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Link Posted: 11/9/2011 12:24:24 PM EDT

  Wonder what ole Uncle Bob ( Mugabe) is thinking now...The former leader of Libya was looking on taking refuge in the country. Wonder what Mugabe thinks now. Bet he is locking his doors better...
 Alot of unhappy people in that country these days.
Link Posted: 11/9/2011 5:06:49 PM EDT

Link Posted: 11/9/2011 5:14:25 PM EDT
On October 21st, 2011 Flight Commander Chris Dixon, Rhodesian Air Force passed away after a long battle with cancer. FC Dixon led the Raid on Westland Farms Zambia/ Op Gatling.


Green Leader. You are cleared hot. RIP Sir.
Link Posted: 11/10/2011 6:33:25 AM EDT

I wanna jump a Dak at 800.  

Try 300 is some cases.

Talk about LALO! I bet they looked like this a lot of times––->


They were going as slow as 90kts often though.  It was their "trick" as to how they avoided scattering problems and missing LZ's

You mean that STOL aircraft are good jump birds? Who fucking knew?

I wouldn't call the DC-3 a STOL aircraft....

TO ground run in still air at SE at MTOW is 1500 feet. Landing distance over a 50 ft. obstacle at SE is 2080 ft.  I know its not the technical definition, but you can see it from here.

To compare those numbers for the Dash 7 are 689 meters (2260 ft) , and 594 meters (1949 feet), respectfully.

Link Posted: 11/10/2011 11:24:22 PM EDT
Just letting everyone know today is the 46th anniversary of Rhodesia's Unilateral Declaration of Independence.
Link Posted: 11/11/2011 8:34:46 AM EDT
that guy has a safari arms 1911 that pistol with his CAR and colt scope he was as high speed as it gets for 1981

anyone identify the knife? Randal? as it appears everything else he has was state of the art for the time

HTH can you tell that's a Safari Arms?  Not saying it's not, but all you can see is the frame.

That is all you need to see for Safari Arms.  The "finger hump" gives it away.

They made a few different style frames, but the finger hump and straight bottom trigger guard are identifiers.
Link Posted: 11/11/2011 10:32:26 AM EDT

Link Posted: 11/11/2011 12:13:27 PM EDT


Whereas in the course of human affairs history has shown that it may become necessary for a people to resolve the political affiliations which have connected them with another people and to assume amongst other nations the separate and equal status to which they are entitled.

And Whereas in such event a respect for the opinions of mankind requires them to declare to other nations the causes which impel them to assume full responsibility for their own affairs.

Now Therefore, We, The Government of Rhodesia, Do Hereby Declare:

That it is an indisputable and accepted historic fact that since 1923 the Government of Rhodesia have exercised the powers of self-government and have been responsible for the progress, development and welfare of their people;

That the people of Rhodesia having demonstrated their loyalty to the crown and to their kith and kin in the United Kingdom and elsewhere through two world wars, and having been prepared to shed their blood and give of their substance in what they believed to be the mutual interests of freedom-loving people, now see all that they have cherished about to be shattered on the rocks of expediency.

That the people of Rhodesia have witnessed a process which is destructive of those very precepts upon which civilization in a primitive country has been built; they have seen the principles of Western democracy, responsible government and moral standards crumble elsewhere; nevertheless they have remained steadfast;

That the people of Rhodesia fully support the requests of their Government for sovereign independence but have witnessed the consistent refusal of the Government of the United Kingdom to accede to their entreaties;

That the Government of the United Kingdom have thus demonstrated that they are not prepared to grant sovereign independence to Rhodesia on terms acceptable to the people of Rhodesia, thereby persisting in maintaining an unwarrantable jurisdiction over Rhodesia, obstructing laws and treaties with other states and the conduct of affairs with other nations and refusing assent to laws necessary for the public good; all this to the detriment to the future peace, prosperity and good government of Rhodesia;

That the Government of Rhodesia have for a long period patiently and in good faith negotiated with the Government of the United Kingdom for the removal of the remaining limitations placed upon them and for the grant of sovereign independence;

That in the belief that procrastination and delay strike at and injure the very life of the nation, the Government of Rhodesia consider it essential that Rhodesia should attain, without delay, sovereign independence, the justice of which is beyond question;

Now Therefore, We The Government of Rhodesia, in humble submission to Almighty God who controls the destinies of nations, conscious that the people of Rhodesia have always shown unswerving loyalty and devotion to Her Majesty the Queen and earnestly praying that we and the people of Rhodesia will not be hindered in our determination to continue exercising our undoubted right to demonstrate the same loyalty and devotion, and seeking to promote the common good so that the dignity and freedom of all men may be assured, Do, By This Proclamation, adopt, enact and give to the people of Rhodesia the Constitution annexed hereto

God Save The Queen

Given under Our Hand at Salisbury, this Eleventh day of November in the Year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-five.

Link Posted: 11/11/2011 12:31:53 PM EDT
that guy has a safari arms 1911 that pistol with his CAR and colt scope he was as high speed as it gets for 1981

anyone identify the knife? Randal? as it appears everything else he has was state of the art for the time

HTH can you tell that's a Safari Arms?  Not saying it's not, but all you can see is the frame.

That is all you need to see for Safari Arms.  The "finger hump" gives it away.


They made a few different style frames, but the finger hump and straight bottom trigger guard are identifiers.

A Safari Arms 1911 was also used in the movie Wanted by Angelina Jolie

I've heard they're of good quality.  Never handled one before though.
Link Posted: 11/11/2011 12:35:02 PM EDT

  Wonder what ole Uncle Bob ( Mugabe) is thinking now...The former leader of Libya was looking on taking refuge in the country. Wonder what Mugabe thinks now. Bet he is locking his doors better...
 Alot of unhappy people in that country these days.

Mugabe has been terrified of revolt since he took power. Hell its ILLEGAL to own cammo in Zimbabwe...
Link Posted: 11/12/2011 1:00:31 PM EDT
I have a question regarding Rhodesian FALs.

I understand why they took off the carry handles, and I understand why they painted them how they did. Why did they get rid of the slings though? Was it just to keep people from slinging their rifles while on patrol, or something else?
Link Posted: 11/12/2011 9:59:23 PM EDT
I have a question regarding Rhodesian FALs.

I understand why they took off the carry handles, and I understand why they painted them how they did. Why did they get rid of the slings though? Was it just to keep people from slinging their rifles while on patrol, or something else?

Yes, so they would have their rifle in their hands at all times.
Link Posted: 11/13/2011 12:20:36 PM EDT


The thing about fireforce is its a very simple concept.  the execution requires exceptional trust, leadership and individual soldier abilities.

I read the wiki a couple times unfortunately it is long on equipment descriptions and short on actual tactics ( like most other wiki articles about anything LOL )

As I understand it
helicopters spot and encircle the enemy as soon as they are spotted , stopping/pinning them and doing as much damage as possible

troops are dropped in a couple groups
#1 to push
#2 to anchor/block
the troops kill and push into the anchoring troops to ambush

while the helicopters stay over head killing anyone that might slip out on the edges  , and to keep the enemy pinned and mask noise of ground troops

all of which occurs in a fairly small , changing , and possibly friend/foe mixed environment
hence your comments

is this essentially correct or am I reading it wrong

most times the terrs were found by LRRS (selous) who used FM to contact the fireforce or telephone from a civilian.  They would then scramble into the helos and possibly the para-dak.
a light attack armed reconnossaince aircraft (usually a twin prop lynx) with the FF commander would arrive and he would be talked on the target by the scout to get his bearing.  At this point he would either direct fast mover air strikes (large defended target) or position the stop groups (4 men built around a FN-MAG (aka M240) Medium Machine Gun to stop escaping terrs before dropping the main sweep force with Daks who would advance on line shooting at anything that looked like a cover position.  The Dak was dual purpose.  Most had a minigun and after dropping the paras it would provide air support.  The helos had two types.  The G-cars carried the stop group and the k-cars (killer or command) would provide side gunship support with dual 20mms or quad 30 calibers (50 caliber was not liked for the same reason I don't like them).  Sometimes the FF commander would be in a k car, sometimes in the lynx.  But he was almost always airborne when directing the fight.  A ground movement would then collect the forces after the fight.

Replace the selous with UAVs.
Replace the para dak with a Chinook.
Replace the lynx with a Tucano.
Replace aulluettes (sp?) with blackhawks/hueys.

We have a better fireforce (UAVs are generally better than dismounted scouts for these types of operations for any number of reasons.) in more favorable terrain (more open in A-Stan than Rhodesia), with a weaker enemy.  the terrs had a strong 23mm, 14mm and SA-7 inventory.  Most of these are ulmost unheard of in taliban operations.

And we could do with 10% of the soldiers and we wouldn't be driving around getting our balls blown off.

Of course, to the AF, this is just whinning and I should be selling shoes or something.

I swear, give you 100 million, and 30,000 men and free reign to do what you want, you'd have that country whipped in 2 years.
Link Posted: 11/13/2011 7:24:13 PM EDT


Just letting everyone know today is the 46th anniversary of Rhodesia's Unilateral Declaration of Independence.

Good catch.

Link Posted: 11/14/2011 6:23:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/14/2011 7:49:45 AM EDT

I swear, give you 100 million, and 30,000 men and free reign to do what you want, you'd have that country whipped in 2 years.

No, but combined with an actual campaign to grant meaningful autonomy to the Tribes that would suspend support to the Taliban (in exchange for financial, employment, read: ANP/ANBP jobs and technical, read: combat support) in exchange for action against the Tribes that continue their recalcitrance.

The second would be done with the minimum of white faces. Shift log away from Pakistan.
Link Posted: 1/7/2012 10:20:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/7/2012 2:16:54 PM EDT
what kind of 1911 look alike pistol are do they have in those pics?



Hi Power model
Link Posted: 1/9/2012 12:01:08 PM EDT
what kind of 1911 look alike pistol are do they have in those pics?



Hi Power model

Star single stack 9mm.
Link Posted: 1/9/2012 12:05:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/30/2012 10:18:38 AM EDT

Star single stack 9mm.

In the early to mid-90s you could get those cheap via ads on Shotgun News.

I wonder if any of them were Rhodesian?  I wish I had picked up a few.

Sarco still has them for $250.

So is anyone getting any ideas by connecting the 55 Million rounds of 5.56 thread and this one? The dude in that thread says guns, ammo and tanks are available... WHo's with me!
Link Posted: 2/13/2012 8:52:09 AM EDT
Great thread! One of my new favorites.
Link Posted: 2/14/2012 10:34:33 AM EDT

Star single stack 9mm.

In the early to mid-90s you could get those cheap via ads on Shotgun News.

I wonder if any of them were Rhodesian?  I wish I had picked up a few.

Sarco still has them for $250.

So is anyone getting any ideas by connecting the 55 Million rounds of 5.56 thread and this one? The dude in that thread says guns, ammo and tanks are available... WHo's with me!

30 years ago it might have been worth it, now the country is in such shambles probably not.
Link Posted: 2/14/2012 11:00:13 AM EDT


threads like these are partially why I went out and bought a FAL

Threads like these are why I want a FAL

Threads like this reinforce that I was born in the wrong decade!
We had fucking awesome hair in the 70s.


old fart  

LOL some of us still had a lot of hair back in the 70's
Link Posted: 2/14/2012 2:25:46 PM EDT

Natasha Glenny, six and a half months old,
who was bayoneted to death by 20 terrorists in September, 1977.

Chikombe Marvidra whose face was mutilated by terrorists.
"The people who did this are not human beings" he said
The terrorists who carved up his face forced his wife to cook and eat the flesh.

More at the link.

Of topic sorry, how many insurgents are we fighting now in Afgan ? Thank you for posting the link above.
Link Posted: 2/14/2012 5:31:12 PM EDT
Just finished watching Mugabe And The White African.
Link Posted: 2/14/2012 9:40:35 PM EDT


The US military STILL hasn't digested the Rhodesian military's lessons for dealing with insurgents. They are frankly light-years ahead of us.

You should reread the part where their war ends in defeat.

And how many insurgencies have we successfully fought?  Ten years... are the Taliban defeated?  How did that Vietnam thing go?  

Truth is the Rhodiesian Army is an outstanding example of a force dedicated to COIN warfare.  They did way better than we have ever done with far less resources... only losing because they were sold out by the tide of history, just like we were in Vietnam and will be in Iraq and Afghanistan. Anyone who doesn't study the lessons learned here is an idiot.

It pains me to agree with you on that point.
Link Posted: 2/14/2012 9:46:53 PM EDT


Just finished watching Mugabe And The White African.

The guy's dead now.  Mugabe's goons finally did him in.  If I were a white in Zimbabwe I'd be highly tempted towards insurgency.  What would I really have to lose at that point?  It's not like I wouldn't stand a chance of being killed or wounded by my government anyways.
Link Posted: 2/14/2012 10:06:40 PM EDT

Just finished watching Mugabe And The White African.

If I were a white in Zimbabwe I'd be highly tempted towards insurgency.

To be effective would require both internal and external support,  they would receive neither.
Link Posted: 2/15/2012 3:39:08 AM EDT


We should form an invasion force and go take back the country, then settle it.

Would we have to wear those short shorts?

Link Posted: 2/17/2012 12:31:06 PM EDT

Operation Quartz

These intelligence papers probably formed the basis of the plan that was given the code-name "Operation Quartz". This plan envisaged placing Rhodesian troops at strategic points from which they could simultaneously wipe out the terrorists at the Assembly Points and assassinate Mugabe and the other terrorist leaders at their campaign headquarters. The strike would be assisted by Puma helicopters of the South African Air Force and would involve the participation of elite Recce units of the South African army. Clearly the Rhodesians had discussed Operation Quartz with their counterparts in the SADF and obtained their approval and co-operation. Lord Soames had already agreed to allow 400 South African troops into the country in order to protect the Beitbridge area, the main route of escape for whites if the situation were to degenerate into chaos and all-out war. In fact the number of men that the SADF sent across the border was closer to 1,000, although some were later withdrawn following protests by Mugabe.
Operation Quartz was apparently based on the assumption that if Mugabe were defeated in the elections it would be necessary to carry out a strike against ZANU to prevent its forces from attempting a coup and taking over the country by force. The plan presupposed a victory by either Nkomo or Muzorewa, or, more likely, a coalition of the two. ZIPRA forces had in fact already begun joint training exercises with the Rhodesian forces, and undoubtedly their leaders had been given an idea of what Op Quartz would entail. Nkomo was not popular with the whites, however, and there was a distinct possibility that the white troops would ignore orders to avoid clashing with ZIPRA.

Although the full details of Operation Quartz have never been made public, some aspects of the plan have been revealed by former members of the security forces. It was divided into two parts: Operation Quartz, an overt strike against the terrorists, and Operation Hectic, a covert strike to kill Mugabe and his key personnel.

The Assembly Points had been agreed on as part of the Lancaster House Agreement and were simply huge camps where thousands of terrorists were congregated. The Rhodesian security forces had been tasked with monitoring the pre-election activities and keeping the peace. Most of the front-line units were therefore already in positions within easy striking distance of the terrorist camps. Attacks on the camps would be preceded by strikes by the Rhodesian Air Force.

The covert part of the plan - Operation Hectic - was to be carried out by the elite troops of the Rhodesian Special Air Service (SAS). ‘A’ Squadron of the SAS would assassinate Mugabe, while ‘B’ Squadron would take care of Vice-President Simon Muzenda and the 100-man contingent of ZANLA based in the Medical Arts Centre. ‘C’ Squadron was designated to take out the 200 ZIPRA and ZANLA men with their commanders (Rex Nhongo, Dumiso Dabengwa and Lookout Musika) based at the Audio Visual Arts building of the University of Rhodesia. As far as possible, the ZIPRA men would be given an opportunity to escape, and had possibly been informed of the plan beforehand.

The SAS squadrons were to be backed up by tanks and armoured cars of the Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, together with a surprise weapon in the form of hitherto undisclosed 106mm recoilless rifles in the Rhodesian armoury.

Eland armoured cars would support ‘A’ and ‘B’ Squadrons, while the Rhodesian T-55 tanks would support ‘C’ Squadron by pounding the Audio Visual Arts building into rubble prior to the attack by the troops. At first it was intended that all eight of the T-55 tanks would be used against the university buildings, but later four of them were sent to Bulawayo to assist the RLI Support Commando in the attack planned for a large Assembly Point in the area.

The tanks were secretly put onto low-loaders and moved to a forward assembly area at the King George VI barracks. Rehearsals with the tanks had taken place at Kibrit barracks, and the planning was thorough and detailed. The tanks would fire approximately 80 high-explosive rounds into the building at point-blank range, after which a single tank would ram the security wall around the university. With foresight, the troops had even removed the front fenders of the tank concerned, so that debris from the wall would not get caught under them and foul the tracks! This was the command tank and during the preparations the CO was in close contact with SAS Major Bob MacKenzie, whose troops would subsequently enter the building and clear it. Trooper Hughes, who took the unique photos shown here, was loader on this particular tank and he recalls that the tanks were also equipped with spotlights and fully stocked with extra 12.7 and 7.62 ammunition in addition to the main gun load.

Link Posted: 2/17/2012 12:51:43 PM EDT
Tag for reading
Link Posted: 2/17/2012 2:31:18 PM EDT
I would love to know the story....

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