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Link Posted: 11/29/2023 11:02:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 11:02:45 AM EDT
An opposition led Information operation from day 1 that allowed and continues to allow bad actors to cite over the top conspiracy theories in order to drown out and discount legitimate conspiracy fact...

Link Posted: 11/29/2023 11:05:39 AM EDT
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How many gullible idiots on here will believe the bullshit this time?


come on, it's not like we're trannies reading books to kids with our d*cks out.  or indirectly supporting biden and the swamp by attacking trump nonstop.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 11:11:26 AM EDT
So the government dusted off it's old Q department just in time for the elections?
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 11:13:29 AM EDT
The post Jan 6th mod to the board to remove usernames has had the unfortunate effect of not being able to call out all the q-tards anymore on their bullshit when they start acting up. Fortunately a lot of them have scampered off, STFU, or changed their tune the last year or two though.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 11:28:32 AM EDT
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I have the same respect for Q retards as I do for flat earthers

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Same mailing list as well as SovCits.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 11:32:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 11:32:35 AM EDT
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come on, it's not like we're trannies reading books to kids with our d*cks out.  or indirectly supporting biden and the swamp by attacking trump nonstop.
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Q sycophants and trannies have a lot in common, both should be under psychiatric care.

Why are you posting about kids and dicks in a Q thread? That seems off and wrong.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 11:38:09 AM EDT
Q is one of the greatest psyops programs unleashed on citizens in modern times.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 11:40:40 AM EDT
For the record, I love conspiracy theories.

Except Q. That tard shit is below “Fire doesn’t melt steel” and chemtrails on my lol-o-meter.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 11:41:54 AM EDT
trust the plan, bro!
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 11:43:33 AM EDT
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Q is one of the greatest psyops programs unleashed on citizens in modern times.
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It proved one thing, a larger portion of the US has an IQ below 100 than previously estimated.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 11:44:37 AM EDT
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How many gullible idiots on here will believe the bullshit this time?
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I count around a half dozen posters on pg1 who pushed that bullshit, and at least 2 who still do.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 11:46:08 AM EDT
I will only believe things posted by Q on 4 chan as having anything to do with Q. What any of those posts actually mean, idfk.

I don't think they are far off with the satanic pedo shit. The pedo island was real.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 11:47:40 AM EDT
Oh boy.  In b4 the horse paste brigade.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 11:51:26 AM EDT
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Johns cum is on a long moustache! The cuck chair is against the gloryhole wall!
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"Trust Sessions
Things not as they seem
The fox queefed
The storm is rainy
Who is the fox?
Why the storm?
The storm also queefed
All will be revealed one day eventually


Link Posted: 11/29/2023 11:52:19 AM EDT
100% guaranteed that it will be followed more thoroughly by liberals and Q haters than anyone else.  

Just like on arf where it's a 10-to-1 posting over the last few years from people who "hate" Q versus anyone who references it sincerely.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 11:55:37 AM EDT
I know a generally pretty intelligent guy that 100% bought into that Q nonsense

Almost certain he’ll be texting me soon with something related to it (if it gets going again). Wish we could get back to people using their own critical thought.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 11:56:04 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 11:58:10 AM EDT
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"Trust Sessions
Things not as they seem
The fox queefed
The storm is rainy
Who is the fox?
Why the storm?
The storm also queefed
All will be revealed one day eventually


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I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times. As soon as I heard the words, "trust Sessions" my bullshit alarm started blaring at full volume.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 11:58:33 AM EDT
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100% guaranteed that it will be followed more thoroughly by liberals and Q haters than anyone else.  

Just like on arf where it's a 10-to-1 posting over the last few years from people who "hate" Q versus anyone who references it sincerely.
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There were enough Qbots here that it got its own safe space tech forum.

Sorry Q wasn’t ever real.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 12:00:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 2:14:31 PM EDT
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Q sycophants and trannies have a lot in common, both should be under psychiatric care.

Why are you posting about kids and dicks in a Q thread? That seems off and wrong.
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come on, it's not like we're trannies reading books to kids with our d*cks out.  or indirectly supporting biden and the swamp by attacking trump nonstop.

Q sycophants and trannies have a lot in common, both should be under psychiatric care.

Why are you posting about kids and dicks in a Q thread? That seems off and wrong.

please excuse my offending your delicate uniparty sensibilities, i know you have the highest standards.  I was thinking of the worst things possible.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 2:18:02 PM EDT
this thread looks like a vice columnist convention.  

Link Posted: 11/29/2023 2:18:50 PM EDT
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I will never get tired of that meme.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 2:21:25 PM EDT
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Likely hosted on a glowing .gov server operated by Amerika's "top gender neutral" agents.
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Yeah. I suspected it was disinfo for awhile.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 2:23:42 PM EDT
Trust the plan.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 2:26:29 PM EDT
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The Q people have become as fucking nutty as the commies insofar as they’re unwilling to listen and contemplate anything outside of that psychological operation.

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Yup. I have a friend that is all in.

Trump is still president under a continuity government. Most of congress has been arrested and replaced with imposters.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 2:30:02 PM EDT
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I think Q did exactly what he/they aimed for.

total mission success

Did Q expose this? Sure, to some who thought they were informed because they thought being spoon fed opinions by Fox News meant fuck all.

What Q really did is turn real and seriously troubling concerns about our government and the players involved into a joke.

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Link Posted: 11/29/2023 2:32:02 PM EDT
Unless something changed unless this was posted on 8kun? With the correct code thingy it’s an imposter.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 2:36:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 2:41:21 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 2:41:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 2:46:14 PM EDT
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Q is one of the greatest psyops programs unleashed on citizens in modern times.
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It was wildly successful in taking totally reasonable questions about our corrupt government and turning it into some complete fantasy, lizard-people style conspiracy. Lots of well intentioned people who would like to see government reform instead got sucked into this bizarre fantasy.

It was targeted at the right and did a great of making many appear to be, or actually become, unhinged and crazy.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 2:51:03 PM EDT
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I know a generally pretty intelligent guy that 100% bought into that Q nonsense

Almost certain he’ll be texting me soon with something related to it (if it gets going again). Wish we could get back to people using their own critical thought.
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Critical Thinking, by in large in this country, is very rare (on both sides.)
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 3:14:54 PM EDT
Somewhere Flynn is salivating.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 3:34:19 PM EDT
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please excuse my offending your delicate uniparty sensibilities, i know you have the highest standards.  I was thinking of the worst things possible.
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Link Posted: 11/29/2023 4:47:59 PM EDT
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also there's some amazon thing for 'employee assistance' named Q.  

real drops are right here:  https://qalerts.app/?q=trust+yourself
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also there's some amazon thing for 'employee assistance' named Q.  

real drops are right here:  https://qalerts.app/?q=trust+yourself

The “real” drops were made by a soulless incel in a cowboy hat.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 4:53:13 PM EDT
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The “real” drops were made by a soulless incel in a cowboy hat.
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also there's some amazon thing for 'employee assistance' named Q.  

real drops are right here:  https://qalerts.app/?q=trust+yourself

The “real” drops were made by a soulless incel in a cowboy hat.

then why would DJT keep referencing q stuff to this very day?
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 5:10:42 PM EDT
I’m dumb. I thought this was a new product announcement thread about the company Q who make the sugar weasel, honey badger etc.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 5:13:04 PM EDT
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then why would DJT keep referencing q stuff to this very day?
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Trump still talks about Q? That sucks.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 5:14:28 PM EDT
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then why would DJT keep referencing q stuff to this very day?
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Trump panders to fools.

Link Posted: 11/29/2023 5:20:14 PM EDT
I've got all the Qbots on ignore already so it won't matter.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 5:23:58 PM EDT
3 hours 36 minutes left COME ON Q WE CANT WAIT

Link Posted: 11/29/2023 5:25:01 PM EDT
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then why would DJT keep referencing q stuff to this very day?
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also there's some amazon thing for 'employee assistance' named Q.  

real drops are right here:  https://qalerts.app/?q=trust+yourself

The “real” drops were made by a soulless incel in a cowboy hat.

then why would DJT keep referencing q stuff to this very day?

Because that's about 90% of the Truth Social user base?
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 5:29:10 PM EDT
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then why would DJT keep referencing q stuff to this very day?
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he doesnt

he retruths (sp?) comments from users.

truth social is a Trump social media platform with a heavy volume of Q believers who post a lot of pro-Trump messaging.

Trump had never once typed and posted "WWG1WGA."  Much less "Q is real" or "Im Q+"
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 5:29:24 PM EDT
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then why would DJT keep referencing q stuff to this very day?
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also there's some amazon thing for 'employee assistance' named Q.  

real drops are right here:  https://qalerts.app/?q=trust+yourself

The “real” drops were made by a soulless incel in a cowboy hat.

then why would DJT keep referencing q stuff to this very day?

because it resonates with the poorly educated voters he loves.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 5:34:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:02:21 PM EDT
This is the only Q whose plan I would ever trust

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:03:44 PM EDT
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he doesnt

he retruths (sp?) comments from users.

truth social is a Trump social media platform with a heavy volume of Q believers who post a lot of pro-Trump messaging.

Trump had never once typed and posted "WWG1WGA."  Much less "Q is real" or "Im Q+"
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then why would DJT keep referencing q stuff to this very day?

he doesnt

he retruths (sp?) comments from users.

truth social is a Trump social media platform with a heavy volume of Q believers who post a lot of pro-Trump messaging.

Trump had never once typed and posted "WWG1WGA."  Much less "Q is real" or "Im Q+"

this is correct and it is in fact referencing.  he's always played peekaboo, like making q signs during rallies.  the timing of his tweets early on confirmed the legitimacy of the drops in the first place.  



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