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Link Posted: 10/4/2016 1:23:32 PM EDT
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You could have just as easily posted a photo of a beautiful conservative woman too, but you chose that. Not cool!
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Sylvan, geez dude. Make like a Disney princess and Let it go.

We get it, you wish you lived in the days of yore, where manly men held all the cards.

Something tells me you'd find a way to complain about that too.

Dat feminism tho

You could have just as easily posted a photo of a beautiful conservative woman too, but you chose that. Not cool!

If one was running for president, I would have.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 1:35:10 PM EDT
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I disagree.  The average human being isn't very appealing if they roll out of bed, slip on stained sweat pants and leave the house with greasy hair and dirty teeth.  Simply taking the time for a shower, NORMAL everyday grooming and putting on clean clothes that fit is, quite literally, the bare basics of what should be done before leaving the house and will make most people perfectly presentable.  

I'm sure I have offered an opinion at some point if asked but I can't recall specifics.  There's also a difference in, "Should I keep the sideburns or shave them off?" and "Turn me into someone completely different----someone you think I should be-----so that other people will like me."
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The normal (average) human being isn't very appealing.  I just don't get the contempt. Have you ever given a male relative advise on an outfit or a haircut? Should the women in his life feel cheated or tricked because he had to learn such knowledge and didn't know it naturally?

I disagree.  The average human being isn't very appealing if they roll out of bed, slip on stained sweat pants and leave the house with greasy hair and dirty teeth.  Simply taking the time for a shower, NORMAL everyday grooming and putting on clean clothes that fit is, quite literally, the bare basics of what should be done before leaving the house and will make most people perfectly presentable.  

I'm sure I have offered an opinion at some point if asked but I can't recall specifics.  There's also a difference in, "Should I keep the sideburns or shave them off?" and "Turn me into someone completely different----someone you think I should be-----so that other people will like me."

What, exactly, is the difference?    How is shaving off some sideburns conceptually different than shaving off 140 pounds, in order to be more attractive?
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 1:36:57 PM EDT
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You are being fairer than I deserve so I owe you a no-shit explanation.  
Buckle up, its going to be bumpy.

What comprises a successful society?  Well, first, it needs people.  Which means children.  Which means sex.  Easy day.  Women are weaker, they are going to have sex one way or the other.  Prior to the advent of civilization women were commodities to kill for.  You wanted women, you took them.  And you protected the ones you had from the predations of others.  You might even protect the children.  You don't know exactly why, but you will.  But you can't get past the familial cave dwelling clan on this model.

You needed to break past loyalty simply by family.  because the larger the group, the stronger it was.  The stronger it was, the more it had (women, prime real estate, etc).  So how do you get a man to die for someone he isn't related to?  An all powerful creature that could see all and do all and would punish you for failing to do as he commands (or, his self designated representative commands)

Religion built societies.  Take that off to the side for a moment.  

So lets focus on western society.  What are the unique attributes of the west that made it specifically successful.  arguably built upon the 10 commandments.  Remember those?

Here is a refresher.
Lets look at 5, 7 and 10.  Under penalty of the lord our god, children MUST look after their parents.  And not only can you not fuck other people's wives and husbands you can't even DESIRE them.

Penalty for disobedience of any one of these was death.  Of course, what is in your heart is known but to god, but he is one vengeful dude in the old testament.  so, tread carefully.

so, 30% of the commandments deal specifically with children, relationships and marriage.  (never mind how many of the 613 other jewish commandments do so as well)

whats the point?  Society is built on a foundation of trust.  The most important relationship is between man and god.  (without god, none of this shit works).  The second most important relationship is between man and woman.  

Now, back to biological imperative to reproduce.  Women do not run the risk of accidentally dedicating a decade or more of their lives (or their very life in the case of childbirth) to raising another woman's child.  Men do.  

In order for a society to work, men must be prepared to give their lives for their wives and, by association, their children. At least what they think are their children.  If a society fails to protect a men from being cuckolded, then men lose the motivation to protect and provide for their wives.  That society will crumble.  we are not bonobos (who only exist because the niger river separates them from the more aggressive chimpanzee(but I digress))

So this is basic society 101.  All societies up until the modern era operated on basically this model.  All punished infidelity.  Some societies still punish infidelity with death.  

men in this model were disposable (hence polygamy being the norm).  historically speaking approximately 70% of every woman who lived to puberty reproduced.  less than 35% of men reproduced.  

A hypothetical society with 100 fertile women and 1 fertile man would have 100 children in 2 years.  reverse this ratio and the opposite society would have 1 child (and probably 90 dead men).  (if they lived next to each other, the 1 dude with 100 women would be dead within 30 seconds)

So, in the pre-historic societal age you have women as a pure commodity.  the most important commodity.  the foundation of all other requirements for civilization.  

And woman didn't get too much say in this.  The strongest took what he wanted.  Which, conveniently enough, generally coincided with the biological requirements of the woman.

I lecture you on this basic of human prehistory simply because it shaped our psychological foundations.  

women not only are attracted to strong men, they are repulsed by weak ones.  because a weak one will be conquered, their children smashed against a rock and then the weaker man's wife raped until they produce the victors children (re-read your homer if confused on this point)

Fast forward to the industrial age.  
War is less a measurement of physical strength and numbers but rather a measurement of industrial output.  

Societies that work harder and smarter will outproduce the requisite war material than other societies.  And they will be most successful.

By the time the industrial age came about, monogamous relationships were the norm in western civilization.   And western civilizations were, by all measurement, the most successful.

Why is monogamy important?  First and foremost because the children have the opportunity to be raised by both a male and female role model.  But, only slightly behind, is because a married man with children he assumes to be his own, is the most motivated to work harder, longer and smarter to provide for his family.  In polygamy, you have 3 men who don't have kids, won't have kids, and don't really give a fuck.  You can enslave them (as was the norm for most of history) but a slave will only produce the minimum to avoid punishment.  Slavery is not efficient or effective.  But its more useful than killing these excess worthless men which is why it was, and still is, practiced.

Brief pit stop. Men don't need much to be "happy".  Sex, toys and the first 3 levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.  And the toys need not be necessarily expensive IF the man has no desire to attract a mate.  But a woman and children provide a motivation to do more, to produce more (both in the micro and macro scale).  Raising children well is expensive.  And the more you have, the better chance of success for your children (and, back to the 5th commandment, better off for you when you get old).  So you have a bunch of men working hard to produce liberty ships and a nice paycheck raising both themselves and their society to the highest levels in the industrial age.

the woman's requirement was faithfulness (or the façade of it).  Make the man think the child or children is his, and he will work harder.  Of course society honored those who took on the burden of another man's child (the widow being particularly honored for her faithfulness till death to her husband) provided the man was dead.   A man who lost his wife (common until modern era in childbirth) was a natural match for a woman who had lost her husband.  

Divorce, the deliberate abandonment of your spouse, was a societally shunned rarity.  

So things hummed along.  

The nuclear family unit providing the basis for a society with the requisite number of offspring and maximizing the output of the father in support of his family.  

Then the 50s came.  And western society became the enemy.  And the engine of that successful western society, likewise becoming the enemy.

Enter the Betty Friedans and various other useful idiots in the communist cause.

The happy mother and wife being transformed the greatest mass enslavement in history.

“...women who 'adjust' as housewives, who grow up wanting to be 'just a housewife,' are in as much danger as the millions who walked to their own death in the concentration camps...they ate suffering a slow death of mind and spirit.”

and her great question, that is, only now being answered

“Who knows what women can be when they are finally free to become themselves? Who knows what women's intelligence will contribute when it can be nourished without denying love?”

Women are completely, utterly and totally free at this point to do whatever they want.

and what have they chosen?

30-40% bastard rate?   A new Acura and shitty daycare?  Are we still to believe women are slaves to the patriarchy?  That seems to be the position of the great feminist hero, Hillary Rodham.  What more must men sacrifice to the alter of women's insatiable demands?

men should they chose to even have sex can face the accusation of rape on the mere whims of the woman.
no woman will be punished for a false accusation
should she conceive a child while with a man (it may not be the man's child), he now owes 18 years of payments.  Or, the death of the child is the woman deems it inconvenient at the time.

men, should they choose to marry, became the virtual slaves to the woman's demands and should they not meet them, will become the literal slaves.  Working for a master who if not pleased will have them jailed for failing to provide as demanded even in the absence of the means to do so.

Men are left with one choice to avoid being entrapped; avoidance of women altogether.  Which they have chosen.

Do you think these men continue to work hard?  to spend extra hours to earn more money?

their increased wages being taken from them to support other mens bastard children in the innumerable forms of public assistance for women, infants and children (women are tragic victims when convenient and strong powerful equals at other times)


Women have all the choices.  And they increasingly choose to be selfish at best, vindictive at worse, but increasingly childish regardless

and men, having lost most of their choices, have taken the one choice that remains theirs and theirs alone.  to drop out.  Not just with women, but with society.

You bemoan a binary choice between Trump and Hillary while applauding the system that deliberately created the circumstances creating it.

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Quoted:Obviously, your personal experience isn't satistically significant to the issue of family law. But it's likely to be very significant in your personal attitudes toward it. I'm curious about the source of your obsession with it.  It's gotten to the point that you'll drag it into any discussion at every opportunity - real, imagined, or contrived.  Why?

No, my assumption is that when men dominate the control mechanisms, they make the decisions by which men are disadvantaged.

There is that projection, again.  

I know, as a woman, this is hard to believe.  But there are folks out there who can remove their personal experiences and simply look at the evidence at hand.

This might be why the estrogen posse on here is always confused by these threads.

There's that weaseling, again.

That's true for some, but I've read enough of you here to know you're not one of them.  The family law obsession remains something of a mystery.  It's driven by some grudge though, and you'll eventually let it slip out as you have with other aspects of your life.  

Always with the sexist slurs and fabrication.  I don't think the women here are confused by these threads.  They're always the same: techniques by which losers can manipulate other losers.  This one's a little different, though. I don't recall every seeing one get this much blowback from the other men here, some pretty well respected folks, too.


You are being fairer than I deserve so I owe you a no-shit explanation.  
Buckle up, its going to be bumpy.

What comprises a successful society?  Well, first, it needs people.  Which means children.  Which means sex.  Easy day.  Women are weaker, they are going to have sex one way or the other.  Prior to the advent of civilization women were commodities to kill for.  You wanted women, you took them.  And you protected the ones you had from the predations of others.  You might even protect the children.  You don't know exactly why, but you will.  But you can't get past the familial cave dwelling clan on this model.

You needed to break past loyalty simply by family.  because the larger the group, the stronger it was.  The stronger it was, the more it had (women, prime real estate, etc).  So how do you get a man to die for someone he isn't related to?  An all powerful creature that could see all and do all and would punish you for failing to do as he commands (or, his self designated representative commands)

Religion built societies.  Take that off to the side for a moment.  

So lets focus on western society.  What are the unique attributes of the west that made it specifically successful.  arguably built upon the 10 commandments.  Remember those?

Here is a refresher.
Lets look at 5, 7 and 10.  Under penalty of the lord our god, children MUST look after their parents.  And not only can you not fuck other people's wives and husbands you can't even DESIRE them.

Penalty for disobedience of any one of these was death.  Of course, what is in your heart is known but to god, but he is one vengeful dude in the old testament.  so, tread carefully.

so, 30% of the commandments deal specifically with children, relationships and marriage.  (never mind how many of the 613 other jewish commandments do so as well)

whats the point?  Society is built on a foundation of trust.  The most important relationship is between man and god.  (without god, none of this shit works).  The second most important relationship is between man and woman.  

Now, back to biological imperative to reproduce.  Women do not run the risk of accidentally dedicating a decade or more of their lives (or their very life in the case of childbirth) to raising another woman's child.  Men do.  

In order for a society to work, men must be prepared to give their lives for their wives and, by association, their children. At least what they think are their children.  If a society fails to protect a men from being cuckolded, then men lose the motivation to protect and provide for their wives.  That society will crumble.  we are not bonobos (who only exist because the niger river separates them from the more aggressive chimpanzee(but I digress))

So this is basic society 101.  All societies up until the modern era operated on basically this model.  All punished infidelity.  Some societies still punish infidelity with death.  

men in this model were disposable (hence polygamy being the norm).  historically speaking approximately 70% of every woman who lived to puberty reproduced.  less than 35% of men reproduced.  

A hypothetical society with 100 fertile women and 1 fertile man would have 100 children in 2 years.  reverse this ratio and the opposite society would have 1 child (and probably 90 dead men).  (if they lived next to each other, the 1 dude with 100 women would be dead within 30 seconds)

So, in the pre-historic societal age you have women as a pure commodity.  the most important commodity.  the foundation of all other requirements for civilization.  

And woman didn't get too much say in this.  The strongest took what he wanted.  Which, conveniently enough, generally coincided with the biological requirements of the woman.

I lecture you on this basic of human prehistory simply because it shaped our psychological foundations.  

women not only are attracted to strong men, they are repulsed by weak ones.  because a weak one will be conquered, their children smashed against a rock and then the weaker man's wife raped until they produce the victors children (re-read your homer if confused on this point)

Fast forward to the industrial age.  
War is less a measurement of physical strength and numbers but rather a measurement of industrial output.  

Societies that work harder and smarter will outproduce the requisite war material than other societies.  And they will be most successful.

By the time the industrial age came about, monogamous relationships were the norm in western civilization.   And western civilizations were, by all measurement, the most successful.

Why is monogamy important?  First and foremost because the children have the opportunity to be raised by both a male and female role model.  But, only slightly behind, is because a married man with children he assumes to be his own, is the most motivated to work harder, longer and smarter to provide for his family.  In polygamy, you have 3 men who don't have kids, won't have kids, and don't really give a fuck.  You can enslave them (as was the norm for most of history) but a slave will only produce the minimum to avoid punishment.  Slavery is not efficient or effective.  But its more useful than killing these excess worthless men which is why it was, and still is, practiced.

Brief pit stop. Men don't need much to be "happy".  Sex, toys and the first 3 levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.  And the toys need not be necessarily expensive IF the man has no desire to attract a mate.  But a woman and children provide a motivation to do more, to produce more (both in the micro and macro scale).  Raising children well is expensive.  And the more you have, the better chance of success for your children (and, back to the 5th commandment, better off for you when you get old).  So you have a bunch of men working hard to produce liberty ships and a nice paycheck raising both themselves and their society to the highest levels in the industrial age.

the woman's requirement was faithfulness (or the façade of it).  Make the man think the child or children is his, and he will work harder.  Of course society honored those who took on the burden of another man's child (the widow being particularly honored for her faithfulness till death to her husband) provided the man was dead.   A man who lost his wife (common until modern era in childbirth) was a natural match for a woman who had lost her husband.  

Divorce, the deliberate abandonment of your spouse, was a societally shunned rarity.  

So things hummed along.  

The nuclear family unit providing the basis for a society with the requisite number of offspring and maximizing the output of the father in support of his family.  

Then the 50s came.  And western society became the enemy.  And the engine of that successful western society, likewise becoming the enemy.

Enter the Betty Friedans and various other useful idiots in the communist cause.

The happy mother and wife being transformed the greatest mass enslavement in history.

“...women who 'adjust' as housewives, who grow up wanting to be 'just a housewife,' are in as much danger as the millions who walked to their own death in the concentration camps...they ate suffering a slow death of mind and spirit.”

and her great question, that is, only now being answered

“Who knows what women can be when they are finally free to become themselves? Who knows what women's intelligence will contribute when it can be nourished without denying love?”

Women are completely, utterly and totally free at this point to do whatever they want.

and what have they chosen?

30-40% bastard rate?   A new Acura and shitty daycare?  Are we still to believe women are slaves to the patriarchy?  That seems to be the position of the great feminist hero, Hillary Rodham.  What more must men sacrifice to the alter of women's insatiable demands?

men should they chose to even have sex can face the accusation of rape on the mere whims of the woman.
no woman will be punished for a false accusation
should she conceive a child while with a man (it may not be the man's child), he now owes 18 years of payments.  Or, the death of the child is the woman deems it inconvenient at the time.

men, should they choose to marry, became the virtual slaves to the woman's demands and should they not meet them, will become the literal slaves.  Working for a master who if not pleased will have them jailed for failing to provide as demanded even in the absence of the means to do so.

Men are left with one choice to avoid being entrapped; avoidance of women altogether.  Which they have chosen.

Do you think these men continue to work hard?  to spend extra hours to earn more money?

their increased wages being taken from them to support other mens bastard children in the innumerable forms of public assistance for women, infants and children (women are tragic victims when convenient and strong powerful equals at other times)


Women have all the choices.  And they increasingly choose to be selfish at best, vindictive at worse, but increasingly childish regardless

and men, having lost most of their choices, have taken the one choice that remains theirs and theirs alone.  to drop out.  Not just with women, but with society.

You bemoan a binary choice between Trump and Hillary while applauding the system that deliberately created the circumstances creating it.

God Damn that was a good post.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 1:44:18 PM EDT
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What, exactly, is the difference?    How is shaving off some sideburns conceptually different than shaving off 140 pounds in order to be more attractive?
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The normal (average) human being isn't very appealing.  I just don't get the contempt. Have you ever given a male relative advise on an outfit or a haircut? Should the women in his life feel cheated or tricked because he had to learn such knowledge and didn't know it naturally?

I disagree.  The average human being isn't very appealing if they roll out of bed, slip on stained sweat pants and leave the house with greasy hair and dirty teeth.  Simply taking the time for a shower, NORMAL everyday grooming and putting on clean clothes that fit is, quite literally, the bare basics of what should be done before leaving the house and will make most people perfectly presentable.  

I'm sure I have offered an opinion at some point if asked but I can't recall specifics.  There's also a difference in, "Should I keep the sideburns or shave them off?" and "Turn me into someone completely different----someone you think I should be-----so that other people will like me."

What, exactly, is the difference?    How is shaving off some sideburns conceptually different than shaving off 140 pounds in order to be more attractive?

If I ask you which style of dress is more flattering on me, is that the same as having to be told that the reason I may not be getting asked on dates is that I'm 140 pounds overweight?  

It's not self-improvement for the sake of self-improvement that's my sticking point.  

It's that, for the non-predatory aspects of the red pill stuff, these people are having to seek out and be taught what seem to be extremely basic life skills.  As adults.  It makes you wonder what else is going on behind the scenes that they made it to 30-40 years old without picking up on.  And as for the predatory aspects of it, I think it's a terrible thing to mold oneself into something they're not and follow a checklist and play a game in order to bed women.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 1:47:27 PM EDT
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For all the it can't be true protests here, there do not seem to be any examples otherwise. None of the ladies are sayin they turned down a smart, funny, kind, tall, fit, attractive wealthy man that wanted her for a dumb, boring, mean, short, fat, ugly, poor man.

It's almost like women select the best mate that they have access to. Though they argue they do not.
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Wait. Are you moving the goalposts?

I thought the assertion was that women would continually seek the "best mate" for them. Never stopping, always searching and moving from mate to mate.

Only an idiot questions why a man or woman chooses a mate for the reasons you list.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 1:55:33 PM EDT
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If I ask you which style of dress is more flattering on me, is that the same as having to be told that the reason I may not be getting asked on dates is that I'm 140 pounds overweight?  

It's not self-improvement for the sake of self-improvement that's my sticking point.  
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The normal (average) human being isn't very appealing.  I just don't get the contempt. Have you ever given a male relative advise on an outfit or a haircut? Should the women in his life feel cheated or tricked because he had to learn such knowledge and didn't know it naturally?

I disagree.  The average human being isn't very appealing if they roll out of bed, slip on stained sweat pants and leave the house with greasy hair and dirty teeth.  Simply taking the time for a shower, NORMAL everyday grooming and putting on clean clothes that fit is, quite literally, the bare basics of what should be done before leaving the house and will make most people perfectly presentable.  

I'm sure I have offered an opinion at some point if asked but I can't recall specifics.  There's also a difference in, "Should I keep the sideburns or shave them off?" and "Turn me into someone completely different----someone you think I should be-----so that other people will like me."

What, exactly, is the difference?    How is shaving off some sideburns conceptually different than shaving off 140 pounds in order to be more attractive?

If I ask you which style of dress is more flattering on me, is that the same as having to be told that the reason I may not be getting asked on dates is that I'm 140 pounds overweight?  

It's not self-improvement for the sake of self-improvement that's my sticking point.  

For men, its always about sex. Without, we wouldn't get out of bed, go to work or fight wars. a man that says he's trying to improve but its not about sex is a liar.

It's that, for the non-predatory aspects of the red pill stuff, these people are having to seek out and be taught what seem to be extremely basic life skills.

Part of that is they were lied to as young men. They were raised with no strong male role model.  Lets look at one pretty lie, commonly told.  "just be yourself."  Worst advice told to young men. Because if followed the shy guys, the introverts, are completely shut out of dating, sex, marriage. What they should be told is "Be the best possible version of yourself"

Link Posted: 10/4/2016 2:04:27 PM EDT
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For men, its always about sex. Without, we wouldn't get out of bed, go to work or fight wars. a man that says he's trying to improve but its not about sex is a liar.

Part of that is they were lied to as young men. They were raised with no strong male role model.  Lets look at one pretty lie, commonly told.  "just be yourself."  Worst advice told to young men. Because if followed the shy guys, the introverts, are completely shut out of dating, sex, marriage. What they should be told is "Be the best possible version of yourself"

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For men, its always about sex. Without, we wouldn't get out of bed, go to work or fight wars. a man that says he's trying to improve but its not about sex is a liar.

It's that, for the non-predatory aspects of the red pill stuff, these people are having to seek out and be taught what seem to be extremely basic life skills.

Part of that is they were lied to as young men. They were raised with no strong male role model.  Lets look at one pretty lie, commonly told.  "just be yourself."  Worst advice told to young men. Because if followed the shy guys, the introverts, are completely shut out of dating, sex, marriage. What they should be told is "Be the best possible version of yourself"

What about married men who get into shape but were getting sex anyway?  

I won't disagree with the being the best version of yourself part.  But I know plenty of happy couples who are only happy because their *quirks* matched up.  The problem with trying to change who you are is that not only will you eventually get tired of putting on a show, but you've insulated yourself from the opportunity of finding the ones who WOULD like you for you.  

I guess that's not important to some people.  It's of critical importance to me.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 2:08:43 PM EDT
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What about married men who get into shape but were getting sex anyway?  

I won't disagree with the being the best version of yourself part.  But I know plenty of happy couples who are only happy because their *quirks* matched up.  The problem with trying to change who you are is that not only will you eventually get tired of putting on a show, but you've insulated yourself from the opportunity of finding the ones who WOULD like you for you.  

I guess that's not important to some people.  It's of critical importance to me.
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For men, its always about sex. Without, we wouldn't get out of bed, go to work or fight wars. a man that says he's trying to improve but its not about sex is a liar.

It's that, for the non-predatory aspects of the red pill stuff, these people are having to seek out and be taught what seem to be extremely basic life skills.

Part of that is they were lied to as young men. They were raised with no strong male role model.  Lets look at one pretty lie, commonly told.  "just be yourself."  Worst advice told to young men. Because if followed the shy guys, the introverts, are completely shut out of dating, sex, marriage. What they should be told is "Be the best possible version of yourself"

What about married men who get into shape but were getting sex anyway?  

I won't disagree with the being the best version of yourself part.  But I know plenty of happy couples who are only happy because their *quirks* matched up.  The problem with trying to change who you are is that not only will you eventually get tired of putting on a show, but you've insulated yourself from the opportunity of finding the ones who WOULD like you for you.  

I guess that's not important to some people.  It's of critical importance to me.

My wife gives me shit when my body fat drops below 20%.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 2:10:35 PM EDT
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My wife gives me shit when my body fat drops below 20%.
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For men, its always about sex. Without, we wouldn't get out of bed, go to work or fight wars. a man that says he's trying to improve but its not about sex is a liar.

It's that, for the non-predatory aspects of the red pill stuff, these people are having to seek out and be taught what seem to be extremely basic life skills.

Part of that is they were lied to as young men. They were raised with no strong male role model.  Lets look at one pretty lie, commonly told.  "just be yourself."  Worst advice told to young men. Because if followed the shy guys, the introverts, are completely shut out of dating, sex, marriage. What they should be told is "Be the best possible version of yourself"

What about married men who get into shape but were getting sex anyway?  

I won't disagree with the being the best version of yourself part.  But I know plenty of happy couples who are only happy because their *quirks* matched up.  The problem with trying to change who you are is that not only will you eventually get tired of putting on a show, but you've insulated yourself from the opportunity of finding the ones who WOULD like you for you.  

I guess that's not important to some people.  It's of critical importance to me.

My wife gives me shit when my body fat drops below 20%.

A little cushion is good for stamina.  Energy reserves.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 2:38:46 PM EDT
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In the meantime, I offer you another view.

From the dawn of mankind until a few hundred years ago,  societies were structured around the reality that value was created and defended with testosterone enhanced muscle mass. The Industrial Revolution, the internal combustion engine, the electrification of the West, and the Information Revolution put paid to all of that.  To steal from Springstein: those days are gone, boys, and they ain't coming back,  Or at least, not until the apocalypse.

For the first time, women don't have to put up with some man's shit in order to sleep indoors, eat a couple times a day, and not get passed around to the other members of the tribe.  Although men are still predominant in every power center in Western society, they're no longer the absolute arbiter of the basic building block of society, the male/female relationship.  And since that's where the pussy comes from, holy cat's ass, are they pissed.  Understandable, but, realistically, we're aren't going to de-industrialize to accommodate the male libido/ego.  So where do that leave us?  

Beats me, but, inarguably, men have legitimate grievances as a result of tectonic shifts in society, and men and women of good conscience - which pretty much excludes gender feminists and their mirror images, the MRA/MGTOW/PUA/TRP communities - are going to have to work together to address them.  And reflexively hating on women categorically isn't really going to be much help.
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In the meantime, I offer you another view.

From the dawn of mankind until a few hundred years ago,  societies were structured around the reality that value was created and defended with testosterone enhanced muscle mass. The Industrial Revolution, the internal combustion engine, the electrification of the West, and the Information Revolution put paid to all of that.  To steal from Springstein: those days are gone, boys, and they ain't coming back,  Or at least, not until the apocalypse.

For the first time, women don't have to put up with some man's shit in order to sleep indoors, eat a couple times a day, and not get passed around to the other members of the tribe.  Although men are still predominant in every power center in Western society, they're no longer the absolute arbiter of the basic building block of society, the male/female relationship.  And since that's where the pussy comes from, holy cat's ass, are they pissed.  Understandable, but, realistically, we're aren't going to de-industrialize to accommodate the male libido/ego.  So where do that leave us?  

Beats me, but, inarguably, men have legitimate grievances as a result of tectonic shifts in society, and men and women of good conscience - which pretty much excludes gender feminists and their mirror images, the MRA/MGTOW/PUA/TRP communities - are going to have to work together to address them.  And reflexively hating on women categorically isn't really going to be much help.

Link Posted: 10/4/2016 2:45:28 PM EDT
regardless, there is no evidence that women or men are happier with the new arrangements.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 2:47:51 PM EDT
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If I ask you which style of dress is more flattering on me, is that the same as having to be told that the reason I may not be getting asked on dates is that I'm 140 pounds overweight?  

It's not self-improvement for the sake of self-improvement that's my sticking point.  

It's that, for the non-predatory aspects of the red pill stuff, these people are having to seek out and be taught what seem to be extremely basic life skills.  As adults.  It makes you wonder what else is going on behind the scenes that they made it to 30-40 years old without picking up on.  And as for the predatory aspects of it, I think it's a terrible thing to mold oneself into something they're not and follow a checklist and play a game in order to bed women.
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The normal (average) human being isn't very appealing.  I just don't get the contempt. Have you ever given a male relative advise on an outfit or a haircut? Should the women in his life feel cheated or tricked because he had to learn such knowledge and didn't know it naturally?

I disagree.  The average human being isn't very appealing if they roll out of bed, slip on stained sweat pants and leave the house with greasy hair and dirty teeth.  Simply taking the time for a shower, NORMAL everyday grooming and putting on clean clothes that fit is, quite literally, the bare basics of what should be done before leaving the house and will make most people perfectly presentable.  

I'm sure I have offered an opinion at some point if asked but I can't recall specifics.  There's also a difference in, "Should I keep the sideburns or shave them off?" and "Turn me into someone completely different----someone you think I should be-----so that other people will like me."

What, exactly, is the difference?    How is shaving off some sideburns conceptually different than shaving off 140 pounds in order to be more attractive?

If I ask you which style of dress is more flattering on me, is that the same as having to be told that the reason I may not be getting asked on dates is that I'm 140 pounds overweight?  

It's not self-improvement for the sake of self-improvement that's my sticking point.  

It's that, for the non-predatory aspects of the red pill stuff, these people are having to seek out and be taught what seem to be extremely basic life skills.  As adults.  It makes you wonder what else is going on behind the scenes that they made it to 30-40 years old without picking up on.  And as for the predatory aspects of it, I think it's a terrible thing to mold oneself into something they're not and follow a checklist and play a game in order to bed women.

How is asking which dress is more flattering different than asking which dress will make you look more attractive?  How is it different than asking if dropping 40 (or 140) pounds would make you look more attractive?  

Why is it bad for someone to improve themselves in order to get women to sleep with them, but it's perfectly ok to mold oneself into "something they're not" in order to be healthy and fit?  Either choice will fundamentally change who that person was, regardless of the motivation for the behavior, so why is one choice worthy of condemnation and one worthy of praise?

Link Posted: 10/4/2016 3:06:58 PM EDT
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How is asking which dress is more flattering different than asking which dress will make you look more attractive?  How is it different than asking if dropping 40 (or 140) pounds would make you look more attractive?  

Why is it bad for someone to improve themselves in order to get women to sleep with them, but it's perfectly ok to mold oneself into "something they're not" in order to be healthy and fit?  Either choice will fundamentally change who that person was, regardless of the motivation for the behavior, so why is one choice worthy of condemnation and one worthy of praise?

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The normal (average) human being isn't very appealing.  I just don't get the contempt. Have you ever given a male relative advise on an outfit or a haircut? Should the women in his life feel cheated or tricked because he had to learn such knowledge and didn't know it naturally?

I disagree.  The average human being isn't very appealing if they roll out of bed, slip on stained sweat pants and leave the house with greasy hair and dirty teeth.  Simply taking the time for a shower, NORMAL everyday grooming and putting on clean clothes that fit is, quite literally, the bare basics of what should be done before leaving the house and will make most people perfectly presentable.  

I'm sure I have offered an opinion at some point if asked but I can't recall specifics.  There's also a difference in, "Should I keep the sideburns or shave them off?" and "Turn me into someone completely different----someone you think I should be-----so that other people will like me."

What, exactly, is the difference?    How is shaving off some sideburns conceptually different than shaving off 140 pounds in order to be more attractive?

If I ask you which style of dress is more flattering on me, is that the same as having to be told that the reason I may not be getting asked on dates is that I'm 140 pounds overweight?  

It's not self-improvement for the sake of self-improvement that's my sticking point.  

It's that, for the non-predatory aspects of the red pill stuff, these people are having to seek out and be taught what seem to be extremely basic life skills.  As adults.  It makes you wonder what else is going on behind the scenes that they made it to 30-40 years old without picking up on.  And as for the predatory aspects of it, I think it's a terrible thing to mold oneself into something they're not and follow a checklist and play a game in order to bed women.

How is asking which dress is more flattering different than asking which dress will make you look more attractive?  How is it different than asking if dropping 40 (or 140) pounds would make you look more attractive?  

Why is it bad for someone to improve themselves in order to get women to sleep with them, but it's perfectly ok to mold oneself into "something they're not" in order to be healthy and fit?  Either choice will fundamentally change who that person was, regardless of the motivation for the behavior, so why is one choice worthy of condemnation and one worthy of praise?

It seems that not only do women prefer high value males, but it appears it is important to them than he is a naturally high value male. if he had to work at it then they feel he is faking it. kinda makes sense from a genetics viewpoint. getting the best possible genetic material for your offspring requires weeding out "fakes"
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 3:08:34 PM EDT
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regardless, there is no evidence that women or men are happier with the new arrangements.
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If this was directed to me, so?
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 3:09:59 PM EDT

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what the fuck does coconut oil do?

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Well, I know it makes a lousy sex lube... and that if you cook anything Thai that it's a really good way to round out the flavor over using Canola or peanut oil.

As a fatty oil it's better for you than some others that are frequently in the American diet.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 3:10:01 PM EDT
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If this was directed to me, so?
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regardless, there is no evidence that women or men are happier with the new arrangements.

If this was directed to me, so?

wasn't that the supposed point?

that the misery of men would be compensated for by the new found happiness for women?
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 3:15:17 PM EDT
All I got out of that was "Basic Bitches" suck!

Yes, mr author man basic bitches do suck, that's why you should avoid them. There are plenty of non-basic bitches around.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 3:21:57 PM EDT
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How is asking which dress is more flattering different than asking which dress will make you look more attractive?  How is it different than asking if dropping 40 (or 140) pounds would make you look more attractive?  

Why is it bad for someone to improve themselves in order to get women to sleep with them, but it's perfectly ok to mold oneself into "something they're not" in order to be healthy and fit?  Either choice will fundamentally change who that person was, regardless of the motivation for the behavior, so why is one choice worthy of condemnation and one worthy of praise?

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I don't know how I can be any more clear.  If you buy a particular car because you like certain things about it, great.  If you buy a particular car because you feel it will increase your value in how others perceive you, that's just sad to me.  

The difference is in the motivation being inward-driven or outward-driven.  Outward driven motivations to gain others' approval comes across as superficial and adolescent.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 3:27:15 PM EDT
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It seems that not only do women prefer high value males, but it appears it is important to them than he is a naturally high value male. if he had to work at it then they feel he is faking it. kinda makes sense from a genetics viewpoint. getting the best possible genetic material for your offspring requires weeding out "fakes"
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Yes, most people prefer to be around people who are genuine and comfortable with themselves.  

I've had this same discussion with my daughter who, at 14 years old, is beginning to be concerned with *fitting in* and *belonging.*  Pretending to be someone she's not in order to appeal to certain groups won't work.  People instinctively push away people they don't trust. It's pretty easy to see through people who are *putting on airs* and you can tell they're not genuine so you don't trust them.  You can't build bonds and friendships with people who don't trust you.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 3:37:17 PM EDT
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I don't know how I can be any more clear.  If you buy a particular car because you like certain things about it, great.  If you buy a particular car because you feel it will increase your value in how others perceive you, that's just sad to me.  

The difference is in the motivation being inward-driven or outward-driven.  Outward driven motivations to gain others' approval comes across as superficial and adolescent.
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How is asking which dress is more flattering different than asking which dress will make you look more attractive?  How is it different than asking if dropping 40 (or 140) pounds would make you look more attractive?  

Why is it bad for someone to improve themselves in order to get women to sleep with them, but it's perfectly ok to mold oneself into "something they're not" in order to be healthy and fit?  Either choice will fundamentally change who that person was, regardless of the motivation for the behavior, so why is one choice worthy of condemnation and one worthy of praise?

I don't know how I can be any more clear.  If you buy a particular car because you like certain things about it, great.  If you buy a particular car because you feel it will increase your value in how others perceive you, that's just sad to me.  

The difference is in the motivation being inward-driven or outward-driven.  Outward driven motivations to gain others' approval comes across as superficial and adolescent.

So, are positive motivators driven by external impetus always bad, or are they only bad when view in the context of fat, balding losers trying to improve their game?  You see what I'm trying to get at, right?
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 3:43:30 PM EDT
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wasn't that the supposed point?

that the misery of men would be compensated for by the new found happiness for women?
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regardless, there is no evidence that women or men are happier with the new arrangements.

If this was directed to me, so?

wasn't that the supposed point?

that the misery of men would be compensated for by the new found happiness for women?
 https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/pressure-proof/201303/women-happiness-is-it-still-declining   I think Patrice said this during his interview on Marc Maron's podcast.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 3:47:36 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 10/4/2016 3:54:22 PM EDT
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So, are positive motivators driven by external impetus always bad, or are they only bad when view in the context of fat, balding losers trying to improve their game?  You see what I'm trying to get at, right?
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How is asking which dress is more flattering different than asking which dress will make you look more attractive?  How is it different than asking if dropping 40 (or 140) pounds would make you look more attractive?  

Why is it bad for someone to improve themselves in order to get women to sleep with them, but it's perfectly ok to mold oneself into "something they're not" in order to be healthy and fit?  Either choice will fundamentally change who that person was, regardless of the motivation for the behavior, so why is one choice worthy of condemnation and one worthy of praise?

I don't know how I can be any more clear.  If you buy a particular car because you like certain things about it, great.  If you buy a particular car because you feel it will increase your value in how others perceive you, that's just sad to me.  

The difference is in the motivation being inward-driven or outward-driven.  Outward driven motivations to gain others' approval comes across as superficial and adolescent.

So, are positive motivators driven by external impetus always bad, or are they only bad when view in the context of fat, balding losers trying to improve their game?  You see what I'm trying to get at, right?

I just can't get behind the idea of peer pressure/popularity/social status things being a driving force behind someone's actions.  Maybe I'm viewing it too broadly but one of the fundamental things we try to teach our kids is that compromising who they are in order to please other people (except for us-----they have to please their parents ) is never a good idea.  Having integrity, by definition, is standing your ground regardless of what the crowd wants.

That also has to be tempered with some common sense though.  They shouldn't be concerned with needing to have the latest brand name fad but that doesn't mean they can wear a dirty, wrinkled shirt to school and not bother taking a bath-----even if that is their natural state.  
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 3:57:43 PM EDT
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I just can't get behind the idea of peer pressure/popularity/social status things being a driving force behind someone's actions.  Maybe I'm viewing it too broadly but one of the fundamental things we try to teach our kids is that compromising who they are in order to please other people (except for us-----they have to please their parents ) is never a good idea.  Having integrity, by definition, is standing your ground regardless of what the crowd wants.

That also has to be tempered with some common sense though.  They shouldn't be concerned with needing to have the latest brand name fad but that doesn't mean they can wear a dirty, wrinkled shirt to school and not bother taking a bath-----even if that is their natural state.  
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How is asking which dress is more flattering different than asking which dress will make you look more attractive?  How is it different than asking if dropping 40 (or 140) pounds would make you look more attractive?  

Why is it bad for someone to improve themselves in order to get women to sleep with them, but it's perfectly ok to mold oneself into "something they're not" in order to be healthy and fit?  Either choice will fundamentally change who that person was, regardless of the motivation for the behavior, so why is one choice worthy of condemnation and one worthy of praise?

I don't know how I can be any more clear.  If you buy a particular car because you like certain things about it, great.  If you buy a particular car because you feel it will increase your value in how others perceive you, that's just sad to me.  

The difference is in the motivation being inward-driven or outward-driven.  Outward driven motivations to gain others' approval comes across as superficial and adolescent.

So, are positive motivators driven by external impetus always bad, or are they only bad when view in the context of fat, balding losers trying to improve their game?  You see what I'm trying to get at, right?

I just can't get behind the idea of peer pressure/popularity/social status things being a driving force behind someone's actions.  Maybe I'm viewing it too broadly but one of the fundamental things we try to teach our kids is that compromising who they are in order to please other people (except for us-----they have to please their parents ) is never a good idea.  Having integrity, by definition, is standing your ground regardless of what the crowd wants.

That also has to be tempered with some common sense though.  They shouldn't be concerned with needing to have the latest brand name fad but that doesn't mean they can wear a dirty, wrinkled shirt to school and not bother taking a bath-----even if that is their natural state.  

Link Posted: 10/4/2016 4:00:00 PM EDT
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I meant her father and I, not every parent out there.  Do I think that should be standard parenting practice?  Yes.  Do I think it's woefully undertaught?  Yes.  

I don't care if undertaught is underlined in read, I'm making it a word.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 4:07:35 PM EDT
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I don't see red pill as turning people into something completely different. its just self improvement of a specific focus. But i appreciate your input. its confirmed some of what I expected about the negative reaction some women have to the entire concept.
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The normal (average) human being isn't very appealing.  I just don't get the contempt. Have you ever given a male relative advise on an outfit or a haircut? Should the women in his life feel cheated or tricked because he had to learn such knowledge and didn't know it naturally?

I disagree.  The average human being isn't very appealing if they roll out of bed, slip on stained sweat pants and leave the house with greasy hair and dirty teeth.  Simply taking the time for a shower, NORMAL everyday grooming and putting on clean clothes that fit is, quite literally, the bare basics of what should be done before leaving the house and will make most people perfectly presentable.  

I'm sure I have offered an opinion at some point if asked but I can't recall specifics.  There's also a difference in, "Should I keep the sideburns or shave them off?" and "Turn me into someone completely different----someone you think I should be-----so that other people will like me."

I don't see red pill as turning people into something completely different. its just self improvement of a specific focus. But i appreciate your input. its confirmed some of what I expected about the negative reaction some women have to the entire concept.

i've never heard of red pill, but if it's anything like the rest of the pickup canon, it's the male equivalent of caking on makeup, wearing stripper heels, and acting slutty.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 4:11:37 PM EDT
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i've never heard of red pill, but if it's anything like the rest of the pickup canon, it's the male equivalent of caking on makeup, wearing stripper heels, and acting slutty.
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The normal (average) human being isn't very appealing.  I just don't get the contempt. Have you ever given a male relative advise on an outfit or a haircut? Should the women in his life feel cheated or tricked because he had to learn such knowledge and didn't know it naturally?

I disagree.  The average human being isn't very appealing if they roll out of bed, slip on stained sweat pants and leave the house with greasy hair and dirty teeth.  Simply taking the time for a shower, NORMAL everyday grooming and putting on clean clothes that fit is, quite literally, the bare basics of what should be done before leaving the house and will make most people perfectly presentable.  

I'm sure I have offered an opinion at some point if asked but I can't recall specifics.  There's also a difference in, "Should I keep the sideburns or shave them off?" and "Turn me into someone completely different----someone you think I should be-----so that other people will like me."

I don't see red pill as turning people into something completely different. its just self improvement of a specific focus. But i appreciate your input. its confirmed some of what I expected about the negative reaction some women have to the entire concept.

i've never heard of red pill, but if it's anything like the rest of the pickup canon, it's the male equivalent of caking on makeup, wearing stripper heels, and acting slutty.

I don't know what it is, but I know its fucked up.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 4:12:26 PM EDT
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Yes, most people prefer to be around people who are genuine and comfortable with themselves.  

I've had this same discussion with my daughter who, at 14 years old, is beginning to be concerned with *fitting in* and *belonging.*  Pretending to be someone she's not in order to appeal to certain groups won't work.  People instinctively push away people they don't trust. It's pretty easy to see through people who are *putting on airs* and you can tell they're not genuine so you don't trust them.  You can't build bonds and friendships with people who don't trust you.
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It seems that not only do women prefer high value males, but it appears it is important to them than he is a naturally high value male. if he had to work at it then they feel he is faking it. kinda makes sense from a genetics viewpoint. getting the best possible genetic material for your offspring requires weeding out "fakes"

Yes, most people prefer to be around people who are genuine and comfortable with themselves.  

I've had this same discussion with my daughter who, at 14 years old, is beginning to be concerned with *fitting in* and *belonging.*  Pretending to be someone she's not in order to appeal to certain groups won't work.  People instinctively push away people they don't trust. It's pretty easy to see through people who are *putting on airs* and you can tell they're not genuine so you don't trust them.  You can't build bonds and friendships with people who don't trust you.

Yeah, being the "weird" outcast all by yourself is way better for a 14 year old girl's self esteem.  
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 4:17:01 PM EDT
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Yeah, being the "weird" outcast all by yourself is way better for a 14 year old girl's self esteem.  
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It seems that not only do women prefer high value males, but it appears it is important to them than he is a naturally high value male. if he had to work at it then they feel he is faking it. kinda makes sense from a genetics viewpoint. getting the best possible genetic material for your offspring requires weeding out "fakes"

Yes, most people prefer to be around people who are genuine and comfortable with themselves.  

I've had this same discussion with my daughter who, at 14 years old, is beginning to be concerned with *fitting in* and *belonging.*  Pretending to be someone she's not in order to appeal to certain groups won't work.  People instinctively push away people they don't trust. It's pretty easy to see through people who are *putting on airs* and you can tell they're not genuine so you don't trust them.  You can't build bonds and friendships with people who don't trust you.

Yeah, being the "weird" outcast all by yourself is way better for a 14 year old girl's self esteem.  

I believe that people draw the right people to them and if you have just ONE good, true friend at any given time in life, you can handle anything.  I'd much rather be the outcast for the right reasons than be temporarily accepted for being something I'm not.  Temporarily accepted because, as I mentioned, people push away people they don't trust and people don't trust fakers.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 4:24:58 PM EDT

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I meant her father and I, not every parent out there.  Do I think that should be standard parenting practice?  Yes.  Do I think it's woefully undertaught?  Yes.  

I don't care if undertaught is underlined in read, I'm making it a word.
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I meant her father and I, not every parent out there.  Do I think that should be standard parenting practice?  Yes.  Do I think it's woefully undertaught?  Yes.  

I don't care if undertaught is underlined in read, I'm making it a word.

The irony is delicious
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 4:26:25 PM EDT
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  The irony is delicious
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I meant her father and I, not every parent out there.  Do I think that should be standard parenting practice?  Yes.  Do I think it's woefully undertaught?  Yes.  

I don't care if undertaught is underlined in read, I'm making it a word.

  The irony is delicious

That's about write.  
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 4:29:31 PM EDT
Another huge loser thread?
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 4:29:57 PM EDT
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Yeah, being the "weird" outcast all by yourself is way better for a 14 year old girl's self esteem.  
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It seems that not only do women prefer high value males, but it appears it is important to them than he is a naturally high value male. if he had to work at it then they feel he is faking it. kinda makes sense from a genetics viewpoint. getting the best possible genetic material for your offspring requires weeding out "fakes"

Yes, most people prefer to be around people who are genuine and comfortable with themselves.  

I've had this same discussion with my daughter who, at 14 years old, is beginning to be concerned with *fitting in* and *belonging.*  Pretending to be someone she's not in order to appeal to certain groups won't work.  People instinctively push away people they don't trust. It's pretty easy to see through people who are *putting on airs* and you can tell they're not genuine so you don't trust them.  You can't build bonds and friendships with people who don't trust you.

Yeah, being the "weird" outcast all by yourself is way better for a 14 year old girl's self esteem.  

If I raised daughters who's self esteem comes from other people, I completely failed as a parent.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 4:31:23 PM EDT
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If I raised daughters who's self esteem comes from other people, I completely failed as a parent.
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And God bless you for recognizing that.  
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 4:38:26 PM EDT
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I just can't get behind the idea of peer pressure/popularity/social status things being a driving force behind someone's actions.  Maybe I'm viewing it too broadly but one of the fundamental things we try to teach our kids is that compromising who they are in order to please other people (except for us-----they have to please their parents ) is never a good idea.  Having integrity, by definition, is standing your ground regardless of what the crowd wants.

That also has to be tempered with some common sense though.  They shouldn't be concerned with needing to have the latest brand name fad but that doesn't mean they can wear a dirty, wrinkled shirt to school and not bother taking a bath-----even if that is their natural state.  
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And yet we all are different people due to the constraints placed upon us by societal norms.  Would you be the same person that you are today if you grew up in North Korea, or Mali, or Brazil?  How do you separate the person that you are from the person that society (specifically, the society that you grew up in) has molded you into?  Do you drive the speed limit because you don't want the $150 ticket, or because you believe in lawful behavior?
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 4:42:51 PM EDT
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Another huge loser thread?
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Ayup, pretty much.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 4:43:01 PM EDT
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And God bless you for recognizing that.  
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If I raised daughters who's self esteem comes from other people, I completely failed as a parent.

And God bless you for recognizing that.  

And you know as well as I do that we can only harp about it so much.

To take a word out of "Mean Girls", my oldest tolerated high school and the plastics, she was ........more open to making new friends , saying asta lavista to girls who went plastic.

The youngest however , loathed high school, and said the level of plastic to real was 90% plastic , 9% horrified of the plastics, and 1% regular.

  But every time she had a bad day, (girl issues at school) , when she would talk to me about it, I inevitably told her how great it really was, as this is how young people developed their bs detectors and these rough times would make her future far easier due to being able to handle the adult plastics we all meet over time .

Link Posted: 10/4/2016 4:45:13 PM EDT
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wasn't that the supposed point?

that the misery of men would be compensated for by the new found happiness for women?
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regardless, there is no evidence that women or men are happier with the new arrangements.

If this was directed to me, so?

wasn't that the supposed point?

that the misery of men would be compensated for by the new found happiness for women?

I don't think so.  I mean, I honestly don't think the internal combustion engine was developed with the intention of depriving men of the elemental joy of looking at the ass end of a mule ten hours a day.The replacement of human muscle with various forms of mechanical/electrical power freed men from lives of physical toil, but it also wrought changes in the way work was done and value created and ultimately fundamental changes to society.   Feminism wasn't the agent fundamental change in the male-female relationship, electricity was.

Link Posted: 10/4/2016 4:49:13 PM EDT
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We're discussing marital arrangements and divorce.  Always moving the goal posts.
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We're discussing marital arrangements and divorce.  Always moving the goal posts.

So we can't talk about the ways in which men are disadvantaged or killed.

Seems a funny way to have a "discussion".

Pop quiz - of all those grave stones, how many of those rest above the remains of a male who was compelled to participate in what led to his demise?  How many above a female?
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 4:49:21 PM EDT
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I don't think so.  I mean, I honestly don't think the internal combustion engine was developed with the intention of depriving men of the elemental joy of looking at the ass end of a mule ten hours a day.The replacement of human muscle with various forms of mechanical/electrical power freed men from lives of physical toil, but it also wrought changes in the way work was done and value created and ultimately fundamental changes to society.   Feminism wasn't the agent fundamental change in the male-female relationship, electricity was.

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regardless, there is no evidence that women or men are happier with the new arrangements.

If this was directed to me, so?

wasn't that the supposed point?

that the misery of men would be compensated for by the new found happiness for women?

I don't think so.  I mean, I honestly don't think the internal combustion engine was developed with the intention of depriving men of the elemental joy of looking at the ass end of a mule ten hours a day.The replacement of human muscle with various forms of mechanical/electrical power freed men from lives of physical toil, but it also wrought changes in the way work was done and value created and ultimately fundamental changes to society.   Feminism wasn't the agent fundamental change in the male-female relationship, electricity was.


The basic family unit survived from 1800-1965 ish.  so you would have to trace your causative effect and why there was a break of decades from ubiquitous electricity to the destruction of the basic family unit.

There have been upheavals in technology from the beginning of mankind.

If you want to pin any one technology of this sea change, its the pill.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 4:49:54 PM EDT
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So we can't talk about the ways in which men are disadvantaged or killed.

Seems a funny way to have a "discussion".

Pop quiz - of all those grave stones, how many of those rest above the remains of a male who was compelled to participate in what led to his demise?  How many above a female?
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We're discussing marital arrangements and divorce.  Always moving the goal posts.

So we can't talk about the ways in which men are disadvantaged or killed.

Seems a funny way to have a "discussion".

Pop quiz - of all those grave stones, how many of those rest above the remains of a male who was compelled to participate in what led to his demise?  How many above a female?

you mean men were forced to fight in wars and die?!?!!?

holy fucking patriarchy batman!
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 4:52:37 PM EDT
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So basically the only parameters that matter are the numbers and the actual non-freedoms of the women those numbers are correlated to don't need to factor in at all in order to judge everything as good.
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We're discussing marital arrangements and divorce.  Always moving the goal posts.


We were, that's right.

what was the illegitimacy rate and divorce rate prior to 1960 when men had all the advantages?

So basically the only parameters that matter are the numbers and the actual non-freedoms of the women those numbers are correlated to don't need to factor in at all in order to judge everything as good.

Ma'am, if the society falls - there won't BE any women (or men, either) regardless of their hypothetical position on the free- not free sliding scale.

To have WHATEVER degree of freedom, one must first BE.  Thanks to abortion, about 20 million American girls were enslaved by death, before being born - yes?
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 4:56:41 PM EDT
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And God bless you for recognizing that.  
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If I raised daughters who's self esteem comes from other people, I completely failed as a parent.

And God bless you for recognizing that.  

Good luck to you.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 4:57:48 PM EDT
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If I raised daughters who's self esteem comes from other people, I completely failed as a parent.
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It seems that not only do women prefer high value males, but it appears it is important to them than he is a naturally high value male. if he had to work at it then they feel he is faking it. kinda makes sense from a genetics viewpoint. getting the best possible genetic material for your offspring requires weeding out "fakes"

Yes, most people prefer to be around people who are genuine and comfortable with themselves.  

I've had this same discussion with my daughter who, at 14 years old, is beginning to be concerned with *fitting in* and *belonging.*  Pretending to be someone she's not in order to appeal to certain groups won't work.  People instinctively push away people they don't trust. It's pretty easy to see through people who are *putting on airs* and you can tell they're not genuine so you don't trust them.  You can't build bonds and friendships with people who don't trust you.

Yeah, being the "weird" outcast all by yourself is way better for a 14 year old girl's self esteem.  

If I raised daughters who's self esteem comes from other people, I completely failed as a parent.

Truth, every word.

You want to raise your daughter to be sexually self-destructive? Because that - basing her sense of self on others' opinions - is how you raise a daughter to be sexually self-destructive.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 4:58:08 PM EDT
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Another huge loser thread?
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Well, it wasn't.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 5:00:24 PM EDT
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For men, its always about sex. Without, we wouldn't get out of bed, go to work or fight wars. a man that says he's trying to improve but its not about sex is a liar.

Part of that is they were lied to as young men. They were raised with no strong male role model.  Lets look at one pretty lie, commonly told.  "just be yourself."  Worst advice told to young men. Because if followed the shy guys, the introverts, are completely shut out of dating, sex, marriage. What they should be told is "Be the best possible version of yourself"

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For men, its always about sex. Without, we wouldn't get out of bed, go to work or fight wars. a man that says he's trying to improve but its not about sex is a liar.

It's that, for the non-predatory aspects of the red pill stuff, these people are having to seek out and be taught what seem to be extremely basic life skills.

Part of that is they were lied to as young men. They were raised with no strong male role model.  Lets look at one pretty lie, commonly told.  "just be yourself."  Worst advice told to young men. Because if followed the shy guys, the introverts, are completely shut out of dating, sex, marriage. What they should be told is "Be the best possible version of yourself"

This is why the Good Lord, in His infinite wisdom, blessed the women with multiple orgasms, and not. men.  Had He done otherwise, there were be no internet, and this conversation would be between OOg and Ogg in a cave with a dirt floor, no wheel, no fire.

Oog - "What ya gonna do today, Ogg?"
Ogg - "Same thing I do every day, Oog - find a woman and have sex until I pass out."
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 5:06:12 PM EDT
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If I raised daughters who's self esteem comes from other people, I completely failed as a parent.
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If you raise daughters who think they are "special snowflakes", regardless of objective reality, you have also failed as a parent.

Balance - in all things.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 5:23:32 PM EDT
This thread still going?
TRP has some insightful info but its definitely not a blue print to be successful with women.

Link Posted: 10/4/2016 5:34:45 PM EDT
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This thread still going?
TRP has some insightful info but its definitely not a blue print to be successful with women.

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The Red Pill as a website has some gems but its definately not a blueprint. The Red Pill as a concept (rejecting the pretty lies you were told about women and instead viewing them as they really are) is absolutely successful with women.
Link Posted: 10/4/2016 5:43:15 PM EDT
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Well, it wasn't.
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Another huge loser thread?

Well, it wasn't.

oh please the only way 80% of GD could get some pussy is if the bitch died, and willed it to them.  And then, maybe.
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