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Link Posted: 12/10/2021 9:45:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 9:59:33 PM EDT
To break down a society, they have to dismantle the family unit.

Members of society learn morals, values, confidence and security when they have a strong "nest".

Fooling women into thinking their only value is in the workplace has lead to broken homes, unhappy women (cuz on top of working a 9-5, they still gotta come home and tend to a man, kids and home...well, that's if they do, which they don't - that's where dinner from fast food joints and public schools/daycare "raising" and feeding the kids).

At work today, this 20something was hissing that she had to work this weekend (working with us Mon-Fri is her primary job for now, but she still works weekends). Mind you, she has five kids and there's no talk about if/what role the baby daddy has here. But yeah, every minute she gets, she wants to brag about how she has her Bachelors, is working on her Masters - all while she "literally" tells the kids to fuck off while they try to interact with her while she's working with us (we work virtually/from home)

It just boggles my mind how some women have no problem neglecting their husbands, kids and family - all over a fucking degree and to be a worker bee...Worst, they are over worked and miserable - BUT WILL NEVER ADMIT THEY WERE WRONG AND CANNOT HAVE IT ALL!!!

Whenever she goes on her rants or shoos away her kids, I just wanna punch her in her double chin (oh yea, she's fat too at barely 20's)...but have to control myself.

ETA: Children have more anxiety and insecurity now than ever....but, all these "parents" wanna do is drug up the kids and blow them off. Fucking evil if you ask me. Yesterday I was watching some of Dr. Phil about kids who disappear at the hands of online predators and Dr. Phil and everyone telling the parents on how they couldn't do anything to stop it, that it's the App's and Internet's fault. Geesh, both kids had no dad in the picture and/or were from divorced homes - where the parents could have simply taken away and/or allowed supervised use of the electronics.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 10:03:29 PM EDT
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I guess I was a shit father for teaching my daughter that being an educated woman with your own career path. was a great thing.
If there's a guy in your life it should be because you want him there NOT because you NEED him.

Oh well, it worked great for her.
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Yet bitches get all pissed off and angry over a man deciding he doesn't need a woman in his life.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 10:10:07 PM EDT
OP nailed it.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 10:12:34 PM EDT
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Gen Xer here and I agree with OP.

Public shame and decency along with fear of God is what keeps society in line. I'm not even religious and I can see that many people need the fear of fire and damnation along with the sting of being ostracized for deviant and criminal behavior to behave in public.
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If we don't keep each other in check, then who will?

But noooo....you can't judge me!!!

What if God came down and judged for us? Eh? No one would be left.....Also, it is a test for us to see whether or not we allow amoral and/or illegal acts by our brothers/sisters to poison our species.

Oh yea, the people yelling "don't judge me" also don't believe in a God...which is another part of the plan to destroy a society. Without fear of punishment from a superior being (cuz hello, God tops man), people are "liberated" and "freeee" to indulge in their shit.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 10:19:32 PM EDT
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Not to mention the degree of independence it offered wherein a woman no longer had to put up with bad male behavior as a condition of survival. She didn’t have to get or stay married to a cheater, a drunk, a gambler, an abuser, a rapist, or someone who treated her like shit simply to keep a roof over her head and food in her mouth.

Many men have resented that over the years, but they weren’t addressing it while women were still beholden to a marriage certificate for survival. And while not all men were like that, there was no recourse or escape for a woman married to a man who was. Women aren’t particularly interested in returning to that.
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WW2 brought women out of the home and put them to work in traditionally men's roles, and they kicked ass at it.  They found great pride in stepping up...they helped win the war.  The expectation that they just step down and return to their former lives was never going to happen.  They were empowered to compete in the world and it's progressed ever since.  We'll never go back to that system, there is no putting that horse back in the barn.

Not to mention the degree of independence it offered wherein a woman no longer had to put up with bad male behavior as a condition of survival. She didn’t have to get or stay married to a cheater, a drunk, a gambler, an abuser, a rapist, or someone who treated her like shit simply to keep a roof over her head and food in her mouth.

Many men have resented that over the years, but they weren’t addressing it while women were still beholden to a marriage certificate for survival. And while not all men were like that, there was no recourse or escape for a woman married to a man who was. Women aren’t particularly interested in returning to that.

I agree with you in part....my dad was the ultimate shit of a jerk and I was the ideal candidate to drink the Feminist Kool-aid. I still secretly kinda hate and don't trust men at all....I am VERY independent, unmarried, no kids and happy being alone.

So yeah, I kinda smirked watching men get their asses handed to them.

But thing is, the women's/feminist/etc. movement was never about women - it was about breaking down the family unit. Women now are the drinking, gambling, amoral scum punishing men and families - what's worst about it is the kids who suffer.

If anyone would ask if I'm a Feminist, I might say I am a "classic" Feminist. I believe we should have limited rights - where I don't care for women in certain positions (i.e. political leaders) and/or neglecting their men, children and families. In other words, you can't have it all. If you wanna be a career woman, then don't have kids or pick up a career when your kids are old enough that you can pull it off w/o disrupting their needs.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 10:23:55 PM EDT
Covid BS aside there's been no better time to be alive than the present.

Many of you lead a sad life with communist living rent free in your head.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 10:29:41 PM EDT
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Yet bitches get all pissed off and angry over a man deciding he doesn't need a woman in his life.
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I can only speak for myself, happily single and in my dating experiences, I haven't met a pissed off and angry one yet.
Disappointed maybe, some temporary hurt feelings maybe, but no animosity or long term hard feelings, same with me if they decide it wont work.
Life's too short.
I can sit down to dinner or coffee with my former spouse or any girl I ever spent time with and it wouldn't be awkard.
I'm not saying I want to do that but it would be no big deal.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 10:31:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 10:32:27 PM EDT
OP is neither 100% right or 100% wrong, but i voted he was 100% wrong.

I don't want kids so having an at home wife would be of little value. My wife and I split the bills, the chores and the work. If I had kids, I might agree that 1 parent should definitely stay home with the kids
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 10:34:45 PM EDT
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I agree with you in part....my dad was the ultimate shit of a jerk and I was the ideal candidate to drink the Feminist Kool-aid. I still secretly kinda hate and don't trust men at all....I am VERY independent, unmarried, no kids and happy being alone.

So yeah, I kinda smirked watching men get their asses handed to them.

But thing is, the women's/feminist/etc. movement was never about women - it was about breaking down the family unit. Women now are the drinking, gambling, amoral scum punishing men and families - what's worst about it is the kids who suffer.

If anyone would ask if I'm a Feminist, I might say I am a "classic" Feminist. I believe we should have limited rights - where I don't care for women in certain positions (i.e. political leaders) and/or neglecting their men, children and families. In other words, you can't have it all. If you wanna be a career woman, then don't have kids or pick up a career when your kids are old enough that you can pull it off w/o disrupting their needs.
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The thing about most women with those qualities in my experience is that if they "like" you its because they like you.
They don't "need" your ass, so that is nice to see in my opinion.
Link Posted: 12/10/2021 10:35:24 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 12/10/2021 11:32:45 PM EDT
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Covid BS aside there's been no better time to be alive than the present.

Many of you lead a sad life with communist living rent free in your head.
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That's only true if you're purely motivated by materialism and consumerism.
Link Posted: 12/11/2021 12:08:03 AM EDT
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Most of the social changes of the last 50 years have been overwhelmingly negative for our society.
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Link Posted: 12/11/2021 12:19:51 AM EDT
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lol, who voted that OP is wrong?
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Someone who burned their bra, but should be wearing it, I imagine.
Link Posted: 12/11/2021 12:26:01 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/11/2021 1:05:29 AM EDT
I feel that the pendulum has shifted.

Younger women today have been shit on by 60 years of feminism.  They see what their future as corporate cubical workers holds for them.  Contemporary women want more traditionally minded men.  The catch is they are not skilled in the ways of a traditional woman.  Most have no home makingskills and can't cook.   A good number of them bring little bastards sired by Chad or Tyrone Thundercock with them.
Link Posted: 12/11/2021 1:12:16 AM EDT
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It started going down hill when we let them vote
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Came here to post this.  Repeal Women's Suffrage now!!!
Link Posted: 12/11/2021 1:24:01 AM EDT
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That about says it all right there. The "in quotes" part, that is.
Link Posted: 12/11/2021 1:27:59 AM EDT
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Spoken like a true lolbertarian. "Just leave everyone alone" is not a solution or a viable worldview, if it ever was. Regardless of how you personally feel, morality is a part of the state, and the state is not going anywhere. Also regardless of how you feel, we're going to end up with a highly authoritarian form of government. I'd prefer if that government wasn't run by people hostile to me. And, no, "I chose not to participate" isn't a viable worldview either, unless you're cool with getting run over by your enemies, which does actually seem to be the case for lots of libertarians.

If your ideology and worldview treats "liberty" as an absolute, it favors evil, just like treating peace as an absolute does. Judging something by what it tolerates and permits in the name of liberty will ultimately be forgiving to that which evil does - that good by its very nature restricts itself from doing. Your ideology sees no difference between a man in good shape who has a stable marriage and multiple children, and a degenerate asshole. And this isn't even getting into the fact that the true definition of "liberty" is to be free from vices, not do whatever one pleases.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 12/11/2021 3:01:59 AM EDT
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That’s what that fat German (globalist) said, “you’ll have nothing and you’ll be happy”.   I think his “nothing” meant your kids too.
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....should be expanded to not having them either.  A world....without.....them.......
Link Posted: 12/11/2021 3:14:40 AM EDT
Both parents working is a democrat socialists dream because it generates more tax revenue and the children most likely aren't home schooled instead they go to the liberal indoctrination centers, AKA public schools.
Link Posted: 12/11/2021 7:02:11 AM EDT
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Both parents working is a democrat socialists dream because it generates more tax revenue and the children most likely aren't home schooled instead they go to the liberal indoctrination centers, AKA public schools.
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Taxation is used to socially engineer, yes
Link Posted: 12/11/2021 9:11:46 AM EDT
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To break down a society, they have to dismantle the family unit.
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The nuclear family was an integral part of the foundation that Western Society was built on. Turn your back on what made your culture successful and see what happens.
Family. Religion. Culture. The three things people traditionally show greater allegiance to than the state. Everything the left does... everything... is geared toward destroying these three things.

Link Posted: 12/11/2021 9:15:38 AM EDT
Wife has been doing the stay at home mom/work part time thing since July.  I work all the time and with 2 kids it was a mess.  She also worked 50ish hours a week.  One day she just said i cant keep this up.  Been the best thing we’ve ever done.
Link Posted: 12/11/2021 9:15:55 AM EDT
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My wife became a stay at home mom when Covid began because we didn't have a choice.

She has worked her whole life so it was difficult for her.  And it has cost us 3 - 4k per month of income.

We as a family are so much better off.  She's happier, kids happier, I'm happier.  Even though I've given up all of my hobbies and luxuries.
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It is the exact thing here. It also red pilled the hell out of her regarding public schools.
Link Posted: 12/11/2021 9:31:54 AM EDT
I remember my dad talking about a guy that lived a couple houses down from him when he was a kid.

The guy would get drunk and beat his wife and kids.

He woke up one morning with a bundle of sticks left on his porch and he stopped beating them.

I asked why and dad said that was a warning.  "You stop beating your wife and kids or you'll get the beating."

People used to look out for each other.
Link Posted: 12/14/2021 9:04:25 AM EDT
Our current society is a shit show of failure, every stat across the board backs this up.

Divorce, marriage rate, birth rate, single mother house holds, crime rate, inflation, and 100 other things. Its devolving daily and the causes easy to find. If you think this new " modern " society we are building now will in zny way, shape, or form be better than what we had with traditional house holds 40 years ago your fooling yourselves. All we have today is a immoral society, based on selfishness, with no responsibility, broken homes, and government teaching the kids to be worthless liberals who cant think for themselves.

Theres a reason red states and rural areas are better places to live than democrat states and citues, its because red states and rural areas have higher levels of adhering to traditions, vs embracing modern bullshit ways of thinking.
Link Posted: 12/14/2021 1:06:13 PM EDT
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Our current society is a shit show of failure, every stat across the board backs this up.

Divorce, marriage rate, birth rate, single mother house holds, crime rate, inflation, and 100 other things. Its devolving daily and the causes easy to find. If you think this new " modern " society we are building now will in zny way, shape, or form be better than what we had with traditional house holds 40 years ago your fooling yourselves. All we have today is a immoral society, based on selfishness, with no responsibility, broken homes, and government teaching the kids to be worthless liberals who cant think for themselves.

Theres a reason red states and rural areas are better places to live than democrat states and citues, its because red states and rural areas have higher levels of adhering to traditions, vs embracing modern bullshit ways of thinking.
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The biggest problem in our society, is men not raising their kids. Not women making more money.
Link Posted: 12/14/2021 1:10:29 PM EDT
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Our current society is a shit show of failure, every stat across the board backs this up.

Divorce, marriage rate, birth rate, single mother house holds, crime rate, inflation, and 100 other things. Its devolving daily and the causes easy to find. If you think this new " modern " society we are building now will in zny way, shape, or form be better than what we had with traditional house holds 40 years ago your fooling yourselves. All we have today is a immoral society, based on selfishness, with no responsibility, broken homes, and government teaching the kids to be worthless liberals who cant think for themselves.

Theres a reason red states and rural areas are better places to live than democrat states and citues, its because red states and rural areas have higher levels of adhering to traditions, vs embracing modern bullshit ways of thinking.
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We have buildings and carvings made by people 13,000 years ago that we are just now exploring.

We are successfully launching rockets at an increasing rate. And doing so with a safety record never before seen. We just put a helicopter on Mars for Pete's sake. This was thought to be impossible even at the beginning of this millennium.

You can use a device in your pocket and talk to loved ones on the other side of the world at the push of a button.

There will always be ups and downs, it is how the development of systems always work. But to say that the world has not vastly improved over time is absurd.

Before declaring society lost as a whole... you might want to consider more than just one country and one imaginary data point ~70 years ago where you feel things were better.

Link Posted: 12/14/2021 1:25:06 PM EDT
Meh, I turned off the TV, stopped listening to talk radio and stopped watching Tim Pool. Turns out things aren't so bad. I'm happy to live in my own world and disregard shit that I have no control over.
Link Posted: 12/14/2021 1:57:44 PM EDT
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The biggest problem in our society, is men not raising their kids. Not women making more money.
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Found the simp.
Link Posted: 12/14/2021 2:11:47 PM EDT
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Men and women can and should do as they wish and what they feel is right for them and their families.

The real issue is American Monetary/Fiscal policy and Economic policy that gutted the ability for the majority to live a two-cars/single family home middle class lifestyle on just one job/income.
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Link Posted: 12/14/2021 2:17:56 PM EDT
OP says a lot but not all.
I believe the USA has run its course in the plan for humanity. There is no going back.......
Link Posted: 12/14/2021 2:28:00 PM EDT
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Spoken like a true lolbertarian. "Just leave everyone alone" is not a solution or a viable worldview, if it ever was. Regardless of how you personally feel, morality is a part of the state, and the state is not going anywhere. Also regardless of how you feel, we're going to end up with a highly authoritarian form of government. I'd prefer if that government wasn't run by people hostile to me. And, no, "I chose not to participate" isn't a viable worldview either, unless you're cool with getting run over by your enemies, which does actually seem to be the case for lots of libertarians.

If your ideology and worldview treats "liberty" as an absolute, it favors evil, just like treating peace as an absolute does. Judging something by what it tolerates and permits in the name of liberty will ultimately be forgiving to that which evil does - that good by its very nature restricts itself from doing. Your ideology sees no difference between a man in good shape who has a stable marriage and multiple children, and a degenerate asshole. And this isn't even getting into the fact that the true definition of "liberty" is to be free from vices, not do whatever one pleases.
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If leaving people alone isn't a solution then who do you think you should go after first? And what should be done to them?
Link Posted: 12/14/2021 4:28:55 PM EDT
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Found the simp.
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The biggest problem in our society, is men not raising their kids. Not women making more money.

Found the simp.

Link Posted: 12/14/2021 4:43:16 PM EDT
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If leaving people alone isn't a solution then who do you think you should go after first? And what should be done to them?
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Spoken like a true lolbertarian. "Just leave everyone alone" is not a solution or a viable worldview, if it ever was. Regardless of how you personally feel, morality is a part of the state, and the state is not going anywhere. Also regardless of how you feel, we're going to end up with a highly authoritarian form of government. I'd prefer if that government wasn't run by people hostile to me. And, no, "I chose not to participate" isn't a viable worldview either, unless you're cool with getting run over by your enemies, which does actually seem to be the case for lots of libertarians.

If your ideology and worldview treats "liberty" as an absolute, it favors evil, just like treating peace as an absolute does. Judging something by what it tolerates and permits in the name of liberty will ultimately be forgiving to that which evil does - that good by its very nature restricts itself from doing. Your ideology sees no difference between a man in good shape who has a stable marriage and multiple children, and a degenerate asshole. And this isn't even getting into the fact that the true definition of "liberty" is to be free from vices, not do whatever one pleases.

If leaving people alone isn't a solution then who do you think you should go after first? And what should be done to them?

You don’t get it. “Leaving people alone” isn’t a real option. It doesn’t exist. Nature abhors a vacuum.

To the extend it appears to exist, it only does so in a homogenous society with a collectively shared identity and belief system.

@MelGibsonEnthusiast - we need a new right forum
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 4:21:58 PM EDT
I'm coming late into this thread, but I want to point out that 'TradCom' types also bear some of the blame.

Biased family law has disincentivised many men from marriage.  The strongest anti-male bias in family court is often manifested in the most traditional/conservative states.
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 5:17:08 PM EDT
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I'm coming late into this thread, but I want to point out that 'TradCom' types also bear some of the blame.

Biased family law has disincentivised many men from marriage.  The strongest anti-male bias in family court is often manifested in the most traditional/conservative states.
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tradcon gynocentrism vs feminist gynocentrism - sometimes they overlap, sometimes they don't
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 5:24:24 PM EDT
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tradcon gynocentrism vs feminist gynocentrism - sometimes they overlap, sometimes they don't
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I'm coming late into this thread, but I want to point out that 'TradCom' types also bear some of the blame.

Biased family law has disincentivised many men from marriage.  The strongest anti-male bias in family court is often manifested in the most traditional/conservative states.

tradcon gynocentrism vs feminist gynocentrism - sometimes they overlap, sometimes they don't
Well stated.
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 5:25:12 PM EDT
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tradcon gynocentrism vs feminist gynocentrism - sometimes they overlap, sometimes they don't
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I'm coming late into this thread, but I want to point out that 'TradCom' types also bear some of the blame.

Biased family law has disincentivised many men from marriage.  The strongest anti-male bias in family court is often manifested in the most traditional/conservative states.

tradcon gynocentrism vs feminist gynocentrism - sometimes they overlap, sometimes they don't

Now that's a mouthful!
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 8:00:52 PM EDT
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lol, who voted that OP is wrong?
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[BillBurr]pffft, some clam...[/BillBurr]
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 9:56:49 PM EDT
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It started going down hill when we let them vote
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You are not wrong. And 7% of voters in this pole don't wear the pants in their house.
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