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Link Posted: 5/17/2013 6:15:57 AM EDT
Sweet tea is awesome.
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 6:16:59 AM EDT
half and half
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 6:19:13 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 6:33:57 AM EDT

tried a sample of that a few weeks ago. it was totally nasty. almost like some northern person tried to come up with something kind of like sweet tea but failed horribly

now real southern sweet tea is one cup of sugar in a gallon of tea. hadn't had any sweet tea in over two months and i still miss it.

Link Posted: 5/17/2013 6:37:49 AM EDT

tried a sample of that a few weeks ago. it was totally nasty. almost like some northern person tried to come up with something kind of like sweet tea but failed horribly

now real southern sweet tea is one cup of sugar in a gallon of tea. hadn't had any sweet tea in over two months and i still miss it.

you a diabetic and cuttin back on sugar or something? that seems like a small amount to me
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 6:39:33 AM EDT
Either straight or lightly sweetened with saccharine. Sugar sweetened tea is terrible for your teeth.
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 6:43:06 AM EDT
Unsweet tea tastes like strange water. Didn't know people drank it

Unsweetened tea is good hot but cold it is nasty.
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 6:43:43 AM EDT
I like both but prefer a bit of sweetness
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 6:46:28 AM EDT
Unsweet tea is the drink of New England liberals

Southern sweet tea is a putrid, vile beverage. No wonder you guys are all 500 lbs

Link Posted: 5/17/2013 6:51:36 AM EDT
Sweet tea, that's the only kind there is. It's not the same if you add sugar once it's cold, and fuck you to the Denny's waitress in Phoenix, AZ, who thought "sweet tea" meant raspberry tea.

There is a reason why artificial raspberry flavored food tastes like ass.


Castoreum comes out of a beaver’s behind – it’s extracted from their anal glands — and is used to make artificial raspberry flavoring. Try not to think about that next time you order the diet raspberry tea.

Found in: Artificially raspberry flavored products such as cheap ice cream, Jell-O, candy, fruit flavored drinks, teas and yogurts.
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 7:07:08 AM EDT
I don't see how people can drink sweet tea.  Shit is nasty, might as well drink coke.

Should be nice and strong, cold, no ice.  The way God intended.
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 7:11:28 AM EDT
Sun tea. Three ingredients. Sun, Tea leaves, Water.

The perfect trifecta.

Only made sweeter by my lovin' care.

Link Posted: 5/17/2013 7:32:42 AM EDT
Can't stand sweet tea. I like my tea like I like my women, bitter.

My SO says this all the time....and he's from the south!!!

Link Posted: 5/17/2013 7:44:24 AM EDT
Sweet tea, motherfucker.




Don't like sweet tea??    Fucking commie
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 8:31:22 AM EDT
Unsweet, a gallon a day.

Link Posted: 5/17/2013 8:32:11 AM EDT
Sweet or you're communist. I see there are a lot of bitter tea drinking dirty commies in this thread.
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 8:34:51 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 8:42:19 AM EDT
Here in the south sweet tea is the only tea.  Its actually more like kool aid but we like it!
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 8:43:41 AM EDT
Sweet tea, motherfucker.

Link Posted: 5/17/2013 10:09:31 AM EDT
I don't squat to pee.

Don't f'n candy-ass my tea up!

Sun tea.  what kinda man adds sugar to his tea, coffee?

My lemon-aide has just a little sugar.
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 10:11:13 AM EDT
Sun tea.

Link Posted: 5/17/2013 10:15:44 AM EDT
I only drink hot tea.
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 10:55:46 AM EDT
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

There is a direct link between sweet tea drinking and liberty loving gun people.

Look at any voting map of the US, and then look at the liberty of those states and cities. It's plain to see.

Now, look where the unsweetened black brine drinkers live, and even worse the drinkers of hot , unsweetened ditch water. There are more nut jobs , rainbow waving turd packers( no offense, it's a joke ), and groups of vile human wretchedness, and commies. The prevailing theory is that these sorts of people congregate to these cesspools because it is much easier for them to get hot or unsweetened tea. This joke of a drink actually retards their thinking.

The proof of that concept, is to look at the majority of people that leave those places, and head to a free, sweet tea state.

The ones that start drinking sweet , cold Iced Tea, also start to embrace other conservative values. They stop voting for commies, and they start partaking in shooting and gun ownership. They even start eating grits the right way, with salt and butter.

The ones that come to our free states, and stick to their ways, like continuing to primarily drink coffee, or hot and even cold unsweetened tea, also constantly remind everyone how good it was back "Up there" , and are bitter to the core. They still put sugar on grits if they eat them at all, and sometimes they even eat hot cereal. WTF people. That's smashed and soggy cardboard. They vote democrat, get on city councils, and home owner associations, and typically try to run every detail of everyone else's lives.

It's a known fact that I'm right, so don't even try to argue. There are exceptions to every rule of course. I mean, even some of the good transplants that drink sweet tea and shoot, and eat grits with sugar and salt. They'll slip up and say retarded stuff like " Hey you'ze guys."

It's ok, we still like them. Even the homosexuals and deviants are ok once they start drinking sweet tea. We got one that moved down here that floated like a butterfly. I mean flamboyant and open. He was really, really, proud.
A few months of drinking sweet tea, his nuts must have dropped. His voice got deeper, and he started driving pickup trucks, listening to country music and metal too. He got a job working on cars, and got a girlfriend. A real girlfriend. One that was born and raised here, with witnesses to the fact that she was indeed properly equipped and proficient in the use of said equipment.

They got married and started a family. Today, he's a conservative, gun owner, shooter, church going,  true to life heterosexual. And all because of sweet iced tea.

Some say it was his wife's stunning abilities to use her feminine love glove and bouncy bits, and that might be partly true, but those of us that know her well, also know that she makes the best super sweet iced tea in town.

Link Posted: 5/17/2013 11:06:23 AM EDT
Sun tea. Three ingredients. Sun, Tea leaves, Water.

The perfect trifecta.

Only made sweeter by my lovin' care.

Link Posted: 5/17/2013 11:31:08 AM EDT
I've walked out of quite of few restaurants that didn't serve sweet tea. Was stuck in a montana hellhole for 4 years and they thought that I was bullshitting about sweet tea. I always hate having to drive north to yankeeland, or west to hippieville because of the lack of sweet tea. Tea is supposed to be sweetened when it is made, then chilled over ice. Any other way is wrong and will send you to hell. Now you want to start another war, how about cornbread? Tea is sweet and cornbread isn't. Sweet cornbread is cake and that is for after dinner.
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 1:04:47 PM EDT
Do you ruin your frosty glass of refreshing iced tea with sugar?



You are NOT from Texas obviously.

born and raised Texan.

Sweet tea sucks.
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 1:06:02 PM EDT
I don't see how people can drink sweet tea.  Shit is nasty, might as well drink coke.

Should be nice and strong, cold, no ice.  The way God intended.

Amen, brother!
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 1:16:44 PM EDT

tried a sample of that a few weeks ago. it was totally nasty. almost like some northern person tried to come up with something kind of like sweet tea but failed horribly

now real southern sweet tea is one cup of sugar in a gallon of tea. hadn't had any sweet tea in over two months and i still miss it.

you a diabetic and cuttin back on sugar or something? that seems like a small amount to me

I do 3/4 cup per 1 gallon of tea. A co-worker of mine does 2 cups sugar per gallon, wow !
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 1:20:57 PM EDT
I like the taste of tea.  Not the taste of  granulated corn sugar

Link Posted: 5/17/2013 1:21:27 PM EDT
I like the taste of tea.  Not the taste of  granulated corn sugar

if you can taste the grains, you did it wrong.
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 1:21:46 PM EDT


I like the taste of tea.  Not the taste of  granulated corn sugar

Corn sugar?

Cane sugar out here.

Link Posted: 5/17/2013 1:26:19 PM EDT
I like the taste of tea.  Not the taste of  granulated corn sugar

if you can taste the grains, you did it wrong.

I agree with you sparky,

he did it wrong as in he put something other than ice cubes in his tea.
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 3:36:20 PM EDT

Sweet tea, motherfucker.

Yep, damn yankees.  

That's funny, because I'm from Maryland.

Link Posted: 5/17/2013 3:39:22 PM EDT
usually just enough sugar to take the bitterness out of it, but sometimes I make it a bit sweeter
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 3:39:47 PM EDT
Sweet tea, that's the only kind there is. It's not the same if you add sugar once it's cold, and fuck you to the Denny's waitress in Phoenix, AZ, who thought "sweet tea" meant raspberry tea.

There is a reason why artificial raspberry flavored food tastes like ass.


Castoreum comes out of a beaver’s behind – it’s extracted from their anal glands — and is used to make artificial raspberry flavoring. Try not to think about that next time you order the diet raspberry tea.

Found in: Artificially raspberry flavored products such as cheap ice cream, Jell-O, candy, fruit flavored drinks, teas and yogurts.

Straight from wiki:

Food use [edit]
In the United States, castoreum is considered to be a GRAS food additive by the Food and Drug Administration.[9] It is often referenced simply as a "natural flavoring" in products' lists of ingredients. While it is mainly used in both foods and beverages as part of an artificial vanilla flavor,[10] it is less commonly used as a part of a raspberry or strawberry flavoring.[11] The annual industry consumption is very low, around 300 pounds,[12] whereas vanillin is over 2.6 million pounds annually.[13]
Castoreum has been traditionally used in Scandinavia for flavoring snaps commonly referred to as "Bäverhojt".[14]

Link Posted: 5/17/2013 8:49:03 PM EDT


Unsweet, a gallon a day.

Dayum...  Kidney stone much???

Link Posted: 5/17/2013 8:50:23 PM EDT


I don't squat to pee.

Don't f'n candy-ass my tea up!

Sun tea.  what kinda man adds sugar to his tea, coffee?

My lemon-aide has just a little sugar.

Sooooo... Based on the first 3 comments, the fourth makes you 'metro'?

Link Posted: 5/17/2013 8:52:04 PM EDT


born and raised Texan.

Sweet tea sucks.

commie.  Do the other Texans know about you and your feelings about bastard tea?

Link Posted: 5/17/2013 9:00:58 PM EDT
One cup sugar to a gallon of fresh brewed tea. Must be dissolved in tea while hot. Pour over a glass of ice and laugh at the Yankee sissies who drink it unsweetened.

closer, but still wrong.

sugar must be added while water is boiling, but add slowly enough to prevent the water from cooling.

You need the chemical reaction of the water and boiling water for proper sweet tea.

It is Science

that sounds a lot like a recipe.

which makes it unmanly.

toss bags in water in jug out in sun.




How can any self-respecting Texan think that you add sugar to iced tea after it's been steeped?  

Iced tea is iced tea...    Yes, it has sugar in it as it should.  

In restaurants, you order "tea" or "unsweet tea" (or "un-tea" depending on location).  The sugar is put out there for those drastic times when someone watered down the tea or for Northerners who don't know any better.

Sun tea is something all together different, as it's usually sweetened with lemon/lime slices while steeping.

Link Posted: 5/17/2013 9:16:38 PM EDT
bunch a damn heathens in this thread.......Tea....iced....with sugar/end of thread
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 9:18:32 PM EDT


Sweet tea, and straight black coffee.  

I know I'll catch hell for the phrasing

Jp knows what the fuck is up

Fuck yeah!

You don't happen to drink Miller High Life too do ya?

Link Posted: 5/17/2013 9:29:52 PM EDT
My people didn't win the goddamn civil war so we could heap sugar into our fucking tea.
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 9:37:52 PM EDT
I'm sweet enough already.  
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 9:40:30 PM EDT


Poll fail.

Sweetened tea is just plain tea with some sugar added.

Sweet tea is delicious ambrosia.


Link Posted: 5/17/2013 9:43:01 PM EDT
I'll go sweet tea, as well.
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 9:43:25 PM EDT

My people didn't win the goddamn civil war so we could heap sugar into our fucking tea.

Your people ... ?


Link Posted: 5/17/2013 9:56:07 PM EDT

Unsweet fan here, the tea has it own flavor that shant be masked by a mere sweetner...

Link Posted: 5/17/2013 10:35:04 PM EDT

Unsweet fan here, the tea has it own flavor that shant be masked by a mere sweetner...

Yes. Tea is sweet already. Adding sugar just fucks it up.
Link Posted: 5/17/2013 11:17:05 PM EDT
Sun tea. Three ingredients. Sun, Tea leaves, Water.

The perfect trifecta.

Only made sweeter by my lovin' care.


Nothing comes close to sun brewed tea, no other method of or preparation of tea that is.

Don't knock it until you've tried it, it is beautiful in it's simplicity and perfection.

Link Posted: 5/18/2013 12:12:02 AM EDT
Only if I add the sugar. everyone elses sweet is fucking disgusting
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