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Link Posted: 8/12/2023 5:12:17 PM EDT
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What is it with members here that don’t even put a state in their profile...and then bitch about a certain state?  Why not just show your state?

Hell, I live in Texas but I also live closer to some of you who actually live in Missouri than many who live in Texas.  lol

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Show me where I’ve bitched about Texas. I’ll wait..
Link Posted: 8/12/2023 5:14:10 PM EDT
Take him some chili with beans.
Link Posted: 8/12/2023 5:14:18 PM EDT
They're like Massholes but with shittier seafood, better BBQ, and shittier driving.

Expect all ego and 'we don't do it that way back in X state' all the time.
Link Posted: 8/12/2023 5:15:05 PM EDT
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Take him some chili with beans.
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I actually might do this . He’s definitely getting some brisket soon..
Link Posted: 8/12/2023 5:17:37 PM EDT
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Take him some chili with beans.
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Cut him some slack,.He did not besmirch Texas, he only said, bless his heart, that he knew how to make brisket as well or better than a Texan. He also did  update his profile to show his state of residence.
Link Posted: 8/12/2023 5:19:06 PM EDT
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Show me where I’ve bitched about Texas. I’ll wait..
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What is it with members here that don’t even put a state in their profile...and then bitch about a certain state?  Why not just show your state?

Hell, I live in Texas but I also live closer to some of you who actually live in Missouri than many who live in Texas.  lol

Show me where I’ve bitched about Texas. I’ll wait..

Wasn’t that the point of this thread?  Title sure insinuates it.  This is GD after all.

Link Posted: 8/12/2023 5:20:06 PM EDT
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He’ll try and suck your dick soon.
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Link Posted: 8/12/2023 5:21:27 PM EDT
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Steers and queers...
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Link Posted: 8/12/2023 5:24:07 PM EDT
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how many Texas stars has he adorned his house with?
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Link Posted: 8/12/2023 5:28:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/12/2023 5:31:30 PM EDT
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INB4 colklink !
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Link Posted: 8/12/2023 5:31:56 PM EDT
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He's probably busy looking at real estate in Texas.
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Holy shit
Link Posted: 8/12/2023 5:33:31 PM EDT
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Some big gay shit probably
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Link Posted: 8/12/2023 5:34:41 PM EDT
From Texas, or Austin?
Link Posted: 8/12/2023 5:36:38 PM EDT
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They're like Massholes but with shittier seafood, better BBQ, and shittier driving.

Expect all ego and 'we don't do it that way back in X state' all the time.
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Cast stereotypical aspersions much?

I'm a native Texas boy. Fam goes back to the 1870s there in central Texas.

I don't give two shits about seafood.

My family's chili recipe always has beans. I think Dad cooked a brisket once....he was a steak sort.

I've never had a speeding ticket....

....and last, but not least, i blew my crew's minds one day after working with them for a decade. "You never mentioned you were born and raised in Texas before...that's a shocker!"  

I only mentioned it because a new hire, a native Alabamster, had spent a decade working in Texas. That fucker was: "We did it like this in Texas.", "That's not how we did it in Texas!", and on and on. They were ragging on about him. I just mentioned my birth state to show that not all Texan folk are sterotypical in behavior.

Link Posted: 8/12/2023 5:38:07 PM EDT
Can’t wait to establish my brisket dominance over him…
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Its surely been asked, but your state of residence is?...

ETA: Answered...
Link Posted: 8/12/2023 5:57:47 PM EDT
Don’t go in his yard after dark.
Link Posted: 8/12/2023 6:21:48 PM EDT
I imagine instances of gay homosex in your neighborhood will increase by 87%
Link Posted: 8/12/2023 6:45:46 PM EDT
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I imagine instances of gay homosex in your neighborhood will increase by 87%
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Bless their hearts, Some of us are from West Virginia.
Link Posted: 8/12/2023 6:47:27 PM EDT
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Constantly telling you how much better it is in Texas (even though he fled the state).
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Could also be said about California transplants.
Link Posted: 8/12/2023 6:49:23 PM EDT
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I imagine instances of gay homosex...
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Link Posted: 8/12/2023 6:56:29 PM EDT
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The state is quite a bit larger than that
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I still say they should cut Alaska in half and make Texas the third largest state.

Link Posted: 8/12/2023 7:07:45 PM EDT
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Bless their hearts, Some of us are from West Virginia.
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I imagine instances of gay homosex in your neighborhood will increase by 87%

Bless their hearts, Some of us are from West Virginia.

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Link Posted: 8/12/2023 7:08:01 PM EDT
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I imagine instances of gay homosex...


Link Posted: 8/12/2023 7:14:07 PM EDT
If he is from Austin cover your Anus and keep your fly zipped tightly!
Link Posted: 8/12/2023 7:19:41 PM EDT
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If he is from Austin cover your Anus and keep your fly zipped tightly!
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Is that the epicenter of gayness in Texas?
Link Posted: 8/12/2023 7:29:26 PM EDT
OP I would think line dancing and the wearing of giant belt buckles and stupid fucking hats will also increase exponentially.
Link Posted: 8/12/2023 8:12:21 PM EDT
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INB4 colklink !

You're SO predictable!

Link Posted: 8/12/2023 8:16:52 PM EDT
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Lol, unlike the retards in this thread, you can expect some actual manners and hospitality.

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It could be said that Texas manners and hospitality were on full display August 3rd, 2019.

Link Posted: 8/12/2023 8:33:50 PM EDT
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You're SO predictable!

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INB4 colklink !

You're SO predictable!

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Link Posted: 8/12/2023 8:35:33 PM EDT
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The Varsity > Whataburger
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Ohhh shit!!! You done dun it now!!! I love the greasy v!!
Link Posted: 8/12/2023 9:32:52 PM EDT
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Kinda like illegal aliens who come here and wave the Mexican flag screaming viva la Mexico
If it was so great then why did you leave?

I'm a vegan
I'm a crossfitter
I'm a fireman
I'm a nurse
I'm a Texan

If any of those things were so great then you wouldn't have to tell everyone,  we would just know by the superman logo on your chest
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Personally I love the Puerto Ricans who come to live in the states who have the PR flags on their cars and hung from the rear view mirror.
Link Posted: 8/12/2023 9:36:21 PM EDT
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We're going downhill, quickly.  Texans and fucking Yankees.
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Are you sore over losing that war before you, your parents, and most likely your grandparents were even born?
Link Posted: 8/12/2023 9:38:28 PM EDT
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It could be said that Texas manners and hospitality were on full display August 3rd, 2019.

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Lol, unlike the retards in this thread, you can expect some actual manners and hospitality.

It could be said that Texas manners and hospitality were on full display August 3rd, 2019.

Link Posted: 8/12/2023 9:43:10 PM EDT
Bullshit ain’t nothing but chewed up grass.
Link Posted: 8/12/2023 9:51:48 PM EDT
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Personally I love the Puerto Ricans who come to live in the states who have the PR flags on their cars and hung from the rear view mirror.
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Kinda like illegal aliens who come here and wave the Mexican flag screaming viva la Mexico
If it was so great then why did you leave?

I'm a vegan
I'm a crossfitter
I'm a fireman
I'm a nurse
I'm a Texan

If any of those things were so great then you wouldn't have to tell everyone,  we would just know by the superman logo on your chest

Personally I love the Puerto Ricans who come to live in the states who have the PR flags on their cars and hung from the rear view mirror.

God Bless Texas

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Link Posted: 8/12/2023 11:41:04 PM EDT
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Could also be said about California transplants.
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Constantly telling you how much better it is in Texas (even though he fled the state).

Could also be said about California transplants.

Lol, could also be said of Portlandia libtards who moved next door by way of Wisconsin and Connecticut and put up Beto signs last year. But I guess Texans are more annoying to y’all. Like little-man syndrome or something, just can’t handle us wild gun toting brisket cooking maniacs.
Link Posted: 8/13/2023 2:36:09 AM EDT
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Kinda like illegal aliens who come here and wave the Mexican flag screaming viva la Mexico
If it was so great then why did you leave?

I'm a vegan
I'm a crossfitter
I'm a fireman
I'm a nurse
I'm a Texan

If any of those things were so great then you wouldn't have to tell everyone,  we would just know by the superman logo on your chest

Personally I love the Puerto Ricans who come to live in the states who have the PR flags on their cars and hung from the rear view mirror.

God Bless Texas



The story is told about a Deputy Chief Patrol Agent thrust into a TV interview, where he declared all illegal aliens regardless of nationality would be ruthlessly deported, including the Puerto Ricans.

Umm, oops?
Link Posted: 8/13/2023 3:55:06 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/13/2023 5:25:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/13/2023 5:26:04 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 8/13/2023 5:39:11 AM EDT
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Ask him these questions:

Have you ever been to Hamilton Pool? Hamilton Pool is a natural formation and swimming area west of Austin. It has been a local swimming hole for decades. If he has never heard of it he isn’t from Austin area.

How do you say Burnet?  Burnet is a small town west of Austin.
The correct pronunciation is “burn it”. If he says Burr-nett he is an imposter.

Does he use the word y’all?

How does he say San Antonio? Real old school Texans say San Ann Tone.

Ask him if he ever saw Ralph and the mermaids at Aquarena Springs?
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I attended Ralph the Swimming Pig’s retirement fundraiser. It was held at the Landa Park Spring Fed Pool.
Link Posted: 8/13/2023 5:46:50 AM EDT
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OP I would think line dancing and the wearing of giant belt buckles and stupid fucking hats will also increase exponentially.
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You have no compression of the intensity of the sun in Texas.

Sheiiit, our BBQ’s have lids to keep the meat from burning on top before it cooks on the bottom!
Link Posted: 8/13/2023 5:48:22 AM EDT
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You have no compression of the intensity of the sun in Texas.

Sheiiit, our BBQ’s have lids to keep the meat from burning on top before it cooks on the bottom!
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Link Posted: 8/13/2023 5:50:07 AM EDT
Texans are good people (REAL Texans, NOT relocated illegals or Californian transplants). I would be expecting a pretty good neighbor, as long as they’re not drug addicts. I hope you like chili without beans (which is NOT chili, BTW).
Link Posted: 8/13/2023 6:13:14 AM EDT
Tell him beans are in chili, that will get things off to a good start.
Link Posted: 8/13/2023 6:22:58 AM EDT
In 2021, got divorced, bought a ranch between Dallas and Tyler Texas, outside of Athens, absolutely hated living there.  The heat is oppressive, no rain last year, the insects (fire ants, wasps, spiders, etc) are everywhere all of the time, cattle are scrawny compared to Nebraska beef, every time there was a storm, I was picking up tree limbs - that said, my neighbors were friendly.  Hated living in Texas and I moved back to Kansas 9 months ago to be closer to family and to escape all of the Texas negatives mentioned above.  I do miss walking out back and hog hunting at night with my neighbor - that’s all.
Link Posted: 8/13/2023 6:39:05 AM EDT
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In 2021, got divorced, bought a ranch between Dallas and Tyler Texas, outside of Athens, absolutely hated living there.  The heat is oppressive, no rain last year, the insects (fire ants, wasps, spiders, etc) are everywhere all of the time, cattle are scrawny compared to Nebraska beef, every time there was a storm, I was picking up tree limbs - that said, my neighbors were friendly.  Hated living in Texas and I moved back to Kansas 9 months ago to be closer to family and to escape all of the Texas negatives mentioned above.  I do miss walking out back and hog hunting at night with my neighbor - that’s all.
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Life in Texas ain't for sissies. Glad you were able to go back up north and find happiness, cupcake.
Link Posted: 8/13/2023 6:40:29 AM EDT
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Well is he a steer?
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Does he have horns on his head and his truck?
Link Posted: 8/13/2023 6:41:11 AM EDT
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Probably from Austin.
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that ain't Texas... Lubbock is Texas
does he know where the American Windmill Museum is at...or what?
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