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Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:11:22 PM EDT
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You mean usernames.
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Well I was talking specifically about whoever infiltrated them but but I am very sure that we have a bunch of those PF guys on here. And to them I say a hearty GTFO! BASTARDS.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:12:17 PM EDT
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So like say, create fake groups that you associate with them?
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You know what is so ironic about this?  If I was a fed, or a leftist, and I was targeting a self-identified right wing group and trying to kill it, guess what I would do?  I would take to the internet and spread rumors about it either being a fed-op or it being infiltrated by feds. That would kill their recruitment dead and it would sow distrust and resentment within the organization.

..and what would you do if you were trying to demonize and attack your political opposition, when they are good people who aren't criminals? While you and your supporters are bad people who are criminals..

What would you need to do to attack them?
I would probably prey on their insecurities and paranoia and get them to adopt and defend ideologies that are inconsistent with their core values so that I could then claim that they are the very thing that they despise.

So like say, create fake groups that you associate with them?

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Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:12:38 PM EDT
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I hate Nazis!!!

Almost as much as I hate Commies!!!

But not quite!!!

(but pretty damn close)

I fully endorse all people who hate Nazis and Commies (obviously Antifa/ BLM is excluded with the qualifier).

I'm a true antifascist- in the traditional sense. Not in the pretender Commie, oppressive Antifa/ BLM way.

Sic Semper Tyrannis.

(full disclosure: I do giggle over Hoppean Snake and helicopter memes. Almost as much as I do with AK mag changes)

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Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:16:21 PM EDT
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague."- Marcus Tullius Cicero
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:16:41 PM EDT
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That's not the issue. We're primarily concerned with the very real appearance that these guys are feds. Which raises another suspicion. You, in this thread trying hard to convince everyone that they aren't.

Just like you're in every election fraud thread trying to tell us there is none

And in every Trump thread trying to convince us he's a dick and a loser.

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So you have proof beyond appearance? Because we all know appearance means very little.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:17:17 PM EDT
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Why go through the trouble of creating fake groups when there are plenty of real ones?
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You know what is so ironic about this?  If I was a fed, or a leftist, and I was targeting a self-identified right wing group and trying to kill it, guess what I would do?  I would take to the internet and spread rumors about it either being a fed-op or it being infiltrated by feds. That would kill their recruitment dead and it would sow distrust and resentment within the organization.

..and what would you do if you were trying to demonize and attack your political opposition, when they are good people who aren't criminals? While you and your supporters are bad people who are criminals..

What would you need to do to attack them?
I would probably prey on their insecurities and paranoia and get them to adopt and defend ideologies that are inconsistent with their core values so that I could then claim that they are the very thing that they despise.

So like say, create fake groups that you associate with them?
Why go through the trouble of creating fake groups when there are plenty of real ones?

So like hi-jacking small groups and pushing them in a direction for their own political aims? I can see them doing that too.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:19:01 PM EDT
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What do you think happens when a Federal agent eventually gets outed as having painted swastikas over gay pride murals? In the real world that's something that will come out and will end careers.

Besides they have the names of people involved, photos.

Takes a pretty serious suspension of disbelief, but then we had people here believing pizzagate and all that nonsense about child kidnapping
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Have you never heard of an undercover investigation in your career as a lawyer?

There are movies about this very thing so that I don’t have to explain. Go watch Point Break or Fast and the Furious.

Cop infiltrates group. Has to do some illegal stuff to make the group believe they are legit. The misdemeanors they commit are not prosecuted and to the public are sold as necessary to infiltrate.

Feds or not, have you never heard of this?  That seems really odd.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:26:54 PM EDT
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If you haven't noticed.  EVERYONE is calling you one.  Except for your brethren.  You don't speak Conservative.  You don't sound right wing.  You stink of Fed or Antifa.  You speak like someone who learned English as a second language because you don't sound right.

You've typed fascist more on this board than I've heard it spoken my entire fucking life.  Conservatives don't talk like that.
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What's wrong with English as a second language?
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:33:52 PM EDT
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What's wrong with English as a second language?
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If you haven't noticed.  EVERYONE is calling you one.  Except for your brethren.  You don't speak Conservative.  You don't sound right wing.  You stink of Fed or Antifa.  You speak like someone who learned English as a second language because you don't sound right.

You've typed fascist more on this board than I've heard it spoken my entire fucking life.  Conservatives don't talk like that.
What's wrong with English as a second language?

Holy fuck some glowies and lefties are really making this more difficult than it should be.

I WAS MAKING AN EXAMPLE.  People's Ruler doesn't use the language of a Conservative yet keeps insisting he's one of us.

People who learn English as a second language learn to speak it properly.  Lingo and horrible grammar aren't part of the way they learn so it's obvious to someone who speaks it native.  

So please find a different high horse to get up on because nothing I said was insulting to people learning English as a second language.  And if you were offended by that then maybe you should get some thicker skin or get out of GD.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:40:29 PM EDT
When lacking a their desired boogieman, they'll invent one.

When there is a bad guy that's not a white hetero male, they'll cover it up.

Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:41:07 PM EDT
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Holy fuck some glowies and lefties are really making this more difficult than it should be.

I WAS MAKING AN EXAMPLE.  People's Ruler doesn't use the language of a Conservative yet keeps insisting he's one of us.

People who learn English as a second language learn to speak it properly.  Lingo and horrible grammar aren't part of the way they learn so it's obvious to someone who speaks it native.  

So please find a different high horse to get up on because nothing I said was insulting to people learning English as a second language.  And if you were offended by that then maybe you should get some thicker skin or get out of GD.
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If you haven't noticed.  EVERYONE is calling you one.  Except for your brethren.  You don't speak Conservative.  You don't sound right wing.  You stink of Fed or Antifa.  You speak like someone who learned English as a second language because you don't sound right.

You've typed fascist more on this board than I've heard it spoken my entire fucking life.  Conservatives don't talk like that.
What's wrong with English as a second language?

Holy fuck some glowies and lefties are really making this more difficult than it should be.

I WAS MAKING AN EXAMPLE.  People's Ruler doesn't use the language of a Conservative yet keeps insisting he's one of us.

People who learn English as a second language learn to speak it properly.  Lingo and horrible grammar aren't part of the way they learn so it's obvious to someone who speaks it native.  

So please find a different high horse to get up on because nothing I said was insulting to people learning English as a second language.  And if you were offended by that then maybe you should get some thicker skin or get out of GD.
Just an FYI, I kind of like being called People's Ruler.  I'm carrying my head a little higher today because of you.

Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:43:00 PM EDT
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Not if he's a Fed asset.
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Odds he's going to be prosecuted for impeding feds?

Not if he's a Fed asset.
A CI just doing what he is told to do

That or face jail time
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:46:20 PM EDT
Whether or not Theodoric gets banned from a thread for taking it off topic, I think he's earned being placed on ignore lists as a leftist shill. I don't usually ignore leftist shills, but this thread has been derailed. Which was undoubtedly the point.

As for Patriot Front and similar groups, it's only natural that as Antifa, John Brown Gun Club, Socialist Rifle Association, Communist Party groups and other radicals gain ground, that alternate groups would spring up to oppose them. While PF is undoubtedly completely infiltrated by Feds, it may be an organic reactionary group responding in their own way (and ways guided by "confidential informants") to the world around them.

Remember Spain in the 1930s: the far Left won power, and a fascist/nationalist group rose up to oppose them, providing a rare defeat for the radical Left. If the far Left hadn't won elections and passed radical Left agenda, the Nationalists/Falange wouldn't have been needed. And the other key thing about the Spanish lesson, is that the moderate center was completely destroyed by the factions. The population who wanted to live their lives in peace were forced to fight anyway. Sometimes war chooses you.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:48:38 PM EDT
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So you have proof beyond appearance? Because we all know appearance means very little.
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Who fucking said anything about proof?
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 12:59:42 PM EDT
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Who fucking said anything about proof?
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Looks like it was me who asked you for proof beyond appearance.
(see detailed info graphic above and refer to blue arrow.)
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 1:01:52 PM EDT
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Whether or not Theodoric gets banned from a thread for taking it off topic, I think he's earned being placed on ignore lists as a leftist shill. I don't usually ignore leftist shills, but this thread has been derailed. Which was undoubtedly the point.

As for Patriot Front and similar groups, it's only natural that as Antifa, John Brown Gun Club, Socialist Rifle Association, Communist Party groups and other radicals gain ground, that alternate groups would spring up to oppose them. While PF is undoubtedly completely infiltrated by Feds, it may be an organic reactionary group responding in their own way (and ways guided by "confidential informants") to the world around them.

Remember Spain in the 1930s: the far Left won power, and a fascist/nationalist group rose up to oppose them, providing a rare defeat for the radical Left. If the far Left hadn't won elections and passed radical Left agenda, the Nationalists/Falange wouldn't have been needed. And the other key thing about the Spanish lesson, is that the moderate center was completely destroyed by the factions. The population who wanted to live their lives in peace were forced to fight anyway. Sometimes war chooses you.
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I'm at a loss to understand why making the point that this data leak proves that they are real and not a fed-op is derailing the thread.  I also don't understand why not liking fascists makes me a leftist shill.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 1:04:04 PM EDT
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Why is it so hard to say that fascism and racism are incompatible with being a conservative?  Is it that much easier to just attack me and create another conspiracy theory that I'm either a fed or a leftist plant?
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What is your view on the Great Replacement Theory?

Link Posted: 1/22/2022 1:10:02 PM EDT
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Lol is he really?
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Yes.  It was from the evening of Jan. 5th, on one of the livestreams, maybe Baked Alaska. I even saw it a couple of times on broadcast t.v., either Fox or Newsmax.

Most of those videos have been scrubbed, I haven't able to find it again, or I would post it.

Link Posted: 1/22/2022 1:11:15 PM EDT
Well some assistant director at the FBI just lost his job.

I am sure there really are real neo nazis, but I think this group had some tee shirts made for new memebers...

Link Posted: 1/22/2022 1:13:21 PM EDT
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What is your view on the Great Replacement Theory?

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Why is it so hard to say that fascism and racism are incompatible with being a conservative?  Is it that much easier to just attack me and create another conspiracy theory that I'm either a fed or a leftist plant?

What is your view on the Great Replacement Theory?

Demographic change is a reality of the modern world.  The United States is becoming more diverse and more urbanized and there are reactionary forces that are opposed to it.  Those reactionaries are fighting a losing battle.  The solution is ideas and winning people over.  The solution is not fighting a fight that will inevitably be lost because the sheer numbers involved make it impossible to win.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 1:13:34 PM EDT
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That one made me laugh out loud.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 1:14:09 PM EDT
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I'm at a loss to understand why making the point that this data leak proves that they are real and not a fed-op is derailing the thread.  I also don't understand why not liking fascists makes me a leftist shill.
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Yeah that's pretty clearly one of the primary topics of the thread.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 1:14:39 PM EDT
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Antifa uncovered one of the Nazis in Wa. They have photos of him


interesting discussion about head jerk off Rouseau not wanting them to carry guns or shoot together and the wa Nazis making printed firearms

there's also photos of them engaging in vandalism with spray paint and discussion of them hanging a fascist flag over an fbi billboard.  Feds aren't  spraying racist messages and posing with Nazi flags

Rousseau also tries to make the other Nazis buy stickers from him at a mark up but the rascals have been making their own. Sounds like putting up stickers is one of the things they're told to do
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Unlike the movies real government agents don’t do the actual work.  They blackmail, bribe, coerce, trick, and influence non government actors to do it.

Patriot Front and Antifa are two sides of the same coin.  Pawns of the elite to scare the masses to do their bidding and cover up their activities.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 1:15:50 PM EDT
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GD claims all racism against non whites or against Jews is either fabricated or the Feds. This is obviously a bunch of racist white guys (and some women) dressing up like tactical timmies and engaging in minor vandalism. But white guys being bad tends to generate conspiracy theories here, like this, the Vegas shooter, the Charlottesville Nazi etc. sometimes white guys being white power losers are just a bunch of 0s spray painting and going for hikes with assault packs and making the "ok" thing for the camera
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Those guys get what they deserve buts its going to be a mess sorting them out from the feds.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 1:30:32 PM EDT
Fascism has only been a government in a handful of states over a 50 year period.  That’s it. Germany, Spain, Italy, Romania … sorta.

Each country had an autocracy with unique characteristics, relationships with other conservative elements (the Catholic church, the monarchy, the military) , fiscal policy, there really is no “fascist” system of government or coherent ideology. They’re all unique dictatorships with banners and uniforms.

“Fascist” and “racist” are just leftist labels used to control discussion and debate. Ad hominem attack. Don’t agree with a proposed policy position?  Boom, fascist!  No, wait, racist!

For the left, this language is like a minefield. Politicians won’t go “there” for fear of being called something. The Jesuits knew that controlling the terms meant controlling the argument.

They also like to redefine things and get you to agree; for example, American soldiers during WW2 were anti-fascist and therefore, ANTIFA. Neither is true. Most 20 year olds were anti-Japanese racists from today’s “standards” and pro young women wherever they were. ??

Don’t play their game.

As for fascists, they didn’t fill enough ditches with professors. Damned Frankfurt School…
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 1:40:31 PM EDT
US government agencies infiltrated and compromised by the extreme socialist leftists over the last 20-30- yrs.

Now, most Americans (60%+) see the reality but unwilling to lift a finger to stop what they see coming. Ie. Getting involved in your local precinct and county.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 1:44:44 PM EDT
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Demographic change is a reality of the modern world.  The United States is becoming more diverse and more urbanized and there are reactionary forces that are opposed to it.  Those reactionaries are fighting a losing battle.  The solution is ideas and winning people over.  The solution is not fighting a fight that will inevitably be lost because the sheer numbers involved make it impossible to win.
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I think everyone can see where this mindset has led the West.

Diversity and demographic change doesn’t care about your ideas of liberalism and enlightening.

Link Posted: 1/22/2022 1:44:46 PM EDT
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Ballsy, theft of classified FBI docs is taken pretty seriously.
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Link Posted: 1/22/2022 1:47:34 PM EDT
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Not if he's a Fed asset.
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Link Posted: 1/22/2022 1:52:20 PM EDT
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Why is it so hard to say that fascism and racism are incompatible with being a conservative?  Is it that much easier to just attack me and create another conspiracy theory that I'm either a fed or a leftist plant?
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You are the only person implying a relationship between fascism, racism and being a conservative.

No one has defended anything this group does or is about and yet you keep suggesting conservatives support them.  

Link Posted: 1/22/2022 1:53:04 PM EDT
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"No fed would paint swastikas." That's cute.

You really think the CIA and other alphabet agencies wouldn't engage in such activity?

You're either naive or....

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1-fake hate crimes are posted here. I would suspect far out of proportion to the number of fake hate crimes because those are "appealing stories" ie "see those Jews/blacks are at it again
2-any hate crime with an unknown culprit is labeled fake here. "See another one" later if a white guy is arrested for hanging the nooses no one goes "oh oops"
3-regular old dorky white guy hate crimes aren't posted here. It doesn't fit with the "those lying Jews/blacks"

Obviously there are fake hate crimes but GD thinks it's 99% and ignores all the Beavis and Butthead white guys who get drunk or stoned and spray swastikas

The hacked info on patriot front has videos of them spray painting swastikas and putting up signs and stickers. No Fed is going to engage in painting swastikas, you'd be better off running a kiddie porn site (which the Feds actually did after hijacking a kiddie porn site, the scum)

It's kind of interesting. One of the Patriot front guys who was outed made I guess stencils with a plastic printer and distributed them to the members. He was even has a practice site where he has the newbies test run graffiti. Yeah maybe this stuff is all gov or antifa propaganda but really it's too elaborate and the PF don't really do much other than minor vandalism and be generally pathetic. They go on day hikes with assault packs or camping overnight.

They look like the old zombie fighter forum where the guys went for hikes and camping trips with cheap assault packs, except the zombie guys had mosins and the Nazi guys just have flags. But it has the same air of sort of purposeless bored larping. "Grr those Jews!" Walk up a hill with a chinese assault pack with morale patches. Eat peanut butter and jelly. Pose with flags, back home to swap photos of the hike

"No fed would paint swastikas." That's cute.

You really think the CIA and other alphabet agencies wouldn't engage in such activity?

You're either naive or....

This. Pay attention folks.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 1:59:20 PM EDT
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You are the only person implying a relationship between fascism, racism and being a conservative.

No one has defended anything this group does or is about and yet you keep suggesting conservatives support them.  

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Why is it so hard to say that fascism and racism are incompatible with being a conservative?  Is it that much easier to just attack me and create another conspiracy theory that I'm either a fed or a leftist plant?

You are the only person implying a relationship between fascism, racism and being a conservative.

No one has defended anything this group does or is about and yet you keep suggesting conservatives support them.  

Respectfully, I think you are misunderstanding what I'm saying, or I'm not saying it clearly. Patriot Front identifies as right wing. My point is that calling them feds, when in reality it is most likely they are not, is a convenient way to dismiss them and pretend that they aren't real instead of criticizing their underlying philosophy as being incompatible with conservative, constitutionalist values.  Calling them feds and being critical of their desire to dismantle the United States and replace it with a dictatorship aren't the same things.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 2:01:52 PM EDT
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I think everyone can see where this mindset has led the West.

Diversity and demographic change doesn’t care about your ideas of liberalism and enlightening.

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Demographic change is a reality of the modern world.  The United States is becoming more diverse and more urbanized and there are reactionary forces that are opposed to it.  Those reactionaries are fighting a losing battle.  The solution is ideas and winning people over.  The solution is not fighting a fight that will inevitably be lost because the sheer numbers involved make it impossible to win.

I think everyone can see where this mindset has led the West.

Diversity and demographic change doesn’t care about your ideas of liberalism and enlightening.

Urbanization used to be about moving to where the jobs were.

Now it’s a matter of policy. If you haven’t been noticing local governments pushing to change zoning laws to allow high density housing in single family home neighborhoods…

It’s not about fairness, or race. It’s about who owns property and who rents, forever - and who’s in the herd who is milked and controlled.

Demographics used to be about birthrate. Now it’s about an endless supply of cheap labor and how your genetic background and culture are evils unless you’re one of the designated good groups.

Urbanization and demographics aren’t mysterious forces that nice people need to just accept like a historical inevitable. They are driven and controlled by policies set by people who want an end result.

99.99999% of forum members are not part of that group.

A couple are willing tools, what Lenin called “useful idiots.”
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 2:08:38 PM EDT
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The wiki definition seems pretty clear.

"Individuals involved in the movement tend to hold anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, and anti-state views, subscribing to a range of left-wing ideologies. A majority of individuals involved are anarchists, communists, and socialists who describe themselves as revolutionaries, and have little allegiance to liberal democracy."
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 2:08:40 PM EDT
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Respectfully, I think you are misunderstanding what I'm saying, or I'm not saying it clearly. Patriot Front identifies as right wing. My point is that calling them feds, when in reality it is most likely they are not, is a convenient way to dismiss them and pretend that they aren't real instead of criticizing their underlying philosophy as being incompatible with conservative, constitutionalist values.  Calling them feds and being critical of their desire to dismantle the United States and replace it with a dictatorship aren't the same things.
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Why is it so hard to say that fascism and racism are incompatible with being a conservative?  Is it that much easier to just attack me and create another conspiracy theory that I'm either a fed or a leftist plant?

You are the only person implying a relationship between fascism, racism and being a conservative.

No one has defended anything this group does or is about and yet you keep suggesting conservatives support them.  

Respectfully, I think you are misunderstanding what I'm saying, or I'm not saying it clearly. Patriot Front identifies as right wing. My point is that calling them feds, when in reality it is most likely they are not, is a convenient way to dismiss them and pretend that they aren't real instead of criticizing their underlying philosophy as being incompatible with conservative, constitutionalist values.  Calling them feds and being critical of their desire to dismantle the United States and replace it with a dictatorship aren't the same things.

You keep saying that but they are Nazis.  Nazis are not right wing and have never been right wing.  

They're leftest socialist.  You can stop trying to gaslight people into thinking they are a product of the right.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 2:19:08 PM EDT
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I'm at a loss to understand why making the point that this data leak proves that they are real and not a fed-op is derailing the thread.  I also don't understand why not liking fascists makes me a leftist shill.
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That is exactly what makes you a shill. The leak proves absolutely NOTHING. Without any real background research (of the kind LEO can do) and independent verification, the data presented isn't conclusive about anything. It is safe to assume the group includes Federal informants. What level of influence do the Feds have? What level of activity do the Feds have? We do not know. It is just as stupid to say that PF is 100% Fed as it is to say that PF is 100% real. When you say the leak proves they are real, you're making just a big a leap as the first post. If you assume zero Federal participation with PF, you're a bigger fool than anyone else.

Have you learned nothing from past history? Remember that crazy cult compound in Texas that got raided by Feds on suspicion of child rape and other abuses? Some Mormon branch or something? The Feds and their media operation made out like there was massive abuse going on, and they separated all the families. Months later, without any fanfare, they let everybody go, because it was a nothingburger. Remember Ruby Ridge? Randy Weaver was described as a racist, white separatist, Nazi punk. Months later, the Feds paid him a (token) settlement for their misdeeds (like murder). If you repeat what government press releases say, you are a shill. No rational person accepts what government sources say without reservation, unless you have some external reason to believe what is said.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 2:24:38 PM EDT
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You keep saying that but they are Nazis.  Nazis are not right wing and have never been right wing.  

They're leftest socialist.  You can stop trying to gaslight people into thinking they are a product of the right.
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Why is it so hard to say that fascism and racism are incompatible with being a conservative?  Is it that much easier to just attack me and create another conspiracy theory that I'm either a fed or a leftist plant?

You are the only person implying a relationship between fascism, racism and being a conservative.

No one has defended anything this group does or is about and yet you keep suggesting conservatives support them.  

Respectfully, I think you are misunderstanding what I'm saying, or I'm not saying it clearly. Patriot Front identifies as right wing. My point is that calling them feds, when in reality it is most likely they are not, is a convenient way to dismiss them and pretend that they aren't real instead of criticizing their underlying philosophy as being incompatible with conservative, constitutionalist values.  Calling them feds and being critical of their desire to dismantle the United States and replace it with a dictatorship aren't the same things.

You keep saying that but they are Nazis.  Nazis are not right wing and have never been right wing.  

They're leftest socialist.  You can stop trying to gaslight people into thinking they are a product of the right.
Philosophically, I agree with you completely. As I've said repeatedly, these people have zero place in the right. The issue is that they identify as right wing, they attempt to recruit from the right wing and there are people on the right that are hesitant to call them what they really are. It's that hesitation that I don't understand.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 2:26:20 PM EDT
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That is exactly what makes you a shill. The leak proves absolutely NOTHING. Without any real background research (of the kind LEO can do) and independent verification, the data presented isn't conclusive about anything. It is safe to assume the group includes Federal informants. What level of influence do the Feds have? What level of activity do the Feds have? We do not know. It is just as stupid to say that PF is 100% Fed as it is to say that PF is 100% real. When you say the leak proves they are real, you're making just a big a leap as the first post. If you assume zero Federal participation with PF, you're a bigger fool than anyone else.

Have you learned nothing from past history? Remember that crazy cult compound in Texas that got raided by Feds on suspicion of child rape and other abuses? Some Mormon branch or something? The Feds and their media operation made out like there was massive abuse going on, and they separated all the families. Months later, without any fanfare, they let everybody go, because it was a nothingburger. Remember Ruby Ridge? Randy Weaver was described as a racist, white separatist, Nazi punk. Months later, the Feds paid him a (token) settlement for their misdeeds (like murder). If you repeat what government press releases say, you are a shill. No rational person accepts what government sources say without reservation, unless you have some external reason to believe what is said.
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I'm at a loss to understand why making the point that this data leak proves that they are real and not a fed-op is derailing the thread.  I also don't understand why not liking fascists makes me a leftist shill.

That is exactly what makes you a shill. The leak proves absolutely NOTHING. Without any real background research (of the kind LEO can do) and independent verification, the data presented isn't conclusive about anything. It is safe to assume the group includes Federal informants. What level of influence do the Feds have? What level of activity do the Feds have? We do not know. It is just as stupid to say that PF is 100% Fed as it is to say that PF is 100% real. When you say the leak proves they are real, you're making just a big a leap as the first post. If you assume zero Federal participation with PF, you're a bigger fool than anyone else.

Have you learned nothing from past history? Remember that crazy cult compound in Texas that got raided by Feds on suspicion of child rape and other abuses? Some Mormon branch or something? The Feds and their media operation made out like there was massive abuse going on, and they separated all the families. Months later, without any fanfare, they let everybody go, because it was a nothingburger. Remember Ruby Ridge? Randy Weaver was described as a racist, white separatist, Nazi punk. Months later, the Feds paid him a (token) settlement for their misdeeds (like murder). If you repeat what government press releases say, you are a shill. No rational person accepts what government sources say without reservation, unless you have some external reason to believe what is said.
Like I said before, go read the stuff yourself.  If you want to continue to believe they are an imaginary organization created by the feds, I can't stop you.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 2:30:57 PM EDT
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Philosophically, I agree with you completely. As I've said repeatedly, these people have zero place in the right. The issue is that they identify as right wing, they attempt to recruit from the right wing and there are people on the right that are hesitant to call them what they really are. It's that hesitation that I don't understand.
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This is why nobody believes this is a real group.  

It is fed astroturf, it is literally a caricature of what leftest believe about the right.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 2:47:47 PM EDT
Excellent read from 1974 on the use of 'Agent Provocateurs'  primarly in the 60's 70's radical movements.  

Read and learn...

You can DL it for later reading, I suggest you do.

Link Posted: 1/22/2022 3:28:25 PM EDT
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Like I said before, go read the stuff yourself.  If you want to continue to believe they are an imaginary organization created by the feds, I can't stop you.
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You're seriously suggesting that I accept stuff posted on the internet at face value.

That makes you not only a shill, but pathetic. Or maybe that you think I'm an idiot who will blindly believe stuff I read without asking questions.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 3:31:08 PM EDT
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So the feds hacked the feds that were working for the feds?
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Not everyone knows these guys are lite brite glow sticks
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 3:32:50 PM EDT
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You're seriously suggesting that I accept stuff posted on the internet at face value.

That makes you not only a shill, but pathetic. Or maybe that you think I'm an idiot who will blindly believe stuff I read without asking questions.
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Like I said before, go read the stuff yourself.  If you want to continue to believe they are an imaginary organization created by the feds, I can't stop you.

You're seriously suggesting that I accept stuff posted on the internet at face value.

That makes you not only a shill, but pathetic. Or maybe that you think I'm an idiot who will blindly believe stuff I read without asking questions.
I'm suggesting you investigate the hacked data yourself to draw your own conclusions and not just rely on Twitter memes.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 3:36:15 PM EDT
I like those set ups..
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 4:04:40 PM EDT
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And that makes it ok?  Some of Patriot Front's core values are the destruction of the constitution, the installation of a dictator and people subjugating their individual rights to the state.  Are you ok with having those people on the right?
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The level of fantasy people are willing to engage in here to avoid facing uncomfortable realities is truly fascinating.

What "uncomfortable reality"?  That every terrorist plot foiled by the FBI involved two or three room-temp IQ types being egged on by Feds?
The uncomfortable reality is that there are racists, fascists and assorted other shitbags that self-identify as being right wing.


Most identity as male, too.  And white.

I didn't know only the Ideologically Pure could vote for Republican candidates.  Democrats have had no problem courting Black Panthers and all sorts of unsavory characters.
And that makes it ok?  Some of Patriot Front's core values are the destruction of the constitution, the installation of a dictator and people subjugating their individual rights to the state.  Are you ok with having those people on the right?

I'm not singing their praises.

What do you think "our" response should be?  Clutch our pearls and loudly denounce them?

Hey, everybody!  I think PF are a bunch of assholes!

... I also think they're a bunch of Feds.  My opinion and response doesn't really matter.

I don't understand why you are getting worked up.

Link Posted: 1/22/2022 4:07:13 PM EDT
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You're seriously suggesting that I accept stuff posted on the internet at face value.
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Not stuff that's posted here though
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 4:08:18 PM EDT
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I'm not singing their praises.

What do you think "our" response should be?  Clutch our pearls and loudly denounce them?

Hey, everybody!  I think PF are a bunch of assholes!

... I also think they're a bunch of Feds.  My opinion and response doesn't really matter.

I don't understand why you are getting worked up.

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Point taken. I am too worked up about this, mainly because I have a real fear that these types of groups have gained traction on the right due to people's frustrations and the crazy amount of propaganda that is being pumped into people's brains.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 4:18:30 PM EDT
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Point taken. I am too worked up about this, mainly because I have a real fear that these types of groups have gained traction on the right due to people's frustrations and the crazy amount of propaganda that is being pumped into people's brains.
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I'm not singing their praises.

What do you think "our" response should be?  Clutch our pearls and loudly denounce them?

Hey, everybody!  I think PF are a bunch of assholes!

... I also think they're a bunch of Feds.  My opinion and response doesn't really matter.

I don't understand why you are getting worked up.

Point taken. I am too worked up about this, mainly because I have a real fear that these types of groups have gained traction on the right due to people's frustrations and the crazy amount of propaganda that is being pumped into people's brains.

They aren't gaining traction on the right just as you aren't gaining traction on the right.

No one on the right believes what you keep saying.  We don't need to defend ourselves when others call us names.  We don't need to disassociate from a glowie-run group that supposedly claims to be right wing because they aren't.
Link Posted: 1/22/2022 4:19:21 PM EDT
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Have you never heard of an undercover investigation in your career as a lawyer?

There are movies about this very thing so that I don’t have to explain. Go watch Point Break or Fast and the Furious.

Cop infiltrates group. Has to do some illegal stuff to make the group believe they are legit. The misdemeanors they commit are not prosecuted and to the public are sold as necessary to infiltrate.

Feds or not, have you never heard of this?  That seems really odd.
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What do you think happens when a Federal agent eventually gets outed as having painted swastikas over gay pride murals? In the real world that's something that will come out and will end careers.

Besides they have the names of people involved, photos.

Takes a pretty serious suspension of disbelief, but then we had people here believing pizzagate and all that nonsense about child kidnapping

Have you never heard of an undercover investigation in your career as a lawyer?

There are movies about this very thing so that I don’t have to explain. Go watch Point Break or Fast and the Furious.

Cop infiltrates group. Has to do some illegal stuff to make the group believe they are legit. The misdemeanors they commit are not prosecuted and to the public are sold as necessary to infiltrate.

Feds or not, have you never heard of this?  That seems really odd.

This stuff reminds me of how the infiltrated the Mongols
and the Hells Angels

They created a fake club amongst other methods.

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