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Link Posted: 1/3/2023 10:26:34 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 1/3/2023 10:29:20 PM EDT
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Go back and look at my posts when I was saying that there is no conservative power in this country.




Link Posted: 1/3/2023 10:36:24 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 1/3/2023 10:45:57 PM EDT
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The next speaker of the house being installed ....

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I think my neighbor had a pair of those installed in his car.
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 11:00:54 PM EDT
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I know it can't hurt. I'm not sure if they do FB, but I'm sure everyone of them has a Twitter account. Letting them know they have the backing of their voters costs us nothing and might move the needle a tiny bit towards limiting McCarthy's power. I don't hold out hope they'll be able to elect someone else, but letting him in without concessions would be a huge loss.
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Thanks much @D_J
You are one of the guys that I pay attention to when you post. Not that I always agree with you but I know for sure when you post your opinion you've thought about it and not just talking out of your ass.
I'm aggravating the piss out of Allen, again. Lolll!
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 11:02:03 PM EDT
Make no mistake, when McCarthey wins, he's going to retaliate against this bloc of people who voted against him, and it's gonna suuuuuuuck.

He's definitely a swamp rat of the highest order.
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 11:04:34 PM EDT

Link Posted: 1/3/2023 11:08:44 PM EDT
Kevin McCarthy is a piece of simpering RINO weasel shit.

Ready for installation as SOTH.
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 11:10:26 PM EDT
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LOL. I want to see him pulling his shit out of the office with a little cart. This seems petty, but part of his advantage is the aura of inevitability. This puts a big crack in that.
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 11:11:29 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 1/3/2023 11:19:48 PM EDT
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Gaetz can come off as a little bitch, but he is damn funny sometimes.
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 11:20:14 PM EDT
McCarthy has been second in two of three votes?   Who was first?  That Democrat POS.

That second place info is wrong.  He had almost enough votes to win.
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 11:20:29 PM EDT
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Make no mistake, when McCarthey wins, he's going to retaliate against this bloc of people who voted against him, and it's gonna suuuuuuuck.

He's definitely a swamp rat of the highest order.
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Yep. Gaetz has a lot of guts. Brains I'm not so sure. Good thing he's rich and doesn't need this gig.
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 11:21:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 11:31:51 PM EDT
Jim Jordon just nominated McCarthy

JUST IN: Jim Jordan Responds To Multiple Nominations For House Speaker
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 11:33:00 PM EDT
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Who didn't see that coming.  Dude hitched his wagon to a lame horse.
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 11:34:27 PM EDT
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It is not about rolling over. It is all about selecting someone who can win. Do you want Pelosi to be the next Speaker or would you like another Democrat?
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Selecting someone who "can win" so we get full communism in 20 years instead of 10? That's all the uni-party GOP ever gets us - right where the democrats want, only a little slower.
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 11:35:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 11:36:43 PM EDT
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McCarthy has been second in two of three votes?   Who was first?  That Democrat POS.

That second place info is wrong.  He had almost enough votes to win.
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Wrong , in the first and second vote he had 203 the third vote he had 202 votes so he lost a vote . He’s fucked .
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 11:40:39 PM EDT
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Republicans have been ideologically across the board since the Antebellum years.  They've spanned from well to the Left to the far Right.  That has not changed.  The GOP has always been heterogenous.  The Democrats over the years have swung back and forth between ideological diversity and homogeneity as well as from the Right to the Left in terms of where their center lies.  Right now they are trending closer to homogeneity.

Republicans like Romney have been influential in the GOP for the entire post-war era.  The conservative movement managed to push things back to the Right, along with the conversion of Southern Democrats on the Right to Republicans, but the center of the party has only been more than just barely Right-of-Center for fleeting moments.  Even Trump's movement is an amalgamation of groups from the Left and Right (as well as groups that themselves draw their ideology from both sides of the spectrum, like the national populists, who have a lot in common with the Left).

The neoconservative movement's victory at the end of the 1990s is what has given us the present establishment and kept our party close to the Center.  We are still dealing with the legacy of their victory, which culminated in the election of Bush.  One of the movement's founders, Kristol, even said that the goal of the movement was to convert conservatism and the GOP against their collective wills into something more suitable for progressive governance (which is why some of their major figureheads, like Max Boot, so easily switched to the Democrats in the wake of Trump winning the nomination in 2016).
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Correct, but people constantly think that the current political environment is how things have always been.
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 11:44:00 PM EDT
How bout F them all and we start over?
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 11:45:57 PM EDT
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Jim Jordon just nominated McCarthy

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Dog and pony show.
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 11:48:48 PM EDT
It's his own fault he was talking tough weeks ago never tell the enemy what you are up too.
He was given an offer by one of the Never McCarthy guys and turned it down.
Link Posted: 1/3/2023 11:59:06 PM EDT
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Jim Jordon just nominated McCarthy

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that was before the 1st vote
Link Posted: 1/4/2023 12:10:31 AM EDT
How badly do the democrats hate McCarthy?

When will the dnc say ok, you 20, your seats are secure or you're retiring in 2 years anyway.  Vote for McCarthy and move on.

Link Posted: 1/4/2023 12:19:03 AM EDT
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Fuck it

Do it

Make KM rip off his mask and show who he really is.  
Link Posted: 1/4/2023 12:20:07 AM EDT
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Nothing can be voted on without a Speaker. Every time I can remember the government being shutdown, the voters have taken it out on the Republicans and voted for Democrats. I for one would like to see fewer democrats in Congress.
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They don’t have to cross the aisle. Nothing can be done until a speaker is elected. How many independent voters will vote Republican when we cannot elect a Speaker. We will be one a party country with the same party controlling both Chicago and the US government. Guess which party that would be?

Can they bring things like a vote for budget to the floor without a speaker?

If they can its going to be hard to stop the establishment.  If they cant everything gets shutdown.

Nothing can be voted on without a Speaker. Every time I can remember the government being shutdown, the voters have taken it out on the Republicans and voted for Democrats. I for one would like to see fewer democrats in Congress.

Link Posted: 1/4/2023 12:28:09 AM EDT
I hate to say it but, it kinda looks like President Trump is realizing the horses pulling the MAGA wagon (us) are breaking from his reigns and running free, actually wanting the swamp drained.

He probably listens to Bannon’s War Room podcast.

In fact I don’t think any of the podcasts I listen to like McCarthy. He’s probably thinking “Uh Oh, wait a minute guys”.

As far as I can tell, the only people supporting McCarthy are the people in the House that want or even care about committee positions, not about the country.
Link Posted: 1/4/2023 12:37:57 AM EDT
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but the thing about Dems is they stick together to ELECT SOMEONE THAT IS A TRUE BELIEVER.

Democrats have Manchin and Synema who are soft. The rest of them are hard left.  If democrats were republicans it would be all MAGA folks and one or two rino's. The R's are opposite.

the NEOCON/RINO crowd is huge.  MAGA is a subset.

this is why democrats don't have those problem. If we had mostly Gaetz/Jim Jordan etc, this would be a non issue. We'd elect a MAGA person and get on with it.

The Republicans keep throwing these shitty RINOs like McCarthy, Paul Ryan etc at us, and many of us are over it.
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Or to put it another way, the GOP downsized their tent too much and are now feeling the backlash from the non establishment types that were left out in the cold.
Link Posted: 1/4/2023 1:04:26 AM EDT
Marjorie Taylor Green said she’s now behind McCarthy and on Bannon’s War Room said that Gaetz, Bobert and Perry had a closed door meeting with McCarthy demanding committee positions. So tomorrow expect them to vote for McCarthy.

MTG said she wants to move foreword, take the win and start the investigations.

The three mentioned above, according to texts she read only care about the positioning and the hold out was a sham for the positions.

Mind you these four are all a part of the freedom caucus.

Link Posted: 1/4/2023 1:13:07 AM EDT
Also earlier today Charlie Kirk sold Steve Scalise as left of McCarthy.

Who knows though, not me. The only thing I know about Scalise is the baseball game.
Link Posted: 1/4/2023 1:18:44 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/4/2023 1:26:13 AM EDT
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Being loyal has its advantages as does being disloyal have its perils.  The shrill 5 cast their die, let's see how it plays out.  We squeaked out a majority this last election this is an abysmal start to things.
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And they quickly divided into the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists.  Yet somehow the Republic was established ..

And now we've devolved into the uniparty and you sing its praises (you hope McCarthy goes scorched earth on them) while decrying the rights of those who stand up for the foundational principles they were elected to uphold.

Being loyal has its advantages as does being disloyal have its perils.  The shrill 5 cast their die, let's see how it plays out.  We squeaked out a majority this last election this is an abysmal start to things.
Now, now, let's not forget that it became abysmal when so much power was handed to the dems the second omnibus was signed.
Link Posted: 1/4/2023 2:05:11 AM EDT
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Marjorie Taylor Green said she’s now behind McCarthy and on Bannon’s War Room said that Gaetz, Bobert and Perry had a closed door meeting with McCarthy demanding committee positions. So tomorrow expect them to vote for McCarthy.

MTG said she wants to move foreword, take the win and start the investigations.

The three mentioned above, according to texts she read only care about the positioning and the hold out was a sham for the positions.

Mind you these four are all a part of the freedom caucus.

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Link Posted: 1/4/2023 2:13:07 AM EDT
I hear Eyepatch McCain is in a lather over folks opposing his RINO buddy.  I hope they have to take up to 100 votes to ensure this traitor never gets the gavel.
Link Posted: 1/4/2023 2:25:12 AM EDT
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lol, swamp political theatre, makes zero difference who gets picked.
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It's just the same old GOP rhinos who want to be the minority opposition party again, trying to prolong getting anything done while they have the responsibility. No day 1 agenda other than squabbling. Now just two more years of it and lots of excuses on why they didn't have time to do anything productive.
Link Posted: 1/4/2023 2:27:09 AM EDT
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I wonder how many votes it will take to elect someone.

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good, let them fight over speaker for 2 years and do nothing, best thing possible for America.
Link Posted: 1/4/2023 2:41:48 AM EDT
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1) At least 72 hours to read a bill before voting on it.
2) Any one person can make a motion to recall the Speaker.
3) In general, more power to Committees to write legislation and appropriations, and less in the Speaker's Office.
4) Committee Chairs decided by Committees, not the Speaker.
5) More discretion in Committee's hand to pursue oversight and investigations.
6) McCarthy (and Leadership) stops meddling in Republican primaries trying to pick winners and losers.
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Imagine the freedom caucus trying to make the House more free from the tyranny of the leadership.
I'll bet most Americans would agree with the freedom caucus.
Link Posted: 1/4/2023 2:56:53 AM EDT
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20 votes for Jordan on the 4th round.

Biggs Republican Arizona
Bishop (NC) Republican North Carolina
Boebert Republican Colorado
Brecheen Republican Oklahoma
Cloud Republican Texas
Clyde Republican Georgia
Crane Republican Arizona
Donalds Republican Florida
Gaetz Republican Florida
Good (VA) Republican Virginia
Gosar Republican Arizona
Harris Republican Maryland
Luna Republican Florida
Miller (IL) Republican Illinois
Norman Republican South Carolina
Ogles Republican Tennessee
Perry Republican Pennsylvania
Rosendale Republican Montana
Roy Republican Texas
Self Republican Texas

My Rep is Wagner from MO-2. I've tweeted, emailed, and called.  Not likely to do much good, I suspect she's entrenched in the establishment.  She's a veteran representative, but my district is newly drawn.  Will have to see.

If your Rep is not in the above list, what are you doing about it?
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My rep is on this list.
Link Posted: 1/4/2023 5:02:31 AM EDT
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McCarthy has been second in two of three votes?   Who was first?  That Democrat POS.

That second place info is wrong.  He had almost enough votes to win.
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The democrat had a plurality of votes, but not the required majority.  He did in fact have more votes than KM.
Link Posted: 1/4/2023 5:09:59 AM EDT
Hope something good comes from this
Link Posted: 1/4/2023 6:22:30 AM EDT
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lol, swamp political theatre, makes zero difference who gets picked.
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Link Posted: 1/4/2023 6:36:45 AM EDT
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20 votes for Jordan on the 4th round.

Biggs Republican Arizona
Bishop (NC) Republican North Carolina
Boebert Republican Colorado
Brecheen Republican Oklahoma
Cloud Republican Texas
Clyde Republican Georgia
Crane Republican Arizona
Donalds Republican Florida
Gaetz Republican Florida
Good (VA) Republican Virginia
Gosar Republican Arizona
Harris Republican Maryland
Luna Republican Florida
Miller (IL) Republican Illinois
Norman Republican South Carolina
Ogles Republican Tennessee
Perry Republican Pennsylvania
Rosendale Republican Montana
Roy Republican Texas
Self Republican Texas

My Rep is Wagner from MO-2. I've tweeted, emailed, and called.  Not likely to do much good, I suspect she's entrenched in the establishment.  She's a veteran representative, but my district is newly drawn.  Will have to see.

If your Rep is not in the above list, what are you doing about it?
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Mine isn't in there....

oh wait, my representative is Jordan.
Link Posted: 1/4/2023 7:37:13 AM EDT

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Link Posted: 1/4/2023 7:59:15 AM EDT
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He looks like a used car salesman.
Link Posted: 1/4/2023 8:20:58 AM EDT
Honestly the only way out is to let it burn. So let’s get it going so we can be done and through this. Anything else is prolonging the inevitable
Link Posted: 1/4/2023 8:24:18 AM EDT
Don’t you make your real money in Congress on committee bribes? Maybe they are holding out to pay him a lower cut percentage? I know many politicians write a “book” and wash bribe funds through Amazon digital delivery.
Link Posted: 1/4/2023 8:39:37 AM EDT
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Most Republicans on Capitol Hill are Democrats.

No Democrats on Capitol Hill are Republicans.

Democrats, and RINOs, are the cause of all of the problems.

People towing "the party line" are blind, complicit or both.

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These types of threads always make me wonder exactly how many posters here are directly benefiting from GOP corruption in DC. There is ZERO doubt they exist here, the only question is how many there are. I have no doubt there are several in this very thread.
Link Posted: 1/4/2023 10:10:48 AM EDT
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The GOP is like the NRA, if a tenth of the people that complain were actual participative members the current situation would not exist. I've never met another Arfcommer while working with a campaign.
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Then the GOP should recruit... oh wait, we're the bastard red headed step children.
Link Posted: 1/4/2023 10:15:56 AM EDT
Im ready for today's shitshow!
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