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Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:44:44 AM EDT
a well placed rock will change the course of a river

when enough good people stand up and say enough of this bullshit only then is there hope

God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:47:41 AM EDT
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If your a Bible person, you should know the outcome.
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Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:50:43 AM EDT
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We need to do something NOW. I've said in past threads that "many" American middle class males will not have will to do what it takes to get our country back. There is always a few responses to the tune of  "once they take everything from a guy, then they'll do what it takes!"

WRONG ANSWER: If we wait until they have destroyed our economy and altered OUR American way of life that we should be willing to die for to preserve... then its way to LATE. WE LOST at that point!

This needs to be a "whatever it takes" crusade to SAVE what we love and cherish.... NOT an "after its gone" REVOLT.

I'm ready. I have no more fucks to give and being in my 50's... yet still in excellent condition... I can be effective and contribute. A few more years of twiddling thumbs and growing older, maybe not.

I would love to be proven wrong about how many will not show up for this party, but I won't count on them. It is time for those that are willing to do something before that to just do it. How that all happens logistically.... no answer.... but I'm listening.
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The best and easiest thing to do is re-elect Trump.  It’s not as sexy as night vision, body armor and ammo forts, but the most effective.  Vote and get everyone around you to vote for Trump.  If you know older Republicans, give them a ride to the polls or get them a mail-in ballot.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:51:41 AM EDT
If people have not, they should go to the survival forum, there is a lot of good info there that goes beyond food and guns that is very helpful.  I strongly recommend reviewing the Outdoor/Survival Forum on AR15.com.

The threads on medications are very good as are energy.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 11:55:41 AM EDT

I'm extremely fortunate, my line of work is doing well right now, one of the few that's up double digits over last year.

Money is good, however I'm not certain that it will remain that way for long.

Cash is getting stored away like crazy, we're bulking up on food storage and while I had a decent ammo supply before, I'm primarily bulking up on reloading components this time around. Rifles that had a year or so timeline to completion are getting built now, within a month both of my oldest kids will have theirs built, I'll have everything ready for my youngest (she'll be 5 this fall), and the lower that was gonna be a range toy is gonna be built into an 11.5" pistol w/brace.

Been buying mags here and there as well, still finding GI and PMAGs for $9 or less shipped. So I snag a few at a time.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:00:03 PM EDT
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For reading check out THE HARBINGER by Johnathan Cahn.
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I read that after 9/11.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:03:39 PM EDT
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He's correct. But statue toppling (and soon renaming streets and buildings, burning history books, the cancel culture ratcheting up on steroids with the help of big data, and ultimately taking private property from one group and giving to another by force of gubmint) is also MOSTLY about one group of people asserting dominance over another group.

Praying is NOT going to fix this. They'll lop off your head as you're praying. They don't GAS. They're out to win that dominance by whatever means necessary.
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A Glock and a ballot in your hands is worth than a thousand hands clasped in desperate prayer.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:04:55 PM EDT
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A GLOCK in your hands is worth than a thousand hands clasped in desperate prayer.
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A Glock in the hands of a prayerful man is even better
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:05:37 PM EDT
Bear with me on my story.

My wife and I spent the day yesterday with some old friends for a 50th birthday celebration. They rented a houseboat on Lake Lanier. We knew them and their two adult daughters, but no one else on the boat. My friend Brian and I were talking about current affairs. Several people came over and joined our conversation. One of the other men there turned to his wife and said "See, I'm not the only one who thinks this way." To a person, all people, men and women, were very concerned about our future. It was very telling on where you average middle class American's mind is and what they think is coming.

My take away from our conversations. People are frustrated, angry, and scared. People are preparing for civil unrest. But here's the big take away. Families are preparing together. While that is good, it's not GREAT. The left is organized and can muster large groups quickly. I can't do that. I can rally close family members and a few employees but that's it. Where is our organization?

And then we returned to the dock...

The boat owner owns four rental house boats. He is a retired high school principal that was a championship wrestler who is built like The Rock. I was like, that dude is 52 and he is in incredible shape. I was embarrassed on my current physical state...but I digress. As we were docking the pungent odor of marijuana filled the air. About forty to fifty Africans (I've stopped calling them African Americans) were on one of his other houseboats. They were going out for a 6PM cruise. The boat owner has a zero tolerance policy for tobacco/drugs. He jumped off our boat and went to the other boat and said they couldn't smoke anything (Tobacco or MJ) and to either abide by the rules or he would cancel their cruise.

And then all hell broke loose. He was immediately assaulted with verbal threats of they would "kill him" and "death to whitey". African women screeching all at the same time. African men literally three to four inches from the guys face threatening him. They kept calling him NIG*** over and over which I found strange for Africans to call a white dude that. I have to give the boat owner credit. He called 911 and sat there and took the abuse. Never backed away. And he was surrounded with two other white female boat handlers. I'm like shit. I pulled my Glock out of my bag and left it in the car. And all I do is preach "ALWAYS BE ARMED!!!"

After ten to fifteen minutes of this, boat owner still on with 911, the Africans start getting off the boat and making there way to the parking lot. Cops finally show up. Wife and I make our way past them and leave. I do not know the outcome.

Take away from that episode.

Africans are emboldened! The way they were screaming at the cops as we walked by was shocking. The way the cops just stood there and took it was shocking. The people we were with on the boat were scared and had the Africans started beating the boat owner, I am not sure anyone would have intervened.

My wife was very afraid and wanted to leave as quickly as possible. She then chewed my ass for not being armed.

I do not see a civil way forward for any of us. I'm ok with that for me. But my wife, kids, and grandkids I have much fear for.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:08:05 PM EDT
As I have grown older and have learned my history, I long ago concluded to not have any confidence in any .gov institution. They are impotent at best, effective by accident, and right by coincidence.

There are many system structures emplaced here that keep themselves elevated above the groveling masses, they are self-aggrandized and use you and me to feed off of. They create their system based on a supposed necessity promising to provide an essential service, but when that service is called upon, there is always a loophole where you are denied.

Look into the history of the FDIC, it's a scam to sooth people's fears, they in no way could pay out at once, but it says gov insured so people feel good about it.

So, quit putting your faith in anything government, look at yourself in the mirror and know that the guy looking back at you is your last best hope and you better do what you need to do to make it because they sure as shit do not care.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:08:39 PM EDT
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Man. I am right there with you shane.
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One failed coup attempt after another for three years, and as the Trump admin closes in on the most corrupt and blatant, they have taken the gloves off and are prepared to burn us all out to stay in power.  

This year we almost went to war (except we were never really close), then we had a pandemic that didn't kill enough, so we had a season of widespread riots that still hasn't turned the country against Trump, so we are back to pandemic with rioters for enforcement/leverage.

Next, Hillary and company are going to testify in September.  So their only chance is to ratchet the chaos up to 12.  And they will, they have no problem stepping on the bodies of anyone to get what they want.

So after 17 weeks of being stagnant, my company and all of my employees are starting to feel it deep.  We lasted 4 months without much impact other than changed plans.


I'm focused on prepping.  They won't stop till I'm dead and my children torn from me and 're-educated' or killed in front of me.

Another peaceful, middle class white guy backed into a corner.  Heaven help us, we'll need it.

Man. I am right there with you shane.
Me too.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:14:08 PM EDT
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A Glock in the hands of a prayerful man is even better
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A GLOCK in your hands is worth than a thousand hands clasped in desperate prayer.

A Glock in the hands of a prayerful man is even better

Armed men are ready to master all they survey.
The prayerful man awaits the call in desperation.  

Battlefields are always littered with the bodies of astonished men.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:15:04 PM EDT
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People are preparing for civil unrest. But here's the big take away. Families are preparing together. While that is good, it's not GREAT. The left is organized and can muster large groups quickly. I can't do that. I can rally close family members and a few employees but that's it. Where is our organization?
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It was mentioned in this thread already but I think this is some of what American Contingency is hoping to enable.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:18:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:23:14 PM EDT
I am confident our leaders will guide us through this crisis

And the next and the next

And we will be a communist state LOL
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:26:34 PM EDT
There is more organization than some of you think. Families and friends are consolidating. It happens quickly, as I have personally observed.

If things get worse (which I firmly believe they will), those pocket groups will consolidate into larger groups.

And then...
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:28:28 PM EDT
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Bear with me on my story.


About forty to fifty Africans (I've stopped calling them African Americans)...
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FWIW, the real Africans I know are friendly, easygoing folks without the chip on the shoulder many (not all) black Americans are sportin'.  I don't think they should be known as a group as "African Americans" either, though, since the vast majority are generations away from any African ancestors and have never set foot on the continent.  

Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:30:41 PM EDT
“They won’t stop till I’m dead and my children torn from me and ‘re-educated’ or killed in front of me.”

This is what happens when you keep ratcheting up the rhetoric - you get to a place like this and you start believing it.

I really worry about some of you guys. How can you go through your day to day seeing Marxists behind every fast food ad and shake in fear of left wing death squads every time you watch Hannity.

Get off the internet and go outside for a while, sheesh.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:33:22 PM EDT
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There is more organization than some of you think. Families and friends are consolidating. It happens quickly, as I have personally observed.

If things get worse (which I firmly believe they will), those pocket groups will consolidate into larger groups.

And then...
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I've seen an increasing amount of organization amongst conservatives. From events like VCDL Lobby Day to the Battle Buddy events as well as local church and religious groups.

Whether or not we get our collective shit together in time, remains to be seen.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:33:54 PM EDT
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Dont forget to compartmentalize the rage and frustration so you can still function day to day.
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I just channel that into energy while at work.  It is the best fuel really.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:34:39 PM EDT
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I’m getting in front of the curve a bit-  I intend to feed cows, chickens, hogs, turkeys and horses.

SCW greenhouse thread
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Books, I recommend getting some books.

These are a good start IMO.

The Encyclopedia of Country Living
A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing & Smoking Meat, Fish & Game
Deerskins to Buckskins
The trappers bible

and couple of good gardening books.

Never know when you may need to look for some ideas/help and internet may not always be available.

I’m getting in front of the curve a bit-  I intend to feed cows, chickens, hogs, turkeys and horses.

SCW greenhouse thread

Yep.  We have 40 lbs of chicken in the freezer, we're waiting on ~125 lbs of beef to come from the butcher, our garden is in full force with 20 quarts of beans canned and more to go, zucchinis and pickles next, and just got our 850lb cow and 3 month old heifer in the field.  We're moving along.  

Our tomatoes bombed, though.  

My big hangup right now is work.  I need our plant to reopen.  After that, it's pay down debt and replenish our savings.

If this continues, we're in a depression state within 6 months.  I think we're actually there already, we just don't know it yet,
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:34:59 PM EDT
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You're not alone.
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My youngest son has taken to saying, "We are living in a Pre-Apocalyptic Society."  I think that sums it up pretty accurately.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:45:27 PM EDT
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The best and easiest thing to do is re-elect Trump.  It’s not as sexy as night vision, body armor and ammo forts, but the most effective.  Vote and get everyone around you to vote for Trump.  If you know older Republicans, give them a ride to the polls or get them a mail-in ballot.
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Make yourself available to your local senior center or Meals On Wheels on election day. I haul a good baker's dozen oldsters to their polling place nearly every POTUS, mid-term, and Governor's election.

That said I don't steer them to vote any particular way as the bunch I coordinate with are supposed to be non-biased politically. One thing about oldsters still in their right mind, they know if you are trying to lead them on. I even took my magnetic Trump sticker off after I voted and started toting the oldsters to the polls. Now if someone asks a question I'll try to answer it in a conservative bent but a oldster's vote is theirs.  

I was discussing free cab rides to/from the polls with a guy who's a Trump supporter and owns a local cab company. He seemed very open to it and was going to see how much it would cost him. I need to follow up on it next month.

Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:47:15 PM EDT
I used to fight because I liked to fight.

Now Ill fight because Im defending my family.

Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:48:32 PM EDT
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"They won't stop till I'm dead and my children torn from me and 're-educated' or killed in front of me."

This is what happens when you keep ratcheting up the rhetoric - you get to a place like this and you start believing it.

I really worry about some of you guys. How can you go through your day to day seeing Marxists behind every fast food ad and shake in fear of left wing death squads every time you watch Hannity.

Get off the internet and go outside for a while, sheesh.
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Have you been paying attention to recent events?
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:50:29 PM EDT
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This is a struggle. The way I feel reminds me of that Avengers scene where Bruce explains that he’s always angry. I don’t have superpowers so I’m not sure how my anger is useful.

It helps to stop watching the “news”.
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Dont forget to compartmentalize the rage and frustration so you can still function day to day.


Absolutely great advice.

This is a struggle. The way I feel reminds me of that Avengers scene where Bruce explains that he’s always angry. I don’t have superpowers so I’m not sure how my anger is useful.

It helps to stop watching the “news”.

"I can do this all day."
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:53:34 PM EDT
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You could smell this coming for years.
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I started getting ready about four years ago.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:58:20 PM EDT
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FWIW, the real Africans I know are friendly, easygoing folks without the chip on the shoulder many (not all) black Americans are sportin'.  I don't think they should be known as a group as "African Americans" either, though, since the vast majority are generations away from any African ancestors and have never set foot on the continent.  

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Bear with me on my story.


About forty to fifty Africans (I've stopped calling them African Americans)...

FWIW, the real Africans I know are friendly, easygoing folks without the chip on the shoulder many (not all) black Americans are sportin'.  I don't think they should be known as a group as "African Americans" either, though, since the vast majority are generations away from any African ancestors and have never set foot on the continent.  

I stopped calling African Americans or blacks when I was saw several of them consistently say they were AFRICANS and to stop calling them blacks or African Americans. I thought to myself, you were born in Atlanta, raised in the hood on the SW side so you are as American as I am, but if you want to disavow your country...so be it.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 12:59:28 PM EDT
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Armed men are ready to master all they survey.
The prayerful man awaits the call in desperation.  

Battlefields are always littered with the bodies of astonished men.
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A GLOCK in your hands is worth than a thousand hands clasped in desperate prayer.

A Glock in the hands of a prayerful man is even better

Armed men are ready to master all they survey.
The prayerful man awaits the call in desperation.  

Battlefields are always littered with the bodies of astonished men.

Link Posted: 7/19/2020 1:00:32 PM EDT
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The future of humanity is outside the gravity well. The future will be a mix of Idiocracy, Elysium, and The Expanse.

In a few hundred years those that left will lead a Reconquista of Terra and it will be glorious.
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So we've got that going for us.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 1:01:01 PM EDT
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Yeah, weird and silly statement

BTW I was looking for your phone number the other day and didn’t find it.  Do you still have mine?
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 1:04:09 PM EDT
If you're that concerned about the country and are correct about how bad it will get, prepping and living here won't be viable. I hope your preps involve a non-socialist retreat in another country. Then another one when that one falls, as America won't be there to slow the disease anymore.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 1:06:19 PM EDT
It’s pragmatic, but things aren’t as bad as they seem, nor are things as good as they seem during prosperity.

This has been a bad year, 2021 will likely be a bad year, but the pandemic will likely start slowing down.  Despite the unrest and violence, people are waking up to the violent left and their hypocrisy. More people, at least in rural areas, are gardening and learning to get out in the woods again.

If shit goes down, I see families and like minded people banding together. Rural areas will be mostly safe. Cities will descend into third world hellholes ruled by criminals and anarchists
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 1:08:33 PM EDT
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Yeah, weird and silly statement

BTW I was looking for your phone number the other day and didn’t find it.  Do you still have mine?
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Yeah, weird and silly statement

BTW I was looking for your phone number the other day and didn’t find it.  Do you still have mine?

No, i got a new phone since you were out here.

Ill pm you
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 1:08:50 PM EDT
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Economic collapse seems viable.
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Who is the fight that’s coming going to be against?

Are you anticipating an economic collapse, invasion, or a political purge?

Economic collapse seems viable.

Economic collapse is happening as we speak.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 1:14:15 PM EDT
this is not localized to tue USA. its a global takeover effort.

gotta get the NWO started somehow.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 1:16:55 PM EDT
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The 4:30 mark is where he gets to the point I believe is important.  

For those who have read the Bible know that historically God blessed the Jewish (as a people as a Nation), the Jewish turned away, God removed his protection and sent in their enemies, the Jewish beg forgiveness, God forgives the Jewish, God blesses the Jewish, the Jewish turned away,.....  That is just the way it was in the O.T.   And what I what to point out  is that I believe we were blessed by God, but we too as a Nation turned away.  

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Never heard of him before, but I found him interesting, informative, and worthy of the time to pay attention to him.

Link Posted: 7/19/2020 1:17:21 PM EDT
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Economic collapse is happening as we speak.
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But, but, but the stock market!    

Are you saying that airlines laying off 30% of their workforce, manufacturing and service crippled, millions of extra unemployment checks are somehow disconnected from a booming market?  This can’t possibly be the beginning spiral out of control....
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 1:27:25 PM EDT
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The best and easiest thing to do is re-elect Trump.  It’s not as sexy as night vision, body armor and ammo forts, but the most effective.  Vote and get everyone around you to vote for Trump.  If you know older Republicans, give them a ride to the polls or get them a mail-in ballot.
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We need to do something NOW. I've said in past threads that "many" American middle class males will not have will to do what it takes to get our country back. There is always a few responses to the tune of  "once they take everything from a guy, then they'll do what it takes!"

WRONG ANSWER: If we wait until they have destroyed our economy and altered OUR American way of life that we should be willing to die for to preserve... then its way to LATE. WE LOST at that point!

This needs to be a "whatever it takes" crusade to SAVE what we love and cherish.... NOT an "after its gone" REVOLT.

I'm ready. I have no more fucks to give and being in my 50's... yet still in excellent condition... I can be effective and contribute. A few more years of twiddling thumbs and growing older, maybe not.

I would love to be proven wrong about how many will not show up for this party, but I won't count on them. It is time for those that are willing to do something before that to just do it. How that all happens logistically.... no answer.... but I'm listening.

The best and easiest thing to do is re-elect Trump.  It’s not as sexy as night vision, body armor and ammo forts, but the most effective.  Vote and get everyone around you to vote for Trump.  If you know older Republicans, give them a ride to the polls or get them a mail-in ballot.

Sure the election is important... but I think what is in motion goes way beyond that. No matter who is in the WH we will see the hard left push the sinking of the economy, the 'health' crisis, and racial discourse. It is all needed to further the communist doctrine that is in motion. The virus gave them the perfect "never let a crisis go to waste" scenario to get things rolling at high speed.
The difference with the election will be if they do it with full support of a president or are fought all along the way.... but it is happening one way or another.
I would love to be wrong and hide behind the belief that DJT will get it, and we will return to a bit of normalcy, but I think 'bad' has just begun. We need to save what we have before there is nothing worth saving.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 1:29:54 PM EDT
Desperate times call for faithful men, and not for careful men. The careful men come later, and write the biographies of the faithful men, lauding them for their courage."

– Rev. Douglas Wilson
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 1:30:51 PM EDT
What people are leaving out....

If you are unhealthy, start eating healthy now....

If overweight, begin losing....

If sedentary, start exercising....
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 1:32:11 PM EDT
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Sure the election is important... but I think what is in motion goes way beyond that. No matter who is in the WH we will see the hard left push the sinking of the economy, the 'health' crisis, and racial discourse. It is all needed to further the communist doctrine that is in motion. The virus gave them the perfect "never let a crisis go to waste" scenario to get things rolling at high speed.
The difference with the election will be if they do it with full support of a president or are fought all along the way.... but it is happening one way or another.
I would love to be wrong and hide behind the belief that DJT will get it, and we will return to a bit of normalcy, but I think 'bad' has just begun. We need to save what we have before there is nothing worth saving.
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We’ve been avoiding a big part of every single totalitarian takeover since forever....

You have to kill the leadership.  Purges.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 1:37:03 PM EDT
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Supporting Goya is not prepping.
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I’m dumping my 18L cambro bin of black beans now ??
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 1:41:48 PM EDT
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Supporting Goya is not prepping.
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"Well, that's six cans of beans.  Liberty is safe for another day."
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 1:44:06 PM EDT
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He's correct. But statue toppling (and soon renaming streets and buildings, burning history books, the cancel culture ratcheting up on steroids with the help of big data, and ultimately taking private property from one group and giving to another by force of gubmint) is also MOSTLY about one group of people asserting dominance over another group.

Praying is NOT going to fix this. They'll lop off your head as you're praying. They don't GAS. They're out to win that dominance by whatever means necessary.
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The 4:30 mark is where he gets to the point I believe is important.  

For those who have read the Bible know that historically God blessed the Jewish (as a people as a Nation), the Jewish turned away, God removed his protection and sent in their enemies, the Jewish beg forgiveness, God forgives the Jewish, God blesses the Jewish, the Jewish turned away,.....  That is just the way it was in the O.T.   And what I what to point out  is that I believe we were blessed by God, but we too as a Nation turned away.  


He's correct. But statue toppling (and soon renaming streets and buildings, burning history books, the cancel culture ratcheting up on steroids with the help of big data, and ultimately taking private property from one group and giving to another by force of gubmint) is also MOSTLY about one group of people asserting dominance over another group.

Praying is NOT going to fix this. They'll lop off your head as you're praying. They don't GAS. They're out to win that dominance by whatever means necessary.

And God helps those who help themselves.

He didn't smite Israel's enemies before them, He "hardened their hearts" so the Hebrews were forc d to fight them to the death for their territory.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 1:45:06 PM EDT
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I prepare as I've always done but I also have come to grips with the fact that at 47, retirement and grandkids looks bleak because I will most likely die in a gunfight in the near future defending liberty. I'm totally fine with that. I want my wife and adult children to have a solid situation first.
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I"m with you

Valhalla is as good a retirement plan as any.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 1:47:46 PM EDT
The time is near, when men have nothing else to lose and everything to gain, that is the tipping point.  We have arrived, the fuse is very short now.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 1:49:31 PM EDT
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I"m with you

Valhalla is as good a retirement plan as any.
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I prepare as I've always done but I also have come to grips with the fact that at 47, retirement and grandkids looks bleak because I will most likely die in a gunfight in the near future defending liberty. I'm totally fine with that. I want my wife and adult children to have a solid situation first.

I"m with you

Valhalla is as good a retirement plan as any.

'Till Valhalla
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 1:51:27 PM EDT
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The best and easiest thing to do is re-elect Trump.  It’s not as sexy as night vision, body armor and ammo forts, but the most effective.  Vote and get everyone around you to vote for Trump.  If you know older Republicans, give them a ride to the polls or get them a mail-in ballot.
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We need to do something NOW. I've said in past threads that "many" American middle class males will not have will to do what it takes to get our country back. There is always a few responses to the tune of  "once they take everything from a guy, then they'll do what it takes!"

WRONG ANSWER: If we wait until they have destroyed our economy and altered OUR American way of life that we should be willing to die for to preserve... then its way to LATE. WE LOST at that point!

This needs to be a "whatever it takes" crusade to SAVE what we love and cherish.... NOT an "after its gone" REVOLT.

I'm ready. I have no more fucks to give and being in my 50's... yet still in excellent condition... I can be effective and contribute. A few more years of twiddling thumbs and growing older, maybe not.

I would love to be proven wrong about how many will not show up for this party, but I won't count on them. It is time for those that are willing to do something before that to just do it. How that all happens logistically.... no answer.... but I'm listening.

The best and easiest thing to do is re-elect Trump.  It’s not as sexy as night vision, body armor and ammo forts, but the most effective.  Vote and get everyone around you to vote for Trump.  If you know older Republicans, give them a ride to the polls or get them a mail-in ballot.

Another four years on the same trajectory as the last four years is not a solution.

I hope Trump wins, but I hope he actually /earns/ that win, more.  I think it is likely he continues to be 'not as bad' while our strategic standing erodes further, making resistance truly impossible.

I also know --not think, but I know-- that our side would unite in opposition against Biden far more effectively than it could or would under Trump, and that is far more important than policy if things go kinetic in the next 2-3 years or sooner.

So I remain torn on whether to take the semi-pricipled or strategic route, if my vote indeed carries weight.  It'd be an easier choice if Trump was a better candidate or leader, but he's not.  It'd be easier if Biden was a more competent and capable enemy, but he's not.
Link Posted: 7/19/2020 2:01:49 PM EDT
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Sure the election is important... but I think what is in motion goes way beyond that. No matter who is in the WH we will see the hard left push the sinking of the economy, the 'health' crisis, and racial discourse. It is all needed to further the communist doctrine that is in motion. The virus gave them the perfect "never let a crisis go to waste" scenario to get things rolling at high speed.
The difference with the election will be if they do it with full support of a president or are fought all along the way.... but it is happening one way or another.
I would love to be wrong and hide behind the belief that DJT will get it, and we will return to a bit of normalcy, but I think 'bad' has just begun. We need to save what we have before there is nothing worth saving.
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These treasonous domestic enemies needed to be squashed last month.  Do it now.
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