8, 8.1 from being upgraded to Windows 10 too.

Guess it has to be said again... Don't want Windows 10? Then don't upgrade, use the previously mentioned (several times I'm sure) GWX Control Panel stand alone program. Use that program to remove the KB that pesters the user to upgrade and will remove the Windows 10 Upgrade download folder too.

If you do install Windows 10 there are various programs to help the user reduce the amount of data collection and telemetry reporting. O&O ShutUp10 seems to be a popular one. While MS apparently embedded some of the telemetry reporting into DLLs which make blocking it at the OS level a bit difficult, if one is knowledgeable enough and spends a few minutes googling (or reading past threads on Windows 10 here in GD) they can find ways to block that reporting via their broadband router/gateway.

Don't like being monitored? Then don't go online where your monitored, often by even one's own broadband provider, and by most other websites one visits. Don't want to be monitored? Don't use Google or their products/search engine. Don't want to be monitored? Use end to end VPN. Don't want to be monitored? Don't use a smartphone, don't use Siri, OK Google Now, etc. Period. The reality is that most of one's activity online or their activity with their mobile devices is being monetized. Yes it sucks that MS is doing this, but they are not the first nor the last to monetize the end user. I'll bet those who bitch the loudest about Microsoft monetizing the Windows 10 user are probably voluntarily monetizing themselves without even realizing it in their every day life. How many people have dealer badges or license plates that advertise the dealership where one purchased their car? How many wear clothing (like tee shirts) that advertises the clothing maker or some other business? How many gun owners wear clothing or have bumper stickers on their vehicles that advertise for the NRA, gun manufacturers, etc?
Link Posted: 12/28/2015 1:17:03 PM EDT
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I have none of those problems if I install Windows 10 clean to a blank hard drive on that same laptop.
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Then I'd have to say the issue is with the original hard drive, not the laptop...
Link Posted: 12/28/2015 1:19:10 PM EDT
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/edit to the people saying that their software/apps work like shit or don't work on 10 when they did on 7,

ok, sure.gif

Solidworks 2014

The average user will not be using those programs.  

Link Posted: 12/28/2015 1:19:52 PM EDT
This thread is awesome.
Link Posted: 12/28/2015 1:22:19 PM EDT
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Eight gets much better with classicshell installed.  It still isnt Win7, but its at least tolerable.
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I let my son talk me into downloading it
I am about to put this computer back to the factory settings (Windows eight, which is not that great)

Eight gets much better with classicshell installed.  It still isnt Win7, but its at least tolerable.

Win8 is better in every way OTHER than the UI than Win7.     I'm not sure what this "memory hole" is, that's news to me.
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