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Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:33:46 PM EDT
I am not saying I wouldn't give them up or that I am going out shooting, but I am not handing anything over with being paid fair value.

There is a process by which the state can seize private property, but it involves due process and/or compensation.

You have already lost....

You are probably right. My daddy raised me better, so I should know..

However I don't think I can fire on an American doing his job any more than I expect an American soldier to fire on citizens over this, regardless of what Washington does. Plus I am confident it won't come to this.

"Gimmee your guns.  Cummon, im just doing my job."
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:33:50 PM EDT
ETA: I'm in the Ohio National Guard, If we get the order I am refusing it.

Enjoy Leavenworth. I understand they allow trustees to work road details in the summer.

I went in the Regular Army in 2007, I got out August of this year and went into the Ohio National Guard. I raised my hand and swore to uphold the constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, Foreign and Domestic

Thank you sir,glad we have good people on the side of right and freedom.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:33:54 PM EDT
I am not saying I wouldn't give them up or that I am going out shooting, but I am not handing anything over with being paid fair value.

There is a process by which the state can seize private property, but it involves due process and/or compensation.

You have already lost....

You are probably right. My daddy raised me better, so I should know..

However I don't think I can fire on an American doing his job any more than I expect an American soldier to fire on citizens over this, regardless of what Washington does. Plus I am confident it won't come to this.

At the point where LEO's aren't defending the Constitution anymore they aren't doing their job properly..

I would flat out refuse and attempt to influence anyone that would listen at my department to do the same.

Of course GD doesn't want to acknowledge that I can do so because I know my police union will back me and that I am in the right.


Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:33:56 PM EDT

Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

Wow talk about defending anything, even firearms confiscation at gunpoint  

This is why people like you Aimless.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:35:13 PM EDT

Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

Wow talk about defending anything, even firearms confiscation at gunpoint  

No that aint it, but posters like BWood and his usual BS about killing cops can fly? seriously?

<-----This cop is one of the most 2A defenders you'll ever meet, and aint gonna confiscate shit........but there are some real tough MF'ers here though.

Then why even worry about it?  You're one of the good guys.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:35:59 PM EDT
Sanctioned government killings basically.

They'd be no-knock "high-risk" warrants and officer safety would prompt immediate lethal force to be applied upon entry.  A chance to go in and play "soldier" (or at least their understanding of one) against civilians they highly outnumber and outgun.

Press wouldn't do much to report about it. Some local news reports, but they'd skew each person as a vicious potential killer of children who the brave police put down.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:41:12 PM EDT
I don't think that many here truly understand how fragile the infrastructure is in our country.  Power grids can be crashed rapidly by those knowing how.  There are a lot of people that know how.  Can you imagine how quickly an area would disintegrate into chaos IF LE tried to enforce a law to eliminate our rights?

Cell Towers
Power Plants
Navigation for air
Trucking of Food
Waste Collection
Radio Communication

Do you think that many of the conservative members who operate the above would just sit idly by?  

Careful what you wish for...you may get it is the saying that sticks in my mind.

I would think that IF....our government made the call to attempt this foolishness....they would have to mobilize the entire Mil to guard infrastructure.....if they think that 100% would do that...they would be wrong.  Many of us took oaths to uphold and defend our Constitution.....and a great many of us plan on upholding that oath.  

I think the founding fathers planned it out pretty well

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:43:17 PM EDT

Never, not a single one.  Totally unconstitutional.

In NY the reaction will be "you don't need those anyways, sure wish my department issued rifle plates"  

there was an article in the Ny hometown forum today that someone was arrested for carrying outside the restrictions (hunting only) on his permit. No way is that a penal law violation, he still got arrested. A couple of months ago a guy got arrested for having an illegal suppressor when what he really had was one of those .22lr hk clones with the fake suppressor, still got arrested. Kid in Rochester got arrested for having 'illegal assault weapons' even though they were legal post ban guns, the DA agreed to let the grand jury toss it basically but the kid still got arrested and hired a top flight Rochester criminal defense guy which I would guess was a $ 50k plus payment his parents made.

I foresee almost no NY police officers giving up their pensions and .gov jobs over principle, lose their houses and go live in an apartment and make a living as a security guard or swinging a hammer (if they can find work). There are certainly exceptions, but the overriding attitude here will be "you never needed one of those and better just give them up or else"

Talk  like  that ( confiscation ) coming  from  Albany  or  anywheres  else  in  America  is  reckless  to  say  the  least , and  could  get  downright  unhealthy .  
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:46:29 PM EDT
I doubt there are many cops that want to go door to door and possibly get into shootouts with Joe Public. A lot of citizens that would draw the line would be lawabiding people that never had any criminal record.

Eta: Most cops are good people, contrary to many on Arfcom. They just want to try to help their communities and go home at the end of the shift. Going door to door wouldn't improve the odds of either of those things, so why would they want it. Simple, I'm sure most don't.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:48:23 PM EDT
I am not trying to encourage anyone else, it is just the result I came up with for my situation and demeanor.

I certainly understand where y'all are coming from.

Keep writing. I fired off a second salvo of real letters to all my legislators, POTUS & veep this morning.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:51:15 PM EDT
Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

It's not a hobby there sport.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:52:36 PM EDT
I know a few local leo hoping they get to confiscate.  They assume they will get to keep what they take.

I'm going to assume any LEO who comes to my door looking to confiscate has the same mindset

Makes it easier on me
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:54:41 PM EDT
ETA: I'm in the Ohio National Guard, If we get the order I am refusing it.

Enjoy Leavenworth. I understand they allow trustees to work road details in the summer.

How about you have a nice cup of shut the fuck up?

You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:56:04 PM EDT
I only have one cop "friend," a guy I talk to the at the gym.  He's only like 23 years old and works at a small department.  He said he'd quit before being subjected to the danger of confiscating guns.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:58:22 PM EDT
Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

If they are violating their oath to uphold the constition by violating it hen they cease to be cops and become common thieves and should be dealt with accordingly
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 4:58:46 PM EDT

ETA: I'm in the Ohio National Guard, If we get the order I am refusing it.

Enjoy Leavenworth. I understand they allow trustees to work road details in the summer.

Ever hear of unlawful orders?
I booted him


Thank you
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:02:30 PM EDT


I am not saying I wouldn't give them up or that I am going out shooting, but I am not handing anything over with being paid fair value.

There is a process by which the state can seize private property, but it involves due process and/or compensation.

If they can ignore the second amendment, what makes you think they will respect the last part of the fifth? It is not like NY with their gross misuse of 'Terry Stops' have followed the fifth to begin with. Keep redrawing your line and obey the new laws. 1934. 1968. 1986. 1990. 1993. 1994. 2013?
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:02:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:04:11 PM EDT
Another point I would like to make, are they going to every door in the country side, searching every residence? Are they going to search through thousands and thousands of 4473s and pulling the ones for "assualt weapons" that may not be in the original purchasers possession. It is almost an impossibility. If they wanted to take them they would have to kick in EVERYONE's door gunowner or not. If you think the populace would stand for that you're nuts.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:07:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:08:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:09:07 PM EDT



No that aint it, but posters like BWood and his usual BS about killing cops can fly? seriously?

<-----This cop is one of the most 2A defenders you'll ever meet, and aint gonna confiscate shit........but there are some real tough MF'ers here though.

Then why even worry about it?  You're one of the good guys.....



Always a "But" with those guys. Careful who you assume is good..

So, you "ain't gonna confiscate shit......", eh? Will you take any action against those who most assuredly will "confiscate shit" as they break their (and your) oath and in particular, the Second Amendment to the US Constitution you claim to hold so dear? Do you just watch & not try to stop them? At what point are you on the same side as those you love to disparage & call "real tough MF'ers"? Is there ever a time to say "enough", or is giving up that sweet ass pension the extent of your rebellion? Those were rhetorical questions, of course.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:09:13 PM EDT
Over a what?

Jeez, where do you guys keep coming from?

Oh. I'm sorry. Is it a religion for you or something? Did JMB take a stroll on the water one day, then make the 1911?

He took a stroll over a lake of bourbon the day he created the 1911. Can't you trolls even keep the fucking facts straight? Not like facts are your strong suit anyway, by the look of it.

Eta) bummer. I took too long with the lake of bourbon thing.

John Moses Browning was a Mormon. He likely did not drink at all.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:09:34 PM EDT
For you guys that are willing to spill blood to fight tyranny, you do know that there are other options besides becoming a martyr, right? Assuming you don't have all your eggs in one basket, if a SWAT team does a dynamic entrance on your home, in order to confiscate your weapons, you can choose to live and fight another day. When you are out numbered and outgunned, there is no shame in fading into the woods (or city) and commencing insurgency operations against the enemies of liberty.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:09:55 PM EDT
Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

This isn't a fucking hobby kid.

Our forefathers rebelled against the British after they tried to disarm them. Many left their wives, and families to face certain death on the battlefield.

If you're not ready to do the same then sign out, and turn them all in now.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:10:56 PM EDT




I am not saying I wouldn't give them up or that I am going out shooting, but I am not handing anything over with being paid fair value.

There is a process by which the state can seize private property, but it involves due process and/or compensation.

You have already lost....

You are probably right. My daddy raised me better, so I should know..

However I don't think I can fire on an American doing his job any more than I expect an American soldier to fire on citizens over this, regardless of what Washington does. Plus I am confident it won't come to this.

That's not his job. Complete 180 from what their job actually is.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:11:23 PM EDT




Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

If you go to someone's house to steal their property at gunpoint, you're just a fucking thief, and you deserve it.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:11:47 PM EDT

Who knows, NYSP as refused orders to carry out arrests on and near the reservations before because they knew it would look like the big scene from a Miami Vice episode.

I think it's easier for them to make everything illegal and leave people alone as long as they never take the prohibited items out of their house. I could make an illegal machinegun tomorrow. So what does an honest, regular guy do then? Can't go shoot it, can't use it to defend your home. You can go down in the cellar and take it out and fondle it when your family is in bed.*They can end ar15 ownership pretty much in a generation without a shot fired.

* that came out wrong

And this is how it will happen. There won't be any systematic roundup. They'll just be illegal to possess (or more likely, transfer) and the private ownership of semiauto rifles with X features, and magazines with more than 10 rounds, will just slowly wither away. People won't inherit them, sell them to the next generation, etc.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:13:31 PM EDT



Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

It isn't a hobby.  It is a basic right.  

Going door to door confiscating weapons, regardless of what obviously, blatantly, unconstitutional law was passed (in this case, being both wrong on 2A and ex post facto grounds) makes you a domestic enemy to the Constitution.

Advocating the violent refusal to give up your weapons in a door to door confiscation isn't advocating "cop killing."  Anyone who participated in such an action has willfully given up their protected status in such a hypothetical scenario, regardless of what badge they carry or uniform they wear.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:14:06 PM EDT


No that aint it, but posters like BWood and his usual BS about killing cops can fly? seriously?

<-----This cop is one of the most 2A defenders you'll ever meet, and aint gonna confiscate shit........but there are some real tough MF'ers here though.

Then why even worry about it?  You're one of the good guys.....


Always a "But" with those guys. Careful who you assume is good..

So, you "ain't gonna confiscate shit......", eh? Will you take any action against those who most assuredly will "confiscate shit" as they break their (and your) oath and in particular, the Second Amendment to the US Constitution you claim to hold so dear? Do you just watch & not try to stop them? At what point are you on the same side as those you love to disparage & call "real tough MF'ers"? Is there ever a time to say "enough", or is giving up that sweet ass pension the extent of your rebellion? Those were rhetorical questions, of course.

Yes I will.......and move to Texas with the rest of my family,
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:14:54 PM EDT






Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning

Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?
Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.
Don't embarrass yourself. No one is advocating cop killing.

i must have a fucking reading comprehension problem then.
A pretty severe one if you can't tell the difference between a stating a fact and advocating something.

That's like saying people who believe we will be attacked by terrorists if we pull out of Afghanistan are advocating terrorist attacks, or that you're advocating gun confiscation

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:16:35 PM EDT
Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Complete and utter fail this post is..

Im think dude does not know his American history very well. What was the final line on the Declaration? Oh yeah "Our lives, our fortunes, our sacred honor"!

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:16:50 PM EDT
I doubt there are many cops that want to go door to door and possibly get into shootouts with Joe Public. A lot of citizens that would draw the line would be lawabiding people that never had any criminal record.

Eta: Most cops are good people, contrary to many on Arfcom. They just want to try to help their communities and go home at the end of the shift. Going door to door wouldn't improve the odds of either of those things, so why would they want it. Simple, I'm sure most don't.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

I agree with you

the majority are great.  The few that are bad soil it

I am more worried about corrupt / power hungry politicians than any LE
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:18:19 PM EDT
For you guys that are willing to spill blood to fight tyranny, you do know that there are other options besides becoming a martyr, right? Assuming you don't have all your eggs in one basket, if a SWAT team does a dynamic entrance on your home, in order to confiscate your weapons, you can choose to live and fight another day. When you are out numbered and outgunned, there is no shame in fading into the woods (or city) and commencing insurgency operations against the enemies of liberty.

Just like the Founding Fathers did

Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson would be proud
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:18:36 PM EDT





No that aint it, but posters like BWood and his usual BS about killing cops can fly? seriously?

<-----This cop is one of the most 2A defenders you'll ever meet, and aint gonna confiscate shit........but there are some real tough MF'ers here though.

Then why even worry about it?  You're one of the good guys.....


Always a "But" with those guys. Careful who you assume is good..

So, you "ain't gonna confiscate shit......", eh? Will you take any action against those who most assuredly will "confiscate shit" as they break their (and your) oath and in particular, the Second Amendment to the US Constitution you claim to hold so dear? Do you just watch & not try to stop them? At what point are you on the same side as those you love to disparage & call "real tough MF'ers"? Is there ever a time to say "enough", or is giving up that sweet ass pension the extent of your rebellion? Those were rhetorical questions, of course.

Yes I will.......and move to Texas with the rest of my family,

Well. If that's true, I hope you make it.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:20:46 PM EDT
This part of the article bothers me the most:

Adam Lanza used a Bushmaster .223 assault rifle to kill 26 people inside the school, including 20 children. Police said Lanza did not use the two handguns he also had with him.

Now I though he used a couple of handguns?  WTF?
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:21:17 PM EDT

Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

It isn't a hobby.  It is a basic right.  

Going door to door confiscating weapons, regardless of what obviously, blatantly, unconstitutional law was passed (in this case, being both wrong on 2A and ex post facto grounds) makes you a domestic enemy to the Constitution.

Advocating the violent refusal to give up your weapons in a door to door confiscation isn't advocating "cop killing."  Anyone who participated in such an action has willfully given up their protected status in such a hypothetical scenario, regardless of what badge they carry or uniform they wear.

+1 Been involved with LE my whole life.  Confiscation is unconstitutional, and goes well beyond just the 2nd.  

And sure as FUCK, its NOT just a hobby to me.  Its a way of life and something worth fighting for. Any of you sunshine patriots who think that's all it is can get to steppin'.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:21:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:21:55 PM EDT
For you guys that are willing to spill blood to fight tyranny, you do know that there are other options besides becoming a martyr, right? Assuming you don't have all your eggs in one basket, if a SWAT team does a dynamic entrance on your home, in order to confiscate your weapons, you can choose to live and fight another day. When you are out numbered and outgunned, there is no shame in fading into the woods (or city) and commencing insurgency operations against the enemies of liberty.

I would assume only the first few doors would be kicked in.  Then the news of the entries would be on the street, facebook, local news and word of mouth. Then it would be a whole different ball game, because the people confiscating would not have the advantage of surprise.

I would even go as far to say these people would be running into opposition on the street, eta they would be targets of verbal confrontation and possible lethal confrontation,
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:22:50 PM EDT
This won't end well.

99% would probably hand them over after the knock on the door, having too much to lose to make a one man stand.  The other 1%?  Well...I wouldn't want to be the cop on the doorstep.  
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:23:04 PM EDT
If the NYPD gets involved the bystander body counts will be horrific.

Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:24:14 PM EDT
Eta: Most cops are good people, contrary to many on Arfcom. They just want to try to help their communities and go home at the end of the shift. Going door to door wouldn't improve the odds of either of those things, so why would they want it. Simple, I'm sure most don't.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile[/quote]

I agree with you

the majority are great.  The few that are bad soil it

I am more worried about corrupt / power hungry politicians than any LE[/quote]

Absolutely, the politicians are the problem
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:24:59 PM EDT
That would be a bad idea.  Doing so would show support for totalitarianism.

Bloomberg holds the reins. Let's see how full of shit the whole thing turns out.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:25:23 PM EDT
It has really been a strange and disappointing year, damn.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:25:27 PM EDT

Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

Wow talk about defending anything, even firearms confiscation at gunpoint  

No that aint it, but posters like BWood and his usual BS about killing cops can fly? seriously?

<-----This cop is one of the most 2A defenders you'll ever meet, and aint gonna confiscate shit........but there are some real tough MF'ers here though.

You certainly wouldn't confiscate mine.  You ain't got balls enough.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:29:19 PM EDT

Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

Wow talk about defending anything, even firearms confiscation at gunpoint  

No that aint it, but posters like BWood and his usual BS about killing cops can fly? seriously?

<-----This cop is one of the most 2A defenders you'll ever meet, and aint gonna confiscate shit........but there are some real tough MF'ers here though.

You certainly wouldn't confiscate mine.  You ain't got balls enough.

Oh......I wouldnt do it because I am a man of principals and believe an oath should be upheld........not because I'm a coward tough guy.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:30:32 PM EDT
This won't end well.

99% would probably hand them over after the knock on the door, having too much to lose to make a one man stand.  The other 1%?  Well...I wouldn't want to be the cop on the doorstep.  

"Shot heard around the world" part deux.

All it takes is one person to start a shit storm. Either way, it'll be bloody.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:34:34 PM EDT
It has really been a strange and disappointing year, damn.

2013 is likely the year I move to Ohio.
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:40:46 PM EDT
Over a what?

Jeez, where do you guys keep coming from?

Oh. I'm sorry. Is it a religion for you or something? Did JMB take a stroll on the water one day, then make the 1911?

There's this thing called "The Constitution" that our forefathers... oh, never mind.  I'm not wasting a good Christmas Eve beer buzz on your bullshit.  

Merry Christmas Arfcom!!  
Link Posted: 12/24/2012 5:47:54 PM EDT

Yea alot of them will come down with terminal case of lead poisoning


Really? You would forfeit your retirement and murder cops over a hobby? You would die from lethal injection, see your wife made penniless, see your children shamed?

Isn't advocating cop killing on this board a permaban offense?

Yes it is.......and the usual fucking douchebags are advocating it.

Wow talk about defending anything, even firearms confiscation at gunpoint  

No that aint it, but posters like BWood and his usual BS about killing cops can fly? seriously?

<-----This cop is one of the most 2A defenders you'll ever meet, and aint gonna confiscate shit........but there are some real tough MF'ers here though.

Then why even worry about it?  You're one of the good guys.

Because if he pulls someone over on their way to bum fuck nowhere NY to practice with their assault rifle, that person isn't going to wait to find out whether or not he's a good guy that isn't going to confiscate his rifle and throw him in prison. A person willfully violating the ban just won't have the luxury of waiting to find out if the cop they run across is a good or bad guy, because once they lose the element of surprise they are done for.

Some how the people who resist actively will have to get their head around the fact that the a cop or cops they might potentially hurt or kill could be some of the good guys. About the only way someone ethical can do that is to say the police officers are themselves choosing to take part in a criminal organization and whether they are themselves good or bad they are wearing the uniform of the bad guys. It would be much like a soldier in any war between nation states, they have no way of knowing whether or not the individual enemy soldier they come up against is a true believer in the enemies cause or just some shmoe who doesn't want or intend to kill anyone but was drafted.
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