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Link Posted: 7/19/2020 9:49:50 AM EDT
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How about trying to figure out how to have a functional economy no matter what happens.
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A failed economy is integral to the destabilization required for Leftists to seize power.

Oh boy. Tinfoil is feeling awful tight lately.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 9:51:44 AM EDT
Hilary testifying - I don't recall, I don't recall, I don't recall...
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 9:52:44 AM EDT
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I am, but I’m not praying for things to go back the way they were.  

I was talking to my employee last week and he mentioned that he wished he could afford to buy food storage.  We’ve been getting slower and slower at work this year, revenue down 90% now.

So I went to Costco and bought him hundreds of pounds of beans, rice, yeast, wheat, etc.

It’s not just me.  There’s going to be a lot of very angry people in a few months.  All for a fraud.
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That’s pretty awesome of you OP.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 9:55:06 AM EDT
One failed coup attempt after another for three years, and as the Trump admin closes in on the most corrupt and blatant, they have taken the gloves off and are prepared to burn us all out to stay in power.  

This year we almost went to war (except we were never really close), then we had a pandemic that didn’t kill enough, so we had a season of widespread riots that still hasn’t turned the country against Trump, so we are back to pandemic with rioters for enforcement/leverage.

Next, Hillary and company are going to testify in September.  So their only chance is to ratchet the chaos up to 12.  And they will, they have no problem stepping on the bodies of anyone to get what they want.

So after 17 weeks of being stagnant, my company and all of my employees are starting to feel it deep.  We lasted 4 months without much impact other than changed plans.


I’m focused on prepping.  They won’t stop till I’m dead and my children torn from me and ‘re-educated’ or killed in front of me.

Another peaceful, middle class white guy backed into a corner.  Heaven help us, we’ll need it.
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NOBODY puts baby in a corner.  Don’t make me come out to Utah and straighten this stuff out!
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 9:56:43 AM EDT
Masturbation helps with stress
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 9:57:49 AM EDT
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Who is the fight that's coming going to be against?

Are you anticipating an economic collapse, invasion, or a political purge?
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Prepare for each of those possibilities. Who knows which will happen, but know that at least one will.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:01:54 AM EDT
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Buy replacement shoes now.  So much footwear comes from China...

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What doesn't come from China?  We need to get to near-zero items from China.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:02:22 AM EDT
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I started this way.... I got on my knees 15 years ago and asked God what I should do.

In a month I will have the ability to feed my family quite well, and twice our number of refugees, but I’m afraid govt thugs and envious men will try to take what I’ve built and saved.  In the end, my faith is in God not bullets, beans and bandaids, manna can fall from heaven if it’s needed.

But I’m still getting mad in the meantime.  Good and mad.  Fighting mad.

I highly doubt I will die a peaceful death as an elderly man, but I want my wife and kids to.
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First off, I perceive you are a man of faith so what I am saying here speaks of faith:

I spent my morning devotional time in John 6 in the KJV. There are three miracles there but also a revealing of God's plan towards His believers. Spend some time in it because there is a lot more there.

"And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day." John 6:40 King James Version

We are living in Biblical times and have been ever since Jesus came to earth and ascended to heaven. Remember what He said in Matthew 10:34 - "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." God is on a whole different time scale than us but yes we can prepare with earthly possessions but just remember that this will be a great test of faith and we will need to be well versed in Scripture. Are we any different than His disciples that were in that boat caught up in a storm and they thought they were sinking so they awoke Jesus and He calmed the seas. I think some of us need to awake Jesus/Holy Spirit inside us and "walk by faith and not by sight".  

I had cancer and was given a year to live if I didn't get treatment.  I rejected that death sentence and instead did a trust fall into Jesus's arm by walking by faith and not by sight. God answered my prayer and calmed the turbulent seas so to speak inside my body and I was healed. I figured if it is my time it is my time but I didn't believe it was yet I suffered for two years and came through. Today I've been cancer free for 4 years. This I know, we can talk a good talk with faith but it will be tested, repeatedly, and in the current times we are living in I believe His believers will see the miraculous signs and wonders because there is a higher battle going on (Eph. 6:12) and we will need that whole armor of God to stand in the midst of chaos.

Matthew 8:23-27 KJV

23 And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him.

24 And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep.

25 And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish.

26 And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.

27 But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:04:00 AM EDT
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The time for our side to get organized is right fuckin now boys.  Violence is coming.
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Violence is already here.  Why these young marxist anarchists are not stopped (at any cost) by Trump is beyond me.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:04:25 AM EDT
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A failed economy is integral to the destabilization required for Leftists to seize power.

Oh boy. Tinfoil is feeling awful tight lately.
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How about trying to figure out how to have a functional economy no matter what happens.

A failed economy is integral to the destabilization required for Leftists to seize power.

Oh boy. Tinfoil is feeling awful tight lately.

Nothing "tinfoil" about it-you are absolutely correct.  

Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:04:37 AM EDT
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A failed economy is integral to the destabilization required for Leftists to seize power.

Oh boy. Tinfoil is feeling awful tight lately.
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This is my take too.  We are experiencing an attempt at a Marxist takeover, so we should look to history to see several things,

Q1- how far will they go?  
A1- all the way.  No Marxist, fascist or totalitarian government has ever risen without complete commitment.

Q2- are previous versions similar?
A2- very.  Much can be learned from stepping back and looking at general trends and sweeping changes that were either caused or exploited.

Q3- Are we seeing any similarities?
A4- yes.  Nearly step by step in some cases.

Q4- is it accelerating?
A4- rapidly.

It’s not really time to twiddle.  It’s time to get mad, and get active.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:05:08 AM EDT
Arfcom assures me none of this is politicized.  It's about a handful of bad cops and really deadly flu.

just wear you mask and everything will be ok.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:09:37 AM EDT
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Dont forget to compartmentalize the rage and frustration so you can still function day to day.
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Absolutely great advice.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:11:21 AM EDT
I agree, OP. I’m in the same boat.

You should look into Mike Glover’s American Contingency plan. Or, start your own community. All the food and ammo in the world won’t matter long, if you don’t have a network or community of people around you.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:12:25 AM EDT
I cant wait for negative interest rates at the bank! Thats when you know it fork tender.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:13:57 AM EDT

Very good post, thank you.  You should post more.

I am not even remotely afraid of what I see on the horizon, but I also know it will be extremely difficult.  I worry for my kids, as we all do.  I worry for my friends, and I’ve decided that my last acts of capitalism aren’t going to be selfishness, so I’m using as much of the dwindling resources of my company to help my employees as much as I can, or as much as they will allow.  For some that means a letter of reference and enthusiastically helping the, try to find work.  For others, much more.

It’s like walking through a briar patch to blaze a trail for your kids.  You know you’ll bleed for it, but your kids will bleed a lot less, so we put the chin down and blaze through.

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First off, I perceive you are a man of faith so what I am saying here speaks of faith:

I spent my morning devotional time in John 6 in the KJV. There are three miracles there but also a revealing of God's plan towards His believers. Spend some time in it because there is a lot more there.

"And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day." John 6:40 King James Version

We are living in Biblical times and have been ever since Jesus came to earth and ascended to heaven. Remember what He said in Matthew 10:34 - "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." God is on a whole different time scale than us but yes we can prepare with earthly possessions but just remember that this will be a great test of faith and we will need to be well versed in Scripture. Are we any different than His disciples that were in that boat caught up in a storm and they thought they were sinking so they awoke Jesus and He calmed the seas. I think some of us need to awake Jesus/Holy Spirit inside us and "walk by faith and not by sight".  

I had cancer and was given a year to live if I didn't get treatment.  I rejected that death sentence and instead did a trust fall into Jesus's arm by walking by faith and not by sight. God answered my prayer and calmed the turbulent seas so to speak inside my body and I was healed. I figured if it is my time it is my time but I didn't believe it was yet I suffered for two years and came through. Today I've been cancer free for 4 years. This I know, we can talk a good talk with faith but it will be tested, repeatedly, and in the current times we are living in I believe His believers will see the miraculous signs and wonders because there is a higher battle going on (Eph. 6:12) and we will need that whole armor of God to stand in the midst of chaos.

Matthew 8:23-27 KJV

23 And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him.

24 And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep.

25 And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish.

26 And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.

27 But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!
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Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:22:25 AM EDT
Majority of the time a thread like this is posted the replies are pretty evenly split with the people that agree, the naysayers and the jokesters.
This one is majorly on the side of agreement. That should be a wake up call for fence sitters.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:29:15 AM EDT
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Wait until the .gov is stealing 1/3 of your annual income & giving you nothing....oh, wait!  Already happening....

50% income taxes are just around the corner for some of us....
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We do not have to pay it.  Would you rather not fund your enemy, or "follow the law and be a good citizen"? Our tax dollars, and money spent at places like (damn it) chic file a, fund our enemy.  WE paybthe taxes.  Those obama phones they use to collaborate, we pay for them.  The cable tv bringing them the CNN Disney, and bet propaganda.  Yeah we pay for it.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:31:43 AM EDT
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I buy a new pair of made in America Danners each year during the sale. Could use some more dress shoes I guess, but the pandemic telework has been nice.
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Post those prep ideas OP.

Buy replacement shoes now.  So much footwear comes from China...

I buy a new pair of made in America Danners each year during the sale. Could use some more dress shoes I guess, but the pandemic telework has been nice.

No matter how prepped you think you are there is always something.  Time to go look up some boots.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:40:42 AM EDT
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I cant wait for negative interest rates at the bank! Thats when you know it fork tender.
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Time to start paying attention.  We already have that.  Have for some time.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:41:49 AM EDT
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No matter how prepped you think you are there is always something.  Time to go look up some boots.
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I have 7 kids.  We have been stockpiling shoes, winter boots, good jeans, etc for all of them in several sizes each.

But we are also saving/storing durable useful shoes/boots/clothes they have grown out of.  I imagine there will be many that will need the basics.

If you’ve ever read through old census reports it’s amazing how many babies died of ‘teething’ due to simple fevers that $3 in Children’s Tylenol would have fixed.  So even though my youngest is nearly 7, we stockpile that too.

This is not the time to focus on who is on my side and let the rest die.  That way is what drove the French Revolution which was a bloodbath.  It leads from ‘he wasn’t on our side’ to ‘he wasn’t on our side fast enough’.  Then ‘he wasn’t on our side enthusiastically enough’.  

Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:42:38 AM EDT
who's not already prepared?
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:43:23 AM EDT
OP, my wife hit her breaking point this week.

She’s a proud midwestern girl, proud American, and fierce patriot. My faith in America’s future has long been lost, but it’s all coming to light for her now.

We believe that we are seeing the end of the country we grew up in, and it’s heartbreaking. At this point little is left but to prepare for what may come and to cherish friends, family, and one another.  

Beyond that, we pray for America, her people and her leaders. Only God can save this country, I firmly believe. My faith is that He works in mysterious ways and that while I can’t see his plan, there is one.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:44:57 AM EDT
We need to do something NOW. I've said in past threads that "many" American middle class males will not have the will to do what it takes to get our country back. There is always a few responses to the tune of  "once they take everything from a guy, then they'll do what it takes!"

WRONG ANSWER: If we wait until they have destroyed our economy and altered OUR American way of life that we should be willing to die for to preserve... then its way to LATE. WE LOST at that point!

This needs to be a "whatever it takes" crusade to SAVE what we love and cherish.... NOT an "after its gone" REVOLT.

I'm ready. I have no more fucks to give and being in my 50's... yet still in excellent condition... I can be effective and contribute. A few more years of twiddling thumbs and growing older, maybe not.

I would love to be proven wrong about how many will not show up for this party, but I won't count on them. It is time for those that are willing to do something before that to just do it. How that all happens logistically.... no answer.... but I'm listening.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:45:13 AM EDT
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We believe that we are seeing the end of the country we grew up in, and it’s heartbreaking.

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The 4th of July this year felt like a memorial service.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:46:38 AM EDT
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Absolutely great advice.
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Dont forget to compartmentalize the rage and frustration so you can still function day to day.


Absolutely great advice.

This is a struggle. The way I feel reminds me of that Avengers scene where Bruce explains that he’s always angry. I don’t have superpowers so I’m not sure how my anger is useful.

It helps to stop watching the “news”.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:48:12 AM EDT
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Nothing "tinfoil" about it-you are absolutely correct.  

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How about trying to figure out how to have a functional economy no matter what happens.

A failed economy is integral to the destabilization required for Leftists to seize power.

Oh boy. Tinfoil is feeling awful tight lately.

Nothing "tinfoil" about it-you are absolutely correct.  

We had a functioning economy.  Until IMHO we began chasing market shares over morals.  We kept pushing the envelope of decency in order to grab that sale.  We wrote laws that kept the rich in power, and along with regulation forced men to commit illegal acts if they want to get ahead.  The drug dealer on the corner is no different that the Kennedys.  We allowed corporations to make us believe their rights were just as if not more important  than the rights of the individual.  At what point does Walmart go from a private company able to enforce mask rules, to being the only source of goods and therefore more of a public/private space where they have to suck it up?  Having only one place to shop, and that place being able to set its rules has been done before.  Ask a coal miner.  We refuse to be owned by a government, but believe a company has every right to "enslave" us.  As the only game left open in town they can mandate your payment method, and style of chip.
We create inventions to make life easier, and gripe at those who do not fill the new free time with ideas we feel are important.  If I save 30 min mowing the grass with a riding mower I'm now lazy for playing PlayStation at 2pm on a Saturday.  We automate jobs in he name of progress, then tell those displaced that a minimum wage job is not to support a family on.  Then devalue them further by telling them we would not pay them that much if we were not forced too.  However the person who ran the company into bankruptcy, costing you your management level position, suburban house, wife and kids, all your self respect, will be getting millions of dollars.

Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:48:24 AM EDT
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It is difficult to find confidence in a savings account.  

I agree with you, but I honestly don’t see any limit to what the global Marxists will do, so I am more diverse than that.  Actually, I’m getting bled dry.  I think it’s been pretty amazing that we’ve had a 90% drop in revenue for over 4 months and we are just starting to hurt, one employee told me he’s sending out his resume and I’m trying to help him find something.  Another is day trading, making $200/day or so, but at least she’s covering for some of what we’re not making.

A savings account isn’t where my investment is.  It’s in my education, my company and my ability to provide valuable services.  I still have that, but fraud has rendered it nearly worthless for supporting my family.
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Nothing wrong with hoarding of rice and beans, but the most likely calamity we’ll face is either Economic or Health related.
Therefore, getting debt free and healthy, is the best Prep.  
And have legit savings.  At least a year or two.

It is difficult to find confidence in a savings account.  

I agree with you, but I honestly don’t see any limit to what the global Marxists will do, so I am more diverse than that.  Actually, I’m getting bled dry.  I think it’s been pretty amazing that we’ve had a 90% drop in revenue for over 4 months and we are just starting to hurt, one employee told me he’s sending out his resume and I’m trying to help him find something.  Another is day trading, making $200/day or so, but at least she’s covering for some of what we’re not making.

A savings account isn’t where my investment is.  It’s in my education, my company and my ability to provide valuable services.  I still have that, but fraud has rendered it nearly worthless for supporting my family.

I agree that a saving account is no answer.   It’s merely a guarantee of losing ~5% or more per year.    
I’ve been puzzling over it for 20 years, and I still don’t have an answer.  Definitely Land and PM’s, but what to do, to stay ahead of inflation?    I hate the thought of being a landlord, and I don’t trust the market (although I play it via retirement accounts).
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:52:59 AM EDT
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The 4th of July this year felt like a memorial service.
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We were all saying the same thing at our 4th celebration this year.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 10:53:21 AM EDT
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Time to start paying attention.  We already have that.  Have for some time.
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I cant wait for negative interest rates at the bank! Thats when you know it fork tender.

Time to start paying attention.  We already have that.  Have for some time.

So far who received more federal dollars this year?  The private citizens of the USA, or Wall Street?   Yes this includes repoloans.  

Making the most unprecedented announcement in the history of Wall Street, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York announced today that it will be offering $500 billion in 3-month repo loans to its primary dealers (Wall Street trading firms) today at 1:30 p.m. That $500 billion comes on top of the $198.10 billion the New York Fed loaned the street in its morning repo operations.

Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:00:38 AM EDT
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I agree that a saving account is no answer.   It’s merely a guarantee of losing ~5% or more per year.    
I’ve been puzzling over it for 20 years, and I still don’t have an answer.  Definitely Land and PM’s, but what to do, to stay ahead of inflation?    I hate the thought of being a landlord, and I don’t trust the market (although I play it via retirement accounts).
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The source of all wealth is labor.  Gold only has value because it takes labor, and more labor than most other things.  

So the only real source of wealth is family.  It is wealth for generations and is the most capitalist of all endeavors.  It is impervious to climate change, political strife, real estate changes....

I am trying to build an empire, similar to George Washington with Mt Vernon, a complete industry and empire for my family.  Screw the economy.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:05:00 AM EDT
A few years ago, while Obama was President, I was at a Christmas party. Standing around drinking with the other husbands/boyfriends of women who were all at the same pilates studio.

While the chicks talking chick stuff, the four of us got to talking. Three of the four had served as Army officers. Two were USMA grads.

We all admitted that we had low confidence in the future and were prepping and stacking food and ammo in a low key way.

It was an inflection point for me:  “it’s not just me and my crazy friend network of retired snakeeaters!”

Last year, I was having coffee with a friend, a very senior Fed LEO who was about to take a big field assignment. We were shooting the shit about guns and motorcycles and suppressors, and he said, “You know, I think we have about two to four good years left before this all starts coming down.”

So OP, it’s not just you, nor is it the people you know on the internet.

This is the time you strengthen those real world bonds. You’re doing right.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:06:33 AM EDT
I have been a "it's going to collapse any day now" since 2004.

I wasted several years of investing and hoarding money for the money I hoarded to be worth less.

Do I still believe it's going to collapse? Absolutely. This sinking ship has got to take on enough water to finally make it sink to the bottom sooner or later.

Meanwhile I am buying property and real estate as fast as possible. I went into debt $200k on Thurs of last week and probably another $200k in the upcoming month or two.

If or when we come out on the other side of this, my family and I will be financially set for the rest of our lives. If we don't and the world collapses, who fucking cares? The bank going to evict 90% of all Americans? Good luck with that.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:07:54 AM EDT
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Keep your head up, and if you are a religious man, pray, and pray hard!
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LOL - yep, that should fix it.   If we just want it bad enough
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:10:06 AM EDT
The 4:30 mark is where he gets to the point I believe is important.  

For those who have read the Bible know that historically God blessed the Jewish (as a people as a Nation), the Jewish turned away, God removed his protection and sent in their enemies, the Jewish beg forgiveness, God forgives the Jewish, God blesses the Jewish, the Jewish turned away,.....  That is just the way it was in the O.T.   And what I what to point out  is that I believe we were blessed by God, but we too as a Nation turned away.  

Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:10:59 AM EDT
Books, I recommend getting some books.

These are a good start IMO.

The Encyclopedia of Country Living
A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing & Smoking Meat, Fish & Game
Deerskins to Buckskins
The trappers bible

and couple of good gardening books.

Never know when you may need to look for some ideas/help and internet may not always be available.

oh yea and of course my favorite

The Joy Of Cooking.

It has everything in it!
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:11:33 AM EDT
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Majority of the time a thread like this is posted the replies are pretty evenly split with the people that agree, the naysayers and the jokesters.
This one is majorly on the side of agreement. That should be a wake up call for fence sitters.
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I agree. The near unanimous consensus is what I find really concerning.  Not just on the internet either. Shit is getting very real very fast.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:17:49 AM EDT
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Books, I recommend getting some books.

These are a good start IMO.

The Encyclopedia of Country Living
A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing & Smoking Meat, Fish & Game
Deerskins to Buckskins
The trappers bible

and couple of good gardening books.

Never know when you may need to look for some ideas/help and internet may not always be available.
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I’m getting in front of the curve a bit-  I intend to feed cows, chickens, hogs, turkeys and horses.

SCW greenhouse thread
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:20:02 AM EDT
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The 4th of July this year felt like a memorial service.
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I felt the EXACT same thing....
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:20:23 AM EDT
Supporting Goya is not prepping.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:21:53 AM EDT
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I cant wait for negative interest rates at the bank! Thats when you know it fork tender.
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It looks more and more like the Fed may start buying equities directly.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:22:45 AM EDT
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The 4:30 mark is where he gets to the point I believe is important.  

For those who have read the Bible know that historically God blessed the Jewish (as a people as a Nation), the Jewish turned away, God removed his protection and sent in their enemies, the Jewish beg forgiveness, God forgives the Jewish, God blesses the Jewish, the Jewish turned away,.....  That is just the way it was in the O.T.   And what I what to point out  is that I believe we were blessed by God, but we too as a Nation turned away.  


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He's correct. But statue toppling (and soon renaming streets and buildings, burning history books, the cancel culture ratcheting up on steroids with the help of big data, and ultimately taking private property from one group and giving to another by force of gubmint) is also MOSTLY about one group of people asserting dominance over another group.

Praying is NOT going to fix this. They'll lop off your head as you're praying. They don't GAS. They're out to win that dominance by whatever means necessary.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:23:57 AM EDT
For reading check out THE HARBINGER by Johnathan Cahn.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:25:26 AM EDT
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Beyond that, we pray for America, her people and her leaders. Only God can save this country, I firmly believe. My faith is that He works in mysterious ways and that while I can't see his plan, there is one.
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Wise man told me a while back "it'll either be revival or revolution."

So we pray for revival and prep for revolution.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:26:33 AM EDT
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I’m getting in front of the curve a bit-  I intend to feed cows, chickens, hogs, turkeys and horses.

SCW greenhouse thread
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Books, I recommend getting some books.

These are a good start IMO.

The Encyclopedia of Country Living
A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing & Smoking Meat, Fish & Game
Deerskins to Buckskins
The trappers bible

and couple of good gardening books.

Never know when you may need to look for some ideas/help and internet may not always be available.

I’m getting in front of the curve a bit-  I intend to feed cows, chickens, hogs, turkeys and horses.

SCW greenhouse thread

Complete set FOXFIRE

Since the first volume published in 1972, the Foxfire books have brought the philosophy and wisdom of the mountains to millions, teaching creative self-sufficiency and preserving the stories, crafts, and customs of Southern Appalachia. Inspiring and practical, this classic series has become an American institution.

Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:28:26 AM EDT
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Who is the fight that’s coming going to be against?

Are you anticipating an economic collapse, invasion, or a political purge?
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All three at the same time. The leftist vs right nations inside USA Will look Urban vs Rural, instability will hasten in economic collapse, General American internal focus creates vacuum of power globally hastening WWIII.

I would not be surprised to see a dozen American cities nuked.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:29:37 AM EDT
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I felt the EXACT same thing....
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Our town decided the rodeo and parade were not socially distanced (aka community dissolving) enough so they were cancelled.  We did have fireworks, but they were somewhat somber.  Very different atmosphere this year.

Our county was the third or fourth highest percentage of Trump voters in the country, so lots of patriotism here.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:32:18 AM EDT
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OP, my wife hit her breaking point this week.

She’s a proud midwestern girl, proud American, and fierce patriot. My faith in America’s future has long been lost, but it’s all coming to light for her now.

We believe that we are seeing the end of the country we grew up in, and it’s heartbreaking. At this point little is left but to prepare for what may come and to cherish friends, family, and one another.  

Beyond that, we pray for America, her people and her leaders. Only God can save this country, I firmly believe. My faith is that He works in mysterious ways and that while I can’t see his plan, there is one.
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This is exactly where we’re at as well. I pray daily for the nation on down to my family and know He is in charge, but my human failings and inability to see His plan mean I still worry.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:40:38 AM EDT
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Beyond that, we pray for America, her people and her leaders. Only God can save this country, I firmly believe. My faith is that He works in mysterious ways and that while I can’t see his plan, there is one.
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Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:41:11 AM EDT
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Buy replacement shoes now.  So much footwear comes from China...

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....and socks. Don't forget socks.
Dark colors only,  for the stealthiness.
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