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Link Posted: 5/28/2022 1:53:37 PM EDT
Not reading all of that (read most) nor do I have a response but it is pretty much the same that gets posted on here but the other side.  This is in general why nothing gets done.  Everybody has their mind made up and will defend it to the end.

I see no hope for unity and what was once a great nation, I am afraid, the time is coming to an end.  At some point it will be re-imagined to whomever is the victor; just like it has been for thousands of years.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 1:54:18 PM EDT
Most "children" killed with firearms, are killed by other "children" with no regard for human life.
Remove minority gun violence from the equation, and you will find that white Americans are less violent than many european countries.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 1:54:33 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 1:54:48 PM EDT
In accordance to their stated beliefs and viewpoints, gun control advocates do not care how many children, women, and transgender people die from being unable to defend themselves, the number is "irrelevant".  One or a dozen or a thousand is not a relevant number to their position about their "feelings" and "safety". Nor is it relevant to their position and ideas on what can or should be done. This lack of comprehension speaks volumes about their integrity, responsibility and ethics (they don't have any). You are not dealing with a reasonable person, you are dealing with someone who is severely brainwashed and indoctrinated to such a degree, that "feeling safe" and "not having to live in fear" are "sacred" (more so then the right to protect one's own life).  But we both know this is not just about children, violence is perpetrated at (and by) all ages. So it's really the right to life of "other people" that is the real issue here. Gun control advocates don't actually believe that other people have the same rights to life as they claim. No number of dead and injured and slaughtered people will persuade them that there is a severe violence problem in this county, or that the weak and helpless need the means to protect themselves. They deflect with claims of "that's the police's job", "no one needs weapons of war" and other such deflections without addressing the underlying issue that when a violent attacker is at your throat, no one is coming to save you. You're on your own - just as in Uvalde. And they're happy to defund the police and leave communities stripped of any sense of order and protection at all. These claims are just deflections and are used to refuse to address the real issues.
Ultimately, I have come to view such people as "irresponsible" and this irresponsibility is exhibited throughout their lives (not just on gun control, but on most topics, including politics, religion, character, integrity and so on). They do not want to take personal responsibility for ANYTHING. If anyone is hurt by their actions (or their inactions), they don't care, as their "feeling safe" triumphs over everything and everyone else. To me, they are selfish assholes to the nth degree. Only concerned about themselves and their own feelings, and nobody else. They will band together like a pack of rabid dogs and viciously attack anyone that dares point out their irresponsibility (or actions), or all the innocent lives that would be lost to their "virtuous" policies. America is full of such people, selfish assholes to the nth degree.
Their interpretations of their feelings, reality, and even how a modern society should function is seriously warped. But they've managed to gain a huge audience with a large megaphone and will endlessly repeat their insipid claims while the bodies of the innocent and defenseless stack up higher and higher. They don't care. They've never cared. They lack humanity, compassion, comprehension and understanding, listening instead to talking points and rabid celebrities spewing endless lies. I want nothing to do with any of them, they are already anamatha and given over to reprobate minds. They are so deluded that they think they are on God's side, but according to the scriptures they claim to venerate, God hates them all, as he should. So do I - they are alien in their thinking and understanding and refuse to address their own critical faults.

I quit dealing with these gutless cowards years ago. I used to help every neighbor, but was always subjected to their rabid ideologies, bogus claims and endless rants. Frankly, most of these people are fucking crazy, but it's now a normalized type of crazy. Everyone accepts this as if this is "normal" now, but it's not. It's anything but normal. They want a world that they cannot have, that will not work and will only result in disaster if they were given all that they want. No accountability, no responsibility, no protection of the weakest among us - they think violence will cease to exist amongst us as long as we scream, "safety" and "it's for the children" loud enough. Guns play a huge (oversized) role in this fantasy world of theirs (which is dumb as fuck). The United States is now reaping the whirlwind of this non-accountability and they don't like it. But a reckoning has to happen (eventually) otherwise, we just might as well call every square inch of the country a "gun free zone", and make it a ripe target for unfettered violence and slaughter of innocents.

But this isn't just about guns (obviously) but about what kind of "America" they want (or imagine, because it's mostly bullshit imagination). Personally, I think they would prefer the long history of abusive regimes throughout the world in the past. Where central planners offered safety and security, while genociding the masses. They could be promised their utopia free of violence, and the bureaucrats could run rampant on everyone else howsoever they wanted, so long as it wasn't them suffering. Nobody else would have any rights, votes, or even personal property. The current abortion rage is a part of this insistence of dragging the country backwards and away from any personal responsibility. It's absolutely insane.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 1:55:23 PM EDT
"never wrestle with pigs: you get dirty and pig enjoys it." George Bernard Shaw
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 1:55:44 PM EDT
there's no point discussing anything with him.

but if you're going to bother, switch guns for the 5th amendment in his little writeup, and ask if he is willing to jettison the 5th on the same "do it for the children" grounds.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 1:56:12 PM EDT
Do not attempt to tell me that children’s lives in this country matter. The simple fact is that approximately 750,000 will never make it to birth. And do not try to fill me with the lines of bullshit like case of rape, incest, and the mother’s health. Adding those three things up nets you less than 4% of the total number of abortions performed in this country every year. That means that the other 720,000 abortions that are performed each year are simply because that child is an inconvenience.

If that child does some how make it to birth then let us hope that the mother can produce enough breast milk or didn’t die in childbirth thus necessitating the need for formula. It seems that children in other countries are far more important that our own. After all we’re sending then our formula.

During that child’s toddler years they can look forward to a multibillion corporation attempting to social engineer their sexuality or gender identity simply because they can. If children are so important why are they being sexualized? Why can’t they simply be left alone and allowed to develop into the person they’re are going to be. Childhood and adolescence are confusing enough when the child is receiving a consistent message let alone when the message itself is inconsistency.

As that child gets older and enters the school system it will be their parents social economic standing and the sheer chance of being born into a family of decent economic standing that determines their academic potential. There are entire school systems where the overwhelming majority of children aren’t even functionally literate.

ANd you try to tell me with a straight face that we actually give a shot about children in this country.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 1:57:19 PM EDT
It's just rambling straw man.  Tell him you suspect him of being a pedophile.  
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 1:57:23 PM EDT
Facts are irrelevant in an emotional debate. That is why they push the hardest right after a tragic event.

In today's America feeling will win against facts. Move on, he most likely isn't worth the drama.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 1:58:54 PM EDT
So I have an old "acquaintance" who  went nuts in the last few years and moved hard left. He sends me gems like this that just leave me speechless. Is there a  good response to this?
Something well-thought out.  Or concise.
He has gotten so bad that I think he is a liability at this point.
He lives in one of the most free states  but if he lived in some paradise like Chicago he would probably enroll as a local volunteer, turning people in for "illegal guns".


In accordance to their stated beliefs and viewpoints, gun right advocates do not care how many children die from mass-killings (shootings), the number is "irrelevant".  One or a dozen or a thousand is not a relevant number to their position about their "rights". Nor is it relevant to their position and ideas on what can or should be done. This lack of comprehension speaks volumes about their integrity, responsibility and ethics (they don't have any). You are not dealing with a reasonable person, you are dealing with someone who is severely brainwashed and indoctrinated to such a degree, that "gun ownership" and "gun rights" are "sacred" (more so then the right to life of these children). But we both know this is not just about children, mass shootings occur at (and by) all ages. So it's really the right to life of "other people" that is the real issue here. Gun right advocates don't actually believe that other people have the same rights to life as they claim. No number of dead and injured and slaughtered people will persuade them that there is a severe gun control problem in this county. They deflect with claims of mental illness, "godlessness" and other such deflections without addressing the underlying issue of gun access. Not all mass shooters are "crazy" or even depressed, or on drugs, or even "godless". These claims are just deflections and are used to refuse to address the real issues.
Ultimately, I have come to view such people as "irresponsible" and this irresponsibility is exhibited throughout their lives (not just on guns, but on most topics, including politics, religion, character, integrity and so on). They do not want to be held accountable for ANYTHING. If anyone is hurt by their actions (or their inactions), they don't care, as their "rights" triumph over everything and everyone else. To me, they are selfish assholes to the nth degree. Only concerned about themselves and nobody else. They will band together like a pack of rabid dogs and viciously attack anyone that dares point out their irresponsibility (or actions). America is full of such people, selfish assholes to the nth degree.
Their interpretations of their rights, the US Constitution and even how a modern society should function is seriously warped. But they've managed to gain a huge audience with a large megaphone and will endlessly repeat their insipid claims while the bodies stack up higher and higher. They don't care. They've never cared. They lack humanity, compassion, comprehension and understanding, listening instead to talking points and rabid preachers spewing endless lies. I want nothing to do with any of them, they are already anamatha and given over to reprobate minds. They are so deluded that they think they are on God's side, but according to the scriptures they claim to venerate, God hates them all, as he should. So do I - they are alien in their thinking and understanding and refuse to address their own critical faults.

I quit selling at gun shows years ago. I did hundreds of shows and was always subjected to their rabid ideologies, bogus claims and endless rants. Frankly, most of these people are fucking crazy, but it's now a normalized type of crazy. Everyone accepts this as if this is "normal" now, but it's not. It's anything but normal. They want a world that they cannot have, that will not work and will only result in disaster if they were given all that they want. No accountability, no responsibility, no restrictions, no laws that would impinge upon their imagined "freedoms". Guns play a huge (oversized) role in this fantasy world of theirs (which is dumb as fuck). The United States is now reaping the whirlwind of this non-accountability and they don't like it. But a reckoning has to happen (eventually) otherwise, we just might as well call every square inch of the country a "free fire zone".
But this isn't just about guns (obviously) but about what kind of "America" they want (or imagine, because it's mostly bullshit imagination). Personally, I think they would prefer the Dark Ages of the past where only the landed and the rich had any rights (and the Church) and they could run rampant on everyone else howsoever they wanted. Nobody else would have any rights, votes, or even personal property. The current abortion rage is a part of this insistence of dragging the country backwards. It's absolutely insane.
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Easy. Hit em with actual numbers

I posted this in another thread about “guns being number one in child deaths”


What the numbers actually say

2020 child gun deaths is about 4300

2020 abortion deaths is about 900,000

Just between those two statistics alone

Gun based is 0.0047777% of the abortion number

CDC data shows 4,368 kids died from gunshot wounds in the US in 2020. Of those, 2,811 were considered homicides, 1,293 were suicides.

An additional 149 were listed as “unintentional” deaths, and 25 were classified as “legal interventions.” Ninety of the deaths could not be classified due to a lack of information.

But math is racist and the science is real


Link Posted: 5/28/2022 1:59:31 PM EDT
All of the laws people claim to want for Texas, did nothing to prevent the issue in NY.  The gun laws, or lack thereof, did not prevent the shooters.  The NRA did not prevent the shooters, nor did the DA in NY.  

The issue isn't the guns or gun laws, the issue is the people that would do such things.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:00:34 PM EDT
Last year we were on a camping trip up in Georgia with a couple that we have known for 30 years. The wife saw a campaign sign for the Republican in Georgia who had an AR-15 on his sign. She said we should Outlaw assault rifles I said they pretty much have been since 1984. This is well automatic rifles, I said yep same thing, and solar machine guns. Unless you go through a year-long wait with its extensive background check pay a $200 tax stamp and allow the man into your life you can't have any of those things. And to the best of my knowledge only one legally registered class 3 has ever been used to commit a crime let alone a mass murder. So she started to pout and I said you're naive and you're brainwashed by the left-wing media. We haven't spoken since
oh well.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:00:41 PM EDT
this is what you are up against.

Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:03:16 PM EDT
Tell him to learn to double space and add paragraphs.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:06:17 PM EDT
I don’t associate with anti gun /  liberals, or democrats, they are the enemy.

At one time we just had differences of opinion, and you might win one over, however, now everyone is pretty entrenched on their side and pretty locked in, they are intentionally trying to destroy my way of life and everything I believe in, that’s warfare, not opinion differences.

I only want bad things to happen to them, the worse the better, so I can point and laugh and rub their noses in it being directly caused by their dumbass beliefs and voting practices, because they will never connect the two without my help.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:08:29 PM EDT
That's a lot of words.

I would respond with something like: Shut up, faggot
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:10:51 PM EDT
Waisting your time. Trust me. Any adult has their mind made up by now. "changes" in heart by politicians just mean that the highest bidder wants them to do xyz at w time.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:13:10 PM EDT
You don't know him any more. Cut him out of your life.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:16:09 PM EDT
According to a John Hopkins study conducted in 2019 negligence by medical professional kills between 250,000 and 350,000 Americans.  At the high end it is the second leading cause of death in the US.  Tell him that he should be more worried about his children when they go see the doctor than when they are at school.  

Ask him if insane people need to be confined to mental institutions than walking free on the streets.  Ask him why officials declined to intervene when the mother of the Sandy Hook shooter was begging officials to get her son committed for evaluation before he got a gun and then murdered her and then the children at the school.

Ask him why there was absolutely no police response to the shooter in the 12 minutes he was shooting at other people outside before he even entered the school?  Ask him why the police never even entered the building until Federal agents finally disobeyed orders from the local police, entered the school and killed the shooter?  

Ask him that if the police refuse to step up to the line and do their job then why can't we defend ourselves?

Ask him why the school had such crappy lock down procedures?   Do they not care to protect the children placed in their care?  

Ask him if human potential is stifled more by killing a child in the womb or in the classroom?


Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:16:25 PM EDT
Tell him he's not sucking enough dicks to tame the populace and he needs to try harder.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:18:56 PM EDT
Would you walk into a mental hospital and try to reason with the mentally ill?  

Cut idiots like him out of your life.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:18:56 PM EDT
I think you need more of physical response, it's getting to the point that that's all they understand.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:21:46 PM EDT

By reading your response I can see extreme and possibly uncontrolled anger. I want to call your police department so they can come and confiscate anything you can harm yourself or others with.

Please send me your local PD's number so I can call them.  Please have all of your guns, knives (including kitchen), axes or anything that could severely injure or kill anyone in a box ready for pickup.

I am sure you have no problem with this considering your problems with citizens owning dangerous items.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:23:37 PM EDT
Replace it with abortion and make other changes that relates to it, thencsend it back
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:26:24 PM EDT
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There are reportedly 130,000 schools in America.
130,000 x $400,000 = $52,000,000,000,000 ($52 Billion)


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Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:27:04 PM EDT
They should just outlaw murder!
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:30:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:31:18 PM EDT
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According to a John Hopkins study conducted in 2019 negligence by medical professional kills between 250,000 and 350,000 Americans.  At the high end it is the second leading cause of death in the US.  Tell him that he should be more worried about his children when they go see the doctor than when they are at school.  

Ask him if insane people need to be confined to mental institutions than walking free on the streets.  Ask him why officials declined to intervene when the mother of the Sandy Hook shooter was begging officials to get her son committed for evaluation before he got a gun and then murdered her and then the children at the school.

Ask him why there was absolutely no police response to the shooter in the 12 minutes he was shooting at other people outside before he even entered the school?  Ask him why the police never even entered the building until Federal agents finally disobeyed orders from the local police, entered the school and killed the shooter?  

Ask him that if the police refuse to step up to the line and do their job then why can't we defend ourselves?

Ask him why the school had such crappy lock down procedures?   Do they not care to protect the children placed in their care?  

Ask him if human potential is stifled more by killing a child in the womb or in the classroom?


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Just saw a thing on TV where a kid went to an emergency clinic with a broken arm and the doc double dosed her on pain meds and she died right in front of her dad.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:33:05 PM EDT
Had a liberal acquaintance (whom I ditched ages ago) who once said one of the most liberal things I've ever heard.
We were arguing gun control, and I was demolishing every point he made. Which wasn't hard seeing as reality supports our side.
Finally, he says, "I don't care about your facts and statistics, runcible. I know gun control will work."

How can you argue with that? There's no way. That's as faith-based a sentiment as the most devout religious belief.
You cannot reason someone out of a position that they weren't reasoned into in the first place.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:33:23 PM EDT
Giving others, "governments" of any level a monopoly of force has never been an acceptable strategy.

Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:33:56 PM EDT
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There are reportedly 130,000 schools in America.
130,000 x $400,000 = $52,000,000,000,000 ($52 Billion)

 $52,000,000,000,000 ($52 Billion)
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:37:53 PM EDT
I’d tell him never to contact me again and probably some other mean things that I’d rather not have in writing
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:39:54 PM EDT
How many children have been murdered in the womb ?
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:39:58 PM EDT
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When Cain killed Abel, God didn't blame the rock, he blamed Cain.
He didn't ban all rocks or even the big rocks.
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We have ZERO knowledge of how Cain killed Abel.  For all we know, he could have strangled him.

The use of a rock was not mentioned anywhere.  
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:41:00 PM EDT
There are several problems with his "argument." Note that his argument is mostly a pile of emotional drivel intended to demonize gun owners and perhaps shame them into compliance.

He does correctly point out that school shootings, and mass shootings in general, are only a small part of the problem. Our society has a very high murder and crime rate overall, at least when compared to other Western countries. When compared to historical standards the crime and murder rate in America is on the low side, but then much of history had standards of behavior and attitudes which are considered abhorrent today.

I would point out that society's  focus on "gun crime" seems somehow misplaced as I don't think it matters much if you are murdered, raped, or robbed, by a man armed with a butcher knife or with a gun.

Now, many Americans consider being armed to be a basic right, a right which is enshrined in the Constitution which is the supreme law of the land. Few nations have anything similar but it is worth pointing out that many of the nations without recognized gun rights have fallen prey to various tyrannical movements over the years. And many of those that haven't came close at various points in their history to being taken over by some tyrannical ideology at some point in their history. The United States is an exception to this, why?

To understand you need to understand how these various tyrannical governments came to power. It was usually be developing and delpoying a mob of street thugs willing to commit violence in order to attack individuals who stood up to the tyrants. This is a standard practice for Communist movements and it was how the Nazi Brown Shirts worked as well as how Mussolini came to power. It is also the tactic used by the KKK as well as BLM and ANTIFA. But in America those groups were not successful, (at least not yet in the case of the BLM/ANTIFA groups) because their thuggery could and would face armed resistance.

And when those tyrannical groups get power it's common to see deaths in the hundreds of thousands or millions, sometimes in the tens of millions, as these governments determinate everyone they consider to be inconvenient.

An armed populace is a strong deterrent to crime as well. Home invasions are relatively rare in the US because so many homeowners can shoot back. Burglaries almost always occur when the occupants are known to be away, not at night when breaking in to a home can earn you a bullet.

In any case there is no evidence that removing guns from society would, overall, reduce the numbers of murders and it might well increase the murder rate. It would also increase the number of other crimes and make violent, but nonlethal, assaults more common.

It's worth pointing out that stairs kill some 12,000 people every year in America and cause well over a million serious (serious enough to require a hospital visit) injuries every year. That's a horrible death toll but you don't see people wanting to ban stairs.

Traffic accidents kill something like 37,000 people every year and cause many more horrific injuries to people, many life altering in the bad sense of the word. Something like a quarter of these are caused by drivers being distracted by cell phones. Do we ban cars, or cell phones? Alcohol is responsible for a large percentage of those traffic accidents, and a large percentage of violent crime as well, do we ban alcohol?

AIDS still kills thousands and it is primarily spread through anal sex, should we pass laws against this practice and send it's practitioners to prison where they can never have anal sex again?

And we know that people who go to Church on a regular basis are far less likely to commit crimes. Perhaps we could mandate that people attend the Conservative Evangelical Church of their choice twice a week where they could learn about Jesus, repent of their sins, have their eternal souls saved, and therefore not go on to commit crimes.

Or, we know that most crime is committed by certain demographics, (I am, of course, talking about the Celts, bunch of crazy bastards.) perhaps we should just lock up or deport everyone from those demographics in order to prevent crime?

Why don't we do these things? Because our society believes in preserving people's rights even if it does mean we have to pay the price by having a somewhat more dangerous society. I don't drink and don't care for cell phones. And I  know when I get in my car that I am paying for the freedom I have in areas I do care about, by having a significantly increased chance of being killed by a drunk or distracted driver. I put up with an enhanced crime rate because people have the freedom not to go to Church. I put up with a higher crime rate because racism is wrong and you shouldn't punish innocent people for the crimes of people who happen to be of the same ethnicity. I put up with the extra chance of contracting some disease from a blood transfusion because people have the right to sexual freedom.

Before demanding that someone else give up their freedom, people should look at the freedoms they enjoy but which also come with a societal cost, and decide if they are willing to give up those freedoms for a bit more security. I'm betting most wouldn't and their demands that I give up a freedom I believe in therefore comes across as hypocritical.

Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:44:07 PM EDT


Frankly, most of these people are fucking crazy, but it's now a normalized type of crazy. Everyone accepts this as if this is "normal" now, but it's not. It's anything but normal. They want a world that they cannot have, that will not work and will only result in disaster if they were given all that they want. No accountability, no responsibility, no restrictions, no laws that would impinge upon their imagined "freedoms".
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I love it when Lefties have no sense of self awareness.
OP, you can't reason with someone who embraces their crazy.
Let him go.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:46:32 PM EDT
If you inexplicably need to continue you association with this individual, the easiest response is to basically replace "gun" with "abortion" in their screed.

if you want to put a little more effort in, you can make the exact same type of "only feelings matter" arguments they they have presented. Making logical arguments will not work, so instead make a no holds barred assault on their worldview using emotional points. Make them uncomfortable; make direct comparisons between their rants and the demagoguery of  socialist regimes.

Wining hearts and minds isnt the goal, their mind is not present enough to win and their heart  has designated you as an enemy. Now is the time to go full Conan; (ideologically) crush them, drive them before you, and if they cry about it well then enjoy.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:48:03 PM EDT
I would take what the OP stated as a personal  direct threat to me and my family and not associate with that person and their family  for sny reason.

That is a passive aggressive threat.

Break all contact and move on.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:48:21 PM EDT
This sums it up nicely

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Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:48:52 PM EDT
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Unless you go through a year-long wait with its extensive background check pay a $200 tax stamp and allow the man into your life you can't have any of those things. And to the best of my knowledge only one legally registered class 3 has ever been used to commit a crime let alone a mass murder.
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1.) I hate it when gun owners trot that out like it's a good thing. A logical conclusion anyone could draw after hearing that is that if semi-auto guns had that same NFA paperwork and a prohibitive tax, you'd never have crimes. I mean, you just said that worked for machineguns, right?

2.) No one on the anti side is impressed that a semi is different than an automatic or is going to be stunned in their tracks that what they erroneously called a clipazine isn't the same as a drum and join the GOA because you pointed out their grammar error.

3.) Stop giving antis the argument that registration saves lives.

4.) There's been many more than one crime of violence with NFA firearms. Don't kid yourself.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:56:36 PM EDT
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In accordance to their stated beliefs and viewpoints, gun control advocates do not care how many children, women, and transgender people die from being unable to defend themselves, the number is "irrelevant".  One or a dozen or a thousand is not a relevant number to their position about their "feelings" and "safety". Nor is it relevant to their position and ideas on what can or should be done. This lack of comprehension speaks volumes about their integrity, responsibility and ethics (they don't have any). You are not dealing with a reasonable person, you are dealing with someone who is severely brainwashed and indoctrinated to such a degree, that "feeling safe" and "not having to live in fear" are "sacred" (more so then the right to protect one's own life).  But we both know this is not just about children, violence is perpetrated at (and by) all ages. So it's really the right to life of "other people" that is the real issue here. Gun control advocates don't actually believe that other people have the same rights to life as they claim. No number of dead and injured and slaughtered people will persuade them that there is a severe violence problem in this county, or that the weak and helpless need the means to protect themselves. They deflect with claims of "that's the police's job", "no one needs weapons of war" and other such deflections without addressing the underlying issue that when a violent attacker is at your throat, no one is coming to save you. You're on your own - just as in Uvalde. And they're happy to defund the police and leave communities stripped of any sense of order and protection at all. These claims are just deflections and are used to refuse to address the real issues.
Ultimately, I have come to view such people as "irresponsible" and this irresponsibility is exhibited throughout their lives (not just on gun control, but on most topics, including politics, religion, character, integrity and so on). They do not want to take personal responsibility for ANYTHING. If anyone is hurt by their actions (or their inactions), they don't care, as their "feeling safe" triumphs over everything and everyone else. To me, they are selfish assholes to the nth degree. Only concerned about themselves and their own feelings, and nobody else. They will band together like a pack of rabid dogs and viciously attack anyone that dares point out their irresponsibility (or actions), or all the innocent lives that would be lost to their "virtuous" policies. America is full of such people, selfish assholes to the nth degree.
Their interpretations of their feelings, reality, and even how a modern society should function is seriously warped. But they've managed to gain a huge audience with a large megaphone and will endlessly repeat their insipid claims while the bodies of the innocent and defenseless stack up higher and higher. They don't care. They've never cared. They lack humanity, compassion, comprehension and understanding, listening instead to talking points and rabid celebrities spewing endless lies. I want nothing to do with any of them, they are already anamatha and given over to reprobate minds. They are so deluded that they think they are on God's side, but according to the scriptures they claim to venerate, God hates them all, as he should. So do I - they are alien in their thinking and understanding and refuse to address their own critical faults.

I quit dealing with these gutless cowards years ago. I used to help every neighbor, but was always subjected to their rabid ideologies, bogus claims and endless rants. Frankly, most of these people are fucking crazy, but it's now a normalized type of crazy. Everyone accepts this as if this is "normal" now, but it's not. It's anything but normal. They want a world that they cannot have, that will not work and will only result in disaster if they were given all that they want. No accountability, no responsibility, no protection of the weakest among us - they think violence will cease to exist amongst us as long as we scream, "safety" and "it's for the children" loud enough. Guns play a huge (oversized) role in this fantasy world of theirs (which is dumb as fuck). The United States is now reaping the whirlwind of this non-accountability and they don't like it. But a reckoning has to happen (eventually) otherwise, we just might as well call every square inch of the country a "gun free zone", and make it a ripe target for unfettered violence and slaughter of innocents.

But this isn't just about guns (obviously) but about what kind of "America" they want (or imagine, because it's mostly bullshit imagination). Personally, I think they would prefer the long history of abusive regimes throughout the world in the past. Where central planners offered safety and security, while genociding the masses. They could be promised their utopia free of violence, and the bureaucrats could run rampant on everyone else howsoever they wanted, so long as it wasn't them suffering. Nobody else would have any rights, votes, or even personal property. The current abortion rage is a part of this insistence of dragging the country backwards and away from any personal responsibility. It's absolutely insane.
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Well done.  
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 2:57:55 PM EDT
It is NOT MY rights its ALL OF OUR RIGHTS.

YOUR friend is a dumbass
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 3:02:20 PM EDT
This lack of comprehension speaks volumes about their integrity, responsibility and ethics (they don't have any).

I stopped reading here.  Your friend can’t be reasoned with, he projects these negative traits upon people he doesn’t know in an inaccurate generalization.  

I can tell you as a sample set if one that sentence is completely the opposite on how people view me.  I feel horrible for those children and family but exactly what gun law, short of confiscation which wouldn’t work anyway, would’ve stopped that?   Better police work would’ve mitigated it but that’s it.  

I find it puzzling that liberals believe their conjecture can in fact be the basis for an argument.  Your friend shows no ability to apply logic and reason, why would you bother?
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 3:04:49 PM EDT
Your friend is delusional and needs professional help before he hurts or kills someone. Seriously.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 3:06:31 PM EDT
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Our society has a very high murder and crime rate overall, at least when compared to other Western countries.
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There is a very simple reason for that, and gun control is what liberals push in an effort to steer the debate away from it.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 3:07:34 PM EDT
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Add up all the school shootings over the last 3 decades. Still doesn't come close to how many we kill in a single day with abortions.
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Every single person I see on FB who is spouting gun control was lamenting the potential overturning of RvW last week.  I have nothing for them, they are hypocrites of the highest degree.  I have yet to meet a person who was pro-life and anti-gun, a person of that belief would at least be consistent and I could respect them.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 3:09:44 PM EDT
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This is the correct response.
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 3:16:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 3:18:59 PM EDT
id tell him to his face to go fuck his commie mother
Link Posted: 5/28/2022 3:19:25 PM EDT
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