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Link Posted: 12/7/2023 11:01:37 PM EDT
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Ah, thanks. That’s it. The date and time Hillary Clinton was arrested.

So what is it, iveseenthingsontv? Has Hillary been rotting away in a Gitmo cell the last 6 years?
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Ah, thanks. That’s it. The date and time Hillary Clinton was arrested.

So what is it, iveseenthingsontv? Has Hillary been rotting away in a Gitmo cell the last 6 years?

hildawg was a distraction.  what happened a few days after she was supposed to be arrested?
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 11:23:14 PM EDT
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I get it. Some of us also question Q.
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You've already made it abundantly clear that you're unable or unwilling to discern clearly what's going on.  Not that I or anyone outside of about 10 people in the world have a completely clear picture, that's the point.  This is information warfare which is even more about deception than war is normally, and all war is already about deception.  

that's not what i'm getting at here.  the point here is the first baby step, to admit that you've been fed lies for your entire life, by just about every level of authority that there is.  I even put up a poll about it, 95% said that they don't trust the media.  but when it really comes down to cases most just go along with it anyway because it's easier.  you just can't face it despite knowing on some level that it's true.  you live with the ultimate cognitive dissonance that's so bad that you'd rather live with it than go through the shock of ridding yourself of it.

What do you suggest I do? Are you advocating me copying and pasting the bullshit you copy and paste?

i can't tell you what to do, that's the point.  question everything and everyone.  look at things you're not supposed to.  especially your own personal golden calves.

easy stuff would be agenda 2030, they're really arrogant about that and it's an easy find.  or the stuff that gets deeper into child sex slavery that everyone is suddenly aware of because they made a movie out of it.  i always liked the golden ticket.  other stuff like the saudi purge, the election steal and everything around covid/jab.  jfk, building 7.  

hell, look at the flat earth stuff if you want to see a good example of taking things way too far or how a big disinfo/discredit campaign works.  

look everything up in google.  then youtube.  then rumble.  then yandex.  then the drops.  you may not find the truth so much as you'll start to see how the lies are organized.

I get it. Some of us also question Q.

that's cool.  now apply the same logic to the TV that you do to the drops.
Link Posted: 12/7/2023 11:49:26 PM EDT
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hildawg was a distraction.  what happened a few days after she was supposed to be arrested?
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Ah, thanks. That's it. The date and time Hillary Clinton was arrested.

So what is it, iveseenthingsontv? Has Hillary been rotting away in a Gitmo cell the last 6 years?

hildawg was a distraction.  what happened a few days after she was supposed to be arrested?
Please tell us.
Link Posted: 12/8/2023 2:04:20 AM EDT
Here's what she was doing on October 28th, 2017

Hillary Clinton at the 2017 HRC National Dinner

Making money.  I'm sure she gets a big check for every speaking engagement.
Link Posted: 12/8/2023 2:05:01 AM EDT
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a battle where the single bullet fired executed a hard drive that just happened to have evidence.  after going through the front door, through the pizza place, and into the back room.  

the pedo pizza place story was then 'debunked' by a journalist who later is arrested for raping children, with ties to john podesta.

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There were three shots fired, not one. Who told you a hard drive was shot?

You're skeptical of the media, are you also skeptical of whoever told you that journalist debunked pizzagate? Have you looked into that claim?
Link Posted: 12/8/2023 8:09:48 AM EDT
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that's cool.  now apply the same logic to the TV that you do to the drops.
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You've already made it abundantly clear that you're unable or unwilling to discern clearly what's going on.  Not that I or anyone outside of about 10 people in the world have a completely clear picture, that's the point.  This is information warfare which is even more about deception than war is normally, and all war is already about deception.  

that's not what i'm getting at here.  the point here is the first baby step, to admit that you've been fed lies for your entire life, by just about every level of authority that there is.  I even put up a poll about it, 95% said that they don't trust the media.  but when it really comes down to cases most just go along with it anyway because it's easier.  you just can't face it despite knowing on some level that it's true.  you live with the ultimate cognitive dissonance that's so bad that you'd rather live with it than go through the shock of ridding yourself of it.

What do you suggest I do? Are you advocating me copying and pasting the bullshit you copy and paste?

i can't tell you what to do, that's the point.  question everything and everyone.  look at things you're not supposed to.  especially your own personal golden calves.

easy stuff would be agenda 2030, they're really arrogant about that and it's an easy find.  or the stuff that gets deeper into child sex slavery that everyone is suddenly aware of because they made a movie out of it.  i always liked the golden ticket.  other stuff like the saudi purge, the election steal and everything around covid/jab.  jfk, building 7.  

hell, look at the flat earth stuff if you want to see a good example of taking things way too far or how a big disinfo/discredit campaign works.  

look everything up in google.  then youtube.  then rumble.  then yandex.  then the drops.  you may not find the truth so much as you'll start to see how the lies are organized.

I get it. Some of us also question Q.

that's cool.  now apply the same logic to the TV that you do to the drops.

I do

Link Posted: 12/8/2023 8:25:45 AM EDT
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That is fair. I sadly don't see that anything is being done about it, but fair.
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The best thing that came from the Q thing was the red-pilling of a lot of people on the rampant pedo problem in the higher echelons of society.

That is fair. I sadly don't see that anything is being done about it, but fair.

Unfortunately, there is not. These assholes are so well insulated that justice is not going to come from traditional channels I’m afraid.
Link Posted: 12/8/2023 8:30:37 AM EDT
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There were three shots fired, not one. Who told you a hard drive was shot?

You're skeptical of the media, are you also skeptical of whoever told you that journalist debunked pizzagate? Have you looked into that claim?
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Megyn Kelly did an interview with James Rothschild after the ‘shooting’ and showed her the hole in the computer — it’s on video.
Link Posted: 12/8/2023 9:20:39 AM EDT
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Please tell us.
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Ah, thanks. That's it. The date and time Hillary Clinton was arrested.

So what is it, iveseenthingsontv? Has Hillary been rotting away in a Gitmo cell the last 6 years?

hildawg was a distraction.  what happened a few days after she was supposed to be arrested?
Please tell us.

look at my posts on the last page.
Link Posted: 12/8/2023 9:22:36 AM EDT
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I do

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You've already made it abundantly clear that you're unable or unwilling to discern clearly what's going on.  Not that I or anyone outside of about 10 people in the world have a completely clear picture, that's the point.  This is information warfare which is even more about deception than war is normally, and all war is already about deception.  

that's not what i'm getting at here.  the point here is the first baby step, to admit that you've been fed lies for your entire life, by just about every level of authority that there is.  I even put up a poll about it, 95% said that they don't trust the media.  but when it really comes down to cases most just go along with it anyway because it's easier.  you just can't face it despite knowing on some level that it's true.  you live with the ultimate cognitive dissonance that's so bad that you'd rather live with it than go through the shock of ridding yourself of it.

What do you suggest I do? Are you advocating me copying and pasting the bullshit you copy and paste?

i can't tell you what to do, that's the point.  question everything and everyone.  look at things you're not supposed to.  especially your own personal golden calves.

easy stuff would be agenda 2030, they're really arrogant about that and it's an easy find.  or the stuff that gets deeper into child sex slavery that everyone is suddenly aware of because they made a movie out of it.  i always liked the golden ticket.  other stuff like the saudi purge, the election steal and everything around covid/jab.  jfk, building 7.  

hell, look at the flat earth stuff if you want to see a good example of taking things way too far or how a big disinfo/discredit campaign works.  

look everything up in google.  then youtube.  then rumble.  then yandex.  then the drops.  you may not find the truth so much as you'll start to see how the lies are organized.

I get it. Some of us also question Q.

that's cool.  now apply the same logic to the TV that you do to the drops.

I do

you stop paying attention to a source and attack them at every opportunity when they are inconsistent?  Why would the tv be inconsistent?  why would the drops?
Link Posted: 12/8/2023 9:43:44 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/8/2023 10:03:08 AM EDT
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Megyn Kelly did an interview with James Rothschild after the ‘shooting’ and showed her the hole in the computer — it’s on video.
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I found the interview. It shows a glancing hole in the top of the case.

When's the last time you saw a computer that carried it's hard drive at the very top of it's case? If computers typically don't carry their hard drive at the very top of their cases, what does that mean about the honesty of whoever told you there was a single shot which went straight into a hard drive containing evidence?

Any input on the reporter's work debunking pizzagate? An article, maybe? Id hate to think that there aren't any, and that the whole "reporter who debunked pizzagate" thing was bullshit, made up by someone to fool gullible rubes and boomers.
Link Posted: 12/8/2023 11:50:34 AM EDT
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a battle where the single bullet fired executed a hard drive that just happened to have evidence.  after going through the front door, through the pizza place, and into the back room.  

the pedo pizza place story was then 'debunked' by a journalist who later is arrested for raping children, with ties to john podesta.

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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 12/8/2023 2:11:43 PM EDT
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a battle where the single bullet fired executed a hard drive that just happened to have evidence.  after going through the front door, through the pizza place, and into the back room.  

the pedo pizza place story was then 'debunked' by a journalist who later is arrested for raping children, with ties to john podesta.


you can't put forth any more effort than that to defend your swampiparty?
Link Posted: 12/8/2023 2:19:36 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By @iveseenalittleontv:

you can't put forth any more effort than that to defend your swampiparty?
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Are you going to put in any effort to defend your claim that a hard drive containing evidence was shot, or that the pedo reporter 'debunked pizzagate'?
Link Posted: 12/8/2023 3:27:38 PM EDT
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Hillary was executed by a firing squad and replaced by a lizard clone.
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We were supposed to be given a picture and video of her wearing the flesh of a sex trafficked Haitian child like a mask by Q back in 2018 I believe?

Obama wearing Muslim garb with an AK in a cave or something?

Link Posted: 12/8/2023 3:32:17 PM EDT
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Q was “intelligence” and Donald Trump was president for 4 years. 7 if you are counting in Q retard years.

Why have they not told us?

I know why. Do you?
Link Posted: 12/8/2023 3:38:00 PM EDT
I remember one big thing of "evidence" was a random still of a security camera from a hospital room.
Link Posted: 12/8/2023 4:02:35 PM EDT
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I remember one big thing of "evidence" was a random still of a security camera from a hospital room.
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There was a picture in a Q post of Donny Deutch or however its spelled holding a weapon supposedly used to threaten Michael Avinati for going after Trump back when that was in the news.

Q has posted so much bullshit over the years…
Link Posted: 12/8/2023 4:04:47 PM EDT
@ihaveseenalittleontv knows everything. He could enlighten us all. But we are supposed to just figure it all out on our own and come to the same conclusion he has.

Link Posted: 12/8/2023 4:08:47 PM EDT
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@ihaveseenalittleontv knows everything. He could enlighten us all. But we are supposed to just figure it all out on our own and come to the same conclusion he has.

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dO yOuR rEsEaRcH yOu fIlThy cAsUaL!
Link Posted: 12/8/2023 5:20:44 PM EDT
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look at my posts on the last page.
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I didn't see you post anything about it, please state specifically what happened.
Link Posted: 12/8/2023 11:43:25 PM EDT
Good to see this is still alive and well.

I enjoy reading rampant mental illness when work is slow so keep it up!
Link Posted: 12/9/2023 12:19:27 AM EDT
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I didn't see you post anything about it, please state specifically what happened.
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Link Posted: 12/9/2023 12:20:00 AM EDT
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You just don't understand how real estate works.
Link Posted: 12/10/2023 9:32:59 AM EDT
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I didn't see you post anything about it, please state specifically what happened.
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look at my posts on the last page.
I didn't see you post anything about it, please state specifically what happened.

the saudi purge, it was much more important than a cathartic public arrest of a defeated enemy.  


Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.
SAUDI Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland.

Link Posted: 12/10/2023 9:41:37 AM EDT
The only thing the Saudis purged was a couple billion dollars from their bank account right into Trump and his son-in-law’s pockets.
Link Posted: 12/10/2023 9:48:03 AM EDT
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AJ is interesting, it's hard to tell if he flipped.  as in, which side was he really on in the first place?  but then tucker and musk obviously did.  and so many others.
Link Posted: 12/10/2023 9:50:48 AM EDT
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you stop paying attention to a source and attack them at every opportunity when they are inconsistent?  Why would the tv be inconsistent?  why would the drops?
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You've already made it abundantly clear that you're unable or unwilling to discern clearly what's going on.  Not that I or anyone outside of about 10 people in the world have a completely clear picture, that's the point.  This is information warfare which is even more about deception than war is normally, and all war is already about deception.  

that's not what i'm getting at here.  the point here is the first baby step, to admit that you've been fed lies for your entire life, by just about every level of authority that there is.  I even put up a poll about it, 95% said that they don't trust the media.  but when it really comes down to cases most just go along with it anyway because it's easier.  you just can't face it despite knowing on some level that it's true.  you live with the ultimate cognitive dissonance that's so bad that you'd rather live with it than go through the shock of ridding yourself of it.

What do you suggest I do? Are you advocating me copying and pasting the bullshit you copy and paste?

i can't tell you what to do, that's the point.  question everything and everyone.  look at things you're not supposed to.  especially your own personal golden calves.

easy stuff would be agenda 2030, they're really arrogant about that and it's an easy find.  or the stuff that gets deeper into child sex slavery that everyone is suddenly aware of because they made a movie out of it.  i always liked the golden ticket.  other stuff like the saudi purge, the election steal and everything around covid/jab.  jfk, building 7.  

hell, look at the flat earth stuff if you want to see a good example of taking things way too far or how a big disinfo/discredit campaign works.  

look everything up in google.  then youtube.  then rumble.  then yandex.  then the drops.  you may not find the truth so much as you'll start to see how the lies are organized.

I get it. Some of us also question Q.

that's cool.  now apply the same logic to the TV that you do to the drops.

I do

you stop paying attention to a source and attack them at every opportunity when they are inconsistent?  Why would the tv be inconsistent?  why would the drops?

it would be a shocking change from any of you qds sufferers to see a single one breathe a word of even mild disapproval for the media, the uniparty or any of the swamp.  they were the focus of all of your hate before trump and q.  and now look at ya.
Link Posted: 12/10/2023 9:53:39 AM EDT
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The only thing the Saudis purged was a couple billion dollars from their bank account right into Trump and his son-in-law’s pockets.
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always follow the money.  who is desperate right now?  look at the bank closures.  look at how crazy the swamp is for money to go to 'ukraine'.  

Link Posted: 12/10/2023 10:06:45 AM EDT
Q was likely a foreign psyop. Cyber warfare is in style these days.
Link Posted: 12/10/2023 10:10:43 AM EDT
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Q was likely a foreign psyop. Cyber warfare is in style these days.
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q and trump are inextricably tied.  you're saying the muh russha narrative that the swamp fabricated, then pushed is somehow valid?
Link Posted: 12/10/2023 10:12:57 AM EDT
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Its not the media that convinces people there are conspiracy theories, it's common sense that drives people to see certain thing are full of shit.


There is another military doing a secrete operation that is supporting Trump and arresting swamp people, and secrete trials at GITMO and secrete hangings etc...

There can not be 2 different militaries operating at the same time, totally impossible.

I do not need the media to tell me this is a conspiracy. (Full of shit)
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That's alot of secretions.
Link Posted: 12/10/2023 10:17:48 AM EDT
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This seems like a great movie plot!
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Lol that's exactly what I was thinking.
Link Posted: 12/10/2023 10:18:53 AM EDT
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Are you going to put in any effort to defend your claim that a hard drive containing evidence was shot, or that the pedo reporter 'debunked pizzagate'?
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Originally Posted By @iveseenalittleontv:

you can't put forth any more effort than that to defend your swampiparty?

Are you going to put in any effort to defend your claim that a hard drive containing evidence was shot, or that the pedo reporter 'debunked pizzagate'?

you and the swamp are big mad.  


Link Posted: 12/10/2023 10:22:51 AM EDT
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q and trump are inextricably tied.  you're saying the muh russha narrative that the swamp fabricated, then pushed is somehow valid?
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Q was likely a foreign psyop. Cyber warfare is in style these days.

q and trump are inextricably tied.  you're saying the muh russha narrative that the swamp fabricated, then pushed is somehow valid?

More likely that Trump is a foreign psyop too.
Link Posted: 12/10/2023 10:58:04 AM EDT
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q and trump are inextricably tied.  you're saying the muh russha narrative that the swamp fabricated, then pushed is somehow valid?
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Trump supported Q because he's low IQ.

Sure, I believe there is a bureacratic slog of politicians who are terrible at their jobs and fail to do what is best for their constituents. The "swamp" as you call it.

But that doesn't automatically mean Trump is right about everything he says. Nor does it mean Q isn't bat shit crazy.
Link Posted: 12/10/2023 1:27:27 PM EDT
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you and the swamp are big mad.  


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Lol. The point here is the first baby step, to admit that you've been fed lies.

I like how Rolling Stone tells you that Elon caused a "massive spike, 9,500%!!!11!", but carefully don't give actual numbers. Do you think that might be because 9,500 times jack shit is still jack shit?

We can examine this hypothesis by using the same method as Rolling Stone's source: Google analytics. We can start by comparing pizzagate's popularity with a fairly niche search term. For this niche search I chose Quigley Down Under, because I like that movie.

From this comparison we can see that over the last 90 days Quigley typically drew more interest, but Elon's tweet caused pizzagate to briefly become about twice as popular as a Tom Selleck movie from 1990. Perhaps expanding our examination to the last 5 years can give us a better perspective?

Indeed it does. Rolling Stone's "massive spike!!!!!1!" is nothing but a tiny blip when looked at in the long term.
Link Posted: 12/10/2023 2:31:54 PM EDT
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Lol. The point here is the first baby step, to admit that you've been fed lies.

I like how Rolling Stone tells you that Elon caused a "massive spike, 9,500%!!!11!", but carefully don't give actual numbers. Do you think that might be because 9,500 times jack shit is still jack shit?

We can examine this hypothesis by using the same method as Rolling Stone's source: Google analytics. We can start by comparing pizzagate's popularity with a fairly niche search term. For this niche search I chose Quigley Down Under, because I like that movie.


From this comparison we can see that over the last 90 days Quigley typically drew more interest, but Elon's tweet caused pizzagate to briefly become about twice as popular as a Tom Selleck movie from 1990. Perhaps expanding our examination to the last 5 years can give us a better perspective?


Indeed it does. Rolling Stone's "massive spike!!!!!1!" is nothing but a tiny blip when looked at in the long term.
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you and the swamp are big mad.  


Lol. The point here is the first baby step, to admit that you've been fed lies.

I like how Rolling Stone tells you that Elon caused a "massive spike, 9,500%!!!11!", but carefully don't give actual numbers. Do you think that might be because 9,500 times jack shit is still jack shit?

We can examine this hypothesis by using the same method as Rolling Stone's source: Google analytics. We can start by comparing pizzagate's popularity with a fairly niche search term. For this niche search I chose Quigley Down Under, because I like that movie.


From this comparison we can see that over the last 90 days Quigley typically drew more interest, but Elon's tweet caused pizzagate to briefly become about twice as popular as a Tom Selleck movie from 1990. Perhaps expanding our examination to the last 5 years can give us a better perspective?


Indeed it does. Rolling Stone's "massive spike!!!!!1!" is nothing but a tiny blip when looked at in the long term.

far be it from me to defend a swamp publication.  the point here is that swamp is being forced to admit it.  and yes, they do get plenty of attention with their version of fear porn, simultaneously serving their swampy interests by getting people to clutch their pearls at the thought of anyone not believing the accepted propaganda.  spreading that qds/tds far and wide.  

and even they know the swamp is not the only place to go for information anymore.  


Link Posted: 12/10/2023 2:55:59 PM EDT
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far be it from me to defend a swamp publication.  the point here is that swamp is being forced to admit it.  and yes, they do get plenty of attention with their version of fear porn, simultaneously serving their swampy interests by getting people to clutch their pearls at the thought of anyone not believing the accepted propaganda.  spreading that qds/tds far and wide.  

and even they know the swamp is not the only place to go for information anymore.  


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The swamp is being forced to admit what, exactly?

Also, lol at your steadfast refusal to admit your own bullshit.
Link Posted: 12/10/2023 3:03:25 PM EDT
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The swamp is being forced to admit what, exactly?

Also, lol at your steadfast refusal to admit your own bullshit.
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far be it from me to defend a swamp publication.  the point here is that swamp is being forced to admit it.  and yes, they do get plenty of attention with their version of fear porn, simultaneously serving their swampy interests by getting people to clutch their pearls at the thought of anyone not believing the accepted propaganda.  spreading that qds/tds far and wide.  

and even they know the swamp is not the only place to go for information anymore.  



The swamp is being forced to admit what, exactly?

Also, lol at your steadfast refusal to admit your own bullshit.

that pizzagate is getting attention again.  evidence of the increased inability for the swamp to maintain their narrative.  

their poster child for information warfare, twitter has been turned against them and it is so, so satisfying.  

what bullshit am I not admitting?  

Link Posted: 12/10/2023 3:24:25 PM EDT
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that pizzagate is getting attention again.  evidence of the increased inability for the swamp to maintain their narrative.  

their poster child for information warfare, twitter has been turned against them and it is so, so satisfying.  
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that pizzagate is getting attention again.  evidence of the increased inability for the swamp to maintain their narrative.  

their poster child for information warfare, twitter has been turned against them and it is so, so satisfying.  

The idea that pizzagate is getting any significant amount of attention is what they're making fear porn about. You've been suckered by their fake narrative; you're just reacting opposite of how they want you to react.


what bullshit am I not admitting?  

Is it true that "the single bullet fired executed a hard drive that just happened to have evidence"? Or was that bullshit? Was it true that "was then 'debunked' by a journalist who later is arrested for raping children"? Or was that bullshit?
Link Posted: 12/10/2023 3:36:16 PM EDT
It’s Sunday. What has Q and the secret government the believers are pretending it and Trump are running done for America since this thread was created?

Link Posted: 12/10/2023 3:55:30 PM EDT
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The idea that pizzagate is getting any significant amount of attention is what they're making fear porn about. You've been suckered by their fake narrative; you're just reacting opposite of how they want you to react.

Is it true that "the single bullet fired executed a hard drive that just happened to have evidence"? Or was that bullshit? Was it true that "was then 'debunked' by a journalist who later is arrested for raping children"? Or was that bullshit?
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that pizzagate is getting attention again.  evidence of the increased inability for the swamp to maintain their narrative.  

their poster child for information warfare, twitter has been turned against them and it is so, so satisfying.  

The idea that pizzagate is getting any significant amount of attention is what they're making fear porn about. You've been suckered by their fake narrative; you're just reacting opposite of how they want you to react.


what bullshit am I not admitting?  

Is it true that "the single bullet fired executed a hard drive that just happened to have evidence"? Or was that bullshit? Was it true that "was then 'debunked' by a journalist who later is arrested for raping children"? Or was that bullshit?

right, clown chess.  just like trump and q are really swamp, despite the absolutely insane level of attacks they have kept up on them, for years.  

where you and the rest of the qds/tds crew are at now: running right back into the burning barn of the uniparty/media/establishment because that's all you know.  

Attachment Attached File

and thanks for reminding me.  that was sarcasm, that the bullet erased the evidence.  same ol dem/fbi/doj trick is to disappear the evidence and come up with a lame excuse.  

and you're keeping me honest, it was for attempted child rape.  vice is not just a great place to stay on the pulse of the swamp, but it's unironically named:  


Link Posted: 12/10/2023 4:01:46 PM EDT
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It’s Sunday. What has Q and the secret government the believers are pretending it and Trump are running done for America since this thread was created?

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lately it's been to flip twitter and carpet bomb the internet with redpills.  

meanwhile, NPCs sit and click refresh incessantly to see when their freedom will be delivered by doordash.
Link Posted: 12/10/2023 4:06:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2023 5:05:25 PM EDT
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lately it's been to flip twitter and carpet bomb the internet with redpills.  

meanwhile, NPCs sit and click refresh incessantly to see when their freedom will be delivered by doordash.
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So they have done nothing.
Link Posted: 12/10/2023 5:08:35 PM EDT
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right, clown chess.  just like trump and q are really swamp, despite the absolutely insane level of attacks they have kept up on them, for years.  

where you and the rest of the qds/tds crew are at now: running right back into the burning barn of the uniparty/media/establishment because that's all you know.  

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right, clown chess.  just like trump and q are really swamp, despite the absolutely insane level of attacks they have kept up on them, for years.  

where you and the rest of the qds/tds crew are at now: running right back into the burning barn of the uniparty/media/establishment because that's all you know.  


There's some q believer logic at work: you're trusting the media narrative while I'm questioning it and this proves that I'm running into the barn of the media. Beautiful.


and thanks for reminding me.  that was sarcasm, that the bullet erased the evidence.  same ol dem/fbi/doj trick is to disappear the evidence and come up with a lame excuse.  

The only people who have claimed a hard drive was destroyed are pizzagate believers. Unless you believe the idea was seeded by the dems/fbi/doj, it's probably not part of a trick to dissappear evidence; if you do believe it's a trick why are you repeating it?


and you're keeping me honest, it was for attempted child rape.  vice is not just a great place to stay on the pulse of the swamp, but it's unironically named:  



There's a lot to unpack here, so stick with me. The question wasn't "has a journalist been arrested for raping kids", it was "has a particular journalist who debunked pizzagate been arrested for pedophilia". Your new story is about a different guy, and your media article about it shows no evidence that he debunked pizzagate, or indeed ever mentioned it in any way. I'm (now) aware of at least 3 journalists you guys have made this claim about; I've seen no evidence that any of them ever debunked pizzagate. Have you? If you haven't, why are you unquestioningly repeating what your preferred media tells you?
Link Posted: 12/10/2023 5:08:36 PM EDT
I see we have a new Q thread.
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