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Link Posted: 12/7/2023 1:24:25 AM EDT
10 pages of trusting the plan.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 9:25:07 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 9:27:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 9:33:13 AM EDT

anyone else have an answer?  someone who is not such a titan of reasoning so I can follow it.  me and musk are all wrapped up in this q stuff and we're very limited.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 9:34:15 AM EDT
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Was he the one that always posted the "this one video will get Trump elected" youtube vid?
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If he did, I don't remember it.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 9:34:31 AM EDT
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Is the silver cord still around?  Banned?  Shadow account?

He's still around I think. He tends to pretend Q never existed these days.

There's another one like that too now I remember that still shows up from time to time. It's a shame we can't pull archives with usernames anymore and continuously shame these clowns.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 9:36:08 AM EDT
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anyone else have an answer?  someone who is not such a titan of reasoning so I can follow it.  me and musk are all wrapped up in this q stuff and we're very limited.
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Sorry for confusing you there Corky. I'll go get my crayons and work on a simpler response.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 9:42:50 AM EDT
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The Q retard at work must have gotten the memo. He has been pretty much silent about the Q bullshit after Trump lost the election and he had to face that what really happened was the complete opposite of what he had been calling everyone around him “fools” for not believing him.

He is now saying Trump is running the show from Florida and has been the whole time. He says the White House was not able to be secured so things are being run from Florida. The raid was a hoax, it was a distraction for them to “harden up” the resort.

He believes Zelenskyy is part of “the plan” and is working directly for Q anon and Trump gathering evidence to “take everyone down.” He said Zelenskyy is really a CIA operative with US citizenship.

Joe Biden is deceased and is a Clone. Not a body double, not a lookalike, a literal Clone created from Joes DNA. He was grown in a lab and that the Real Joe was killed by Trump’s agents in his first 30 days in office.

Trump was present in the room and gave the kill order himself when they strung him up to the rafters for seditious treason. He said Trump had Joes eyes taped open so he would be forced to know it was Trump who sent him to hell.

He believes the pope is the next to be “taken out” and Trump is going to weed out the evil in the Catholic Church so he can start the next crusade to rub out the Muslims… lol
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I'd watch that movie.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 9:52:45 AM EDT
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Sorry for confusing you there Corky. I'll go get my crayons and work on a simpler response.
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anyone else have an answer?  someone who is not such a titan of reasoning so I can follow it.  me and musk are all wrapped up in this q stuff and we're very limited.
Sorry for confusing you there Corky. I'll go get my crayons and work on a simpler response.

i just want to know if you and the QDS crew disobey the media on anything.  and if so, what?
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 10:17:40 AM EDT
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There's another one like that too now I remember that still shows up from time to time. It's a shame we can't pull archives with usernames anymore and continuously shame these clowns.
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Bring back the Names!!   MAHA!!!!      Make ARFCOM Hilarious Again!!
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 12:15:46 PM EDT
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To be honest, these types are absolute powder-kegs. When the music does stop, they’re going to snap.
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I agree. I don’t know what it is.

The sociology behind the “Trump is the savior of mankind” should be studied.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 12:17:45 PM EDT
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i just want to know if you and the QDS crew disobey the media on anything.  and if so, what?
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anyone else have an answer?  someone who is not such a titan of reasoning so I can follow it.  me and musk are all wrapped up in this q stuff and we're very limited.
Sorry for confusing you there Corky. I'll go get my crayons and work on a simpler response.

i just want to know if you and the QDS crew disobey the media on anything.  and if so, what?
Why is this always so binary with you people? You should look into logic, critical thinking, and occam's razor more.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 12:17:54 PM EDT
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This. I noticed most of them pretend they were never into it
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He's still around I think. He tends to pretend Q never existed these days.

This. I noticed most of them pretend they were never into it

That’s the safest play for them at this point.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 12:19:20 PM EDT
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Was he the one that always posted the "this one video will get Trump elected" youtube vid?
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Yeah his screen name escapes me tho.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 12:27:29 PM EDT
The thing is. The Q thing really never went away. It has been alive and well on Truth Social this whole time. Q was not posting but his believers were still regurgitating the same old garbage.

Trump embraced it by posting Q memes himself and of course the Q people lapped it up as proof of the whole thing. I believe Trump only does it is to keep the sites traffic limping along.

This new reemergence of Q is fake. Not like fake as in the whole thing being fake. It’s just another person looking for fame and fortune trolling the lemmings.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 12:40:32 PM EDT
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Why is this always so binary with you people? You should look into logic, critical thinking, and occam's razor more.
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anyone else have an answer?  someone who is not such a titan of reasoning so I can follow it.  me and musk are all wrapped up in this q stuff and we're very limited.
Sorry for confusing you there Corky. I'll go get my crayons and work on a simpler response.

i just want to know if you and the QDS crew disobey the media on anything.  and if so, what?
Why is this always so binary with you people? You should look into logic, critical thinking, and occam's razor more.

take a sober look at the state our country and the world are in right now.  we are there because people have allowed themselves to be controlled while writing it off as nuance and sophistication.  those days are over, it's time to take a stand, finally.  it's what we've been talking about on here for decades.  now that it's here we all can see clearly what people are made of.  they're shallow talk or they stand for what's right.

do you disobey the media when they tell you what to think?  at this point i'll just assume that's a no.  even if you rationalize it and say you just came to the same conclusions as them- it's still a no.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 1:02:47 PM EDT
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take a sober look at the state our country and the world are in right now.  we are there because people have allowed themselves to be controlled while writing it off as nuance and sophistication.  those days are over, it's time to take a stand, finally.  it's what we've been talking about on here for decades.  now that it's here we all can see clearly what people are made of.  they're shallow talk or they stand for what's right.

do you disobey the media when they tell you what to think?  at this point i'll just assume that's a no.  even if you rationalize it and say you just came to the same conclusions as them- it's still a no.
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Underwear outside pants on head retarded.  Complete lack of self-awareness on display.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 1:47:05 PM EDT
The best thing that came from the Q thing was the red-pilling of a lot of people on the rampant pedo problem in the higher echelons of society.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 3:44:36 PM EDT
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take a sober look at the state our country and the world are in right now.  we are there because people have allowed themselves to be controlled while writing it off as nuance and sophistication.  those days are over, it's time to take a stand, finally.  it's what we've been talking about on here for decades.  now that it's here we all can see clearly what people are made of.  they're shallow talk or they stand for what's right.

do you disobey the media when they tell you what to think?  at this point i'll just assume that's a no.  even if you rationalize it and say you just came to the same conclusions as them- it's still a no.
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What is being done about it? More specifically, what is Q and his people such as yourself doing about it?

Donald Trump was president for 4 years. He didn’t do anything about it.

Q posted all that bullshit that didn’t come true. So he didn’t and is not going to do anything about it.

Q lied to you and said the military and US intelligence apparatus was going to do something about. Turned out they were working for the bad guys. So they are not going to do anything about it.

Link Posted: 12/7/2023 4:06:33 PM EDT
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What is being done about it? More specifically, what is Q and his people such as yourself doing about it?

Donald Trump was president for 4 years. He didn’t do anything about it.

Q posted all that bullshit that didn’t come true. So he didn’t and is not going to do anything about it.

Q lied to you and said the military and US intelligence apparatus was going to do something about. Turned out they were working for the bad guys. So they are not going to do anything about it.

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take a sober look at the state our country and the world are in right now.  we are there because people have allowed themselves to be controlled while writing it off as nuance and sophistication.  those days are over, it's time to take a stand, finally.  it's what we've been talking about on here for decades.  now that it's here we all can see clearly what people are made of.  they're shallow talk or they stand for what's right.

do you disobey the media when they tell you what to think?  at this point i'll just assume that's a no.  even if you rationalize it and say you just came to the same conclusions as them- it's still a no.

What is being done about it? More specifically, what is Q and his people such as yourself doing about it?

Donald Trump was president for 4 years. He didn’t do anything about it.

Q posted all that bullshit that didn’t come true. So he didn’t and is not going to do anything about it.

Q lied to you and said the military and US intelligence apparatus was going to do something about. Turned out they were working for the bad guys. So they are not going to do anything about it.

You've already made it abundantly clear that you're unable or unwilling to discern clearly what's going on.  Not that I or anyone outside of about 10 people in the world have a completely clear picture, that's the point.  This is information warfare which is even more about deception than war is normally, and all war is already about deception.  

that's not what i'm getting at here.  the point here is the first baby step, to admit that you've been fed lies for your entire life, by just about every level of authority that there is.  I even put up a poll about it, 95% said that they don't trust the media.  but when it really comes down to cases most just go along with it anyway because it's easier.  you just can't face it despite knowing on some level that it's true.  you live with the ultimate cognitive dissonance that's so bad that you'd rather live with it than go through the shock of ridding yourself of it.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 4:11:25 PM EDT
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10 pages of trusting the plan.
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10 pages of self-proclaimed Q haters keeping Q alive is more like it.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 4:51:46 PM EDT
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10 pages of self-proclaimed Q haters keeping Q alive is more like it.
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If people making fun of this retarded Q bullshit bothers you then you need to stop and think about how you got there.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 4:52:58 PM EDT
"I can't believe you people allow yourselves to be fed lies and be led around by the media"

the person they get all their information from:

Link Posted: 12/7/2023 4:57:00 PM EDT
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The best thing that came from the Q thing was the red-pilling of a lot of people on the rampant pedo problem in the higher echelons of society.
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That is fair. I sadly don't see that anything is being done about it, but fair.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 6:45:54 PM EDT
So Flynn and Trump are part of a massive psyop designed to embarrass republicans…

Attachment Attached File

Attachment Attached File

Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 12/7/2023 6:48:24 PM EDT
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So Flynn and Trump are part of a massive psyop designed to embarrass republicans…



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Link Posted: 12/7/2023 6:49:43 PM EDT
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You've already made it abundantly clear that you're unable or unwilling to discern clearly what's going on.  Not that I or anyone outside of about 10 people in the world have a completely clear picture, that's the point.  This is information warfare which is even more about deception than war is normally, and all war is already about deception.  

that's not what i'm getting at here.  the point here is the first baby step, to admit that you've been fed lies for your entire life, by just about every level of authority that there is.  I even put up a poll about it, 95% said that they don't trust the media.  but when it really comes down to cases most just go along with it anyway because it's easier.  you just can't face it despite knowing on some level that it's true.  you live with the ultimate cognitive dissonance that's so bad that you'd rather live with it than go through the shock of ridding yourself of it.
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take a sober look at the state our country and the world are in right now.  we are there because people have allowed themselves to be controlled while writing it off as nuance and sophistication.  those days are over, it's time to take a stand, finally.  it's what we've been talking about on here for decades.  now that it's here we all can see clearly what people are made of.  they're shallow talk or they stand for what's right.

do you disobey the media when they tell you what to think?  at this point i'll just assume that's a no.  even if you rationalize it and say you just came to the same conclusions as them- it's still a no.

What is being done about it? More specifically, what is Q and his people such as yourself doing about it?

Donald Trump was president for 4 years. He didn’t do anything about it.

Q posted all that bullshit that didn’t come true. So he didn’t and is not going to do anything about it.

Q lied to you and said the military and US intelligence apparatus was going to do something about. Turned out they were working for the bad guys. So they are not going to do anything about it.

You've already made it abundantly clear that you're unable or unwilling to discern clearly what's going on.  Not that I or anyone outside of about 10 people in the world have a completely clear picture, that's the point.  This is information warfare which is even more about deception than war is normally, and all war is already about deception.  

that's not what i'm getting at here.  the point here is the first baby step, to admit that you've been fed lies for your entire life, by just about every level of authority that there is.  I even put up a poll about it, 95% said that they don't trust the media.  but when it really comes down to cases most just go along with it anyway because it's easier.  you just can't face it despite knowing on some level that it's true.  you live with the ultimate cognitive dissonance that's so bad that you'd rather live with it than go through the shock of ridding yourself of it.

Sure all those levels of authority are/were lock in step with each other so they would be all on the page of the lie.

The teachers, scientist, doctors, law enforcement etc.  Generation after generation same page same lie, get the fuck out of here with that non sense, its so asinine.

Even one of the instigators of this shit, finally realized it was all full of shit.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 7:05:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 8:54:14 PM EDT
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You've already made it abundantly clear that you're unable or unwilling to discern clearly what's going on.  Not that I or anyone outside of about 10 people in the world have a completely clear picture, that's the point.  This is information warfare which is even more about deception than war is normally, and all war is already about deception.  

that's not what i'm getting at here.  the point here is the first baby step, to admit that you've been fed lies for your entire life, by just about every level of authority that there is.  I even put up a poll about it, 95% said that they don't trust the media.  but when it really comes down to cases most just go along with it anyway because it's easier.  you just can't face it despite knowing on some level that it's true.  you live with the ultimate cognitive dissonance that's so bad that you'd rather live with it than go through the shock of ridding yourself of it.
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What do you suggest I do? Are you advocating me copying and pasting the bullshit you copy and paste?
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 9:01:39 PM EDT
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The Q retard at work must have gotten the memo. He has been pretty much silent about the Q bullshit after Trump lost the election and he had to face that what really happened was the complete opposite of what he had been calling everyone around him “fools” for not believing him.

He is now saying Trump is running the show from Florida and has been the whole time. He says the White House was not able to be secured so things are being run from Florida. The raid was a hoax, it was a distraction for them to “harden up” the resort.

He believes Zelenskyy is part of “the plan” and is working directly for Q anon and Trump gathering evidence to “take everyone down.” He said Zelenskyy is really a CIA operative with US citizenship.

Joe Biden is deceased and is a Clone. Not a body double, not a lookalike, a literal Clone created from Joes DNA. He was grown in a lab and that the Real Joe was killed by Trump’s agents in his first 30 days in office.

Trump was present in the room and gave the kill order himself when they strung him up to the rafters for seditious treason. He said Trump had Joes eyes taped open so he would be forced to know it was Trump who sent him to hell.

He believes the pope is the next to be “taken out” and Trump is going to weed out the evil in the Catholic Church so he can start the next crusade to rub out the Muslims… lol

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This guy sounds legit.

He needs a channel on the tube to generate clicks.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 9:04:41 PM EDT
"Disinfo is necessary"

Lots of Sun Tzu going on. Trump has practiced it for decades.

June 24, 2020:

Attachment Attached File

Attachment Attached File

Flynn posts on July 4, 2020:

Attachment Attached File

What a coincidence!
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 9:27:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 9:51:25 PM EDT
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What do you suggest I do? Are you advocating me copying and pasting the bullshit you copy and paste?
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You've already made it abundantly clear that you're unable or unwilling to discern clearly what's going on.  Not that I or anyone outside of about 10 people in the world have a completely clear picture, that's the point.  This is information warfare which is even more about deception than war is normally, and all war is already about deception.  

that's not what i'm getting at here.  the point here is the first baby step, to admit that you've been fed lies for your entire life, by just about every level of authority that there is.  I even put up a poll about it, 95% said that they don't trust the media.  but when it really comes down to cases most just go along with it anyway because it's easier.  you just can't face it despite knowing on some level that it's true.  you live with the ultimate cognitive dissonance that's so bad that you'd rather live with it than go through the shock of ridding yourself of it.

What do you suggest I do? Are you advocating me copying and pasting the bullshit you copy and paste?

i can't tell you what to do, that's the point.  question everything and everyone.  look at things you're not supposed to.  especially your own personal golden calves.

easy stuff would be agenda 2030, they're really arrogant about that and it's an easy find.  or the stuff that gets deeper into child sex slavery that everyone is suddenly aware of because they made a movie out of it.  i always liked the golden ticket.  other stuff like the saudi purge, the election steal and everything around covid/jab.  jfk, building 7.  

hell, look at the flat earth stuff if you want to see a good example of taking things way too far or how a big disinfo/discredit campaign works.  

look everything up in google.  then youtube.  then rumble.  then yandex.  then the drops.  you may not find the truth so much as you'll start to see how the lies are organized.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 9:55:10 PM EDT
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i can't tell you what to do, that's the point.  question everything and everyone.  look at things you're not supposed to.  especially your own personal golden calves.

easy stuff would be agenda 2030, they're really arrogant about that and it's an easy find.  or the stuff that gets deeper into child sex slavery that everyone is suddenly aware of because they made a movie out of it.  i always liked the golden ticket.  other stuff like the saudi purge, the election steal and everything around covid/jab.  jfk, building 7.  

hell, look at the flat earth stuff if you want to see a good example of taking things way too far or how a big disinfo/discredit campaign works.  

look everything up in google.  then youtube.  then rumble.  then yandex.  then the drops.  you may not find the truth so much as you'll start to see how the lies are organized.
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What was the first Q post? I can’t seem to remember.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 9:57:18 PM EDT
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Quick...everyone take the digital oath!
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...and make sure to add the psyop Q catch phrase "Where we go one, we go all" at 00:46.

As the former Director of Intelligence at JSOC and Director of the DIA Flynn is certainly well versed on how to run these republican damaging psyops programs that will ensure Trump is defeated in the 2024 election.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 9:58:52 PM EDT
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...and make sure to add the psyop Q catch phrase "Where we go one, we go all" at 00:46.

As the former Director of Intelligence at JSOC and Director of the DIA Flynn is certainly well versed on how to run these republican damaging psyops programs that will ensure Trump is defeated in the 2024 election.
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Flynn, the registered foreign agent. That’s who we are talking about, right?
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 9:59:39 PM EDT
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...and make sure to add the psyop Q catch phrase "Where we go one, we go all" at 00:46.

As the former Director of Intelligence at JSOC and Director of the DIA Flynn is certainly well versed on how to run these republican damaging psyops programs that will ensure Trump is defeated in the 2024 election.
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You’re not a true believer any more?
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 10:00:59 PM EDT
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...and make sure to add the psyop Q catch phrase "Where we go one, we go all" at 00:46.

As the former Director of Intelligence at JSOC and Director of the DIA Flynn is certainly well versed on how to run these republican damaging psyops programs that will ensure Trump is defeated in the 2024 election.
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Everything is starting to make sense.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 10:01:26 PM EDT
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Flynn, the registered foreign agent. That’s who we are talking about, right?
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Link Posted: 12/7/2023 10:01:35 PM EDT
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Flynn, the registered foreign agent. That’s who we are talking about, right?
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...and make sure to add the psyop Q catch phrase "Where we go one, we go all" at 00:46.

As the former Director of Intelligence at JSOC and Director of the DIA Flynn is certainly well versed on how to run these republican damaging psyops programs that will ensure Trump is defeated in the 2024 election.

Flynn, the registered foreign agent. That’s who we are talking about, right?

flynn, who like trump, has severely pissed off the swamp.  https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/05/newly_released_material_in_the_flynn_case_implicates_obama.html
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 10:02:38 PM EDT
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What was the first Q post? I can’t seem to remember.
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i can't tell you what to do, that's the point.  question everything and everyone.  look at things you're not supposed to.  especially your own personal golden calves.

easy stuff would be agenda 2030, they're really arrogant about that and it's an easy find.  or the stuff that gets deeper into child sex slavery that everyone is suddenly aware of because they made a movie out of it.  i always liked the golden ticket.  other stuff like the saudi purge, the election steal and everything around covid/jab.  jfk, building 7.  

hell, look at the flat earth stuff if you want to see a good example of taking things way too far or how a big disinfo/discredit campaign works.  

look everything up in google.  then youtube.  then rumble.  then yandex.  then the drops.  you may not find the truth so much as you'll start to see how the lies are organized.

What was the first Q post? I can’t seem to remember.

ask the black hats in saudi what that was about.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 10:02:59 PM EDT
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What do you suggest I do? Are you advocating me copying and pasting the bullshit you copy and paste?
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Well, what I wouldn’t suggest is kitting up and taking the battle to a pizza restaurant…
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 10:29:18 PM EDT
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Well, what I wouldn’t suggest is kitting up and taking the battle to a pizza restaurant…
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What do you suggest I do? Are you advocating me copying and pasting the bullshit you copy and paste?

Well, what I wouldn’t suggest is kitting up and taking the battle to a pizza restaurant…

a battle where the single bullet fired executed a hard drive that just happened to have evidence.  after going through the front door, through the pizza place, and into the back room.  

the pedo pizza place story was then 'debunked' by a journalist who later is arrested for raping children, with ties to john podesta.

Link Posted: 12/7/2023 10:30:37 PM EDT
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ask the black hats in saudi what that was about.
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You seem to be the Q expert.

You don’t remember the first Q drop?
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 10:43:39 PM EDT
What has Q done for me lately?

Link Posted: 12/7/2023 10:46:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 10:46:44 PM EDT
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i can't tell you what to do, that's the point.  question everything and everyone.  look at things you're not supposed to.  especially your own personal golden calves.

easy stuff would be agenda 2030, they're really arrogant about that and it's an easy find.  or the stuff that gets deeper into child sex slavery that everyone is suddenly aware of because they made a movie out of it.  i always liked the golden ticket.  other stuff like the saudi purge, the election steal and everything around covid/jab.  jfk, building 7.  

hell, look at the flat earth stuff if you want to see a good example of taking things way too far or how a big disinfo/discredit campaign works.  

look everything up in google.  then youtube.  then rumble.  then yandex.  then the drops.  you may not find the truth so much as you'll start to see how the lies are organized.
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You've already made it abundantly clear that you're unable or unwilling to discern clearly what's going on.  Not that I or anyone outside of about 10 people in the world have a completely clear picture, that's the point.  This is information warfare which is even more about deception than war is normally, and all war is already about deception.  

that's not what i'm getting at here.  the point here is the first baby step, to admit that you've been fed lies for your entire life, by just about every level of authority that there is.  I even put up a poll about it, 95% said that they don't trust the media.  but when it really comes down to cases most just go along with it anyway because it's easier.  you just can't face it despite knowing on some level that it's true.  you live with the ultimate cognitive dissonance that's so bad that you'd rather live with it than go through the shock of ridding yourself of it.

What do you suggest I do? Are you advocating me copying and pasting the bullshit you copy and paste?

i can't tell you what to do, that's the point.  question everything and everyone.  look at things you're not supposed to.  especially your own personal golden calves.

easy stuff would be agenda 2030, they're really arrogant about that and it's an easy find.  or the stuff that gets deeper into child sex slavery that everyone is suddenly aware of because they made a movie out of it.  i always liked the golden ticket.  other stuff like the saudi purge, the election steal and everything around covid/jab.  jfk, building 7.  

hell, look at the flat earth stuff if you want to see a good example of taking things way too far or how a big disinfo/discredit campaign works.  

look everything up in google.  then youtube.  then rumble.  then yandex.  then the drops.  you may not find the truth so much as you'll start to see how the lies are organized.

I get it. Some of us also question Q.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 10:48:01 PM EDT
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flynn, who like trump, has severely pissed off the swamp.  https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/05/newly_released_material_in_the_flynn_case_implicates_obama.html
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...and make sure to add the psyop Q catch phrase "Where we go one, we go all" at 00:46.

As the former Director of Intelligence at JSOC and Director of the DIA Flynn is certainly well versed on how to run these republican damaging psyops programs that will ensure Trump is defeated in the 2024 election.

Flynn, the registered foreign agent. That’s who we are talking about, right?

flynn, who like trump, has severely pissed off the swamp.  https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/05/newly_released_material_in_the_flynn_case_implicates_obama.html

Flynn is a hamburger and toy short of a happy meal. He forgot the pledge of allegiance.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 10:49:41 PM EDT
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Ah, thanks. That’s it. The date and time Hillary Clinton was arrested.

So what is it, iveseenthingsontv? Has Hillary been rotting away in a Gitmo cell the last 6 years?
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 10:51:10 PM EDT
Hillary was executed by a firing squad and replaced by a lizard clone.
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