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Posted: 4/25/2018 7:40:19 PM EDT

tl;dr -
pictures of fragments of missiles which were downed by Syrian aerospace defense services.
the holes and marks show they were downed by anti-aircraft missiles (anti air missiles function similar to a shotgun when they reach the target)
some sea and air launched missiles failed due to technical difficulties not anti-aircraft fire, and were transported to Russia for further study

Edit: added pro-hillary news source for the people complaining about RT.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 7:43:04 PM EDT
rt, lol
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 7:44:14 PM EDT
Russians NEVER lie or exaggerate, it's simply not in their character...

Link Posted: 4/25/2018 7:45:01 PM EDT
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rt, lol
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Link Posted: 4/25/2018 7:45:22 PM EDT
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Russians NEVER lie or exaggerate, it's simply not in their character...

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They released pictures of the actual parts recovered.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 7:46:51 PM EDT
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rt, lol
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Absolutely hilarious someone would look on RT for a release from the Russian MOD, when it would be so easier to look on CNN or MSNBC.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 7:48:13 PM EDT
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They released pictures of the actual parts recovered.
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Russians NEVER lie or exaggerate, it's simply not in their character...

They released pictures of the actual parts recovered.
And, you know that for a fact just how?

Link Posted: 4/25/2018 7:49:46 PM EDT
RT, that's the russian infowars right?
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 7:51:13 PM EDT
Yes I'm sure they probably downed a few and some probably malfunctioned and crashed but if you launch 6 at a building and only 3 make it then the job still gets done. We launched over 100 missiles so that was probably done on purpose to overwhelm the Syrian air defenses as you don't need 100 missiles to destroy 6 buildings.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 7:51:14 PM EDT
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Russians NEVER lie or exaggerate, it's simply not in their character...

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Neither has my own government
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 7:51:49 PM EDT
Why is this news ? Why is this a thing?
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 7:56:02 PM EDT
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Yes I'm sure they probably downed a few and some probably malfunctioned and crashed but if you launch 6 at a building and only 3 make it then the job still gets done. We launched over 100 missiles so that was probably done on purpose to overwhelm the Syrian air defenses as you don't need 100 missiles to destroy 6 buildings.
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Use ‘em or lose ‘em
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 7:56:38 PM EDT
Probably just fragments from the blast site.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 7:56:43 PM EDT
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They released pictures of the actual parts recovered.
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Well, they released pictures of something.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 7:57:32 PM EDT
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Absolutely hilarious someone would look on RT for a release from the Russian MOD, when it would be so easier to look on CNN or MSNBC.
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Da tovarisch!
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 8:00:31 PM EDT
While the Russians are exaggerating, our Cruise missiles are a bit long in the tooth.

We could do much more to reduce the radar cross section, and the fact that they are subsonic makes them easier to shoot down.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 8:00:40 PM EDT
Don't care.  But honestly it's impossible to know whether those were shot down,  or fragments from the rubble of the target they destroyed or from the last missile strike etc...
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 8:02:08 PM EDT
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Probably just fragments from the blast site.
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Yep its been a week or so.  Plenty of time to find quite a few bits from the 100 that blew shit up..lol.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 8:05:52 PM EDT
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Yes I'm sure they probably downed a few and some probably malfunctioned and crashed but if you launch 6 at a building and only 3 make it then the job still gets done. We launched over 100 missiles so that was probably done on purpose to overwhelm the Syrian air defenses as you don't need 100 missiles to destroy 6 buildings.
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I own some RTN stock; I'm good with launching a large number of Tomahawks at every opportunity.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 8:07:48 PM EDT
Only putin and Assad are good enough to catch cruise missiles with their own buildings
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 8:10:34 PM EDT
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Why is this news ? Why is this a thing?
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Considering the initial kneejerk reaction from the world was, "Russian double-digit SAMs suuuck!  US missiles got past all of 'em!!!11!!", and since exporting their SAM systems is big money for Russian defense industries, they had to do something to tell the other half of the PR tale.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 8:10:41 PM EDT
Are they that desperate for older technology?
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 8:22:48 PM EDT
Somebody is lying. Coin flip as to who though.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 8:41:09 PM EDT
Ah look, Carlos87 is back. I remember him from the original Syria strike thread. Uncanny.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 8:42:49 PM EDT

Carlos87 thread.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 8:44:05 PM EDT
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Why is this news ? Why is this a thing?
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Link Posted: 4/25/2018 8:44:10 PM EDT
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Carlos87 thread.
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Link Posted: 4/25/2018 8:45:34 PM EDT
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While the Russians are exaggerating, our Cruise missiles are a bit long in the tooth.

We could do much more to reduce the radar cross section, and the fact that they are subsonic makes them easier to shoot down.
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The fact that they are subsonic makes them harder to intercept and/or cue CIWS.

Supersonic missiles can be precisely detected by $5,000 of acoustic sensors and a Macbook Pro.

You want supersonic missiles to kill ships and SAM sites. You want subsonic missiles for a first-strike on ground targets.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 8:48:26 PM EDT
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Use ‘em or lose ‘em
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True. We buy 167 new Tomahawks per year. After 15 years they need to be returned back to the factory to be re-certified and new software updates. The ones we shot were probably older ones from the late 80's-90's.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 8:49:36 PM EDT
Tomahawks have a notable failure rate and are ancient. The Ruskies will exaggerate as much as possible, but I wouldn't be suprised if a few failed and a few were tagged by air defenses.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 8:50:30 PM EDT
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While the Russians are exaggerating, our Cruise missiles are a bit long in the tooth.

We could do much more to reduce the radar cross section, and the fact that they are subsonic makes them easier to shoot down.
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Lockmart is way ahead of you on that one.

Russia HAS to claim they shot down a bunch of US hardware over the Syrian Test and Training Range. There's big money in foreign sales, and nobody will want the Russian product if last-gen US tech easily defeats it.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 8:51:47 PM EDT
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RT, that's the russian infowars right?
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That, and Zerohedge and StormFront.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 8:52:08 PM EDT
Carlos87 thread. Move along
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 8:52:42 PM EDT
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Lockmart is way ahead of you on that one.

Russia HAS to claim they shot down a bunch of US hardware over the Syrian Test and Training Range. There's big money in foreign sales, and nobody will want the Russian product if last-gen US tech easily defeats it.
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While the Russians are exaggerating, our Cruise missiles are a bit long in the tooth.

We could do much more to reduce the radar cross section, and the fact that they are subsonic makes them easier to shoot down.
Lockmart is way ahead of you on that one.

Russia HAS to claim they shot down a bunch of US hardware over the Syrian Test and Training Range. There's big money in foreign sales, and nobody will want the Russian product if last-gen US tech easily defeats it.
And that is exactly what happened. Assad pulled a Saddam and put on a fireworks show after the strike was over. Money well spent, eh Assad?
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 8:55:35 PM EDT
F-18 follows Tomahawk Missile
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 9:00:11 PM EDT
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They released pictures of the actual parts recovered.
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Russians NEVER lie or exaggerate, it's simply not in their character...

They released pictures of the actual parts recovered.
No they didn't.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 9:01:37 PM EDT
LOL - Pigeons at 2:50

I remember during the First Gulf War, the TLAM going in the front of one building, coming out the back and blowing up the building next to it. Excellent mapping. Can you imagine a Tomahawk coming down the hallway? "Yer in the way. I have places to go!!"
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 9:04:27 PM EDT
Serious question

How much of the missile is consumed in the explosion?  Could these be parts from exploded missiles?
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 9:06:15 PM EDT
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Serious question

How much of the missile is consumed in the explosion?  Could these be parts from exploded missiles?
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Most of the fragments are stuck inside Russian allies and useless equipment, but I'm sure there are some laying around at the intended targets.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 9:07:04 PM EDT
Funny, but they look exactly like the pieces leftover after a TLAM hits its target.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 9:07:11 PM EDT
The current TLAMs aren't that old. The block IV tactical TLAMs have been around for less than 10 years I think.

They did use a few JASSM-ER as well, the first combat use of that system.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 9:10:02 PM EDT
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Well, they released pictures of something.
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They released pictures of the actual parts recovered.
Well, they released pictures of something.
It's a snow cone maker.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 9:17:53 PM EDT
If Ivan runs his mouth for a disinformation campaign, I can understand. If he wants to brag, it doesn't make sense to let an adversary know what information he's gained.

The simplest explanation is usually the right one.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 9:18:39 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 4/25/2018 9:27:17 PM EDT
We probably shot a bunch of shit from the 80s, assembled while watching Madonna and Prince on MTV. If 100% didn’t function flawlessly, wouldn’t surprise me.

Is this from the same source that said the Russian attack in february resulted in only 3 blisters, a hangnail, and some bruised feelings, right?
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 9:27:56 PM EDT
When missiles explode they tend to scatter parts around.  That appears to be what they've picked up and put on display.

The first photo shows engine components.  Given the location and construction of the engine, it's not at all surprising that identifiable engine assemblies would be recovered after a conventional Tomahawk explodes.

None of those photos give any indication that they were shot down.  Oh, they came down and exploded, but probably only as the mission plan indicated that they should.

Expecting truth out of Russians is...optimistic.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 9:28:25 PM EDT

tl;dr -
pictures of fragments of missiles which were downed by Syrian aerospace defense services.
the holes and marks show they were downed by anti-aircraft missiles (anti air missiles function similar to a shotgun when they reach the target)
some sea and air launched missiles failed due to technical difficulties not anti-aircraft fire, and were transported to Russia for further study

Edit: added pro-hillary news source for the people complaining about RT.
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L - O - Fucking - L

Not a single pictures shows a single component from a hawk.

Holy shit russians are stupid.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 9:30:51 PM EDT
Can we ban this guy yet?
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 9:41:06 PM EDT
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Probably just fragments from the blast site.
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You know how people knew MH17 was shot down by anti aircraft missile from the wreckage? The shotgun like pattern the missile made on the side of the plane. It is the same with these pieces of wreckage.

"But they just faked it" But yet people will believe the chemical attack from just a picture of a dirty child with a respirator on.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 9:46:58 PM EDT
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You know how people knew MH17 was shot down by anti aircraft missile from the wreckage? The shotgun like pattern the missile made on the side of the plane. It is the same with these pieces of wreckage.

"But they just faked it" But yet people will believe the chemical attack from just a picture of a dirty child with a respirator on.
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Probably just fragments from the blast site.
You know how people knew MH17 was shot down by anti aircraft missile from the wreckage? The shotgun like pattern the missile made on the side of the plane. It is the same with these pieces of wreckage.

"But they just faked it" But yet people will believe the chemical attack from just a picture of a dirty child with a respirator on.
The only reason that logic worked for MH17 is that MH17 wasn't supposed to explode...ever.

A perfectly targeted and successful use of a TLAM will result in fragments that look like this.
Link Posted: 4/25/2018 9:51:52 PM EDT
The Russians have a clone of the US' Tomahawk missile, and it nicknamed Tomahawski; they really do. no joke.
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