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Link Posted: 2/24/2021 9:48:38 AM EDT
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He isn’t majority leader anymore.

So if there is nothing you can do to stop a confirmation, maybe you compromise to try and get a win elsewhere?
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Link Posted: 2/24/2021 9:50:23 AM EDT
When questioned, Garland didn't have definite answers

AGs should have definite answers to questions
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 9:51:48 AM EDT
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You are a breath of fresh air.
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Some Kraut - I don’t think it was Clausewitz, so perhaps FtG - famously said, “He who defends everything, defends nothing.”

But what would a guy like him know compared to the aggregate wisdom of Guys’ Drama.  

You are a breath of fresh air.

Negative, both of you suffer under the delusion that the gop will fight.....Somewhere.

I suffer under no such delusions. I know a dead party walking when I see one and look forward to hastening it's demise.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 9:54:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 9:59:42 AM EDT
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You are a breath of fresh air.
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Thank you, you’re very kind.  I suspect you’ll be singing a different tune soon enough though.  

I have fifty-something thousand posts here, and I bet there aren’t more than a half dozen that didn’t piss off someone.  And it’s not like I’m trying for that effect.  It’s just my special gift.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:00:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:07:40 AM EDT
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When questioned, Garland didn't have definite answers

AGs should have definite answers to questions
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Garland may not know if a clear crime is a crime when that benefits his masters. When it comes to the imaginary white supremacist problem he'll do a Potter Stewart "I'll know it when I see it."

And regardless if a conservative behaviour is perfectly legal and moral Garland is going to be seeing white supremacy a lot.  Everywhere.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:09:56 AM EDT
Just another Globalist , nothing to see here , more of the same type of shit our government is already full of . Shocker.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:10:54 AM EDT
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It is not a joke. All the creatures up there in D.C. sleep in the same bed together. All of them!
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that first post nails it thing
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:11:03 AM EDT
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Negative, both of you suffer under the delusion that the gop will fight.....Somewhere.

I suffer under no such delusions. I know a dead party walking when I see one and look forward to hastening it's demise.
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Some Kraut - I don’t think it was Clausewitz, so perhaps FtG - famously said, “He who defends everything, defends nothing.”

But what would a guy like him know compared to the aggregate wisdom of Guys’ Drama.  

You are a breath of fresh air.

Negative, both of you suffer under the delusion that the gop will fight.....Somewhere.

I suffer under no such delusions. I know a dead party walking when I see one and look forward to hastening it's demise.

C'mon, man!  The GOP has a win under its belt somewhere, I'm sure of it!  And they really care about "the little guy!"  I mean, they REALLY care!  They would NEVER throw "the little guy" under the bus on something like... say... health care, or gun rights, or freedom of speech issues, or...

Well, you get the idea.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:15:18 AM EDT
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There was never really a question if Garland was going to get approved for AG.
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Yup.  It is probably a waste of time to fight it.  

Pick your battles.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:16:40 AM EDT


Oh yeah, and also one of Liz Cheney saying that the GOP needs to prove that they are not the party of white supremacy, and supporting this “9/11 style commission” to investigate the Capitol Hill incident.

Wtf is happening

I never assumed Republicans genuinely had our backs, but I also didn’t think they’d publicly jump in bed with Biden this quickly. Bunch of traitors and pussies.
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Who ae the idiots that keep electing McConnell? It has to be some of ya'll.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:16:46 AM EDT
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He wasn’t good enough to be on SCOTUS but now he can be AG?  Fucking clown world Republicans.
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He would have been on the SC if he was appointed a year earlier.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:18:34 AM EDT
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Garland is a piece of shit just as Bill Barr is.  The circus continues.
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Seriously.....is there anybody that Biden would nominate that the majority here would be OK with?

There much worse picks Biden could have made for this spot.

Garland is a piece of shit just as Bill Barr is.  The circus continues.

No kidding but that doesn’t answer his question.  

Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:18:52 AM EDT
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It wasn't long ago people were praising this dude on here.
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It wasn't long ago he deserved praise.

We didn't change, he did.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:20:11 AM EDT
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Who ae the idiots that keep electing McConnell? It has to be some of ya'll.
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Oh yeah, and also one of Liz Cheney saying that the GOP needs to prove that they are not the party of white supremacy, and supporting this “9/11 style commission” to investigate the Capitol Hill incident.

Wtf is happening

I never assumed Republicans genuinely had our backs, but I also didn’t think they’d publicly jump in bed with Biden this quickly. Bunch of traitors and pussies.

Who ae the idiots that keep electing McConnell? It has to be some of ya'll.

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Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:21:38 AM EDT
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No kidding but that doesn’t answer his question.  

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Seriously.....is there anybody that Biden would nominate that the majority here would be OK with?

There much worse picks Biden could have made for this spot.

Garland is a piece of shit just as Bill Barr is.  The circus continues.

No kidding but that doesn’t answer his question.  

Sure it does. If ‘our’ guy can’t appoint  a decent mother fucker to be AG why would we expect ‘their’ guy to do so.   The cycle continues.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:21:52 AM EDT
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Not the hill to die on? The GOPe gas never found a hill worth dying on and that is the problem.
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They did a good job keeping him of the SC.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:23:24 AM EDT
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It wasn't long ago he deserved praise.

We didn't change, he did.
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It wasn't long ago people were praising this dude on here.
It wasn't long ago he deserved praise.

We didn't change, he did.

Wrong, He never changed.   The guy is a literal self serving chicom shit bird. He does one seemingly good thing and the mindless hordes gush themselves... only to be set up for yet another cucking.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:23:52 AM EDT
It's no joke. You must remember that Mitch is in lock step with Nancy Pelosi on taking out the "Domestic Terrorists".
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:24:13 AM EDT
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Some Kraut - I don't think it was Clausewitz, so perhaps FtG - famously said, "He who defends everything, defends nothing."

But what would a guy like him know compared to the aggregate wisdom of Guys' Drama.  

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The reality is most of the big decisions that this senate will make are already hashed out. Chuck and mitch spent two weeks negotiating a power sharing deal...this is what it looks like.

There will be bread and circus for us but there really aren't any unknowns now.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:24:25 AM EDT
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After hearing the answers to Garland's questions asked, he isn't qualified to be a fucking janitor.  The guy is an absolute moron.
Never gave thought if illegal aliens coming into the country is even a crime?  Are you fucking kidding me?

Attacks on Federal buildings don't count as domestic terrorism because they happened after hours when they were closed?  Is this fucking guy serious?  

McConnell has dug a deep hole he will never get out of at this point.
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I gotta admit that that statement by the commie even made a whack job like myself have to sit down due to excessive dizziness.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:25:10 AM EDT
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Sure it does. If ‘our’ guy can’t appoint  a decent mother fucker to be AG why would we expect ‘their’ guy to do so.   The cycle continues.
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Seriously.....is there anybody that Biden would nominate that the majority here would be OK with?

There much worse picks Biden could have made for this spot.

Garland is a piece of shit just as Bill Barr is.  The circus continues.

No kidding but that doesn’t answer his question.  

Sure it does. If ‘our’ guy can’t appoint  a decent mother fucker to be AG why would we expect ‘their’ guy to do so.   The cycle continues.

There is only bad and worse is DC.  Some of us figured this out decades ago and act accordingly.

Tilting at windmills is a waste of effort.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:26:33 AM EDT
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There is only bad and worse is DC.  Some of us figured this out decades ago and act accordingly.

Tilting at windmills is a waste of effort.
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Seriously.....is there anybody that Biden would nominate that the majority here would be OK with?

There much worse picks Biden could have made for this spot.

Garland is a piece of shit just as Bill Barr is.  The circus continues.

No kidding but that doesn’t answer his question.  

Sure it does. If ‘our’ guy can’t appoint  a decent mother fucker to be AG why would we expect ‘their’ guy to do so.   The cycle continues.

There is only bad and worse is DC.  Some of us figured this out decades ago and act accordingly.

Tilting at windmills is a waste of effort.

Willing voting for these lesser of evil shit birds makes you part of the problem.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:29:29 AM EDT
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Thank you, you’re very kind.  I suspect you’ll be singing a different tune soon enough though.  

I have fifty-something thousand posts here, and I bet there aren’t more than a half dozen that didn’t piss off someone.  And it’s not like I’m trying for that effect.  It’s just my special gift.
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Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:30:45 AM EDT
On February 23,2021 a person would need to be profoundly daft to not recognize that all of those people are on the same team, and being fed by the same keeper.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:31:03 AM EDT
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Wrong, He never changed.   The guy is a literal self serving chicom shit bird. He does one seemingly good thing and the mindless hordes gush themselves... only to be set up for yet another cucking.
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He's a politician.  So of course.

I'm saying not long ago he was doing things worthy of praise.  It's not a character judgement, just a fact.  

We knew he was a snake....and that's what snakes do..

So we can just hate all politicians all the time right?  If we just stop voting for the snakes it'll certainly get better....right?
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:32:44 AM EDT
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He's a politician.  So of course.

I'm saying not long ago he was doing things worthy of praise.  It's not a character judgement, just a fact.  

We knew he was a snake....and that's what snakes do..

So we can just hate all politicians all the time right?  If we just stop voting for the snakes it'll certainly get better....right?
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Wrong, He never changed.   The guy is a literal self serving chicom shit bird. He does one seemingly good thing and the mindless hordes gush themselves... only to be set up for yet another cucking.
He's a politician.  So of course.

I'm saying not long ago he was doing things worthy of praise.  It's not a character judgement, just a fact.  

We knew he was a snake....and that's what snakes do..

So we can just hate all politicians all the time right?  If we just stop voting for the snakes it'll certainly get better....right?

You get what you vote for
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:33:16 AM EDT
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Thank you, you’re very kind.  I suspect you’ll be singing a different tune soon enough though.  

I have fifty-something thousand posts here, and I bet there aren’t more than a half dozen that didn’t piss off someone.  And it’s not like I’m trying for that effect.  It’s just my special gift.
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You are a breath of fresh air.

Thank you, you’re very kind.  I suspect you’ll be singing a different tune soon enough though.  

I have fifty-something thousand posts here, and I bet there aren’t more than a half dozen that didn’t piss off someone.  And it’s not like I’m trying for that effect.  It’s just my special gift.

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Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:49:13 AM EDT
The Republican Party is the joke
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 10:49:21 AM EDT
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He's a politician.  So of course.

I'm saying not long ago he was doing things worthy of praise.  It's not a character judgement, just a fact.  

We knew he was a snake....and that's what snakes do..

So we can just hate all politicians all the time right?  If we just stop voting for the snakes it'll certainly get better....right?
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Wrong, He never changed.   The guy is a literal self serving chicom shit bird. He does one seemingly good thing and the mindless hordes gush themselves... only to be set up for yet another cucking.
He's a politician.  So of course.

I'm saying not long ago he was doing things worthy of praise.  It's not a character judgement, just a fact.  

We knew he was a snake....and that's what snakes do..

So we can just hate all politicians all the time right?  If we just stop voting for the snakes it'll certainly get better....right?

Exactly. If we don’t fight we are guaranteed to win. Or something like that.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 11:11:14 AM EDT
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Negative, both of you suffer under the delusion that the gop will fight.....Somewhere.

I suffer under no such delusions. I know a dead party walking when I see one and look forward to hastening it's demise.
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Some Kraut - I don’t think it was Clausewitz, so perhaps FtG - famously said, “He who defends everything, defends nothing.”

But what would a guy like him know compared to the aggregate wisdom of Guys’ Drama.  

You are a breath of fresh air.

Negative, both of you suffer under the delusion that the gop will fight.....Somewhere.

I suffer under no such delusions. I know a dead party walking when I see one and look forward to hastening it's demise.

Link Posted: 2/24/2021 11:12:46 AM EDT
Selling the rope they’ll hang them with...
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 11:16:17 AM EDT
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The reality is most of the big decisions that this senate will make are already hashed out. Chuck and mitch spent two weeks negotiating a power sharing deal...this is what it looks like.

There will be bread and circus for us but there really aren't any unknowns now.
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Some Kraut - I don't think it was Clausewitz, so perhaps FtG - famously said, "He who defends everything, defends nothing."

But what would a guy like him know compared to the aggregate wisdom of Guys' Drama.  
The reality is most of the big decisions that this senate will make are already hashed out. Chuck and mitch spent two weeks negotiating a power sharing deal...this is what it looks like.

There will be bread and circus for us but there really aren't any unknowns now.

Wow.  I really wish I could have been there with you to observe all of that.  
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 11:21:05 AM EDT
Lol he couldn't do shit anyways right now.  I'd rather him act like he supports it and take some of the wind out of the democrat's sails than act like some doomer ARFCOM defeatist and uselessly gnash his teeth.  Mitch knows what he's doing.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 11:22:07 AM EDT
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You get what you vote for
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Oh my sweet summer child.

That's so 2016.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 11:34:52 AM EDT
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Wow.  I really wish I could have been there with you to observe all of that.  
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What do you think took two weeks?

How do you think a power sharing deal works?

 The senate isn't 100 or 101 voters...its maybe 5 or 6 that matter.  The rest are party line voters that will follow mitch or Chuck. When those two stop the posturing and actually come to an agreement it isn't for parking spots or office space. It's for the agenda.  

Garland is a symbolic figure, the scotus nom that got snubbed by mitch.  That was seen as a power play by mitch.  So it was a priority for Chuck, Mitch agreed to eat shit on this one as part of the deal.

Mitch will let senators in vulnerable positions vote the way that will get them re-elected, but the votes are a done deal.  I bet Harris isn't needed very often to break ties.

You silly peons think your vote counts? You think your calls and letters matter?  Hush!.....your betters are talking.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 11:40:21 AM EDT
Like I said yesterday. Mitch made a back door deal with Chuck the schmuck to support Garland as long as Garland goes after Trump. Mitch wants Trump out of the game so the GOP can get back to business as usual. Mitch wants to get back into bed with China 100% which benefits his family and his globalist supporters.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 11:51:07 AM EDT
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Like I said yesterday. Mitch made a back door deal with Chuck the schmuck to support Garland as long as Garland goes after Trump. Mitch wants Trump out of the game so the GOP can get back to business as usual. Mitch wants to get back into bed with China 100% which benefits his family and his globalist supporters.
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That wouldn't shock me.

Honestly, can we set the expectations too low at this point?
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 12:01:08 PM EDT
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Lol he couldn't do shit anyways right now.  I'd rather him act like he supports it and take some of the wind out of the democrat's sails than act like some doomer ARFCOM defeatist and uselessly gnash his teeth.  Mitch knows what he's doing.
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Mitch does what’s best for Mitch.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 12:06:48 PM EDT
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Lol he couldn't do shit anyways right now.  I'd rather him act like he supports it and take some of the wind out of the democrat's sails than act like some doomer ARFCOM defeatist and uselessly gnash his teeth.  Mitch knows what he's doing.
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Mitch does what’s best for Mitch.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 12:08:39 PM EDT
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He wasn't good enough to be on SCOTUS but now he can be AG?  Fucking clown world Republicans.
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Well, SCOTUS is a lot different than the AG's office, so I'd say possibly

Link Posted: 2/24/2021 12:19:40 PM EDT
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Negative, both of you suffer under the delusion that the gop will fight.....Somewhere.

I suffer under no such delusions. I know a dead party walking when I see one and look forward to hastening it's demise.
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GD cheered on every single senator who “fought” by contesting the EC count. Yet anybody who took 5 minutes to read the applicable US Code would recognize those efforts were absolutely fruitless. Moreover, the senators themselves knew it was fruitless, and they were contesting the count in order to take advantage of the gullible by showing that they were doing “something”.  They weren’t fighting for Trump, or election integrity. They were fighting for themselves and for the future votes of those who don’t know any better.

Meanwhile, you’ve got people like McConnell who understand that Garland was going to be confirmed regardless of what he did or how he voted. He isn’t going to waste a “No” vote in a meaningless gesture just to satisfy Trump’s base, when he can maneuver himself towards an actually achievable victory somewhere else.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 12:24:50 PM EDT
But hey, at least you saved Kentucky by voting Mitch in again. Would have really been a wasted vote if you voted against that turd.

*chucks ball blindly*


*whoops, that's the Democrat end of the court*

Everyone give yourselves a big old lesser evil pat on the back.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 12:28:20 PM EDT
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It is not a joke. All the creatures up there in D.C. sleep in the same bed together. All of them!
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Link Posted: 2/24/2021 12:31:02 PM EDT
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But hey, at least you saved Kentucky by voting Mitch in again. Would have really been a wasted vote if you voted against that turd.

*chucks ball blindly*


*whoops, that's the Democrat end of the court*

Everyone give yourselves a big old lesser evil pat on the back.
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Link Posted: 2/24/2021 12:34:49 PM EDT
Those inside the beltway do not give a fuck about the middle class. Trump was an anomaly who I think actually cared about us, and was not beholden to those who make politicians rich.
The fraud that was the last election was a blatant reminder of that, and they will do whatever they can to suppress anyone who champions the middle class, and will do all they can to kill the American dream.
I'm pretty sure everyone on this board who is under 50 years of age will be living a dramatically different life than they have now before they die, and not in a good way.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 12:37:20 PM EDT
How does the same state elect Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul?
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 12:39:13 PM EDT
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He isn't majority leader anymore.

So if there is nothing you can do to stop a confirmation, maybe you compromise to try and get a win elsewhere?
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He's not running for reelection. So he can shove his leftist sympathies right in our faces now. Along with his middle finger.
Link Posted: 2/24/2021 12:44:01 PM EDT
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Seriously.....is there anybody that Biden would nominate that the majority here would be OK with?

There much worse picks Biden could have made for this spot.
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Garland can't even admit that illegal aliens are breaking the law by entering the country illegally. He stood up for Antifa as the good guys.

Who would have been worse?
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