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Posted: 6/11/2013 11:10:12 AM EDT
All real superpowers need to build a canal across the Americas, right?


Nicaragua is ploughing ahead with a plan to dig a Chinese-funded rival to the Panama Canal across the middle of the country.

The proposal has been fast-tracked through the ruling party-controlled congress despite a lack of details about the £25billion project.

A China-based consortium says it will finance the project and turn over control of the infrastructure to Nicaragua in exchange for a majority of the earnings, which it would share with the Nicaraguan government.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:12:35 AM EDT
Wanna bet there's no Chinese jimmy carter who's gonna just give it to
Nicaragua after shifting $25B on it?
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:13:30 AM EDT
Wee need a bigger canal
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:15:39 AM EDT
Wee need a bigger canal

Big ships out there. Offloading to an intermodal rail 'land bridge' is costly and ineffective.

Unless the Arctic Route stays ice-free, a new canal is overdue.

Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:17:02 AM EDT
Wee need a bigger canal

Big ships out there. Offloading to an intermodal rail 'land bridge' is costly and ineffective.

Unless the Arctic Route stays ice-free, a new canal is overdue.

And in wartime I'm sure it could become our canal pretty quick
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:20:46 AM EDT
As soon as Clinton honored Jimmuh Carter's signaway of our Panama Canal, the Chinese occupied the locks and management company that we used to run the canal zone.  They had prepared for it for decades.

Another canal fully-controlled by China means they get to call the shots.  Communist Daniel Ortega was supposed to leave office last year, and yet he still is in power.  Why no coverage on that?

A canal through Nicaragua will reduce shipping costs, as it cuts out several hundred miles of oceanic travel to go down to Panama.  This was a consideration back in the 1800's, but France sold its interests in Panama to the US at a reasonable cost, which is why we went there instead.  Here's the 1800's proposal:

Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:21:53 AM EDT
I think we had a plan back in the 50's to build a second canal using nuclear blasting.

That would have been cool!
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:24:17 AM EDT
But if they put a saltwater lock system  and canal through a freshwater lake, it will destroy the lake!!!  They would never consider destroying the environment for profit and control!  Inconceivable!!
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:28:07 AM EDT
Is that the lake that is chock full of maneating Bull Sharks who have adapted to living in "fresh" water permanently?

Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:28:33 AM EDT
Just do a East to West coast canal right through the U.S.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:33:31 AM EDT

Bigger CVC's on the horrizon?
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:35:50 AM EDT
This is very interesting. The Chinese all but run the Panama Canal now (thanks to that fucking idiot Jimmy P-Nut) When I was in Panama a few years back the people I talked to didnt like the Chinese much and would have preferred the US to stay around. When we left it really hurt the local economy. They are in the process of building a 2nd canal alongside the first so that larger Post-Panamax ships can use it and be able to go straight to the US east coast and Europe without going through the Suez Canal or using intermodal trains.

The Chinese have the money to do this (our money by the way) and if thats what they want to do then so be it. If there is ever a war that comes around and has to do with the canals hopefully this country is still strong enough to take or destroy them if necessary.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:40:12 AM EDT
I will be impressed if they can complete the project for 25 billion.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:43:19 AM EDT

Have at it fellas.  As long as America doesn't support this with engineers and trained supervisors, it will fail.  Maybe given 40-50 years China will have something resembling a canal, but by that point I (hope) that the US has woken up to the need for finishing the Panama canal widening.

Edit: typo
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:44:53 AM EDT
I will be impressed if they can complete the project for 25 billion.

Slave labor is cheap...
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:47:22 AM EDT
I will be impressed if they can complete the project for 25 billion.

Slave labor is cheap...

They can do a nuke plant for $4B where the identical plant in the US costs $10-12B

Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:48:24 AM EDT
Just do a East to West coast canal right through the U.S.

Put it right on the Tex/Mex border?

Go Chinese! It would be cool to see this happen.

I am betting Nicaruaga would make this project go very smoothly provided the elite get their payoff.

Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:50:58 AM EDT
How much y'all want to bet China stations a shitload of troops in Nicaragua to protect their new canal?
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:51:28 AM EDT
Just realized we are talking about pounds sterling... so it is actually more like $39 billion USD.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:55:50 AM EDT
What's sad is that we "The United States of America" should have done this years ago.  Instead we gave our position away as a global leader.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:56:47 AM EDT

Have at it fellas.  As long as America doesn't support this with engineers and trained supervisors, it will fail.  Maybe given 40-50 years China will have something resembling a canal, but by that point I (hope) that the US has woken up to the need for finishing the Panama canal widening.

Edit: typo

Don't bet on it. They pulled off the Three Gorges Dam, the canal would be a cake walk by comparison.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:57:30 AM EDT
This is very interesting. The Chinese all but run the Panama Canal now (thanks to that fucking idiot Jimmy P-Nut) When I was in Panama a few years back the people I talked to didnt like the Chinese much and would have preferred the US to stay around. When we left it really hurt the local economy. They are in the process of building a 2nd canal alongside the first so that larger Post-Panamax ships can use it and be able to go straight to the US east coast and Europe without going through the Suez Canal or using intermodal trains.

The Chinese have the money to do this (our money by the way) and if thats what they want to do then so be it. If there is ever a war that comes around and has to do with the canals hopefully this country is still strong enough to take or destroy them if necessary.

Who's got more of who's money? lol.

We sold them how much in Treasure Notes?
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:58:02 AM EDT
Maybe after it's built, Panama and Costa Rica will float away? Now that would create a big a$$ canal!
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 11:58:21 AM EDT

Have at it fellas.  As long as America doesn't support this with engineers and trained supervisors, it will fail.  Maybe given 40-50 years China will have something resembling a canal, but by that point I (hope) that the US has woken up to the need for finishing the Panama canal widening.

Edit: typo

Don't bet on it. They pulled off the Three Gorges Dam, the canal would be a cake walk by comparison.


Again, it's stupid we didn't do this as a replacement for the Panama Canal.

Link Posted: 6/11/2013 12:15:52 PM EDT
Is that the lake that is chock full of maneating Bull Sharks who have adapted to living in "fresh" water permanently?

Actually, it turns out that Bull sharks can tolerate fresh water. The sharks just cruise up and down the river to the lake.
Wonder how far up the Mississippi or Hudson they could make it?
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 12:20:52 PM EDT
So what kind of serious earth moving equipment will they be bringing in?
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 12:23:47 PM EDT
I have a question for the more internationally minded on here...

Thinking in the long term....

If you were a country and you wanted to establish a significant military presence on another continent.

Would you fund a long term project...once completed, make up a 'valid' reason to protect your interest there...oh, say some new terrorist group who was caught trying to destroy part of the project.    Then the host country for the project offers to allow you to build a few military bases along or near the project...and the surrounding countries (and, say nearby superpowers) probably wouldn't be able to protest much...you know because of the terrorists....

Link Posted: 6/11/2013 12:26:05 PM EDT
So what kind of serious earth moving equipment will they be bringing in?

Link Posted: 6/11/2013 12:29:36 PM EDT




I will be impressed if they can complete the project for 25 billion.

Slave labor is cheap...

They can do a nuke plant for $4B where the identical plant in the US costs $10-12B

How much of the savings come from not putting in safety measures?

ETA: I guess the other question is how much extra costs come from EPA stupidity

Link Posted: 6/11/2013 12:35:37 PM EDT
Is that the lake that is chock full of maneating Bull Sharks who have adapted to living in "fresh" water permanently?

Actually, it turns out that Bull sharks can tolerate fresh water. The sharks just cruise up and down the river to the lake.
Wonder how far up the Mississippi or Hudson they could make it?

Link Posted: 6/11/2013 12:40:22 PM EDT
This is very interesting. The Chinese all but run the Panama Canal now (thanks to that fucking idiot Jimmy P-Nut) When I was in Panama a few years back the people I talked to didnt like the Chinese much and would have preferred the US to stay around. When we left it really hurt the local economy. They are in the process of building a 2nd canal alongside the first so that larger Post-Panamax ships can use it and be able to go straight to the US east coast and Europe without going through the Suez Canal or using intermodal trains.

The Chinese have the money to do this (our money by the way) and if thats what they want to do then so be it. If there is ever a war that comes around and has to do with the canals hopefully this country is still strong enough to take or destroy them if necessary.

Who's got more of who's money? lol.

We sold them how much in Treasure Notes?

Yeah, I've a bit confused.  I thought the borrowed used the lender's money, not the other way around.  

What's the motivation for China doing this if they already have control over Panama?    It's about as far for Chinese shipping to get to Panama as it is for it to get to southern Europe through the Suez, so I can't see them making great use of this.  Are their ships too large for the Suez, forcing them to go around Africa?
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 12:51:45 PM EDT
If Three Gorges Dam is any indication on how they handle a project of this size then I can't wait to watch the progression of this 25B train wreck.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 12:52:48 PM EDT

I will be impressed if they can complete the project for 25 billion.

Slave labor is cheap...

They can do a nuke plant for $4B where the identical plant in the US costs $10-12B

How much of the savings come from not putting in safety measures?

ETA: I guess the other question is how much extra costs come from EPA stupidity

Identical plants. Identical safety.

No union labor nor endless impact studies & permits.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 12:53:25 PM EDT
Actually, it turns out that Bull sharks can tolerate fresh water. The sharks just cruise up and down the river to the lake.
Wonder how far up the Mississippi or Hudson they could make it?


Yeah, there was a news story a few years ago about a bull shark found
near St. Louis IIRC.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 12:56:25 PM EDT
It should be fun to see the Chinese steamroll the hippie protesters that will inevitably show up.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 12:59:00 PM EDT

Have at it fellas.  As long as America doesn't support this with engineers and trained supervisors, it will fail.  Maybe given 40-50 years China will have something resembling a canal, but by that point I (hope) that the US has woken up to the need for finishing the Panama canal widening.

Edit: typo

Don't bet on it. They pulled off the Three Gorges Dam, the canal would be a cake walk by comparison.

That's what I was thinking.  
This canal is just another nail in the coffin of American open ocean supremacy. China will be able to move their future military ships from the east to west in no time and with idiots running this country we won't be able to do a damn thing about it.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 1:03:10 PM EDT
Did the Monroe doctrine die? When?
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 1:08:14 PM EDT
Did the Monroe doctrine die? When?

It is now Gen Tso's Doctrine.

Link Posted: 6/11/2013 1:12:01 PM EDT
This is very interesting. The Chinese all but run the Panama Canal now (thanks to that fucking idiot Jimmy P-Nut) When I was in Panama a few years back the people I talked to didnt like the Chinese much and would have preferred the US to stay around. When we left it really hurt the local economy. They are in the process of building a 2nd canal alongside the first so that larger Post-Panamax ships can use it and be able to go straight to the US east coast and Europe without going through the Suez Canal or using intermodal trains.

The Chinese have the money to do this (our money by the way) and if thats what they want to do then so be it. If there is ever a war that comes around and has to do with the canals hopefully this country is still strong enough to take or destroy them if necessary.
Panama's currency is the US dollar.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 1:14:44 PM EDT
Did the Monroe doctrine die? When?

It is now Gen Tso's Doctrine.

So then. They want to play chicken, eh?
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 1:15:05 PM EDT
I think we had a plan back in the 50's to build a second canal using nuclear blasting.

That would have been cool!

Uhhh contaminating the landscape with deadly cancer causing radioactive material isn't cool in my book.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 1:17:06 PM EDT
All hail CHINA!!!
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 1:19:20 PM EDT
I think we had a plan back in the 50's to build a second canal using nuclear blasting.

That would have been cool!

Uhhh contaminating the landscape with deadly cancer causing radioactive material isn't cool in my book.

That sounds like hippy talk
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 1:25:00 PM EDT
Bet they DDT the hell out of the area.

China is now the world leader in space, we can't even put a monkey in orbit now.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 1:25:02 PM EDT


Maybe after it's built, Panama and Costa Rica will float away? Now that would create a big a$$ canal!

Your post made me think of this:

Link Posted: 6/11/2013 1:27:58 PM EDT
But if they put a saltwater lock system  and canal through a freshwater lake, it will destroy the lake!!!  They would never consider destroying the environment for profit and control!  Inconceivable!!

I've met a few people who have been to that lake.  They say it's spectacularly beautiful, and sure to be ruined if this project is ever completed.

Not that the PRC or los hermanos Ortega care.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 1:35:28 PM EDT

Have at it fellas.  As long as America doesn't support this with engineers and trained supervisors, it will fail.  Maybe given 40-50 years China will have something resembling a canal, but by that point I (hope) that the US has woken up to the need for finishing the Panama canal widening.

Edit: typo

Don't bet on it. They pulled off the Three Gorges Dam, the canal would be a cake walk by comparison.

Uh, perhaps you need to read up on that project.  That was the first thing to come to mind when I read this and the very first indicator, for me at least, of things to come for the new project.

Not saying that they won't learn, but if they don't have Western help and resources engineer and supervise this project for them, it will be a failure.  Of epic proportions.  If you think that the Three Gorges Dam is an engineering marvel that will stand for a century, please do some more research.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 1:39:10 PM EDT
I can see it now the Chinese using it to move there warships through it and setting up a Chinese Naval base right next to it. Maybe even setting up some industry down there too.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 1:48:59 PM EDT
Malaria is going to be a Bitch.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 1:51:40 PM EDT
I can see it now the Chinese using it to move there warships through it and setting up a Chinese Naval base right next to it. Maybe even setting up some industry down there too.

Once the Chinese sailors experience the hotness of the local women, the ships will never leave the dock.
Link Posted: 6/11/2013 1:51:57 PM EDT
Malaria is going to be a Bitch.

China has enough peasants to make it work. This might be part of their population control program.
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