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Link Posted: 10/13/2022 7:49:30 PM EDT
require people wanting to carry guns in public to purchase liability insurance
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It should be required to vote too, according to their logic.  Vote communist and screw up the entire country, your insurance policy will help defer the cost to the rest of us.
Link Posted: 10/13/2022 7:50:26 PM EDT
That's real retarded, sir.
Link Posted: 10/13/2022 7:59:55 PM EDT
always been a corrupt king shit cop state
Link Posted: 10/13/2022 8:06:16 PM EDT
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Nazis always have the sharpest uniforms.
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Explain to this guy how it contradicts the  Bruen decision, and then let us know how that works out for ya once you make bail

Nazis always have the sharpest uniforms.

That's no shit.

Link Posted: 10/13/2022 8:49:34 PM EDT
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Damn that uniform looks awfully familiar. Didn't I see some German dudes in the late 1930s to mid 1940s wearing something similar.?
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Founded in 1921.  Their uniforms predate everything you're referencing.
Link Posted: 10/13/2022 9:41:12 PM EDT
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I think what he meant was it will be overturned so who gives a damn?
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This law discriminates against the low income residents. I see it getting overturned.

So what's the problem?

Poor doesn’t mean criminal. There are a lot of decent poor people, and they have just as much of a right to protect themselves as anyone else. In fact, I’d say they need it even more because they’re more likely to be victims of violent crime than rich or middle class folks.

I think what he meant was it will be overturned so who gives a damn?

Apologies to @CPT_CAVEMAN and thanks to @m200maker , I know good people in NJ and had an emotional/irrational response. Sorry about that gents.
Link Posted: 10/13/2022 10:30:33 PM EDT
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Criminal charges for any politician forwarding unconstitutional laws.
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Should be a hanging offense.  
Link Posted: 10/13/2022 10:38:20 PM EDT
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Why do they hate us?
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Link Posted: 10/13/2022 10:45:24 PM EDT
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Ironic, the only way that doesn't happen is to leave us alone and let us keep our firearms.
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It is ironic.

If they hadn't passed so many restrictive laws and hadn't tried to take them away so many times, there would never have been the huge market for 80% guns there is now.

Their onerous restrictions literally created the current gun industry trend of seeking out and exploiting legal loopholes.

Guns have become way more reliable and effective, functional, concealable, accessible and affordable, and most of that can be attributed to backlash against restrictions.

If they hadn't pushed the restrictions so hard, the AR15 would probably not have become the most popular rifle.  They never learn that if you threaten to take something away, people will go buy MORE of that thing.
Link Posted: 10/13/2022 10:45:26 PM EDT
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Founded in 1921.  Their uniforms predate everything you're referencing.
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Damn that uniform looks awfully familiar. Didn't I see some German dudes in the late 1930s to mid 1940s wearing something similar.?

Founded in 1921.  Their uniforms predate everything you're referencing.

Well we know where the German dudes got the idea from then. Thanks.
Link Posted: 10/13/2022 10:46:55 PM EDT
Phase-II of the plan/bill will be to ban carry/UOF insurance.
ya, dont laugh, they've already done it WA state.
Link Posted: 10/13/2022 10:47:33 PM EDT
They have flipped the script and authorized only felons to CCW. If they are found carrying it will be a violation with no bail and no jail, they will just go get a new burner piece and carry on. As a bonus it helps in ending the carceral system….
Link Posted: 10/13/2022 10:47:33 PM EDT
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Phase-II of the plan/bill will be to ban carry/UOF insurance.
ya, dont laugh, they've already done it WA state.
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IIRC they already DID ban the insurance
Link Posted: 10/13/2022 10:51:25 PM EDT
I’m hoping that all this bullshit will eventually make it to the Supreme Court and they once and for all just say, fuck your stupid laws “shall. Not. Be. Infringed” and gun ownership is the way it should be.
Link Posted: 10/13/2022 10:55:00 PM EDT
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Explain to this guy how it contradicts the  Bruen decision, and then let us know how that works out for ya once you make bail

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Not a lawyer: how does this not contradict Bruen?

Explain to this guy how it contradicts the  Bruen decision, and then let us know how that works out for ya once you make bail

They know what Bruen says. They can honor out constitution or they can’t.

Live accordingly.
Link Posted: 10/13/2022 10:55:28 PM EDT
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Explain to this guy how it contradicts the  Bruen decision, and then let us know how that works out for ya once you make bail

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Not a lawyer: how does this not contradict Bruen?

Explain to this guy how it contradicts the  Bruen decision, and then let us know how that works out for ya once you make bail

Here’s a rare photo of the NJSP’s predecessor.  

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Link Posted: 10/13/2022 11:08:58 PM EDT
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Poor doesn’t mean criminal. There are a lot of decent poor people, and they have just as much of a right to protect themselves as anyone else. In fact, I’d say they need it even more because they’re more likely to be victims of violent crime than rich or middle class folks.
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The rich folks in GD don't realize that if they were truly rich, they wouldn't have to even worry about what the law says because they would have enough judges and politicians in their pocket, it wouldn't matter.
If you worry about what the law says, guess what. You're just another one of the poors.
Link Posted: 10/13/2022 11:22:55 PM EDT
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Founded in 1921.  Their uniforms predate everything you're referencing.
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Damn that uniform looks awfully familiar. Didn't I see some German dudes in the late 1930s to mid 1940s wearing something similar.?

Founded in 1921.  Their uniforms predate everything you're referencing.

Wow! I never knew that the New Jersey State Police had such a big influence on the Nazis
Link Posted: 10/13/2022 11:26:03 PM EDT
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Explain to this guy how it contradicts the  Bruen decision, and then let us know how that works out for ya once you make bail

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Not a lawyer: how does this not contradict Bruen?

Explain to this guy how it contradicts the  Bruen decision, and then let us know how that works out for ya once you make bail

I gotta dig him up first? He's dead. Covid got him July of last year, according to Google.
Link Posted: 10/13/2022 11:27:23 PM EDT
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New Yorks version of this law was struck down yesterday....
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No it was not.
Link Posted: 10/13/2022 11:35:36 PM EDT
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Explain to this guy how it contradicts the  Bruen decision, and then let us know how that works out for ya once you make bail

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Hugo Boss got nothing on Jersey.
Link Posted: 10/13/2022 11:43:23 PM EDT
I’ll be generous to avoid activist judges.

Any legislator who has 3 separate laws or portions thereof invalidated as being unconstitutional by separate judges is put against the wall and shot with 3 days of the last judgement.

Problem fucking staying solved.
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 12:00:11 AM EDT
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Explain to this guy how it contradicts the  Bruen decision, and then let us know how that works out for ya once you make bail

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Not a lawyer: how does this not contradict Bruen?

Explain to this guy how it contradicts the  Bruen decision, and then let us know how that works out for ya once you make bail

Who is that storm trooper looking fagot?
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 12:05:02 AM EDT
It will be overturned in 2025.

A new law will get them to 2027.
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 12:06:40 AM EDT
So glad I escaped there 20 years ago…
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 12:06:43 AM EDT

TRENTON, N.J. — New Jersey’s top lawmakers unveiled sweeping gun legislation Thursday that would significantly restrict when and where guns can be carried outside of the home, a bill they touted as “the nation’s strongest measure concerning concealed carry.”

The bill would, among other things, require people wanting to carry guns in public to purchase liability insurance — the first statewide mandate of its kind in the nation should the bill become law — and banning guns from being carried in 25 broad categories, including but not limited to government buildings, health care facilities, airports, casinos and private properties where the owners have not given express permission to have guns. Violations would be deemed a third-degree crime...
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More and more material for court decisions. I welcome the blatantly unconstitutional laws.
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 12:13:00 AM EDT
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Who is that storm trooper looking fagot?
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Casualty of Covid according to Google.
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 12:13:26 AM EDT
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14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS ,,Galizien Nr 1"    

Ukrainian Foreign Volunteers to fight communism in the SS.
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 12:18:01 AM EDT
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It is ironic.

If they hadn't passed so many restrictive laws and hadn't tried to take them away so many times, there would never have been the huge market for 80% guns there is now.

Their onerous restrictions literally created the current gun industry trend of seeking out and exploiting legal loopholes.

Guns have become way more reliable and effective, functional, concealable, accessible and affordable, and most of that can be attributed to backlash against restrictions.

If they hadn't pushed the restrictions so hard, the AR15 would probably not have become the most popular rifle.  They never learn that if you threaten to take something away, people will go buy MORE of that thing.
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Link Posted: 10/14/2022 2:41:36 AM EDT
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Wow! I never knew that the New Jersey State Police had such a big influence on the Nazis
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Damn that uniform looks awfully familiar. Didn't I see some German dudes in the late 1930s to mid 1940s wearing something similar.?

Founded in 1921.  Their uniforms predate everything you're referencing.

Wow! I never knew that the New Jersey State Police had such a big influence on the Nazis

Link Posted: 10/14/2022 2:45:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 2:51:57 AM EDT
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Explain to this guy how it contradicts the  Bruen decision, and then let us know how that works out for ya once you make bail

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Dude looks like a Nazi.
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 2:52:10 AM EDT
when was the last time you've been searched by a Police officer?  Give them no reason and carry on
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 3:48:10 AM EDT
New Jersey

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Link Posted: 10/14/2022 3:53:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 4:09:03 AM EDT
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who on God's green earth would want to live in that fucked up state?
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Link Posted: 10/14/2022 4:12:08 AM EDT
What a shithole. I know nothing of New Jersey other than my buddy said it looked nice as he drove through it
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 4:26:10 AM EDT
Because law abiding conceal carriers are committing so much gun crime...oh wait this isn't about stopping crime this is a political attack by the left.
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 4:32:25 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 4:37:14 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 4:40:12 AM EDT
These laws wouldn't mean shit if there wasn't a steady stream of young, fresh faced stormtroopers just chomping at the bit to enforce them.

Link Posted: 10/14/2022 5:18:12 AM EDT
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Not a lawyer: how does this not contradict Bruen?
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John Marshall Clarence Thomas has made his decision now let him enforce it.
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 5:23:07 AM EDT
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This law discriminates against the low income residents. I see it getting overturned.
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They need to challenge it with the poorest blackest plaintiff they can find.
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 5:29:20 AM EDT
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It'll get struck down. They know it'll get struck down. But it'll buy them votes until it does, and it's not like the lawsuit comes out of their pockets.
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Isn't there a special provision for deprivation of rights under the color of law?
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 5:30:33 AM EDT
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Founded in 1921.  Their uniforms predate everything you're referencing.
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The Germans had nearly the same uniforms in WWI.
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 5:42:06 AM EDT
New Jersey has always hated freedom.
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 5:46:12 AM EDT
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Quoted:It does, but laws being unconstitutional has never stopped them before
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Yes, there's plenty of empty space in the jail for politicians that write unConstitutional laws on purpose.

Fighting these laws cost millions.

The government simply takes the money from the tax payers to hire as many lawyers as needed to fight back.

If they lose they simply rewrite the law marginally differently, start enforcing it, and await the 5-6 years for the case to make it through the courts.

Lather, rinse, repeat.
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 5:51:53 AM EDT
The article fails to mention the set-aside for police officers to carry without insurance but I assume there is one.

If they forgot that it's bad.

Remember years ago when domestic violence was made a condition to lose your firearms rights and the government had to go through decades of cases to find the new felons and found a bunch of police officers would have to surrender their weapons. The legislature forgot to treat it's agents different than "we the people". How embarrassing to hold members of the government to the same standards as civilians. It did take some time to get the law fixed to treat people differently depending on where they work.

Link Posted: 10/14/2022 6:14:52 AM EDT
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Nazis always have the sharpest uniforms.
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Well, they were designed by Hugo Boss, so..............
Link Posted: 10/14/2022 6:18:21 AM EDT
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because they know in the end, we're gonna have to use those guns to stop them.
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Why do they hate us?

because they know in the end, we're gonna have to use those guns to stop them.

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