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Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:21:47 AM EDT
Dry run or sending a code to sleeper cells. This whole story stinks.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:21:53 AM EDT
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Whatever the case is, it's still a step towards freedom if they apologize to the kid. Hopefully school admins/staff/teachers across the country don't make the same mistake and shit themselves when they see kids playing with imaginary guns.

I know some old-timers on these forums and elsewhere mentioned that back in their day, nobody had a problem with kids bringing guns to school and plinking/hunting afterwards. While we might not get there any time soon, responses like these are gradually setting things on the right track.
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Except that is not what is going to happen.

White with a tetris shaped poptart? "Pack your shit son, you're getting expelled"
Middle Eastern with a ticking briefcase and exposed wires? "Nothing to see here, no problem. You like STEM?!!! Someone fuckin' call NASA, we've got a kid who likes electronics!"

I mean look at how it's playing out! People are falling all over themselves trying to say,"look how over-reactive people are to race and ethinicity!, I dont see color!"
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:22:24 AM EDT
Obviously a terrorist.  How he's not in the Ultramax at Florence is beyond me.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:22:33 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:22:38 AM EDT
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Dry run or sending a code to sleeper cells. This whole story stinks.
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Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:24:13 AM EDT

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For someone who doesn't know, what's "wrong" with it? I see a clock screen and some microcontroller gizmos.

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Is it a 'clock' or a count-down timer?

The 'real' test will be if he is allowed take it with him to the WH.

Will the SS allow that into a room with the jug-eared muzzy fucking kenyon.

Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:24:27 AM EDT
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He took apart a store bought clock and installed in the pencil case.
the GD defenders will be along shortly to call you a xenophobic racist that hates anything muslim.
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That simply does not look like any clock I have built. These do:




There are way more electronics there than necessary for a "clock." There are way more cables. I would be almost certain that a lot of that stuff is unnecessary.

Also, those of you defending this are no doubt not listening to the kid who's already let it slip that he was well aware it looked suspicious and has already been collecting grievances.

He took apart a store bought clock and installed in the pencil case.
the GD defenders will be along shortly to call you a xenophobic racist that hates anything muslim.

Nope, not impressed by his 'invention'.   Not impressed by arresting him for a "hoax bomb".   Not impressed by a society that thinks a clock is a bomb and a disassembled clock is an invention.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:24:34 AM EDT
My background is in computer engineering. At Penn State, that meant a good mix of computer science and electrical engineering.

In both my CE and EE labs, we built a lot of simple devices to help teach us about electronics in reality. CD players and clocks were among them.

I bring this up because the digital clocks that we would build - using various displays and drivers to teach you how to drive a clock with a counter, an FPGA, a microcontroller, whatever - looked NOTHING like what this kid made. You don't have a briefcase with wires sticking out of it.

There is zero chance that this was not done intentionally. This was engineered to look exactly like a bomb and get a reaction. This was done intentionally to make some sort of statement, most likely with the assistance of his radical father.

He even said that he "didn't think he would get this far." I wonder what that means? Almost like it was planned or something.
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You're talking about college-level stuff, not high school.  

When I look at the clock he made, I see an LCD, an LCD driver board, an unidentifiable board which presumably has the logic, and a power transformer.   Exactly what you'd expect for a hobbyist building a clock.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:25:47 AM EDT
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Pencil case, but yes, that's basically what he did.  Threw it together in 20 minutes, took it to his Engineering teacher hoping to impress him.
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From what I've heard he just bought a clock, took it apart, then put it back together in a briefcase. Don't know if its true, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was.

Pencil case, but yes, that's basically what he did.  Threw it together in 20 minutes, took it to his Engineering teacher hoping to impress him.

He's 14.  Not sure what you'd expect, but he's not going to be doing high level EE work at his age.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:26:59 AM EDT
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Dry run or sending a code to sleeper cells. This whole story stinks.
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Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:28:01 AM EDT
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I get that.  My point is that the OP should not expect a 14yo to "build" a clock that resembles anything like he does in a college engineering lab.
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I get that.  My point is that the OP should not expect a 14yo to "build" a clock that resembles anything like he does in a college engineering lab.

Why not?

Quoted:  Do you really expect a 14yo to build a clock from scratch?  Order some parts from DigiKey, breadboard everything, solder it all together, program the controller, and package it up in a fancy plastic box?  

Yes I do - if he has any genuine interest in electrical engineering at all.

Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:28:22 AM EDT
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Why is that stupid? I've seen many home built computers in metal cases.

Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:29:49 AM EDT
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Pencil case, not a briefcase.

Are you aware that he showed this to his Engineering teacher earlier in the day?  Why would he do that if he was hoping to get a bomb reaction?
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My background is in computer engineering. At Penn State, that meant a good mix of computer science and electrical engineering.

In both my CE and EE labs, we built a lot of simple devices to help teach us about electronics in reality. CD players and clocks were among them.

I bring this up because the digital clocks that we would build - using various displays and drivers to teach you how to drive a clock with a counter, an FPGA, a microcontroller, whatever - looked NOTHING like what this kid made. You don't have a briefcase with wires sticking out of it.

There is zero chance that this was not done intentionally. This was engineered to look exactly like a bomb and get a reaction. This was done intentionally to make some sort of statement, most likely with the assistance of his radical father.

He even said that he "didn't think he would get this far." I wonder what that means? Almost like it was planned or something.

Pencil case, not a briefcase.

Are you aware that he showed this to his Engineering teacher earlier in the day?  Why would he do that if he was hoping to get a bomb reaction?

And his teacher thought "[this is a bad idea] I wouldn't show that to anyone else."
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:29:51 AM EDT

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Pencil case, not a briefcase.

Are you aware that he showed this to his Engineering teacher earlier in the day?  Why would he do that if he was hoping to get a bomb reaction?
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My background is in computer engineering. At Penn State, that meant a good mix of computer science and electrical engineering.

In both my CE and EE labs, we built a lot of simple devices to help teach us about electronics in reality. CD players and clocks were among them.

I bring this up because the digital clocks that we would build - using various displays and drivers to teach you how to drive a clock with a counter, an FPGA, a microcontroller, whatever - looked NOTHING like what this kid made. You don't have a briefcase with wires sticking out of it.

There is zero chance that this was not done intentionally. This was engineered to look exactly like a bomb and get a reaction. This was done intentionally to make some sort of statement, most likely with the assistance of his radical father.

He even said that he "didn't think he would get this far." I wonder what that means? Almost like it was planned or something.

Pencil case, not a briefcase.

Are you aware that he showed this to his Engineering teacher earlier in the day?  Why would he do that if he was hoping to get a bomb reaction?
That teacher told him that he shouldn't show it to any others.    He then set the alarm to go off in another class looking for more attention.

Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:30:00 AM EDT
I saw a thing on imgut last night. They say they thought it was a bomb.  Did they evacuate anything? Did they seperate the boy from it? Did they call bomb squad?

Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:30:47 AM EDT
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Yes I do - if he has any genuine interest in electrical engineering at all.

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Quoted:  Do you really expect a 14yo to build a clock from scratch?  Order some parts from DigiKey, breadboard everything, solder it all together, program the controller, and package it up in a fancy plastic box?  

Yes I do - if he has any genuine interest in electrical engineering at all.

Everyone has to start somewhere.

Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:31:19 AM EDT
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Why not?

Yes I do - if he has any genuine interest in electrical engineering at all.

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I get that.  My point is that the OP should not expect a 14yo to "build" a clock that resembles anything like he does in a college engineering lab.

Why not?

Quoted:  Do you really expect a 14yo to build a clock from scratch?  Order some parts from DigiKey, breadboard everything, solder it all together, program the controller, and package it up in a fancy plastic box?  

Yes I do - if he has any genuine interest in electrical engineering at all.

If was actually the genius that the media is making him out to be, this clock would have been a lot more than it was.  But hey at least now he cna tour the white house and go to MIT on the diversity butt-hurt scholarship.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:31:22 AM EDT
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Absolutely agree.

Kids do dumb things. This time the lie worked.

He fashioned something made to look threatening.

Terrorist. No?
Victim of Islamaphobia? No.
Dumb kid? Yes.

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Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:32:36 AM EDT
So I guess that whole "See something, say something" campaign was only applicable to white males.  

I swear the US has gone full retard already.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:34:06 AM EDT
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From what I've heard he just bought a clock, took it apart, then put it back together in a briefcase. Don't know if its true, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was.
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He made a bomb out of clock parts!? This kid is an alchemist!
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:34:24 AM EDT
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He's 14.  Not sure what you'd expect, but he's not going to be doing high level EE work at his age.
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From what I've heard he just bought a clock, took it apart, then put it back together in a briefcase. Don't know if its true, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was.

Pencil case, but yes, that's basically what he did.  Threw it together in 20 minutes, took it to his Engineering teacher hoping to impress him.

He's 14.  Not sure what you'd expect, but he's not going to be doing high level EE work at his age.

Too late, GD is already convinced this is all a joint-operation Mooselimb / SJW plot to run a false flag operation that drums up public sympathy and simultaneously is a test run for a real bomb, all because it doesn't look like what somebody in a college level engineering course would build.  

Try to keep up.

Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:34:36 AM EDT
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For someone who doesn't know, what's "wrong" with it? I see a clock screen and some microcontroller gizmos.

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They took part of it out. With those grey blocks it is easier to mistake as a bomb.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:34:57 AM EDT
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Except that is not what is going to happen.

White with a tetris shaped poptart? "Pack your shit son, you're getting expelled"
Middle Eastern with a ticking briefcase and exposed wires? "Nothing to see here, no problem. You like STEM?!!! Someone fuckin' call NASA, we've got a kid who likes electronics!"

I mean look at how it's playing out! People are falling all over themselves trying to say,"look how over-reactive people are to race and ethinicity!, I dont see color!"
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Whatever the case is, it's still a step towards freedom if they apologize to the kid. Hopefully school admins/staff/teachers across the country don't make the same mistake and shit themselves when they see kids playing with imaginary guns.

I know some old-timers on these forums and elsewhere mentioned that back in their day, nobody had a problem with kids bringing guns to school and plinking/hunting afterwards. While we might not get there any time soon, responses like these are gradually setting things on the right track.

Except that is not what is going to happen.

White with a tetris shaped poptart? "Pack your shit son, you're getting expelled"
Middle Eastern with a ticking briefcase and exposed wires? "Nothing to see here, no problem. You like STEM?!!! Someone fuckin' call NASA, we've got a kid who likes electronics!"

I mean look at how it's playing out! People are falling all over themselves trying to say,"look how over-reactive people are to race and ethinicity!, I dont see color!"

People are over reacting to race and ethnicity. White kid wouldn't have made the news. Possibly white kid would have given pass for having an electronics project.

People also are over reacting to things that resemble dangerous things. Suspension over the pop tart and this clock are both brain dead school admins.

Omg - I would hate to think what would happen if I brought one of these ROCKER LAUNCHERS to school. Or the engines which actually have solid propellant? ZOMG - terrorist!

Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:35:42 AM EDT
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Absolutely agree.

Kids do dumb things. This time the lie worked.

He fashioned something made to look threatening.

Terrorist. No?
Victim of Islamaphobia? No.
Dumb kid? Yes.


Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:37:13 AM EDT
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He's 14.  Not sure what you'd expect, but he's not going to be doing high level EE work at his age.
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From what I've heard he just bought a clock, took it apart, then put it back together in a briefcase. Don't know if its true, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was.

Pencil case, but yes, that's basically what he did.  Threw it together in 20 minutes, took it to his Engineering teacher hoping to impress him.

He's 14.  Not sure what you'd expect, but he's not going to be doing high level EE work at his age.

My kid has done more interesting things (line following robot) at 11.  LOTS of kids doing FAR more interesting things.   Her school is sending 9 kids to compete in regional robotics contests and also forensics technology competitions.  That doesn't make his thing bad, or stupid, or wrong.   But the hoopla generated over this is now frankly insulting.   It's a deconstructed alarm clock with really nothing else done to it.  The police response was stupid, even if it was baited intentionally.  Some positive comments make sense to counter the stupid that displayed... cool.  The elevation of this as some showcase of inventiveness is silly.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:37:16 AM EDT
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He's 14.  Not sure what you'd expect, but he's not going to be doing high level EE work at his age.
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At 14, I wouldn't expect him to be doing transient analysis or bus design. However, I would like to see at least an Arduino driving some 7 segment displays before people start throwing around the genius label.

Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:37:21 AM EDT
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Too late, GD is already convinced this is all a joint-operation Mooselimb / SJW plot to run a false flag operation that drums up public sympathy and simultaneously is a test run for a real bomb, all because it doesn't look like what somebody in a college level engineering course would build.  

Try to keep up.

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From what I've heard he just bought a clock, took it apart, then put it back together in a briefcase. Don't know if its true, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was.

Pencil case, but yes, that's basically what he did.  Threw it together in 20 minutes, took it to his Engineering teacher hoping to impress him.

He's 14.  Not sure what you'd expect, but he's not going to be doing high level EE work at his age.

Too late, GD is already convinced this is all a joint-operation Mooselimb / SJW plot to run a false flag operation that drums up public sympathy and simultaneously is a test run for a real bomb, all because it doesn't look like what somebody in a college level engineering course would build.  

Try to keep up.

Thank God Jack Bauer stopped this evil terrorism plot.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:38:13 AM EDT
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They took part of it out. With those grey blocks it is easier to mistake as a bomb.
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For someone who doesn't know, what's "wrong" with it? I see a clock screen and some microcontroller gizmos.


They took part of it out. With those grey blocks it is easier to mistake as a bomb.

That is total bullshit photoshop. Those are blocks of Sculpey and they are nearly as large as that pencil case would be in real life. Someone took a photo and shrunk them down.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:38:13 AM EDT
Didnt Obama just make a big stink about wanting to let in a number of Muslim "refugees"?  So this story pops up and "oh geez, not all of them are bad, just misunderstood" narrative is given birth.  The arrest is a joke, and this kid is being used as a prop.  If this was a project, then leave it at that, why the WH visit?

Maybe that's just my cynical side.....
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:39:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:40:11 AM EDT
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That is total bullshit photoshop. Those are blocks of Sculpey and they are nearly as large as that pencil case would be in real life. Someone took a photo and shrunk them down.
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For someone who doesn't know, what's "wrong" with it? I see a clock screen and some microcontroller gizmos.


They took part of it out. With those grey blocks it is easier to mistake as a bomb.

That is total bullshit photoshop. Those are blocks of Sculpey and they are nearly as large as that pencil case would be in real life. Someone took a photo and shrunk them down.

Dry runs, terrorism, NSA, Jack Bauer and Sig Sauers...hide yo kids, hide yo wife, dere a terrorist in texas
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:40:12 AM EDT
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Dry run or sending a code to sleeper cells. This whole story stinks.
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Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:40:44 AM EDT
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He didn't build that PCB.  That comes out of a commercial product- probably an electronic clock.  My fucking cousin was 8 years old when he started pulling apart commercial electronics and putting them into different cases.
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My background is in computer engineering. At Penn State, that meant a good mix of computer science and electrical engineering.

In both my CE and EE labs, we built a lot of simple devices to help teach us about electronics in reality. CD players and clocks were among them.

I bring this up because the digital clocks that we would build - using various displays and drivers to teach you how to drive a clock with a counter, an FPGA, a microcontroller, whatever - looked NOTHING like what this kid made. You don't have a briefcase with wires sticking out of it.

There is zero chance that this was not done intentionally. This was engineered to look exactly like a bomb and get a reaction. This was done intentionally to make some sort of statement, most likely with the assistance of his radical father.

He even said that he "didn't think he would get this far." I wonder what that means? Almost like it was planned or something.

You mean the clocks you built in your engineering lab at Penn State didn't look like a clock that a 14 year old made?  <gasp>  

You either have very low expectations for your engineering program or very high expectations for a 14yo.  

He didn't build that PCB.  That comes out of a commercial product- probably an electronic clock.  My fucking cousin was 8 years old when he started pulling apart commercial electronics and putting them into different cases.

The kid said, himself, in a news interview that he bought the clock from Target for five or ten dollars, and repackaged it in the case.  In the same breath he also kept calling it his "invention" and stuff like that.  I can see how the admin would lose patience with the kid.  Maybe he has some form of autism, I dunno.  But, his statements in media interviews were odd, and he said some weird, conflicting stuff.  
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:41:31 AM EDT


My background is in computer engineering. At Penn State, that meant a good mix of computer science and electrical engineering.
In both my CE and EE labs, we built a lot of simple devices to help teach us about electronics in reality. CD players and clocks were among them.
I bring this up because the digital clocks that we would build - using various displays and drivers to teach you how to drive a clock with a counter, an FPGA, a microcontroller, whatever - looked NOTHING like what this kid made. You don't have a briefcase with wires sticking out of it.
There is zero chance that this was not done intentionally. This was engineered to look exactly like a bomb and get a reaction. This was done intentionally to make some sort of statement, most likely with the assistance of his radical father.
He even said that he "didn't think he would get this far." I wonder what that means? Almost like it was planned or something.
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Zero chance he tried to make it look like a bomb.  I have been in penn state labs and seen many projects that look like a bomb.

I haven't followed the story but from the pic in this thread it doesn't look any different from the many projects I turned in when I got my EE degree. Even the pics you posted arent that much different that the kids. Sure he is riding the publicity wave as most people would. IMO opinion I highly doubt he did this for PR. Why would he ever think the public would jump on this?

Just about any project on a breadboard or even in a case with sloppy wire runs will look like a bomb to the unedumacated
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:42:20 AM EDT
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He's 14.  Not sure what you'd expect, but he's not going to be doing high level EE work at his age.
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From what I've heard he just bought a clock, took it apart, then put it back together in a briefcase. Don't know if its true, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was.

Pencil case, but yes, that's basically what he did.  Threw it together in 20 minutes, took it to his Engineering teacher hoping to impress him.

He's 14.  Not sure what you'd expect, but he's not going to be doing high level EE work at his age.

The article says this isn't on the same level of other projects he's done, so he sounds like he's doing pretty good for 14.  This specific example isn't something worth getting excited about, though.  Nice work, but about what I'd expect an average 14 year old to be able to do, so it's not special and doesn't merit any real recognition.  His other stuff probably is and does, though.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:42:26 AM EDT
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The kid said, himself, in a news interview that he bought the clock from Target for five or ten dollars, and repackaged it in the case.  In the same breath he also kept calling it his "invention" and stuff like that.  I can see how the admin would lose patience with the kid.  Maybe he has some form of autism, I dunno.  But, his statements in media interviews were odd, and he said some weird, conflicting stuff.  
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My background is in computer engineering. At Penn State, that meant a good mix of computer science and electrical engineering.

In both my CE and EE labs, we built a lot of simple devices to help teach us about electronics in reality. CD players and clocks were among them.

I bring this up because the digital clocks that we would build - using various displays and drivers to teach you how to drive a clock with a counter, an FPGA, a microcontroller, whatever - looked NOTHING like what this kid made. You don't have a briefcase with wires sticking out of it.

There is zero chance that this was not done intentionally. This was engineered to look exactly like a bomb and get a reaction. This was done intentionally to make some sort of statement, most likely with the assistance of his radical father.

He even said that he "didn't think he would get this far." I wonder what that means? Almost like it was planned or something.

You mean the clocks you built in your engineering lab at Penn State didn't look like a clock that a 14 year old made?  <gasp>  

You either have very low expectations for your engineering program or very high expectations for a 14yo.  

He didn't build that PCB.  That comes out of a commercial product- probably an electronic clock.  My fucking cousin was 8 years old when he started pulling apart commercial electronics and putting them into different cases.

The kid said, himself, in a news interview that he bought the clock from Target for five or ten dollars, and repackaged it in the case.  In the same breath he also kept calling it his "invention" and stuff like that.  I can see how the admin would lose patience with the kid.  Maybe he has some form of autism, I dunno.  But, his statements in media interviews were odd, and he said some weird, conflicting stuff.  

Guys here say they "built" a gun when they simply assemble parts they bought.  Just sayin'.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:43:21 AM EDT
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They took part of it out. With those grey blocks it is easier to mistake as a bomb.
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For someone who doesn't know, what's "wrong" with it? I see a clock screen and some microcontroller gizmos.


They took part of it out. With those grey blocks it is easier to mistake as a bomb.

Were those grey blocks in there or are they a doc_zox photoshop?
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:43:23 AM EDT
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And his teacher thought "[this is a bad idea] I wouldn't show that to anyone else."
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My background is in computer engineering. At Penn State, that meant a good mix of computer science and electrical engineering.

In both my CE and EE labs, we built a lot of simple devices to help teach us about electronics in reality. CD players and clocks were among them.

I bring this up because the digital clocks that we would build - using various displays and drivers to teach you how to drive a clock with a counter, an FPGA, a microcontroller, whatever - looked NOTHING like what this kid made. You don't have a briefcase with wires sticking out of it.

There is zero chance that this was not done intentionally. This was engineered to look exactly like a bomb and get a reaction. This was done intentionally to make some sort of statement, most likely with the assistance of his radical father.

He even said that he "didn't think he would get this far." I wonder what that means? Almost like it was planned or something.

Pencil case, not a briefcase.

Are you aware that he showed this to his Engineering teacher earlier in the day?  Why would he do that if he was hoping to get a bomb reaction?

And his teacher thought "[this is a bad idea] I wouldn't show that to anyone else."

And he didn't.  Until it went off and he had to explain to the teacher after class what had happened.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:43:23 AM EDT

Well I don't know shit about electrical engineering, but if he wanted to build a "hoax bomb" wouldn't he

have put something in it that looked like explosives?  What that looks like to me is a pencil case.

When you open it, then it looks like a pencil case with a couple circuit boards and a display in it.  It sure

as hell doesn't look like a bomb, because bombs require explody stuff.  If he put some paper towel rolls

in there with wires sticking out of the ends you would have a point.  But he didn't.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:44:17 AM EDT
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They took part of it out. With those grey blocks it is easier to mistake as a bomb.
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For someone who doesn't know, what's "wrong" with it? I see a clock screen and some microcontroller gizmos.


They took part of it out. With those grey blocks it is easier to mistake as a bomb.

lol, the photo you posted is the photoshop....
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:44:20 AM EDT
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They took part of it out. With those grey blocks it is easier to mistake as a bomb.
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For someone who doesn't know, what's "wrong" with it? I see a clock screen and some microcontroller gizmos.


They took part of it out. With those grey blocks it is easier to mistake as a bomb.

You can't be serious.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:44:31 AM EDT
School went overboard having him arrested, but an investigation was definitely warranted.  

Its sad to me, but thats the world we live in.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:44:50 AM EDT
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Were those grey blocks in there or are they a doc_zox photoshop?
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For someone who doesn't know, what's "wrong" with it? I see a clock screen and some microcontroller gizmos.


They took part of it out. With those grey blocks it is easier to mistake as a bomb.

Were those grey blocks in there or are they a doc_zox photoshop?

Photoshop.  What's a doc_zox photoshop?
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:45:07 AM EDT
He was told to put it away, he did.

He went up to a random teacher and opened it to get a reaction. He was acting like a little shit.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:45:47 AM EDT
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Guys here say they "built" a gun when they simply assemble parts they bought.  Just sayin'.
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My background is in computer engineering. At Penn State, that meant a good mix of computer science and electrical engineering.

In both my CE and EE labs, we built a lot of simple devices to help teach us about electronics in reality. CD players and clocks were among them.

I bring this up because the digital clocks that we would build - using various displays and drivers to teach you how to drive a clock with a counter, an FPGA, a microcontroller, whatever - looked NOTHING like what this kid made. You don't have a briefcase with wires sticking out of it.

There is zero chance that this was not done intentionally. This was engineered to look exactly like a bomb and get a reaction. This was done intentionally to make some sort of statement, most likely with the assistance of his radical father.

He even said that he "didn't think he would get this far." I wonder what that means? Almost like it was planned or something.

You mean the clocks you built in your engineering lab at Penn State didn't look like a clock that a 14 year old made?  <gasp>  

You either have very low expectations for your engineering program or very high expectations for a 14yo.  

He didn't build that PCB.  That comes out of a commercial product- probably an electronic clock.  My fucking cousin was 8 years old when he started pulling apart commercial electronics and putting them into different cases.

The kid said, himself, in a news interview that he bought the clock from Target for five or ten dollars, and repackaged it in the case.  In the same breath he also kept calling it his "invention" and stuff like that.  I can see how the admin would lose patience with the kid.  Maybe he has some form of autism, I dunno.  But, his statements in media interviews were odd, and he said some weird, conflicting stuff.  

Guys here say they "built" a gun when they simply assemble parts they bought.  Just sayin'.


Damn you!

I will hereby serve my three day suspension over in Appomattox at CWE3.  See y'all later.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:45:57 AM EDT
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The article says this isn't on the same level of other projects he's done, so he sounds like he's doing pretty good for 14.  This specific example isn't something worth getting excited about, though.  Nice work, but about what I'd expect an average 14 year old to be able to do, so it's not special and doesn't merit any real recognition.  His other stuff probably is and does, though.
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From what I've heard he just bought a clock, took it apart, then put it back together in a briefcase. Don't know if its true, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was.

Pencil case, but yes, that's basically what he did.  Threw it together in 20 minutes, took it to his Engineering teacher hoping to impress him.

He's 14.  Not sure what you'd expect, but he's not going to be doing high level EE work at his age.

The article says this isn't on the same level of other projects he's done, so he sounds like he's doing pretty good for 14.  This specific example isn't something worth getting excited about, though.  Nice work, but about what I'd expect an average 14 year old to be able to do, so it's not special and doesn't merit any real recognition.  His other stuff probably is and does, though.

Yet he choose the crappy project to bring to school to show off to his engineering teacher?
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:46:01 AM EDT

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Well I don't know shit about electrical engineering, but if he wanted to build a "hoax bomb" wouldn't he

have put something in it that looked like explosives?  What that looks like to me is a pencil case.

When you open it, then it looks like a pencil case with a couple circuit boards and a display in it.  It sure

as hell doesn't look like a bomb, because bombs require explody stuff.  If he put some paper towel rolls

in there with wires sticking out of the ends you would have a point.  But he didn't.
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An English teacher reported it, not some bomb tech. The police take a bomb report seriously and everyone loses their minds.

Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:47:06 AM EDT
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Guys here say they "built" a gun when they simply assemble parts they bought.  Just sayin'.
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My background is in computer engineering. At Penn State, that meant a good mix of computer science and electrical engineering.

In both my CE and EE labs, we built a lot of simple devices to help teach us about electronics in reality. CD players and clocks were among them.

I bring this up because the digital clocks that we would build - using various displays and drivers to teach you how to drive a clock with a counter, an FPGA, a microcontroller, whatever - looked NOTHING like what this kid made. You don't have a briefcase with wires sticking out of it.

There is zero chance that this was not done intentionally. This was engineered to look exactly like a bomb and get a reaction. This was done intentionally to make some sort of statement, most likely with the assistance of his radical father.

He even said that he "didn't think he would get this far." I wonder what that means? Almost like it was planned or something.

You mean the clocks you built in your engineering lab at Penn State didn't look like a clock that a 14 year old made?  <gasp>  

You either have very low expectations for your engineering program or very high expectations for a 14yo.  

He didn't build that PCB.  That comes out of a commercial product- probably an electronic clock.  My fucking cousin was 8 years old when he started pulling apart commercial electronics and putting them into different cases.

The kid said, himself, in a news interview that he bought the clock from Target for five or ten dollars, and repackaged it in the case.  In the same breath he also kept calling it his "invention" and stuff like that.  I can see how the admin would lose patience with the kid.  Maybe he has some form of autism, I dunno.  But, his statements in media interviews were odd, and he said some weird, conflicting stuff.  

Guys here say they "built" a gun when they simply assemble parts they bought.  Just sayin'.

Assembling an AR is still more impressive than what this kid did.
Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:47:45 AM EDT
WE all know whats going on here.

Its all about making the US look paranoid about brown people.


Who cares if the device looked like Little Boy or Fat Man.

Its your fault RIGHT WINGERS!

Link Posted: 9/18/2015 11:47:52 AM EDT

Old Macdonald made a cell phone
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