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Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:41:07 PM EDT
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Not what i said.  You are all hurr durr we’re engaged in combat. You are being aggressively ignorant in a subject matter that you have zero experience in. So please, take a knee and let the adults talk freely.
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Great, you are professing expertise.  Please explain the mission of this drone and how that data was being used.  You are an expert so it should be no big deal to explain to the children in the room.

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:42:26 PM EDT
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You can start the definition with not hating america and rooting against her just out of spite because of who is currently running the show.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

You can start the definition with not hating america and rooting against her just out of spite because of who is currently running the show.

I'm rooting for her succes in spite of who is in charge.

That does not mean believing and obeying.....

I would love for us to return to a Constitutional Republic,  really I'm all for it.  But we are not that anymore.  So until we are it seems appropriate to call out our wrongs?
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:42:32 PM EDT
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I've been saying this since it happened. Nothing new.
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Don't forget about Iran, North Korea, China they need your love and support as well.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:43:26 PM EDT
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If your patriotism is dependent on who is in office you’re a fair weather patriot.  If your response to a retard politician calling you names is to suck the cock of America's longest running enemy, you were never a patriot to begin with.

America is bigger and better than it’s dumbass politicians.
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Well said.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:43:44 PM EDT
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There's a lot of communists here now. It's the same on other forums that I'm on too.
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No there aren’t. There are otherwise right leaning individuals who you disagree with on certain issues.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:44:11 PM EDT
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If your patriotism is dependent on who is in office you’re a fair weather patriot.  If your response to a retard politician calling you names is to suck the cock of America's longest running enemy, you were never a patriot to begin with.

America is bigger and better than it’s dumbass politicians.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

If your patriotism is dependent on who is in office you’re a fair weather patriot.  If your response to a retard politician calling you names is to suck the cock of America's longest running enemy, you were never a patriot to begin with.

America is bigger and better than it’s dumbass politicians.

Totally agree and that's why I beleive in working in a variety of ways to support my local community, obey the law and teach my children to do the same...

But I can't say that going to war for a corrupt regime makes me more patriotic....
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:44:13 PM EDT
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Great, you are professing expertise.  Please explain the mission of this drone and how that data was being used.  You are an expert so it should be no big deal to explain to the children in the room.

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Doing drone stuff in international air space.

Same thing the Russian planes do when they fly towards Alaska

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:44:56 PM EDT
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But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.
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Why would they want it to fail? Why would they want to live in a dystopian hellscape? The Old saying that "a rising tide raises all ships." Well a lower tide lowers all ships too.

We ought to be able have adult arguments here. Just dismissing the other side as being evil is a path down a very dark future for our whole American civilization. I can say the President has incorrect monetary policy or many other issues. Without intentionally lieing and painting him as evil mustash twirling Bond villain who wants the world to burn.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:46:15 PM EDT
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His scenario implied the deaths of Americans. That is very different.  If it wasn’t, then I apologize, but that was the concept I responded to.  Scraped paint and damaged equipment from Cold War era fuck fuck games  is radically different than dead Americans.  Agreed?
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Sure.  I wasn't arguing in favor of his particular retaliation option, either.   I think blowing up an "entire airbase worth" of Russian air assets for one drone is pretty much escalation by definition.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:46:53 PM EDT
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Great, you are professing expertise.  Please explain the mission of this drone and how that data was being used.  You are an expert so it should be no big deal to explain to the children in the room.

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Not what i said.  You are all hurr durr we’re engaged in combat. You are being aggressively ignorant in a subject matter that you have zero experience in. So please, take a knee and let the adults talk freely.

Great, you are professing expertise.  Please explain the mission of this drone and how that data was being used.  You are an expert so it should be no big deal to explain to the children in the room.

They were broadcasting reruns of favorite Soviet cartoon to be enjoyed by glorious patriots of Christendom.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:47:02 PM EDT
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If your patriotism is dependent on who is in office you’re a fair weather patriot.  If your response to a retard politician calling you names is to suck the cock of America's longest running enemy, you were never a patriot to begin with.

America is bigger and better than it’s dumbass politicians.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

If your patriotism is dependent on who is in office you’re a fair weather patriot.  If your response to a retard politician calling you names is to suck the cock of America's longest running enemy, you were never a patriot to begin with.

America is bigger and better than it’s dumbass politicians.

15 years ago, you'd be right. A lot has fundamentally changed since then though. The mere fact that he was allowed to say that without being removed from power tells you it's not just "who's in office". The entire government shares his feelings, or they would do something about it. People that will be in place long after he's gone.

This isn't the country I once loved.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:48:16 PM EDT
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I'm rooting for her succes in spite of who is in charge.

That does not mean believing and obeying.....

I would love for us to return to a Constitutional Republic,  really I'm all for it.  But we are not that anymore.  So until we are it seems appropriate to call out our wrongs?
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Correct. Unfortunately, the people in charge are trying to destroy her.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:48:30 PM EDT
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You can start the definition with not hating america and rooting against her just out of spite because of who is currently running the show.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

You can start the definition with not hating america and rooting against her just out of spite because of who is currently running the show.

Straw man.  Not wanting to get involved in another proxy war or arguing that Europe should do all the heavy lifting for once or saying that we should stop sending billions overseas is not “hating America.”  Putting America first is not hating America—quite the opposite in fact.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:48:59 PM EDT
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An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.
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If you disagree with the worst administration in US history, who has lied to us about everything, as they drag us to war, you are not patriotic.

Your view of Patroitism is massively sick and twisted.

Let this sink in, our forces should not be there.

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:49:31 PM EDT
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Don't forget about Iran, North Korea, China they need your love and support as well.
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I've been saying this since it happened. Nothing new.

Don't forget about Iran, North Korea, China they need your love and support as well.

What is with you guys, and your cutesy dishonesty? You know exactly what I mean.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:49:51 PM EDT
sAnCtiOnS R wUrKing
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:50:05 PM EDT
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If your patriotism is dependent on who is in office you’re a fair weather patriot.  If your response to a retard politician calling you names is to suck the cock of America's longest running enemy, you were never a patriot to begin with.

America is bigger and better than it’s dumbass politicians.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

If your patriotism is dependent on who is in office you’re a fair weather patriot.  If your response to a retard politician calling you names is to suck the cock of America's longest running enemy, you were never a patriot to begin with.

America is bigger and better than it’s dumbass politicians.

And if one’s definition of patriotism is sending money to a foreign country than one is also a, as you say, “dumbass.”
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:50:16 PM EDT
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Calling out the patriotism of veterans is poor fucking form.
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I’d call out the patriotism of any American  who is not outraged when our aircraft are downed by a foe.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:51:09 PM EDT
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But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.
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part of being a patriot in this country is questioning our politicians and talking shit on them
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:51:46 PM EDT
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Why would they want it to fail? Why would they want to live in a dystopian hellscape? The Old saying that "a rising tide raises all ships." Well a lower tide lowers all ships too.

We ought to be able have adult arguments here. Just dismissing the other side as being evil is a path down a very dark future for our whole American civilization. I can say the President has incorrect monetary policy or many other issues. Without intentionally lieing and painting him as evil mustash twirling Bond villain who wants the world to burn.
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But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

Why would they want it to fail? Why would they want to live in a dystopian hellscape? The Old saying that "a rising tide raises all ships." Well a lower tide lowers all ships too.

We ought to be able have adult arguments here. Just dismissing the other side as being evil is a path down a very dark future for our whole American civilization. I can say the President has incorrect monetary policy or many other issues. Without intentionally lieing and painting him as evil mustash twirling Bond villain who wants the world to burn.

This is a great conversation to have.

I don't want to derail the thread though---

Bottom line is that I do believe they want into fail because they beleive out of that chaos they will come out on top and have more power.  

They are evil for a variety of reasons including that they hate God, they love Homosexuality and are destroying families--the beleive that everyone should serve the state.

We can have a separate thread to explain and support all this but regardless if you believe that one side has sized power illegitimately and is now on a mission to bring down the US it is reasonable to challenge their narrative and it doesn't mean you're a commie for doing it.

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:52:04 PM EDT
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Any of you reading this (but not any members here of course, that would be a CoC violation) who either voted for Biden, didn’t vote for trump because of feelz or bumpstocks or whatever faggot reason, or just didn’t vote at all because of muh principles:

Go fuck yourselves.  You’re the reason shit like this is happening.
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Thank you brother for saying that!
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:52:56 PM EDT
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Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.
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Just because the democrats did this, you are ready to give up on your country?
What’s next, siding with its enemies like Russia, China and Iran?
It’s not what the patriots I know do.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:53:04 PM EDT
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Straw man.  Not wanting to get involved in another proxy war or arguing that Europe should do all the heavy lifting for once or saying that we should stop sending billions overseas is not “hating America.”  Putting America first is not hating America—quite the opposite in fact.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

You can start the definition with not hating america and rooting against her just out of spite because of who is currently running the show.

Straw man.  Not wanting to get involved in another proxy war or arguing that Europe should do all the heavy lifting for once or saying that we should stop sending billions overseas is not “hating America.”  Putting America first is not hating America—quite the opposite in fact.

Exactly. Putting America first means doing the complete opposite of what the government is currently doing in my opinion.

America, (people/ideals/principles) is completely different than the American government.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:53:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:54:45 PM EDT
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Just because the democrats did this, you are ready to give up on your country?
What’s next, siding with its enemies like Russia, China and Iran?
It’s not what the patriots I know do.
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Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

Just because the democrats did this, you are ready to give up on your country?
What’s next, siding with its enemies like Russia, China and Iran?
It’s not what the patriots I know do.

Show me a way to undo what's been done. I'd love to be wrong.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:55:25 PM EDT
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Straw man.  Not wanting to get involved in another proxy war or arguing that Europe should do all the heavy lifting for once or saying that we should stop sending billions overseas is not “hating America.”  Putting America first is not hating America—quite the opposite in fact.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

You can start the definition with not hating america and rooting against her just out of spite because of who is currently running the show.

Straw man.  Not wanting to get involved in another proxy war or arguing that Europe should do all the heavy lifting for once or saying that we should stop sending billions overseas is not “hating America.”  Putting America first is not hating America—quite the opposite in fact.

Plenty of people in GD and some even in this thread will actively oppose anything the Biden administration does regardless of what it might mean for the country simply because of who is at the desk, and not the actions being taken.

That isn’t patriotism, it’s anger and bitterness.

How many times during this presidency have people here explicitly said that if Biden is for something, they are against it? Hundreds? Thousands? That’s not patriotism, that’s not “hoping to bring back the america I love”

It’s the final collapse of a persons ideology.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:56:47 PM EDT
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Plenty of people in GD and some even in this thread will actively oppose anything the Biden administration does regardless of what it might mean for the country simply because of who is at the desk, and not the actions being taken.

That isn’t patriotism, it’s anger and bitterness.

How many times during this presidency have people here explicitly said that if Biden is for something, they are against it? Hundreds? Thousands? That’s not patriotism, that’s not “rotting to bring back the america I love”

It’s the final collapse of a persons ideology.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

You can start the definition with not hating america and rooting against her just out of spite because of who is currently running the show.

Straw man.  Not wanting to get involved in another proxy war or arguing that Europe should do all the heavy lifting for once or saying that we should stop sending billions overseas is not “hating America.”  Putting America first is not hating America—quite the opposite in fact.

Plenty of people in GD and some even in this thread will actively oppose anything the Biden administration does regardless of what it might mean for the country simply because of who is at the desk, and not the actions being taken.

That isn’t patriotism, it’s anger and bitterness.

How many times during this presidency have people here explicitly said that if Biden is for something, they are against it? Hundreds? Thousands? That’s not patriotism, that’s not “rotting to bring back the america I love”

It’s the final collapse of a persons ideology.

Please list the policies of this administration you support.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:57:07 PM EDT
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Plenty of people in GD and some even in this thread will actively oppose anything the Biden administration does regardless of what it might mean for the country simply because of who is at the desk, and not the actions being taken.

That isn’t patriotism, it’s anger and bitterness.

How many times during this presidency have people here explicitly said that if Biden is for something, they are against it? Hundreds? Thousands? That’s not patriotism, that’s not “rotting to bring back the america I love”

It’s the final collapse of a persons ideology.
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the thing is virtually everything biden has done is horrible for America
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:57:33 PM EDT
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Why would they want it to fail? Why would they want to live in a dystopian hellscape? The Old saying that "a rising tide raises all ships." Well a lower tide lowers all ships too.

We ought to be able have adult arguments here. Just dismissing the other side as being evil is a path down a very dark future for our whole American civilization. I can say the President has incorrect monetary policy or many other issues. Without intentionally lieing and painting him as evil mustash twirling Bond villain who wants the world to burn.
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But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

Why would they want it to fail? Why would they want to live in a dystopian hellscape? The Old saying that "a rising tide raises all ships." Well a lower tide lowers all ships too.

We ought to be able have adult arguments here. Just dismissing the other side as being evil is a path down a very dark future for our whole American civilization. I can say the President has incorrect monetary policy or many other issues. Without intentionally lieing and painting him as evil mustash twirling Bond villain who wants the world to burn.

They want most people to shiver in the dark and eat bugs while they live the high life. I don’t see how you can deny this.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:57:39 PM EDT
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I’d call out the patriotism of any American  who is not outraged when our aircraft are downed by a foe.
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Calling out the patriotism of veterans is poor fucking form.

I’d call out the patriotism of any American  who is not outraged when our aircraft are downed by a foe.

Where were you when KAL 007 was shot down?
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:58:15 PM EDT
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Plenty of people in GD and some even in this thread will actively oppose anything the Biden administration does regardless of what it might mean for the country simply because of who is at the desk, and not the actions being taken.

That isn't patriotism, it's anger and bitterness.

How many times during this presidency have people here explicitly said that if Biden is for something, they are against it? Hundreds? Thousands? That's not patriotism, that's not "rotting to bring back the america I love"

It's the final collapse of a persons ideology.
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Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:59:04 PM EDT
Al-Jizz ??

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:59:15 PM EDT
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Just because the democrats did this, you are ready to give up on your country?
What’s next, siding with its enemies like Russia, China and Iran?
It’s not what the patriots I know do.
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Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

Just because the democrats did this, you are ready to give up on your country?
What’s next, siding with its enemies like Russia, China and Iran?
It’s not what the patriots I know do.

How is not wanting to send billions to another country giving up on ours? That makes no sense.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:01:54 PM EDT
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Show me a way to undo what's been done. I'd love to be wrong.
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Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

Just because the democrats did this, you are ready to give up on your country?
What’s next, siding with its enemies like Russia, China and Iran?
It’s not what the patriots I know do.

Show me a way to undo what's been done. I'd love to be wrong.

Stop being so narrow minded..our country is not defined by one generation...our country ebbs and flows with being fucked up and being great. We will always be America.  We don't just quit loving our country because one generation of leaders are shitty.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:01:55 PM EDT
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Plenty of people in GD and some even in this thread will actively oppose anything the Biden administration does regardless of what it might mean for the country simply because of who is at the desk, and not the actions being taken.

That isn’t patriotism, it’s anger and bitterness.

How many times during this presidency have people here explicitly said that if Biden is for something, they are against it? Hundreds? Thousands? That’s not patriotism, that’s not “hoping to bring back the america I love”

It’s the final collapse of a persons ideology.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

You can start the definition with not hating america and rooting against her just out of spite because of who is currently running the show.

Straw man.  Not wanting to get involved in another proxy war or arguing that Europe should do all the heavy lifting for once or saying that we should stop sending billions overseas is not “hating America.”  Putting America first is not hating America—quite the opposite in fact.

Plenty of people in GD and some even in this thread will actively oppose anything the Biden administration does regardless of what it might mean for the country simply because of who is at the desk, and not the actions being taken.

That isn’t patriotism, it’s anger and bitterness.

How many times during this presidency have people here explicitly said that if Biden is for something, they are against it? Hundreds? Thousands? That’s not patriotism, that’s not “hoping to bring back the america I love”

It’s the final collapse of a persons ideology.

No. That’s an excuse to deflect criticism of your position.   In addition, it’s not unreasonable to question the actions of someone who does everything to destroy America and line his own pockets. It’s not reasonable to hold the position that everything he does is harmful except this one. That’s not logical.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:04:18 PM EDT
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How is not wanting to send billions to another country giving up on ours? That makes no sense.
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Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

Just because the democrats did this, you are ready to give up on your country?
What’s next, siding with its enemies like Russia, China and Iran?
It’s not what the patriots I know do.

How is not wanting to send billions to another country giving up on ours? That makes no sense.

Well the back of the coin is the view that in order for America to be great and wonderful she also has to be the world's police force.

But we have been intervening in other countries affairs for so long they either A) Hate us or B) Expect us to pick up their slack

Keep in mind the same people saying send more to Ukraine are going to tell you that social security is welfare and fuck the old people.  

The truth is that conservatism needs a complete overhaul cause most "patriots" as just big government loving boomers.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:04:54 PM EDT
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Why hasn't that been destroyed ?
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:06:21 PM EDT
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They want most people to shiver in the dark and eat bugs while they live the high life. I don't see how you can deny this.
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But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

Why would they want it to fail? Why would they want to live in a dystopian hellscape? The Old saying that "a rising tide raises all ships." Well a lower tide lowers all ships too.

We ought to be able have adult arguments here. Just dismissing the other side as being evil is a path down a very dark future for our whole American civilization. I can say the President has incorrect monetary policy or many other issues. Without intentionally lieing and painting him as evil mustash twirling Bond villain who wants the world to burn.

They want most people to shiver in the dark and eat bugs while they live the high life. I don't see how you can deny this.

They won't be living any high life in a scenario where they get what you claim they want. By then they'll be having folks beating down their doors and giving them the Gaddafi treatment.

For instance, if you are a wealthy business owner. Your continued accumulation of wealth is highly dependent on people having disposable income and higher living standards, not less of those things.

My Grandmother who has passed. Strong Democrat. Said the same thing.... that Republicans want everyone to be poor. I love her to death but had to push back against those absurd takes.

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:07:07 PM EDT
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Well the back of the coin is the view that in order for America to be great and wonderful she also has to be the world's police force.

But we have been intervening in other countries affairs for so long they either A) Hate us or B) Expect us to pick up their slack

Keep in mind the same people saying send more to Ukraine are going to tell you that social security is welfare and fuck the old people.  

The truth is that conservatism needs a complete overhaul cause most "patriots" as just big government loving boomers.
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Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

Just because the democrats did this, you are ready to give up on your country?
What’s next, siding with its enemies like Russia, China and Iran?
It’s not what the patriots I know do.

How is not wanting to send billions to another country giving up on ours? That makes no sense.

Well the back of the coin is the view that in order for America to be great and wonderful she also has to be the world's police force.

But we have been intervening in other countries affairs for so long they either A) Hate us or B) Expect us to pick up their slack

Keep in mind the same people saying send more to Ukraine are going to tell you that social security is welfare and fuck the old people.  

The truth is that conservatism needs a complete overhaul cause most "patriots" as just big government loving boomers.

Fair enough.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:09:00 PM EDT
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Well said.
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America is not perfect. We have a senile village idiot running things right now.

But this is still the greatest flame of freedom the world has ever had.

I want it to continue for a long time.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:09:24 PM EDT
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Show me a way to undo what's been done. I'd love to be wrong.
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Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

Just because the democrats did this, you are ready to give up on your country?
What’s next, siding with its enemies like Russia, China and Iran?
It’s not what the patriots I know do.

Show me a way to undo what's been done. I'd love to be wrong.

Bitching on the internet will never do anything but continue to divide. If you want change, and have enough people that agree with you, then go get loud, don't take no for an answer, get uncomfortable. Saying that you have to work, or have other shit to do is just another excuse. If you can't do it, why expect someone else to do it for you?

As much as people like to hate on Ukraine and their problems, they aren't afraid to be uncomfortable and unite. They want change and are still neck deep in the shit they have been trying to get out of. At least learn something from their example. They didn't like their leadership and pushed a pro-Russian president to flee the country.

Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom | Full Feature | Netflix
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:10:05 PM EDT
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Patriotism is the love of one’s country.  Period.

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The love of ones country or the ideals it is based on?  The two are not always necessarily the same. I'm fine with differing opinions as long as they are sincere and not mouth breathers or trolls.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:10:46 PM EDT
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Exactly. Putting America first means doing the complete opposite of what the government is currently doing in my opinion.

America, (people/ideals/principles) is completely different than the American government.
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Like when trump was working on building a wall you were pushing against it?

When trump pushed the Europeans to spend more on defense you were against that too?
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:11:03 PM EDT
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America is not perfect. We have a senile village idiot running things right now.

But this is still the greatest flame of freedom the world has ever had.

I want it to continue for a long time.
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Well said.


America is not perfect. We have a senile village idiot running things right now.

But this is still the greatest flame of freedom the world has ever had.

I want it to continue for a long time.

And to be clear this is the only thing you're right about.

How you think it ahould continue will only lead its downfall.

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:11:11 PM EDT
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they want into fail because they beleive out of that chaos they will come out on top and have more power.  

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Are you talking about shitbag politicians, or half the conversations in GD for the last 20 years?
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:11:22 PM EDT
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Stop being so narrow minded..our country is not defined by one generation...our country ebbs and flows with being fucked up and being great. We will always be America.  We don't just quit loving our country because one generation of leaders are shitty.
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Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

Just because the democrats did this, you are ready to give up on your country?
What’s next, siding with its enemies like Russia, China and Iran?
It’s not what the patriots I know do.

Show me a way to undo what's been done. I'd love to be wrong.

Stop being so narrow minded..our country is not defined by one generation...our country ebbs and flows with being fucked up and being great. We will always be America.  We don't just quit loving our country because one generation of leaders are shitty.

Name one time in the history of this country where it was anywhere near as fucked up as it is now. The First Lady gave a man a woman of the year award. The president has military officers that dress up as women, and he believes them.

Now, all of this could be explained by two mentally ill people in the White House. The problem is that the rest of the government is behind him as is most of society. America is lost. It makes me nauseous to say that.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:11:25 PM EDT
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Russian tank crews are being welded into their tanks (3 months ago). Ukrainian ace 'the ghost' scores his 5th kill. Putin has two weeks to live...

Wait for the real story to come out, if true at all.

How many times do you keep falling for this BS?

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The only people dumber than the ones who believed those stories are the ones who keep bringing them up.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:11:31 PM EDT

The US military said a Russian fighter jet clipped the propeller of the drone, forcing the US to bring it down over the Black Sea.
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The propeller is on the ass end of the drone. Which to me, makes it sound damn near impossible that the two aircraft had any direct contact with each other.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:11:58 PM EDT
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No. That’s an excuse to deflect criticism of your position.   In addition, it’s not unreasonable to question the actions of someone who does everything to destroy America and line his own pockets. It’s not reasonable to hold the position that everything he does is harmful except this one. That’s not logical.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

You can start the definition with not hating america and rooting against her just out of spite because of who is currently running the show.

Straw man.  Not wanting to get involved in another proxy war or arguing that Europe should do all the heavy lifting for once or saying that we should stop sending billions overseas is not “hating America.”  Putting America first is not hating America—quite the opposite in fact.

Plenty of people in GD and some even in this thread will actively oppose anything the Biden administration does regardless of what it might mean for the country simply because of who is at the desk, and not the actions being taken.

That isn’t patriotism, it’s anger and bitterness.

How many times during this presidency have people here explicitly said that if Biden is for something, they are against it? Hundreds? Thousands? That’s not patriotism, that’s not “hoping to bring back the america I love”

It’s the final collapse of a persons ideology.

No. That’s an excuse to deflect criticism of your position.   In addition, it’s not unreasonable to question the actions of someone who does everything to destroy America and line his own pockets. It’s not reasonable to hold the position that everything he does is harmful except this one. That’s not logical.

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 6:13:08 PM EDT
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What’s up with the sensitive comment warning? They’re blatantly trying to control what Americans see. That should make everyone question the official story.
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If you have a twitter account and your location is the USA, there is no sensitive comment warning.
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