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Link Posted: 3/14/2023 4:57:33 PM EDT
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An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Sad to say politics has become a team sport. Gotta score some points for your team on the internet. Everyone has their try hards on to show they're the best cheerleader for their team.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 4:58:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 4:59:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 4:59:25 PM EDT
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Sad to say politics has become a team sport. Gotta score some points for your team on the internet. Everyone has their try hards on to show they're the best cheerleader for their team.
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Sad to say, not everyone here team is my team, anymore.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:01:08 PM EDT
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Is really unfortunate that I don't believe that there was a collision. I simply don't believe anything our government says anymore.

Was our drone taken out by Russia jets and we don't want to escalate so we're blaming it on a collision?
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I'm this. Literally nothing the government says is true anymore
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:01:56 PM EDT

Just a minute - I need to inventory my Survival Kit

Survival kit contents check. In them you'll find:

one forty-five caliber automatic;
two boxes of ammunition;
four days' concentrated emergency rations;
one drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills;
one miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible;
one hundred dollars in rubles;
one hundred dollars in gold;
nine packs of chewing gum;
one issue of prophylactics;
three lipsticks;
three pair of nylon stockings.

O.K.!  Good to Go!
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Does the drone carry a kit like this?
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:05:10 PM EDT
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I'm this. Literally nothing the government says is true anymore
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Is really unfortunate that I don't believe that there was a collision. I simply don't believe anything our government says anymore.

Was our drone taken out by Russia jets and we don't want to escalate so we're blaming it on a collision?

I'm this. Literally nothing the government says is true anymore

That doesn't make sense. If you don't believe anything the government says, you'd also think the US losing a drone at all was a lie. You wouldn't say some of the story is true, but not the other.

Don't HalfQ, go FullQ.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:06:37 PM EDT
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That doesn't make sense. If you don't believe anything the government says, you'd also think the US losing a drone at all was a lie. You wouldn't say some of the story is true, but not the other.

Don't HalfQ, go FullQ.
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You think we have actual flying machines?
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:06:39 PM EDT
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...
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Hurr durr! Globohomo!
Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:06:50 PM EDT
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That doesn't make sense. If you don't believe anything the government says, you'd also think the US losing a drone at all was a lie. You wouldn't say some of the story is true, but not the other.

Don't HalfQ, go FullQ.
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I mean, because nothing says "why don't you believe the government" like invoking a likely government information operation.

But I mean, you do you. Joe appreciates your support.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:07:35 PM EDT
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An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Calm down Fltit!

It was damaged and it happened in the air. Learn how to read...
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:08:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:09:13 PM EDT
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lol, he hasn't gotten to "they crashed it to distract for Tucker Carlson J6 tapes" yet
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:09:14 PM EDT
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makes red-herring post full of nonsense personal attacks (seriously, what is with your obsession with who other posters are married to?)... instantly clutches pearls for being called whiny.   Oh the irony.

You didn't make yourself clear at all.   I had to ask multiple times to get your opinion on what you'd actually like to see happen.    You've only just now said what you'd actually like to see happen in response to Russia attacking American air assets.  

Funnily enough, you're actually advocating for more escalation than anyone else I've seen post in here.
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Nice try. You should try to avoid insults, because you're bad at that game.

I've made myself extremely clear, but you'll never stop playing your childlike internet games. It seems to be all you have.

>I want out of this conflict, with the exception of logistical support. Which are the finest logistics the world has ever seen and the most valuable weapon in this conflict. The Eurofags can use their extreme wealth to supply the weapons. Either their own or purchased from us. Currently, they're being the usual insufferably cheap POS Europeans, because they know if they drag their feet US politicians have the incessant need to prove that they care the most about...everything...and US taxpayers are forced to pick up the tab.

>I want the Europussies to determine themselves how much cash and hardware they want to invest in keeping Russia's clunker military from inching towards them. RUS taking control of UKR means nothing to the security of Americans, and doesn't make RUS one iota more of a threat to us. This event should be the catalyst for the Eurosissies to begin to pay to protect themselves, especially since the secret they've been trying to keep from the public for so long, about how weak Russia's military is, was merely a large scale abuse of taxpayers with its sole purpose being to generate extreme wealth for a relative handful of individuals in the US and Europe.

>If Russia actually does attack any of our air assets, anywhere in the world, I want an entire airfield full of Russian air assets destroyed as a "fuck you this is what we feel is proportional."

Are we clear?


makes red-herring post full of nonsense personal attacks (seriously, what is with your obsession with who other posters are married to?)... instantly clutches pearls for being called whiny.   Oh the irony.

You didn't make yourself clear at all.   I had to ask multiple times to get your opinion on what you'd actually like to see happen.    You've only just now said what you'd actually like to see happen in response to Russia attacking American air assets.  

Funnily enough, you're actually advocating for more escalation than anyone else I've seen post in here.

You do that strange embellishing like Ryan. It's weird, like you're afraid. Are you a nervous person by nature?

I just provided exactly where I am, for the entire conflict, as well as anytime, anywhere, RUS attacks one of our air assets.

Your turn.

ETA: I have to roll. I'll catch you later. I know where to find you.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:12:02 PM EDT
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You do that strange embellishing like Ryan. It's weird, like you're afraid. Are you a nervous person by nature?

I just provided exactly where I am, for the entire conflict, as well as anytime, anywhere, RUS attacks one of our air assets.

Your turn.
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My turn?  I told you what I'd like to see pages ago.  Right up front.   Send them up with backup and shoot their shit down when they pull stunts like this.

You were probably too busy with your strange Ukrainian spouse obsession fetish to notice.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:12:15 PM EDT
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Nice try. You should try to avoid insults, because you're bad at that game.

I've made myself extremely clear, but you'll never stop playing your childlike internet games. It seems to be all you have.

>I want out of this conflict, with the exception of logistical support. Which are the finest logistics the world has ever seen and the most valuable weapon in this conflict. The Eurofags can use their extreme wealth to supply the weapons. Either their own or purchased from us. Currently, they're being the usual insufferably cheap POS Europeans, because they know if they drag their feet US politicians have the incessant need to prove that they care the most about...everything...and US taxpayers are forced to pick up the tab.

>I want the Europussies to determine themselves how much cash and hardware they want to invest in keeping Russia's clunker military from inching towards them. RUS taking control of UKR means nothing to the security of Americans, and doesn't make RUS one iota more of a threat to us. This event should be the catalyst for the Eurosissies to begin to pay to protect themselves, especially since the secret they've been trying to keep from the public for so long, about how weak Russia's military is, was merely a large scale abuse of taxpayers with its sole purpose being to generate extreme wealth for a relative handful of individuals in the US and Europe.

>If Russia actually does attack any of our air assets, anywhere in the world, I want an entire airfield full of Russian air assets destroyed as a "fuck you this is what we feel is proportional."

Are we clear?
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You spend the majority of your waking hours on an internet forum advocating US escalation, so stop lying when you think you can ride the fence. You're fucking salivating for it from your safe space.

You would have more credibility if you simply stated that you think it's time to rip the band-aid off with Russia. I would at least respect any of the 15%ers who would make that argument, because there's a much better argument to be made for that than the incredibly ridiculous argument you're making for this conflict. Ukraine, lol, holy shit, have you ever even been there? The world order wouldn't move a centimeter whether it was controlled by RUS or UKR.

I would be curious to know exactly how many of the Uke Bro Generals have UkraineDate wives. I don't spend 16 hours a day here, like you do, but I know that multiple high ranking Uke Bros do.

For someone whining about credibility and honesty, you seem strangely reluctant to say what response you'd like to see to Russia attacking US aircraft in international airspace.

Nice try. You should try to avoid insults, because you're bad at that game.

I've made myself extremely clear, but you'll never stop playing your childlike internet games. It seems to be all you have.

>I want out of this conflict, with the exception of logistical support. Which are the finest logistics the world has ever seen and the most valuable weapon in this conflict. The Eurofags can use their extreme wealth to supply the weapons. Either their own or purchased from us. Currently, they're being the usual insufferably cheap POS Europeans, because they know if they drag their feet US politicians have the incessant need to prove that they care the most about...everything...and US taxpayers are forced to pick up the tab.

>I want the Europussies to determine themselves how much cash and hardware they want to invest in keeping Russia's clunker military from inching towards them. RUS taking control of UKR means nothing to the security of Americans, and doesn't make RUS one iota more of a threat to us. This event should be the catalyst for the Eurosissies to begin to pay to protect themselves, especially since the secret they've been trying to keep from the public for so long, about how weak Russia's military is, was merely a large scale abuse of taxpayers with its sole purpose being to generate extreme wealth for a relative handful of individuals in the US and Europe.

>If Russia actually does attack any of our air assets, anywhere in the world, I want an entire airfield full of Russian air assets destroyed as a "fuck you this is what we feel is proportional."

Are we clear?

Perfectly reasonable positions
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:12:27 PM EDT
Need moar self-destruct HE charge.  
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:13:26 PM EDT
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Sad to say politics has become a team sport. Gotta score some points for your team on the internet. Everyone has their try hards on to show they're the best cheerleader for their team.
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"Has become"???? Politics was ALWAYS a team sport, and usually a dirty one.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:13:42 PM EDT
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Calling out the patriotism of veterans is poor fucking form.
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An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Calling out the patriotism of veterans is poor fucking form.

But entirely consistent.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:14:08 PM EDT
We surrender our navy vessels without a shot being fired and will allow others to down our planes.

Nothing to see here.  

We would be better off to spend the money on more diversity training.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:15:57 PM EDT
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lol, he hasn't gotten to "they crashed it to distract for Tucker Carlson J6 tapes" yet
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lol, he hasn't gotten to "they crashed it to distract for Tucker Carlson J6 tapes" yet

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:15:59 PM EDT
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Have we discussed whether the drone or fighter plane were carrying "canned sunshine" yet?
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Biolab stuff. The Russians were just saving humanity from American biolab proliferation.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:16:47 PM EDT
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Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.
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Yea that about sums it up.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:17:08 PM EDT
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Calling out the patriotism of veterans is poor fucking form.
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An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Calling out the patriotism of veterans is poor fucking form.

When did that change?
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:17:43 PM EDT
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An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

An incident of a  type that that was pretty common during the cold war.  We didn’t go kinetic then, why do you want to go kinetic now? You remember the Cold War, yes?
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:20:15 PM EDT
Damn shame we shipped the Ukriane a dozen ATACMS by mistake an hour later.   Guess mistakes happen.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:20:30 PM EDT
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An incident of a  type that that was pretty common during the cold war.  We didn’t go kinetic then, why do you want to go kinetic now? You remember the Cold War, yes?
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You literally just got done saying that the US destroying an entire airbase-worth of Russian air assets in retaliation was an "entirely reasonable position."

Which is it?

eta: Perhaps that was sarcasm.  I can't tell anymore.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:23:05 PM EDT
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Sad to say, not everyone here team is my team, anymore.
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There's a lot of communists here now. It's the same on other forums that I'm on too.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:25:10 PM EDT
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I'm this. Literally nothing the government says is true anymore
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Is really unfortunate that I don't believe that there was a collision. I simply don't believe anything our government says anymore.

Was our drone taken out by Russia jets and we don't want to escalate so we're blaming it on a collision?

I'm this. Literally nothing the government says is true anymore

Except the Russian government.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:25:55 PM EDT
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There's a lot of communists here now. It's the same on other forums that I'm on too.
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Sad to say, not everyone here team is my team, anymore.
There's a lot of communists here now. It's the same on other forums that I'm on too.

Both sides are calling the other Commie its ridiculous.

The word doesn't mean anything anymore.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:26:05 PM EDT
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You literally just got done saying that the US destroying an entire airbase-worth of Russian air assets in retaliation was an "entirely reasonable position."

Which is it?

eta: Perhaps that was sarcasm.  I can't tell anymore.
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An incident of a  type that that was pretty common during the cold war.  We didn’t go kinetic then, why do you want to go kinetic now? You remember the Cold War, yes?

You literally just got done saying that the US destroying an entire airbase-worth of Russian air assets in retaliation was an "entirely reasonable position."

Which is it?

eta: Perhaps that was sarcasm.  I can't tell anymore.

His scenario implied the deaths of Americans. That is very different.  If it wasn’t, then I apologize, but that was the concept I responded to.  Scraped paint and damaged equipment from Cold War era fuck fuck games  is radically different than dead Americans.  Agreed?
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:26:12 PM EDT
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“Two Russian Su-27 aircraft conducted an unsafe and unprofessional intercept with a U.S.
Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance unmanned MQ-9 aircraft that was operating within international airspace over the Black Sea today.
At approximately 7:03 AM (CET), one of the Russian Su-27 aircraft struck the propeller of the MQ-9, causing U.S. forces to have to bring the MQ-9 down in international waters.
Several times before the collision, the Su-27s dumped fuel on and flew in front of the MQ-9 in a reckless, environmentally unsound and unprofessional manner. This incident demonstrates a lack of competence in addition to being unsafe and unprofessional.
"Our MQ-9 aircraft was conducting routine operations in international airspace when it was intercepted and hit by a Russian aircraft, resulting in a crash and complete loss of the MQ-9," said U.S. Air Force Gen. James B. Hecker, commander, U.S. Air Forces Europe and Air Forces Africa. "In fact, this unsafe and unprofessional act by the Russians nearly caused both aircraft to crash."
"U.S. and Allied aircraft will continue to operate in international airspace and we call on the Russians to conduct themselves professionally and safely, Hecker added.
This incident follows a pattern of dangerous actions by Russian pilots while interacting with U.S. and Allied aircraft over international airspace, including over the Black Sea. These aggressive actions by Russian aircrew are dangerous and could lead to miscalculation and unintended escalation.”
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I hate this kind of lingo - ""This unsafe and unprofessional act by the Russians nearly caused both aircraft to crash"

It wreaks of idk...diplomatic propaganda bullshit-speak.  Like, we're basically at war with Russia, and they took out our war hardware that we are using to Ukraine.  Juat own it, at least don't frame it in a way that sounds like how China or North Korea would describe an incident.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:26:39 PM EDT
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Unprofessional is an interesting term here

Perfectly anodyne
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this guy gets it
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:26:55 PM EDT
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Uh, you're the one saying we need to support the President's policies, such as they are, blindly.

I didn't make that claim for you. You did.
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Uh, you're the one saying we need to support the President's policies, such as they are, blindly.

I didn't make that claim for you. You did.

I am 100% opposed to Biden's actions. He is intentionally slow rolling aid and dragging out the war.

The Ukrainian Air Force should have been trained on F16s and 15s 12 months ago when it was clear they weren't going to fold and the Army should have been trained on Abrams, bradleys, and sent Atacms months ago.

Folks are specifically asking if being nuked is worth Ukraine.

Are ar15s worth being nuked?

The only answer is to surrender or DOOM!


Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

Quick, it's time to support foreign adversaries.

You leaving the USA now?


Calling out the patriotism of veterans is poor fucking form.

I get accused of worse things fairly regularly as current .mil. Build up your thick skin


His point went far over your head.

It didn't.

The Putin Bros crowd has said numerous times allowing Russia to over run whatever is better than being nuked, well, because Russia has nukes.

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:27:05 PM EDT
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Biolab stuff. The Russians were just saving humanity from American biolab proliferation.
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Have we discussed whether the drone or fighter plane were carrying "canned sunshine" yet?

Biolab stuff. The Russians were just saving humanity from American biolab proliferation.

Just great.

Now I have to work/sleep in my MOPP suit until I complete the fallout shelter.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:28:28 PM EDT
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There's a lot of communists here now. It's the same on other forums that I'm on too.
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Sad to say, not everyone here team is my team, anymore.
There's a lot of communists here now. It's the same on other forums that I'm on too.

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:29:56 PM EDT
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lol, he hasn't gotten to "they crashed it to distract for Tucker Carlson J6 tapes" yet
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Are we sure this isn’t to distract from the bank runs?
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:32:39 PM EDT
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Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:34:16 PM EDT
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There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

*support against those running our country. Correct, I'll root against them at every opportunity.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:34:17 PM EDT
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Are we sure this isn't to distract from the bank runs?
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lol, he hasn't gotten to "they crashed it to distract for Tucker Carlson J6 tapes" yet

Are we sure this isn't to distract from the bank runs?

Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:35:48 PM EDT
I definitely don't take everything the government says at face value, nor do I believe the Ukrainian government is full of saints. I also absolutely believe there are Internet forum commentators who are genuine Russian trolls posing as Americnas trying to push the crazy Russian narrative. The existence of Russian troll farms is fact. The existence of nationalist Russian trolls is also a reality.

I'm not overly worked up about this incident. Adversarial countries do this to each other all the time, and sometimes it escalates a little too far. It is what it is. No one died, so unless it keeps on happening, whatever, we'll just keep on keeping on.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:35:55 PM EDT
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There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  
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It is nice that they are starting to be honest with their America hate. Now we are getting to the real reason of their Russia and Putin support.

What was that quote?

Jane Fonda in a MAGA hat?
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:36:09 PM EDT
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Both sides are calling the other Commie its ridiculous.

The word doesn't mean anything anymore.
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One side erects communist symbols, flies communist flags, and states it is rebuilding the USSR.

One side tears them down and resists them.

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:36:21 PM EDT
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There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:37:43 PM EDT
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One side erects communist symbols, flies communist flags, and states it is rebuilding the USSR.

One side tears them down and resists them.

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Both sides are calling the other Commie its ridiculous.

The word doesn't mean anything anymore.

One side erects communist symbols, flies communist flags, and states it is rebuilding the USSR.

One side tears them down and resists them.

Wrong.  Again.  About everything.  Just stop man.

I have never done any of that shit.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:38:44 PM EDT
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It is nice that they are starting to be honest with their America hate. Now we are getting to the real reason of their Russia and Putin support.

What was that quote?

Jane Fonda in a MAGA hat?
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There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

It is nice that they are starting to be honest with their America hate. Now we are getting to the real reason of their Russia and Putin support.

What was that quote?

Jane Fonda in a MAGA hat?

I've been saying this since it happened. Nothing new.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:39:13 PM EDT
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But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

You can start the definition with not hating america and rooting against her just out of spite because of who is currently running the show.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:39:24 PM EDT
It’s all done by design it’s part of the plan please
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:40:36 PM EDT
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But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

An American asset was intentionally destroyed in international waters and this is all you have to say?
Speaks volumes about your patriotism.

Patriotism? Our government labeled us domestic terrorists, and enemies of the state for absolutely no reason other than their hatred towards us. Fuck patriotism, they can get fucked. Any remaining “patriot” is suffering from battered wife syndrome.

There it is. Explains the endless coy support for anything related to Russia or Putin.  

But how do you  define patriotism today?

Serious question--you know the people pulling the levers are not interested in your well being or the well being of this country.  But you listen and obey?  

Serious question.

If your patriotism is dependent on who is in office you’re a fair weather patriot.  If your response to a retard politician calling you names is to suck the cock of America's longest running enemy, you were never a patriot to begin with.

America is bigger and better than it’s dumbass politicians.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 5:40:42 PM EDT
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