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Link Posted: 8/1/2018 1:23:43 AM EDT
The more outlandish and unprovable your theory is, the more money you get and and bigger the headlines the mouth breathers get to read in the funny papers.

I'm not going to spend all night typing, but if you have an interest in going down a #Qanon level rabbit hole, start reading "non-mainstream" physics papers.

And to answer the OP question, nobody knows how magnets work, it's like the positrac rear end on a plymoth, it just does.

(hint- look up virtual particles, and get ready for a stream of B.S.)
Link Posted: 8/1/2018 1:26:28 AM EDT
PS I know someone is going to go "mass of the photon?" In layman's terms- photons have no measurable mass AT REST, but they are not at rest are they? And mass increases exponentially as velocity increases, Which is why photons "have momentum, but not mass". They do have mass. And that mass is very small (BUT there are LOTS of photons)  and it is not included in calculations of mainstream astrophysicists. Pant. On. Head. Retarded.

PPS the universe is not expanding. The hubble constant is another "fudge factor", named after Mr. Hubble who also later decided the universe was not expanding, Red shift is not caused by the universe expanding. That's another one of the big lies. But it makes for great theater on the boob tube, and never ending research grants. The short "layman's" answer, is light does "get tired" when crossing the vastness of the universe for billions upon billions of years. Good luck measuring that on the scale and with the tools we currently have available though.

IMHO- "in the beginning god created" but IMHO God is infinite and the universe is infinite (not expanding)- they have always been here, and will always be here. The bible talks of the creation of the earth and life on earth, not the creation of the universe.
Link Posted: 8/1/2018 1:28:44 AM EDT
PPPS another good rabbit hole is Unified Field Theory.  The short answer? All matter both attracts and repels, (Plus charged particles also attract and repel) As well as the magnetic fields of the various bodies)

gravitational attraction decreases by radius 1/x^2 but the repulsive force decreases by radius 1/x^4 which is why planetary bodies form stable orbits. It also explains the Lagrange points.

In actual use, when an apple falls from a tree, it is both attracted and repulsed by the earth, but attraction is stronger (obviously). As you get farther way from the earth the repulsion falls off faster than the attraction. This is why the orbital math gets so fucked up when the nerd boys do their calculations, they are treating the unified field as if it were a singular field, so their math has to be constantly "corrected" with variable constants (a constant by definition should never change).
Link Posted: 8/1/2018 1:42:56 AM EDT
For an altruistic example, imagine a bunch of third world terrorists having REAL understanding of nuclear physics. That doesn't make it right though.

Basically the models we are all taught in school are WRONG. And a very few people have better models that are closer to the truth, or maybe even accurate. And the USA baby has these models, that's likely due to Nikola Tesla's (the original nerd boy autist) papers being stolen by the US government upon his death.

The big coverup began with Copenhagen Interpretation Where they decided basically that "we shouldn't look too closely at this stuff, it is unknowable, and so don't even bother questioning it!" WTF, as a scientist you should question everything. EVERYTHING! When was the last time (outside of a vaccine side effects research paper by the FDA), when you saw someone say "no further research is needed, and we recommend no further research be done. WTF.
Link Posted: 8/1/2018 1:54:12 AM EDT
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For an altruistic example, imagine a bunch of third world terrorists having REAL understanding of nuclear physics. That doesn't make it right though.

Basically the models we are all taught in school are WRONG. And a very few people have better models that are closer to the truth, or maybe even accurate. And the USA baby has these models, that's likely due to Nikola Tesla's (the original nerd boy autist) papers being stolen by the US government upon his death.

The big coverup began with Copenhagen Interpretation Where they decided basically that "we shouldn't look too closely at this stuff, it is unknowable, and so don't even bother questioning it!" WTF, as a scientist you should question everything. EVERYTHING! When was the last time (outside of a vaccine side effects research paper by the FDA), when you saw someone say "no further research is needed, and we recommend no further research be done. WTF.
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That's what you saw when you read the Copenhagen Interpretation?

Never change.
Link Posted: 8/1/2018 2:05:04 AM EDT
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Matter op, matter cannot be created or destroyed.
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Matter is just energy dressed up as Jugaloos
Link Posted: 8/1/2018 2:11:19 AM EDT
I am stunned at the depth and breadth of misunderstanding exhibited in this thread.

What's next, an airplane on a treadmill?
Link Posted: 8/1/2018 2:14:55 AM EDT
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Matter op, matter cannot be created or destroyed.
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Matter/mass is simply a measure of the energy inherent in an object.

Edit: Oiparhon beat me
Link Posted: 8/1/2018 2:17:36 AM EDT
OP, do you have any education in a technical field? Also, why do you think forces = energy exerted?
Link Posted: 8/1/2018 2:18:14 AM EDT
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Does gravity use up gravitational energy? When will the Earth run out of it?
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Link Posted: 8/1/2018 2:19:12 AM EDT
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Is Al Gore involved in this?
Link Posted: 8/1/2018 2:25:09 AM EDT
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Work = force x distance.  Neither the magnet nor the refrigerator are moving -> no work -> no energy is used.

You should read a Physics book someday.
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This is quite literally physics 101, op you're making my head hurt with your absurdities
Link Posted: 8/1/2018 2:26:49 AM EDT
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This is quite literally physics 101, op you're making my head hurt with your absurdities
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Also, energy would be that work over time, another derivative. OP if you hold a heavy object in your hand, does the force exerted on your hand = energy?
Link Posted: 8/1/2018 7:40:09 AM EDT
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The state of modern physics is really sad. 99% of physicists are only worried about where they are getting their next pay check. I don't agree with every thing he says, and I'm pretty sure he is "controlled opposition", but I think this guy is right more than he is wrong (or purposely miss-leading) Miles W. Mathis

There are some really big lies in modern physics, there are multiple reasons for this. The biggest one is money. (the second is atheism) e.g They are never going to find "Dark Matter" or "Dark Energy" because it does not exist, but they will continue to get trillions of dollars for the foreseeable future to "look for it". It's really sad. A never ending money pit.

IMHO Electromagnetism "field" and Plasma theory explain things much better. 99.9999% of all visible matter in the universe is plasma (which react to electromagnetic force) yet astrophysicists mostly only pay attention to mass when doing their calculations?!?!? And they leave out the mass of photons in their calculations, simply because they don't know how to properly apply the equations. Their math is wrong and or they don't understand how to use the equations (on accident or on purpose?) so they have to make up wild theories to explain it away, and constantly fudge their numbers with "made up constants, that keep changing". Pants on head retarded.

Another example is the "Cosmological Constant" that they keep having to change every time they get new data? That's called fudging your numbers because your math does not work. Let me give you a hint, when your "constant" if different by orders of magnitude depending on where you are observing, you are doing something wrong.

That whole Anthropomorphic Global warming thing that most people now know is hogwash? Now multiply that by 1,000,000 and you will have some idea of where modern "mainstream" physics is.
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Thank you for this post.
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 7:07:34 AM EDT
Isn't the attraction on both ends in opposite directions? That is, steel is pulling toward magnet and the magnet is pulling toward steel.
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 7:09:28 AM EDT
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Isn't the attraction on both ends in opposite directions? That is, steel is pulling toward magnet and the magnet is pulling toward steel.
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Yup, just like gravity.

You can't have a force going only one way.  Basic laws of physics, equal and opposite reaction.  It's kind of yin-and-yangy.

Interestingly, this effect isn't limited to physics.  It happens in everything.  The more you push, the more the thing you're pushing resists.  It's a universal law.
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 3:03:58 PM EDT
Magnetic field theory is just guesswork, like much of modern physics.

We are just like cavemen rubbing sticks to together to make fire. We can use magnetism to do stuff, just like cavemen used fire, that does not mean that we understand it though.

I really like how Miles' articles relies on physical particles interacting to try and explain everything.

You have to understand what controlled opposition is though, to understand Miles Mathis. Just like Alex Jones, he posts lots of truth mixed in with a small amount of powerful bullshit, so as to discredit the truth. In other words, you have to have a finely tuned B.S. detector working and a working brain when you read his work.

The reason for all this is that there ARE lots of really smart people who can smell the bullshit that is the "Mainstream", but they are ostracized and ignored by the "mainstream" publications and so they have no "legit" way of getting their ideas accepted. And when it can't be ignored,  new ideas are demonized by the controlled opposition, to make it look like crazy, tin foil conspiracy.

The vast majority of Miles' science stuff is very well thought out and logical, and relies on physical interactions between particles (not mystical, magical "virtual" fields, or any of the other made up unprovable stuff that is common in modern physics). That said they are just theories, but his math is very good, and the models tend to be very good (and unique).

What all that tells me, is that there are groups of people who do understand this stuff, but they are all working for the higher ups in the USA government, doing "above top secret" work. That's why you have "UFO" technology being used by the US government, while our public schools teach theories that are known to be bad. If I'm right, and I think I am, imagine how much money has been wasted in pursuit of bad ideas, that are known to be bad.

We need new ideas in physics, if we are going to progress.  We've been stuck in the Copenhagen interpretation "we know the nature of subatomic particles, and their nature is that they are unknowable" mindset for far too long. The finest minds of physics at the time got together and decided that things are unknowable, just because THEY didn't know them or understand them. That does not mean they are right. It did a great job of limiting discussion and innovation. And THAT is the problem.

It's like Copernicus Vs the Church, except instead of burned at the stake you simply don't get published or funding if you question the mainstream money pit ideas.

Everybody goes glassy eyed when they trot out Schrodinger's crack pipe. It plays well to the masses, makes theoretical physicists look like wizards. And if you try to think outside the box you will get placed inside your own box, where you both DO NOT receive funding (grants) and DO receive funding (EBT)

The publications are the gate keepers, and they refuse to publish anything which might upset the money cart.
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 3:10:44 PM EDT
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Has nobody on arfcom been to a magnet school?
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The number one rule for Magnet School is don't talk about Magnet School.
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 3:13:58 PM EDT
Same reason the ground doesn’t expend any energy holding you up. Here’s the nitty gritty.

Energy is work. Work is force times distance the force is exerted over. If the distance is zero, then the work is zero.
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 3:17:00 PM EDT
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It only took about 20 replies, when it should have been the first.
GD is a disgrace anymore.
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 3:23:54 PM EDT
If I am standing next to my refrigerator we are both on a treadmill, will the magnet have the same attraction force as it does in my kitchen?
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 3:30:04 PM EDT
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Same reason the ground doesn’t expend any energy holding you up. Here’s the nitty gritty.

Energy is work. Work is force times distance the force is exerted over. If the distance is zero, then the work is zero.
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Work is the change in energy.
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 3:39:43 PM EDT
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Work is the change in energy.
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Constraint forces determine the movement of components in a system, constraining the object within a boundary (in the case of a slope plus gravity, the object is stuck to the slope, when attached to a taut string it cannot move in an outwards direction to make the string any 'tauter'). Constraint forces ensure the velocity in the direction of the constraint is zero, which means the constraint forces do not perform work on the system.

If the system doesn't change in time,[5] they eliminate all movement in the direction of the constraint, thus constraint forces do not perform work on the system, as the velocity of that object is constrained to be 0 parallel to this force, due to this force. This only applies for a single particle system. For example, in an Atwood machine, the rope does work on each body, but keeping always the net virtual work null. There are, however, cases where this is not true.[5]

For example, the centripetal force exerted inwards by a string on a ball in uniform circular motion sideways constrains the ball to circular motion restricting its movement away from the center of the circle. This force does zero work because it is perpendicular to the velocity of the ball.

Another example is a book on a table. If external forces are applied to the book so that it slides on the table, then the force exerted by the table constrains the book from moving downwards. The force exerted by the table supports the book and is perpendicular to its movement which means that this constraint force does not perform work.

The magnetic force on a charged particle is F = qv × B, where q is the charge, v is the velocity of the particle, and B is the magnetic field. The result of a cross product is always perpendicular to both of the original vectors, so F ? v. The dot product of two perpendicular vectors is always zero, so the work W = F · v = 0, and the magnetic force does not do work. It can change the direction of motion but never change the speed.

From Wiki - definition of 'Work'

Link Posted: 8/2/2018 3:50:08 PM EDT
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How do plants work?
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Matter op, matter cannot be created or destroyed.
How do plants work?
Not the way you think...
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 3:50:56 PM EDT
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Constraint forces determine the movement of components in a system, constraining the object within a boundary (in the case of a slope plus gravity, the object is stuck to the slope, when attached to a taut string it cannot move in an outwards direction to make the string any 'tauter'). Constraint forces ensure the velocity in the direction of the constraint is zero, which means the constraint forces do not perform work on the system.

If the system doesn't change in time,[5] they eliminate all movement in the direction of the constraint, thus constraint forces do not perform work on the system, as the velocity of that object is constrained to be 0 parallel to this force, due to this force. This only applies for a single particle system. For example, in an Atwood machine, the rope does work on each body, but keeping always the net virtual work null. There are, however, cases where this is not true.[5]

For example, the centripetal force exerted inwards by a string on a ball in uniform circular motion sideways constrains the ball to circular motion restricting its movement away from the center of the circle. This force does zero work because it is perpendicular to the velocity of the ball.

Another example is a book on a table. If external forces are applied to the book so that it slides on the table, then the force exerted by the table constrains the book from moving downwards. The force exerted by the table supports the book and is perpendicular to its movement which means that this constraint force does not perform work.

The magnetic force on a charged particle is F = qv × B, where q is the charge, v is the velocity of the particle, and B is the magnetic field. The result of a cross product is always perpendicular to both of the original vectors, so F ? v. The dot product of two perpendicular vectors is always zero, so the work W = F · v = 0, and the magnetic force does not do work. It can change the direction of motion but never change the speed.

From Wiki - definition of 'Work'

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Work is the change in energy.
Constraint forces determine the movement of components in a system, constraining the object within a boundary (in the case of a slope plus gravity, the object is stuck to the slope, when attached to a taut string it cannot move in an outwards direction to make the string any 'tauter'). Constraint forces ensure the velocity in the direction of the constraint is zero, which means the constraint forces do not perform work on the system.

If the system doesn't change in time,[5] they eliminate all movement in the direction of the constraint, thus constraint forces do not perform work on the system, as the velocity of that object is constrained to be 0 parallel to this force, due to this force. This only applies for a single particle system. For example, in an Atwood machine, the rope does work on each body, but keeping always the net virtual work null. There are, however, cases where this is not true.[5]

For example, the centripetal force exerted inwards by a string on a ball in uniform circular motion sideways constrains the ball to circular motion restricting its movement away from the center of the circle. This force does zero work because it is perpendicular to the velocity of the ball.

Another example is a book on a table. If external forces are applied to the book so that it slides on the table, then the force exerted by the table constrains the book from moving downwards. The force exerted by the table supports the book and is perpendicular to its movement which means that this constraint force does not perform work.

The magnetic force on a charged particle is F = qv × B, where q is the charge, v is the velocity of the particle, and B is the magnetic field. The result of a cross product is always perpendicular to both of the original vectors, so F ? v. The dot product of two perpendicular vectors is always zero, so the work W = F · v = 0, and the magnetic force does not do work. It can change the direction of motion but never change the speed.

From Wiki - definition of 'Work'

Link Posted: 8/2/2018 3:56:15 PM EDT
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There are 2 types of energy, Kinetic and Potential.  Magnetism is a type of Potential energy.
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Wrong and wrong.
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 4:20:35 PM EDT
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How is it equal? The magnet is sideways actively resisting the pull of gravity. If I leave the magnet up for 2 mins it uses less energy than if I left it up there 2 years?
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Beacause the energy you exerted to pull the magnet off the refrigerator is reciprocal to the energy it constantly exerts to stay in place. It's a weird balance of nature
How is it equal? The magnet is sideways actively resisting the pull of gravity. If I leave the magnet up for 2 mins it uses less energy than if I left it up there 2 years?
friction, plus it has a bunch of tiny flying microbes hekping to pull it up.  But they aren't very efficient microbes, and burn off some off their stored energy as thermal energy instead of converting all to kinetic energy.  Eventually they will run out of fat cells, and then food and then stop flying, and then the magnet will fall.

You can also see when it will happen because your thermostat will show the room cooling as they stop procucing waste feat.
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 4:22:21 PM EDT
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Sorry, I didn’t finish my thought above.  So if I spend x amount of energy placing the magnet sideways on the fridge at some point the magnet using energy actively resisting gravity will use more energy than what I used placing it there.
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Beacause the energy you exerted to pull the magnet off the refrigerator is reciprocal to the energy it constantly exerts to stay in place. It's a weird balance of nature
How is it equal? The magnet is sideways actively resisting the pull of gravity. If I leave the magnet up for 2 mins it uses less energy than if I left it up there 2 years?
Sorry, I didn’t finish my thought above.  So if I spend x amount of energy placing the magnet sideways on the fridge at some point the magnet using energy actively resisting gravity will use more energy than what I used placing it there.
Yeah now you got it.

umm well not really.
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 4:29:38 PM EDT
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you could become a magnet but I don't know how you're gonna pull that off...
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Are you saying he isn't attractive enough?
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 4:34:13 PM EDT
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Why don't we put magnets on the bottoms of airplanes and magnets on the air strips so they can just activate the magnets to take off instead of having to get up to speed?

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We do but they look like trains and fly really really low.

Link Posted: 8/2/2018 5:09:21 PM EDT
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It's accelerating at 32 fps2.
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Work = force x distance.  Neither the magnet nor the refrigerator are moving -> no work -> no energy is used.

You should read a Physics book someday.
It's accelerating at 32 fps2.
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 5:12:31 PM EDT
The real question is will the magnets work on a treadmill, and does forward and backward affect the positive and negative charges.
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 5:18:42 PM EDT
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I know the answer but I'm not telling OP.  The learning of the thing is often more important than the knowing of the thing.
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Me too. I also know the answer, but I'm not telling.

The mystery revealed itself to me when I was drunk as hell at a party back in the early 80's.

I will not blurt it all out, but I will give OP a lead..

OP,  you need to stop thinking conventionally...the solution lies more with the materials that attracts the magnet more than the magnet itself. Now, go get shitfaced. :)
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 5:19:34 PM EDT
I read the title and expected a Rouge Boss thread.

I’m leaving disappointed.
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 5:21:41 PM EDT
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How do plants work?
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Matter op, matter cannot be created or destroyed.
How do plants work?
They run on Brawndo. It’s got electrolytes.
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 5:23:55 PM EDT
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People do seem to be getting charged up in here... we really should try to stay more grounded.
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My new sig line if you don't mind!
 I didn't mean to be polarizing but if you're stuck on it, go ahead before this thread heads South.

People do seem to be getting charged up in here... we really should try to stay more grounded.
Normally these kinds of threads are the opposite of what I post in but I’m strangely attracted to this one.
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 8:59:25 PM EDT
Let me put it this way, the same people that are in charge of figuring out how magnets work, also vote overwhelmingly for Hillary and Obama. They are irrational and clinically insane and I wouldn't trust them to get my order right at McDonalds, much less tell me about the laws of the universe.
Link Posted: 8/2/2018 9:21:53 PM EDT
Its those damn Russians.
Or is the magnet colluding with the refrigerator?

<---  works with magnets every day and hates them...
Link Posted: 8/3/2018 10:46:32 PM EDT
Then how do magnets work? How can I put a magnet on my refrigerator and it not fall off? Wouldn’t it use magnetic energy to pull itself to the fridge to resist gravity? So how come it never falls off?
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It's tape.
Link Posted: 8/3/2018 10:52:35 PM EDT
My mind is still blown at how stupidly simple a nuclear reactor functions.
Link Posted: 8/3/2018 10:57:22 PM EDT
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Let me put it this way, the same people that are in charge of figuring out how magnets work, also vote overwhelmingly for Hillary and Obama. They are irrational and clinically insane and I wouldn't trust them to get my order right at McDonalds, much less tell me about the laws of the universe.
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Strangely you have no problem posting using devices created using the same electromagnetic theory.
Link Posted: 8/3/2018 11:04:26 PM EDT
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Strangely you have no problem posting using devices created using the same electromagnetic theory.
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Let me put it this way, the same people that are in charge of figuring out how magnets work, also vote overwhelmingly for Hillary and Obama. They are irrational and clinically insane and I wouldn't trust them to get my order right at McDonalds, much less tell me about the laws of the universe.
Strangely you have no problem posting using devices created using the same electromagnetic theory.
That sounds exactly like something an irrational and clinically insane person would say.
Link Posted: 8/4/2018 12:06:48 AM EDT
Nowhere on Earth will you find more brilliance and stupidity melded together in close, Cheetos dust encrusted, proximity than right here in GD.
Link Posted: 8/4/2018 12:34:19 AM EDT
The following is my current "best" understanding.

Think of all the electrons and photons (and lets call them "magnetic particles") in the universe. They are all interchangeable. Electricity can be converted to magnetism, light can be converted to electricity, etc, etc. we all know this. They are one and the same at "some level". You can call the sum total a "photon field" and not be terribly inaccurate. I will call it a charge field.

Right now, as you are sitting in your chair watching midget porn, you are surrounded and penetrated by all these "electromagnetic" fields, some of them even created by your own body (neurons firing, muscles contracting). These fields vary greatly in strength and polarity depending on where you are at in the universe.  You don't notice but there are massive amounts of energy all around you at any given time. The only time you notice any of these energies here on earth is when there is an energy gradient. (for example a lightning strike, or you walk too close to an MRI with a gun on your hip)

The charge field is the sum total of all the various energies that are in any given area of space, sort of like an "ether" that you exist in, but do not notice (usually).

This "charge field" circulates at all times.

For example, starting from the center of the sun, it would travel up through Sol's north pole, way up into space above the orbital plane, then back down again until it intersects the Earth's magnetic field. (At which point, depending on the earth's polarity at the time, the charge field either adds to or cancels a part of the earths magnetic field. 1000 or 10,000 years from now the Earth's field may "flip" (and things get really interesting then) and north will be south).

Anyways, the field passes through the earth (which also has a circulating field) exits the earths south pole, and returns to the Sun to start all over again, etc.

The solar system is also passing through a charge field which is generated by our galaxy, and so on.

All this energy largely goes unnoticed, but that does not mean it is not affecting everything around us. Up to, and especially including the orbits of the planets, and even affecting the orbits of stars and the rotation of galaxies. Remember that stars are composed of plasma (disassociated atoms) which are by nature charged particles, which are affected by magnetic fields. Magnetic field are very powerful. Think of a 10 lbs magnet that can lift 100 lbs. (or more) but they fall off rapidly (1/r^2)

Where it gets interesting, is that photons MUST have some mass. (they "officially" have zero resting mass) but photons are never at rest. Mainstream studiously ignores this fact. When you hit a spaceship with a laser, it PUSHES the space craft away. velocity x mass = momentum. From that you can calculate the mass of a photon. But that mass is totally ignored by the "dark matter" proponents. That is why they say there is "mass missing", invisible, unknowable mass, so they need trillions of dollars to "find it".

When you add up all the mass of all the photons in the galaxy, or in the universe, THEN run the gravitational calculations, what you find is everything is functioning the way it is supposed to. No dark matter, no missing mass. It was there all along, being studiously ignored by the mainstream. It's all about the money.

That's about as deep as I'm going tonight. I know some of that disagrees with "mainstream" obviously.

It's getting late and I'm not about to try and tackle the unified gravitational field, but Lagrange points and highly stable planetary orbits are a big hint that the mainstream has some major problems to explain with it's "theories".
Link Posted: 8/4/2018 12:36:43 AM EDT
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Strangely you have no problem posting using devices created using the same electromagnetic theory.
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I don't mean ALL scientists of course, only about 90% of university researchers voted for Obama and Hilary.

Cave men had no problem using fire. Doesn't mean they understood it.
Link Posted: 8/4/2018 12:38:13 AM EDT
Shit, there’s a suction cup stuck on the window.
Link Posted: 8/4/2018 6:38:14 PM EDT
Red shift.



1. Objects observed in deep space—extragalactic space, 10 megaparsecs (Mpc) or more—are found to have a redshift, interpreted as a relative velocity away from Earth; Radar/Laser speed measuring guns are a real technology

2. This Doppler shift-measured velocity of various galaxies receding from the Earth is approximately proportional to their distance from the Earth for galaxies up to a few hundred megaparsecs away. AKA we are in the center of an exponentially expanding universe.

The alternative explanation is that photons become longer wavelength as they cross tens of billions of light year of intergalactic space (like they loose energy but are still going lightspeed)

Which would mean the universe is NOT expanding exponentially and that we are NOT in the center of it.

Which also explains the super low wavelengths that can be detected. They could be from sources perhaps trillions of light years away. Not "background radiation of the big bang".

It is possible the universe is infinite, who knows right?

Remember when the size of the universe kept getting bigger? For many decades science books were published, and every few years someone would publish a new book saying the universe was ten feet taller. First time I read one, it said 8, Just twenty years ago it was claimed as 40, now it's 91 billion light-years across. Yet the deeper they look, the more galaxies they see.

Put me down for $5 bet that by 2040 the size of the universe will officially be bigger than 130 billion light years diameter and at the edges it will be flying even faster away from us. Then "mainstream" will have to fudge up some new constants to use.
Link Posted: 8/4/2018 6:47:42 PM EDT
This thread is 0.9999... planes on a treadmill worth of lulz.
Link Posted: 8/4/2018 7:00:27 PM EDT
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Peak gravity
Link Posted: 8/4/2018 7:18:37 PM EDT
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Work = force x distance.  Neither the magnet nor the refrigerator are moving -> no work -> no energy is used.

You should read a Physics book someday.
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So, if I hold myself in a pushup position, I won't get tired?
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