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Link Posted: 3/15/2017 9:22:09 PM EDT
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That blows my contention out of the water. I was sure that the rise in drug abuse is the result of factories/mining leaving the rural middle of the country.

Maybe it's always been like this but alcohol won't kill you like H...

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I have no idea.  The last facility I worked at it heroin was a big problem.  We'd find stamped bags in the parking lot, in the break rooms, in the bathrooms.  We'd give it to the cops and that's about it.  Union didn't want cameras and the old timers just said fire all the youngins that are doing it and we'll pretend like there's nothing to grieve.  Had to escort out more than one kid who was high as hell and take them for drug testing.  

The thing was the place I worked at paid well, had decent insurance, and offered a lot in the grand scheme of things in that area but these kids (OK, mostly early 20 somethings) were doing it like it was candy.  Some told me about old sports injuries from high school football that plagued them and others simply said it was what their friends were doing.  None of them had super high aspirations in life hence why they were working where they were (which again, wasn't horrible but you didn't need to have a college degree to do it so it must be bad right?).  Mental issues more than anything else were probably the root cause.  One kid came in one day and dumped syringes on my desk saying I needed to get that stuff away from him.  He went to rehab after he stole money with his father one of the local cops and then OD'd.

That blows my contention out of the water. I was sure that the rise in drug abuse is the result of factories/mining leaving the rural middle of the country.

Maybe it's always been like this but alcohol won't kill you like H...

Why do people keep suggesting they just need jobs? Not true for terrorism, not true for american drug users.
Link Posted: 3/15/2017 9:48:02 PM EDT
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I would usually take the same tact, but this hits close to home. The dude who hung himself I knew for 30+ years, and I coach his 10 year old daughters softball team. I dated his sister for 3 years. Just did work on his parents roof.
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Lol, i disown anyone who is a useless piece of shit...you may find your life much better if you did the same

I would usually take the same tact, but this hits close to home. The dude who hung himself I knew for 30+ years, and I coach his 10 year old daughters softball team. I dated his sister for 3 years. Just did work on his parents roof.

Dang man sorry to hear  We just lost a young 26 y/o good friend last summer, She was part of a small and close group of friends that are all horse people and we camped and rode together a lot. She was a very sweet girl and we didn't know that she was an addict (she never showed or spoke of it around us). She hid it extremely well. At her funeral her parents said that she'd been clean for a couple months but she lost two friends (both also 26) and went back to the needle on the same damn batch that killed her friends and it turned out that it was laced with fentynal (sp?). Her really close friends speculated that her tolerance had dropped but she shot what would have been a normal amount when she used and it took her quick.

What a nasty nasty addiction.
Link Posted: 3/15/2017 9:58:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/15/2017 10:00:29 PM EDT
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Church, many of you need it.

It's all a big Darwin joke until it's your loved one.  

Addicted people only need to survive long enough to get clean.  It's tragic when they don't.
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One of my "loved ones" accidentally burned down my grandmother's 100-year-old farmhouse while high. He turned himself in to the sheriff (and handed him his stash) before the family could catch him. He knew what was going to happen. Even asked the judge for no bond himself.
Link Posted: 3/15/2017 10:03:41 PM EDT
I have been to quite a few funerals lately.  To me it has became nothing bit heart breaking.
Link Posted: 3/15/2017 10:03:59 PM EDT
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I've lost a couple friends to OD'ing, and another recently who hung himself because of his shame over his addiction. Took dental records to ID him after hunters discovered him

Recently ran into an old friend who was actually boasting that it took 3 narcans to bring him back.

A few weeks ago a couple county sheriff departments were warning of finding fentynal-laced weed.

This shit is killing our people.
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It's a danger to cops, too. Fentanyl is absorbed throuh the skin. Contact with residue can put you in the hospital, even kill you.
Link Posted: 3/15/2017 10:05:16 PM EDT
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If the country was really serious about the war on drugs, we would start executing drug dealers on a massive scale.
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I'm good with it.
Link Posted: 3/15/2017 10:08:03 PM EDT
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I'm good with it.
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If the country was really serious about the war on drugs, we would start executing drug dealers on a massive scale.

I'm good with it.
As long as we also execute anyone who self harms or supplies anything else capable of allowing others to self harm.
Link Posted: 3/16/2017 7:36:59 AM EDT
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Do you ever wonder if other nations are making this happen with the intent to cause America's decay?

All those logistics involved getting the powerful narcotics here make sense if you consider the possibility of a minor-player State lending support. Especially one who is ideologically opposed to our basic beliefs as a nation.
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I've lost a couple friends to OD'ing, and another recently who hung himself because of his shame over his addiction. Took dental records to ID him after hunters discovered him <img src="http://www.ar15.com/images/smilies/icon_smile_dissapprove.gif" />

Recently ran into an old friend who was actually<i><i> boasting</i></i> that it took 3 narcans to bring him back. <img src="http://www.ar15.com/images/smilies/smiley_freak.gif" />

A few weeks ago a couple county sheriff departments were warning of finding fentynal-laced weed.

This shit is killing our people.

Do you ever wonder if other nations are making this happen with the intent to cause America's decay?

All those logistics involved getting the powerful narcotics here make sense if you consider the possibility of a minor-player State lending support. Especially one who is ideologically opposed to our basic beliefs as a nation.

I can't imagine it's more than cartels/suppliers making gobs of money off of a product that more or less forces the user to repeatedly go back for more, even to the point of stealing anything around them to get a fix. With that kind of customer base, the problems of logistics become easy to solve, with the right scale of capital.
Link Posted: 3/16/2017 7:42:31 AM EDT
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I grew up close to there. The thing I don't understand is how people are fucking dumb enough to stick a needle with a mystery concoction in it in their arm and push down the plunger.

Pills, weed, coke, I can understand the desire. But heroin, WTF???
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Feels good man.
Link Posted: 3/16/2017 8:01:06 AM EDT
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Church, many of you need it.

It's all a big Darwin joke until it's your loved one.  

Addicted people only need to survive long enough to get clean.  It's tragic when they don't.
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I was going to say...

Heroin hit my graduating class real hard and although the handful of guys who died from it chose their path, I'd never wish death on them to "solve the problem". Lots of very good, kind, and selfless people fall for this shit without any intent to inflict harm on others.

You don't have to give them money or bring them into your house but quips at the expense of dying people doesn't show much class.
Link Posted: 3/16/2017 8:22:45 AM EDT
If people really want to resolve the issue then follow the money trail. Many are quick to say round up the street level dealers without any thought process involved.

Here are the real dealers in death and you just may be surprised who's on their side:

Drug Users Turn Death Dealers as Methadone From Bain Hits Street

America's Fentanyl Crisis "Is Surging, With No End In Sight"

Link Posted: 3/16/2017 8:25:30 AM EDT
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But, but, but... My looney libertarian friends claim dope is a victimless crime...
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Yeah.  We should totally make it illegal.  That'll stop them.
Link Posted: 3/16/2017 8:42:53 AM EDT
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guberment planning at its best.

1. allow big pharma to create pills with huge doses of opoid that is time release but when ground up you get it all at once
2. allow and encourage doctors to prescribe these super-opiod pills
3. get everyone addicted
4. enact laws that makes it very difficult to get your super-opoid precription re-filled
5. addicted folks now look for alternatives and the mexican cartels fill the void (and the open borders help this process)
6. let the chinese clandiestine labs do their part with fentanyl and co-fentanyl (and this is what is killing folks).

when i grew up in the 60s/70s heroin was a bridge too far as sticking a needle in your arm was beyond the pale. i knew folks smoked pot, hallucinogens, amphetamines and so forth that would have never stepped up to heroin. when high dosage super-opiod pills were introduced it got a lot of folks addicted at heroin injection levels and once those were no longer available they turned to heroin. also when i was growing up (and i worked in a drugstore for several years as  a stockboy and pharmacy tech), you did not see anything like oxycontin. if we had a terminal caner patient we worked with a doctor and only ordered strong narcotics in those special instances (usually something injectable like morphine). the strongest pills we had were dilaudid 4mg and even those were rarely prescribed. oxycontin and large does opoids didnt exist.

the government and the war on drugs and the governments odd on-and-off drug overwatch are a central component to today's problem. if there had never been oxycontin and similar legal prescription medications, there would not have been the current heroin epidemic we see today.
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You do realize that dilaudid is 5-7 times stronger than oxycodone and that 4mg dilaudid is equal to 20-30 mg oxycodone, yes?
Link Posted: 3/17/2017 8:16:12 AM EDT
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If Heroin was legal, and that all that you could get was "lab grade" at a drug store, far less people would die from it...
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No one would get shot for selling next to the other guy's spot either.  

Some years ago I was at a convience store and the two biggest drug gangs were there.  The Miller beer guy held the door for the Budweiser guy.
Link Posted: 3/17/2017 9:18:30 AM EDT
No society can cheat Darwin forever, we've been subsidizing weakness for generations thinking it was compassionate, so now we arrive here.

This is the inevitable result of the feminization of Western culture.
Link Posted: 3/17/2017 9:21:41 AM EDT
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I'm good with it.
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If the country was really serious about the war on drugs, we would start executing drug dealers on a massive scale.

I'm good with it.
Anyone who thinks you can get rid of the supply is an idiot, you'll just make it even more lucrative and the second and third order effects that much worse.

Take a single vial of carfentanyl and cut it with inert agents and you can make thousands of kilos of heroin substitute. There's no possible way you can stop that.
Link Posted: 3/17/2017 9:30:31 AM EDT
A lot of the problem is doctors giving people norco too easily and too often.

Now that the government has been trying to make it harder for doctors to do that. The addicts just get heroin which is cheaper, I suppose.
Link Posted: 3/17/2017 9:31:39 AM EDT
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An addict does nothing but drag their whole family into the hole that they're in. If they're stupid enough to OD and die then they're doing their family and society as a whole a favor. All this mess about addiction is a disease is just a way to make an excuse for that person's weakness. Human beings have something called free will and you are free to make any choice that you want to make. Your choices define your life. If you choose to drink alcohol until you're an alcoholic then it's not a 'disease' but your own personal choices that got you to that point. If you take drugs to get high then realize that you're an addict, you cannot blame it on a 'disease' but it's your own choices that got you to that point. I have a son sitting in prison because he CHOSE to steal to support his addiction. I haven't spoken to him or gone to see him in prison because I don't feel sorry for him. I don't feel pity for him. I'm glad he's there and maybe it's what it takes to make him quit using. He chose his life and now he has to pay for that. If he chooses to stay clean when he gets out and build his life then I will be happy to help out but if he chooses to go back down that hole then he will have to deal with the consequences.

There is no cure for addiction because it's not a disease. Calling it a disease takes away the personal blame for the bad choices that you make. It's no longer your fault but can be blamed on a disease. I had an argument with a liberal drug councilor once who tried to say it''s a disease but it really boils down to the personal choices that you make every day. Addiction is a product of ones own actions. You choose to be an addict or not. If you suddenly realize that you're addicted to something and then not get help in the cessation of that addiction, that is your personal choice and you have to live or die with it. I was a nicotine addict for 27 years until I chose to not smoke anymore. Me, I, chose to not smoke anymore. The key word here is choice.
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I agree. I have a brother in prison myself. its just who he is. drugs, stealing to buy drugs, shitting all over everyone around him and ruining their lives while he gives no fucks, and does the same thing no matter how many times hes in jail. its who he is, he goes back to t the first chance he gets when out of jail. hes dead to me. I know if I let him in my life when he gets back out of prison, he will just fuck me over somehow, and never feel bad about it, in fact, ill be a selfish asshole for not allowing him to fuck me over...

fuck druggies.
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