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Link Posted: 11/10/2023 9:14:54 PM EDT
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It is going to be so thinned out it will almost be nonexistent
Managers need to micro manage
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Remote work isn’t going anywhere.

It is going to be so thinned out it will almost be nonexistent
Managers need to micro manage

I prefer some balance; but, I've found that I can micro manage from home.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 9:16:26 PM EDT
If it can be done from home it can be done from India
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 9:22:37 PM EDT
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If it can be done from home it can be done from India
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I work with a lot of Indonesian immigrants that will tell you flat out you're completely wrong. The majority of the real talent is already here, not there. Of course, most of the off shores can be a support phone jokey or do basic system admin stuff but can they design a ,5 9's real-time application system soup to nuts with all the infrastructure, software and hardware while maintaining high quality standards and keeping costs contained? Yeah, no they can't. Not even close.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 9:29:41 PM EDT
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If it can be done from home it can be done from India
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I'm sorry but this is just false.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 9:42:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 9:44:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 9:47:30 PM EDT
Ive been remote for 4 years now.

I go in to our local UT office once every other month or so and go to our HQ once a year for a yearly training for a week.

The other ~350ish days of the year I'm working in my home office, or on the beach, or from Europe, or from wherever TF I want.

The code I push doesn't care where it's pushed from. As long as I'm building the stuff I'm paid to build, my boss doesn't GAF.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 9:49:29 PM EDT
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Some of the RTO planning is actually downsizing in disguise. They know some will quit rather then come back so this a good way to get ahead of the curve with voluntary separations.
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I'm in the shipping industry and this is true. We are going from 3/2 to 4/1 and the hope is that some move on. Makes sense since theres no severance if you quit
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 9:50:01 PM EDT
I’ve been remote since 2015.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 9:53:30 PM EDT
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I've been WFH since before the covid mess. All I got is, man, does my employer ever make out. Beyond the innumerable benefits I enjoy, they get the opportunity for once unheard of attention and ass in the seat time. There's just no way on God's earth I could be at my desk and rocking at say, 5:00 am when we are super stupid busy - at least not without me hating life and angry at having had to leave the house at 3:45am. Also - and I don't let this occur often - if shit really hits the fan it's essentially a non-issue to stay on late, leave and come back, or pop in at an odd hour on the weekend. Really, none of that was possible before, at least in a way where I could stay sane, or in a way they could pay me enough to justify it.
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100% this.  And even "normal office hours", I don't spend an hour commuting to, or from.  I'm not in a hurry to beat rush hour, I'm not running late, I don't have car trouble, etc, etc.  For me, with Zoom, Slack, Teams, Email, electronic whiteboards, sharepoint, etc. other than smelling their BO, there's really nothing I can't do with my co-workers on-site that I can't do remotely.

The real problem is that a) many employees are gonna screw off when they should be working, and b) many employers don't trust their responsible employees.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 9:53:37 PM EDT
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I've been WFH since before the covid mess. All I got is, man, does my employer ever make out. Beyond the innumerable benefits I enjoy, they get the opportunity for once unheard of attention and ass in the seat time. There's just no way on God's earth I could be at my desk and rocking at say, 5:00 am when we are super stupid busy - at least not without me hating life and angry at having had to leave the house at 3:45am. Also - and I don't let this occur often - if shit really hits the fan it's essentially a non-issue to stay on late, leave and come back, or pop in at an odd hour on the weekend. Really, none of that was possible before, at least in a way where I could stay sane, or in a way they could pay me enough to justify it.
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I don't have to be but I'm almost always the first one in and the last to leave, every day. I also work evenings and weekends without being asked when shit needs to get done asap. I'm reachable by phone, text or email, "at all times" even on vacation.
I also maintain at my own expense over 1200 sq ft of my house for my office, a bathroom and an equipment room I use only for work which affords me technical capabilities I could *never* have working in a cube or some gawd awful drop in facility.
I do this by choice and it's a major benefit for my employer agreeing for me to work from home. If I drove in every day, I'm far enough away that I wouldn't get there before 10 and I'd be out of there by 4 and forget working weekends or evenings w/o OT.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 9:54:22 PM EDT
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This right here. I'm in software dev. I don't have to do my job in an office, especially when my physical office is 750 miles away. I like to visit from time to time and build relationships but day to day is done in my home office.
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Im new to the field, but I feel like on-site software jobs dont exist outside of working for .mil contractors that require a clearance.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 9:58:32 PM EDT
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We experimented with contracting out some of our programming work to an Indian office when we were slammed and
not enough resources in-house to do it all.
The quality of what we got back was less than impressive. Took us more time to redo a bunch of the code we paid them for.
Management learned a valuable lesson there.
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You should have tried contracting out to eastern europe.  Half of what it costs here but more expensive than India.  We got good results from Ukrainians before the war.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 9:59:12 PM EDT
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This is what all millennials think working from home is: a way to blend home with work life, with more emphasis with home life.  Attention to the kids, play with the dog, leisurely break/meal times.


And it's becoming apparent.  Employers are not getting the bang for their buck.
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Then those employers have shitty management.  At least for workers who should be evaluated on an intellectual work-product.  It's unfortunately that simple.  Keep track of what your people produce, how long it takes them to produce it, and whether it's marketable to customers.  If they lag on any of those, point it out, and if they won't change, find an employee who doesn't lag.  You might have to pay them (gasp!).

This bit in the thread of employers using a RTO strategy as stealth downsizing is hockey-helmet-wearing retarded.  By all means, employ a selection strategy that excludes your smartest, most able to leave because they have options, working pool.  EDIT:  Or what @GunslingerPoet said.

That all employers are magically going to insist on RTO, and have a decent chance of getting it to stick, should bury the idea in a lot of your heads that we operate in a free-market, competitive economy.  It's oligopolistic, crony capitalism, and it's been that way for awhile.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:00:04 PM EDT
lol remote work is a fantasy
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:01:28 PM EDT
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lol remote work is a fantasy
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A couple months shy of 4 years now.

Seems pretty real to me
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:02:37 PM EDT
If you live close to work you can easily be in the office everyday. This is where living close to work has an advantage over living far away.  Of course, if you want to change jobs and still stay close to work you may have to move.

Our youngest has an advantage over coworkers by her walking into the office everyday, while other employees are there only 2 or 3 days a week.

All other things being equal who does the boss think more highly of?  The people that whine about being in the office or the person that is there everyday?
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:04:24 PM EDT
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If you live close to work you can easily be in the office everyday. This is where living close to work has an advantage over living far away.  Of course, if you want to change jobs and still stay close to work you may have to move.

Our youngest has an advantage over coworkers by her walking into the office everyday, while other employees are there only 2 or 3 days a week.

All other things being equal who does the boss think more highly of?  The people that whine about being in the office or the person that is there everyday?
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The person who fucking produces.  That's who the boss should be valuing.  Face time /= production.  

Goddamn, but a lot of upper management just needs to retire already.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:07:24 PM EDT
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If you live close to work you can easily be in the office everyday. This is where living close to work has an advantage over living far away.  Of course, if you want to change jobs and still stay close to work you may have to move.

Our youngest has an advantage over coworkers by her walking into the office everyday, while other employees are there only 2 or 3 days a week.

All other things being equal who does the boss think more highly of?  The people that whine about being in the office or the person that is there everyday?
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My entire team is 100% remote.  CA, NV, NM, TX, TN, GA, NC, VA.  We're all varying degrees of senior IT engineer.  My manager expects that the team is responsive during business hours, meeting or exceeding the project demands as required, and he gets that.  There is no "whining about being in the office".  If it was a requirement, we'd all be fired.  Thinking the best employees are the ones who sit in a cube all day is antiquated, old-school thinking in a modern workforce.  At least in my field.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:08:00 PM EDT
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Not to mention structural tightening of the labor market. Boomers are retiring and Gen Z is smaller. The size of the boomer generation resulted in oversupply of labor for the past 30+ years. This is changing and will.be shifting the long term balance of power away from employers.

Also factored in is the increased competition for high skill workers, especially in tech applications.

I do software development in banking. Even regional banks need significant teams if in-house analysts, admins, and devs to configure and maintain their applications. Ten years ago, banks this size had a fraction of that as they still heavily used paper processes and lots of clerical positions instead of automation. It adds up to increased competition for workers who can build and maintain this stuff

And for the inevitable 'they can just send the job to India!'.. LOL. I've seen it attempted with high skill (not help desk) jobs. Failed spectacularly each time.
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My former company outsourced all things IT to India, 2 years in and it was still the disaster it was when they started.  Every time I asked, from when they announced it, to when I left, I was told "We're investing in this as our long term solution."  When I asked what the failure point was, I was told the same thing.  They went all in and sold themselves on the mind set of "it won't fail, because it can't."  I shit you not.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:11:07 PM EDT
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A couple months shy of 4 years now.

Seems pretty real to me
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lol remote work is a fantasy

A couple months shy of 4 years now.

Seems pretty real to me

Maybe that guy does manual labor?  Doing construction work remotely from home is probably tuff to find.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:12:02 PM EDT
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I'm sorry but this is just false.
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If it can be done from home it can be done from India

I'm sorry but this is just false.

Based on a lot of the work I see from India, its false...

The really good Indian engineers get H1B's and move to the US and get a 300% pay raise.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:14:47 PM EDT
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My wife's firm just tried mandating 3 days/week and everyone told them to pound sand.

It's not 2020 bad, but it will never go back to prepandemic levels.

Foot traffic in Downtown Chicago is a fraction of what it used to be.
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It's too bad so few were willing to say that to the vax mandates.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:15:27 PM EDT
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The person who fucking produces.  That's who the boss should be valuing.  Face time /= production.  

Goddamn, but a lot of upper management just needs to retire already.
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If you live close to work you can easily be in the office everyday. This is where living close to work has an advantage over living far away.  Of course, if you want to change jobs and still stay close to work you may have to move.

Our youngest has an advantage over coworkers by her walking into the office everyday, while other employees are there only 2 or 3 days a week.

All other things being equal who does the boss think more highly of?  The people that whine about being in the office or the person that is there everyday?

The person who fucking produces.  That's who the boss should be valuing.  Face time /= production.  

Goddamn, but a lot of upper management just needs to retire already.

I did say “all other things being equal”.  Between people that produce the same managers are going to prefer someone they know more over someone they know less. They’re going to prefer someone who doesn’t whine about having to come into the office. That’s just human nature. In group vs out group thinking has been with us since the beginning of humanity. It’s not going away.

And for the record, my kid is highly regarded and out produces anyone else she works with at the same level and even above in some cases. That said, she knows how to play the game and isn’t going to stop because her coworkers don’t like it. Shrug.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:18:50 PM EDT
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Our senior management is pushing everyone to come work in the office full time, mainly because they're locked into the expensive lease on our needlessly extravagant office for several more years. They're delusional if they think people are going to agree to it; most of us already worked remotely before covid started. I live several hours from our office and there is a zero-point-zero percent chance I'm ever going to agree to commute to the office even one day a week.
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The irony is, they are reaping the same thing whether someone is using the office buildings or not. They aren't paying extra for the people that are working from home.

It matters not if people are in that office or not, aside from their knowledge that the buildings are empty. It seems like they would be saving on overhead.

They pay for the lease if employees are there, they pay for the lease if they aren't. What am I missing?
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:19:46 PM EDT
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Based on a lot of the work I see from India, its false...

The really good Indian engineers get H1B's and move to the US and get a 300% pay raise.
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If it can be done from home it can be done from India

I'm sorry but this is just false.

Based on a lot of the work I see from India, its false...

The really good Indian engineers get H1B's and move to the US and get a 300% pay raise.
Not sure about H1Bs but a lot of the Indonesians that I work with went to school here and became US citizens and they do pretty good work. Of course, they get paid the same as anyone else too.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:21:02 PM EDT
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As soon as the cunt of DC Muriel Bowser said all the .gov workers needed to come back into the offices in DC so the surrounding businesses could make money off of them I asked, "what about climate change from all those cars being driven again?" Lib coworker went through some mighty interesting mental gymnastics on how it's different in that instance.
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Democrats have a stranglehold on the cities.
Frankly I wonder how much of that is fuckery, since they have such a tight grip.
Hollowing out their strongholds might really screw them in the long term.  Not being so dependent on the cities might, in time, make a few people realize how much it sucks in the cities.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:28:04 PM EDT
But Muh COVID is still out their & stuff.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:28:25 PM EDT
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The irony is, they are reaping the same thing whether someone is using the office buildings or not. They aren't paying extra for the people that are working from home.

It matters not if people are in that office or not, aside from their knowledge that the buildings are empty. It seems like they would be saving on overhead.

They pay for the lease if employees are there, they pay for the lease if they aren't. What am I missing?
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Our senior management is pushing everyone to come work in the office full time, mainly because they're locked into the expensive lease on our needlessly extravagant office for several more years. They're delusional if they think people are going to agree to it; most of us already worked remotely before covid started. I live several hours from our office and there is a zero-point-zero percent chance I'm ever going to agree to commute to the office even one day a week.

The irony is, they are reaping the same thing whether someone is using the office buildings or not. They aren't paying extra for the people that are working from home.

It matters not if people are in that office or not, aside from their knowledge that the buildings are empty. It seems like they would be saving on overhead.

They pay for the lease if employees are there, they pay for the lease if they aren't. What am I missing?

Their politician friends leaning on them to get people back, at least for the big businesses with a large footprint in the cities.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:33:41 PM EDT
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Do/Should WFH peeps worry their jobs turn into WFH peeps from overseas taking their jobs?

I’m sure they can find a cheaper workforce of all you need is an internet connection.

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Yeah  - how has offshoring IT and call centers been received so far?  Universally hated and frequently reversed.  AIG is going to be the next company to find out the hard way.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:38:19 PM EDT
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Wait, so everyone that could wfh during covid, had to wfh to keep the business going, and now with inflation over the moon, they want people to basically take a paycut and rto, for what?

Are companies actually doing worse or is it just that the companies that didn't divest themselves of unneeded properties are stuck holding the rent bill?

Is there some kind of occupancy number they have to hit to be able to write off the property cost?

Or is it just that micro managers have to justify their job by how many people they can see on the floor?

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The latter.  Plus micro-managing can indeed be done remotely, and about 40% of "managers" don't know any other method of management except fear and bullying.  Which is why people are jumping off the ship I am on as soon as they can.

Suck it companies - the labor market is tight and getting tighter.  You have no power here ...
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:42:37 PM EDT
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Remote work isn't going anywhere for those in the fields that allow it. It helps companies by giving them a larger pool of workers that they would not have normally. Now before anyone says, "well, if it can be done remotely, it can be done by someone in India", while that is true, it's also detrimental to any company as the quality of work diminishes and timelines have to be extended to account for their incompetence.
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... and language barriers, cultural differences (different casts in India for example) different legal and tax issues, and a widely different time zone making collaboration difficult.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:45:18 PM EDT
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Suck it companies - the labor market is tight and getting tighter.  You have no power here ...
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I’ve seen tight labor markets come and go. Enjoy it while you can because it won’t last long.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:46:58 PM EDT
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My son has a government job where he works from home

He and his friends look at commute times as unpaid overtime,  and gas, wear/tear on personally owned vehicles,  insurance, parking costs are laughable unnecessary expenses
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So working from home should pay less.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:51:24 PM EDT
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I haven't been to an office in the better part of 7 years.  I am in IT and the systems and people I work with are scattered all over the world.  Schlepping into an office would only serve to consume time that I spend producing today.  

There's a place for office work, for some roles, but not mine.
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I'm a data center analyst so I *MOSTLY* work at the data center.  Sometimes you have to walk to the server and cycle power.

That being said, I have other duties and I work with a lot of people who rarely are in the office, and that's fine.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:54:45 PM EDT
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Nurses care for patients form home?
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Almost everything in health care is connected to a server.  Massive, massive amount of IT in health care (see: EPIC) and much of it can be done remotely.  Infusion pumps, EKGs, EEGs, lab work, imaging, medicine distribution, billing .....
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:56:28 PM EDT
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It’s already significantly down from what it once was.

As metro areas put pressure on large corporations/threaten to remove tax breaks, more people will be going hybrid and then back to the office.

Fortune 200 here, senior mgmt- I’ve heard the discussions.

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Not my company.  Fortune Top 50.  They just announced they are laying off a lot of the workforce in the US and moving their jobs to Ireland.  

Back to Work turned to fuck right off really quick.  Cuck on the big screen was sure to tell everyone to work hard until their last day.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:56:37 PM EDT
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So working from home should pay less.
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My son has a government job where he works from home

He and his friends look at commute times as unpaid overtime,  and gas, wear/tear on personally owned vehicles,  insurance, parking costs are laughable unnecessary expenses

So working from home should pay less.
If you factor what it costs me for providing all my own working infrastructure and the fact that I work way more than if I was in the office, it does. By a lot.
Even without the expenses of WFH I'm paid less than half what I could easily be making elsewhere, (and was before my wife got sick). Unfortunately, I don't have a choice anymore for many reasons. I have to work from home.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:57:55 PM EDT
In a few months I'm supposed to start going back to the office 1 day a week.  The people in charge are pushing it as an attempt for some awesome collaboration or something (they want us all to come in on the same day).  

However, the entire team I am on is 100% remote.  As in out of state.  I will not see any of them in the office.

So I guess I'll be the only member of my team in the office.  Maybe I'll reserve a nice conference room and have a meeting to collaborate with myself..... oh who am I kidding, I'll be sitting in a cube having virtual meetings with the exact same people I have virtual meetings with from my house lol
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 10:58:16 PM EDT
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As soon as the cunt of DC Muriel Bowser said all the .gov workers needed to come back into the offices in DC so the surrounding businesses could make money off of them I asked, "what about climate change from all those cars being driven again?" Lib coworker went through some mighty interesting mental gymnastics on how it's different in that instance.
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Urban areas (democrats)  are losing their tax revenues

As soon as the cunt of DC Muriel Bowser said all the .gov workers needed to come back into the offices in DC so the surrounding businesses could make money off of them I asked, "what about climate change from all those cars being driven again?" Lib coworker went through some mighty interesting mental gymnastics on how it's different in that instance.

They never went to battle with unions over 4 day weeks. 4x10 need not be 8 hours overtime.   And it would cut commutes - trips, emissions, gas, road use, etc. 20 %.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 11:00:24 PM EDT
Didn’t watch video.

But I agree.

It’s been proven over and over that the majority of people are more productive at the office.

I’m not reading 4 pages of GD insisting they’re the exception to the rule and they’re paid for their mind blah blah blah
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 11:00:42 PM EDT
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Yeah, I'm not trying to be a dick, but I think that's an argument or opinion, sometimes based in a little bit of perhaps anger generated jealousy, by many folks that work in industries where WFH is not really possible.
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If it can be done from home it can be done from India

I'm sorry but this is just false.
Yeah, I'm not trying to be a dick, but I think that's an argument or opinion, sometimes based in a little bit of perhaps anger generated jealousy, by many folks that work in industries where WFH is not really possible.

Why is it false?

Couldn’t you move to India and do your job from there, given a good internet connection?

I ask it this way to illustrate, so you’ll have to bear with me.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 11:05:00 PM EDT
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Maybe that guy does manual labor?  Doing construction work remotely from home is probably tuff to find.
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lol remote work is a fantasy

A couple months shy of 4 years now.

Seems pretty real to me

Maybe that guy does manual labor?  Doing construction work remotely from home is probably tuff to find.

I get that. Everyone's situation is different!
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 11:05:18 PM EDT
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I’ve seen tight labor markets come and go. Enjoy it while you can because it won’t last long.
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Suck it companies - the labor market is tight and getting tighter.  You have no power here ...

I’ve seen tight labor markets come and go. Enjoy it while you can because it won’t last long.

Demographics much?  From when will the replacement workers come?
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 11:21:17 PM EDT
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Nope.  Tech jobs have become scarce in a blink, and wfh tech has become non-existent.  Mostly we now see bait and switch "hybrid" offers that are turning out to be one day a week wfh or less.
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You're just wrong, man. No software startup is spending their cash on office real estate. I wouldn't, and neither would you. You're building a team and shipping a product cheaper by cutting that overhead. Offices for office work that can be done remotely is dinosaur thinking. It's absolutely insane to pay for an office if you don't have to. We are talking Spanish armada versus the British fleet, here. Slow, lumbering, expensive versus fast, lightweight, cheaper development. Remote tech work is just the new reality.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 11:25:03 PM EDT
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If you live close to work you can easily be in the office everyday. This is where living close to work has an advantage over living far away.  Of course, if you want to change jobs and still stay close to work you may have to move.

Our youngest has an advantage over coworkers by her walking into the office everyday, while other employees are there only 2 or 3 days a week.

All other things being equal who does the boss think more highly of?  The people that whine about being in the office or the person that is there everyday?
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You guys are missing the point. The boss isn't coming in to the office either. More and more, there IS no office. Why would an entrepreneur pay for something he doesn't need?
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 11:25:10 PM EDT
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Fortune 100 here and we are adding close to 400 remote positions next year and transitioning enough employees to shut down 3 offices.  Goal is 75% remote by 2027.


Profits and productivity have been steadily increasing since 2020 when all this started.
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We'll see whether decreasing overhead and increasing the pool of available talent in a labor market entering a competency crisis is a winning strategy.  Personally I think some dinosaurs will wind up going extinct.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 11:28:10 PM EDT
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So working from home should pay less.
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My son has a government job where he works from home

He and his friends look at commute times as unpaid overtime,  and gas, wear/tear on personally owned vehicles,  insurance, parking costs are laughable unnecessary expenses

So working from home should pay less.

Why? The worker produces the same value and costs the employer less. It's a win/win.

Link Posted: 11/10/2023 11:44:54 PM EDT
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For now

They are all slowly bringing people back in.

Laugh all you want but you hear it every day of companies telling people to come to work.

I know it sucks but its happening

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Remote work isn’t going anywhere.

It is going to be so thinned out it will almost be nonexistent

There are publicly traded companies that are 100% remote.

For now

They are all slowly bringing people back in.

Laugh all you want but you hear it every day of companies telling people to come to work.

I know it sucks but its happening

Most companies have realized that they no longer need to keep expanding their expenses for office workers. They have, effectively, shifted those costs to the employees. And, they do NOT want those costs back. Some companies have gone to a "hotelling" setup in much smaller office space so that when on-site meetings need to take place, they can but the era of companies buying huge amounts of office space for all of their people is over, regardless of what the downtown real estate hawkers are saying. Companies have found yet another way to increase profits and bonuses to executives buy cutting expenses.
Link Posted: 11/10/2023 11:53:49 PM EDT
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You have to caveat that with the fact that many people went to WFH due to outside influences - Covid garbage.  Lots of those jobs couldn't be effectively or done at all from home.  People who required access to isolated servers and programs that basically got paid to sit at home.  Any numbers coming out in the last couple and next few years are going to be skewed.

There are millions of jobs that can be effectively done at home - with productive people.  What you are also seeing is lots of middle managers who dont produce or dont manage to produce being highlighted with WFH.

In the end it will balance out and WFH is and will be a legitimate thing that grows over time.  Hell if you have spent time in any sizable company you will find that in most instances 80% of the work is done by 20% of the people. Most companies have a surplus of useless staff.  Identifying and weeding those people out is never as easy as it seems.

Remember - Productive people will always find a way to be productive, unproductive people will always find and excuse to be unproductive.

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Short term maybe.  Long term, businesses who do that are putting themselves at a competitive disadvantage for talent.  A competitor will be able to score top talent at a cost premium by offering remote work.  Most people will take a significantly lower salary to live where they want.  

Early 2021 was the peak work from home with 37% of households reporting they had someone WFH.  It has fallen to less than 26% and the RTO pace is picking up.

You have to caveat that with the fact that many people went to WFH due to outside influences - Covid garbage.  Lots of those jobs couldn't be effectively or done at all from home.  People who required access to isolated servers and programs that basically got paid to sit at home.  Any numbers coming out in the last couple and next few years are going to be skewed.

There are millions of jobs that can be effectively done at home - with productive people.  What you are also seeing is lots of middle managers who dont produce or dont manage to produce being highlighted with WFH.

In the end it will balance out and WFH is and will be a legitimate thing that grows over time.  Hell if you have spent time in any sizable company you will find that in most instances 80% of the work is done by 20% of the people. Most companies have a surplus of useless staff.  Identifying and weeding those people out is never as easy as it seems.

Remember - Productive people will always find a way to be productive, unproductive people will always find and excuse to be unproductive.

One thing that Kung Flu forced WFH did was make companies invest in the IT infrastructure to support such things. And, software companies came up with workable solutions. Same with schools. They were forced to adapt and "level up" to the conditions. Internet suppliers upped their game to be able to support credible WFH speeds/bandwidth. So, now the infrastructure exists to support WFH that otherwise wouldn't have had Kung Flu not come along and forced the issue.
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