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Link Posted: 1/21/2022 10:40:54 PM EDT
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I was referring to raids and prosecutions of patriot groups in general.

You don't need to be actual Seig Heiling Nazis to be Nazis. Just don't be liberal vermin and you'll get called you a Nazi in due course.

Keep your shit off the Internet and vet your people. Make sure they're real and legit people and not liberal or fedgov cockroaches and rats before you start discussing sensitive topics.

Some things you only discuss in meatspace with people you trust.
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Neo Nazis.


All these raids and prosecutions do is prove the need to keep your tribe close and keep your shit off the internet. Don't trust anyone you can't drink with, and don't post anything online that would come back to bite you.
There really haven't been any raids or prosecutions of Patriot Front (I think). They occasionally get arrested for graffiti and vandalism.

Course if your "tribe" is a bunch of  Neo Nazis you're eventually going to come on the Feds radar ie Randy Weaver.

I was referring to raids and prosecutions of patriot groups in general.

You don't need to be actual Seig Heiling Nazis to be Nazis. Just don't be liberal vermin and you'll get called you a Nazi in due course.

Keep your shit off the Internet and vet your people. Make sure they're real and legit people and not liberal or fedgov cockroaches and rats before you start discussing sensitive topics.

Some things you only discuss in meatspace with people you trust.
The better option is not to hang out with people that want to overthrow the government and replace it with a fascist state. YMMV.
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 10:43:31 PM EDT
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GD claims all racism against non whites or against Jews is either fabricated or the Feds. This is obviously a bunch of racist white guys (and some women) dressing up like tactical timmies and engaging in minor vandalism. But white guys being bad tends to generate conspiracy theories here, like this, the Vegas shooter, the Charlottesville Nazi etc. sometimes white guys being white power losers are just a bunch of 0s spray painting and going for hikes with assault packs and making the "ok" thing for the camera
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I don't know if I'd call it much of a conspiracy "theory" as far as conspiracy "concrete evidence" when these people:
  • have no visible recruitment - no posts here, patriots.win, or other conservative sites saying "hey, join us at..." but still have people there
  • have just enough people there that it looks like one field office had a mandatory overtime day
  • show up all wearing the same watches, same haircuts, same black socks, wearing the same slacks, carrying the same riot shields, etc.
  • have all professional signage, banners, custom flags, zero hand-written posters
  • neatly load everything up into one rented van at the end and disappear
  • enjoy more preferential law enforcement treatment than other groups protesting at the same event
This is much farther than whitey not being able to face the "truth" that the 88ers are in town.  This patriot front stuff doesn't pass even the most basic smell test, and strongly lends strong creedence to the thought that "white supremacy" is so scarce that it has to be faked by the agenda-pushers.
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 10:44:23 PM EDT
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GD claims all racism against non whites or against Jews is either fabricated or the Feds. This is obviously a bunch of racist white guys (and some women) dressing up like tactical timmies and engaging in minor vandalism. But white guys being bad tends to generate conspiracy theories here, like this, the Vegas shooter, the Charlottesville Nazi etc. sometimes white guys being white power losers are just a bunch of 0s spray painting and going for hikes with assault packs and making the "ok" thing for the camera
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Back in the 90's we had racist skinheads in my area.  They were invariably dumb as rocks.

IQ 60 rejects were their stock in trade, same as the guys you mention.

They're like Juggalos that found swastikas before they found Faygo.
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 10:46:30 PM EDT
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GD claims all racism against non whites or against Jews is either fabricated or the Feds. This is obviously a bunch of racist white guys (and some women) dressing up like tactical timmies and engaging in minor vandalism. But white guys being bad tends to generate conspiracy theories here, like this, the Vegas shooter, the Charlottesville Nazi etc. sometimes white guys being white power losers are just a bunch of 0s spray painting and going for hikes with assault packs and making the "ok" thing for the camera
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Wut?  Care to explain?
GD claims all racism against non whites or against Jews is either fabricated or the Feds. This is obviously a bunch of racist white guys (and some women) dressing up like tactical timmies and engaging in minor vandalism. But white guys being bad tends to generate conspiracy theories here, like this, the Vegas shooter, the Charlottesville Nazi etc. sometimes white guys being white power losers are just a bunch of 0s spray painting and going for hikes with assault packs and making the "ok" thing for the camera

When news reports come out about people getting all kinds of racist notes or things were vandalized, what % turns out to be completely made up bullshit done by someone looking for attention?
Isn’t it close to 90%?
So while you said “all” and make a claim GD is way out in left field, more often than not the stories are false attacks, no?
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 10:50:10 PM EDT
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Wut?  Care to explain?
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Anytime anyone (singular or plural) does something dumb its always labeled a false flag, fed op, or glowie out of hand. It completely ignores we have a large segment of dumb people on our side that like to make themselves as visible as possible. Eg: the Qbots that show up at Trump rallies.
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 10:50:36 PM EDT
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When news reports come out about people getting all kinds of racist notes or things were vandalized, what % turns out to be completely made up bullshit done by someone looking for attention?
Isn't it close to 90%?
So while you said "all" and make a claim GD is way out in left field, more often than not the stories are false attacks, no?
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Wut?  Care to explain?
GD claims all racism against non whites or against Jews is either fabricated or the Feds. This is obviously a bunch of racist white guys (and some women) dressing up like tactical timmies and engaging in minor vandalism. But white guys being bad tends to generate conspiracy theories here, like this, the Vegas shooter, the Charlottesville Nazi etc. sometimes white guys being white power losers are just a bunch of 0s spray painting and going for hikes with assault packs and making the "ok" thing for the camera

When news reports come out about people getting all kinds of racist notes or things were vandalized, what % turns out to be completely made up bullshit done by someone looking for attention?
Isn't it close to 90%?
So while you said "all" and make a claim GD is way out in left field, more often than not the stories are false attacks, no?
That's a little different than saying that every white nationalist and fascist group are actually FBI playing dress up and that every action by said groups is a false flag or a fiction. I'm sure you can make the distinction.
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 11:04:07 PM EDT
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Or they're obviously a bunch of jerk off nazis losers and FBI agents aren't secretly running around painting swastikas over gay pride paintings since that's a hilariously ridiculous conspiracy theory
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I tend to agree but you know the FBI is doin it's best to get up in there too.
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 11:05:33 PM EDT
so the FBI is leaking their own data to make people think Patriot front is real?
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 11:07:30 PM EDT
I foresee this thread being locked. Sorry guys.  Just trying to post some news.
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 11:09:26 PM EDT
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GD claims all racism against non whites or against Jews is either fabricated or the Feds. This is obviously a bunch of racist white guys (and some women) dressing up like tactical timmies and engaging in minor vandalism. But white guys being bad tends to generate conspiracy theories here, like this, the Vegas shooter, the Charlottesville Nazi etc. sometimes white guys being white power losers are just a bunch of 0s spray painting and going for hikes with assault packs and making the "ok" thing for the camera
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While you make very valid points, I would remind you that the sheer number of PROVEN fake “hate crimes” (in quotes because they were faked) has jaded many here. The fact that quite a few in power now would like to paint virtually all left of center as extremists doesn’t help.
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 11:13:34 PM EDT
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so the FBI is leaking their own data to make people think Patriot front is real?
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Sure seems that way. Why would this super secretive fascist organization keep all this data online?
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 11:19:15 PM EDT

Does PF really have neonazis in it.... or just FBI infiltrators acting like neonazis?  Honestly, could go either way.

I don't know much about PF, but in this day and age, whenever the news says some organization is full of nazis... could go either way.
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 11:20:21 PM EDT
Wtf does that mean and why should I care?
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 11:20:25 PM EDT
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Ballsy, theft of classified FBI docs is taken pretty seriously.
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Link Posted: 1/21/2022 11:22:30 PM EDT
And the usual feds show up to kill the fun thread. You can't be talking shit about our fed club, guys.
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 11:23:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 11:23:40 PM EDT
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The level of fantasy people are willing to engage in here to avoid facing uncomfortable realities is truly fascinating.
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No, we’re well aware of communists having infiltrated Arfcom as “fellow gun owners” that shit on traditional conservative values.
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 11:26:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 11:27:24 PM EDT
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The level of fantasy people are willing to engage in here to avoid facing uncomfortable realities is truly fascinating.
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What "uncomfortable reality"?  That every terrorist plot foiled by the FBI involved two or three room-temp IQ types being egged on by Feds?
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 11:30:15 PM EDT
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Ballsy, theft of classified FBI docs is taken pretty seriously.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 11:31:55 PM EDT
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What "uncomfortable reality"?  That every terrorist plot foiled by the FBI involved two or three room-temp IQ types being egged on by Feds?
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The level of fantasy people are willing to engage in here to avoid facing uncomfortable realities is truly fascinating.

What "uncomfortable reality"?  That every terrorist plot foiled by the FBI involved two or three room-temp IQ types being egged on by Feds?
The uncomfortable reality is that there are racists, fascists and assorted other shitbags that self-identify as being right wing.
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 11:33:50 PM EDT
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No, we're well aware of communists having infiltrated Arfcom as "fellow gun owners" that shit on traditional conservative values.
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The level of fantasy people are willing to engage in here to avoid facing uncomfortable realities is truly fascinating.

No, we're well aware of communists having infiltrated Arfcom as "fellow gun owners" that shit on traditional conservative values.
A thinly veiled insult calling me a communist is pretty weak. If you think I'm a communist, your communist detector is completely broken. Your FBI detector is also clearly broken.
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 11:36:28 PM EDT
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1-fake hate crimes are posted here. I would suspect far out of proportion to the number of fake hate crimes because those are "appealing stories" ie "see those Jews/blacks are at it again
2-any hate crime with an unknown culprit is labeled fake here. "See another one" later if a white guy is arrested for hanging the nooses no one goes "oh oops"
3-regular old dorky white guy hate crimes aren't posted here. It doesn't fit with the "those lying Jews/blacks"

Obviously there are fake hate crimes but GD thinks it's 99% and ignores all the Beavis and Butthead white guys who get drunk or stoned and spray swastikas

The hacked info on patriot front has videos of them spray painting swastikas and putting up signs and stickers. No Fed is going to engage in painting swastikas, you'd be better off running a kiddie porn site (which the Feds actually did after hijacking a kiddie porn site, the scum)

It's kind of interesting. One of the Patriot front guys who was outed made I guess stencils with a plastic printer and distributed them to the members. He was even has a practice site where he has the newbies test run graffiti. Yeah maybe this stuff is all gov or antifa propaganda but really it's too elaborate and the PF don't really do much other than minor vandalism and be generally pathetic. They go on day hikes with assault packs or camping overnight.

They look like the old zombie fighter forum where the guys went for hikes and camping trips with cheap assault packs, except the zombie guys had mosins and the Nazi guys just have flags. But it has the same air of sort of purposeless bored larping. "Grr those Jews!" Walk up a hill with a chinese assault pack with morale patches. Eat peanut butter and jelly. Pose with flags, back home to swap photos of the hike
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Those sound exactly like the crimes an undercover FBI agent/asset could get away with.

Link Posted: 1/21/2022 11:38:53 PM EDT
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The uncomfortable reality is that there are racists, fascists and assorted other shitbags that self-identify as being right wing.
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The level of fantasy people are willing to engage in here to avoid facing uncomfortable realities is truly fascinating.

What "uncomfortable reality"?  That every terrorist plot foiled by the FBI involved two or three room-temp IQ types being egged on by Feds?
The uncomfortable reality is that there are racists, fascists and assorted other shitbags that self-identify as being right wing.

More identify as left wing.
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 11:42:11 PM EDT
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The uncomfortable reality is that there are racists, fascists and assorted other shitbags that self-identify as being right wing.
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The level of fantasy people are willing to engage in here to avoid facing uncomfortable realities is truly fascinating.

What "uncomfortable reality"?  That every terrorist plot foiled by the FBI involved two or three room-temp IQ types being egged on by Feds?
The uncomfortable reality is that there are racists, fascists and assorted other shitbags that self-identify as being right wing.


Most identity as male, too.  And white.

I didn't know only the Ideologically Pure could vote for Republican candidates.  Democrats have had no problem courting Black Panthers and all sorts of unsavory characters.
Link Posted: 1/21/2022 11:49:18 PM EDT
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What "uncomfortable reality"?  That every terrorist plot foiled by the FBI involved two or three room-temp IQ types being egged on by Feds?
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The level of fantasy people are willing to engage in here to avoid facing uncomfortable realities is truly fascinating.

What "uncomfortable reality"?  That every terrorist plot foiled by the FBI involved two or three room-temp IQ types being egged on by Feds?

But this time the patriot front is different.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:00:40 AM EDT
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More identify as left wing.
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The level of fantasy people are willing to engage in here to avoid facing uncomfortable realities is truly fascinating.

What "uncomfortable reality"?  That every terrorist plot foiled by the FBI involved two or three room-temp IQ types being egged on by Feds?
The uncomfortable reality is that there are racists, fascists and assorted other shitbags that self-identify as being right wing.

More identify as left wing.
Then those people are the left-wing's problem. The right wing needs to deal with our shitbag problem.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:02:46 AM EDT
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Most identity as male, too.  And white.

I didn't know only the Ideologically Pure could vote for Republican candidates.  Democrats have had no problem courting Black Panthers and all sorts of unsavory characters.
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The level of fantasy people are willing to engage in here to avoid facing uncomfortable realities is truly fascinating.

What "uncomfortable reality"?  That every terrorist plot foiled by the FBI involved two or three room-temp IQ types being egged on by Feds?
The uncomfortable reality is that there are racists, fascists and assorted other shitbags that self-identify as being right wing.


Most identity as male, too.  And white.

I didn't know only the Ideologically Pure could vote for Republican candidates.  Democrats have had no problem courting Black Panthers and all sorts of unsavory characters.
And that makes it ok?  Some of Patriot Front's core values are the destruction of the constitution, the installation of a dictator and people subjugating their individual rights to the state.  Are you ok with having those people on the right?
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:09:54 AM EDT
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No, we’re well aware of communists having infiltrated Arfcom as “fellow gun owners” that shit on traditional conservative values.
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I guess some one didn't get the memo, huh?
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:13:09 AM EDT
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I guess some one didn't get the memo, huh?
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No, we're well aware of communists having infiltrated Arfcom as "fellow gun owners" that shit on traditional conservative values.

I guess some one didn't get the memo, huh?
Apparently not. I guess someone changed "traditional conservative values" to include tacit support for fascist totalitarians who want to dissolve the government, do away with the constitution, abrogate individual rights to the state and have the country ruled by a white nationalist dictator.  Can someone send me a copy of the memo where conservatives decided to support that?
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:13:33 AM EDT
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Then those people are the left-wing's problem. The right wing needs to deal with our shitbag problem.
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Sounds like glow speak for "Round up the Gov'nah, tards."
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:13:44 AM EDT
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A thinly veiled insult calling me a communist is pretty weak. If you think I'm a communist, your communist detector is completely broken. Your FBI detector is also clearly broken.
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Dude you might want to switch to decaff, your getting pretty wound up. And Id hate to lose another member to a stroke.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:15:58 AM EDT
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Dude you might want to switch to decaff, your getting pretty wound up. And Id hate to lose another member to a stroke.
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A thinly veiled insult calling me a communist is pretty weak. If you think I'm a communist, your communist detector is completely broken. Your FBI detector is also clearly broken.

Dude you might want to switch to decaff, your getting pretty wound up. And Id hate to lose another member to a stroke.
Yeah, you're right. I don't know why this, in particular, bothers me so much. I really don't like fascists. I guess it's a family history of killing fascists in a big war.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:16:03 AM EDT
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And that makes it ok?  Some of Patriot Front's core values are the destruction of the constitution, the installation of a dictator and people subjugating their individual rights to the state.  Are you ok with having those people on the right?
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The level of fantasy people are willing to engage in here to avoid facing uncomfortable realities is truly fascinating.

What "uncomfortable reality"?  That every terrorist plot foiled by the FBI involved two or three room-temp IQ types being egged on by Feds?
The uncomfortable reality is that there are racists, fascists and assorted other shitbags that self-identify as being right wing.


Most identity as male, too.  And white.

I didn't know only the Ideologically Pure could vote for Republican candidates.  Democrats have had no problem courting Black Panthers and all sorts of unsavory characters.
And that makes it ok?  Some of Patriot Front's core values are the destruction of the constitution, the installation of a dictator and people subjugating their individual rights to the state.  Are you ok with having those people on the right?

Huh?  How are they any more my personal problem than wackos on the far left?  If I’m going to have to stand up and denounce every group of wackos across the spectrum that I disagree with, I’m going to sound like Bubba reciting every way you can serve shrimp.  And it might take longer.

If you are suggesting a particular course of action, spit it out.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:16:54 AM EDT
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And that makes it ok?  Some of Patriot Front's core values are the destruction of the constitution, the installation of a dictator and people subjugating their individual rights to the state.  Are you ok with having those people on the right?
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The level of fantasy people are willing to engage in here to avoid facing uncomfortable realities is truly fascinating.

What "uncomfortable reality"?  That every terrorist plot foiled by the FBI involved two or three room-temp IQ types being egged on by Feds?
The uncomfortable reality is that there are racists, fascists and assorted other shitbags that self-identify as being right wing.


Most identity as male, too.  And white.

I didn't know only the Ideologically Pure could vote for Republican candidates.  Democrats have had no problem courting Black Panthers and all sorts of unsavory characters.
And that makes it ok?  Some of Patriot Front's core values are the destruction of the constitution, the installation of a dictator and people subjugating their individual rights to the state.  Are you ok with having those people on the right?

Since they are a fed controlled operation that cooperates with law enforcement at multiple demonstrations, their stated goals are meaningless. They are a false flag to make the right look bad. No matter how hard you try to pretend that they are the true right, it doesn’t make it so. Nobody on the right claims or accepts them.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:19:49 AM EDT
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Huh?  How are they any more my personal problem than wackos on the far left?  If I'm going to have to stand up and denounce every group of wackos across the spectrum that I disagree with, I'm going to sound like Bubba reciting every way you can serve shrimp.  And it might take longer.

If you are suggesting a particular course of action, spit it out.
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When people on the right pretend that racist, fascist assholes don't exist and make the ridiculous excuse that they are feds, it would be good to point out to the people whose heads are in the sand that they are wrong. Those people do exist, they are a tiny minority that tries to glom on to the right and they should be told to go fuck off rather than be defended, either explicitly or implicitly by pretending that they aren't real.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:25:39 AM EDT
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When people on the right pretend that racist, fascist assholes don't exist and make the ridiculous excuse that they are feds, it would be good to point out to the people whose heads are in the sand that they are wrong. Those people do exist, they are a tiny minority that tries to glom on to the right and they should be told to go fuck off rather than be defended, either explicitly or implicitly by pretending that they aren't real.
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What do you propose would be a good way to send this FO message?  They’re not here in my living room, and I doubt you would allow them in yours.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:28:20 AM EDT
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The uncomfortable reality is that there are racists, fascists and assorted other shitbags that self-identify as being right wing.
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The level of fantasy people are willing to engage in here to avoid facing uncomfortable realities is truly fascinating.

What "uncomfortable reality"?  That every terrorist plot foiled by the FBI involved two or three room-temp IQ types being egged on by Feds?
The uncomfortable reality is that there are racists, fascists and assorted other shitbags that self-identify as being right wing.

Why do you keep trying. to link these socialist to the right?

National Socialist or Nazi's are a creation of the left.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:31:09 AM EDT
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Why do you keep trying. to link these socialist to the right?

National Socialist or Nazi's are a creation of the left.
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The level of fantasy people are willing to engage in here to avoid facing uncomfortable realities is truly fascinating.

What "uncomfortable reality"?  That every terrorist plot foiled by the FBI involved two or three room-temp IQ types being egged on by Feds?
The uncomfortable reality is that there are racists, fascists and assorted other shitbags that self-identify as being right wing.

Why do you keep trying. to link these socialist to the right?

National Socialist or Nazi's are a creation of the left.
Good, then let's just label the Patriot Front and the rest of the neo-fascists as leftists and stop pretending that they are all FBI plants.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:31:49 AM EDT
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What do you propose would be a good way to send this FO message?  They're not here in my living room, and I doubt you would allow them in yours.
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When people on the right pretend that racist, fascist assholes don't exist and make the ridiculous excuse that they are feds, it would be good to point out to the people whose heads are in the sand that they are wrong. Those people do exist, they are a tiny minority that tries to glom on to the right and they should be told to go fuck off rather than be defended, either explicitly or implicitly by pretending that they aren't real.

What do you propose would be a good way to send this FO message?  They're not here in my living room, and I doubt you would allow them in yours.
As I said, my issue is people here pretending like they don't exist.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:34:30 AM EDT
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Good, then let's just label the Patriot Front and the rest of the neo-fascists as leftists and stop pretending that they are all FBI plants.
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The level of fantasy people are willing to engage in here to avoid facing uncomfortable realities is truly fascinating.

What "uncomfortable reality"?  That every terrorist plot foiled by the FBI involved two or three room-temp IQ types being egged on by Feds?
The uncomfortable reality is that there are racists, fascists and assorted other shitbags that self-identify as being right wing.

Why do you keep trying. to link these socialist to the right?

National Socialist or Nazi's are a creation of the left.
Good, then let's just label the Patriot Front and the rest of the neo-fascists as leftists and stop pretending that they are all FBI plants.

How about they are leftest feds  
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:35:39 AM EDT
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1-fake hate crimes are posted here. I would suspect far out of proportion to the number of fake hate crimes because those are "appealing stories" ie "see those Jews/blacks are at it again
2-any hate crime with an unknown culprit is labeled fake here. "See another one" later if a white guy is arrested for hanging the nooses no one goes "oh oops"
3-regular old dorky white guy hate crimes aren't posted here. It doesn't fit with the "those lying Jews/blacks"

Obviously there are fake hate crimes but GD thinks it's 99% and ignores all the Beavis and Butthead white guys who get drunk or stoned and spray swastikas

The hacked info on patriot front has videos of them spray painting swastikas and putting up signs and stickers. No Fed is going to engage in painting swastikas, you'd be better off running a kiddie porn site (which the Feds actually did after hijacking a kiddie porn site, the scum)

It's kind of interesting. One of the Patriot front guys who was outed made I guess stencils with a plastic printer and distributed them to the members. He was even has a practice site where he has the newbies test run graffiti. Yeah maybe this stuff is all gov or antifa propaganda but really it's too elaborate and the PF don't really do much other than minor vandalism and be generally pathetic. They go on day hikes with assault packs or camping overnight.

They look like the old zombie fighter forum where the guys went for hikes and camping trips with cheap assault packs, except the zombie guys had mosins and the Nazi guys just have flags. But it has the same air of sort of purposeless bored larping. "Grr those Jews!" Walk up a hill with a chinese assault pack with morale patches. Eat peanut butter and jelly. Pose with flags, back home to swap photos of the hike
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Honestly I get the same impression. I hope they aren't getting some weird militant indoctrination that is going to start causing some real problems. Especially for everyday conservatives.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:36:26 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:39:17 AM EDT
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so the FBI is leaking their own data to make people think Patriot front is real?
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Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:39:57 AM EDT
Have we forgotten that Ray Epps is on video urging people to join Patriot Front?

Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:43:57 AM EDT
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As I said, my issue is people here pretending like they don't exist.
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If you can agree that the feds have a poor history of accidentally on purpose infiltrating and egging idiots like these on, I think we have achieved some kind of agreement.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:44:24 AM EDT
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Antifa uncovered one of the Nazis in Wa. They have photos of him


interesting discussion about head jerk off Rouseau not wanting them to carry guns or shoot together and the wa Nazis making printed firearms

there's also photos of them engaging in vandalism with spray paint and discussion of them hanging a fascist flag over an fbi billboard.  Feds aren't  spraying racist messages and posing with Nazi flags

Rousseau also tries to make the other Nazis buy stickers from him at a mark up but the rascals have been making their own. Sounds like putting up stickers is one of the things they're told to do
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This is incredibly funny, due to Rousseau's arrest history.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:44:28 AM EDT
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1-fake hate crimes are posted here. I would suspect far out of proportion to the number of fake hate crimes because those are "appealing stories" ie "see those Jews/blacks are at it again
2-any hate crime with an unknown culprit is labeled fake here. "See another one" later if a white guy is arrested for hanging the nooses no one goes "oh oops"
3-regular old dorky white guy hate crimes aren't posted here. It doesn't fit with the "those lying Jews/blacks"

Obviously there are fake hate crimes but GD thinks it's 99% and ignores all the Beavis and Butthead white guys who get drunk or stoned and spray swastikas

The hacked info on patriot front has videos of them spray painting swastikas and putting up signs and stickers. No Fed is going to engage in painting swastikas, you'd be better off running a kiddie porn site (which the Feds actually did after hijacking a kiddie porn site, the scum)

It's kind of interesting. One of the Patriot front guys who was outed made I guess stencils with a plastic printer and distributed them to the members. He was even has a practice site where he has the newbies test run graffiti. Yeah maybe this stuff is all gov or antifa propaganda but really it's too elaborate and the PF don't really do much other than minor vandalism and be generally pathetic. They go on day hikes with assault packs or camping overnight.

They look like the old zombie fighter forum where the guys went for hikes and camping trips with cheap assault packs, except the zombie guys had mosins and the Nazi guys just have flags. But it has the same air of sort of purposeless bored larping. "Grr those Jews!" Walk up a hill with a chinese assault pack with morale patches. Eat peanut butter and jelly. Pose with flags, back home to swap photos of the hike
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"No fed would paint swastikas." That's cute.

You really think the CIA and other alphabet agencies wouldn't engage in such activity?

You're either naive or....

Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:58:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:58:48 AM EDT
How RocketChat describes itself: "Explore Rocket.Chat, where we put data privacy into every conversation and enable teams to collaborate seamlessly."

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Ballsy, theft of classified FBI docs is taken pretty seriously.
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