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Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:25:13 AM EDT
There are so many goddamn Vietnam posers that started popping up in the 80's, that I pretty much ignore anyone wearing anything that says Vietnam Vet on it. The bearded dip shits with the OG107 jungle jackets, adorned with patches and pins. The boonie hat, POW/MIA T-shirt wearing fat ass, the VVA guy with the biker looking leather vest. Most of them are completely full of shit. Rather, so many of them are, that I don't bother trying to guess anymore.

What is it with these guys? I knew plenty of WWII, and Korean War era vets, and a few WWI vets growing up. Not one of them wore that shit, or advertised their service for the world to see.

There are four times more people falsely claiming to be Vietnam Veterans than there are actual Vietnam Veterans alive.

Literally, 80% of people claiming to be Vietnam Vets are bullshitting you.

If you have a readily available link to the census info that shows this, I'd love to have it.  I need to show it to a few people.  That's worse than I thought.  I've been saying its probably double.

I've been trying to find a link to the actual census numbers, and not just to a news report that refers to it, but so far I've been unsuccessful. I'll edit my original statement. I keep finding the same list of stats.

"1.  1,713,823 of those who served in Vietnam were still alive as of August, 1995 (census figures).
2.  During that same census count, the number of Americans falsely claiming to have served in-country was: 9,492,958.
3.  As of the census taken during August, 2000 the surviving U.S. Vietnam Veteran population estimate is: 1,002,511.
4.  During this census count, the number of Americans falsely claiming to have served in-country is: 13,853,027."
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:44:24 AM EDT
I've seen shit you guys couldn't fathom. Combat action, sniper stuff, BUDS training. But then we had to cut back our cable plan and don't get those channels anymore. Attack ships burning and adrift off Orions belt


Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:46:52 AM EDT
I'm not allowed to talk about my time in the Navy.  They pulled my file right after my first tour at Minot AFB when they decided to ship me to Saskatchewan for black ops.

Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:50:20 AM EDT
I may or may not have been in charge of a lawnmower during spring cleanup in Vilseck, Germany. I honestly can't talk about it. Shit is secret.

I honestly feel bad for you.  Going around the barracks after COB, hoping like hell some dumb private would answer the door without a beer in his hand.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:54:05 AM EDT
Once--JUST ONCE--I'd like to hear a poser say he was a missileer.  

But NOOOOO, they've gotta be all Delta and Force Recon and shit.  

"So, there I was, just after crew changeover, and we found out the kitchen was all out of chicken nuggets.  It was HELL, I tell you!" said no poser, ever.

Its honestly the most bad ass of all the jobs when you think about it. Who else holds the keys to unleashing nuclear fire on any target, anywhere in the world? SEALs are cool and all but they can't cause generations of death and misery.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:54:40 AM EDT
I may or may not have been in charge of a lawnmower during spring cleanup in Vilseck, Germany. I honestly can't talk about it. Shit is secret.

I honestly feel bad for you.  Going around the barracks after COB, hoping like hell some dumb private would answer the door without a beer in his hand.

I've never been to Vilseck, but I've been that "dumb private".

Link Posted: 5/21/2013 8:56:19 AM EDT
Had a guy that worked under me while in north Phoenix at Dick's Sporting Goods, this has been probably 5 years ago. This guy claimed to be active duty, that he had an arrangement with the upper management that he may have to be "off" for 2 to 3 weeks at a time to go take care of things for the .gov on a classified basis. Claimed a scar from a rotator cuff surgery was from shrapnel. Claimed to have osama bin laden in his cross hairs one night, called Bush on a satellite phone and Bush told him to stand down.
Other outrageous claims:
-Went to Cabela's and dropped $85k on two guns in the gun library
-Had a basement/safe room full of guns that he kept the firing pins out of ever since he had been falsely implicated in a high profile assassination attempt
-U.S. Forest Service has to section off several square miles for him when he wants to do his long range practice shoots.

After he quit at Dick's he went to work the gun counter at Cabela's
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 9:02:04 AM EDT
Had a guy that worked under me while in north Phoenix at Dick's Sporting Goods, this has been probably 5 years ago. This guy claimed to be active duty, that he had an arrangement with the upper management that he may have to be "off" for 2 to 3 weeks at a time to go take care of things for the .gov on a classified basis. Claimed a scar from a rotator cuff surgery was from shrapnel. Claimed to have osama bin laden in his cross hairs one night, called Bush on a satellite phone and Bush told him to stand down.
Other outrageous claims:
-Went to Cabela's and dropped $85k on two guns in the gun library
-Had a basement/safe room full of guns that he kept the firing pins out of ever since he had been falsely implicated in a high profile assassination attempt
-U.S. Forest Service has to section off several square miles for him when he wants to do his long range practice shoots.

After he quit at Dick's he went to work the gun counter at Cabela's

Damn did he look like Marky Mark?
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 9:03:59 AM EDT
Once--JUST ONCE--I'd like to hear a poser say he was a missileer.  

But NOOOOO, they've gotta be all Delta and Force Recon and shit.  

"So, there I was, just after crew changeover, and we found out the kitchen was all out of chicken nuggets.  It was HELL, I tell you!" said no poser, ever.

Its honestly the most bad ass of all the jobs when you think about it. Who else holds the keys to unleashing nuclear fire on any target, anywhere in the world? SEALs are cool and all but they can't cause generations of death and misery.

True, but BORING AS CRAP.  

"What'd you do today?"

"Drove three hours there, sat for 24 hours, consumed my body weight in nuggets, fries and coffee, drove three hours home."

My poser story:  Guy I worked with in a TS/SCI facility who lied repeatedly about his SEAL training before getting out and becoming a contractor.  Other contractors all thought he was an idiot, but I guess because he didn't actually lie on his application they didn't have a problem with his "stories."
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 9:07:48 AM EDT
Work with a guy who has "airborne training, and is ranger qualified". Constantly talks about shots he took at over a thousand yards with his 300 Remmington mag, had to hold over less than a foot, yadda yadda.
Guy is full of shit and is constantly called on it but he still sticks to his story.
He did go to Iraq, but with the National Guard as a Generator Mechanic.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 9:15:34 AM EDT

The skill set of a sniper has more to do with range estimation, field craft, wind doping and other marksmanship skills.  Being a sniper is not equivalent to shooting out the x-ring, its about putting hits on target from various ranges, differing elevations, varying atmospheric conditions while shooting from field conditions, all while applying good tactical decisions.  There are plenty of real deal snipers who will not shoot a "tighter group" than many weekend range hobbyists.

This.  I used to work with the snipers quite a bit, and had that convo with a few of them one day.  That's exactly what they told me.  They themselves weren't fantastic shots at the rifle qual range (good yes, but not the sort of guys where you'd pick out their scores and go 'holy shit').  The skill is in all the estimation and doping, but moreso the skillsets that enable them to move silently into position and remain there undetected for long periods of time.  You have to remember that besides the actual shooting aspect of their job they are an intel gathering asset with extended eyes on a target.  Lots of guys can shoot remarkably well.  Not very many guys can get up on their target undetected and then shoot very well.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 9:16:46 AM EDT
I may or may not have been in charge of a lawnmower during spring cleanup in Vilseck, Germany. I honestly can't talk about it. Shit is secret.

Ha - that's nothing. I was so elite I "got to" wield the platoon slingbade a number of times during post beautification.

Yes - believe it or not, my post still had slingblades that would get handed out once the single push lawnmower was taken. This was in Uijeongbu, Korea, 1991.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 9:17:12 AM EDT



("SeCRET AGENT? On whose side?"--Sheriff J. W. Pepper, (w,stte), "Live and Let Die")

Speak of the devil.

Link Posted: 5/21/2013 9:30:49 AM EDT

I don't understand the reasoning behind trying to embellish service, or outright lie about it.

It's very simple.

In many people's minds military service a very admirable thing.
These "posers" want some of that admiration/respect.
Albeit without having actually earned it.

In the US service personnel are put on a pedestal.
In some countries if your in the military it's because you couldn't find a job anywhere else.
In those countries... There are no posers.

Link Posted: 5/21/2013 9:48:10 AM EDT
Fair enough.

The idea that someone who has no drive and no motivation, who joins up in the military because they have no life skills and feels like they have no other options and needed the signing bonus to pay off their sweet wheelz straight out of high school and then ends up doing a dead end, zombie ass job that we can ALMOST train a monkey to do, and they get PAID for pumping gas at a station at Camp Lejeune, NC "did more" than 90% of Americans is a steaming pile of bullshit.

Just to name an extreme example.

Wearing a uniform gets some respect if you do things that earn that respect.  But a military guy thumping his chest about how ANYONE wearing that uniform has somehow done more than 90% of Americans is just stupid.

If I had a scratch n sniff monitor, your post would smell like a used colostomy bag.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 9:53:12 AM EDT
I was just an MP for seven years. Nothing to gloat about.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 10:06:51 AM EDT
I may or may not have been in charge of a lawnmower during spring cleanup in Vilseck, Germany. I honestly can't talk about it. Shit is secret.

I honestly feel bad for you.  Going around the barracks after COB, hoping like hell some dumb private would answer the door without a beer in his hand.

And both of you just broke your area beatification NDAs.....
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 10:08:31 AM EDT
I've met about 1,000 drunk lance corporals who single handedly won the Iraq war.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 10:09:05 AM EDT
I may or may not have been in charge of a lawnmower during spring cleanup in Vilseck, Germany. I honestly can't talk about it. Shit is secret.

Hey, I did that once too!
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 10:13:16 AM EDT
My job in the Navy was so top secret, they don't even have my rate anymore - it's been 'erased' - I was the guy who paid everyone on payday. Very OPSEC and sensitive job. There was so much danger of paper cuts and typewriter fail, because of all the shit going on all over the world, people had to get paid - that's where I came in.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 10:15:37 AM EDT
I may or may not have been in charge of a lawnmower during spring cleanup in Vilseck, Germany. I honestly can't talk about it. Shit is secret.

I honestly feel bad for you.  Going around the barracks after COB, hoping like hell some dumb private would answer the door without a beer in his hand.

And people wonder why joe marries a fat stripper with three kids as fast as possible.

Link Posted: 5/21/2013 10:22:06 AM EDT

Alas, I am still the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps. I swear I remember Ft. Gordon having swarms of people training for Signal MOSes, but I must have been the only one who wasn't badassed enough to be sent straight to uber classified black ops units.

Seriously, I never meet anybody who was a cook, mechanic, clerk or fuel specialist, everybody was some kind of high speed low drag type. Being the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps must explain why I had to bust my ass doing my job so much.

You're not alone, brother - remember we were both at Gordon at the same time  

My class was so badass that the Army had to close Ft Ord and send us to GE instead, because the March '93 31F's were too hard....

I call BS!!
Everyone knows that Ft Ord closed because MY unit was so good at humping The Wizard and Side Alpha that it was easier to close the whole base than to slap a super-secret-classified sticker on all of us!

You mean Site Alpha.

At Hunter-Liggett... which is still open.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 10:30:42 AM EDT
I tell people I'm a naval aviator with almost 300 missions over Afghanistan and I've taken out one aircraft.

Then I tell them I contract for the Navy as a UAV pilot and I crashed one of them

Shit, I've taken out way more aircraft than you.

Then again, a raven doesn't have any landing gear.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 10:37:19 AM EDT
Fair enough.

The idea that someone who has no drive and no motivation, who joins up in the military because they have no life skills and feels like they have no other options and needed the signing bonus to pay off their sweet wheelz straight out of high school and then ends up doing a dead end, zombie ass job that we can ALMOST train a monkey to do, and they get PAID for pumping gas at a station at Camp Lejeune, NC "did more" than 90% of Americans is a steaming pile of bullshit.

Just to name an extreme example.

Wearing a uniform gets some respect if you do things that earn that respect.  But a military guy thumping his chest about how ANYONE wearing that uniform has somehow done more than 90% of Americans is just stupid.

If I had a scratch n sniff monitor, your post would smell like a used colostomy bag.

If you scratch the monitor while wearing a uniform, you will have done more for the country than 90% of Americans.

No doubt about it.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 10:47:01 AM EDT
3 years Active, 3 years Guard. MP all the way through.

I'm no PT god, can't shoot the tightest groups, cried a few times taking heinous MRE shits, hyperventilate at firework displays, and have tennis elbow from pounding tent stakes.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 10:56:24 AM EDT



Fair enough.

The idea that someone who has no drive and no motivation, who joins up in the military because they have no life skills and feels like they have no other options and needed the signing bonus to pay off their sweet wheelz straight out of high school and then ends up doing a dead end, zombie ass job that we can ALMOST train a monkey to do, and they get PAID for pumping gas at a station at Camp Lejeune, NC "did more" than 90% of Americans is a steaming pile of bullshit.

Just to name an extreme example.

Wearing a uniform gets some respect if you do things that earn that respect.  But a military guy thumping his chest about how ANYONE wearing that uniform has somehow done more than 90% of Americans is just stupid.

If I had a scratch n sniff monitor, your post would smell like a used colostomy bag.

I agree. Anyone who has strapped on a uniform in service of their country automatically gets my respect.

Unless your job description includes "oh, and you realize that your
service could end in a flag draped coffin" then I do not give a fuck.

Link Posted: 5/21/2013 10:59:22 AM EDT
I've seen shit you guys couldn't fathom. Combat action, sniper stuff, BUDS training. But then we had to cut back our cable plan and don't get those channels anymore. Attack ships burning and adrift off Orions belt



You don't know the half of it, after five years I'm still holding one of his Jerry Pournelle novels hostage.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 11:00:10 AM EDT
I generally don't share my service, but....

ROTC 3 years
Almost shot "Expert" with a really heavy .22.
Made sure my bed was made and my room clean every morning for inspection.
Kept my "gig line" straight.
My roommate was later commissioned and was a com officer.
Once went on a mission to Lubbock to watch a football game.
Got in a water fight and ended up in the Quack Shack with a partially dislocated shoulder.
I never was good enough to march on the front rank.
Reached the rank of Cadet 1st Lt. and wore the prestigious double silver lozenges.

You may ooh and ahhh now.

BTW, Vietnam made a hell of a scholar out of my dyslexic brother.  Even earned a civil engineering degree.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 11:00:44 AM EDT
You know, I just don't get it.

I've accomplished a lot in life. Not everything, but a lot. I graduated USNA, but didn't do well enough to go to Nuc school, so I was stuck as a SWO. I would love to have been a SEAL, but bad grades, lousy eyes, and an aversion to exercise took care of that early.

But why lie about it? I don't wear anything with a logo I didn't earn: no SEAL shirts, not even USMC shirt offered to me by my former USMC BIL. I wear USNA stuff, Navy stuff, SWO stuff, and enlisted submarine stuff (I qualified). Why pretend to be what I'm not?

It's not like people can't see through it...

I dunno. I guess I outgrew that bullshit in the 10th grade or so...

Prior enlisted or middy cruise?

Link Posted: 5/21/2013 11:05:37 AM EDT
My uncle was a Navy cook that actually did get moved to another job. He was on some troup ship in Viet Nam. His Chief found out about his boating skills as my Uncle grew up on Cape Cod. He became a coxswain on an RPB. He stayed almost 2 tours. He died a few years back from emphazema (sp?) and alchoholism. I always figured he died in country and it just took a long time to catch up to him. He never spoke about Viet Nam, just his cooking school. My mother told me about his service and I do remember my Dad and I picking him up at Logan airport when he returned. He lost all his hair and teeth to some kind of "jungle" disease, probably from the jungle inside a Bangkok whore, or three.  RIP Uncle Willy.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 11:22:10 AM EDT
I've seen shit you guys couldn't fathom. Combat action, sniper stuff, BUDS training. But then we had to cut back our cable plan and don't get those channels anymore. Attack ships burning and adrift off Orions belt



You don't know the half of it, after five years I'm still holding one of his Jerry Pournelle novels hostage.


Link Posted: 5/21/2013 11:23:26 AM EDT
My dad was in Vietnam. He speaks Laotian, Thai and Chinese. He used to sit in the jungle on the border with headphones on and translate intercepts. Me? Not much, unless you count working at Sully range or balancing styrofoam containers of food from the DFAC back to the office. I did manage to work with a guy in Tuzla that had to rappel out of Air Force One. I worked with a LRS guy that was the real deal and a hell of a lot of fun to work with. That's about it.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 11:26:58 AM EDT
I tell people I'm a naval aviator with almost 300 missions over Afghanistan and I've taken out one aircraft.

Then I tell them I contract for the Navy as a UAV pilot and I crashed one of them

Shit, I've taken out way more aircraft than you.

Then again, a raven doesn't have any landing gear.

We had some of those guys share the flightline with us for a few months. They're hilarious when they crash
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 11:35:03 AM EDT
I was just an MP for seven years. Nothing to gloat about.

You're averaging one post per year.........
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 11:36:32 AM EDT


after five years I'm still holding one of his Jerry Pournelle novels hostage.

Jerry Pournelle is a prophet.

Link Posted: 5/21/2013 11:37:00 AM EDT
I have yet to meet someone posing as an Air Force Firefighter.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 11:40:36 AM EDT
I'm not allowed to talk about my time in the Navy.  They pulled my file right after my first tour at Minot AFB when they decided to ship me to Saskatchewan for black ops.

I'm not allowed to admit that there is a navy.

My record is so classified, they won't tell me what I did.

Link Posted: 5/21/2013 11:47:22 AM EDT

On the first video, what in the lilly-livered-blue-fuck was that?

Link Posted: 5/21/2013 11:54:03 AM EDT
There are so many goddamn Vietnam posers that started popping up in the 80's, that I pretty much ignore anyone wearing anything that says Vietnam Vet on it. The bearded dip shits with the OG107 jungle jackets, adorned with patches and pins. The boonie hat, POW/MIA T-shirt wearing fat ass, the VVA guy with the biker looking leather vest. Most of them are completely full of shit. Rather, so many of them are, that I don't bother trying to guess anymore.

What is it with these guys? I knew plenty of WWII, and Korean War era vets, and a few WWI vets growing up. Not one of them wore that shit, or advertised their service for the world to see.

There are four times more people falsely claiming to be Vietnam Veterans than there are actual Vietnam Veterans alive.

Literally, 80% of people claiming to be Vietnam Vets are bullshitting you.

If you have a readily available link to the census info that shows this, I'd love to have it.  I need to show it to a few people.  That's worse than I thought.  I've been saying its probably double.

I've been trying to find a link to the actual census numbers, and not just to a news report that refers to it, but so far I've been unsuccessful. I'll edit my original statement. I keep finding the same list of stats.

"1.  1,713,823 of those who served in Vietnam were still alive as of August, 1995 (census figures).
2.  During that same census count, the number of Americans falsely claiming to have served in-country was: 9,492,958.
3.  As of the census taken during August, 2000 the surviving U.S. Vietnam Veteran population estimate is: 1,002,511.
4.  During this census count, the number of Americans falsely claiming to have served in-country is: 13,853,027."

I can't help but wonder if we will have similar tallies for GWOT 20 years from now.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 12:01:12 PM EDT
Nope, don't understand it. Even if you pumped gas or cooked UGRA's for 4 years you still did more than 90% of American's and it's enough to be proud of.



What part's bullshit?

If you don't already know there's no point in explaining it.

I can think of a couple of reasons people might think that particular statement is bullshit, but your post doesn't provide enough information to know which one you are using, thus making it difficult to respond.

Fair enough.

The idea that someone who has no drive and no motivation, who joins up in the military because they have no life skills and feels like they have no other options and needed the signing bonus to pay off their sweet wheelz straight out of high school and then ends up doing a dead end, zombie ass job that we can ALMOST train a monkey to do, and they get PAID for pumping gas at a station at Camp Lejeune, NC "did more" than 90% of Americans is a steaming pile of bullshit.

Just to name an extreme example.

Wearing a uniform gets some respect if you do things that earn that respect.  But a military guy thumping his chest about how ANYONE wearing that uniform has somehow done more than 90% of Americans is just stupid.

While I was visualizing this, the army recruiting theme song was playing in my head. It got dusty for a moment.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 12:05:27 PM EDT
Alas, I am still the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps. I swear I remember Ft. Gordon having swarms of people training for Signal MOSes, but I must have been the only one who wasn't badassed enough to be sent straight to uber classified black ops units.

Seriously, I never meet anybody who was a cook, mechanic, clerk or fuel specialist, everybody was some kind of high speed low drag type. Being the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps must explain why I had to bust my ass doing my job so much.

I was Signal Corps too until they saw how fast I could type.  They pulled me from 31C school and sent me to SEAL school to be a field stenographer. Only Army guy to go to SEAL school but its classified.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 12:22:50 PM EDT
Alas, I am still the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps. I swear I remember Ft. Gordon having swarms of people training for Signal MOSes, but I must have been the only one who wasn't badassed enough to be sent straight to uber classified black ops units.

Seriously, I never meet anybody who was a cook, mechanic, clerk or fuel specialist, everybody was some kind of high speed low drag type. Being the only person to have ever served in the Signal Corps must explain why I had to bust my ass doing my job so much.


Some mighty fine Army poontang on that base.  I was there in 85. I went on many special operations..............

KatMandu's penny drink night...................
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 12:24:33 PM EDT
It's funny, but the real deal guys usually NEVER run their mouths.

There is a gentleman who belongs to the gun club I shoot at, and he has a Vietnam veteran license plate on his truck.  He wears an old, beat up, Marine cover.

It is actually kind of spooky watching this guy shoot.  He usually has an old German KAR-98 Mauser, and he can SHRED the ten ring of his target with that rifle at a great distance.

He is a quiet and soft spoken dude, but somebody taught this guy to shoot like you would not fucking believe.

I got to talking to him one day and he was telling me about his favorite ammunition and what not (some very old ammo, I think he said it was from 1938).

I never had the nerve to come out and ask him, but I am pretty sure he was a Marine sniper in Vietnam.  It's just a vibe I get from him.

The skill set of a sniper has more to do with range estimation, field craft, wind doping and other marksmanship skills.  Being a sniper is not equivalent to shooting out the x-ring, its about putting hits on target from various ranges, differing elevations, varying atmospheric conditions while shooting from field conditions, all while applying good tactical decisions.  There are plenty of real deal snipers who will not shoot a "tighter group" than many weekend range hobbyists.

I met  a guy that was claiming to be a sniper from vietnam. then he shot a prairie dog from 2075 yards with a mild crosswind.

With what?

lased jdam.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 12:27:32 PM EDT

I was an intel weenie.

I worked in air conditioning.  Sometimes it would get so cold that we had to put on sweaters.

Sweaters man....sweaters.

I don't really want to talk about it.

The proper term is intel geek.  

I had advanced training as a weenie.

Long as you didn't go into the Blue Falcon detatchment.  
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 12:33:04 PM EDT


I have yet to meet someone posing as an Air Force Firefighter.

I work with one.  He was stationed at Chanute AFB, which is a dry field.  In his two years there, he rolled on one fire.

He's just smart enough to realize that he could get caught on any bullshit.

Link Posted: 5/21/2013 12:35:13 PM EDT




Fair enough.

The idea that someone who has no drive and no motivation, who joins up in the military because they have no life skills and feels like they have no other options and needed the signing bonus to pay off their sweet wheelz straight out of high school and then ends up doing a dead end, zombie ass job that we can ALMOST train a monkey to do, and they get PAID for pumping gas at a station at Camp Lejeune, NC "did more" than 90% of Americans is a steaming pile of bullshit.

Just to name an extreme example.

Wearing a uniform gets some respect if you do things that earn that respect.  But a military guy thumping his chest about how ANYONE wearing that uniform has somehow done more than 90% of Americans is just stupid.

If I had a scratch n sniff monitor, your post would smell like a used colostomy bag.

If you scratch the monitor while wearing a uniform, you will have done more for the country than 90% of Americans.

No doubt about it.

Why all the hate?  Did someone in the military fuck you over or something?

Link Posted: 5/21/2013 12:38:21 PM EDT
I have met 2 Gunner's Mates in real life, we are few and far between, and the last guy I met was a Marine (Claims) and then claimed to me that anyone in he military can become a SEAL and got to BUD/S. I did t say anything, I should have but I stayed quiet. My BIL said he was sorry for that douche as he knows I tried my ass off to make it and didn't even get there.

I have only ever met 1 other GM out in the wild, and the dude got out in the 70's

We truly are few and far in between.

Damn shame too, only the best group of knuckle draggers to ever grace the drink
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 12:38:45 PM EDT

If you scratch the monitor while wearing a uniform, you will have done more for the country than 90% of Americans.

No doubt about it.

Remind us what it is you do for the country again?
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 12:47:02 PM EDT

Fair enough.

The idea that someone who has no drive and no motivation, who joins up in the military because they have no life skills and feels like they have no other options and needed the signing bonus to pay off their sweet wheelz straight out of high school and then ends up doing a dead end, zombie ass job that we can ALMOST train a monkey to do, and they get PAID for pumping gas at a station at Camp Lejeune, NC "did more" than 90% of Americans is a steaming pile of bullshit.

Just to name an extreme example.

Wearing a uniform gets some respect if you do things that earn that respect.  But a military guy thumping his chest about how ANYONE wearing that uniform has somehow done more than 90% of Americans is just stupid.

If I had a scratch n sniff monitor, your post would smell like a used colostomy bag.

If you scratch the monitor while wearing a uniform, you will have done more for the country than 90% of Americans.

No doubt about it.

Why all the hate?  Did someone in the military fuck you over or something?

I hate how people try to make themselves feel more important than other people WHEN THEY HAVEN'T DONE SOMETHING TO DESERVE IT.  Which is kind of the topic of this thread...

So for someone here to claim that someone who pumps gas at a military station has "DONE MORE" than 90% of Americans is a retard statement that I take issue with.

The military in this country is ONLY strong because our economy has remained strong, thanks to the citizenry.  The military as we know it today wouldn't have the gas to pump if the citizens weren't strengthening the economy.  So on the contrary, a case COULD be made that the person filling tractor trailer tires with fuel has done as much for the country than the guy in Camp Lejeune refueling Humvees for training missions.

^ The above has NOTHING to do with sacrifices made my enlisted people or the risks they take.  Just the statement earlier that even the lowest level worker in uniform has "done more" than 90% of Americans.  Some of you seem to fail to realize that.
Link Posted: 5/21/2013 12:49:21 PM EDT
yeah, there was a guy wearing dress blues at the warrior games in Colorado.  turned out to be an ex-soldier...wtf?
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