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Link Posted: 10/4/2011 1:19:47 PM EDT

VW Bug front end?

I'm quite partial to the single seat Pookie MPV...

Link Posted: 10/4/2011 1:21:12 PM EDT
Thread is awesome
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 1:21:19 PM EDT

Pointing out that the Rhodesian government was doomed means I like Mugabe. You think Reagan could have gotten the US behind "We are going to help the brave communist fighting white government of Rhodesia fight the african Soviet dupes so be prepared for lots of film footage of black people holding signs about wanting to vote being beat, bit by dogs and blasted with tear gas, and while we are going ensure they don't get to vote, with airborne troops if necessary,  rest assured we are only doing so to fight Communism" ? It would have been political suicide.

You referred to Mugabe as seeking "majority rule," not I. I can't read your mind, only your argument.

As I've noted, direct support WASN'T required, but the end to interference that was supporting communism was needed. I remember the political flack that Reagan took for his stand against communism in Central America, and it would have been the same.

Again, the hypothetical you're positing has no small number of issues with it, so lets circle back to facts...

The US supported no small number of non-democratic authoritarian governments from 1945-1990. What makes the Rhodies different than the Turks, Greeks, South Koreans, Taiwanese, et. al?

Well, their unilateral (and internationally non-recognized) declaration of independence from our biggest ally for starters.

THAT was a major problem.

The Wilsonian Labour government was no friend of anti-Communism, generally speaking. The FO's own requirements for immediate majority would have essentially been a capitulation to Communism in Rhodesia, and the UK wished to keep the Rhodies on the horns of that dilemma for as long as possible. The Rhodies rightfully considered this a betrayal in their moment of need, and choose Armistice Day for the UDI for that reason.

Wow, Labour governments...Democratic governments...seeing a trend, here.
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 1:21:47 PM EDT

VW Bug front end?

Link Posted: 10/4/2011 1:25:35 PM EDT



VW Bug front end?


probably wasn't THAT comfy inside

Link Posted: 10/4/2011 1:26:10 PM EDT


threads like these are partially why I went out and bought a FAL

Same here. I ended up buying a SARCO Argy FAL, but I don't have the heart to make it a Rhodie clone. I need to find a cheap Rhodie kit or an Imbel.

Unfortunately most of the cool and dirt cheap FAL stuff has dried up.  

Do the rhodesian fals carry a premium? I've never really lusted after a fal, but these threads make me want a wall-hanger...

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 1:26:54 PM EDT




Pointing out that the Rhodesian government was doomed means I like Mugabe. You think Reagan could have gotten the US behind "We are going to help the brave communist fighting white government of Rhodesia fight the african Soviet dupes so be prepared for lots of film footage of black people holding signs about wanting to vote being beat, bit by dogs and blasted with tear gas, and while we are going ensure they don't get to vote, with airborne troops if necessary,  rest assured we are only doing so to fight Communism" ? It would have been political suicide.

You referred to Mugabe as seeking "majority rule," not I. I can't read your mind, only your argument.

As I've noted, direct support WASN'T required, but the end to interference that was supporting communism was needed. I remember the political flack that Reagan took for his stand against communism in Central America, and it would have been the same.

Again, the hypothetical you're positing has no small number of issues with it, so lets circle back to facts...

The US supported no small number of non-democratic authoritarian governments from 1945-1990. What makes the Rhodies different than the Turks, Greeks, South Koreans, Taiwanese, et. al?

Well, their unilateral (and internationally non-recognized) declaration of independence from our biggest ally for starters.

THAT was a major problem.


The Wilsonian Labour government was no friend of anti-Communism, generally speaking. The FO's own requirements for immediate majority would have essentially been a capitulation to Communism in Rhodesia, and the UK wished to keep the Rhodies on the horns of that dilemma for as long as possible. The Rhodies rightfully considered this a betrayal in their moment of need, and choose Armistice Day for the UDI for that reason.

Wow, Labour governments...Democratic governments...seeing a trend, here.

I'm not saying I blame them.  But it pretty much tied our hands.

We may have justified supporting the white minority government by pushing the anti-communism angle, but we couldn't piss off the Brits like that.

And any aid we provided would have been tied to the Rhodies working on a transition away from minority rule.

Link Posted: 10/4/2011 1:30:47 PM EDT
Sucks to get whacked by a guy in hot pants.
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 1:34:37 PM EDT
I do believe this gent is an American... he was doing private ranch security during the war...

Link Posted: 10/4/2011 1:36:19 PM EDT

Link Posted: 10/4/2011 1:42:25 PM EDT

Link Posted: 10/4/2011 2:17:56 PM EDT
I met a fellow (a friend of my BIL) named Tim that fought in Rhodesia.  He spent a couple of tours in SEA as an MP.  Came home, missed combat, and went back to SEA as a rifleman.  Came back and enlisted in the Rhodesian Army.  Met another friend of his in Las Lunas, NM that was missing both legs below the knee.  Nice fellow.  He was the medic in the squad he was patrolling with and stepped on an AP mine.  Not a good day.

Tim said the terrorists were just brutal-fucking animals the way they tortured and killed for the sake of nothing but entertainment.  In comparison, he thought the VC at least did the same for political purposes.  Not the average black communist.  No sir.

The Brits and South Africans sold Rhodesia out.  Both Rhodesia and the Republic of South Africa have experienced a diminished standard of living since the end of white rule.  It is what it is.

SA took on the brunt of communism in the African continent during the Cold War.  Instead of supporting them, influential communist sympathizers from the left (academia and media) convinced the government here in the U.S. to abandon the only prosperous, pro-western nation in that part of the world.

A sad chapter in U.S. history.

pretty much it in a thumb nail sketch..
the Terrs ran thru the farms and ranches killing raping maiming and burning everything to the ground for shits and giggles.
they woule burn crops even though THEY were starving and kill a dozen cows while only taking the equivalint of one, maybe.
Rape was a recreational sport for them on men and women and children, burning at the stake a favored means of death for whites along with skinning
What I saw early on as far as apartheid,,Blacks didnt hold seats of power, ie Mayor, Poilice chief. congressional seats.but..
they had jobs, were fairly treated in the market, they were educated, had enough to eat, housing, clean water and toilets, pertty much like everyone else in Rhodesia
many blacks I knew had better living standards than I did as a ranch hand.

as far as taking a "country" from the black indiginoius people
White farmers founded a country in an area rich and fertile that was being underused, and bought modern technology to a "backwards" people,(backwards being under educated, under developed in comparison to European counterparts) BOTH profited from it much of the time.I met several wealthy black farmers who sharecropped with white farmers leaving both richer for it.
Saying white oppressed the native population is fineget on you high and might horse,,then all of us should return to GB, Germany, Spain, France and Italy..from the shores of America..
whilest I beleive the red man in America got the shitty end of the stick and fully disagree with manifest dystiny,,whites were going ot breed, expand, grow and make use of thier surrondings as we were technologicly advanced

and our Technology is going to take us out of the picture in another 100 years or so..
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 2:27:01 PM EDT

The bottome video.....

At 1:54.... A black NCO jumping a white recruits ass and tapping him on the chest... In apartheid Rhodesia...

Say it wasn't so!
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 3:09:15 PM EDT
I do believe this gent is an American... he was doing private ranch security during the war...


I've seen that picture before.  IIRC, he was killed over there.  I could easily be wrong, though, as it's been years since I read anything about the conflict.

There were really very few Americans that served in that war.  I've met two, and they had nothing but fond memories (even the one mentioned above that lost his legs).  

They were fighting the good fight, and Tim said you couldn't pay for a beer if you were in uniform over there.  I gathered the impression that Americans weren't universally loved in the Rhodesian Army in general, but were appreciated for joining the cause.  I know for a fact that some that did serve had some serious character flaws.  

Link Posted: 10/4/2011 4:43:57 PM EDT
Africa, white farmers, short shorts, blah blah. Those countries (S.A. and Rhodesia) are dead look to the future. Check out some of the projects China has been up to.
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 5:16:44 PM EDT


threads like these are partially why I went out and bought a FAL

Same here. I ended up buying a SARCO Argy FAL, but I don't have the heart to make it a Rhodie clone. I need to find a cheap Rhodie kit or an Imbel.

Unfortunately most of the cool and dirt cheap FAL stuff has dried up.  

Do the rhodesian fals carry a premium? I've never really lusted after a fal, but these threads make me want a wall-hanger...

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

As far as kits go, they are one of the cheaper ones, but none of them are really cheap like they used to be.
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 5:41:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 5:41:23 PM EDT


threads like these are partially why I went out and bought a FAL

Same here. I ended up buying a SARCO Argy FAL, but I don't have the heart to make it a Rhodie clone. I need to find a cheap Rhodie kit or an Imbel.

Unfortunately most of the cool and dirt cheap FAL stuff has dried up.  

Do the rhodesian fals carry a premium? I've never really lusted after a fal, but these threads make me want a wall-hanger...

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

As far as kits go, they are one of the cheaper ones, but none of them are really cheap like they used to be.

Thanks, where would I look for those kits?
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 5:44:26 PM EDT


threads like these are partially why I went out and bought a FAL

Same here. I ended up buying a SARCO Argy FAL, but I don't have the heart to make it a Rhodie clone. I need to find a cheap Rhodie kit or an Imbel.

Unfortunately most of the cool and dirt cheap FAL stuff has dried up.  

Do the rhodesian fals carry a premium? I've never really lusted after a fal, but these threads make me want a wall-hanger...

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

As far as kits go, they are one of the cheaper ones, but none of them are really cheap like they used to be.

Thanks, where would I look for those kits?

I would check the EE, gunbroker, and most of all the marketplace at Falfiles.  Back when they were still bringing these in, they went for around $200 and there were a lot of them.  Not sure what they go for now, but I would expect $350 or maybe more.
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 5:56:17 PM EDT

Pointing out that the Rhodesian government was doomed means I like Mugabe. You think Reagan could have gotten the US behind "We are going to help the brave communist fighting white government of Rhodesia fight the african Soviet dupes so be prepared for lots of film footage of black people holding signs about wanting to vote being beat, bit by dogs and blasted with tear gas, and while we are going ensure they don't get to vote, with airborne troops if necessary,  rest assured we are only doing so to fight Communism" ? It would have been political suicide.

You referred to Mugabe as seeking "majority rule," not I. I can't read your mind, only your argument.

As I've noted, direct support WASN'T required, but the end to interference that was supporting communism was needed. I remember the political flack that Reagan took for his stand against communism in Central America, and it would have been the same.

Again, the hypothetical you're positing has no small number of issues with it, so lets circle back to facts...

The US supported no small number of non-democratic authoritarian governments from 1945-1990. What makes the Rhodies different than the Turks, Greeks, South Koreans, Taiwanese, et. al?

Well, their unilateral (and internationally non-recognized) declaration of independence from our biggest ally for starters.

THAT was a major problem.

Dreadful breach of precedent, that.
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 5:57:29 PM EDT



Well, their unilateral (and internationally non-recognized) declaration of independence from our biggest ally for starters.

THAT was a major problem.


Dreadful breach of precedent, that.

Who knew that 20 years later we'd be setting the same standard with Kosovo?

Link Posted: 10/4/2011 6:08:09 PM EDT
I have an original Rhodesian Camo Uniform of shirt,pants, and hat with neck flap in excellant shape.   I pull it out and wear it every so often!!
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 6:12:44 PM EDT

Link Posted: 10/4/2011 6:18:15 PM EDT
I believe the guy in the photo was an american that did ranch security.  I read the article as a young teen in a magazine called Combat Illustrated.  He worked with a team that was made up of a german and a portuguese.  He carried an modified/hybrid ar-15/car-15, one of the other ones carried a garand and I forget what the other weapon was (FN FAL?).  If I remember correctly the Rhodesian government would pay rewards for captured weapons and munitions (AK's, RPK/RPD's, RPG's and land mines).  They would basically patrol and set up ambushes.  Recover the dead terr's weapons and get paid.  

I remember that Soldier of Fortune had some good articles (some pics posted in this topic from those articles already).   Soldier of Fortune was the shznit back in the early and mid 80's covering South Africa, Rhodesia, Afghanistan and El Salvador.
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 6:26:05 PM EDT
threads like these are partially why I went out and bought a FAL

They cost me so much money.
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 6:27:01 PM EDT
I want to build a Rhodie FAL with the baby poo camo and all
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 6:29:29 PM EDT
I do believe this gent is an American... he was doing private ranch security during the war...


I've seen that picture before.  IIRC, he was killed over there.  I could easily be wrong, though, as it's been years since I read anything about the conflict.

There were really very few Americans that served in that war.  I've met two, and they had nothing but fond memories (even the one mentioned above that lost his legs).  

They were fighting the good fight, and Tim said you couldn't pay for a beer if you were in uniform over there.  I gathered the impression that Americans weren't universally loved in the Rhodesian Army in general, but were appreciated for joining the cause.  I know for a fact that some that did serve had some serious character flaws.  

I believe the guy in the photo was an american that did ranch security.  .

I want to say his name was like Rob McGrady....
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 6:29:42 PM EDT

Heh, I found this shirt in my rummagings around the interwebz.  May just have to bite the bullet and part with $25 bucks for this awesomeness.
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 6:32:08 PM EDT

Heh, I found this shirt in my rummagings around the interwebz.  May just have to bite the bullet and part with $25 bucks for this awesomeness.

Very cool. Just make sure you get the adult and not the youth
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 6:34:24 PM EDT

Heh, I found this shirt in my rummagings around the interwebz.  May just have to bite the bullet and part with $25 bucks for this awesomeness.

Very cool. Just make sure you get the adult and not the youth

SHIT.  Good catch!!

Edited all the links for the adult size.

One for you FAL guys,
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 6:58:03 PM EDT
Wasn't there a book published for the farmers essentially detailing how to set up security for their farmsteads?

I think that would be pretty cool to read.
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 7:27:28 PM EDT



Africa, white farmers, short shorts, blah blah. Those countries (S.A. and Rhodesia) are dead look to the future. Check out some of the projects China has been up to.

China is just harvesting mineral resources, I don't think they care anything about the locals beyond what is necessary to get the metals they need for their industry.


Wait till the locals start engaging in banditry against the Chinese mining personnel and they hire Harribulton for security.

Link Posted: 10/4/2011 7:35:42 PM EDT


Africa, white farmers, short shorts, blah blah. Those countries (S.A. and Rhodesia) are dead look to the future. Check out some of the projects China has been up to.

China is just harvesting mineral resources, I don't think they care anything about the locals beyond what is necessary to get the metals they need for their industry.

Wait till the locals start engaging in banditry against the Chinese mining personnel and they hire Harribulton for security.

Well ya no shit China is in it for the loot and check out the Chinese operations in Africa think they are worried about bandits? Not at all they got folks to spare.  Harribulton lol no.
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 7:38:21 PM EDT





Africa, white farmers, short shorts, blah blah. Those countries (S.A. and Rhodesia) are dead look to the future. Check out some of the projects China has been up to.

China is just harvesting mineral resources, I don't think they care anything about the locals beyond what is necessary to get the metals they need for their industry.


Wait till the locals start engaging in banditry against the Chinese mining personnel and they hire Harribulton for security.


Well ya no shit China is in it for the loot and check out the Chinese operations in Africa think they are worried about bandits? Not at all they got folks to spare.  Harribulton lol no.

But the Chinese will get tired of getting robbed and at some point will end up "doing the whole virrage" as an example, possibly while being observed by Western media.

Link Posted: 10/4/2011 7:40:08 PM EDT



Africa, white farmers, short shorts, blah blah. Those countries (S.A. and Rhodesia) are dead look to the future. Check out some of the projects China has been up to.

China is just harvesting mineral resources, I don't think they care anything about the locals beyond what is necessary to get the metals they need for their industry.

Wait till the locals start engaging in banditry against the Chinese mining personnel and they hire Harribulton for security.

Well ya no shit China is in it for the loot and check out the Chinese operations in Africa think they are worried about bandits? Not at all they got folks to spare.  Harribulton lol no.

But the Chinese will get tired of getting robbed and at some point will end up "doing the whole virrage" as an example, possibly while being observed by Western media.

They ain't being robbed FYI the Africans love them.
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 7:40:44 PM EDT
I do believe this gent is an American... he was doing private ranch security during the war...


I've seen that picture before.  IIRC, he was killed over there.  I could easily be wrong, though, as it's been years since I read anything about the conflict.

There were really very few Americans that served in that war.  I've met two, and they had nothing but fond memories (even the one mentioned above that lost his legs).  

They were fighting the good fight, and Tim said you couldn't pay for a beer if you were in uniform over there.  I gathered the impression that Americans weren't universally loved in the Rhodesian Army in general, but were appreciated for joining the cause.  I know for a fact that some that did serve had some serious character flaws.  

I believe the guy in the photo was an american that did ranch security.  .

I want to say his name was like Rob McGrady....

There was a big thread on this photo in the retro(?) forum several years ago. Someone found the article that went with the photo and scanned it in.

Link Posted: 10/4/2011 7:41:31 PM EDT



Africa, white farmers, short shorts, blah blah. Those countries (S.A. and Rhodesia) are dead look to the future. Check out some of the projects China has been up to.

China is just harvesting mineral resources, I don't think they care anything about the locals beyond what is necessary to get the metals they need for their industry.

China is smart like that.

Link Posted: 10/4/2011 7:47:04 PM EDT


Africa, white farmers, short shorts, blah blah. Those countries (S.A. and Rhodesia) are dead look to the future. Check out some of the projects China has been up to.

China is just harvesting mineral resources, I don't think they care anything about the locals beyond what is necessary to get the metals they need for their industry.

China is smart like that.

China is building hospitals, repairing the railroads and building a road across Africa. Granted it's with crappy Chinese supplies but it's a step up from the shit in Africa.
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 7:49:09 PM EDT





Africa, white farmers, short shorts, blah blah. Those countries (S.A. and Rhodesia) are dead look to the future. Check out some of the projects China has been up to.

China is just harvesting mineral resources, I don't think they care anything about the locals beyond what is necessary to get the metals they need for their industry.

China is smart like that.

China is building hospitals, repairing the railroads and building a road across Africa. Granted it's with crappy Chinese supplies but it's a step up from the shit in Africa.

Sure, they want to ensure that the spice flows.

Sad thing is, America used to be like that. Roll into some shithole, setup enough infrastructure to get what we want (which benefits us AND the natives), and not be too concerned with local goings on unless it interfered with business. Now we just send billions to Africa in exchange for AIDS and refugees.
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 7:53:07 PM EDT



Africa, white farmers, short shorts, blah blah. Those countries (S.A. and Rhodesia) are dead look to the future. Check out some of the projects China has been up to.

China is just harvesting mineral resources, I don't think they care anything about the locals beyond what is necessary to get the metals they need for their industry.

China is smart like that.

China is building hospitals, repairing the railroads and building a road across Africa. Granted it's with crappy Chinese supplies but it's a step up from the shit in Africa.

Sure, they want to ensure that the spice flows.

Sad thing is, America used to be like that. Roll into some shithole, setup enough infrastructure to get what we want (which benefits us AND the natives), and not be too concerned with local goings on unless it interfered with business. Now we just send billions to Africa in exchange for AIDS and refugees.

Aye. The sad thing is the natives love them because they just want to do business unconditionally.  While we argue over bullshit.
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 7:54:24 PM EDT


Africa, white farmers, short shorts, blah blah. Those countries (S.A. and Rhodesia) are dead look to the future. Check out some of the projects China has been up to.

China is just harvesting mineral resources, I don't think they care anything about the locals beyond what is necessary to get the metals they need for their industry.

China is smart like that.

China is building hospitals, repairing the railroads and building a road across Africa. Granted it's with crappy Chinese supplies but it's a step up from the shit in Africa.

Something tells me Africa will win again.
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 8:12:22 PM EDT


Africa, white farmers, short shorts, blah blah. Those countries (S.A. and Rhodesia) are dead look to the future. Check out some of the projects China has been up to.

China is just harvesting mineral resources, I don't think they care anything about the locals beyond what is necessary to get the metals they need for their industry.

China is smart like that.

China is building hospitals, repairing the railroads and building a road across Africa. Granted it's with crappy Chinese supplies but it's a step up from the shit in Africa.

Something tells me Africa will win again.

Yeah but what is our plan?
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 8:20:20 PM EDT
I've learned more about this war in the last few days then I ever dreamed. Nothing like having family who lived in the region during the war. Zambia was one of the few countries in Africa that went independent without any real bloodshed. My mom told me stories about finding the little red book or in this case the green book in Africa when communism was trying to be spread through Africa.

She has very fond memories of Africa and has friends that are volunteering in Zimbabwe now. One who is a nun who has been arrested a few times during peaceful protests. It's really sickening that Mugabe is still in power. Someone should have put a bullet in him long ago.
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 8:24:10 PM EDT

Link Posted: 10/4/2011 8:35:08 PM EDT
Who want's in?

Link Posted: 10/4/2011 8:50:17 PM EDT
Who want's in?


Jesus that's tempting.
Link Posted: 10/4/2011 8:54:48 PM EDT



Who want's in?


Jesus that's tempting.

and you can just push bombs out the door like they did during the football war in south america

Link Posted: 10/4/2011 8:59:07 PM EDT
There is The New Rhodesian Forum online:

The New Rhodesian Forum

There you'll find a great board topic "Tools of the Trade" which focuses on militaria, weapons, etc.

Link Posted: 10/4/2011 9:59:58 PM EDT
Who want's in?


Jesus that's tempting.

I know a qualified Dakota pilot that is crazy enough to fly it back.

Big Mark H, flew one of the last military C-47 from Israel.

Story at their site

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