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Link Posted: 1/11/2023 7:49:58 PM EDT
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Thanks for the bump, @raf

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Understood.  My fault for falling for your IMs.  Not likely to do so again.

BTW, did you have anything at all objectively useful for the discussion aside from your trolling me?
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 7:56:44 PM EDT
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Of course it's guilt by association. Who the fuck in their right mind wants to be friends with radicalized leftists? Who wants to be friends with groomers? Who wants to be friends with someone who wants to stare at your butthole while you rail his woman? Who wants to be friends with someone who hates you and trains to kill you because you disagree with them?

If one of your friends gives his meth head cousin a copy of your house key, are you going to be okay with it?
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I think you, and others, are making wild-assed accusations without decent proof of same.  

Show me decent proof of accusations, and I will alter my position.

Until then, "innocent until proven guilty".

It's all on you.

Why my personal opinion seems to matter to "some" people is "interesting".  I'm nothing at all on this Site; just another Member.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 8:06:00 PM EDT
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I think you, and others, are making wild-assed accusations without decent proof of same.  

Show me decent proof of accusations, and I will alter my position.

Until then, "innocent until proven guilty".

It's all on you.

Why my personal opinion seems to matter to "some" people is "interesting".  I'm nothing at all on this Site; just another Member.
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Link Posted: 1/11/2023 8:09:39 PM EDT
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I think you, and others, are making wild-assed accusations without decent proof of same.  

Show me decent proof of accusations, and I will alter my position.

Until then, "innocent until proven guilty".

It's all on you.
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This is where your I'm not important, I'm just a harmless wittle fuzzball schtick rings hollow. This thread does not exist purely to convince you of anything. Guilt by association seems to be enough for many posters, myself included. You've spent pages actively telling people to stop posting information because it's not enough to convince you.

I've always enjoyed your posts and will continue to do so, but you've gone up to bat for the wrong people in this thread.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 8:12:57 PM EDT
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Understood.  My fault for falling for your IMs.  Not likely to do so again.

BTW, did you have anything at all objectively useful for the discussion aside from your trolling me?
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Understood.  My fault for falling for your IMs.  Not likely to do so again.

BTW, did you have anything at all objectively useful for the discussion aside from your trolling me?

I think you, and others, are making wild-assed accusations without decent proof of same.  

Show me decent proof of accusations, and I will alter my position.

Until then, "innocent until proven guilty".

It's all on you.

Why my personal opinion seems to matter to "some" people is "interesting".  I'm nothing at all on this Site; just another Member.

Thanks for the bump, @raf

Link Posted: 1/11/2023 8:17:57 PM EDT
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ian dresses in drag wearing kilts and is constantly mocking God. heres some scripture detailing exactly how these seemingly normal people grow up to become full blown fags. in romans 1 king james bible it reads as follows.

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

to be clear God hardened their heart not themselves if you read the whole chapter and understand the reprobate doctrine. these type are predictable. the like to play dress up every chance they get and they hunger for same sex and target children.

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Notice how brave ian is to criticize Islam?


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Link Posted: 1/11/2023 8:18:33 PM EDT
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This is where your I'm not important, I'm just a harmless wittle fuzzball schtick rings hollow. This thread does not exist purely to convince you of anything. Guilt by association seems to be enough for many posters, myself included. You've spent pages actively telling people to stop posting information because it's not enough to convince you.

I've always enjoyed your posts and will continue to do so, but you've gone up to bat for the wrong people in this thread.
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I love that he has absolutely nothing to add to the thread. He hasn't bothered to look into anything - hasn't come up with an original thought; merely pedantically picked apart things.


I thank him for his enduring spirit to have the last word on this one. It's getting the message (that he doesn't like) in front of lots and lots of people. Floridacop's put in a lot of effort to compile pretty compelling (and damning) information on Karl and Co. Disappointing to say the least that Brownells has any sort of association with him.

I'm going to look into this 1 Shepard Outfit. They reek of """militia""" from what I can tell; but I haven't seen anything that concerns me in the 30 seconds I've bothered to look, aside from their Commie Tested, Karen-Approvedtm blurb

Link Posted: 1/11/2023 8:24:02 PM EDT
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I love that he has absolutely nothing to add to the thread. He hasn't bothered to look into anything - hasn't come up with an original thought; merely pedantically picked apart things.


I thank him for his enduring spirit to have the last word on this one. It's getting the message (that he doesn't like) in front of lots and lots of people. Floridacop's put in a lot of effort to compile pretty compelling (and damning) information on Karl and Co. Disappointing to say the least that Brownells has any sort of association with him.

I'm going to look into this 1 Shepard Outfit. They reek of """militia""" from what I can tell; but I haven't seen anything that concerns me in the 30 seconds I've bothered to look, aside form their Commie Tested, Karen-Approvedtm blurb

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This is where your I'm not important, I'm just a harmless wittle fuzzball schtick rings hollow. This thread does not exist purely to convince you of anything. Guilt by association seems to be enough for many posters, myself included. You've spent pages actively telling people to stop posting information because it's not enough to convince you.

I've always enjoyed your posts and will continue to do so, but you've gone up to bat for the wrong people in this thread.

I love that he has absolutely nothing to add to the thread. He hasn't bothered to look into anything - hasn't come up with an original thought; merely pedantically picked apart things.


I thank him for his enduring spirit to have the last word on this one. It's getting the message (that he doesn't like) in front of lots and lots of people. Floridacop's put in a lot of effort to compile pretty compelling (and damning) information on Karl and Co. Disappointing to say the least that Brownells has any sort of association with him.

I'm going to look into this 1 Shepard Outfit. They reek of """militia""" from what I can tell; but I haven't seen anything that concerns me in the 30 seconds I've bothered to look, aside form their Commie Tested, Karen-Approvedtm blurb

Don't recall demanding "overwhelming" evidence, but if in defense of accused, seems reasonable.  That demand needs to be taken in context against the Witch Hunters currently running rampant here who demand very scant evidence whatsoever.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 8:32:39 PM EDT
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Never said "overwhelming" evidence.   Show where I said so in context.
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Proof has been put before you but it's never enough.  Which means the evidence will have to be "overwhelming."  So unless someone can bring you video of Karl sacrificing a child at the alter of Baal you'll just go right on denying it.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 8:40:30 PM EDT
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Proof has been put before you but it's never enough.  Which means the evidence will have to be "overwhelming."  So unless someone can bring you video of Karl sacrificing a child at the alter of Baal you'll just go right on denying it.
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Never said "overwhelming" evidence.   Show where I said so in context.

Proof has been put before you but it's never enough.  Which means the evidence will have to be "overwhelming."  So unless someone can bring you video of Karl sacrificing a child at the alter of Baal you'll just go right on denying it.
Sorry that you late to the party.  I've condemned Karl for his comments long ago.

Link Posted: 1/11/2023 8:47:25 PM EDT
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This is where your I'm not important, I'm just a harmless wittle fuzzball schtick rings hollow. This thread does not exist purely to convince you of anything. Guilt by association seems to be enough for many posters, myself included. You've spent pages actively telling people to stop posting information because it's not enough to convince you.

I've always enjoyed your posts and will continue to do so, but you've gone up to bat for the wrong people in this thread.
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I think you, and others, are making wild-assed accusations without decent proof of same.  

Show me decent proof of accusations, and I will alter my position.

Until then, "innocent until proven guilty".

It's all on you.
This is where your I'm not important, I'm just a harmless wittle fuzzball schtick rings hollow. This thread does not exist purely to convince you of anything. Guilt by association seems to be enough for many posters, myself included. You've spent pages actively telling people to stop posting information because it's not enough to convince you.

I've always enjoyed your posts and will continue to do so, but you've gone up to bat for the wrong people in this thread.
I'm going "to bat" for innocent until proven guilty. Same as we all expect for ourselves. If proven wrong, I'll change my opinion.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 8:49:09 PM EDT
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Sorry that you late to the party.  I've condemned Karl for his comments long ago.

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Yet you demand proof in tandem with guilt by association?

You make no sense.

“You guys are lying. Karl is my hero”
“Karl isn’t perfect, but you have no proof”
“Well I guess I’m wrong, but his friends are great people”
“So what that they -insert whacky leftist shit here-. You guys are mean and I have a signed poster on my wall from them”
“Just because someone buys crack and hangs around with crack heads doesn’t mean they smoke it. yOu cAnT pRoVe aNyThiNg”
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 8:54:06 PM EDT
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This thread endures due to your patronage! Your consistent efforts to bestow this critical information to neophytes within our community do not go unnoticed, @raf

I present you with this Gold Star, may you display it proudly.  

Link Posted: 1/11/2023 8:56:46 PM EDT
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Yet you demand proof in tandem with guilt by association?

You make no sense.

"You guys are lying. Karl is my hero"
"Karl isn't perfect, but you have no proof"
"Well I guess I'm wrong, but his friends are great people"
"So what that they -insert whacky leftist shit here-. You guys are mean and I have a signed poster on my wall from them"
"Just because someone buys crack and hangs around with crack heads doesn't mean they smoke it. yOu cAnT pRoVe aNyThiNg"
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Sorry that you late to the party.  I've condemned Karl for his comments long ago.

Yet you demand proof in tandem with guilt by association?

You make no sense.

"You guys are lying. Karl is my hero"
"Karl isn't perfect, but you have no proof"
"Well I guess I'm wrong, but his friends are great people"
"So what that they -insert whacky leftist shit here-. You guys are mean and I have a signed poster on my wall from them"
"Just because someone buys crack and hangs around with crack heads doesn't mean they smoke it. yOu cAnT pRoVe aNyThiNg"
Sorry, but I never said anything that you've "quoted".  Guilt "in tandem" is a novel legal concept. Please expand.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 8:59:42 PM EDT
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Sorry that you late to the party.  I've condemned Karl for his comments long ago.

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That only took about 15  pages of proof as subtle as a 2x4 to the face.  The people he has made content with several times each are cut from the same cloth, but that'll take another 30 pages to get there.  Do yourself a favor and find something better to do.  I'm here to see what our semi-autists dig up next.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 9:00:25 PM EDT
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Sorry, but I never said anything that you've "quoted".
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Paraphrasing is a useful tool to get a point across.  Quite being pedantically retarded.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 9:03:16 PM EDT
A summation, as our resident thread denier slider advocate tends to get things moving quickly

The fuck it does.  

If you want I will take the time to find the exact times in videos of people like Karl, Tacticool Girlfriend and Deviant Ollam just off the top of my head using the term.  I pretty sure I can also find it in social media text posts.  Just because you are not familiar with how that term is being used in current conversations and contexts doesn't mean it has many meanings.  When a firearm manufacturer, whose "Sales and Marketing Director" is SinistralRifleman, that is not a mistake, coincidence or happenstance.  

Here is the Rhode Island John Brown Gun Club:

Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club:
(It is boiler fucking plate in the mission, purpose, or about statements of JBGC to include "Community Defense", so I will not post multiple more JBGC, but you can verify on your own if you wish,)

Red Neck Revolt:

Socialist Rifle Association:

Also note through Brownells, you can get the budget version of the WWSD2020 rifle, but it was called the "Civil Defense Rifle":

But the "Community Defense Rifle" seems to be an even further budget reduction version of the Civil Defense Rifle (different barrel and milspec trigger just from casual reading of the specs) offered by KE Arms.  Again, I wonder who chose the name?  Would your expert, the "Sales and Marketing" guy have anything to do with that?   Let's say you were making a new 9mm P-38 and decided to call it "the Final Solution".   Would you expect your marketing guy to say "hey, that term was used for the attempted extermination of a lot of targeted people by people who used the original version of this pistol" but the designer responded "hey that could also have many meanings to a lot of people.".
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This is if from Karl's interview with A better way 2A podcast (https://rss.com/podcasts/abetterway2a1/760239/):

Talking about the gun community and the struggle of dealing with the traditional gun community at 01:00:45

Karl: "With the firearms community, I don't see an alternative left, but as we grass roots grow groups everywhere working together, again with shared values, maybe not always shared beliefs, shared values will be where we can make a new space that is separate and distinct and different from the old and if we succeeded doing that well, the old one might become sort of defunct and we will become the new gun community."

One of the Interviewers:  "Yeah, they'll be the counterculture".

Karl:  "You're right, exactly, it's not going to happen fast, this is slow, these things, these are, these are gradual movements, but, um in the last decade, uh Inrange and running Inrange and matches frankly I think I am gonna say I'm pretty positive about the amount of progress we've seen of making it possible to have a separate space that um, can be that and um, um I think we're seeing more and more of that and that's a really cool thing.  

A couple minutes later they go into discussing the "old gun culture" and Karl talks about lets look at the "old gun culture" and what was made of "the idea of the rugged American individual."  He says think of the iconic people that were really revered in uses John Wayne as the example by the gun culture.  All of this was based on the individual defeating all the odds all on their own, but Karl says: "that's a lie, it's always been a lie.  Historically speaking when people come together and work together for the benefit of all.  So these communities forming in small groups and the aggregating together and I would say aggregating in spaces whether it's a brutality match or somewhere else to come together and find those like values that they share is going to grow, um a better, better firearms community tomorrow and it's not the individual, it's the aggregate that makes this better."  

The interviewers: "yeah, absolutely.  I don't think you need to reject individualism all together to accept that that is true or necessary."

Karl:  "Oh no we're all individuals in our own accord, but it's, it should not be at the cost of the whole.  That's the difference."

If you listen to Karl's interviews, he will drop names of anarchists and socialists in his discussions citing their works he has read.  Look at the above and ask yourself does any of this sound like something a freedom supporting person would say or is it someone who views things with a collective mindset?  It sounds a lot like the socialist/communist ploy of inserting a foothold within an organization or institution and over time spreading through the organization and expanding your footprint while forcing others out until you obtain the majority.    
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There's 20 pages worth of information you can go crawl of all the lefty shit that Karl and KE get into.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 9:05:25 PM EDT
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Paraphrasing is a useful tool to get a point across.  Quite being pedantically retarded.
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Sorry, but I never said anything that you've "quoted".

Paraphrasing is a useful tool to get a point across.  Quite being pedantically retarded.

I avoided using quotations and italicized my paraphrasing because I knew exactly what would happen lol.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 9:07:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 9:09:29 PM EDT
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Paraphrasing is a useful tool to get a point across.  Quite being pedantically retarded.
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I'm OK with my being quoted, but "paraphrasing" my comments is BS.

It's remarkable how some very few Members here (myself included) have to undergo personal attacks in order to simply stand up for common and longstanding "innocent until proven guilty" procedure.

I've been to Salem, MA, where Witches were condemned on scant evidence.  Sorry to see it happen here.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 9:25:13 PM EDT
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I'm OK with my being quoted, but "paraphrasing" my comments is BS.

It's remarkable how some very few Members here (myself included) have to undergo personal attacks in order to simply stand up for common and longstanding "innocent until proven guilty" procedure.

I've been to Salem, MA, where Witches were condemned on scant evidence.  Sorry to see it happen here.
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Ironic, considering Karl.

Your continued support of this thread does not go unnoticed. Please flaunt your award.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 9:31:24 PM EDT
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I'm OK with my being quoted, but "paraphrasing" my comments is BS.

It's remarkable how some very few Members here (myself included) have to undergo personal attacks in order to simply stand up for common and longstanding "innocent until proven guilty" procedure.

I've been to Salem, MA, where Witches were condemned on scant evidence.  Sorry to see it happen here.
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The door is over there sunshine, don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 9:37:05 PM EDT
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I'm OK with my being quoted, but "paraphrasing" my comments is BS.

It's remarkable how some very few Members here (myself included) have to undergo personal attacks in order to simply stand up for common and longstanding "innocent until proven guilty" procedure.

I've been to Salem, MA, where Witches were condemned on scant evidence.  Sorry to see it happen here.
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Paraphrasing is a useful tool to get a point across.  Quite being pedantically retarded.
I'm OK with my being quoted, but "paraphrasing" my comments is BS.

It's remarkable how some very few Members here (myself included) have to undergo personal attacks in order to simply stand up for common and longstanding "innocent until proven guilty" procedure.

I've been to Salem, MA, where Witches were condemned on scant evidence.  Sorry to see it happen here.

Paraphrasing is normal and acceptable in both written and verbal communication.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 9:39:54 PM EDT
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I'm OK with my being quoted, but "paraphrasing" my comments is BS.

It's remarkable how some very few Members here (myself included) have to undergo personal attacks in order to simply stand up for common and longstanding "innocent until proven guilty" procedure.

I've been to Salem, MA, where Witches were condemned on scant evidence.  Sorry to see it happen here.
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This may come as a shock to you, but the court of public opinion is not a court of law, and therefore is not beholden to the standards of evidence of criminal law.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 9:41:28 PM EDT
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Paraphrasing is normal and acceptable in both written and verbal communication.
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Paraphrasing is a useful tool to get a point across.  Quite being pedantically retarded.
I'm OK with my being quoted, but "paraphrasing" my comments is BS.

It's remarkable how some very few Members here (myself included) have to undergo personal attacks in order to simply stand up for common and longstanding "innocent until proven guilty" procedure.

I've been to Salem, MA, where Witches were condemned on scant evidence.  Sorry to see it happen here.

Paraphrasing is normal and acceptable in both written and verbal communication.

Only when specifically acknowledged, and such "paraphrasing" does not do violence to original comments.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 9:58:04 PM EDT
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Only when specifically acknowledged, and such "paraphrasing" does not do violence to original comments.
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Paraphrasing is a useful tool to get a point across.  Quite being pedantically retarded.
I'm OK with my being quoted, but "paraphrasing" my comments is BS.

It's remarkable how some very few Members here (myself included) have to undergo personal attacks in order to simply stand up for common and longstanding "innocent until proven guilty" procedure.

I've been to Salem, MA, where Witches were condemned on scant evidence.  Sorry to see it happen here.

Paraphrasing is normal and acceptable in both written and verbal communication.

Only when specifically acknowledged, and such "paraphrasing" does not do violence to original comments.

I am fairly certain most could differentiate the sarcasm in those paraphrased statements from what was meant to be literal.

Link Posted: 1/11/2023 9:58:20 PM EDT
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Of course it’s guilt by association. Who the fuck in their right mind wants to be friends with radicalized leftists? Who wants to be friends with groomers? Who wants to be friends with someone who wants to stare at your butthole while you rail his woman? Who wants to be friends with someone who hates you and trains to kill you because you disagree with them?

If one of your friends gives his meth head cousin a copy of your house key, are you going to be okay with it?
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Before the wood is piled around yet another "Heretic", can we see some objective evidence against them?

So far, "Guilt-by-Association" allegation/smear is used. Typical of many posts in this thread.

Of course it’s guilt by association. Who the fuck in their right mind wants to be friends with radicalized leftists? Who wants to be friends with groomers? Who wants to be friends with someone who wants to stare at your butthole while you rail his woman? Who wants to be friends with someone who hates you and trains to kill you because you disagree with them?

If one of your friends gives his meth head cousin a copy of your house key, are you going to be okay with it?

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 10:03:07 PM EDT
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This may come as a shock to you, but the court of public opinion is not a court of law, and therefore is not beholden to the standards of evidence of criminal law.
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I'm OK with my being quoted, but "paraphrasing" my comments is BS.

It's remarkable how some very few Members here (myself included) have to undergo personal attacks in order to simply stand up for common and longstanding "innocent until proven guilty" procedure.

I've been to Salem, MA, where Witches were condemned on scant evidence.  Sorry to see it happen here.

This may come as a shock to you, but the court of public opinion is not a court of law, and therefore is not beholden to the standards of evidence of criminal law.
That's why we don't convict people in the "Court of Public Opinion".
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 10:05:46 PM EDT
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I am fairly certain most could differentiate the sarcasm in those paraphrased statements from what was meant to be literal.

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Paraphrasing is a useful tool to get a point across.  Quite being pedantically retarded.
I'm OK with my being quoted, but "paraphrasing" my comments is BS.

It's remarkable how some very few Members here (myself included) have to undergo personal attacks in order to simply stand up for common and longstanding "innocent until proven guilty" procedure.

I've been to Salem, MA, where Witches were condemned on scant evidence.  Sorry to see it happen here.

Paraphrasing is normal and acceptable in both written and verbal communication.

Only when specifically acknowledged, and such "paraphrasing" does not do violence to original comments.

I am fairly certain most could differentiate the sarcasm in those paraphrased statements from what was meant to be literal.

Not sure what you mean, but in any event sarcasm is not conveyed well in written remarks.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 10:09:23 PM EDT
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Only when specifically acknowledged, and such "paraphrasing" does not do violence to original comments.
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Obviously you don’t have to answer, but do you run into communications issues like this when you interact with people in person?

You seem like a decent guy with a lot of shared interests with the members, but I’ve seen a few threads run aground like this for you. Do you think maybe sometimes people post something meant as sarcasm or hyperbole or snark, and you read it only in its direct literal meaning?
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 10:17:28 PM EDT
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I'm OK with my being quoted, but "paraphrasing" my comments is BS.

It's remarkable how some very few Members here (myself included) have to undergo personal attacks in order to simply stand up for common and longstanding "innocent until proven guilty" procedure.

I've been to Salem, MA, where Witches were condemned on scant evidence.  Sorry to see it happen here.
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Scant evidence?
I was a fan of them too, but the evidence presented here is overwhelming and has convince me of Karl/Ian (and their commie/antifa friends) guilt.
I really didn't want to believe that Ian could be a part of this as well, but I'm not going to kid myself.
Until Ian announces that he is in no way connected with Karl for said reasons, then screw him.
Why would I give him my time and money/support?
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 10:22:31 PM EDT
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Obviously you don't have to answer, but do you run into communications issues like this when you interact with people in person?

You seem like a decent guy with a lot of shared interests with the members, but I've seen a few threads run aground like this for you. Do you think maybe sometimes people post something meant as sarcasm or hyperbole or snark, and you read it only in its direct literal meaning?
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It's like I was on to something....

ETA: This does not mean that my physical location placed me upon an object, or that I had somehow boarded an idea as if it were a vehicle.

Link Posted: 1/11/2023 10:23:18 PM EDT
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Obviously you don't have to answer, but do you run into communications issues like this when you interact with people in person?

You seem like a decent guy with a lot of shared interests with the members, but I've seen a few threads run aground like this for you. Do you think maybe sometimes people post something meant as sarcasm or hyperbole or snark, and you read it only in its direct literal meaning?
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Only when specifically acknowledged, and such "paraphrasing" does not do violence to original comments.

Obviously you don't have to answer, but do you run into communications issues like this when you interact with people in person?

You seem like a decent guy with a lot of shared interests with the members, but I've seen a few threads run aground like this for you. Do you think maybe sometimes people post something meant as sarcasm or hyperbole or snark, and you read it only in its direct literal meaning?
Quite possible.  Posted comments are always problematic.

I've never had any sort of "miscommunication" in person.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 10:23:35 PM EDT
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That's why we don't convict people in the "Court of Public Opinion".
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I'm OK with my being quoted, but "paraphrasing" my comments is BS.

It's remarkable how some very few Members here (myself included) have to undergo personal attacks in order to simply stand up for common and longstanding "innocent until proven guilty" procedure.

I've been to Salem, MA, where Witches were condemned on scant evidence.  Sorry to see it happen here.

This may come as a shock to you, but the court of public opinion is not a court of law, and therefore is not beholden to the standards of evidence of criminal law.
That's why we don't convict people in the "Court of Public Opinion".

The fuck we don't... Been living under a rock the last decade?

This is why Rittenhouse jury identification was so careful so as to prevent the ians of the world from intimidating the jury.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 10:26:20 PM EDT
Just learned thar rock Icon Jeff Beck has passed.  I'll be listening to his tunes on stereo.

RIP. Jeff!
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 10:41:46 PM EDT
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Proof has been put before you but it's never enough.  Which means the evidence will have to be "overwhelming."  So unless someone can bring you video of Karl sacrificing a child at the alter of Baal you'll just go right on denying it.
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Well not quite "child sacrifice" but indulge me as I moved towards this point.  

That's Karl, a Minister in the Satanic Temple, last month at the "All Souls Procession" in Tuscon.  
Attachment Attached File

I'm not posting all the signs remembering people who died from drug overdose, or while crossing the border.  What I didn't see was any signs about the souls lost to abortion.  
Attachment Attached File

That's because while it is not a "sacrifice", the Satanic Temple does have an "abortion ritual".  

Article on the Satanic Temple using abortion rituals.

Just a bonus, from the TSP website:
Both Indiana and Arkansas have successfully passed laws requiring health care facilities to bury or cremate fetal remains from spontaneous or induced abortion or ectopic pregnancy regardless of their patients’ wishes. This clearly constitutes a violation of the long-established domain of religious entities to handle the remains of the deceased. TST asserts its religious right to treat human tissue as medical waste."

Karl can worship however he wants.  He's says he is a satinist and he is a minister.  Freedom of religion, I get it.  But if we wanna delve into the Satanic Temple, it really seems to be designed for anarchists who also at least have nihilist tendencies.  We can look at what goes on there in some of the publicly accessible information that is out there.  

Link Posted: 1/11/2023 11:08:23 PM EDT
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I laughed. That's a goodin.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 11:48:29 PM EDT
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Well not quite "child sacrifice" but indulge me as I moved towards this point.  

That's Karl, a Minister in the Satanic Temple, last month at the "All Souls Procession" in Tuscon.  

I'm not posting all the signs remembering people who died from drug overdose, or while crossing the border.  What I didn't see was any signs about the souls lost to abortion.  

That's because while it is not a "sacrifice", the Satanic Temple does have an "abortion ritual".  

Article on the Satanic Temple using abortion rituals.

Just a bonus, from the TSP website:
Both Indiana and Arkansas have successfully passed laws requiring health care facilities to bury or cremate fetal remains from spontaneous or induced abortion or ectopic pregnancy regardless of their patients’ wishes. This clearly constitutes a violation of the long-established domain of religious entities to handle the remains of the deceased. TST asserts its religious right to treat human tissue as medical waste."

Karl can worship however he wants.  He's says he is a satinist and he is a minister.  Freedom of religion, I get it.  But if we wanna delve into the Satanic Temple, it really seems to be designed for anarchists who also at least have nihilist tendencies.  We can look at what goes on there in some of the publicly accessible information that is out there.  
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Proof has been put before you but it's never enough.  Which means the evidence will have to be "overwhelming."  So unless someone can bring you video of Karl sacrificing a child at the alter of Baal you'll just go right on denying it.

Well not quite "child sacrifice" but indulge me as I moved towards this point.  

That's Karl, a Minister in the Satanic Temple, last month at the "All Souls Procession" in Tuscon.  

I'm not posting all the signs remembering people who died from drug overdose, or while crossing the border.  What I didn't see was any signs about the souls lost to abortion.  

That's because while it is not a "sacrifice", the Satanic Temple does have an "abortion ritual".  

Article on the Satanic Temple using abortion rituals.

Just a bonus, from the TSP website:
Both Indiana and Arkansas have successfully passed laws requiring health care facilities to bury or cremate fetal remains from spontaneous or induced abortion or ectopic pregnancy regardless of their patients’ wishes. This clearly constitutes a violation of the long-established domain of religious entities to handle the remains of the deceased. TST asserts its religious right to treat human tissue as medical waste."

Karl can worship however he wants.  He's says he is a satinist and he is a minister.  Freedom of religion, I get it.  But if we wanna delve into the Satanic Temple, it really seems to be designed for anarchists who also at least have nihilist tendencies.  We can look at what goes on there in some of the publicly accessible information that is out there.  

Link Posted: 1/12/2023 3:15:17 PM EDT
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Dude, please.  "No commentary was made."


Yes I'm sure Karl was posting those in the interest of public safety.  

I'll be 100% honest, I have no practical experience in "armed protests" as far as long guns and tac gear.  My state has not passed open carry yet and to be honest, it probably has delayed some problems.  Not to say we haven't had armed protesters, as you can CCW at most events here, it just isn't displayed and used as a form of intimidation.  We did have a person with a CCW pull his weapon at a protest in Tallahassee, but he was detained and not charged.  But when we do get it, I think masked people carrying guns preventing people from using streets, sidewalks or also assembling lawfully should be a major fucking no no.   And this I have no doubt about, the armed forces for the left have no problem suppressing, denying or restricting anyone that is not lock step with them.  Anyone not will be labeled a fascist, nazi, a chud* or any other name for the right, conservative or just don't want to bow down to the left.

I asterisked "Chud" above and will call this to your attention here to address a couple of things you wax over in this very post.  "Chud" is far left speak for someone from the right and has beliefs that are regressive and/or bigoted.  Here is a video below:
That is Karl, in his own house with Robert Evans sitting on his couch.  At the 44:00 minute mark, Robert refers to "Chuds".  But let me back up, at 42:00 This exchange starts, in Karls house, on Karl's couch.

Robert "I just did an episode here of my daily podcast "It could happen here" with the Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club and they're doing some really cool actions in Dallas uh defending reproductive rights and LGBT marches and stuff in an area that is very hostile and doing it carrying guns and stuff And I talked with them about like how do you recommend people start they don't have this group of folks they've been organizing with for years and stuff and they were like start food distribution you know start up something like that where you're giving or get collecting things people need and giving them to people when you are doing that you will meet other people who are interested in doing the same thing purely because they also want to help and that is how you start to build a community of people who are both want to make things around them better by helping other people and want to organize with other folks to do it um, and I think that is kind of the seed of everything good that can happen and of course from there we get, I mean you should also be looking at organizations that already exist in your community that you can help with work with organizations that exist like on a state level or on a national level um, that are doing things you might want to support or just take as a model because I do think one of the big difficulties, and this is something anarchists run into as problem is anarchists are great at local movements"

Karl shakes his head up and down and says "yep"

Robert continues "local organizing and it's often much harder to do state level or national leveling organizing which kind of is more centralized and hierarchical groups tend to dominate at, which I don't necessarily think has to be the case but often is"

Karl states "well the more people you aggregate, the more small differences start to become big ones"

Robert continues "Yeah, and so I thank that, um, that both gathering together and getting use to organizing and doing shit that is useful and also cool, like one of the things I think is neat about the Elm Fork folks is that like they were, part of what they were kind of going for was like what if somebody, you got these like, group of Chuds showing up outside of like LGBT brunches and stuff (Karl starts shaking his head up and down in agreement) like threatening people and yelling at them about them about taking away their rights, what if there was like 12 dudes there with AR-15s like, yelling at them back and providing a physical barrier and like scaring the shit out of them, wouldn't that be better than them feeling the impunity to threaten children."

Look, here is Karl in a video he made in his house, on his couch, with some one he is doing cross content with, in a video he edited putting it out there.  

There is so much to be gained from watching Karl when he has a guest he admires on, he really lets his guard down.  

Fucking go to 45:11 to hear Karl talk about "mutul aid" and cite the work of Peter Kropotkin "a Russian anarchist, socialist, revolutionary, historian, scientist, philosopher, and activist who advocated anarcho-communism." with some degree of passion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Kropotkin

Your comparison to supporting BLM is also bull shit.
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Nice post, the smoking gun.

Not only is he a satanic communist, he advocates for child grooming shows.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 3:19:37 PM EDT
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Well not quite "child sacrifice" but indulge me as I moved towards this point.  

That's Karl, a Minister in the Satanic Temple, last month at the "All Souls Procession" in Tuscon.  

I'm not posting all the signs remembering people who died from drug overdose, or while crossing the border.  What I didn't see was any signs about the souls lost to abortion.  

That's because while it is not a "sacrifice", the Satanic Temple does have an "abortion ritual".  

Article on the Satanic Temple using abortion rituals.

Just a bonus, from the TSP website:
Both Indiana and Arkansas have successfully passed laws requiring health care facilities to bury or cremate fetal remains from spontaneous or induced abortion or ectopic pregnancy regardless of their patients’ wishes. This clearly constitutes a violation of the long-established domain of religious entities to handle the remains of the deceased. TST asserts its religious right to treat human tissue as medical waste."

Karl can worship however he wants.  He's says he is a satinist and he is a minister.  Freedom of religion, I get it.  But if we wanna delve into the Satanic Temple, it really seems to be designed for anarchists who also at least have nihilist tendencies.  We can look at what goes on there in some of the publicly accessible information that is out there.  

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Proof has been put before you but it's never enough.  Which means the evidence will have to be "overwhelming."  So unless someone can bring you video of Karl sacrificing a child at the alter of Baal you'll just go right on denying it.

Well not quite "child sacrifice" but indulge me as I moved towards this point.  

That's Karl, a Minister in the Satanic Temple, last month at the "All Souls Procession" in Tuscon.  

I'm not posting all the signs remembering people who died from drug overdose, or while crossing the border.  What I didn't see was any signs about the souls lost to abortion.  

That's because while it is not a "sacrifice", the Satanic Temple does have an "abortion ritual".  

Article on the Satanic Temple using abortion rituals.

Just a bonus, from the TSP website:
Both Indiana and Arkansas have successfully passed laws requiring health care facilities to bury or cremate fetal remains from spontaneous or induced abortion or ectopic pregnancy regardless of their patients’ wishes. This clearly constitutes a violation of the long-established domain of religious entities to handle the remains of the deceased. TST asserts its religious right to treat human tissue as medical waste."

Karl can worship however he wants.  He's says he is a satinist and he is a minister.  Freedom of religion, I get it.  But if we wanna delve into the Satanic Temple, it really seems to be designed for anarchists who also at least have nihilist tendencies.  We can look at what goes on there in some of the publicly accessible information that is out there.  

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:09:55 PM EDT
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A reoccurring theme seems to come up in the people he shares content with.

I'll leave the link cold:  https://services.satanicministry.com/archives/20210921/be-uncomfortable/

Bear in mind these are three people that really do believe they are are the smartest people in the room, so their comments are going to reflect a mixture of philosophy, smugness, intellectual superiority, we have created a belief system that is superior, we art part of the arts community and so on.

If you go to 40:00 minutes you will here Karl broach censorship on platforms  and whether censoring the opposition should make one uncomfortable.

As Karl is posing the question he gets to "Our opposition, which I still think is our opposition, for example, Trump and his beleaguered group of bigots and racists have been mostly or a lot of times ejected off of social media".  He eventually finishes the question and "Minister Penemue" responds.  Trying to transcribe this is difficult because it really is almost like stringing fragmented information together for an at the very best a novice transcriptionist, but we get to this part in the response:  

Minister Penemue: "Within our own and my social circles probably of the things we have discussed so far this evening, of any of it the thing probably would cause the, I don't want to use the term actual discomfort, that makes it sound like I'm drawing a hard boundary, but the thing that would probably sort of raise the temperature the most is the like hey, yea it seems like we helped in the short run we helped like these fucking Nazis and Trump supporters and white supremacists were kicked off social media, but maybe the way it was done wasn't great because of the way that could be abused in the future like that's the conversation that at least emost people I know, are like yeah, if , if like any statement is one where people might have a reaction like  ooh you might be right, but let's not talk about it, I would say that is one of them.  That is the one where like people would be like technically yeah, but oh Gosh don't we have other things to prioritize talking about because it, it feels like the world is to heated up right now, and I don't want to speak for other people, like the sense that I get from people that have this reaction is there is a general emotional like we've got so many problems in the United States that like..."      

I accidently closed my post window and lost a bunch of the rest of what was said, but he basically says I would be concerned about what function having that dialogue is serving and who it is validating and if it could be weaponized or leveraged by the "right".  

I must say this (Minister Penemue) guy is like Crispin Glover jacked up on Mountain Dew.

Anyway.  I could give a shit about Karl's religious views.  It is just another layer of the onion that shows who he is.

Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:30:34 PM EDT
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I'm OK with my being quoted, but "paraphrasing" my comments is BS.

It's remarkable how some very few Members here (myself included) have to undergo personal attacks in order to simply stand up for common and longstanding "innocent until proven guilty" procedure.

I've been to Salem, MA, where Witches were condemned on scant evidence.  Sorry to see it happen here.
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I get what you're saying, but if you were Jeff Dahmer's neighbor and heard the saws and the crying, smelled the rotting flesh, would you invite him over for beers, considering he wasn't convicted yet?
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 6:00:51 PM EDT
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I get what you're saying, but if you were Jeff Dahmer's neighbor and heard the saws and the crying, smelled the rotting flesh, would you invite him over for beers, considering he wasn't convicted yet?
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Hey now, it's not like he was offering to let Jeff use some space in his freezer.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 8:56:53 PM EDT
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As Karl is posing the question he gets to "Our opposition, which I still think is our opposition, for example, Trump and his beleaguered group of bigots and racists have been mostly or a lot of times ejected off of social media".  

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As Karl is posing the question he gets to "Our opposition, which I still think is our opposition, for example, Trump and his beleaguered group of bigots and racists have been mostly or a lot of times ejected off of social media".  

"Trump and his beleaguered group of bigots and racists."
They really, really, really need us to be the boogie man! They always run these false assumptions that we are "NAZI" or "Racists"
These assumptions they make when they think others must behave in the same manner as they do, or otherwise their behavior must be wrong. They think others must believe what they believe, or they are wrong. They believe that their answer is the only right answer.

Karl, take a long look at yourself in the mirror, Narcissists always blame and accuse others for their own shortcomings!
Take some time and read this, I hope you find help!
How Narcissists Blame and Accuse Others for Their Own Shortcomings

People with strong narcissistic tendencies and other dark personality traits tend to blame others for their own bad behavior. If they are lying, then they will accuse others of lying. If they are cruel, they will say that others are cruel. If they are stealing and scamming, then they will accuse others of stealing and scamming. They never take responsibility, and it’s always someone elses fault.

Besides ascribing their undesirable character traits to others, they will attribute the good characteristics of others to themselves. For example, if they see someone being nice, they will say, No, no, this person is not niceI am nice! If somebody is successful and happy, the narcissist will say, That person is such a loser and a fakebut I, I am really successful and authentic!
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 10:02:48 PM EDT
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"Trump and his beleaguered group of bigots and racists."
They really, really, really need us to be the boogie man! They always run these false assumptions that we are "NAZI" or "Racists"
These assumptions they make when they think others must behave in the same manner as they do, or otherwise their behavior must be wrong. They think others must believe what they believe, or they are wrong. They believe that their answer is the only right answer.

Karl, take a long look at yourself in the mirror, Narcissists always blame and accuse others for their own shortcomings!
Take some time and read this, I hope you find help!
How Narcissists Blame and Accuse Others for Their Own Shortcomings

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See Karl sees himself as one of the "marginalized" people.  I say he should check his privilege, he teamed up with a bunch of other white men and are making money from selling black rifles.  
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 10:10:25 PM EDT
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See Karl sees himself as one of the "marginalized" people.  I say he should check his privilege, he teamed up with a bunch of other white men and are making money from selling black rifles.  
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Link Posted: 1/12/2023 10:30:14 PM EDT
Admin posted this.

I want to believe

Link Posted: 1/12/2023 10:40:38 PM EDT
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Admin posted this.

I want to believe

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Where did he post this?
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 11:19:38 PM EDT
1 day ago.

Link Posted: 1/12/2023 11:34:37 PM EDT
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That is awesome.
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