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Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:04:58 PM EDT
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For a couple years I have seen ARF post about this Q thing. I have not questioned it because ARF has way too many post for me to keep up on. I always thought you folks were talking about 007.

Not sure anymore. If you have the original thread about this, post the link so I can follow the discussion.
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Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:07:53 PM EDT
Don't care bout Q, but it is VERY amusing seeing how it triggers people.

Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:11:36 PM EDT
i fell for that shit,hook ,line and sinker..boy did i feel dumb when i realized it was only 90% bullshit.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:12:58 PM EDT
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i fell for that shit,hook ,line and sinker..boy did i feel dumb when i realized it was only 90% bullshit.
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Better late than never. There is at least one poster in this very thread that takes Q-posts as gospel.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:15:02 PM EDT
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i fell for that shit,hook ,line and sinker..boy did i feel dumb when i realized it was only 90% bullshit.
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It was/is a psyop of some group. Most likely domestic but could possibly be foreign. For sure it’s targeted to discount ‘the Right.’ My bet is it’s run out of the basement at Langley.

Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:15:24 PM EDT
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Better late than never. There is at least one poster in this very thread that takes Q-posts as gospel.
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i think thats how a good psyop works!it sprinkles in little tid bits of truth,but i also got badselfeatered!..im just dumb i susposse.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:17:20 PM EDT
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I have an acquaintance who has been posting q stuff on his facebook for years. Always telling people to get ready for this or that. Have these guys been correct even once yet? I know the whole, "Even a broken clock is right twice a day" thing, but have these guys gotten anything right yet?
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North Korea, COVID 19, Royal Family, Epstein to name a few.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:18:11 PM EDT
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i think thats how a good psyop works!it sprinkles in little tid bits of truth,but i also got badselfeatered!..im just dumb i susposse.
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You're not dumb, whoever made it designed it to draw the right in specifically. A whole lot of people got played by Q, and not a lot are willing to admit that now.

Just read this thread to see how looney toons it made people

Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:21:58 PM EDT
I love the Einsteins in here voted for at least 1 of these idiots:

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:23:29 PM EDT
If it's not sourced from 8kun it's bogus. Q might be bogus too, but if it's Q from anyplace other than 8kun, it's bogus2
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:26:18 PM EDT
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i think thats how a good psyop works!it sprinkles in little tid bits of truth,but i also got badselfeatered!..im just dumb i susposse.
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You're not.  You're smarter than most if you recognize it (and recognize you or anyone else can be fooled).

And yeah, that's exactly how they work.  Sprinkle in some truth and tell people what they want to hear.  Clothe your position in the target audience's colors.    Taking advantage of the red team/blue team dynamic will make them automatically discount any skepticism as "lies of the enemy."  

"Oh yeah, you don't think so?  Well you must be a libtard!"

That shit works on pretty much everyone.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:28:15 PM EDT
Looking at the page source there are references to a shopping experience.
It could just be boilerplate from whatever framework they're using but...smells like bullshit.

<a href="/admin/dashboard/store-design/layout/password" class=....

 var fourthwallTheme = {
   strings: {
     addToCart: "Add to Cart",
     redeemGift: "Redeem Your Gift",
     viewCart: "View Cart",
     checkout: "Checkout",
     outOfStock: "Out of Stock",
     unavailable: "Not Available",
     soldOut: "Sold Out",
     soldOutSuffix: " - Sold Out",
     missingQuantityError: "Please choose the quantity.",
     generalError: "An error occurred. Please try refreshing the page.",
     item: "item",
     items: "items",
     startShopping: "Start Shopping",
     subtotal: "Subtotal",
     backToShopping: "Back to Shopping",
     cart: {
       heading: "[item_count] [item_count_label] in your cart for [total]",
       emptyHeading: "Your Shopping Cart is Empty",
       tableHeader: {
         item: "Item",
         quantity: "Quantity",
         price: "Price"
       deleteModal: {
         heading: "Are you sure you want to remove [title] from your cart?",
         cancel: "Cancel",
         delete: "Delete"
     newsletter: {
       missingEmailError: 'Please enter your email.',
       invalidEmailError: 'Please enter a valid email.'
     donation: {
       missingAmountError: 'Please select or enter the donation amount.',
       invalidAmountError: 'Please enter a valid donation amount.',
       missingNameError: 'Please enter your name.',
       missingMessageError: 'Please enter the message.'
   urls: {
     cart: "/cart",
     cartItemLocalizedPrefix: "",
     cartAddUrl: "/cart/add",
     cartChangeUrl: "/cart/change",
     allProductsCollection: "/collections/all",

We're clearly dealing with a higher level intelligence

TODO: Move to external JS file
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:29:42 PM EDT
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This is the only Q whose plan I would ever trust

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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:30:12 PM EDT
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Looking at the page source there are references to a shopping experience.
It could just be boilerplate from whatever framework they're using but...smells like bullshit.

<a href="/admin/dashboard/store-design/layout/password" class=....

 var fourthwallTheme = {
   strings: {
     addToCart: "Add to Cart",
     redeemGift: "Redeem Your Gift",
     viewCart: "View Cart",
     checkout: "Checkout",
     outOfStock: "Out of Stock",
     unavailable: "Not Available",
     soldOut: "Sold Out",
     soldOutSuffix: " - Sold Out",
     missingQuantityError: "Please choose the quantity.",
     generalError: "An error occurred. Please try refreshing the page.",
     item: "item",
     items: "items",
     startShopping: "Start Shopping",
     subtotal: "Subtotal",
     backToShopping: "Back to Shopping",
     cart: {
       heading: "[item_count] [item_count_label] in your cart for [total]",
       emptyHeading: "Your Shopping Cart is Empty",
       tableHeader: {
         item: "Item",
         quantity: "Quantity",
         price: "Price"
       deleteModal: {
         heading: "Are you sure you want to remove [title] from your cart?",
         cancel: "Cancel",
         delete: "Delete"
     newsletter: {
       missingEmailError: 'Please enter your email.',
       invalidEmailError: 'Please enter a valid email.'
     donation: {
       missingAmountError: 'Please select or enter the donation amount.',
       invalidAmountError: 'Please enter a valid donation amount.',
       missingNameError: 'Please enter your name.',
       missingMessageError: 'Please enter the message.'
   urls: {
     cart: "/cart",
     cartItemLocalizedPrefix: "",
     cartAddUrl: "/cart/add",
     cartChangeUrl: "/cart/change",
     allProductsCollection: "/collections/all",

We're clearly dealing with a higher level intelligence

TODO: Move to external JS file
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Thats what q wants you to think
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:30:57 PM EDT
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North Korea, COVID 19, Royal Family, Epstein to name a few.
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I have an acquaintance who has been posting q stuff on his facebook for years. Always telling people to get ready for this or that. Have these guys been correct even once yet? I know the whole, "Even a broken clock is right twice a day" thing, but have these guys gotten anything right yet?

North Korea, COVID 19, Royal Family, Epstein to name a few.
Is this the next verse to we didn't start the fire?

Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:31:24 PM EDT
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Is this the next verse to we didn't start the fire?

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Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:42:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:44:45 PM EDT
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You're gonna get zero explanation. He will call you uniparty and send a few more cold links to Q bullshit.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:45:37 PM EDT
Seeing untreated serious mental illness is sad.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:55:04 PM EDT
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then why would DJT keep referencing q stuff to this very day?

he doesnt

he retruths (sp?) comments from users.

truth social is a Trump social media platform with a heavy volume of Q believers who post a lot of pro-Trump messaging.

Trump had never once typed and posted "WWG1WGA."  Much less "Q is real" or "Im Q+"

this is correct and it is in fact referencing.  he's always played peekaboo, like making q signs during rallies.  the timing of his tweets early on confirmed the legitimacy of the drops in the first place.  



Confirmed huh?  That's a new one.

yeah if the plan was all about making us feel cozy then it failed.  luckily it's about fighting and winning a war.  and all war is deception.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 6:56:54 PM EDT
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yeah if the plan was all about making us feel cozy then it failed.  luckily it's about fighting and winning a war.  and all war is deception.
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Holy shit.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:00:37 PM EDT
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yeah if the plan was all about making us feel cozy then it failed.  luckily it's about fighting and winning a war.  and all war is deception.
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Just make sure you don't drool into the keebler elf tree Sessions is hiding in with all those sealed indictments.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:02:14 PM EDT
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Holy shit.
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yeah if the plan was all about making us feel cozy then it failed.  luckily it's about fighting and winning a war.  and all war is deception.

Holy shit.

OTOH we have great examples of running conflicts that make good soundbites a priority.  like ukraine or the desantis campaign.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:04:12 PM EDT
Didn't read the thread, don't know if it's been posted or not but it bears repeating.
"Q" is a C.I.A. psy-ops to make conservatives look stupid and entrap them to perpetuate their globo-homo propaganda.
Everybody knows that,duh!
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:04:43 PM EDT
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OTOH we have great examples of running conflicts that make good soundbites a priority.  like ukraine or the desantis campaign.
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Don't derail the thread, it was just getting funny.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:08:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:11:04 PM EDT
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Didn't read the thread, don't know if it's been posted or not but it bears repeating.
"Q" is a C.I.A. psy-ops to make conservatives look stupid and entrap them to perpetuate their globo-homo propaganda.
Everybody knows that,duh!
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you can tell how much a given organization or activity or movement or whatever threatens the establishment by looking at how much effort they put into discrediting it.  the cia actually made the term 'conspiracy theory' popular to derail any serious inquiry into jfk's assassination

has this ever happened to pro 2a people and organizations?
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:12:04 PM EDT
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you can tell how much a given organization or activity or movement or whatever threatens the establishment by looking at how much effort they put into discrediting it.  the cia actually made the term 'conspiracy theory' popular to derail any serious inquiry into jfk's assassination

has this ever happened to pro 2a people and organizations?
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There's a kernel of truth in that, but the Q movement did plenty to discredit itself without anyone else helping.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:18:07 PM EDT
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yeah if the plan was all about making us feel cozy then it failed.  luckily it's about fighting and winning a war.  and all war is deception.
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then why would DJT keep referencing q stuff to this very day?

he doesnt

he retruths (sp?) comments from users.

truth social is a Trump social media platform with a heavy volume of Q believers who post a lot of pro-Trump messaging.

Trump had never once typed and posted "WWG1WGA."  Much less "Q is real" or "Im Q+"

this is correct and it is in fact referencing.  he's always played peekaboo, like making q signs during rallies.  the timing of his tweets early on confirmed the legitimacy of the drops in the first place.  



Confirmed huh?  That's a new one.

yeah if the plan was all about making us feel cozy then it failed.  luckily it's about fighting and winning a war.  and all war is deception.

Holy mother of God, WTF did I just read.

Wow, I hope your trolling.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:18:32 PM EDT
Q's on a tear again, Putin's in a strange land
Biden's falling up the stairs, Bobert's going down
Here comes Hamas again, Volcano blows in Iceland
Elon Musk, cybertruck, China's in a rut

GD, false flag, ATF is always bad
Hunter biden lost his coke, cancel culture's not a joke
clown world, vet suicide, worldstar on the airlines
north koreas still a pest, chili with beans is still the best

Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:19:12 PM EDT
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There's a kernel of truth in that, but the Q movement did plenty to discredit itself without anyone else helping.
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you can tell how much a given organization or activity or movement or whatever threatens the establishment by looking at how much effort they put into discrediting it.  the cia actually made the term 'conspiracy theory' popular to derail any serious inquiry into jfk's assassination

has this ever happened to pro 2a people and organizations?

There's a kernel of truth in that, but the Q movement did plenty to discredit itself without anyone else helping.

i won't make you clutch your pearls again with a drop link, there are a couple that specifically say the earth is not flat and jfk jr is not alive.  because even early on that needed to get clamped down.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:26:01 PM EDT
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Better late than never. There is at least one poster in this very thread that takes Q-posts as gospel.
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i fell for that shit,hook ,line and sinker..boy did i feel dumb when i realized it was only 90% bullshit.

Better late than never. There is at least one poster in this very thread that takes Q-posts as gospel.

okay nevermind, please recommence pearl clutching.  

i take the gospel as gospel.  so does Q.


Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:27:09 PM EDT


Frazzledrip (sometimes called frazzled.rip) is a rumored dark web snuff film showing Hillary Clinton and longtime aide Huma Abedin sexually assaulting and murdering a young girl, drinking her blood and taking turns wearing the skin from her face as a mask. The video was allegedly discovered on former Congressman Anthony Weiner's laptop (Weiner is Abedin's ex-husband) in a folder labeled "life insurance," and police officers who've reportedly seen it were so horrified that they were driven to suicide. Conspiracy theorists have pointed to the video, which does not actually exist, to support long-standing conspiracy theories that politicians, celebrities and other "elites" sexually abuse children and consume their remains.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:33:47 PM EDT
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yeah if the plan was all about making us feel cozy then it failed.  luckily it's about fighting and winning a war.  and all war is deception.
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then why would DJT keep referencing q stuff to this very day?

he doesnt

he retruths (sp?) comments from users.

truth social is a Trump social media platform with a heavy volume of Q believers who post a lot of pro-Trump messaging.

Trump had never once typed and posted "WWG1WGA."  Much less "Q is real" or "Im Q+"

this is correct and it is in fact referencing.  he's always played peekaboo, like making q signs during rallies.  the timing of his tweets early on confirmed the legitimacy of the drops in the first place.  



Confirmed huh?  That's a new one.

yeah if the plan was all about making us feel cozy then it failed.  luckily it's about fighting and winning a war.  and all war is deception.

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:35:16 PM EDT
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Holy mother of God, WTF did I just read.

Wow, I hope your trolling.
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then why would DJT keep referencing q stuff to this very day?

he doesnt

he retruths (sp?) comments from users.

truth social is a Trump social media platform with a heavy volume of Q believers who post a lot of pro-Trump messaging.

Trump had never once typed and posted "WWG1WGA."  Much less "Q is real" or "Im Q+"

this is correct and it is in fact referencing.  he's always played peekaboo, like making q signs during rallies.  the timing of his tweets early on confirmed the legitimacy of the drops in the first place.  



Confirmed huh?  That's a new one.

yeah if the plan was all about making us feel cozy then it failed.  luckily it's about fighting and winning a war.  and all war is deception.

Holy mother of God, WTF did I just read.

Wow, I hope your trolling.

Nah man, this is his everyday act. He pops up like clockwork in almost every desantis or trump thread with it
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:37:11 PM EDT
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okay nevermind, please recommence pearl clutching.  

i take the gospel as gospel.  so does Q.


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This is why I clicked on this thread.

Keep it coming.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:39:34 PM EDT
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You're not dumb, whoever made it designed it to draw the right in specifically. A whole lot of people got played by Q, and not a lot are willing to admit that now.

Just read this thread to see how looney toons it made people

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I’ve only skimmed one page and holy crap that’s, uh, something.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:43:35 PM EDT
Latest time stamp includes a...get this, an inactive Frazzledrip url
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:45:16 PM EDT
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Latest time stamp includes a...get this, an inactive Frazzledrip url
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the OP linked site is 100% fake and guh aaayyyy.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:47:46 PM EDT
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BadSelfEater thread.
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I still remember that thread. The amount of craze it stirred up was unreal.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:51:17 PM EDT
I like to say something is a "psyop" cause that sounds better than saying I'm just a dumb ass.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:51:54 PM EDT
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You're gonna get zero explanation. He will call you uniparty and send a few more cold links to Q bullshit.
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You're gonna get zero explanation. He will call you uniparty and send a few more cold links to Q bullshit.

Qbot is also unaware of the Twitter exploit at the time that made tweets available to read prior to their being posted.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:54:14 PM EDT
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Johns cum is on a long moustache! The cuck chair is against the gloryhole wall!
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 7:58:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 8:03:49 PM EDT
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Johns cum is on a long moustache! The cuck chair is against the gloryhole wall!


i think you guys have the wrong thread.  
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 8:05:32 PM EDT
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Q's on a tear again, Putin's in a strange land
Biden's falling up the stairs, Bobert's going down
Here comes Hamas again, Volcano blows in Iceland
Elon Musk, cybertruck, China's in a rut

GD, false flag, ATF is always bad
Hunter biden lost his coke, cancel culture's not a joke
clown world, vet suicide, worldstar on the airlines
north koreas still a pest, chili with beans is still the best


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I KNEW IT!!! God Damn you Billy Joel.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 8:12:29 PM EDT
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Qbot is also unaware of the Twitter exploit at the time that made tweets available to read prior to their being posted.
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You're gonna get zero explanation. He will call you uniparty and send a few more cold links to Q bullshit.

Qbot is also unaware of the Twitter exploit at the time that made tweets available to read prior to their being posted.

yes darth hoodie, the leader of the free world just went along with a twitter joke *to this day* because he panders to his base.  you got it.  

how many threads have you and the NTs been in complaining about bump stocks and mean tweets?  this is the guy who panders to his base and is very careful to say all the right things.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 8:13:36 PM EDT
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I like to say something is a "psyop" cause that sounds better than saying I'm just a dumb ass.
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I don't blame them

I think Q believer have been a huge net negative for Trump and probably for prosecuting pedophiles and corruption

but, Q played a classic ruse.  I posted a picture of John Edwards on the first page of the SAP thread and I stand by it,  cold reading techniques.  Throw enough truth and some known patterns and you get hits,  add to this that people are emotionally invested and they will WANT to believe, badly.  

cite any drop, any at all.  What % is relatable to current event at the time?  Usually it was one or two lines in multiple drops.  Sure some, but most is unreliable dribble.  The dribble were the misses.  Add that we had two active wars, a fairly predictable President (what was in Tucker the night before and he was a morning shitter) and you can get some solid guesses.
Link Posted: 11/29/2023 8:15:22 PM EDT
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yes darth hoodie, the leader of the free world just went along with a twitter joke *to this day* because he panders to his base.  you got it.  

how many threads have you and the NTs been in complaining about bump stocks and mean tweets?  this is the guy who panders to his base and is very careful to say all the right things.
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So the whole "due process second" wasn't a gaff, and he carefully selected that phrase after hours of research?
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