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Link Posted: 5/27/2013 2:53:10 PM EDT
Darth Vader or the Emperor alone would choke the living daylights out of Picard, Kirk, Spock, and any other Federation goody two shoes who got in their way
Link Posted: 5/27/2013 3:21:20 PM EDT

Link Posted: 5/27/2013 4:03:03 PM EDT
How about the Empire vs. the Borg?

Sure the Empire could probably defeat the Federation, but how do you defeat a force with practically unlimited resources? Need more drones? Assimilate them. Need new technology? Assimilate it.
Imperial ship has shields? Adapt.

Empire wouldn't stand a chance against the Borg.
Link Posted: 5/27/2013 4:35:10 PM EDT
How about the Empire vs. the Borg?

Sure the Empire could probably defeat the Federation, but how do you defeat a force with practically unlimited resources? Need more drones? Assimilate them. Need new technology? Assimilate it.
Imperial ship has shields? Adapt.

Empire wouldn't stand a chance against the Borg.

now that IS a tough one, the borg would quickly adapt to the empire, and the empire, by god, cannot adapt.....ergo rebels whooping their asses cuz they have commanders who know the books the imps are gonna operate out of.

the clone wars was logistically, a near thing for the republic, and battledroids do not adapt and assimilate like borg do.

the key is for the borg to assimilate that forst lancer frigate, that first isd, that first tartan cruiser, if they do that they'd quickly utilize the same weapon types and numbers as imp ships, making it more difficult for the imps.

if they fail to get that first one though, then the empire wins.

"don't lose a single ship to boarding actions" is a tough objective, especially when the opponent can teleport a party aboard if your shields fail
Link Posted: 5/27/2013 5:35:07 PM EDT






Empire shields are divided into ray shields and particle shields. I'm guess a transporter would count as a particle attack. Andparticle shields seem to be less used/less effective as witnessed by the proton torpedo attack in ANH and the damage sustained in the asteroid field in ESB. Plus, beaming through shields is sometimes possible such as when O'Brien beams aboard the U.S.S. Phoenix.

There were no particle shields around the exhaust port as they would have preventing the exhausting of hot gas.

How did you learn of this?

1)The Rebel briefing is very clear that the port was "Ray shielded so you'll need to use proton torpedoes"

2) Plasma is a particle.

Link Posted: 5/27/2013 5:36:08 PM EDT



Empire shields are divided into ray shields and particle shields. I'm guess a transporter would count as a particle attack. And particle shields seem to be less used/less effective as witnessed by the proton torpedo attack in ANH and the damage sustained in the asteroid field in ESB. Plus, beaming through shields is sometimes possible such as when O'Brien beams aboard the U.S.S. Phoenix.

How would you figure that a transporter is actually sending a stream of particles? I'd venture that its ability to work through solid materials to include rocks would imply that they are an energy beam and right in the wheelhouse of ray shields.

Transporters beam fairy dust.

Link Posted: 5/27/2013 5:41:04 PM EDT

Empire shields are divided into ray shields and particle shields. I'm guess a transporter would count as a particle attack. And particle shields seem to be less used/less effective as witnessed by the proton torpedo attack in ANH and the damage sustained in the asteroid field in ESB. Plus, beaming through shields is sometimes possible such as when O'Brien beams aboard the U.S.S. Phoenix.

How would you figure that a transporter is actually sending a stream of particles? I'd venture that its ability to work through solid materials to include rocks would imply that they are an energy beam and right in the wheelhouse of ray shields.

Transporters beam fairy dust.

Well...maybe if they use an inverse tachyon beam.  
Link Posted: 5/27/2013 5:44:29 PM EDT

Empire shields are divided into ray shields and particle shields. I'm guess a transporter would count as a particle attack. And particle shields seem to be less used/less effective as witnessed by the proton torpedo attack in ANH and the damage sustained in the asteroid field in ESB. Plus, beaming through shields is sometimes possible such as when O'Brien beams aboard the U.S.S. Phoenix.

How would you figure that a transporter is actually sending a stream of particles? I'd venture that its ability to work through solid materials to include rocks would imply that they are an energy beam and right in the wheelhouse of ray shields.

Transporters beam fairy dust.

Well...maybe if they use an inverse tachyon beam.  

Just gotta reverse the polarity.
Link Posted: 5/27/2013 7:02:05 PM EDT
How about the Empire vs. the Borg?

Sure the Empire could probably defeat the Federation, but how do you defeat a force with practically unlimited resources? Need more drones? Assimilate them. Need new technology? Assimilate it.
Imperial ship has shields? Adapt.

Empire wouldn't stand a chance against the Borg.

now that IS a tough one, the borg would quickly adapt to the empire, and the empire, by god, cannot adapt.....ergo rebels whooping their asses cuz they have commanders who know the books the imps are gonna operate out of.

the clone wars was logistically, a near thing for the republic, and battledroids do not adapt and assimilate like borg do.

the key is for the borg to assimilate that forst lancer frigate, that first isd, that first tartan cruiser, if they do that they'd quickly utilize the same weapon types and numbers as imp ships, making it more difficult for the imps.

if they fail to get that first one though, then the empire wins.

"don't lose a single ship to boarding actions" is a tough objective, especially when the opponent can teleport a party aboard if your shields fail

The Borg don't need to assimilate whole ships, just the people that know the technology. They would also adapt quickly to Imperial weapons and strategy. I believe that the Borg could take out the Empire easily.
Sooner or later they would assimilate some Jedi or even Vader himself then it would be all downhill from there.
I doubt even a Super Star Destroyer or the Death Star could stand against a number of Borg cubes.
Link Posted: 5/27/2013 7:23:36 PM EDT
How about the Empire vs. the Borg?

Sure the Empire could probably defeat the Federation, but how do you defeat a force with practically unlimited resources? Need more drones? Assimilate them. Need new technology? Assimilate it.
Imperial ship has shields? Adapt.

Empire wouldn't stand a chance against the Borg.

now that IS a tough one, the borg would quickly adapt to the empire, and the empire, by god, cannot adapt.....ergo rebels whooping their asses cuz they have commanders who know the books the imps are gonna operate out of.

the clone wars was logistically, a near thing for the republic, and battledroids do not adapt and assimilate like borg do.

the key is for the borg to assimilate that forst lancer frigate, that first isd, that first tartan cruiser, if they do that they'd quickly utilize the same weapon types and numbers as imp ships, making it more difficult for the imps.

if they fail to get that first one though, then the empire wins.

"don't lose a single ship to boarding actions" is a tough objective, especially when the opponent can teleport a party aboard if your shields fail

The Borg don't need to assimilate whole ships, just the people that know the technology. They would also adapt quickly to Imperial weapons and strategy. I believe that the Borg could take out the Empire easily.
Sooner or later they would assimilate some Jedi or even Vader himself then it would be all downhill from there.
I doubt even a Super Star Destroyer or the Death Star could stand against a number of Borg cubes.

Borg couldn't adapt to SW turbolasers, they all use different frequencies depending on the focusing crystal.
Link Posted: 5/27/2013 7:36:34 PM EDT
The fanboys who do a purely technical comparison are missing one HUGE difference between the Empire and the Federation that tips things to Trek.

The Empire is not a cohesive entity...it is in fact fighting a rebellion amongst itself.  It has no outside enemy to face.  Introduce an outside enemy (in the form of the federation) and you have an Empire that is on the verge out toal civil war being forced to face a cohesive army in addition to its own internal struggles.  The Federation is very well unified.  As soon as the war between the two starts, the Empire would collapse into several loose factions, all fighting each other as well as the Federation.  Supply lines among the vast Empire territories, number of systems, resources...all of the supposed Empire advantages go right down the tubes shortly after the federation attacks.  Hell, given the ideology of the Federation, it is almost a guarantee they would ally with the Luke-led rebellion, speeding the Empire's demise (and lest ye forget, the Empire did fall.)  The Federation showing up would essentially be like the Americans finally joining WW2.

Trek FTW.
Link Posted: 5/27/2013 9:35:27 PM EDT
The fanboys who do a purely technical comparison are missing one HUGE difference between the Empire and the Federation that tips things to Trek.

The Empire is not a cohesive entity...it is in fact fighting a rebellion amongst itself.  It has no outside enemy to face.  Introduce an outside enemy (in the form of the federation) and you have an Empire that is on the verge out toal civil war being forced to face a cohesive army in addition to its own internal struggles.  The Federation is very well unified.  As soon as the war between the two starts, the Empire would collapse into several loose factions, all fighting each other as well as the Federation.  Supply lines among the vast Empire territories, number of systems, resources...all of the supposed Empire advantages go right down the tubes shortly after the federation attacks.  Hell, given the ideology of the Federation, it is almost a guarantee they would ally with the Luke-led rebellion, speeding the Empire's demise (and lest ye forget, the Empire did fall.)  The Federation showing up would essentially be like the Americans finally joining WW2.

Trek FTW.


Link Posted: 5/27/2013 9:46:16 PM EDT
This is good but biased

Link Posted: 5/27/2013 10:12:35 PM EDT
I always saw Star Trek vs Star Wars as Battleships vs. Carriers, so Star Wars hands down.
Link Posted: 5/27/2013 10:46:36 PM EDT
You can't out bad Star Wars.

You beam one dude who knows how to use The Force onto Enterprise...game over man, game fucking OVER!

The security teams would just set their phasers to wide beam.  Can't deflect that with a light saber.

Or beam him into space.

Keep in mind Federation ships can just scan for midichlorions from orbit and then just blast the shit out of their targets.

And for every early-season Picard, you have a late-season Picard; for every Janeway (who really is pretty fucking ruthless - but mindlessly so, even if Voyager sucked), you have a motherfucking Ben Sisko with his pimp hand.

Link Posted: 5/28/2013 12:08:05 AM EDT
You can't out bad Star Wars.

You beam one dude who knows how to use The Force onto Enterprise...game over man, game fucking OVER!

The security teams would just set their phasers to wide beam.  Can't deflect that with a light saber.

Or beam him into space.

Keep in mind Federation ships can just scan for midichlorions from orbit and then just blast the shit out of their targets.

And for every early-season Picard, you have a late-season Picard; for every Janeway (who really is pretty fucking ruthless - but mindlessly so, even if Voyager sucked), you have a motherfucking Ben Sisko with his pimp hand.


Link Posted: 5/28/2013 9:00:16 AM EDT
You can't out bad Star Wars.

You beam one dude who knows how to use The Force onto Enterprise...game over man, game fucking OVER!

The security teams would just set their phasers to wide beam.  Can't deflect that with a light saber.

Or beam him into space.

Keep in mind Federation ships can just scan for midichlorions from orbit and then just blast the shit out of their targets.

And for every early-season Picard, you have a late-season Picard; for every Janeway (who really is pretty fucking ruthless - but mindlessly so, even if Voyager sucked), you have a motherfucking Ben Sisko with his pimp hand.


Sorry but I'm unconvinced that a single short range ship (that frankly has a power output disproportionate to the rest of the ST universe unless the food court and petting zoo on the Enterprise really take that much power to run) would have a notable outcome on a war as a whole.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 9:06:31 AM EDT
Some of you have way too much invested in this argument. I think you guys may need a new, and cooler, hobby. Perhaps stamp or coin collecting would suit you, or perhaps getting your ham radio license. Any of which are better than sitting on the Internet arguing about which make-believe program would win in a fictional fight.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 9:13:54 AM EDT
Some of you have way too much invested in this argument. I think you guys may need a new, and cooler, hobby. Perhaps stamp or coin collecting would suit you, or perhaps getting your ham radio license. Any of which are better than sitting on the Internet arguing about which make-believe program would win in a fictional fight.

Escapism is perfectly healthy.

But thanks for sharing your superiority with us.

[ETA] The Federation would win.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 9:16:26 AM EDT
Some of you have way too much invested in this argument. I think you guys may need a new, and cooler, hobby. Perhaps stamp or coin collecting would suit you, or perhaps getting your ham radio license. Any of which are better than sitting on the Internet arguing about which make-believe program would win in a fictional fight.

Escapism is perfectly healthy.

But thanks for sharing your superiority with us.

[ETA] The Federation would win.

So wrong. The Empire would dominate the Federation in a matter of hours via coordinated strikes across the entirety of the Federation, matching the Federation capital ships by at least 10:1.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 9:17:26 AM EDT

The Borg don't need to assimilate whole ships, just the people that know the technology. They would also adapt quickly to Imperial weapons and strategy. I believe that the Borg could take out the Empire easily.
Sooner or later they would assimilate some Jedi or even Vader himself then it would be all downhill from there.
I doubt even a Super Star Destroyer or the Death Star could stand against a number of Borg cubes.

And what an awesome movie that would make!
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 9:22:01 AM EDT
Some of you have way too much invested in this argument. I think you guys may need a new, and cooler, hobby. Perhaps stamp or coin collecting would suit you, or perhaps getting your ham radio license. Any of which are better than sitting on the Internet arguing about which make-believe program would win in a fictional fight.

Escapism is perfectly healthy.

But thanks for sharing your superiority with us.

[ETA] The Federation would win.

So wrong. The Empire would dominate the Federation in a matter of hours via coordinated strikes across the entirety of the Federation, matching the Federation capital ships by at least 10:1.

Pretty much this. There were hundreds, if not thousands, of Star Destroyers which could lay waste to entire worlds by themselves. There were also a few Super Star Destroyers. Even skipping the support ships, the Victory Class SD's, Lancer Frigates, Strike Cruisers, Nebulon-B Frigates, etc you are talking about ships in such numbers that they could deploy to each individual Federation planet and annihilate it.

As far as Storm Troopers go, think about the beginning of A New Hope, they kicked rebel butts pretty good. You cannot take the "hero perspective", just what it talked about within the movies.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 9:24:24 AM EDT
Some of you have way too much invested in this argument. I think you guys may need a new, and cooler, hobby. Perhaps stamp or coin collecting would suit you, or perhaps getting your ham radio license. Any of which are better than sitting on the Internet arguing about which make-believe program would win in a fictional fight.

Escapism is perfectly healthy.

But thanks for sharing your superiority with us.

[ETA] The Federation would win.

Escapism is fine. A four day 8 page thread gets ridiculous.

Reminds me of two guys I overheard. They were avid D&D players, which was fine, but they were arguing over which was more realistic D&D or AD&D.

Now where is that unsubscribe button?
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 9:25:20 AM EDT
Escapism is fine. A four day 8 page thread gets ridiculous.

Reminds me of two guys I overheard. They were avid D&D players, which was fine, but they were arguing over which was more realistic D&D or AD&D.

Now where is that unsubscribe button?

I think, however, we can all agree that fourth edition is horrible.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 9:29:41 AM EDT
its kind of hard to fight space ninjas (star wars/jedi)

as much as i like spock and cpt kirk, i think obi wan could pull one of these :

on the warp core and FUCK up some trekkies.

Link Posted: 5/28/2013 9:34:24 AM EDT
Escapism is fine. A four day 8 page thread gets ridiculous.

Reminds me of two guys I overheard. They were avid D&D players, which was fine, but they were arguing over which was more realistic D&D or AD&D.

Now where is that unsubscribe button?

I think, however, we can all agree that fourth edition is horrible.

I thought it was alright.

Link Posted: 5/28/2013 9:44:51 AM EDT
I give the win to Star Wars.

Pew pew!  
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 10:28:36 AM EDT
My vote. Star Trek. In an all out war situation, its really simple. Star Trek technology both continued to advance and was adaptive. Turbo lasers fire turbo lasers nothing more. In a space battle all the enterprise e,g,f or the defiant or any vessel had to do is modulate their shields to adjust for the static incoming fire and modulate their weapons to cut through empire shields. Also. Throughout the Star Trek progression they moved away from laser technology to phasers due to increased power and flexibility. Shield tech always raced to catch up to protect against phasers. This progressed so much so that in an episode of tng, that ship met with a Laser equipped warship that was useless on enterprise d shields and if we are talking the best of both worlds. Well the enterprise d would already be obsolete with what the federation would be Bringing. Laser technology would do little more than be an annoyance and worse case scenario give federation ships mor energy to pump into weapons assuming they can harness it correctly. To add to the mix star trech shields are capable of burning theough anything they touch. So ramming is a very viable option for federation ships once enemy shields are down.

Now we remove both the q and Jedi. Both are special beings and have no place in this fight because we are talking technology. But as someone duely pointed out q trumps Jedi so do you really want to keep them in there?

The Death Star has nothing on a Borg cube and the federation has beatin multiple cubes with quantum and temperament weaponry. So one giant circular target that can only fire once every 15-30 minutes, no shields to speak of and no adaptive qualities or regenerative qualities..... Yup space slag.

Now we get to the crux of everything. The one final advantage that we have all overlooked. Scanners. Intel. Federation ship and any ship from the Star Trek universe has the ability to studie and scan their enemy. So by the time the battle started a federation or Klingon fleet would Havel much more useful info on their enemy. Combine this with the defiance and other warships the federation built. Along with Klingon cloaking technology and any Star Wars Capitol ships would simply be toast. Fighters from Star Wars only had energy shields so torpedoes with proximity kenetic charges would reduce an incoming wave to nothing. But remember the Star Trek ships would know this going in because they scanned you. Those globe shaped shield generators on empire Capitol ships would be instant focus fire targets. Not that it would matter with phasers and quantum phasers and disruptors blowing right by the empire or alliance shields.

In the end game over for Star Wars.

Edited for autocorrect retardedness

Link Posted: 5/28/2013 10:46:21 AM EDT
My vote. Star Trek. I'm an all out war situation, its really simple. Star Trek technology both continued to advance and was adaptive. Turbo lasers fire turbo lasers nothing more. In a space battle all the enterprise e,g,f or the defiant or any vessel had to do is modulate their shields to adjust for the static incoming fire and modulate their weapons to cut through empire shields. Also. Throughout the Star Trek progression they moved away from laser technology to phasers due to increased power and flexibility. Shield tech always raced to catch up to protect against phasers. This progressed so much so that in an episode of voyager, that ship met with a Kirk era Klingon battle cruiser that actually recharged voyagers shields by firing on them IIRC. Laser technology would do little more than be an annoyance and worse case scenario give federation ships mor energy to pump into weapons assuming they can harness it correctly. While turbolasers are just turbolasers Star Destroyers (and most other capital ships) also had ion cannons and fighters with concussions missles and proton torpedoes.  Then there is the discussion about whether on not any energy shield would be able to simply ignore a certain type of energy, IME while they may be easier to contain certain energy one should still be able to overwhelm the shields ability to disipate the energy  To add to the mix star trech shields are capable of burning theough anything they touch. So ramming is a very viable option for federation ships once enemy shields are down.
Are you talking about the same shields that let quite a bit of damage through during normal combat?  I'm not sure I'd be willing to try ramming with those.
Now we remove both the q and Jedi. Both are special beings and have no place in this fight because we are talking technology. But as someone duely pointed out q trumps Jedi so do you really want to keep them in there?  He wouldn't show up anyways.  He'd see it as a new source of amusement.

The Death Star has nothing on a Borg cube and the federation has beatin multiple cubes with quantum and temperament weaponry. So one giant circular target that can only fire once every 15-30 minutes, no shields to speak of and no adaptive qualities or regenerative qualities..... Yup space slag.I'm not sure I'd say that a 160km diameter battle station with over 10,000 secondary weapon emplacements has nothing on a ship 3km wide that sits rather still during a fight.

Now we get to the crux of everything. The one final advantage that we have all overlooked. Scanners. Intel. Federation ship and any ship from the Star Trek universe has the ability to studie and scan their enemy. And the Empire plays marco-polo?So by the time the battle started a federation or Klingon fleet would Havel much more useful info on their enemy. Combine this with the defiance and other warships the federation built. Along with Klingon cloaking technology and any Star Wars Capitol ships would simply be toast. Fighters from Star Wars only had energy shields so torpedoes with proximity kenetic charges would reduce an incoming wave to nothing. That's more a matter of shield capacity vs weapon output, it's not rock vs paper.But remember the Star Trek ships would know this going in because they scanned you. Those globe shaped shield generators on empire Capitol ships would be instant focus fire targets. Not that it would matter with phasers and quantum phasers and disruptors blowing right by the empire or alliance shields.Put it back on the shelf, I'm not buying it.

In the end game over for Star Wars.

Link Posted: 5/28/2013 10:50:48 AM EDT
The fanboys who do a purely technical comparison are missing one HUGE difference between the Empire and the Federation that tips things to Trek.

The Empire is not a cohesive entity...it is in fact fighting a rebellion amongst itself.  It has no outside enemy to face.  Introduce an outside enemy (in the form of the federation) and you have an Empire that is on the verge out toal civil war being forced to face a cohesive army in addition to its own internal struggles.  The Federation is very well unified.  As soon as the war between the two starts, the Empire would collapse into several loose factions, all fighting each other as well as the Federation.  Supply lines among the vast Empire territories, number of systems, resources...all of the supposed Empire advantages go right down the tubes shortly after the federation attacks.  Hell, given the ideology of the Federation, it is almost a guarantee they would ally with the Luke-led rebellion, speeding the Empire's demise (and lest ye forget, the Empire did fall.)  The Federation showing up would essentially be like the Americans finally joining WW2.

Trek FTW.

By the same token the federation has enemies all around them and the feds fighting the empire would leave them open to attack from other alpha quadrant enemies.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 10:56:10 AM EDT
How about the Empire vs. the Borg?

Sure the Empire could probably defeat the Federation, but how do you defeat a force with practically unlimited resources? Need more drones? Assimilate them. Need new technology? Assimilate it.
Imperial ship has shields? Adapt.

Empire wouldn't stand a chance against the Borg.

now that IS a tough one, the borg would quickly adapt to the empire, and the empire, by god, cannot adapt.....ergo rebels whooping their asses cuz they have commanders who know the books the imps are gonna operate out of.

the clone wars was logistically, a near thing for the republic, and battledroids do not adapt and assimilate like borg do.

the key is for the borg to assimilate that forst lancer frigate, that first isd, that first tartan cruiser, if they do that they'd quickly utilize the same weapon types and numbers as imp ships, making it more difficult for the imps.

if they fail to get that first one though, then the empire wins.

"don't lose a single ship to boarding actions" is a tough objective, especially when the opponent can teleport a party aboard if your shields fail

The Borg don't need to assimilate whole ships, just the people that know the technology. They would also adapt quickly to Imperial weapons and strategy. I believe that the Borg could take out the Empire easily.
Sooner or later they would assimilate some Jedi or even Vader himself then it would be all downhill from there.
I doubt even a Super Star Destroyer or the Death Star could stand against a number of Borg cubes.

Borg couldn't adapt to SW turbolasers, they all use different frequencies depending on the focusing crystal.

Why are the borg in this discussion. It is the federation vs empire. Why don't we just bring in the yuuzhan vong, Centerpoint Station, or the sun crusher.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 11:03:40 AM EDT
My vote. Star Trek. In an all out war situation, its really simple. Star Trek technology both continued to advance and was adaptive. Turbo lasers fire turbo lasers nothing more. In a space battle all the enterprise e,g,f or the defiant or any vessel had to do is modulate their shields to adjust for the static incoming fire and modulate their weapons to cut through empire shields. Also. Throughout the Star Trek progression they moved away from laser technology to phasers due to increased power and flexibility. Shield tech always raced to catch up to protect against phasers. This progressed so much so that in an episode of tng, that ship met with a Laser equipped warship that was useless on enterprise d shields and if we are talking the best of both worlds. Well the enterprise d would already be obsolete with what the federation would be Bringing. Laser technology would do little more than be an annoyance and worse case scenario give federation ships mor energy to pump into weapons assuming they can harness it correctly. To add to the mix star trech shields are capable of burning theough anything they touch. So ramming is a very viable option for federation ships once enemy shields are down.

Now we remove both the q and Jedi. Both are special beings and have no place in this fight because we are talking technology. But as someone duely pointed out q trumps Jedi so do you really want to keep them in there?

The Death Star has nothing on a Borg cube and the federation has beatin multiple cubes with quantum and temperament weaponry. So one giant circular target that can only fire once every 15-30 minutes, no shields to speak of and no adaptive qualities or regenerative qualities..... Yup space slag.

Now we get to the crux of everything. The one final advantage that we have all overlooked. Scanners. Intel. Federation ship and any ship from the Star Trek universe has the ability to studie and scan their enemy. So by the time the battle started a federation or Klingon fleet would Havel much more useful info on their enemy. Combine this with the defiance and other warships the federation built. Along with Klingon cloaking technology and any Star Wars Capitol ships would simply be toast. Fighters from Star Wars only had energy shields so torpedoes with proximity kenetic charges would reduce an incoming wave to nothing. But remember the Star Trek ships would know this going in because they scanned you. Those globe shaped shield generators on empire Capitol ships would be instant focus fire targets. Not that it would matter with phasers and quantum phasers and disruptors blowing right by the empire or alliance shields.

In the end game over for Star Wars.

Edited for autocorrect retardedness

Nope. SSD hyperdrives into earth orbit...bye bye starfleet HQ.

Star fleet doesn't even have planetary shields and rarely do we see planetary defense weaponry which means they are basically defenseless..how pathetic.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 11:22:41 AM EDT
Isn't the empire / star wars a whole galaxy and all life underneath it?  While Star Trek federation is a small part of the galaxy.  Just sheer numbers are on star wars side.

Star Wars -
Robots, lots of robots or clones depending on what side we speak off
More cannons on their larger ships...
Small Fighter ships

Star Trek
Actual targeting system for their ship weapons

Link Posted: 5/28/2013 11:38:19 AM EDT
Isn't the empire / star wars a whole galaxy and all life underneath it?  While Star Trek federation is a small part of the galaxy.  Just sheer numbers are on star wars side.

Star Wars -
Robots, lots of robots or clones depending on what side we speak off
Jedi jedi do not fight for the empire
More cannons on their larger ships...
Small Fighter ships

Star Trek
Cloaking (only one starfleet ship used cloaking, and it stole that from a bird of prey to my knowledge).
Teleportation does not work when shields are up
Actual targeting system for their ship weapons

Link Posted: 5/28/2013 11:44:51 AM EDT



My vote. Star Trek. I'm an all out war situation, its really simple. Star Trek technology both continued to advance and was adaptive. Turbo lasers fire turbo lasers nothing more. In a space battle all the enterprise e,g,f or the defiant or any vessel had to do is modulate their shields to adjust for the static incoming fire and modulate their weapons to cut through empire shields. Also. Throughout the Star Trek progression they moved away from laser technology to phasers due to increased power and flexibility. Shield tech always raced to catch up to protect against phasers. This progressed so much so that in an episode of voyager, that ship met with a Kirk era Klingon battle cruiser that actually recharged voyagers shields by firing on them IIRC. Laser technology would do little more than be an annoyance and worse case scenario give federation ships mor energy to pump into weapons assuming they can harness it correctly.

1)While turbolasers are just turbolasers Star Destroyers (and most other capital ships) also had ion cannons and fighters with concussions missles and proton torpedoes. Then there is the discussion about whether on not any energy shield would be able to simply ignore a certain type of energy, IME while they may be easier to contain certain energy one should still be able to overwhelm the shields ability to disipate the energy To add to the mix star trech shields are capable of burning theough anything they touch. So ramming is a very viable option for federation ships once enemy shields are down. 2)Are you talking about the same shields that let quite a bit of damage through during normal combat? I'm not sure I'd be willing to try ramming with those.

Now we remove both the q and Jedi. Both are special beings and have no place in this fight because we are talking technology. But as someone duely pointed out q trumps Jedi so do you really want to keep them in there?

3)He wouldn't show up anyways. He'd see it as a new source of amusement.

The Death Star has nothing on a Borg cube and the federation has beatin multiple cubes with quantum and temperament weaponry. So one giant circular target that can only fire once every 15-30 minutes, no shields to speak of and no adaptive qualities or regenerative qualities..... Yup space slag.

4) I'm not sure I'd say that a 160km diameter battle station with over 10,000 secondary weapon emplacements has nothing on a ship 3km wide that sits rather still during a fight.

Now we get to the crux of everything. The one final advantage that we have all overlooked. Scanners. Intel. Federation ship and any ship from the Star Trek universe has the ability to studie and scan their enemy.

5)And the Empire plays marco-polo?So by the time the battle started a federation or Klingon fleet would Havel much more useful info on their enemy. Combine this with the defiance and other warships the federation built. Along with Klingon cloaking technology and any Star Wars Capitol ships would simply be toast. Fighters from Star Wars only had energy shields so torpedoes with proximity kenetic charges would reduce an incoming wave to nothing.

6)That's more a matter of shield capacity vs weapon output, it's not rock vs paper.But remember the Star Trek ships would know this going in because they scanned you. Those globe shaped shield generators on empire Capitol ships would be instant focus fire targets. Not that it would matter with phasers and quantum phasers and disruptors blowing right by the empire or alliance shields.Put it back on the shelf, I'm not buying it.

In the end game over for Star Wars.

1) a group of turbo lasers may well be able to eventually overwhelm federation shields like an overcharged battery but how are they going to have time to do that when they are being two shorted by federation quantum torpedoes and phasers as well as temporal torpedoes that were mass produced shortly after janeways return. It's all about time on target. A super star destroy may have a shot but it would have to focus all of its weapons in one or two ships for it to work. Meanwhile the ENTIRE federation fleet is equipped with weaponry that kills Borge cubes in one hit. Translate that out and a voyager sized ship had a torpedo hold of 36 double or tipple that for anything bigger and you are looking at thousands of rounds of that one type of ammunition alone. Never mind the quantum phasers that are only slightly less powerful How many ships do you think the empire could bring to the table. So you are saying you are going to GIVE the federation ammunition in hopes that they can't shoot it back at you fast enough? Bad plan

2) recharging remember. You aren't weakening the federation shields you just said you were trying to overload them. So how would they be weaker again?

3) so q would not show up and the empire hunts down and kills Jedi leaving one old man sitting in a Death Star and vader. A general on life support. Both in positions of command and both not in the front line.... So how are the Jedi going to help the EMPIRE......

4) Death Star is primary target. Death Star  takes one temporal torpedo from each federation ship. Death Star goes boom. Also if you thing federation ships stay still durring a fight, go watch first contact. A defiant class ship or two loaded with temporal weapons is all it would take for by by Death Star. Next

5) empire has sensors. They cannot identify weapons they have never seen before. Federation ships will see and recognize because its OBSELETE and historical technology from their perspective.

6) energy output of a photon torpedo. 70x10e17Joules.

    Shield capacity of a star destroyer.  1E19 joules.

Hint these are numbers from a STANDARD TORPEDO

  Quantum torpedo is three times the output of a photon torpedo. I don't even need to look up temporal torpedo energy specs.

So you tell me how long any empire vessel would last when thousands of these thing are being fired

What were you trying to say again?

Link Posted: 5/28/2013 11:50:47 AM EDT
Turbolasers are not lasers.

Link Posted: 5/28/2013 11:50:57 AM EDT
Gelgoog. Hyperdrive is SLOWER.  Warp drive is FASTER THAN LIGHT

So. Ssd looses the race to earth. Shows up and get hit by a dozen or so quantum or temporal warheads from the defiant and her sister ships and goes poof. Total battle time less than 2 minutes. Moving on
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 1:11:38 PM EDT
Bump trololol
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 1:21:44 PM EDT
Gelgoog. Hyperdrive is SLOWER.  Warp drive is FASTER THAN LIGHT

So. Ssd looses the race to earth. Shows up and get hit by a dozen or so quantum or temporal warheads from the defiant and her sister ships and goes poof. Total battle time less than 2 minutes. Moving on

So let me get this straight.  USS Voyager, requiring a lifetime to travel 70,000 ly, is faster than the Falcon that was able to go from Tattoine to Alderaan (about 50,000 ly) in hours to a couple days?
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 4:35:22 PM EDT
Gelgoog. Hyperdrive is SLOWER.  Warp drive is FASTER THAN LIGHT

So. Ssd looses the race to earth. Shows up and get hit by a dozen or so quantum or temporal warheads from the defiant and her sister ships and goes poof. Total battle time less than 2 minutes. Moving on

Um no its not. Hyperdrive is faster than light.


Star wars ships can travel across the galaxy in a matter of days. A  federation ship would take six months just to cross from one end of the federation to the next at warp 9.999

The difference is that in star wars they use hyperspace routes to travel the fastest, not doing so could result in a unexpected gravity well pulling your out of hyperspace and right into the middle of a star or some other calamitous event. The best hope star fleet would have would be if a hyper space route was unknown to the empire.

Also do you think the Empire only has Turbo laser?
The SSD alone has 250 concussion missile launchers, 250 ion canons, 250 turbo lasers and 250 heavy turbo laser. The amount of fire they can put out is enormous, and after the battle of yavin the empire began mass producing them.

When the empire launches assaults, they do not send one ship alone.

Admiral thrown would hyperspace into the sol system with thousands of capital ships.

Just to show you a size comparison.

A standard ISD is already much larger then the enterprise.

A super star destroyer dwarfs an ISD

The Eclipse class dwarfs a super star destroy, and its main weapon is like a miniature version of the death stars laser, enough to destroy any vessel in the star wars universe in one hit and destroy the core of planet.

What's that you think fancy pants quantum torpedos  will protect you from a direct assault. Oh ok well the empire will just park its Galaxy gun a couple thousand light years away and shoot its missiles that enter hyperspace at federation planets. They are almost impossible to detect and have armed defense. When they hit a planet say bye bye.

Or how about centerpoint station, a gigantic tractor beam space station used to haul planets to different sectors. That giant beam can be used as a powerful weapon that travels through hyperspace and can not be deflected....much more powerful then anything the death star ever had.

Sorry but starfleet is simply outclassed in men, material, and weaponry. I would like to say they would put up a good fight, but in reality they would be crushed so hard and so fast that resistance would be deemed....futile. Reversing the polarity won't save them this time. There is no last minute deus ex machina that would save starfleet, that stuff is to advance the plot, and there is no plot here.

Link Posted: 5/28/2013 5:15:18 PM EDT
Sees Death Star.....has lunch

Link Posted: 5/28/2013 5:49:07 PM EDT

what is that a giant space vagina?
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 5:51:32 PM EDT


Star fleet doesn't even have planetary shields and rarely do we see planetary defense weaponry which means they are basically defenseless..how pathetic.

Earth had planetary defense weapons in ST:TMP.

Link Posted: 5/28/2013 5:53:55 PM EDT



Gelgoog. Hyperdrive is SLOWER.  Warp drive is FASTER THAN LIGHT

So. Ssd looses the race to earth. Shows up and get hit by a dozen or so quantum or temporal warheads from the defiant and her sister ships and goes poof. Total battle time less than 2 minutes. Moving on

Um no its not. Hyperdrive is faster than light.


Star wars ships can travel across the galaxy in a matter of days. A  federation ship would take six months just to cross from one end of the federation to the next at warp 9.999

The difference is that in star wars they use hyperspace routes to travel the fastest, not doing so could result in a unexpected gravity well pulling your out of hyperspace and right into the middle of a star or some other calamitous event. The best hope star fleet would have would be if a hyper space route was unknown to the empire.
Also do you think the Empire only has Turbo laser?

The SSD alone has 250 concussion missile launchers, 250 ion canons, 250 turbo lasers and 250 heavy turbo laser. The amount of fire they can put out is enormous, and after the battle of yavin the empire began mass producing them.

When the empire launches assaults, they do not send one ship alone.


Admiral thrown would hyperspace into the sol system with thousands of capital ships.
Just to show you a size comparison.


A standard ISD is already much larger then the enterprise.

A super star destroyer dwarfs an ISD


The Eclipse class dwarfs a super star destroy, and its main weapon is like a miniature version of the death stars laser, enough to destroy any vessel in the star wars universe in one hit and destroy the core of planet.


What's that you think fancy pants quantum torpedos  will protect you from a direct assault. Oh ok well the empire will just park its Galaxy gun a couple thousand light years away and shoot its missiles that enter hyperspace at federation planets. They are almost impossible to detect and have armed defense. When they hit a planet say bye bye.


Or how about centerpoint station, a gigantic tractor beam space station used to haul planets to different sectors. That giant beam can be used as a powerful weapon that travels through hyperspace and can not be deflected....much more powerful then anything the death star ever had.


Sorry but starfleet is simply outclassed in men, material, and weaponry. I would like to say they would put up a good fight, but in reality they would be crushed so hard and so fast that resistance would be deemed....futile. Reversing the polarity won't save them this time. There is no last minute deus ex machina that would save starfleet, that stuff is to advance the plot, and there is no plot here.

Star Trek can kill a planet with a cloaked shuttle and a genesis device.  
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 5:55:13 PM EDT

what is that a giant space vagina?

It's an unstoppable war machine that was stopped with just a little peril.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 6:02:16 PM EDT


Star fleet doesn't even have planetary shields and rarely do we see planetary defense weaponry which means they are basically defenseless..how pathetic.

Earth had planetary defense weapons in ST:TMP.

Based on its inability to ever stop anything I'm surmising that the defense system is little more than a "No Phasers" sign in orbit.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 6:24:56 PM EDT
My vote. Star Trek. In an all out war situation, its really simple. Star Trek technology both continued to advance and was adaptive. Turbo lasers fire turbo lasers nothing more. In a space battle all the enterprise e,g,f or the defiant or any vessel had to do is modulate their shields to adjust for the static incoming fire and modulate their weapons to cut through empire shields. Also. Throughout the Star Trek progression they moved away from laser technology to phasers due to increased power and flexibility. Shield tech always raced to catch up to protect against phasers. This progressed so much so that in an episode of tng, that ship met with a Laser equipped warship that was useless on enterprise d shields and if we are talking the best of both worlds. Well the enterprise d would already be obsolete with what the federation would be Bringing. Laser technology would do little more than be an annoyance and worse case scenario give federation ships mor energy to pump into weapons assuming they can harness it correctly. To add to the mix star trech shields are capable of burning theough anything they touch. So ramming is a very viable option for federation ships once enemy shields are down.

Now we remove both the q and Jedi. Both are special beings and have no place in this fight because we are talking technology. But as someone duely pointed out q trumps Jedi so do you really want to keep them in there?

The Death Star has nothing on a Borg cube and the federation has beatin multiple cubes with quantum and temperament weaponry. So one giant circular target that can only fire once every 15-30 minutes, no shields to speak of and no adaptive qualities or regenerative qualities..... Yup space slag.

Now we get to the crux of everything. The one final advantage that we have all overlooked. Scanners. Intel. Federation ship and any ship from the Star Trek universe has the ability to studie and scan their enemy. So by the time the battle started a federation or Klingon fleet would Havel much more useful info on their enemy. Combine this with the defiance and other warships the federation built. Along with Klingon cloaking technology and any Star Wars Capitol ships would simply be toast. Fighters from Star Wars only had energy shields so torpedoes with proximity kenetic charges would reduce an incoming wave to nothing. But remember the Star Trek ships would know this going in because they scanned you. Those globe shaped shield generators on empire Capitol ships would be instant focus fire targets. Not that it would matter with phasers and quantum phasers and disruptors blowing right by the empire or alliance shields.

In the end game over for Star Wars.

Edited for autocorrect retardedness

Nope. SSD hyperdrives into earth orbit...bye bye starfleet HQ.


Star fleet doesn't even have planetary shields and rarely do we see planetary defense weaponry which means they are basically defenseless..how pathetic.

But you are forgetting something…

If you are asking about the “Empire” in the Star Wars novels you might be right. But the “Empire” depicted in the actual Star Wars movies was nowhere near that powerful. (as a side note, what would be a good Star Wars novel to start reading? I’m on a reading kick lately.)

The Empire probably did not have thousands of ships. How do I know? Because they consider the Rebel Alliance to be a major threat. How many ships did they send? Five was it? I don’t remember. But it wasn’t thousands, hundreds, or even tens of star destroyers.

Technically I’m sure a super star destroyer, at a ridiculous 19km long, could have wiped out all advanced life on a planet. After all, it can crash into things pretty good and it’s bigger than the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs. Crashing into a planet at a few miles per second would be pretty nasty. Of course you would think a ship that big could do a whole lot of damage to a planet with its weapons. I mean consider how much damage an Ohio class sub could do. 192 nuclear warheads in the 100 kiloton range is no joke. A combat spaceship that big ought to have at least as many nukes on board, or something superior.

The problem is that the weapons shown in the movies don’t reflect that.

How powerful are the lasers on one man star fighters compared to the weapons on those speeders and the weapons on the Imperial walkers? About the same? Probably. And we know that the weapons on the Imperial walkers aren’t all that powerful because we see them hit snow and ice. They don’t instantly blast ten meter wide holes in the ice. They don’t cause huge blast waves huge volumes of ice are instantly turned into superheated plasma.

But we see A-Wings destroy a shield generator with a few shots. Then we see a single fighter crash into the bridge, sending the super star destroyer crashing into the death star.

Good story telling btw. Star Wars weapons are generally about as powerful as we would expect modern weapons to be. It would be pretty hard to write a story, much less film it, where a single fighter could take out a city with one shot or where hand weapons did more damage than a 16” battleship shell.

Of course the same thing can be said about Trek. It’s one thing to say that a photon torpedo creates a 50 megaton explosion. But that’s not what is usually shown on screen. Photon torpedoes are not very powerful compared to modern conventional weapons.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 6:25:17 PM EDT
Gelgoog. Hyperdrive is SLOWER.  Warp drive is FASTER THAN LIGHT

So. Ssd looses the race to earth. Shows up and get hit by a dozen or so quantum or temporal warheads from the defiant and her sister ships and goes poof. Total battle time less than 2 minutes. Moving on

Um no its not. Hyperdrive is faster than light.


Star wars ships can travel across the galaxy in a matter of days. A  federation ship would take six months just to cross from one end of the federation to the next at warp 9.999

The difference is that in star wars they use hyperspace routes to travel the fastest, not doing so could result in a unexpected gravity well pulling your out of hyperspace and right into the middle of a star or some other calamitous event. The best hope star fleet would have would be if a hyper space route was unknown to the empire.

Also do you think the Empire only has Turbo laser?
The SSD alone has 250 concussion missile launchers, 250 ion canons, 250 turbo lasers and 250 heavy turbo laser. The amount of fire they can put out is enormous, and after the battle of yavin the empire began mass producing them.

When the empire launches assaults, they do not send one ship alone.


Admiral thrown would hyperspace into the sol system with thousands of capital ships.

Just to show you a size comparison.


A standard ISD is already much larger then the enterprise.

A super star destroyer dwarfs an ISD


The Eclipse class dwarfs a super star destroy, and its main weapon is like a miniature version of the death stars laser, enough to destroy any vessel in the star wars universe in one hit and destroy the core of planet.


What's that you think fancy pants quantum torpedos  will protect you from a direct assault. Oh ok well the empire will just park its Galaxy gun a couple thousand light years away and shoot its missiles that enter hyperspace at federation planets. They are almost impossible to detect and have armed defense. When they hit a planet say bye bye.


Or how about centerpoint station, a gigantic tractor beam space station used to haul planets to different sectors. That giant beam can be used as a powerful weapon that travels through hyperspace and can not be deflected....much more powerful then anything the death star ever had.


Sorry but starfleet is simply outclassed in men, material, and weaponry. I would like to say they would put up a good fight, but in reality they would be crushed so hard and so fast that resistance would be deemed....futile. Reversing the polarity won't save them this time. There is no last minute deus ex machina that would save starfleet, that stuff is to advance the plot, and there is no plot here.

Everyone seems to keep forgetting one major point. The Federation has beaming capabilities. How do you fight an enemy that can strategically target and destroy every major Empire leader and command center by beaming in strikeforce Vulcan teams into the center of each of your HQ's and living quarters. Game OVER.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 6:27:29 PM EDT
I voted star wars
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 6:32:23 PM EDT

what is that a giant space vagina?

It's an unstoppable war machine that was stopped with just a little peril.

Star Trek Episode #35
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