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Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:07:04 PM EDT
ETA: I'm in the Ohio National Guard, If we get the order I am refusing it.

Enjoy Leavenworth. I understand they allow trustees to work road details in the summer.

Ever hear of unlawful orders?
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:07:31 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:07:42 PM EDT
Over a what?

Jeez, where do you guys keep coming from?

Oh. I'm sorry. Is it a religion for you or something? Did JMB take a stroll on the water one day, then make the 1911?

Hang on a couple of minutes while I go pop some popcorn, mmmmkay?

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:07:56 PM EDT
Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Complete and utter fail this post is..
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:08:30 PM EDT
If the NYPD gets involved the bystander body counts will be horrific.

I could only imagine how much hell would be unleashed by the populace on the "enforcers".  It would make Iraq look like kids play.  

not to mention if that started happening how much infrastructure would start magically shutting down.....entire power grids, water, sewage, trash control, communications, flights, you name it.  NYC would be a jungle in about ten minutes

it would be ugly very quick

You over estimate our power! I'm going to pull a number out of my ass 99.99% of NYers will comply because law abiding citizens do that

+1 the tree of liberty will not be quenched anytime soon.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:08:31 PM EDT
I know a few local leo hoping they get to confiscate.  They assume they will get to keep what they take.

I know a bunch of local LEOs that are fighting gun control as hard as anyone on here.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:08:32 PM EDT

ETA: I'm in the Ohio National Guard, If we get the order I am refusing it.

Enjoy Leavenworth. I understand they allow trustees to work road details in the summer.

Ever hear of unlawful orders?
I booted him


That was a fast one, Penguin.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:08:55 PM EDT

ETA: I'm in the Ohio National Guard, If we get the order I am refusing it.

Enjoy Leavenworth. I understand they allow trustees to work road details in the summer.

Ever hear of unlawful orders?
I booted him



Aren't you supposed to be drinking some 'spiked' eggnog?  
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:09:06 PM EDT


a hobby?

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:09:06 PM EDT

ETA: I'm in the Ohio National Guard, If we get the order I am refusing it.

Enjoy Leavenworth. I understand they allow trustees to work road details in the summer.

Ever hear of unlawful orders?
I booted him


Thank you.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:09:07 PM EDT
Okay, some of you need to read the story:

Amid talk of reinstating the assault weapons ban that expired eight
years ago, police departments nationwide are thinking of ways to
confiscate such weapons.

As WCBS 880’s Marla Diamond reported, among the departments considering
taking action is the NYPD. Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said if
Congress were to reinstate the ban, police are wondering whether it will
be their responsibility to confiscate them.

The cretin who wrote the story is assuming 1) that the previous federal ban allowed for confiscation, 2) that local police departments would take the lead on enforcing a federal law which doesn't allow outlaw possession, and 3) that Ray Kelly knows what the hell he is talking about.

This probably the dumbest story I've read in a long time.  
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:09:52 PM EDT
ETA: I'm in the Ohio National Guard, If we get the order I am refusing it.

Enjoy Leavenworth. I understand they allow trustees to work road details in the summer.

Order is unlawful; I have refused an unlawful order and never seen Leavenworth.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:09:59 PM EDT
Over a what?

Jeez, where do you guys keep coming from?

Oh. I'm sorry. Is it a religion for you or something? Did JMB take a stroll on the water one day, then make the 1911?

Wow. The ignorance you're displaying is truly monumental.

And I don't own a 1911 (not that it's even relevant).

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:10:08 PM EDT
ETA: I'm in the Ohio National Guard, If we get the order I am refusing it.

Enjoy Leavenworth. I understand they allow trustees to work road details in the summer.

I went in the Regular Army in 2007, I got out August of this year and went into the Ohio National Guard. I raised my hand and swore to uphold the constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, Foreign and Domestic
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:10:59 PM EDT
Over a what?

Jeez, where do you guys keep coming from?

Oh. I'm sorry. Is it a religion for you or something? Did JMB take a stroll on the water one day, then make the 1911?

maybe you should go check out DU its  <------------------ way
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:11:09 PM EDT
Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

At what point does one say "no" to tyranny?
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:11:13 PM EDT

ETA: I'm in the Ohio National Guard, If we get the order I am refusing it.

Enjoy Leavenworth. I understand they allow trustees to work road details in the summer.

Ever hear of unlawful orders?
I booted him


Darn! I haven't seen a good evisceration in a long time.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:11:19 PM EDT

ETA: I'm in the Ohio National Guard, If we get the order I am refusing it.

Enjoy Leavenworth. I understand they allow trustees to work road details in the summer.

Ever hear of unlawful orders?
I booted him


Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:11:25 PM EDT
Over a what?

Jeez, where do you guys keep coming from?

Oh. I'm sorry. Is it a religion for you or something? Did JMB take a stroll on the water one day, then make the 1911?

He took a stroll over a lake of bourbon the day he created the 1911. Can't you trolls even keep the fucking facts straight? Not like facts are your strong suit anyway, by the look of it.

Eta) bummer. I took too long with the lake of bourbon thing.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:12:17 PM EDT
First post rule, and nicely understated.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:12:43 PM EDT


Okay, some of you need to read the story:
Amid talk of reinstating the assault weapons ban that expired eight years ago, police departments nationwide are thinking of ways to confiscate such weapons.

As WCBS 880’s Marla Diamond reported, among the departments considering taking action is the NYPD. Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said if Congress were to reinstate the ban, police are wondering whether it will be their responsibility to confiscate them.

The cretin who wrote the story is assuming 1) that the previous federal ban allowed for confiscation, 2) that local police departments would take the lead on enforcing a federal law which doesn't allow outlaw possession, and 3) that Ray Kelly knows what the hell he is talking about.

This probably the dumbest story I've read in a long time.  

plus, NYC has already had a very strict AWB since the 90's.  why no confiscation talk before?

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:13:44 PM EDT
Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

It isn't murder, and it certainly isn't advocating "cop killing". Leave my family of law-abiding, Constitutionally-protected gun owners alone, or suffer the consequences if you attempt to disarm us. Your use of the word "hobby" showcases your lack of understanding.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:14:09 PM EDT
I am not saying I wouldn't give them up or that I am going out shooting, but I am not handing anything over with being paid fair value.

There is a process by which the state can seize private property, but it involves due process and/or compensation.

You have already lost....

You are probably right. My daddy raised me better, so I should know..

However I don't think I can fire on an American doing his job any more than I expect an American soldier to fire on citizens over this, regardless of what Washington does. Plus I am confident it won't come to this.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:14:13 PM EDT
Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:14:38 PM EDT
Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Over a what?

Jeez, where do you guys keep coming from?

I always get a kick out of that. To some folks its not a hobby. Around here owning and carrying guns is a natural part of life.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:15:53 PM EDT

Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Over a what?

Jeez, where do you guys keep coming from?

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:17:08 PM EDT
Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

Don't embarrass yourself. No one is advocating cop killing.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:19:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:19:04 PM EDT

ETA: I'm in the Ohio National Guard, If we get the order I am refusing it.

Enjoy Leavenworth. I understand they allow trustees to work road details in the summer.

Ever hear of unlawful orders?
I booted him


Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:19:17 PM EDT

Never, not a single one.  Totally unconstitutional.

In NY the reaction will be "you don't need those anyways, sure wish my department issued rifle plates"  

there was an article in the Ny hometown forum today that someone was arrested for carrying outside the restrictions (hunting only) on his permit. No way is that a penal law violation, he still got arrested. A couple of months ago a guy got arrested for having an illegal suppressor when what he really had was one of those .22lr hk clones with the fake suppressor, still got arrested. Kid in Rochester got arrested for having 'illegal assault weapons' even though they were legal post ban guns, the DA agreed to let the grand jury toss it basically but the kid still got arrested and hired a top flight Rochester criminal defense guy which I would guess was a $ 50k plus payment his parents made.

I foresee almost no NY police officers giving up their pensions and .gov jobs over principle, lose their houses and go live in an apartment and make a living as a security guard or swinging a hammer (if they can find work). There are certainly exceptions, but the overriding attitude here will be "you never needed one of those and better just give them up or else"

In your professional opinion, and as a gun owner and someone educated on the 2nd amendment (and law in general), do you seriously think that outright confiscation is even plausible? I can't envision something like that passing into law. The logistics and economics alone make it a ridiculously expensive undertaking. Factor in the idea that it's completely unconstitutional, and you have a bill that should be unpassable. But I'm not a legal scholar...you are.

Is there a real chance a law enabling confiscation could ever become a reality in our country?
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:20:01 PM EDT


Over a what?

Jeez, where do you guys keep coming from?

Oh. I'm sorry. Is it a religion for you or something? Did JMB take a stroll on the water one day, then make the 1911?

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:21:23 PM EDT
I am not saying I wouldn't give them up or that I am going out shooting, but I am not handing anything over with being paid fair value.

There is a process by which the state can seize private property, but it involves due process and/or compensation.

You have already lost....

You are probably right. My daddy raised me better, so I should know..

However I don't think I can fire on an American doing his job any more than I expect an American soldier to fire on citizens over this, regardless of what Washington does. Plus I am confident it won't come to this.

At the point where LEO's aren't defending the Constitution anymore they aren't doing their job properly..
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:22:25 PM EDT
I know a few local leo hoping they get to confiscate.  They assume they will get to keep what they take.

They can have all the fucking ammo they want, and they can keep it too.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:22:52 PM EDT
You wouldn't have to threaten cops or fire shots in anger.

Like someone said, other acts of civil disobediance like power outages, etc. would send a powerful message.


P.S.--Thanks, Aimless, for taking out the trash.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:24:56 PM EDT
ETA: I'm in the Ohio National Guard, If we get the order I am refusing it.

Enjoy Leavenworth. I understand they allow trustees to work road details in the summer.

Non title 10 Guardsmen are NOT subject to the UCMJ. The worst that they would do is kick him out. But the orders are unlawful so the point is moot.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:25:13 PM EDT

Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

Wow talk about defending anything, even firearms confiscation at gunpoint  

No that aint it, but posters like BWood and his usual BS about killing cops can fly? seriously?

<-----This cop is one of the most 2A defenders you'll ever meet, and aint gonna confiscate shit........but there are some real tough MF'ers here though.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:25:15 PM EDT
Won' comment on this one!
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:25:50 PM EDT
I am not saying I wouldn't give them up or that I am going out shooting, but I am not handing anything over with being paid fair value.

There is a process by which the state can seize private property, but it involves due process and/or compensation.

You have already lost....

You are probably right. My daddy raised me better, so I should know..

However I don't think I can fire on an American doing his job any more than I expect an American soldier to fire on citizens over this, regardless of what Washington does. Plus I am confident it won't come to this.

At the point where LEO's aren't defending the Constitution anymore they aren't doing their job properly..

I would flat out refuse and attempt to influence anyone that would listen at my department to do the same.

Of course GD doesn't want to acknowledge that I can do so because I know my police union will back me and that I am in the right.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:26:16 PM EDT
Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

Don't embarrass yourself. No one is advocating cop killing.

i must have a fucking reading comprehension problem then.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:26:34 PM EDT
Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Hobby?  Who the fuck r u?
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:26:35 PM EDT

Never, not a single one.  Totally unconstitutional.

In NY the reaction will be "you don't need those anyways, sure wish my department issued rifle plates"  

there was an article in the Ny hometown forum today that someone was arrested for carrying outside the restrictions (hunting only) on his permit. No way is that a penal law violation, he still got arrested. A couple of months ago a guy got arrested for having an illegal suppressor when what he really had was one of those .22lr hk clones with the fake suppressor, still got arrested. Kid in Rochester got arrested for having 'illegal assault weapons' even though they were legal post ban guns, the DA agreed to let the grand jury toss it basically but the kid still got arrested and hired a top flight Rochester criminal defense guy which I would guess was a $ 50k plus payment his parents made.

I foresee almost no NY police officers giving up their pensions and .gov jobs over principle, lose their houses and go live in an apartment and make a living as a security guard or swinging a hammer (if they can find work). There are certainly exceptions, but the overriding attitude here will be "you never needed one of those and better just give them up or else"

until a few grow extra orifices at 2800fps....

I like the way you think. We should be friends.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:26:59 PM EDT
I am not saying I wouldn't give them up or that I am going out shooting, but I am not handing anything over with being paid fair value.

There is a process by which the state can seize private property, but it involves due process and/or compensation.

You have already lost....

You are probably right. My daddy raised me better, so I should know..

However I don't think I can fire on an American doing his job any more than I expect an American soldier to fire on citizens over this, regardless of what Washington does. Plus I am confident it won't come to this.

At the point where LEO's aren't defending the Constitution anymore they aren't doing their job properly..

I would flat out refuse and attempt to influence anyone that would listen at my department to do the same.

Of course GD doesn't want to acknowledge that I can do so because I know my police union will back me and that I am in the right.


Amen brother.....+1,000,000
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:27:27 PM EDT
Regarding the original post, all of the boat accidents happened in NYC a long, long time ago. Ray Kelly has nothing to confiscate, even though he clearly wishes he did.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:28:03 PM EDT

Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

Wow talk about defending anything, even firearms confiscation at gunpoint  

No that aint it, but posters like BWood and his usual BS about killing cops can fly? seriously?

<-----This cop is one of the most 2A defenders you'll ever meet, and aint gonna confiscate shit........but there are some real tough MF'ers here though.

You're off the mark. Put down the Christmas ale

Some have made their choice and are at peace. Call that being a "real tough MF'er" if you want.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:28:13 PM EDT
Yeah, I can see those orders going over like a fart in church. I'd bet more than half would just quit on the spot. The rest, well, I don't think they would like the result.

I'm not trying to be confrontational, I'd just like some clarification. Please list the instances where cops have refused similar orders. Please list any individual cops you are aware of in IL, MA, NY, CT, MD, CA, or other states who quit rather than enforce blatantly unConstitutional orders to seize weapons. Please list any cop shops that have refuse en masse to enforce such laws.

Unfortunately, with history as our teacher, only a small percentage will refuse to 'follow orders'.  There will be some that will refuse and they have to be commended for their courage.  But the ugly fact is that 'group think' is very strong.  A good study of this is Christopher Browning's Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland and here.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:29:07 PM EDT
Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

Don't embarrass yourself. No one is advocating cop killing.

i must have a fucking reading comprehension problem then.

Perhaps. I'm not qualified to say.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:29:43 PM EDT

... Ouch! Fuck.
Wouldn't wanna be the cop that got that order!

Especially since according to the article they'd be enforcing a federal law that didn't actually require confiscation.

They are talking about a NY state ban.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:30:16 PM EDT

At the point a so called government official comes to your door to take your firearms they are no longer law abiding citizens but criminals, no better than any thief.

At this point, tyranny is in full swing and it's time to do the right thing.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:31:37 PM EDT

Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

Wow talk about defending anything, even firearms confiscation at gunpoint  

No that aint it, but posters like BWood and his usual BS about killing cops can fly? seriously?

<-----This cop is one of the most 2A defenders you'll ever meet, and aint gonna confiscate shit........but there are some real tough MF'ers here though.

It's not about being tough. It's about knowing that weapon confiscation is only a first step down a very dangerous path.

Many of us have studied late 1930s Germany enough to know where that can lead in a very short period of time.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:31:41 PM EDT

ETA: I'm in the Ohio National Guard, If we get the order I am refusing it.

Enjoy Leavenworth. I understand they allow trustees to work road details in the summer.

Ever hear of unlawful orders?
I booted him


No Homo, but I have always like you now I know why.

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