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Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:13:28 PM EDT
They are trying to hire another person at my level, with no success. That said, they could carry on at my level without that person, or me, for quite a while.

However, there are a few guys in my department close to retirement and losing too many people at any level would have an impact.

So, me personally they could do without, but they need people.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:13:29 PM EDT
Everyone is replaceable.

it just comes down to how much it costs.

and it will be less than what the CEO makes, and even he is replaceable.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:14:24 PM EDT
Replacing me would be easy. They would be happy to put a moron in my place because they don't care what the result would be. Replacing me with someone who could actually fill my shoes and do my job as well as I do it would be another story, but they would just pretend there is no difference.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:16:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:17:12 PM EDT
Very, very difficult. I helped improve quality control at my workplace by metrics that the plant manager called "unbelievably immense." All it took was weeding out the slugs, getting good workers in, teaching good workers how to find issues, and upgrading our equipment, then helping the other QC shift supervisors get the same shit done. I was one of the people working on the bottom rung in September of last year, then I made QC shift supervisor in March. I've been acting QC lead supervisor for two weeks now as the actual QC lead supervisor has been out for heart bypass surgery and esophageal wall repair.

Matter of fact, a little birdie told me that he's thinking about retiring and I'll get to take his place permanently.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:17:23 PM EDT
I mean, let’s be brutally honest: literally everyone is replaceable. At some point they will be replaced regardless of how they feel about it.

The idea - my philosophy - is to work hard enough and know enough and be enough of a (work)force multiplier that even if I get replaced, the replacement would be a pale imitation of me.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:18:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:20:37 PM EDT
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I mean, let’s be brutally honest: literally everyone is replaceable. At some point they will be replaced regardless of how they feel about it.

The idea - my philosophy - is to work hard enough and know enough and be enough of a (work)force multiplier that even if I get replaced, the replacement would be a pale imitation of me.
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The only difference is whether you'd be worth replacing before your sell-by date.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:20:38 PM EDT
They will find someone more than willing to work extra hours to show he is dedicated to his job.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:21:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:23:46 PM EDT
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The only difference is whether you'd be worth replacing before your sell-by date.
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I mean, let’s be brutally honest: literally everyone is replaceable. At some point they will be replaced regardless of how they feel about it.

The idea - my philosophy - is to work hard enough and know enough and be enough of a (work)force multiplier that even if I get replaced, the replacement would be a pale imitation of me.

The only difference is whether you'd be worth replacing before your sell-by date.

I don’t see how that doesn’t dovetail with my post…
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:25:04 PM EDT
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Everyone is replaceable.
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Would your boss have a fit trying to replace you?

Everyone is replaceable.


I’m the only specialist in my field for a relatively large geographical area.  They would just do without and have to refer patients further away.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:25:18 PM EDT
I keep in touch with my manager since retiring.  His greeting to me each time was;  “…remind me to kill you later…”.   I was adept at handling a very difficult/incompetent customer.  Those duties fell to him after I retired.  He retired soon after.  ZFG, now!
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:25:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:26:23 PM EDT
They're just tell everyone to take my work then they'd hire someone with zero experience to do what I was doing.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:26:47 PM EDT
Fortune 100
No one knows my name and no one would give a shit if I quit showing up
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:27:33 PM EDT
Self employed, pretty hard to replace within the organization.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:27:59 PM EDT
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I don’t see how that doesn’t dovetail with my post…
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That's the point, silly
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:28:17 PM EDT
They could find someone to replace me. But it would take a long time to find and train them. And my team would drown under the workload in the meantime.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:28:34 PM EDT
I have tomorrow off. Not about to waste my time quitting.

It would be tough to replace me quickly but someone good would be able to catch on to what I do after a while. Nobody is irreplaceable. They would go on if I died tonight. It would be painful for a while though.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:29:16 PM EDT
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That's the point, silly
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I don’t see how that doesn’t dovetail with my post…

That's the point, silly

‘Aight - I must have read it wrong then.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:31:10 PM EDT
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‘Aight - I must have read it wrong then.
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It's all good, brother.

Yeah, my point is that anyone is replaceable in the grand scheme of things, as SkgMreLight just alluded to, the only difference that actually exists is whether it's worth it to do so prematurely.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:31:39 PM EDT
I'm 1 of about 150 people who do the exact same job where I work. Replaceable? Hell, they wouldn't even notice if I wasn't there. They're constantly hiring new people as they are constantly losing others.

I started at the end of February. There were almost 20 people in my orientation class. I'm the only one left out of that group. I've seen people come in with new groups and only stay for a week or a day or 2. The turnover rate is astounding to me.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:31:56 PM EDT
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Everyone is replaceable.
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That is an oversimplification.

You may not be able to replace the person for the same compensation - it might cost you more.
You may not be able to replace the person with another single person - you might have to hire multiple people to provide the same level of productivity.
You may not be able to replace the person without affecting existing project deadlines and/or production support- meaning the impact may be more than just needing to replace them, but also a wider loss of productivity until they are replaced.

Employers who treat their employees like shit tend to ignore these, and believe that everyone is easily swappable for another warm body at the same cost. Not that surprisingly, they generally don't even learn their lesson even after they piss off somebody who does cause cascading effects with one or more of the above situations.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:35:11 PM EDT
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It's all good, brother.

Yeah, my point is that anyone is replaceable in the grand scheme of things, as SkgMreLight just alluded to, the only difference that actually exists is whether it's worth it to do so prematurely.
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‘Aight - I must have read it wrong then.

It's all good, brother.

Yeah, my point is that anyone is replaceable in the grand scheme of things, as SkgMreLight just alluded to, the only difference that actually exists is whether it's worth it to do so prematurely.

Right - I do get it.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:37:36 PM EDT
My boss wouldn’t even know I left. People are standing in line to take my job because they see what little I do and they don’t want to work for a living anymore.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:37:43 PM EDT
Long ago I worked for a steel fab shop and I was the only detailer (draws shop drawings). They had made all the contract detailers mad till they wouldn't work for them any longer. I quit. They tried contracting to out of state detailers and last I heard they wouldn't put up with it either. They sold out to another company 6 months later. Shop full of guys with no drawings = shop full of guys standing around.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:39:18 PM EDT
They went for a year without anyone even moderately in my position. A couple people would notice that I'm not there to bail them out when they screw something up but otherwise it'd be a non-issue.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:39:35 PM EDT
In realistic terms, it would take years in both professions.

In practical terms, I’m a small cog in a very big wheel. The cog that would replace me would be no doubt weaker, but the big wheel would keep on turning as they say.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:41:30 PM EDT
I work for me, so if I were to quit, the boss would be royally screwed and the company
would collapse.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:42:55 PM EDT
Not many people can give a handy behind Whole Foods like I can.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:44:03 PM EDT
fairly new at my company but my boss said they interviewed 54 people before they talked to me. i’ve done everything i can to push myself and understand the systems better than anybody else on my team, who’ve all been there far longer than me.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:45:45 PM EDT
I've worked with many guys over the years who were irreplaceable.
Yet always were replaced.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:45:51 PM EDT
Yes, it would be difficult to replace me anytime soon.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:46:37 PM EDT
Would your boss have a fit trying to replace you?
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Considering there is a hiring freeze in effect, yes he would.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:48:11 PM EDT
There would be some pain up front to find a competent individual to fill the role, but nothing I do is special in my industry.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:49:22 PM EDT
I never had a job where I was irreplaceable. Even though I worked harder and did better quality work than most of my co-workers it didn't insulate me from being downsized. The last job I left, when I retired, probably only missed me as long as there was a hole in the weekly schedule.

My wife is as close to irreplaceable as anyone could be at her place of employment. She is regarded as among the top of her field in the corporation. If she were to leave, a lot of things would fall apart in the short term. Odds are, her replacement wouldn't be half as competent, but business goes on.

Other sites are staffed with slackers and dumbasses but still manage to crank out widgets.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:53:47 PM EDT
There are only 4 people that work in the shop I work at. I am literally the money maker for the shop.

If I left tomorrow, life would absolutely suck for the other three for a few months or even longer and they would only be working to pay the bills. No profit.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:55:29 PM EDT
I'm replaceable, ultimately.  Just might take someone with zero knowledge quite a while to get up to snuff.  That said, the company would perform worse, most likely, but it's not like it would go bankrupt or shut down.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:56:16 PM EDT
They could replace me quick, but our retention rate for the first week is about 30% since I've been there.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 9:58:53 PM EDT
My employer has shifted into a specialized area that is totally dependent on my skills and abilities. If I left they wouldn’t go under but they’d loose what sets them apart from the competition. There would be pain, my boss knows this so he keeps me happy.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 10:05:36 PM EDT
Even pulling in someone from another company near my skill level it'd probably still take them a few years to get them close to where I am.

20 years of experience is hard to replace.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 10:12:13 PM EDT
They need two of me. They have since before I started here 9 years ago. They’ve hired at least 10 “equivalents” in my time here. Only one has had the capabilities, but he refused the work for the pay. He stuck around for 10 months waiting to see what they’d offer him once he became independent, and immediately left within a day of them “giving him his duel”. He lived in Houston, and could easily find higher paying gigs for the same efforts. I live in a MUCH cheaper COL with less opportunities. For where I live this is one of the highest paying gigs for my abilities/willingness. The rest were not even remotely close to capable regardless of where their piece of paper came from. My position is a good one to be in. I get what I want when I want, but I’m not irreplaceable enough that others can’t help with specific tasks.
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 10:14:43 PM EDT
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Very difficult. I’m not arrogant enough to say I’m irreplaceable, but I know the work and know how to innovate and motivate.
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I just finished my 2 weeks notice at my job of 20 years, the guy I trained to replace me short term wanted to quit after the first couple days. So they will find out starting tomorrow

Link Posted: 9/4/2023 10:15:34 PM EDT
I retired 2 years ago.  They’re still begging me to come back.  It’s not like I didn’t give them a year’s notice.  Oh well.  They’ll figure it all out sooner or later and be fine without me.

Link Posted: 9/4/2023 10:18:03 PM EDT
If all of those years in corporate America taught me anything, it is that EVERYONE is replaceable. You have people in companies that know their stuff and are seemingly the "go to guy" for getting stuff done, but in the end, they can get laid off, fired or quit just like everybody else. For those that think, you are that guy...see statement above. At most company's, a few weeks to months after you leave.... many folks will forget your name. They may have some stories...like "do you you remember that guy that did the thing???".

Let this also be a lesson to those that put all of your self worth into who you are because of your job/title.... you are replaceable, and you will be at some point. Nobody ever dies and said that they wished they had worked more.

Link Posted: 9/4/2023 10:19:57 PM EDT
I work for local Government. It will take them 3+ months to hire a replacement, but said person won't be able to work to my level, and nobody knows enough to teach them properly. I'm serious, the place has had inventory issues for what appears to be almost 20 years and I'm the first one in this job to figure out why and how the problem keeps recurring. No one else has ever cared enough to sit down and figure it out. I have yet to tell them what they've been fucking up.

Maybe later....
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 10:21:24 PM EDT
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Everyone is replaceable.

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True, but it makes me feel good to know it would cause a couple little hiccups
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 10:27:58 PM EDT
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100% yes.  I know more than the other 20 people on the team combined.
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Sure ya do
Link Posted: 9/4/2023 10:32:37 PM EDT
There are other people who know how to do what I do, but they would have to learn the company's proprietary software and way of doing things.

It would be hard to replace me at their current wages.  

In a few weeks I am going to have to ask them to go part time so I can take on some extra contract work so I can afford nice things.
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