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Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:32:32 PM EDT
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Nope just pointing out that often post in threads like these to flame other members. Kind of like how you got booted from the big Ukraine thread.
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Have some Bounty.
Nope just pointing out that often post in threads like these to flame other members. Kind of like how you got booted from the big Ukraine thread.

Feel free to cry to the mods again sweetheart.

Shouldn't you be bashing Republicans in the main thread with the other simps?

Please stop thread stalking me, it's creepy.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:33:10 PM EDT
Dems are loving this...they'll get to go fight the ruskies!
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:33:16 PM EDT
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Where's the video?  I can't believe there isn't a 360 camera view on these things. Shit, a fucking Hyundai has 360 view when parking.

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Doubt we will see it anytime soon.

We had video footage of my truck hitting a VBIED, they didn't let me have a copy.

Sure it's somewhere, only wish I could get a copy of it one day.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:33:29 PM EDT
The russian fighter probably never saw it, or the US is lying and it was shot down.

I am going with the latter

I changed my mind.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:33:55 PM EDT
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Feel free to cry to the mods again sweetheart.

Shouldn't you be bashing Republicans in the main thread with the other simps?

Please stop thread stalking me, it's creepy.
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You make a comment designed to get attention then you cry about getting it. Insults are all you have.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:34:50 PM EDT

WTF are we doing flying drones over the Black Sea.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:35:42 PM EDT
Considering all the targeting data we give their enemies with our surveillance platforms, its kind of ridiculous to get all bothered and start clutching your pearls.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:35:47 PM EDT
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The russian fighter probably never saw it, or the US is lying and it was shot down.

I am going with the latter
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If he didn’t see it my guess is the collision would have been catastrophic for both and the Flanker would’ve crashed too. I’m not buying the story either. It was shit down. If we don’t get shown the video then it was for sure shot down. This happened in the Gulf when I was there and we got to do some sweet max endurance DCA for the drones.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:36:29 PM EDT
So the Russians down a US drone in international airspace. Isn't this an act of war?
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:37:05 PM EDT
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Has the drone operator been offered grief counseling? Or does he get a Purple Heart?
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Medal ceremony at the White House?
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:37:53 PM EDT
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Where’s the video?  I can’t believe there isn’t a 360 camera view on these things. Shit, a fucking Hyundai has 360 view when parking.

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we automatically release all footage from our military assets to the public after any sort of incident...
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:38:30 PM EDT
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Playing chicken with an unmanned aircraft? I really hope they try that again.
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Not too bright.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:38:45 PM EDT
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So the Russians down a US drone in international airspace. Isn't this an act of war?
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Only if we want it to be.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:40:01 PM EDT
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we automatically release all footage from our military assets to the public after any sort of incident...
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If the story went as our government said, yeah right, then we will get the video. Videos are released all the time of unsafe Russian and Chinese fighter interactions. If it was shot down then we won’t. It’s that simple.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:40:59 PM EDT
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Not too bright.
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Especially over water where this time of years the water temps are fatal within minutes. He ejects, he dies.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:41:07 PM EDT
big time this. its incredible how many ukraine zelensky lovers are on arfcom. the dude is a conartist and russia is trying to cut the head off the snake. nobody will understand because they don't want to know. they're much happier and content being spoonfed propaganda and living their "comfortable" lives

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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...
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Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:41:11 PM EDT
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If the story went as our government said, yeah right, then we will get the video. Videos are released all the time of unsafe Russian and Chinese fighter interactions. If it was shot down then we won’t. It’s that simple.
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we automatically release all footage from our military assets to the public after any sort of incident...

If the story went as our government said, yeah right, then we will get the video. Videos are released all the time of unsafe Russian and Chinese fighter interactions. If it was shot down then we won’t. It’s that simple.

Sounds about right.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:41:57 PM EDT
So at some airbase in Russia, they are painting a drone kill on one of their jets.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:42:20 PM EDT
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Playing chicken with an unmanned aircraft? I really hope they try that again.
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A Russian fighter jet has collided with an American Reaper drone over the Black Sea, the US military confirmed today.

The US military said a Russian fighter jet clipped the propeller of the drone, forcing the US to bring it down over the Black Sea.

A Pentagon official told Al-Jazeera that the collision occurred after two Russian fighters tracked the American hardware 'in an unprofessional or safe manner', the news organisations Arabic language Twitter account said.

One Western source said earlier that an investigation was underway to check whether the drone had been shot down in the area of intense NATO military activity close to the Ukraine war frontlines.

It was quickly confirmed that a collision had occurred between a US-made MQ-9 Reaper and a Russian Su-27 fighter jet.

Playing chicken with an unmanned aircraft? I really hope they try that again.

Yeah. lol
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:42:27 PM EDT
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Any of you reading this (but not any members here of course, that would be a CoC violation) who either voted for Biden, didn’t vote for trump because of feelz or bumpstocks or whatever faggot reason, or just didn’t vote at all because of muh principles:

Go fuck yourselves.  You’re the reason shit like this is happening.
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Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:42:29 PM EDT
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big time this. its incredible how many ukraine zelensky lovers are on arfcom. the dude is a conartist and russia is trying to cut the head off the snake. nobody will understand because they don't want to know. they're much happier and content being spoonfed propaganda and living their "comfortable" lives

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Ah shit, you just sent the bat signal to the president of the Zelensky fan club.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:42:41 PM EDT
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big time this. its incredible how many ukraine zelensky lovers are on arfcom. the dude is a conartist and russia is trying to cut the head off the snake. nobody will understand because they don't want to know. they're much happier and content being spoonfed propaganda and living their "comfortable" lives

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Also amazing how many "conservatives" believe Russian talking points.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:43:20 PM EDT
Banks are crashing so they are gonna distract us...
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:43:32 PM EDT
"This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it."
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:44:59 PM EDT
Meh, if the drone was being used to provide Ukraine with intelligence I'd say that makes it fair game.  Not like we haven't done the same thing to other country's assets.  Sucks for the taxpayers though.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:45:14 PM EDT
who said i believe in russian talking points? ever think to yourself that some people don't pick sides becauses that is what has been taught to us and beat into our brains since children. i side with research, the facts, the truth. just like in iraq. sadaam was far from perfect, but he sure as hell kept the middle east stable. zelensky is a plant and if you think otherwise, you're choosing not to see whats in front of your eyes my brother

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Also amazing how many "conservatives" believe Russian talking points.
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Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:45:25 PM EDT
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So the Russians down a US drone in international airspace. Isn't this an act of war?
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I think we are well past that. We are providing free weapons, training and picking targets. We are already at war, it is just a matter of escalation.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:45:44 PM EDT
The news reports are as believable as the tummy tuck reason with the four US citizens who drove into Mexico.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:45:51 PM EDT
Oh we better declare war on Russia and send troops off to another episode of the forever war. Tell the public how we need to go over there to fight for our Freedom meanwhile what's left of our Freedom is being raped right here by our elected public servants.
Murica, land of the fee and home of the slave.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:46:15 PM EDT
Dang ole, fuckin, Alice Babylawn, man.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:46:38 PM EDT
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I'm not an aviation engineer, but I would think that a mid air collision would also bring down the Jet.
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If they are flying at about the same speed, then the collision is not much of anything. Blue Angels and Thunderbirds have bumped wingtips when rehearsing.

Clipping the prop with a wingtip will leave damage on the wingtip.

It would be a shame if we put one up that was rigged to explode when fucked with like that.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:48:46 PM EDT
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So the Russians down a US drone in international airspace. Isn't this an act of war?
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Iranians clearly shot down a U.S. Military Drone in international airspace in June 2019.

Iran shot it down by a SAM launched from Iran so no "maybe it was an 'collision' " mamby pamby.

President Trump didn't do anything (besides toss some additional U.S. 'sanctions' on Iranian leadership).

The whole point of drones is to be able to  accomplish mission goals without risking valuable aircrew to loss.

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:48:53 PM EDT
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The russian fighter probably never saw it, or the US is lying and it was shot down.

I am going with the latter
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Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:48:56 PM EDT
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big time this. its incredible how many ukraine zelensky lovers are on arfcom. the dude is a conartist and russia is trying to cut the head off the snake. nobody will understand because they don't want to know. they're much happier and content being spoonfed propaganda and living their "comfortable" lives
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Russia is trying to recreate the Soviet Union.    Ukraine is just the next step for them.    Ukraine might not be perfect, but neither is the US or Europe.     I see what's happening in Ukraine as very similar to what happened in the leadup to WWII.     Now is our chance to stop Russia before they keep pushing.  So far at least the cost is relatively low and those munitions and equipment we're handing over were generally made to stop the Russians when they attacked.  They're being used as intended and someone else is paying in blood to use them.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:49:07 PM EDT
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The only simps in this thread are the ones who support Russia.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

The only simps in this thread are the ones who support Russia.

Attachment Attached File

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:49:24 PM EDT
The rooskis did not shoot down the drone.  However, there was a collision between the drone and an independently powered, detachable, and steerable part mounted on the rooski jet.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:49:51 PM EDT
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WTF are we doing flying drones over the Black Sea.
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Defending pedophilia, and trans rights you bigot.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:49:52 PM EDT
This business...
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:50:14 PM EDT
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WTF are we doing flying drones over the Black Sea.
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Monitoring an ongoing situation. Pretty typical...
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:50:20 PM EDT
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So the Russians down a US drone in international airspace. Isn't this an act of war?
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Not in Clown World.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:50:32 PM EDT
JUST IN - Putin: Nord Stream attack was committed "at state level."
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:50:54 PM EDT
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big time this. its incredible how many ukraine zelensky lovers are on arfcom. the dude is a conartist and russia is trying to cut the head off the snake. nobody will understand because they don't want to know. they're much happier and content being spoonfed propaganda and living their "comfortable" lives

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User Name & Join Date...  Da Comrade! Tell us Americans more!

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:51:31 PM EDT
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who said i believe in russian talking points? ever think to yourself that some people don't pick sides becauses that is what has been taught to us and beat into our brains since children. i side with research, the facts, the truth. just like in iraq. sadaam was far from perfect, but he sure as hell kept the middle east stable. zelensky is a plant and if you think otherwise, you're choosing not to see whats in front of your eyes my brother

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I trust my wife's family in Ukraine, more than I trust anything you say. You really don't know what you're talking about.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:51:38 PM EDT
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Looking at a photo of the mq-9, clipping the propeller will clip a lot of other important stuff too.
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T H I S . . . I'm calling bull-shit . . . there's no way in hell that you're going to "clip" the prop on one of these fuckers with a jet fighter.

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:53:10 PM EDT
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...
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Russians take out an American asset and it's the anti Russian guys that are the simps...
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:53:14 PM EDT
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I'm not an aviation engineer, but I would think that a mid air collision would also bring down the Jet.
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Russian aviators train extensively in the PIT maneuver.
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:53:43 PM EDT
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The only simps in this thread are the ones who support Russia.
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Ukie simps are jerking furiously over the prospect of escalation...

The only simps in this thread are the ones who support Russia.

Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:53:54 PM EDT
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The russian fighter probably never saw it, or the US is lying and it was shot down.

I am going with the latter


I changed my mind
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:53:54 PM EDT
It's gonna be a big war sooner than people think, and China will take Taiwan, and we wont be able to respond well to a big regional skirmish because we gave it all to Ukraine and more missle chips could take a few years for production. Putin's has everything to lose with a failed war and is getting old, his closest advisors have lost kids due to exploded cars. The US had economic and financial issues which hurt a continued war chest when BRICS is now overtaking GDP of US allied countries, prompting an alternative world reserve currency.

Potatus could use the crisis as an impetus to round up "foreign actors" causing malinformation, hello return of Japanese internment camps for MAGA, as well as steal another election with the senate to pack the supreme court.  
It's going to get very, very bad!
Link Posted: 3/14/2023 1:54:12 PM EDT
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Monitoring an ongoing situation. Pretty typical...
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WTF are we doing flying drones over the Black Sea.

Monitoring an ongoing situation. Pretty typical...

Man, a big portion of Americans are walking around on egg shells when it comes to Russia. "WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING TO UPSET THE RUSSIANS, THEY MAY NUKE US!"

Reagan rolling in his grave
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