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Link Posted: 1/1/2018 2:01:41 PM EDT
Full Metal Jacket, everything after boot camp
Link Posted: 1/1/2018 2:02:56 PM EDT
Pearl Habit and Blair Witch top the list for me of the common ones already mentioned. Avatar gets a dishonorable mention
Link Posted: 1/1/2018 2:05:16 PM EDT
Movies that are popular HERE on arfcom, but sucks balls:
Way of the Gun.  Take out the gun handling and the remaining movie is just shit.
Event Horizon.  Not a good horror move, not a good sci-fi movie.  Just boring.
Link Posted: 1/1/2018 2:06:14 PM EDT
Rogue One.

Could've trimmed it down to the X-Wing/TIE fight at the end and the Death Star blowing shit up and it would've been a better movie.
Link Posted: 1/1/2018 2:11:24 PM EDT
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<snip>   Everything that Clooney has been in except O Brother Where Art Thou.
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But, but, but what about Clooney in From Dusk till Dawn?
Link Posted: 1/1/2018 2:17:06 PM EDT
The Hurt Locker...................that one sucked bad!!!
Link Posted: 1/1/2018 2:22:06 PM EDT
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That is how I saw it. I too wondered why others did not see it that way as well. Additionally, no chick that looks like Rey  is going to make a living scavenging in a desert. Not in this or any other Galaxy.
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Star wars episode 7: The Force Awakens.

Sometimes I think I am in a parallel universe where I'm the only one who sees it's just a cheap copy of the 1977 Star Wars- cute robot wandering around the desert secretly carrying important data, cantina scene with weird aliens, sneaking into an imperial base to rescue a prisoner, bad guy in a black helmet, important character dramatically getting killed, etc etc etc.
That is how I saw it. I too wondered why others did not see it that way as well. Additionally, no chick that looks like Rey  is going to make a living scavenging in a desert. Not in this or any other Galaxy.
VII is pretty well known as "A New Hope, Part 2". Pretty much everyone sees this.
Link Posted: 1/1/2018 2:24:50 PM EDT
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Inglorious Basterds.

Stupid and predictable, plus Tarantino is an overrated douche.
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I find this really surprising. Yeah, it's predictable, but the tension in certain scenes (bar scene) and the dialogue which is just absolutely perfect (and funny at times) makes up for any amount of predictability in the plot. YMMV.
Link Posted: 1/1/2018 2:26:52 PM EDT

The Last Jedi is complete garbage.  2nd only to Avatar.  Phantom Menace is a much better movie.  And that says a lot.
Link Posted: 1/1/2018 3:09:05 PM EDT
The Postman (1997, Kevin Costner)

Link Posted: 1/1/2018 3:14:46 PM EDT
Hunger games...all of them.
Link Posted: 1/1/2018 3:15:10 PM EDT
Pulp Friction

Forrest Hump
Link Posted: 1/1/2018 3:29:31 PM EDT
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Gravity, except for that one scene where the camera went up between Sandra bullocks legs, with a perfect ass shot while she was wearing boy shirt panties.
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That was definitely a stinker IMO.  Hateful Eight was another terrible movie as others mentioned.
Link Posted: 1/1/2018 3:31:41 PM EDT
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I thought so, too... until I actually watched it.

It's a masterpiece.
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Big Lebowski
I thought so, too... until I actually watched it.

It's a masterpiece.
It's a fun movie to watch with some other people after a few beers.  Not so much by yourself.
Link Posted: 1/1/2018 3:33:55 PM EDT
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Lord of the Rings movies, all of them.

They sucked balls.
Too many parallels between Malmo and the Shire.  
Link Posted: 1/1/2018 4:14:27 PM EDT
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The Road. Biggest pile of steaming shit I've ever tried to watch. We were praying for the death of the main characters in the first 10 min.
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Thank you. It's my kind of genre, but holy hell did I turn it off after a few minutes. It just stunk.
Link Posted: 1/1/2018 4:18:58 PM EDT
Pretty much any comic book movie.

Most done-to-death “genre” of our time.
Link Posted: 1/1/2018 7:44:35 PM EDT
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None of that shit matters.
Helen Hunt of that vintage is all that matters.

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Twister,dump every stupid tornado cliche into a 90 minute dodge truck comercial
None of that shit matters.
Helen Hunt of that vintage is all that matters.

She was way hotter in "What Women Want".

Which was a sucky movie but Hot Helen Hunt.

Bonus Marisa Tomei scenes.
Link Posted: 1/1/2018 7:58:18 PM EDT
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Red Dawn

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Link Posted: 1/1/2018 8:05:02 PM EDT
Super Troopers.
Link Posted: 1/1/2018 8:21:30 PM EDT
High Fidelity

Stupid 80's shit.
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 12:50:01 AM EDT
Avatar, lone survivor, interstellar

Remembered some more. Pearl harbor which has been said. Also one that surprisingly hasn't been said, EVERY SINGLE JARHEAD MOVIE!
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 2:14:56 AM EDT
No Country For Old Men
Reservoir Dogs
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 2:19:25 AM EDT
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Anything related to The Fast and Furious.
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No way Bra!  Don't hate.. rice is nice!
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 2:40:43 AM EDT
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Heat. Boring as hell with few exceptions it was slow.
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You’re just asking for a ban aren’t you?

Link Posted: 1/2/2018 3:43:57 AM EDT
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Watched about 45 minutes of the hateful eight last night... horrible
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Came to post Avatar and saw this. I still haven't seen The Hateful Eight but I got bored 5 minutes into the Cinema Sins episode on it. That probably means something.


Zero Dark Thirty blew also.
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 3:49:57 AM EDT
All of them.
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 4:09:19 AM EDT
Every Adam Sandler film
Every Steven Seagal film
Every National Lampoon's film
Every werewolf in _____ film
Half of Quentin Tarantino's films.
American Psycho
All of the Twilight films
The Big Lebowski
Hurt Locker
Blackhawk Down
Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day
All of the Final Destination films
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 7:12:20 AM EDT
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Red Dawn

That was a kid's movie.  GI Joe fantasy-land.
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 7:48:06 AM EDT
The Big Lebowski
All the Star Wars movies except the first one
Slum Dog
Fifty Shades of Gray
John Wick ll
Any Tarantino movie except Pulp Fiction
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 8:20:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 8:23:31 AM EDT
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The Big Lebowski
All the Star Wars movies except the first one
Slum Dog
Fifty Shades of Gray
John Wick ll
Any Tarantino movie except Pulp Fiction
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Link Posted: 1/2/2018 8:39:16 AM EDT
There Will Be Blood
Man I hate that movie. Mind numbing boring from start to finish.
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 9:05:55 AM EDT
When I was a kid Crocodile Dundee was awesome.

I watched it again as an adult and those films are horrible.
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 9:52:58 AM EDT
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Every Adam Sandler film
Every Steven Seagal film
Every National Lampoon's film
Every werewolf in _____ film
Half of Quentin Tarantino's films.
American Psycho
All of the Twilight films
The Big Lebowski
Hurt Locker
Blackhawk Down
Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day
All of the Final Destination films
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I would like to hear your reasoning on why Blackhawk Down deserves to be on this list.

Link Posted: 1/2/2018 10:09:14 AM EDT
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Avatar, lone survivor, interstellar

Remembered some more. Pearl harbor which has been said. Also one that surprisingly hasn't been said, EVERY SINGLE JARHEAD MOVIE!
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I actually really liked Interstellar.
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 10:13:54 AM EDT
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I actually really liked Interstellar.
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Avatar, lone survivor, interstellar

Remembered some more. Pearl harbor which has been said. Also one that surprisingly hasn't been said, EVERY SINGLE JARHEAD MOVIE!
I actually really liked Interstellar.
Interstellar was good.
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 10:30:24 AM EDT
A list of ARFCOM's favorite movies that suck fat dick.

Pacific Rim

No Country for Old Men

District 9

Blackhawk Down
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 11:19:34 AM EDT
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Interstellar was good.
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Avatar, lone survivor, interstellar

Remembered some more. Pearl harbor which has been said. Also one that surprisingly hasn't been said, EVERY SINGLE JARHEAD MOVIE!
I actually really liked Interstellar.
Interstellar was good.
It was great, but not a "light" movie.
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 11:20:18 AM EDT
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The Big Lebowski
All the Star Wars movies except the first one
Slum Dog
Fifty Shades of Gray
John Wick ll
Any Tarantino movie except Pulp Fiction
My thoughts as well.

Logan was fantastic.
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 11:28:31 AM EDT
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A list of ARFCOM's favorite movies that suck fat dick.

Pacific Rim

No Country for Old Men

District 9

Blackhawk Down
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Link Posted: 1/2/2018 11:30:51 AM EDT
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The Blair Witch Project - horror movie with a first person point-of-view camcorder feel. Interest concept/idea. Had a lot of positive press. It started out interesting, but the ending sucked.
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And to my memory launched the fad of intentionally bad camera work. Everyone decided it was cool to have the viewer’s perspective be this jiggly, jerky, stomach turning nonsense we see all the time today.
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 11:31:03 AM EDT
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Lord of the Rings movies, all of them.

They sucked balls.
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This, watched them all with friends, couldn't get into any of them. Too long and incredibly boring.
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 11:33:18 AM EDT
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Lord of the Rings movies, all of them.

They sucked balls.
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what the fuck

edit: I will say I hated all of the Hobbit movies

Agree Hateful Eight was bad

Didn't like Pacific Rim at all
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 11:37:14 AM EDT
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Watched about 45 minutes of the hateful eight last night... horrible
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I was blown away when I watched Resevoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction in college.

I struggled to watch H8 all the way through.

I’m not sure if it’s me or it’s just that i’ve seen it all before. The gratuitous violence, obscenities, etc. came off as shocking in a very avant-garde way back in college. Now I just kinda shake my head in irritation and disgust.
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 11:39:25 AM EDT
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You mean like literally according to the title of this topic?
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 11:40:36 AM EDT
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what the fuck

edit: I will say I hated all of the Hobbit movies

Agree Hateful Eight was bad

Didn't like Pacific Rim at all
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Lord of the Rings movies, all of them.

They sucked balls.
what the fuck

edit: I will say I hated all of the Hobbit movies

Agree Hateful Eight was bad

Didn't like Pacific Rim at all
DK-Prof, we got some live ones.

Link Posted: 1/2/2018 11:45:03 AM EDT
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Pulp Fiction
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Link Posted: 1/2/2018 11:52:36 AM EDT
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My thoughts as well.

Logan was fantastic.
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The Big Lebowski
All the Star Wars movies except the first one
Slum Dog
Fifty Shades of Gray
John Wick ll
Any Tarantino movie except Pulp Fiction
My thoughts as well.

Logan was fantastic.
It’s all subjective. I stand by my list but some hate what I love on here and vice versa. If you explain some nuance of Logan or why you loved it I’ll give it another another shot. I try to keep an open mind.
Link Posted: 1/2/2018 2:13:33 PM EDT
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