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Link Posted: 10/15/2006 2:50:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/15/2006 2:59:55 PM EDT


They said it would be an affront to all others who served to name it after just one man.
Somehow I believe "all others who served" wouldn't have complained...

And here is AZ our Governor named a mountain after someone whose claim to fame was dying in an ambush after they got lost, but then again, she was a Woman and a "Native American"
Link Posted: 10/15/2006 3:09:18 PM EDT
I'll take the blue 1995 Ford Taurus and one of the sofas.
Link Posted: 10/15/2006 3:15:05 PM EDT
I'm always amazed at the rather "ordinary" firearms in the personal collections of most high speed types.
Link Posted: 10/15/2006 3:24:15 PM EDT

Shuggart was a Fudd, I'm suprised.

I'm not.
He prolly got enough of black guns at work.
Had a few pistols, and some hunting guns.
Link Posted: 10/15/2006 4:39:04 PM EDT


Shuggart was a Fudd, I'm suprised.

Well kinda fits, he was a sniper wasn't he....very akin to hunting one shot one kill and all.

I did see a mini-14 in there

That's just what they are getting rid of.

Maybe with his name on it they can get more than $270 for that Mini.
Link Posted: 10/15/2006 4:48:05 PM EDT


I don't think I'd feel right buying his stuff, YMMV.

Me either, but if I did, I would immediately re-donate it to his unit or a good cause.

I would not make personal gain from it.
Link Posted: 10/15/2006 4:56:31 PM EDT
Needs to go to one of his old friends or kept in the family, not someone from the internet. What is his family thinking?
Link Posted: 10/15/2006 5:33:36 PM EDT
If it's true, I wouldn't be surprised if the Shugart family kept the more "interesting" stuff.

I'll have to go watch BHD again tonight.  True American hero.

The school district where Shugart graduated refused to name the new High School after him a few years ago. They said it would be an affront to all others who served to name it after just one man.
An affront?  
What the fuck are those bureaucrats thinking?  Is this what they were thinking when an aircraft carrier was named after Dwight D. Eisenhower?  It must've been an insult to all of the other Americans that served in WW2!
Link Posted: 10/15/2006 5:43:21 PM EDT

What is his family thinking?
That the best way to get rid of stuff you don't want is to sell it.

Seriously, if the family isn't into guns, why would they keep them? Could be that seeing them is a reminder of the loss they suffered.

Regardless of how much you love someone, or what that person did with his life, every item he owned isn't going to be some kind of holy relic. The items that mean something to them will probably be kept and cherished for the rest of their lives. The rest is just stuff, and if it isn't stuff they want, they have no reason to keep it.

Contrary to the popular belief on this board, everyone does not look at their guns and see something that can never be sold, given away, or thrown away.
Link Posted: 10/15/2006 5:51:47 PM EDT

I'm always amazed at the rather "ordinary" firearms in the personal collections of most high speed types.

Some guys like to leave "work" at "work".

I work with computers all day, that doesn't mean I like them.
Link Posted: 10/15/2006 6:16:07 PM EDT

I'm always amazed at the rather "ordinary" firearms in the personal collections of most high speed types.

I think Uncle Sam loaned him the good stuff.
Link Posted: 10/15/2006 8:18:57 PM EDT
Coming soon, to a gunshow near you:

"Boy, what I got here is a Daisy BB gun that wuz owned by a one've them Honer Medle rercipients. They say he used this here bb gun fer knockin' out them Sumali's bug lights an hour er two before they'd go in. By the time them Rangers got to em, the skinnies wuz jus' fit to be tied and didn't have no more fight in 'em. This gun might look like any other 98 topper, but she's credited  with savin' the lives of countless Americans-i'll let ya take it home today for $13,000 and I'll throw in a box've BB's if it'll help".

Link Posted: 10/15/2006 8:20:19 PM EDT

I'm always amazed at the rather "ordinary" firearms in the personal collections of most high speed types.

They don't pay all that well in the military....., even for SFC's.
Link Posted: 10/15/2006 8:33:03 PM EDT
Did he have kids?  If so someone should buy a couple of those guns at auction and offer them to his kids when they turn 18, or better yet when they have kids of their own.

I have a huge gun collection.  but none are more valuable than the first gun my dad ever bought me, my grandfathers .30-06 and CMP M1 carbine and my great grandmothers Win 1892.

I would sell everything else i owned before i would even consider parting with any of those.
Link Posted: 10/15/2006 9:06:36 PM EDT


I'm always amazed at the rather "ordinary" firearms in the personal collections of most high speed types.

Some guys like to leave "work" at "work".

I work with computers all day, that doesn't mean I like them.

I understand that.

But I still fall for it every time. I know a few people with "interesting jobs" and I always expect hidden rooms and batcaves in their homes filled with exotic weaponry.

And everytime it is some seriously mundane shit. I get so dissapointed.

The only thing WORSE is when they see my collection. It's really embarrassing to have some "operator" type going "Holy shit dude."

You just want them to be like the "special forces" dudes in the movies.
Link Posted: 10/15/2006 9:08:11 PM EDT


I'm always amazed at the rather "ordinary" firearms in the personal collections of most high speed types.

They don't pay all that well in the military....., even for SFC's.

Yeah I know. I have to give my brother stuff all the time just so I don't have to worry about his collection.
Link Posted: 10/15/2006 9:09:43 PM EDT
Why don't you all quit running your mouths and let his family live their lives.
Link Posted: 10/15/2006 9:15:34 PM EDT

Why don't you all quit running your mouths and let his family live their lives.
No shit.

Guys here have done everything from shit talk his wife to suggesting that his guns be bought and given to his unit or returned to his kids.

If the unit or his kids wanted them, they would probably have them right now.
Link Posted: 10/15/2006 9:20:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/16/2006 11:23:51 AM EDT

Rank and organization: Master Sergeant, U.S. Army. Place and date: 3 October 1993, Mogadishu, Somalia. Entered service at: ----- Born: Lincoln, Maine. Citation: Master Sergeant Gordon, United States Army, distinguished himself by actions above and beyond the call of duty on 3 October 1993, while serving as Sniper Team Leader, United States Army Special Operations Command with Task Force Ranger in Mogadishu, Somalia. Master Sergeant Gordon's sniper team provided precision fires from the lead helicopter during an assault and at two helicopter crash sites, while subjected to intense automatic weapons and rocket propelled grenade fires. When Master Sergeant Gordon learned that ground forces were not immediately available to secure the second crash site, he and another sniper unhesitatingly volunteered to be inserted to protect the four critically wounded personnel, despite being well aware of the growing number of enemy personnel closing in on the site. After his third request to be inserted, Master Sergeant Gordon received permission to perform his volunteer mission. When debris and enemy ground fires at the site caused them to abort the first attempt, Master Sergeant Gordon was inserted one hundred meters south of the crash site. Equipped with only his sniper rifle and a pistol, Master Sergeant Gordon and his fellow sniper, while under intense small arms fire from the enemy, fought their way through a dense maze of shanties and shacks to reach the critically injured crew members. Master Sergeant Gordon immediately pulled the pilot and the other crew members from the aircraft, establishing a perimeter which placed him and his fellow sniper in the most vulnerable position. Master Sergeant Gordon used his long range rifle and side arm to kill an undetermined number of attackers until he depleted his ammunition. Master Sergeant Gordon then went back to the wreckage, recovering some of the crew's weapons and ammunition. Despite the fact that he was critically low on ammunition, he provided some of it to the dazed pilot and then radioed for help. Master Sergeant Gordon continued to travel the perimeter, protecting the downed crew. After his team member was fatally wounded and his own rifle ammunition exhausted, Master Sergeant Gordon returned to the wreckage, recovering a rifle with the last five rounds of ammunition and gave it to the pilot with the words, "good luck." Then, armed only with his pistol, Master Sergeant Gordon continued to fight until he was fatally wounded. His actions saved the pilot's life. Master Sergeant Gordon's extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest standards of military service and reflect great credit upon him, his unit and the United States Army.


Rank and organization: Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army. Place and date: 3 October 1993, Mogadishu, Somalia. Entered service at: ----- Born: Newville, Pennsylvania. Citation: Sergeant First Class Shughart, United States Army, distinguished himself by actions above and beyond the call of duty on 3 October 1993, while serving as a Sniper Team Member, United States Army Special Operations Command with Task Force Ranger in Mogadishu, Somalia. Sergeant First Class Shughart provided precision sniper fires from the lead helicopter during an assault on a building and at two helicopter crash sites, while subjected to intense automatic weapons and rocket propelled grenade fires. While providing critical suppressive fires at the second crash site, Sergeant First Class Shughart and his team leader learned that ground forces were not immediately available to secure the site. Sergeant First Class Shughart and his team leader unhesitatingly volunteered to be inserted to protect the four critically wounded personnel, despite being well aware of the growing number of enemy personnel closing in on the site. After their third request to be inserted, Sergeant First Class Shughart and his team leader received permission to perform this volunteer mission. When debris and enemy ground fires at the site caused them to abort the first attempt, Sergeant First Class Shughart and his team leader were inserted one hundred meters south of the crash site. Equipped with only his sniper rifle and a pistol, Sergeant First Class Shughart and his team leader, while under intense small arms fire from the enemy, fought their way through a dense maze of shanties and shacks to reach the critically injured crew members. Sergeant First Class Shughart pulled the pilot and the other crew members from the aircraft, establishing a perimeter which placed him and his fellow sniper in the most vulnerable position. Sergeant First Class Shughart used his long range rifle and side arm to kill an undetermined number of attackers while traveling the perimeter, protecting the downed crew. Sergeant First Class Shughart continued his protective fire until he depleted his ammunition and was fatally wounded. His actions saved the pilot's life. Sergeant First Class Shughart's extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest standards of military service and reflect great credit upon him, his unit and the United States Army.
Link Posted: 10/16/2006 11:38:56 AM EDT

Some guys like to leave "work" at "work".

I work with computers all day, that doesn't mean I like them.

lol..i was thinking EXACTLY the same thing. people come over to the house, notice my one 4yr old laptop, and seem genuinely surprised one of the spare bedrooms isnt an optically networked datacenter.
Link Posted: 10/16/2006 11:52:20 AM EDT


Shuggart was a Fudd, I'm suprised.


I'd trust a man that could shoot Bambi in the face for real more than I would someone that talks about what he THINKS he's capable of on the internet.

No shit.  Carlos Hathcock crawled around mountainsides looking for deer too.
Link Posted: 10/16/2006 12:01:35 PM EDT

Shuggart was a Fudd, I'm suprised.

Not everyone feels the need to fill the safe with black rifles.
Link Posted: 10/16/2006 12:03:39 PM EDT


Shuggart was a Fudd, I'm suprised.

Not everyone feels the need to fill the safe with black rifles.

That and the fact that almost every guy in this part of PA hunts. They close all the schools on the first day of deer season.
Link Posted: 10/16/2006 12:05:50 PM EDT




man, wonder why the family is needing to sell them, you would think that MOH reciepiants would be taken care of by the gov.   atleast i think thats the way it should be.
Jesus, women, probably his wife is afraid of those "goddamned" guns. "wants them outta the house immediately"....
Immediately? As in 13 years after his death?
Estates take a long time to settle even the present wife may have to establish probate when there are other family, extended families, guardian ad leitums, I have been in probate since '98 just settled in May of 2006 in court.

Even if theres an existing will? I thought the probate only comes into play if you die without a will on the books.They make such a stink about having a will in your PRF when you deploy.. I would hope my wife would not see my assets in dispute for years afterwards if I die in the line of duty. Thats why my will is there, to show who I want everything to go to.
Link Posted: 10/16/2006 12:41:30 PM EDT





man, wonder why the family is needing to sell them, you would think that MOH reciepiants would be taken care of by the gov.   atleast i think thats the way it should be.
Jesus, women, probably his wife is afraid of those "goddamned" guns. "wants them outta the house immediately"....
Immediately? As in 13 years after his death?
Estates take a long time to settle even the present wife may have to establish probate when there are other family, extended families, guardian ad leitums, I have been in probate since '98 just settled in May of 2006 in court.

Even if theres an existing will? I thought the probate only comes into play if you die without a will on the books.They make such a stink about having a will in your PRF when you deploy.. I would hope my wife would not see my assets in dispute for years afterwards if I die in the line of duty. Thats why my will is there, to show who I want everything to go to.
The will of my relative was contested by NYC. The lawyer who was doing the will died. It was a mess. If something can go wrong it will. all the assets were frozen for about 4 years, it sucked, everyone held their hand out.  
Link Posted: 10/16/2006 12:51:42 PM EDT






man, wonder why the family is needing to sell them, you would think that MOH reciepiants would be taken care of by the gov.   atleast i think thats the way it should be.
Jesus, women, probably his wife is afraid of those "goddamned" guns. "wants them outta the house immediately"....
Immediately? As in 13 years after his death?
Estates take a long time to settle even the present wife may have to establish probate when there are other family, extended families, guardian ad leitums, I have been in probate since '98 just settled in May of 2006 in court.

Even if theres an existing will? I thought the probate only comes into play if you die without a will on the books.They make such a stink about having a will in your PRF when you deploy.. I would hope my wife would not see my assets in dispute for years afterwards if I die in the line of duty. Thats why my will is there, to show who I want everything to go to.
The will of my relative was contested by NYC. The lawyer who was doing the will died. It was a mess. If something can go wrong it will. all the assets were frozen for about 4 years, it sucked, everyone held their hand out.  
I am no lawyer but the most of the assets went to shysters on both sides I have decided in living trusts and putting everything in JTF (joint accounts), wills suck
Link Posted: 10/16/2006 1:03:35 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/16/2006 6:11:02 PM EDT






man, wonder why the family is needing to sell them, you would think that MOH reciepiants would be taken care of by the gov.   atleast i think thats the way it should be.
Jesus, women, probably his wife is afraid of those "goddamned" guns. "wants them outta the house immediately"....
Immediately? As in 13 years after his death?
Estates take a long time to settle even the present wife may have to establish probate when there are other family, extended families, guardian ad leitums, I have been in probate since '98 just settled in May of 2006 in court.

Even if theres an existing will? I thought the probate only comes into play if you die without a will on the books.They make such a stink about having a will in your PRF when you deploy.. I would hope my wife would not see my assets in dispute for years afterwards if I die in the line of duty. Thats why my will is there, to show who I want everything to go to.
The will of my relative was contested by NYC. The lawyer who was doing the will died. It was a mess. If something can go wrong it will. all the assets were frozen for about 4 years, it sucked, everyone held their hand out.  

So it sounds like the person died without a will, which goes back to my comment.
Link Posted: 10/16/2006 6:21:03 PM EDT







man, wonder why the family is needing to sell them, you would think that MOH reciepiants would be taken care of by the gov.   atleast i think thats the way it should be.
Jesus, women, probably his wife is afraid of those "goddamned" guns. "wants them outta the house immediately"....
Immediately? As in 13 years after his death?
Estates take a long time to settle even the present wife may have to establish probate when there are other family, extended families, guardian ad leitums, I have been in probate since '98 just settled in May of 2006 in court.

Even if theres an existing will? I thought the probate only comes into play if you die without a will on the books.They make such a stink about having a will in your PRF when you deploy.. I would hope my wife would not see my assets in dispute for years afterwards if I die in the line of duty. Thats why my will is there, to show who I want everything to go to.
The will of my relative was contested by NYC. The lawyer who was doing the will died. It was a mess. If something can go wrong it will. all the assets were frozen for about 4 years, it sucked, everyone held their hand out.  

So it sounds like the person died without a will, which goes back to my comment.
Some deaths are peaceful with the family, but even municipalities have their hand out, some families start going after each other that would make the body spin around in the grave, he probably hadda will if he was an operator, but according to lawyers they have the same value as toilet paper down the toilet, I did not feel bad when Cheney shot the shyster, maybe it was an accident.
Link Posted: 10/17/2006 7:21:24 PM EDT
Does the flyer state why they are having an auction?  The partial list reads like an estate sale with the furniture and Mrs Shugharts car being sold.

Often times at the top it states who they are selling for and sometimes why as well.  That would end the rampant speculation here.
Link Posted: 10/18/2006 4:37:07 AM EDT

Does the flyer state why they are having an auction?  The partial list reads like an estate sale with the furniture and Mrs Shugharts car being sold.

Often times at the top it states who they are selling for and sometimes why as well.  That would end the rampant speculation here.

Jrzy contacted the Shugart's. He spoke with Randall's mother. This is not an estate sale.
Link Posted: 10/18/2006 9:29:08 PM EDT
Good to hear thanks!
Link Posted: 10/21/2006 8:30:09 PM EDT
Just wanted to know if anyone was able to make it to the auction. I ended up missing it due to a family committment.
Link Posted: 10/22/2006 5:37:18 AM EDT


man, wonder why the family is needing to sell them, you would think that MOH reciepiants would be taken care of by the gov.   atleast i think thats the way it should be.
Jesus, women, probably his wife is afraid of those "goddamned" guns. "wants them outta the house immediately"....


Sorry his son won't get the Colt.

Link Posted: 10/22/2006 9:00:00 AM EDT

Just wanted to know if anyone was able to make it to the auction. I ended up missing it due to a family committment.

Me either.
I got off my ass and decided to finish the great room this weekend.
I'll post pics when done.

Link Posted: 10/22/2006 9:26:06 AM EDT


I don't think I'd feel right buying his stuff, YMMV.

+1  Something about this just feels shitty.
Link Posted: 10/22/2006 10:02:45 AM EDT



I'll have to go watch BHD again tonight.  True American hero.

The school district where Shugart graduated refused to name the new High School after him a few years ago. They said it would be an affront to all others who served to name it after just one man.

That's really too bad.  I think it would've been very appropriate to name the school after him.
I concur.
Link Posted: 10/22/2006 11:16:24 AM EDT



man, wonder why the family is needing to sell them, you would think that MOH reciepiants would be taken care of by the gov.   atleast i think thats the way it should be.
Jesus, women, probably his wife is afraid of those "goddamned" guns. "wants them outta the house immediately"....


Sorry his son won't get the Colt.

These were guns that Shugart's parent's had at their place. It has nothing to do with any wife issues.
Link Posted: 10/22/2006 11:19:11 AM EDT



man, wonder why the family is needing to sell them, you would think that MOH reciepiants would be taken care of by the gov.   atleast i think thats the way it should be.
Jesus, women, probably his wife is afraid of those "goddamned" guns. "wants them outta the house immediately"....


Sorry his son won't get the Colt.

Will you fucking morons quit insulting Miss. Shugart?  You know absolutely nothing about that incredibly strong woman, so stop defaming her.  Jesus, you're like a bunch of gossiping school girls.
Link Posted: 10/22/2006 2:33:41 PM EDT



man, wonder why the family is needing to sell them, you would think that MOH reciepiants would be taken care of by the gov.   atleast i think thats the way it should be.
Jesus, women, probably his wife is afraid of those "goddamned" guns. "wants them outta the house immediately"....


Sorry his son won't get the Colt.

Randy didn't have children.

A major +1 to CitySlicker's above comment.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 6:21:08 AM EDT
The Newville post office was named after SFC Shughart as well as the Carlisle barracks

May 25, 2006

NEWVILLE, Pa. (Army News Service, May 25, 2006) – The Newville, Pa., Post Office will be named in honor of Newville native Sergeant First Class Randall Shughart May 29 at 3 p.m.

Shughart was killed in October, 1993, defending downed helicopter pilot Michael Durant in Mogadishu, Somalia. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor, the military’s highest decoration.

Durant will speak at the dedication ceremony, and Black Hawk helicopters will fly over the town and land in the community ball field.

“Shughart's heroic actions are an example of the exemplary men and women we have serving abroad today to defend our freedoms. Not every community is privileged to have a Medal of Honor recipient – in fact it is rare,” said Congressman Bill Shuster, who along with Congressman Todd Platts sponsored legislation to designate the post office as the “Randall D. Shughart United States Post Office Building.”

“It is a great privilege for me to help sponsor this legislation honoring Medal of Honor recipient Randall Shughart,” Platts said. The unparalleled liberties and freedoms that all Americans enjoy would not be but for the selfless and courageous sacrifice of true American heroes such as Sergeant First Class Shughart. We are forever indebted to him and all of our Nation’s men and women in uniform who have made the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf.”

At the time of his death, Shughart was a Sniper Team Member of the U.S. Army Special Operations Command with Task Force Ranger in Mogadishu.

The enlisted Soldiers barracks at Carlisle Barracks, Pa., is also named in honor of Shughart.
Link Posted: 10/31/2006 11:35:34 AM EDT


Just wanted to know if anyone was able to make it to the auction. I ended up missing it due to a family committment.

Me either.
I got off my ass and decided to finish the great room this weekend.
I'll post pics when done.


Looks good Jrzy
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