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Link Posted: 5/30/2013 8:51:39 PM EDT


The asteroids is about the same size as the entire bridge structure on a SD, or probably more mass then the entire Enterprise. It destroyed the bridge, it didn't blow up the whole ship.


Your comparisons become laughable when you consider you are taking movies made with 1970's special effects and trying to compare them to 1990's-2000+ movies and shows with corresponding special effects advancements.

~0:40ish, 400 gigawatts took down entire Enterprises shields.

Lots of discussion on SD turbolaser power vs asteroids which are several times the size of the Falcon being vaporized.

This image is from the same scene, a few frames earlier. The asteroid must be in the path of the Avenger, or it would have been left untouched. Thus, it is closer to the Falcon than it is to the camera. I measured it at about 24 pixels in diameter, almost exactly twice that of the Falcon at about 12. If the Falcon is 53 meters long, then the asteroid must be on the order of 100 meters in diameter. This would require over 31,000 terajoules to vaporise. If the duration of the bolt is 1/15 second, then its energy is delivered at a rate of at least 465,000 terawatts.

465,000 Terawatts = 465 gigawatts per shot.

Even if we say that this is the top shot coming from the 6 Dual Heavy Turbolaser emplacements, there are 6 of such emplacements... along with 60 single turbolasers.

465 x 6

232.5 x 60

Total of 16,740 Gigawatts of energy able to be produced.

That's enough to take down the shields of 41 Enterprise-D every 2 seconds.

Why didn't SOMEONE fire one out of 3000 superionplasmaquantumturbo(non)lasers at the asteroid and blow it the fuck up?  SURELY one of the 87 auxiliary bridge crews would've noticed it, or one of the 62,000 gunners, or one of the 12,000,000,000 sensor operators...

Link Posted: 5/30/2013 8:52:09 PM EDT
when comparing something like this, you have to use canon. No books, just movies and television. If you throw in non canon, all one has to do is take one universe, write a technical manual or story where one ship develops a weapon that is out of phase and deatomizes matter upon contact that no ship, no matter how big, will be destroyed. If this is the case then Trek would win hands down. Turbolasers are lasers, because nothing is said otherwise, and from the ST episode "The Outrageous Okana"

   Worf: "Captain, they are now locking lasers on us."
   Riker: "Lasers?!?"
   Worf: "Yes, sir."
   Picard: "Lasers can't even penetrate our navigation shields. Don't they know that?"
   Riker:  "Regulations do call for yellow alert."
   Picard:  "Hmm, a very old regulation.  Well, make it so Number One.  And, reduce speed . . . drop main shields, as well."
   Riker:  "May I ask why, sir?"
   Picard:  "In case we decide to surrender to them, Number One."
   Riker:  (laugh)
   Worf:   (growl)  

And, later:

   Picard: "They could fire 'till their lasers ran dry; they wouldn't hurt the Enterprise."

And there is an episode where the Enterprise crew is brainwashed and fights in another species war and easily shrugs off a squadron of fighters.

2 different sources.

Stop trying to make ST out to be more then it is. ST is great for the Utopian science-god show that it was. SW is great because it shows that no matter how big your adversary it can still be beaten by those with the will to fight evil. ST is orders of magnitude on a smaller scale then SW, that alone turns the odds. The rest is all speculations and masturbation.

But for fun, compare the relatively LARGE asteroids being shot and vaporized by the ISD vs the significantly smaller asteroids needing photon torpedoes:
Link Posted: 5/30/2013 8:55:49 PM EDT

Lucas was like the emporer when it came to star wars, you couldn't even make storm trooper armor without his official say so.

So when he publicly says that books and to an extend some of the games are Canon....then they are cannon. Just because star trek books are not cannon does not mean it is the same. EU is cannon, I have said it many times in this thread. Anything that contradicts the continuity is not canon, but the EU is definitely cannon.

You are very much warping the official canon...

Official levels of canon [edit]
The Holocron is an internal database maintained by Lucas Licensing for the express purpose of trying to maintain continuity within all licensed products. The Holocron was originally sorted into four levels of canon, reflecting LFL's canon and continuity policies: G, C, S, and N. A fifth level, T, was recently instituted and comprises the CGI series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the currently untitled live action Star Wars television series which has yet to begin any form of production. See the article on Star Wars canon for greater detail.
G (George Lucas) canon is absolute canon. This category includes the final releases of the six films, the novelizations of the films, the radio dramas based on the films, the film scripts, and any material found in any other source (published or not) that comes directly from George Lucas himself. G canon outranks all other forms of canon.
T (Television) canon, which currently comprises Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the as yet unaired live action Star Wars TV series. This level of canon is considered to take precedence over C canon (see below), possibly due to the fact that George Lucas is directly involved with these shows as executive producer, and in the case of The Clone Wars is also on the writing team. This level ignores the Genndy Tartakovsky Clone Wars series, though the CGI series derives many moments from that one.
C (continuity) canon refers to the main body of EU work, and is the next most authoritative level of canon. All material published under the Star Wars label that doesn't fall into either G, T, S, or N canon is C canon and is considered authoritative as long as it isn't contradicted by G or T canon.
S (secondary) canon refers to older, less accurate, or less coherent EU works, which would not ordinarily fit in the main continuity of G and C canon. For example, this includes the popular online roleplaying game Star Wars Galaxies, and certain elements of a few N-canon stories.
N continuity material is also known as "non-canon" or "non-continuity" material. What-if stories (such as those published under the Infinities label) and anything else that cannot at all fit into continuity is placed into this category. "N-continuity" is not considered canon.

In this case, since all the fanwank garbage in the EU is at a lower level than the movies; it is superseded by them. None of that "herp derp base delta zero, which would have completely negated the entire first half of Empire plot wise" excists because the movies clearly demonstrate it doesnt. These bajillion MJ shields dont exist, because if they did they could fly through a damn planet. Some piss-ant asteroid wouldn't do shit to them.
Link Posted: 5/30/2013 8:57:22 PM EDT
when comparing something like this, you have to use canon. No books, just movies and television. If you throw in non canon, all one has to do is take one universe, write a technical manual or story where one ship develops a weapon that is out of phase and deatomizes matter upon contact that no ship, no matter how big, will be destroyed. If this is the case then Trek would win hands down. Turbolasers are lasers, because nothing is said otherwise, and from the ST episode "The Outrageous Okana"

   Worf: "Captain, they are now locking lasers on us."
   Riker: "Lasers?!?"
   Worf: "Yes, sir."
   Picard: "Lasers can't even penetrate our navigation shields. Don't they know that?"
   Riker:  "Regulations do call for yellow alert."
   Picard:  "Hmm, a very old regulation.  Well, make it so Number One.  And, reduce speed . . . drop main shields, as well."
   Riker:  "May I ask why, sir?"
   Picard:  "In case we decide to surrender to them, Number One."
   Riker:  (laugh)
   Worf:   (growl)  

And, later:

   Picard: "They could fire 'till their lasers ran dry; they wouldn't hurt the Enterprise."

And there is an episode where the Enterprise crew is brainwashed and fights in another species war and easily shrugs off a squadron of fighters.

2 different sources.

Stop trying to make ST out to be more then it is. ST is great for the Utopian science-god show that it was. SW is great because it shows that no matter how big your adversary it can still be beaten by those with the will to fight evil. ST is orders of magnitude on a smaller scale then SW, that alone turns the odds. The rest is all speculations and masturbation.

But for fun, compare the relatively LARGE asteroids being shot and vaporized by the ISD vs the significantly smaller asteroids needing photon torpedoes:

People tend to forget that asteroids are moving through space at thousands of miles per hour. An iron based asteroid the size of the enterprise traveling at 1800 mph is going to generate more kenetic energy then a every single nuclear missile on earth, and one crashing into the bridge of a ISD makes me astounded that the ship even survived. Have you guys never heard of mass drivers? But I guess a few dinos just got squished by a falling rock and nothing else happened

Link Posted: 5/30/2013 9:06:20 PM EDT

Lucas was like the emporer when it came to star wars, you couldn't even make storm trooper armor without his official say so.

So when he publicly says that books and to an extend some of the games are Canon....then they are cannon. Just because star trek books are not cannon does not mean it is the same. EU is cannon, I have said it many times in this thread. Anything that contradicts the continuity is not canon, but the EU is definitely cannon.

You are very much warping the official canon...

Official levels of canon [edit]
The Holocron is an internal database maintained by Lucas Licensing for the express purpose of trying to maintain continuity within all licensed products. The Holocron was originally sorted into four levels of canon, reflecting LFL's canon and continuity policies: G, C, S, and N. A fifth level, T, was recently instituted and comprises the CGI series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the currently untitled live action Star Wars television series which has yet to begin any form of production. See the article on Star Wars canon for greater detail.
G (George Lucas) canon is absolute canon. This category includes the final releases of the six films, the novelizations of the films, the radio dramas based on the films, the film scripts, and any material found in any other source (published or not) that comes directly from George Lucas himself. G canon outranks all other forms of canon.
T (Television) canon, which currently comprises Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the as yet unaired live action Star Wars TV series. This level of canon is considered to take precedence over C canon (see below), possibly due to the fact that George Lucas is directly involved with these shows as executive producer, and in the case of The Clone Wars is also on the writing team. This level ignores the Genndy Tartakovsky Clone Wars series, though the CGI series derives many moments from that one.
C (continuity) canon refers to the main body of EU work, and is the next most authoritative level of canon. All material published under the Star Wars label that doesn't fall into either G, T, S, or N canon is C canon and is considered authoritative as long as it isn't contradicted by G or T canon.
S (secondary) canon refers to older, less accurate, or less coherent EU works, which would not ordinarily fit in the main continuity of G and C canon. For example, this includes the popular online roleplaying game Star Wars Galaxies, and certain elements of a few N-canon stories.
N continuity material is also known as "non-canon" or "non-continuity" material. What-if stories (such as those published under the Infinities label) and anything else that cannot at all fit into continuity is placed into this category. "N-continuity" is not considered canon.

In this case, since all the fanwank garbage in the EU is at a lower level than the movies; it is superseded by them. None of that "herp derp base delta zero, which would have completely negated the entire first half of Empire plot wise" excists because the movies clearly demonstrate it doesnt. These bajillion MJ shields dont exist, because if they did they could fly through a damn planet. Some piss-ant asteroid wouldn't do shit to them.

Did you not read your own post? EU is still canon, just because it doesn't supercede Lucas does not make it any less canon and within star wars continuity. EU is not fanfiction, it is licensed directly through Lucas. IF you are going to throw a fit about anything anyone else made about the star wars universe besides Lucas is not canon then Everything after the first few season of TNG is also not canon (sorry no borg or quantum torpedos).
Link Posted: 5/30/2013 9:10:35 PM EDT

People tend to forget that asteroids are moving through space at thousands of miles per hour. An iron based asteroid the size of the enterprise traveling at 1800 mph is going to generate more kenetic energy then a every single nuclear missile on earth, and one crashing into the bridge of a ISD makes me astounded that the ship even survived. Have you guys never heard of mass drivers? But I guess a few dinos just got squished by a falling rock and nothing else happened


Repost from earlier. Assuming a pure iron composition asteroid, a 400m radius (much larger than the enterprise BTW), and velocity of 500 m/s (MUCH faster than onscreen). This is clearly larger than what is shown and much faster. This gives a 2.68x10^8 m volume, combined with iron density at 7874 kg/m^2 and the speed from before results in a collision of roughly 2.6x10^17 joules.

This means the ISD, if its shields were indeed rated at 3.8x10^26, could have sustained an impact just like that every single second for 45.6 YEARS, before their shields failed.

Once again I say. Those ST/SW fansites are made by highschool dropouts and fake "engineers" that have never held a real job.

Now as to the part in bold... Stop, please just stop. We have already detonated in simple low yield weapons tests two orders of magnitude more than that. More than all of our nuclear stockpiles?
Link Posted: 5/30/2013 9:13:12 PM EDT

Lucas was like the emporer when it came to star wars, you couldn't even make storm trooper armor without his official say so.

So when he publicly says that books and to an extend some of the games are Canon....then they are cannon. Just because star trek books are not cannon does not mean it is the same. EU is cannon, I have said it many times in this thread. Anything that contradicts the continuity is not canon, but the EU is definitely cannon.

You are very much warping the official canon...

Official levels of canon [edit]
The Holocron is an internal database maintained by Lucas Licensing for the express purpose of trying to maintain continuity within all licensed products. The Holocron was originally sorted into four levels of canon, reflecting LFL's canon and continuity policies: G, C, S, and N. A fifth level, T, was recently instituted and comprises the CGI series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the currently untitled live action Star Wars television series which has yet to begin any form of production. See the article on Star Wars canon for greater detail.
G (George Lucas) canon is absolute canon. This category includes the final releases of the six films, the novelizations of the films, the radio dramas based on the films, the film scripts, and any material found in any other source (published or not) that comes directly from George Lucas himself. G canon outranks all other forms of canon.
T (Television) canon, which currently comprises Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the as yet unaired live action Star Wars TV series. This level of canon is considered to take precedence over C canon (see below), possibly due to the fact that George Lucas is directly involved with these shows as executive producer, and in the case of The Clone Wars is also on the writing team. This level ignores the Genndy Tartakovsky Clone Wars series, though the CGI series derives many moments from that one.
C (continuity) canon refers to the main body of EU work, and is the next most authoritative level of canon. All material published under the Star Wars label that doesn't fall into either G, T, S, or N canon is C canon and is considered authoritative as long as it isn't contradicted by G or T canon.
S (secondary) canon refers to older, less accurate, or less coherent EU works, which would not ordinarily fit in the main continuity of G and C canon. For example, this includes the popular online roleplaying game Star Wars Galaxies, and certain elements of a few N-canon stories.
N continuity material is also known as "non-canon" or "non-continuity" material. What-if stories (such as those published under the Infinities label) and anything else that cannot at all fit into continuity is placed into this category. "N-continuity" is not considered canon.

In this case, since all the fanwank garbage in the EU is at a lower level than the movies; it is superseded by them. None of that "herp derp base delta zero, which would have completely negated the entire first half of Empire plot wise" excists because the movies clearly demonstrate it doesnt. These bajillion MJ shields dont exist, because if they did they could fly through a damn planet. Some piss-ant asteroid wouldn't do shit to them.

Did you not read your own post? EU is still canon, just because it doesn't supercede Lucas does not make it any less canon and within star wars continuity. EU is not fanfiction, it is licensed directly through Lucas. IF you are going to throw a fit about anything anyone else made about the star wars universe besides Lucas is not canon then Everything after the first few season of TNG is also not canon (sorry no borg or quantum torpedos).

You missed the key words there ol' fellow. Let me bold the important part. Which, btw; is exactly what I said.

Much of EU is clearly contradictory to G (movies).

FYI - Rodenbarry being dead or alive has nothing to do with aired episodes, which according to Wars canon would be at G level. But once again you're bringing up trek like I'm a trekkie. Dude, I dont give a shit about trek "science." I dont know why you keep bringing it up as an argument point with me? Hell fine, lets go with Borg aren't canon. I dont care. WTF does that have to do with the shit fake ass numbers that are bandied about for Wars, that are clearly contradictory to what is scene in the movies?
Link Posted: 5/30/2013 9:17:22 PM EDT

Lucas was like the emporer when it came to star wars, you couldn't even make storm trooper armor without his official say so.

So when he publicly says that books and to an extend some of the games are Canon....then they are cannon. Just because star trek books are not cannon does not mean it is the same. EU is cannon, I have said it many times in this thread. Anything that contradicts the continuity is not canon, but the EU is definitely cannon.

You are very much warping the official canon...

Official levels of canon [edit]
The Holocron is an internal database maintained by Lucas Licensing for the express purpose of trying to maintain continuity within all licensed products. The Holocron was originally sorted into four levels of canon, reflecting LFL's canon and continuity policies: G, C, S, and N. A fifth level, T, was recently instituted and comprises the CGI series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the currently untitled live action Star Wars television series which has yet to begin any form of production. See the article on Star Wars canon for greater detail.
G (George Lucas) canon is absolute canon. This category includes the final releases of the six films, the novelizations of the films, the radio dramas based on the films, the film scripts, and any material found in any other source (published or not) that comes directly from George Lucas himself. G canon outranks all other forms of canon.
T (Television) canon, which currently comprises Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the as yet unaired live action Star Wars TV series. This level of canon is considered to take precedence over C canon (see below), possibly due to the fact that George Lucas is directly involved with these shows as executive producer, and in the case of The Clone Wars is also on the writing team. This level ignores the Genndy Tartakovsky Clone Wars series, though the CGI series derives many moments from that one.
C (continuity) canon refers to the main body of EU work, and is the next most authoritative level of canon. All material published under the Star Wars label that doesn't fall into either G, T, S, or N canon is C canon and is considered authoritative as long as it isn't contradicted by G or T canon.
S (secondary) canon refers to older, less accurate, or less coherent EU works, which would not ordinarily fit in the main continuity of G and C canon. For example, this includes the popular online roleplaying game Star Wars Galaxies, and certain elements of a few N-canon stories.
N continuity material is also known as "non-canon" or "non-continuity" material. What-if stories (such as those published under the Infinities label) and anything else that cannot at all fit into continuity is placed into this category. "N-continuity" is not considered canon.

In this case, since all the fanwank garbage in the EU is at a lower level than the movies; it is superseded by them. None of that "herp derp base delta zero, which would have completely negated the entire first half of Empire plot wise" excists because the movies clearly demonstrate it doesnt. These bajillion MJ shields dont exist, because if they did they could fly through a damn planet. Some piss-ant asteroid wouldn't do shit to them.

Did you not read your own post? EU is still canon, just because it doesn't supercede Lucas does not make it any less canon and within star wars continuity. EU is not fanfiction, it is licensed directly through Lucas. IF you are going to throw a fit about anything anyone else made about the star wars universe besides Lucas is not canon then Everything after the first few season of TNG is also not canon (sorry no borg or quantum torpedos).

You missed the key words there ol' fellow. Let me bold the important part. Which, btw; is exactly what I said.

Much of EU is clearly contradictory to T.

Sure some of it obviously will contradict, but nothing that I know of in this discussion that has been pulled from the EU contradicts the movies. Therefore it is cannon. IF you can show something we have discussed violates cannon then please show us.
Link Posted: 5/30/2013 9:18:18 PM EDT



Now see how large the death star is in comparison.


Yeah, yeah, we get it, their ships are big.  But when you can harness the destructive power of a matter/anti-matter explosion or a quantum string explosion in a warhead the size of a man, why do you need big ships?    

Link Posted: 5/30/2013 9:20:15 PM EDT

Sure some of it obviously will contradict, but nothing that I know of in this discussion that has been pulled from the EU contradicts the movies. Therefore it is cannon. IF you can show something we have discussed violates cannon then please show us.

Very simple. ANY energy number derived for ISD weapons or shield outputs are refuted by the whole premise of the asteroid search scene. Officers telling vador they are taking too much damage, on screen bridge destruction, etc etc.


Repost from earlier. Assuming a pure iron composition asteroid, a 400m radius (much larger than the enterprise BTW), and velocity of 500 m/s (MUCH faster than onscreen). This is clearly larger than what is shown and much faster. This gives a 2.68x10^8 m volume, combined with iron density at 7874 kg/m^2 and the speed from before results in a collision of roughly 2.6x10^17 joules.

This means the ISD, if its shields were indeed rated at 3.8x10^26, could have sustained an impact just like that every single second for 45.6 YEARS, before their shields failed.

Link Posted: 5/30/2013 9:30:28 PM EDT

Lucas was like the emporer when it came to star wars, you couldn't even make storm trooper armor without his official say so.

So when he publicly says that books and to an extend some of the games are Canon....then they are cannon. Just because star trek books are not cannon does not mean it is the same. EU is cannon, I have said it many times in this thread. Anything that contradicts the continuity is not canon, but the EU is definitely cannon.

You are very much warping the official canon...

Official levels of canon [edit]
The Holocron is an internal database maintained by Lucas Licensing for the express purpose of trying to maintain continuity within all licensed products. The Holocron was originally sorted into four levels of canon, reflecting LFL's canon and continuity policies: G, C, S, and N. A fifth level, T, was recently instituted and comprises the CGI series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the currently untitled live action Star Wars television series which has yet to begin any form of production. See the article on Star Wars canon for greater detail.
G (George Lucas) canon is absolute canon. This category includes the final releases of the six films, the novelizations of the films, the radio dramas based on the films, the film scripts, and any material found in any other source (published or not) that comes directly from George Lucas himself. G canon outranks all other forms of canon.
T (Television) canon, which currently comprises Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the as yet unaired live action Star Wars TV series. This level of canon is considered to take precedence over C canon (see below), possibly due to the fact that George Lucas is directly involved with these shows as executive producer, and in the case of The Clone Wars is also on the writing team. This level ignores the Genndy Tartakovsky Clone Wars series, though the CGI series derives many moments from that one.
C (continuity) canon refers to the main body of EU work, and is the next most authoritative level of canon. All material published under the Star Wars label that doesn't fall into either G, T, S, or N canon is C canon and is considered authoritative as long as it isn't contradicted by G or T canon.
S (secondary) canon refers to older, less accurate, or less coherent EU works, which would not ordinarily fit in the main continuity of G and C canon. For example, this includes the popular online roleplaying game Star Wars Galaxies, and certain elements of a few N-canon stories.
N continuity material is also known as "non-canon" or "non-continuity" material. What-if stories (such as those published under the Infinities label) and anything else that cannot at all fit into continuity is placed into this category. "N-continuity" is not considered canon.

In this case, since all the fanwank garbage in the EU is at a lower level than the movies; it is superseded by them. None of that "herp derp base delta zero, which would have completely negated the entire first half of Empire plot wise" excists because the movies clearly demonstrate it doesnt. These bajillion MJ shields dont exist, because if they did they could fly through a damn planet. Some piss-ant asteroid wouldn't do shit to them.

Did you not read your own post? EU is still canon, just because it doesn't supercede Lucas does not make it any less canon and within star wars continuity. EU is not fanfiction, it is licensed directly through Lucas. IF you are going to throw a fit about anything anyone else made about the star wars universe besides Lucas is not canon then Everything after the first few season of TNG is also not canon (sorry no borg or quantum torpedos).

You missed the key words there ol' fellow. Let me bold the important part. Which, btw; is exactly what I said.

Much of EU is clearly contradictory to G (movies).

FYI - Rodenbarry being dead or alive has nothing to do with aired episodes, which according to Wars canon would be at G level. But once again you're bringing up trek like I'm a trekkie. Dude, I dont give a shit about trek "science." I dont know why you keep bringing it up as an argument point with me? Hell fine, lets go with Borg aren't canon. I dont care. WTF does that have to do with the shit fake ass numbers that are bandied about for Wars, that are clearly contradictory to what is scene in the movies?

I rarely talk numbers as I have said before the variation in one episode of star trek to another let alone another season make any mathematical foundation impossible. Writers are not out there concerning themselves with the exact shield strength of the enterprise from this episode or that. Everything is plot based. Need the voyager to survive traveling through borg space....have them ally with the borg, something that was previously considered impossible, then have voyager develop torpedoes that can destroy a cube in one shot which used to take nearly the entirety of star fleet to accomplish.....just reverse the polarity.

My arguments have been purely canonical. I have been arguing this purely stated figures, we know the federation is vastly outnumber to a degree that this debate is silly. Yet people defending the trekkie side keep saying quantum torpedo this, and transporter that. It doesn't matter if the federation can one shot kill any imperial vessel, strategically the empire does not even have to directly fight one star fleet capital ship to win.
Link Posted: 5/30/2013 9:32:31 PM EDT


Now see how large the death star is in comparison.


Yeah, yeah, we get it, their ships are big.  But when you can harness the destructive power of a matter/anti-matter explosion or a quantum string explosion in a warhead the size of a man, why do you need big ships?    

<a href="http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/809/ussdefiant.jpg/" target="_blank">http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/447/ussdefiant.jpg</a>

Your right, all you really need is a ship the size of a star fighter and a nice Star that is waiting to be exploded.

Link Posted: 5/30/2013 9:39:02 PM EDT
I rarely talk numbers as I have said before the variation in one episode of star trek to another let alone another season make any mathematical foundation impossible. Writers are not out there concerning themselves with the exact shield strength of the enterprise from this episode or that. Everything is plot based. Need the voyager to survive traveling through borg space....have them ally with the borg, something that was previously considered impossible, then have voyager develop torpedoes that can destroy a cube in one shot which used to take nearly the entirety of star fleet to accomplish.....just reverse the polarity.

My arguments have been purely canonical. I have been arguing this purely stated figures, we know the federation is vastly outnumber to a degree that this debate is silly. Yet people defending the trekkie side keep saying quantum torpedo this, and transporter that. It doesn't matter if the federation can one shot kill any imperial vessel, strategically the empire does not even have to directly fight one star fleet capital ship to win.

Star trek is garbage math to try and calculate. It's way to inconsistent and plot varying. I'm not about to even attempt making sense of their "inverse tachyon beam" saves the day junk. You are very right, numbers wise Wars will crush the federation. Heck, aside from my B5 post; that was the first thing I said on this topic. Even if the feds could one-shot ISDs in a ship-ship, bringing the combined forces of a galaxy vs the forces of a small quadrant is very lopsided.

Link Posted: 5/30/2013 9:41:41 PM EDT

Sure some of it obviously will contradict, but nothing that I know of in this discussion that has been pulled from the EU contradicts the movies. Therefore it is cannon. IF you can show something we have discussed violates cannon then please show us.

Very simple. ANY energy number derived for ISD weapons or shield outputs are refuted by the whole premise of the asteroid search scene. Officers telling vador they are taking too much damage, on screen bridge destruction, etc etc.


Repost from earlier. Assuming a pure iron composition asteroid, a 400m radius (much larger than the enterprise BTW), and velocity of 500 m/s (MUCH faster than onscreen). This is clearly larger than what is shown and much faster. This gives a 2.68x10^8 m volume, combined with iron density at 7874 kg/m^2 and the speed from before results in a collision of roughly 2.6x10^17 joules.

This means the ISD, if its shields were indeed rated at 3.8x10^26, could have sustained an impact just like that every single second for 45.6 YEARS, before their shields failed.

congratulations you found an inconsistency in star wars...do you want a nobel prize? Star fleet can harness the power of the stars, yet hundreds of years of consoles exploding plasma all over the faces of highly trained officers and they have yet to develop circuit breakers, or hey...seatbelts! They can beam people down to the surface of a planet but never have visual communication with an away team? Look at the lengths they went to explain away the looks of klingons.
Link Posted: 5/30/2013 9:48:40 PM EDT
congratulations you found an inconsistency in star wars...

There are dozens and dozens of them between G and EU canon.

do you want a nobel prize?

Yes.  Unfortunately I dont think they give it to weapons engineers. Kinda the polar opposite. My projects kill people.

Star fleet can harness the power of the stars, yet hundreds of years of consoles exploding plasma all over the faces of highly trained officers and they have yet to develop circuit breakers, or hey...seatbelts! They can beam people down to the surface of a planet but never have visual communication with an away team? Look at the lengths they went to explain away the looks of klingons.

Star Trek is nothing but inconsistencies. Why do you think I'm not even commenting on it? The fact that they (producers) have said trek uses and promotes "science," makes me want to puke.  

The part in bolt. The new trek movie has seatbelts
Link Posted: 5/30/2013 9:50:44 PM EDT
I rarely talk numbers as I have said before the variation in one episode of star trek to another let alone another season make any mathematical foundation impossible. Writers are not out there concerning themselves with the exact shield strength of the enterprise from this episode or that. Everything is plot based. Need the voyager to survive traveling through borg space....have them ally with the borg, something that was previously considered impossible, then have voyager develop torpedoes that can destroy a cube in one shot which used to take nearly the entirety of star fleet to accomplish.....just reverse the polarity.

My arguments have been purely canonical. I have been arguing this purely stated figures, we know the federation is vastly outnumber to a degree that this debate is silly. Yet people defending the trekkie side keep saying quantum torpedo this, and transporter that. It doesn't matter if the federation can one shot kill any imperial vessel, strategically the empire does not even have to directly fight one star fleet capital ship to win.

Star trek is garbage math to try and calculate. It's way to inconsistent and plot varying. I'm not about to even attempt making sense of their "inverse tachyon beam" saves the day junk. You are very right, numbers wise Wars will crush the federation. Heck, aside from my B5 post; that was the first thing I said on this topic. Even if the feds could one-shot ISDs in a ship-ship, bringing the combined forces of a galaxy vs the forces of a small quadrant is very lopsided.

I am not going to argue mathematical inconsistencies because obviously I can't do the math, nor would I care to do so even if I could. I like trek, I have watch all of it and I like star wars.  
Both shows go through retarded loops to satisfy the requirements of plot. It is like arguing between superman vs batman. where in one issue superman could be smashing planets and in the next he is getting crushed by a boulder.

I am merely here to say the tech in star wars even if it is inferior is more then powerful enough to do the job, even if both sides were on a more numerically even playing field.

No one seems to want to talk about star fleet ground forces vs empire.
Link Posted: 5/30/2013 9:53:58 PM EDT

No one seems to want to talk about star fleet ground forces vs empire.

I called them abunch of retards in adult pajamas.

And stop quoting me so fast. Not even letting me fix simple editing errors.
Link Posted: 5/30/2013 10:03:45 PM EDT
congratulations you found an inconsistency in star wars...

There are dozens and dozens of them between G and EU canon.

As with anything as big as star wars, it is ultimately going to spin off into absurdity, but there is still plenty of good EU content out there, at least I think so. I only watch the television media and movies from both franchise I do not read the books.

do you want a nobel prize?

Yes.  Unfortunately I dont think they give it to weapons engineers. Kinda the polar opposite. My projects kill people.

As with anything as big as star wars, it is ultimately going to spin off into absurdity, but there is still plenty of good EU content out there, at least I think so. I only watch the television media and movies from both franchise I do not read the books.

Well if you would just reverse the polarity of those weapons then they would cure cancer

Star fleet can harness the power of the stars, yet hundreds of years of consoles exploding plasma all over the faces of highly trained officers and they have yet to develop circuit breakers, or hey...seatbelts! They can beam people down to the surface of a planet but never have visual communication with an away team? Look at the lengths they went to explain away the looks of klingons.

Star Trek is nothing but inconsistencies. Why do you think I'm not even commenting on it? The fact that they (producers) have said trek uses and promotes "science," makes me want to puke.  

probably because every trekkie nerd who got into NASA like to justify the franchise as being their inspiration for real world discoveries. It's like feeding kids surgery cereal and promoting it as a heathly breakfast even though it is worse then feeding them donuts and twinkies.

The part in bolt. The new trek movie has seatbelts

I know I was actually excited to see that part, but there is probably some nerd raging on the net about no one wearing seatbelts because they had inertial dampeners and such crap, yet every time the enterprise gets into a fight you have crew men flying across the room and a medical team ends up treating so many preventable injuries. Hell if I was a helms officer I would be at my station wearing a welders mask for fear of plasma burning my face off.

Link Posted: 5/30/2013 10:09:37 PM EDT

No one seems to want to talk about star fleet ground forces vs empire.

I called them abunch of retards in adult pajamas.

And stop quoting me so fast. Not even letting me fix simple editing errors.

It took them almost 40 years before we even saw a handheld missile launcher being used by infantry or some sort of optical sight on phaser rifles.

I am still waiting for crewmen on warships to go into battle in pressurized suits to offer some sort of life support in case of life support failure/ being sucked into space.

Link Posted: 5/30/2013 10:11:10 PM EDT

probably because every trekkie nerd who got into NASA like to justify the franchise as being their inspiration for real world discoveries. It's like feeding kids surgery cereal and promoting it as a heathly breakfast even though it is worse then feeding them donuts and twinkies.

I was inspired by proper TV... Robotech and Babylon 5.

Probably why most of my projects have either been autonomous robotics or weapon systems.
Link Posted: 5/31/2013 5:11:08 AM EDT
The part in bolt. The new trek movie has seatbelts

And it was good to see that the Germans are still alive and a proud group of engineers.  I make that assumption because only they could develop something as unnecessarly complex as the seatbelt system that's shown.
Link Posted: 5/31/2013 5:13:35 AM EDT




The Klingons and Romulans would try to start taking Federation territory only to be swatted by the Empire.

Pretty much. I think the rest of the alpha quadrant would quickly join the empire after they saw the mighty federation get so easily curb stomped. Just seeing one Super star destroy drop out of hyperspace would be enough for most star trek organizations to realize how small and weak they are in comparison to an galaxy spanning empire that can build a ship so large and have such a huge crew compliment.
I would really like to see an ISD invade the klingon homeworld. All those warriors charging an AT-AT


The same AT-ATs that were barely able to vaporize basketball sized divets in snow? Or maybe use the AT-STs that couldn't even blast through a 12in tree trunk?

One Abrams would have kicked the ever living snot out of the entire Hoth landing party.

I don't know what Rebel Scum propaganda you've been watching but the Empire kicked ass at Hoth.
Link Posted: 5/31/2013 5:27:56 AM EDT




Now see how large the death star is in comparison.


Yeah, yeah, we get it, their ships are big. But when you can harness the destructive power of a matter/anti-matter explosion or a quantum string explosion in a warhead the size of a man, why do you need big ships?


Not really.

A quantum torpedo only has double the yield of a photon torpedo with the same size matter/anti-matter warhead.

Source: Star Trek Deep Space Nine Technical Manual page Page 87

That yield increase is worse than fission vs fusion bombs.

Edit: Don't get me wrong, the Defiant is a bad ass ship....in the Trek universe.

Link Posted: 5/31/2013 8:49:25 AM EDT

probably because every trekkie nerd who got into NASA like to justify the franchise as being their inspiration for real world discoveries. It's like feeding kids surgery cereal and promoting it as a heathly breakfast even though it is worse then feeding them donuts and twinkies.

I was inspired by proper TV... Robotech and Babylon 5.

Probably why most of my projects have either been autonomous robotics or weapon systems.

Well I hope you are developing a PPG, I could use one of those. I'd probably go down to your place of work and find you colluding with shadows
Link Posted: 5/31/2013 9:04:32 AM EDT



Now see how large the death star is in comparison.


Yeah, yeah, we get it, their ships are big. But when you can harness the destructive power of a matter/anti-matter explosion or a quantum string explosion in a warhead the size of a man, why do you need big ships?


Not really.

A quantum torpedo only has double the yield of a photon torpedo with the same size matter/anti-matter warhead.
Source: Star Trek Deep Space Nine Technical Manual page Page 87

That yield increase is worse than fission vs fusion bombs.

Edit: Don't get me wrong, the Defiant is a bad ass ship....in the Trek universe.

If it were me, I would put all my chips into mass producing defiants, as that is as close to a pure no frills warship that we see in the trek universe. Heavy turbo lasers would have a difficult time tracking its movements. Probably more vulernable to fighters armed with photon torpedos.
Link Posted: 5/31/2013 9:48:44 AM EDT

probably because every trekkie nerd who got into NASA like to justify the franchise as being their inspiration for real world discoveries. It's like feeding kids surgery cereal and promoting it as a heathly breakfast even though it is worse then feeding them donuts and twinkies.

I was inspired by proper TV... Robotech and Babylon 5.

Probably why most of my projects have either been autonomous robotics or weapon systems.

I'm more interested in surgery cereal. Sounds delicious.
Link Posted: 5/31/2013 9:49:40 AM EDT

probably because every trekkie nerd who got into NASA like to justify the franchise as being their inspiration for real world discoveries. It's like feeding kids surgery cereal and promoting it as a heathly breakfast even though it is worse then feeding them donuts and twinkies.

I was inspired by proper TV... Robotech and Babylon 5.

Probably why most of my projects have either been autonomous robotics or weapon systems.

I'm more interested in surgery cereal. Sounds delicious.

have a snickers bar, its healthier.
Link Posted: 5/31/2013 3:48:30 PM EDT
I rarely talk numbers as I have said before the variation in one episode of star trek to another let alone another season make any mathematical foundation impossible. Writers are not out there concerning themselves with the exact shield strength of the enterprise from this episode or that. Everything is plot based. Need the voyager to survive traveling through borg space....have them ally with the borg, something that was previously considered impossible, then have voyager develop torpedoes that can destroy a cube in one shot which used to take nearly the entirety of star fleet to accomplish.....just reverse the polarity.

My arguments have been purely canonical. I have been arguing this purely stated figures, we know the federation is vastly outnumber to a degree that this debate is silly. Yet people defending the trekkie side keep saying quantum torpedo this, and transporter that. It doesn't matter if the federation can one shot kill any imperial vessel, strategically the empire does not even have to directly fight one star fleet capital ship to win.

Star trek is garbage math to try and calculate. It's way to inconsistent and plot varying. I'm not about to even attempt making sense of their "inverse tachyon beam" saves the day junk. You are very right, numbers wise Wars will crush the federation. Heck, aside from my B5 post; that was the first thing I said on this topic. Even if the feds could one-shot ISDs in a ship-ship, bringing the combined forces of a galaxy vs the forces of a small quadrant is very lopsided.

I am not going to argue mathematical inconsistencies because obviously I can't do the math, nor would I care to do so even if I could. I like trek, I have watch all of it and I like star wars.  
Both shows go through retarded loops to satisfy the requirements of plot. It is like arguing between superman vs batman. where in one issue superman could be smashing planets and in the next he is getting crushed by a boulder.

I am merely here to say the tech in star wars even if it is inferior is more then powerful enough to do the job, even if both sides were on a more numerically even playing field.

No one seems to want to talk about star fleet ground forces vs empire.

OK so I got “Heir to the Empire” (A Star Wars novel) and started reading. I’ve enjoyed it so far but I’m just to chapter 4, and speaking of chapter 4…

“It took the Chimaera (an Imperial Star Destroyer) nearly 5 days at its point four cruising speed to cover the three hundred fifty light years between Myrkr and Wayland.”
Now, I’m assuming that means the ISD cruises at .4 of its maximum speed. This seems reasonable. Which means maximum (perhaps not “flank”) speed would be 175 LY a day, or some 64,000 times the speed of light. That’s pretty fast. How fast is it in Star Trek terms? For the TNG stuff the initial claims was that the speed was warp factor^5. (in the old series it was just WF^3) So, that ISD can make steam for a top speed of warp 9.15.

Of course it seems likely that the top speed of a ship in both universes would be affected by the density of the interstellar medium, the relative strength of gravitational and electromagnetic fields and possibly some kind of subetheric clutter. So take those figures with a grain of salt. Point is, at least according to this one “canon” source, an imperial star destroyer is not faster than Federation ships at all.

See, one mistake you are making is assuming (based on what is seen in the films) that the Star Wars galaxy is the size of the Milky Way galaxy. But based on what we see it is probably far, far smaller. (“But, but, the empire contains millions of star systems, and…) Yea, I’m not saying it doesn’t. I’m saying that the Star Wars galaxy may have millions of star systems and millions of worlds under their control, but that the stars and worlds are mostly devoid of significant life. The universe probably only contains a couple thousand actual inhabited planets and perhaps only a few hundred major races. The Star Wars galaxy is likely less than 5,000 light years across as well. This means it would take a month to go from one side of the galaxy to another at the full speed of an ISD.

There is no real reason to assume that the Empire is much bigger than the Federation or that they have more ships. In fact, the Empire’s love of oversized and overmanned ships either indicates a very large industrial base with very limited technology. (And therefore the ships have to be large to accomplish their mission as warships) or it reflects a psychological devotion to individual unit power over mass. (similar to the German’s preoccupation with bigger, more advanced tanks rather than large numbers of simpler and easier to manufacture tanks.)

Granted the Empire can build a lot of big stuff. I mean the Death Star alone has more mass than all the ships the Federation, Klingons, and Romulans ever put into space. Sort of like with the pyramids, cheap droid slave labor gets shit done.

Oh, and ground forces? They both suck ass. As someone said, a single M1 Abrams could have stopped the imperial forces at Hoth.
Link Posted: 5/31/2013 6:16:42 PM EDT


OK so I got "Heir to the Empire” (A Star Wars novel) and started reading. I’ve enjoyed it so far but I’m just to chapter 4, and speaking of chapter 4…

"It took the Chimaera (an Imperial Star Destroyer) nearly 5 days at its point four cruising speed to cover the three hundred fifty light years between Myrkr and Wayland.”

Now, I’m assuming that means the ISD cruises at .4 of its maximum speed. This seems reasonable. Which means maximum (perhaps not "flank”) speed would be 175 LY a day, or some 64,000 times the speed of light. That’s pretty fast. How fast is it in Star Trek terms? For the TNG stuff the initial claims was that the speed was warp factor^5. (in the old series it was just WF^3) So, that ISD can make steam for a top speed of warp 9.15.

The TNG warp formula up to warp 9 is or There is no formula after warp 9 because the scale chart was drawn by hand

Trek pretends to have Minovsky Physics but it doesn't because the writers SUCK! Don't believe me? Well if you have Voyager on DVD watch the first episode(both parts) and note the maximum warp speed and then how long it would take to travel 70,000 light years home at that speed. Then watch the episode 37s and note the max speed of Voyager is about 4 billion miles per second.

At that speed it should only a little over 3 years to get home. Maybe a little longer for pit stops and bathroom brakes but not the 70 years originally stated.

If the Empire got transported into the Trek Universe, Starfleet wins because someone will shit some brownish green matter that if fired into an artificial quantum singularity that is being molested by a subspace eversion field it will cause an explosion of douchearon radiation across the entire federation that will cause everything from the War universe to vanish while not affecting thing from the Trek universe because of slight variations in the blarg blarg blarg.

If Trek found itself in the Wars universe the Empire would simply rape the Federation with technology that is 20,0000 years more advance. The empire would also not give second thought to total surface destruction of Federation planets if that's what the situation calls for.
Link Posted: 6/2/2013 10:55:59 AM EDT
It looks like I settled that.
Link Posted: 6/2/2013 10:57:30 AM EDT
It looks like I settled that.

We all know the Empire would quash the Federation in days.
Link Posted: 6/2/2013 1:52:53 PM EDT
It looks like I settled that.

We all know the Empire would quash the Federation in days.

The only debate left to be had is the ground game. Now even with the "mighty" klingon warriors and Jem Hadar on their side I still think the empire would rape them. The only ground vehicle we got in the entire trek universe was that go cart with a phaser on the back.
Link Posted: 6/2/2013 2:23:24 PM EDT
It looks like I settled that.

We all know the Empire would quash the Federation in days.

The only debate left to be had is the ground game. Now even with the "mighty" klingon warriors and Jem Hadar on their side I still think the empire would rape them. The only ground vehicle we got in the entire trek universe was that go cart with a phaser on the back.

Imperial ground forces would mop the Federation's redshirts up in no time flat.
Link Posted: 6/2/2013 3:19:34 PM EDT
It looks like I settled that.

We all know the Empire would quash the Federation in days.

The only debate left to be had is the ground game. Now even with the "mighty" klingon warriors and Jem Hadar on their side I still think the empire would rape them. The only ground vehicle we got in the entire trek universe was that go cart with a phaser on the back.

While they were light on support equipment at least Enterprise had the MACOs.  Why star fleet decided in later years the bridge crew was the appropriate compliment for off ship actions is beyond me.
Link Posted: 6/2/2013 3:39:27 PM EDT

Lasers were laughed off by the Federation shield technologies. Throw in cloaks (especially the phase cloak, say hooked up to a shuttle filled with quantum torpedo warheads and an unstable warp core) and a few Defiants...goodbye Empire.

The only way Wars has a chance is with The Force. If Star Wars gets to invoke hokey religions, Star Trek gets to invoke omnipotence using the whole Q continuum. Just go ahead and try that Force Choke shit when you've been blinked into a supernova on the other side of the galaxy 10 billion years before you were born.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Sun Crusher laughs at your silly ideas.
Link Posted: 6/2/2013 4:26:26 PM EDT
Quoted: Star Wars no contest.
Yep, the Empire demolished entire worlds. The Federation almost got whupped by one Borg spaceship.
Link Posted: 6/2/2013 4:30:09 PM EDT


Quoted: Star Wars no contest.
Yep, the Empire demolished entire worlds. The Federation almost got whupped by one Borg spaceship.

The Empire built a space station the size of a moon to wipe out a planet.  The federation developed a man-sized weapon that could do the same thing (Genesis device).

Link Posted: 6/2/2013 4:53:38 PM EDT
This still going?

The Empire wins, Star Wars is better.

The collective computing skills of all participating in the poll proves it..

Get over it Trekkies. You are nerds, and your heroes are nerds.
Link Posted: 6/2/2013 5:01:14 PM EDT

Quoted: Star Wars no contest.
Yep, the Empire demolished entire worlds. The Federation almost got whupped by one Borg spaceship.

The Empire built a space station the size of a moon to wipe out a planet.  The federation developed a man-sized weapon that could do the same thing (Genesis device).

If they could work out the whole “protomatter” thing (and the Federation has had something like a century to do so) then they could use the Genesis Device to turn the Death Star into the Happy Fun Star. It would be a friendly shade of yellow, with a big smiley face. It would have a large amusement park, a wave pool, a petting zoo, and clowns. I imagine the stormtroopers would be a little shocked when their armor changed into clown suits. (Maybe this is what happened to create Hello Kitty Vader.) The Happy Fun Star could then travel around the galaxy spreading fun and joy to all the boy, girls, and droids in the Empire.

That sounds like something the Federation would do.
Link Posted: 6/2/2013 5:14:47 PM EDT
If the two worlds of Star Treck and. Star Wars ever did collide I think they would simply cancel each other out like matter and antimatter.  Nothing left in the aftermath for Arfcomers to do but compare the more plausible hypothetical scenario of Bambi vs. Snow White.
Link Posted: 6/2/2013 6:15:14 PM EDT



Quoted: Star Wars no contest.
Yep, the Empire demolished entire worlds. The Federation almost got whupped by one Borg spaceship.

The Empire built a space station the size of a moon to wipe out a planet. The federation developed a man-sized weapon that could do the same thing (Genesis device).

And the Empire has and will use weapons of mass destruction. The Federation not so much.

Starfleet could have easily ended the Dominion war with a single  trilithium torpedo into the Cardassian sun but they didn't

I don't think the Empire would hesitate vaporizing an entire star system if it got the job done.
Link Posted: 6/2/2013 6:59:04 PM EDT


Quoted: Star Wars no contest.
Yep, the Empire demolished entire worlds. The Federation almost got whupped by one Borg spaceship.

The Empire built a space station the size of a moon to wipe out a planet. The federation developed a man-sized weapon that could do the same thing (Genesis device).

And the Empire has and will use weapons of mass destruction. The Federation not so much.

Starfleet could have easily ended the Dominion war with a single  trilithium torpedo into the Cardassian sun but they didn't

I don't think the Empire would hesitate vaporizing an entire star system if it got the job done.

You can take out 1000 worlds with a genesis device and the empire would still keep coming after you. You could not take out a dozen star fleet member home worlds without star fleet suing for piece.

As I said many times, the empire doesn't even need superweapons, their large capital ships are super weapons. An ISD in orbit can turn a planet's surface to ash in a reasonable short time. If the empire decide that star fleet was too tough to fight directly and that they would rather burn their territory to the ground instead of capturing it, then there would be little star fleet could do to stop them. 5 ISDs hyperdriving to each star fleet planet at relatively the same time and bombarding them from space would end the war in an instant. Starfleet simply is not large enough to protect all their territory at every location and their lack of planetary shields/ ground-to-orbit based weaponry or even orbital defense networks means their worlds are easy targets.

For you babylon 5 nerds, the empire would show up on your doorstep like a fleet a shadow vessels.
Link Posted: 6/3/2013 3:35:33 PM EDT
The Empire has one weakness. They are extremely centralized.

If you can cut off the head the body will die.  This is the only strategy that would hold any hope for the Federation.

It worked for the Rebellion.
Link Posted: 6/3/2013 3:51:14 PM EDT


The Empire has one weakness. They are extremely centralized.

If you can cut off the head the body will die.  This is the only strategy that would hold any hope for the Federation.

It worked for the Rebellion.

Given the various Star Trek god-tier weapons like thelaron radiation, the genesis device, and whatever torpedo they used to kill the star in Generations, a single terrorist cell could cripple the empire.  Sneak a genesis device onto a civilian transport onto key Empire worlds - Coruscant, Kuat, etc.  The chaos would be unimaginable.  The Empire would pretty much have to cut off trade entirely to prevent such attacks.  The Empire would wither and die.    

Link Posted: 6/3/2013 3:57:47 PM EDT

The Empire has one weakness. They are extremely centralized.

If you can cut off the head the body will die.  This is the only strategy that would hold any hope for the Federation.

It worked for the Rebellion.

Given the various Star Trek god-tier weapons like thelaron radiation, the genesis device, and whatever torpedo they used to kill the star in Generations, a single terrorist cell could cripple the empire.  Sneak a genesis device onto a civilian transport onto key Empire worlds - Coruscant, Kuat, etc.  The chaos would be unimaginable.  The Empire would pretty much have to cut off trade entirely to prevent such attacks.  The Empire would wither and die.    

Compare that to the federation where doing that to a few worlds would pretty much destroy them.
Link Posted: 6/3/2013 4:25:23 PM EDT

The Empire has one weakness. They are extremely centralized.

If you can cut off the head the body will die.  This is the only strategy that would hold any hope for the Federation.

It worked for the Rebellion.

Given the various Star Trek god-tier weapons like thelaron radiation, the genesis device, and whatever torpedo they used to kill the star in Generations, a single terrorist cell could cripple the empire.  Sneak a genesis device onto a civilian transport onto key Empire worlds - Coruscant, Kuat, etc.  The chaos would be unimaginable.  The Empire would pretty much have to cut off trade entirely to prevent such attacks.  The Empire would wither and die.    

Compare that to the federation where doing that to a few worlds would pretty much destroy them.

The Empire may be willing to destroy their own worlds, but when somebody does it for you it makes you stop and think.
I believe that even the Emperor would take pause if a Genesis device were unleashed on an Imperial core world.

And a Thalaron weapon used against a Star Destroyer would kill all organic life on board but leave the ship untouched and ready for new occupants.
Link Posted: 6/3/2013 4:39:20 PM EDT

The Empire may be willing to destroy their own worlds, but when somebody does it for you it makes you stop and think.
I believe that even the Emperor would take pause if a Genesis device were unleashed on an Imperial core world.

And a Thalaron weapon used against a Star Destroyer would kill all organic life on board but leave the ship untouched and ready for new occupants.

Where were these weaponized Genesis Devices used in the Dominion War?  Or any time?
Link Posted: 6/3/2013 4:41:15 PM EDT
If the two worlds of Star Treck and. Star Wars ever did collide I think they would simply cancel each other out like matter and antimatter.  Nothing left in the aftermath for Arfcomers to do but compare the more plausible hypothetical scenario of Bambi vs. Snow White.

Also, Bambi would beat the shit outta snow white.

Do I need to make that thread as well?
Link Posted: 6/3/2013 5:10:42 PM EDT



The Empire may be willing to destroy their own worlds, but when somebody does it for you it makes you stop and think.

I believe that even the Emperor would take pause if a Genesis device were unleashed on an Imperial core world.

And a Thalaron weapon used against a Star Destroyer would kill all organic life on board but leave the ship untouched and ready for new occupants.

Where were these weaponized Genesis Devices used in the Dominion War? Or any time?

Lock away in a janitor's closet at Section 31 HQ.
Link Posted: 6/3/2013 5:18:39 PM EDT

The Empire may be willing to destroy their own worlds, but when somebody does it for you it makes you stop and think.
I believe that even the Emperor would take pause if a Genesis device were unleashed on an Imperial core world.

And a Thalaron weapon used against a Star Destroyer would kill all organic life on board but leave the ship untouched and ready for new occupants.

Where were these weaponized Genesis Devices used in the Dominion War?  Or any time?

They weren't used as a weapon ever but that does not mean that if threatened with total defeat and enslavement they wouldn't be. Anything can be weaponized and the Genesis device easier than most. The Klingons were ready to go to war over it.

Antimatter detonated inside a Star Destroyer's shields would make a hell of a dent. Think letting a ship be tractored into a hanger for boarding and then a ton of antimater is suddenly introduced to matter in an uncontrolled reaction.

Also seems that the Empire sucks at security. I mean one old Jedi, a young farm boy that has never been off his home planet, a smuggler that has just blasted his way out of Mos Eisley and ran an Imperial blockade, and a 7 foot tall wall of hair infiltrate the Death Star and rescue their most important prisoner. Yeah they got great security.
Then the same damn crew infiltrates an Imperial base. They get arrested but the incompetent security guys let them escape thereby causing the destruction of the second Death Star and the death of their Emperor.

If that crew can do it then imagine what a trained covert team could do.
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