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Posted: 2/27/2008 10:25:32 PM EDT
I usually don't watch these shows but I should have DVR'd this one

Link to youtube video

Link to article

'The Moment of Truth' turns into a time of pain
02:32 PM PT, Feb 27 2008
On Monday night's episode of the Fox game show "The Moment of Truth," Lauren Cleri admitted that she had been fired from a job for stealing money, would rather give food to a dog than a homeless person, knows things about her father that she keeps from her mother and has avoided sex with her husband by pretending to be asleep.

Then, things got worse. And, according to an article in the New York Post, Cleri and her husband are now separated because of it.

Yes, said Cleri -- whose husband, parents and siblings were sitting before her, along with a studio audience and 8.9 million television viewers -- she has taken off her wedding ring when out with friends, and, yes, she was still in love with a former boyfriend on her wedding day. After she answered that question truthfully, her ex-boyfriend, Frank, not to be confused with her husband, Frank,  took the stage to ask, "If I wanted to get back together with you, would you leave your husband?"

"The Moment of Truth" premiered on Fox in January and has performed very well in the ratings. Contestants must answer 21 questions truthfully in order to win $500,000. The questions are selected from a pre-interview they did while strapped to a polygraph. The contestant's loved ones also get one, and only one, preemptory challenge in which they can hit a buzzer to skip a question they may not want to hear the answer to. Along the way, contestants can win $10,000, $25,000 and so on, and once they reach those milestones, they can quit and keep the money. If they answer a question falsely -- as determined by their pre-interview replies -- they are bounced from the game with nothing.

Howard Schultz, the show's executive producer, said on the telephone Wednesday that they investigate every contestant thoroughly, "to create a composite photograph, a mosaic, if you will."

And they know what they're in for, Schultz said. "We let every contestant know that we're going to reach as deep and as far into their lives as we can. Anything is potentially fair game."

He continued: "If we're doing a show called 'The Moment of Truth,' we have to be scrupulously honest with people."

According to Schultz, the producers asked ex-boyfriend Frank to keep his appearance a surprise. A segment producer told Schultz that Cleri had been texting Frank all week to find out whether he might be on the show as one of her interrogators.

As well she should have. Although Cleri's sister hit the buzzer, to much booing from the audience, when ex-boyfriend Frank asked whether she would leave husband Frank for him, his replacement question was no better: "Do you believe I'm the man you should be married to?"

Cleri answered yes, which was apparently the truth, and got to the $100,000 marker.

The host, Mark Walberg (not that Mark Wahlberg), resumed asking the questions. Has she cheated on her husband? Yes, she has. Frank Cleri put his head in his hands. She had two more questions to go before winning $200,000.

Then "The Moment of Truth" turned into a modern "Scarlet Letter." Does Cleri think she's a good person?

Yes, she does, she answered.

No, she doesn't, read the polygraph. Suddenly, Cleri was shocked and penniless. Her family, including her husband, surrounded her.

Walberg asked why that might have happened. Cleri said she didn't know, that she does think she's a good person. "Yet it came up as a lie, which means that somewhere in you, you haven't forgiven yourself," Walberg said. "And somewhere your truth is that you don't think you're a good person at all." (An attempt to contact Cleri through her MySpace page went unanswered as of press time.)

Schultz said that from what he's read, the polygraph is 94% to 97% accurate. When a contestant answers falsely on a seemingly simple question, Schultz said sometimes "they don't even hear what they're saying." However, various studies say the accuracy of polygraphs can't be pinpointed, with some tests estimating they're less than 70% accurate.

When "The Moment of Truth" has perhaps busted up a marriage, is the show responsible?

"I don't know," Schultz said. "She's the one answering the questions."

They have a psychologist on the set to talk with contestants and families afterward. In Cleri's case, Schultz said that the infidelity had come up off-camera before the taping, and he said to her, "Do you realize what this could mean?"

For what it ultimately could mean, the Web provided some answers Wednesday. An excerpt of Cleri's episode was highly viewed on YouTube. It had been viewed 146,206 times and counting, with 1,678 comments (and counting).

And on Cleri's MySpace page, the settings had been changed to "private." It read: "Lauren is going through a VERY difficult time right now. Please leave me alone. Please."

Link Posted: 2/27/2008 10:29:20 PM EDT
sucks for the family, but if this woman didn't want the info to come out then why did she agree to do the show?
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 10:31:46 PM EDT
Karma is a motherfucker
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 10:32:01 PM EDT
What's pathetic is how many conservatives drool over Fox News, the so called defender of Main Street values. Fox routinely shits out the most vile and repulsive programming and how often are Bill and Sean bitching about it - never.

Fucking hypocrites.

Oh, and I don't need to watch this shit to be reminded of just how far our culture has sank.

Link Posted: 2/27/2008 10:33:56 PM EDT

It's just Jerry Springer, in game show form. I don't give a rat's ass about people who would put themselves through that idiocy to begin with, let alone if their closet is full of skeletons and they know full well it's going to air on TV.
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 10:35:03 PM EDT
I don't know how other state's laws are, but in mine(to my knowledge) proof of infidelity means a forfeiture of any claim on "community property".

Her key wouldn't fit the lock when she got home if that were me.
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 10:36:21 PM EDT

What's pathetic is how many conservatives drool over Fox News, the so called defender of Main Street values. Fox routinely shits out the most vile and repulsive programming and how often are Bill and Sean bitching about it - never.

Fucking hypocrites.

Oh, and I don't need to watch this shit to be reminded of just how far our culture has sank.

Actually, I thought this show was a great social commentary.

A soulless whore went on national TV and confessed to stealing,  loving another man on the day of her wedding and cheating on him in from of a national audience.  She confesses all of this for money and then gets a wonderful question.

"Do you believe you are a good person"  

She said "yes" and the polygraph said it was a lie.  As a result, her life is destroyed she is marked and she got nothing.  
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 10:36:44 PM EDT

Does Cleri think she's a good person?

Yes, she does, she answered.

No, she doesn't, read the polygraph. Suddenly, Cleri was shocked and penniless.

That's my favorite part.
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 10:38:10 PM EDT

Karma is a motherfucker

Big fat +1 on that.
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 10:39:11 PM EDT

I watched the first episode of this show and was mildly entertained...  except for the pausing.    They could fit three episodes into one if they would just quit with the drama inducing 30 second pause after each answer.

Also, EVERYBODY has skeletons in their closet, you'd have to be a total retard to go on a show like that.
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 10:39:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 10:40:20 PM EDT


I watched the first episode of this show and was mildly entertained...  except for the pausing.    They could fit three episodes into one if they would just quit with the drama inducing 30 second pause after each answer.

Also, EVERYBODY has skeletons in their closet, you'd have to be a total retard to go on a show like that.

Or Jerry Springer.
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 10:42:26 PM EDT
All bow to the almighty dollar.  
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 10:42:47 PM EDT
Ha ha.  That dirty whore.
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 10:49:06 PM EDT


What's pathetic is how many conservatives drool over Fox News, the so called defender of Main Street values. Fox routinely shits out the most vile and repulsive programming and how often are Bill and Sean bitching about it - never.

Fucking hypocrites.

Oh, and I don't need to watch this shit to be reminded of just how far our culture has sank.

Actually, I thought this show was a great social commentary.

A soulless whore went on national TV and confessed to stealing,  loving another man on the day of her wedding and cheating on him in from of a national audience.  She confesses all of this for money and then gets a wonderful question.

"Do you believe you are a good person"  

She said "yes" and the polygraph said it was a lie.  As a result, her life is destroyed she is marked and she got nothing.  
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 10:51:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 10:53:38 PM EDT
These type of shows are crap.  It's unfortunate that network TV is pandering to the lowest common denominators in our society with all this "reality TV" stuff.  I realize that it is all about the money, but that doesn't make good programming.  I don't see how anybody can even watch this stuff.  A root canal is less painful.  I am grateful for the Discovery and History channels.
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 10:54:52 PM EDT

What's pathetic is how many conservatives drool over Fox News, the so called defender of Main Street values. Fox routinely shits out the most vile and repulsive programming and how often are Bill and Sean bitching about it - never.

Actually I've heard them complain about it numerous times.  O'Reily made it clear that while Fox News and the Fox Network have the same parent, it's no secret they don't like each other behind the scenes.
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 10:54:54 PM EDT
It's either fake or she wanted to publicly humiliate her husband...  Either way, it's sickening to see society stoop this low.  
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 10:56:38 PM EDT

O'Reily made it clear that while Fox News and the Fox Network have the same parent, it's no secret they don't like each other behind the scenes.

O'Reily is a douchebag moron and his opinions dont count.
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 10:59:45 PM EDT
who watches that trash?
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 11:01:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 11:02:31 PM EDT
The wife had this on while I was on well, lol here.  What a shit bag.  Dogs lie down with dogs...
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 11:08:56 PM EDT

Also, EVERYBODY has skeletons in their closet, you'd have to be a total retard to go on a show like that.

She stole money from work.

That's not a skeleton, that's a perfectly preserved corpse.

Good luck trying to get a decent job with that on your resume.
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 11:18:36 PM EDT
What's sad is that now the husband is doubly screwed.

Half his crap will soon belong to her. Very few states give much weight to marital misconduct, and her infidelity will almost certainly not void her claim to marital assets.

Link Posted: 2/27/2008 11:19:09 PM EDT
And we wonder why our country is in trouble, I don't know which is worse, the people on the show or the ones watching.
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 11:30:30 PM EDT
I really don't have any problem with the people watching it on TV.  The ones watching in person are even more innocent.

But why shouldn't we be interested in something like this?

Reality TV is a constant race to see just how far people will go for money.  Just because some people will go all the way doesn't make the test hideous.

And I wouldn't get bogged down in thinking that the "winners" are handsomely rewarded for their stupidity.  This girl, for instance, just humiliated herself publicly and walked away with no money and no solid job prospects.  Even the ones who end up with money or fame discover that both are pretty short lived.
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 11:33:08 PM EDT

Actually, I thought this show was a great social commentary.

A soulless whore went on national TV and confessed to stealing, loving another man on the day of her wedding and cheating on him in from of a national audience. She confesses all of this for money and then gets a wonderful question.

"Do you believe you are a good person"

She said "yes" and the polygraph said it was a lie. As a result, her life is destroyed she is marked and she got nothing.

Christ, you're being played and you don't even know it. Of course there's a moral payoff at the end. That's to alleviate the shame of watching the program. Media manipulation at it's finest.
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 11:33:50 PM EDT
I've been wondering lately if America's been watching more "reality" tv lately just to escape the growing bad news in the country. Inflation, terrorism, etc etc. Probably some truth behind it.

I have no problem with people wasting their time with these shows. I have no TV and this frees up more time to gather up supplies and prepare for the inevitable collapse of the republic in the next decade or so (while they're busy staring at the tube). That'll show em!  

oh, btw, nobody mentioned that Lauren there is kindof hawt.

Quote me, this chick will be in porno in the next year. She loves the money...
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 11:37:39 PM EDT

Christ, you're being played and you don't even know it. Of course there's a moral payoff at the end. That's to alleviate the shame of watching the program. Media manipulation at it's finest.

I'm not ashamed for having watched that.

Her husband deserves to have good people watch it and express their outrage at her, and be reminded that there are people in the world exactly like her.

Hell, maybe someone who watched it looked at their own spouse and rethought their loyalty.
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 11:40:31 PM EDT

What's pathetic is how many conservatives drool over Fox News, the so called defender of Main Street values. Fox routinely shits out the most vile and repulsive programming and how often are Bill and Sean bitching about it - never.

Fucking hypocrites.

Oh, and I don't need to watch this shit to be reminded of just how far our culture has sank.

fox news DU troll!go back to the DU!
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 11:50:16 PM EDT


What's pathetic is how many conservatives drool over Fox News, the so called defender of Main Street values. Fox routinely shits out the most vile and repulsive programming and how often are Bill and Sean bitching about it - never.

Fucking hypocrites.

Oh, and I don't need to watch this shit to be reminded of just how far our culture has sank.

fox news DU troll!go back to the DU!

LOL, time for you to hit the hay young man. You don't want to miss the short bus in the morning.
Link Posted: 2/27/2008 11:54:12 PM EDT



What's pathetic is how many conservatives drool over Fox News, the so called defender of Main Street values. Fox routinely shits out the most vile and repulsive programming and how often are Bill and Sean bitching about it - never.

Fucking hypocrites.

Oh, and I don't need to watch this shit to be reminded of just how far our culture has sank.

fox news DU troll!go back to the DU!

LOL, time for you to hit the hay young man. You don't want to miss the short bus in the morning.

i DRIVE the short bus wise guy!
Link Posted: 2/28/2008 12:19:35 AM EDT
Wow. Women like that sicken me.

The host stopped just short of begging her not to continue, knowing what was coming, and she still continued to throw herself head first into the path of that rushing train.

If it weren't for the pain she caused her husband and family, I'd applaud what happened to her. As it is, it just saddens me.
Link Posted: 2/28/2008 12:46:36 AM EDT
Just watching the commercials to that shit show pisses me off. I'll never watch a second of it. absolutely sickening.
Link Posted: 2/28/2008 12:51:48 AM EDT
I like it.

Link Posted: 2/28/2008 1:06:55 AM EDT


Also, EVERYBODY has skeletons in their closet, you'd have to be a total retard to go  watch a on a show like that.
Link Posted: 2/28/2008 1:14:56 AM EDT
I saw some of the first one while at work. Not a show I'd choose to watch due to its slothful pace, but the premise amuses me. I am glad this stupid bitch has been outed as the scum that she is.
Link Posted: 2/28/2008 1:18:00 AM EDT

I usually don't watch these shows but I should have DVR'd this one

Link to youtube video

Link to article

And on Cleri's MySpace page, the settings had been changed to "private." It read: "Lauren is going through a VERY difficult time right now. Please leave me alone. Please."

Going on a TV show isn't conducive to being left alone.

Link Posted: 2/28/2008 1:22:04 AM EDT
I don't know what I can say about this but this.......

HA-HA-HA-haaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! WOOO-Ho-Ho-hhhaaaaaaa!
Link Posted: 2/28/2008 1:29:06 AM EDT

"Yet it came up as a lie, which means that somewhere in you, you haven't forgiven yourself,"

Probably close to the other guy's penis leavings.
Link Posted: 2/28/2008 1:40:06 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/28/2008 6:03:56 AM EDT


Does Cleri think she's a good person?

Yes, she does, she answered.

No, she doesn't, read the polygraph. Suddenly, Cleri was shocked and penniless.

That's my favorite part.

Kind of hard not to chuckle a little ain't it?
Link Posted: 2/28/2008 6:11:14 AM EDT
funny what some people would do for money....
Link Posted: 2/28/2008 6:11:56 AM EDT
Well, if i was him I would have got up and hit her with the classic line....."Well......bye"
Link Posted: 2/28/2008 6:12:13 AM EDT
I was laughing my ass off at that (while waiting for Terminator to come on), I only saw the "have you cheated on your husband" and "do you think you're a good person" questions, but damn.  I've never done anything nearly as bad as her, and I'd still say I don't think I'm a good person.

Link Posted: 2/28/2008 6:20:43 AM EDT
Hope her husband divorce her and takes half of her money and her employer the other half.

Link Posted: 2/28/2008 6:23:53 AM EDT
The husband should have known better than to get involved with her in the first place. He is a cop and mentioned in the show that they met when he arrested her for the money theft.
Link Posted: 2/28/2008 6:28:03 AM EDT
I saw it too while eating dinner.

What was really fucked up was she was smiling at some points like it was no big deal especially when the ex-boyfriend showed up to read her the questions.

I guess reality had not settled in with all that air rushing around in her head.
Link Posted: 2/28/2008 6:28:34 AM EDT
For as trashy as this tabloid reality stuff can be, at times there's some great wisdom in it.

Then "The Moment of Truth" turned into a modern "Scarlet Letter." Does Cleri think she's a good person?

Yes, she does, she answered.

No, she doesn't, read the polygraph. Suddenly, Cleri was shocked and penniless. Her family, including her husband, surrounded her.

Walberg asked why that might have happened. Cleri said she didn't know, that she does think she's a good person. "Yet it came up as a lie, which means that somewhere in you, you haven't forgiven yourself," Walberg said. "And somewhere your truth is that you don't think you're a good person at all." (An attempt to contact Cleri through her MySpace page went unanswered as of press time.)


Actually, I thought this show was a great social commentary.

A soulless whore went on national TV and confessed to stealing,  loving another man on the day of her wedding and cheating on him in from of a national audience.  She confesses all of this for money and then gets a wonderful question.

"Do you believe you are a good person"  

She said "yes" and the polygraph said it was a lie.  As a result, her life is destroyed she is marked and she got nothing.  

Link Posted: 2/28/2008 6:30:03 AM EDT

The husband should have known better than to get involved with her in the first place. He is a cop and mentioned in the show that they met when he arrested her for the money theft.

Look at the youtube her whole demeanor screams whore. We've all dated them and if you are smart enough you can spot them. The posture, the attitude, the look. A whore is a whore and most can be spotted. This girl is a whore and does not even try to hide it. The man was a fool to marry her in the first place.
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