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Link Posted: 5/28/2013 7:41:24 PM EDT

Gelgoog. Hyperdrive is SLOWER.  Warp drive is FASTER THAN LIGHT

So. Ssd looses the race to earth. Shows up and get hit by a dozen or so quantum or temporal warheads from the defiant and her sister ships and goes poof. Total battle time less than 2 minutes. Moving on

Um no its not. Hyperdrive is faster than light.


Star wars ships can travel across the galaxy in a matter of days. A  federation ship would take six months just to cross from one end of the federation to the next at warp 9.999

The difference is that in star wars they use hyperspace routes to travel the fastest, not doing so could result in a unexpected gravity well pulling your out of hyperspace and right into the middle of a star or some other calamitous event. The best hope star fleet would have would be if a hyper space route was unknown to the empire.

Also do you think the Empire only has Turbo laser?
The SSD alone has 250 concussion missile launchers, 250 ion canons, 250 turbo lasers and 250 heavy turbo laser. The amount of fire they can put out is enormous, and after the battle of yavin the empire began mass producing them.

When the empire launches assaults, they do not send one ship alone.


Admiral thrown would hyperspace into the sol system with thousands of capital ships.

Just to show you a size comparison.


A standard ISD is already much larger then the enterprise.

A super star destroyer dwarfs an ISD


The Eclipse class dwarfs a super star destroy, and its main weapon is like a miniature version of the death stars laser, enough to destroy any vessel in the star wars universe in one hit and destroy the core of planet.


What's that you think fancy pants quantum torpedos  will protect you from a direct assault. Oh ok well the empire will just park its Galaxy gun a couple thousand light years away and shoot its missiles that enter hyperspace at federation planets. They are almost impossible to detect and have armed defense. When they hit a planet say bye bye.


Or how about centerpoint station, a gigantic tractor beam space station used to haul planets to different sectors. That giant beam can be used as a powerful weapon that travels through hyperspace and can not be deflected....much more powerful then anything the death star ever had.


Sorry but starfleet is simply outclassed in men, material, and weaponry. I would like to say they would put up a good fight, but in reality they would be crushed so hard and so fast that resistance would be deemed....futile. Reversing the polarity won't save them this time. There is no last minute deus ex machina that would save starfleet, that stuff is to advance the plot, and there is no plot here.

Star Trek can kill a planet with a cloaked shuttle and a genesis device.  


Star wars doesnt need to cloak, they will just send a fighter sized sun crusher and have your sun go supernova.

Link Posted: 5/28/2013 7:44:11 PM EDT
Gelgoog. Hyperdrive is SLOWER.  Warp drive is FASTER THAN LIGHT

So. Ssd looses the race to earth. Shows up and get hit by a dozen or so quantum or temporal warheads from the defiant and her sister ships and goes poof. Total battle time less than 2 minutes. Moving on

Um no its not. Hyperdrive is faster than light.


Star wars ships can travel across the galaxy in a matter of days. A  federation ship would take six months just to cross from one end of the federation to the next at warp 9.999

The difference is that in star wars they use hyperspace routes to travel the fastest, not doing so could result in a unexpected gravity well pulling your out of hyperspace and right into the middle of a star or some other calamitous event. The best hope star fleet would have would be if a hyper space route was unknown to the empire.

These things called shields...

Also do you think the Empire only has Turbo laser?
The SSD alone has 250 concussion missile launchers, 250 ion canons, 250 turbo lasers and 250 heavy turbo laser. The amount of fire they can put out is enormous, and after the battle of yavin the empire began mass producing them.

When the empire launches assaults, they do not send one ship alone.


Admiral thrown would hyperspace into the sol system with thousands of capital ships.

Just to show you a size comparison.


A standard ISD is already much larger then the enterprise.

A super star destroyer dwarfs an ISD


The Eclipse class dwarfs a super star destroy, and its main weapon is like a miniature version of the death stars laser, enough to destroy any vessel in the star wars universe in one hit and destroy the core of planet.


What's that you think fancy pants quantum torpedos  will protect you from a direct assault. Oh ok well the empire will just park its Galaxy gun a couple thousand light years away and shoot its missiles that enter hyperspace at federation planets. They are almost impossible to detect and have armed defense. When they hit a planet say bye bye.


Or how about centerpoint station, a gigantic tractor beam space station used to haul planets to different sectors. That giant beam can be used as a powerful weapon that travels through hyperspace and can not be deflected....much more powerful then anything the death star ever had.


Sorry but starfleet is simply outclassed in men, material, and weaponry. I would like to say they would put up a good fight, but in reality they would be crushed so hard and so fast that resistance would be deemed....futile. Reversing the polarity won't save them this time. There is no last minute deus ex machina that would save starfleet, that stuff is to advance the plot, and there is no plot here.

Everyone seems to keep forgetting one major point. The Federation has beaming capabilities. How do you fight an enemy that can strategically target and destroy every major Empire leader and command center by beaming in strikeforce Vulcan teams into the center of each of your HQ's and living quarters. Game OVER.

Link Posted: 5/28/2013 7:48:24 PM EDT
But you are forgetting something…

If you are asking about the “Empire” in the Star Wars novels you might be right. But the “Empire” depicted in the actual Star Wars movies was nowhere near that powerful. (as a side note, what would be a good Star Wars novel to start reading? I’m on a reading kick lately.)

Try to do post-Endor in chronological order. IIRC Truce at Bakura would be first. If not, read the Dark Empire series with Thrawn in it.

The Empire probably did not have thousands of ships. How do I know? Because they consider the Rebel Alliance to be a major threat. How many ships did they send? Five was it? I don’t remember. But it wasn’t thousands, hundreds, or even tens of star destroyers.

Emperor had Hitler/Napoleon complex. He wanted the Death Star to destroy the fleet, hence "We're not going to attack, I have orders from the Emperor himself" by Admiral Piatt.

Technically I’m sure a super star destroyer, at a ridiculous 19km long, could have wiped out all advanced life on a planet. After all, it can crash into things pretty good and it’s bigger than the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs. Crashing into a planet at a few miles per second would be pretty nasty. Of course you would think a ship that big could do a whole lot of damage to a planet with its weapons. I mean consider how much damage an Ohio class sub could do. 192 nuclear warheads in the 100 kiloton range is no joke. A combat spaceship that big ought to have at least as many nukes on board, or something superior.

Ohio Class, every minute, for as long as they decide to sit in orbit.

The problem is that the weapons shown in the movies don’t reflect that.

No offense, but ST:NG had phaser arrays needing to sit around drilling a well for minutes in one episode iirc. Enterprise couldn't blow up large asteroids like the SD's in Empire Strikes Back were doing.

How powerful are the lasers on one man star fighters compared to the weapons on those speeders and the weapons on the Imperial walkers? About the same? Probably. And we know that the weapons on the Imperial walkers aren’t all that powerful because we see them hit snow and ice. They don’t instantly blast ten meter wide holes in the ice. They don’t cause huge blast waves huge volumes of ice are instantly turned into superheated plasma.

Exponentially more powerful. Personal->Speeder->Walker->Starfighter->Capital Ship->Death Star

But we see A-Wings destroy a shield generator with a few shots. Then we see a single fighter crash into the bridge, sending the super star destroyer crashing into the death star.

Those were concussion missile launchers, after the entire rebel fleet had focused its firepower solely on the SSD

Good story telling btw. Star Wars weapons are generally about as powerful as we would expect modern weapons to be. It would be pretty hard to write a story, much less film it, where a single fighter could take out a city with one shot or where hand weapons did more damage than a 16” battleship shell.

Of course the same thing can be said about Trek. It’s one thing to say that a photon torpedo creates a 50 megaton explosion. But that’s not what is usually shown on screen. Photon torpedoes are not very powerful compared to modern conventional weapons.

Problem is that your comparing movies made <1984 (I refuse to believe there were SW movies after ROTJ) vs multiple TV show series each getting more and more advanced to combat the last plot hole of a technology bump. Your limited to the story telling of the screen and the respective design teams instead of what is actually said in the script "Those shots, so precise could only come from Storm Troopers" (or whatever the line was). vs the realities of the screen: Storm Troopers are blind as bats. Neither show is particularly realistic in the physics sense, try Babylon 5 for that, both ST and SW are Sci-Fantasy.

In the end, SW had larger ships made to decimate planets and stand up to other ships of the line, each much larger then ST's ships while carrying no reasonable amount of scientific equipment. They were, solely, ships of war.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 7:49:08 PM EDT
My vote. Star Trek. In an all out war situation, its really simple. Star Trek technology both continued to advance and was adaptive. Turbo lasers fire turbo lasers nothing more. In a space battle all the enterprise e,g,f or the defiant or any vessel had to do is modulate their shields to adjust for the static incoming fire and modulate their weapons to cut through empire shields. Also. Throughout the Star Trek progression they moved away from laser technology to phasers due to increased power and flexibility. Shield tech always raced to catch up to protect against phasers. This progressed so much so that in an episode of tng, that ship met with a Laser equipped warship that was useless on enterprise d shields and if we are talking the best of both worlds. Well the enterprise d would already be obsolete with what the federation would be Bringing. Laser technology would do little more than be an annoyance and worse case scenario give federation ships mor energy to pump into weapons assuming they can harness it correctly. To add to the mix star trech shields are capable of burning theough anything they touch. So ramming is a very viable option for federation ships once enemy shields are down.

Now we remove both the q and Jedi. Both are special beings and have no place in this fight because we are talking technology. But as someone duely pointed out q trumps Jedi so do you really want to keep them in there?

The Death Star has nothing on a Borg cube and the federation has beatin multiple cubes with quantum and temperament weaponry. So one giant circular target that can only fire once every 15-30 minutes, no shields to speak of and no adaptive qualities or regenerative qualities..... Yup space slag.

Now we get to the crux of everything. The one final advantage that we have all overlooked. Scanners. Intel. Federation ship and any ship from the Star Trek universe has the ability to studie and scan their enemy. So by the time the battle started a federation or Klingon fleet would Havel much more useful info on their enemy. Combine this with the defiance and other warships the federation built. Along with Klingon cloaking technology and any Star Wars Capitol ships would simply be toast. Fighters from Star Wars only had energy shields so torpedoes with proximity kenetic charges would reduce an incoming wave to nothing. But remember the Star Trek ships would know this going in because they scanned you. Those globe shaped shield generators on empire Capitol ships would be instant focus fire targets. Not that it would matter with phasers and quantum phasers and disruptors blowing right by the empire or alliance shields.

In the end game over for Star Wars.

Edited for autocorrect retardedness

Nope. SSD hyperdrives into earth orbit...bye bye starfleet HQ.


Star fleet doesn't even have planetary shields and rarely do we see planetary defense weaponry which means they are basically defenseless..how pathetic.

But you are forgetting something…

If you are asking about the “Empire” in the Star Wars novels you might be right. But the “Empire” depicted in the actual Star Wars movies was nowhere near that powerful. (as a side note, what would be a good Star Wars novel to start reading? I’m on a reading kick lately.)

The Empire probably did not have thousands of ships. How do I know? Because they consider the Rebel Alliance to be a major threat. How many ships did they send? Five was it? I don’t remember. But it wasn’t thousands, hundreds, or even tens of star destroyers.

Technically I’m sure a super star destroyer, at a ridiculous 19km long, could have wiped out all advanced life on a planet. After all, it can crash into things pretty good and it’s bigger than the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs. Crashing into a planet at a few miles per second would be pretty nasty. Of course you would think a ship that big could do a whole lot of damage to a planet with its weapons. I mean consider how much damage an Ohio class sub could do. 192 nuclear warheads in the 100 kiloton range is no joke. A combat spaceship that big ought to have at least as many nukes on board, or something superior.

The problem is that the weapons shown in the movies don’t reflect that.

How powerful are the lasers on one man star fighters compared to the weapons on those speeders and the weapons on the Imperial walkers? About the same? Probably. And we know that the weapons on the Imperial walkers aren’t all that powerful because we see them hit snow and ice. They don’t instantly blast ten meter wide holes in the ice. They don’t cause huge blast waves huge volumes of ice are instantly turned into superheated plasma.

But we see A-Wings destroy a shield generator with a few shots. Then we see a single fighter crash into the bridge, sending the super star destroyer crashing into the death star.

Good story telling btw. Star Wars weapons are generally about as powerful as we would expect modern weapons to be. It would be pretty hard to write a story, much less film it, where a single fighter could take out a city with one shot or where hand weapons did more damage than a 16” battleship shell.

Of course the same thing can be said about Trek. It’s one thing to say that a photon torpedo creates a 50 megaton explosion. But that’s not what is usually shown on screen. Photon torpedoes are not very powerful compared to modern conventional weapons.

During the battle of endor, they had laid a trap, they did not need an entire fleet to destroy the rebellion, all they needed was a fleet to prevent their escape while the death star took out their capital ships. The empire was just that a massive galaxy spanning empire, they had huge fleets all over the place. The rebels were indeed considered a threat not because of their military but because they were a political threat to the stability of the empire, the rebellion was effectively what was left of old republican senate. The biggest mistake the empire made was under-estimating the massive plot armor that certain rebel figures had in their possession. Had the empire been able to use this literary technology then they would have won handily.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 8:25:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 9:11:26 PM EDT


Star wars doesnt need to cloak, they will just send a fighter sized sun crusher and have your sun go supernova.


Expanded universe doesn't count.  And the Sun Crusher is without a doubt one of the most retarded things in the expanded universe.

Link Posted: 5/28/2013 9:12:54 PM EDT


Star wars doesnt need to cloak, they will just send a fighter sized sun crusher and have your sun go supernova.


Expanded universe doesn't count.  And the Sun Crusher is without a doubt one of the most retarded things in the expanded universe.

Lets be honest, you need to counter all the "plot devices" in either work of fiction.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 9:47:44 PM EDT



Gelgoog. Hyperdrive is SLOWER.  Warp drive is FASTER THAN LIGHT

So. Ssd looses the race to earth. Shows up and get hit by a dozen or so quantum or temporal warheads from the defiant and her sister ships and goes poof. Total battle time less than 2 minutes. Moving on

Um no its not. Hyperdrive is faster than light.


Star wars ships can travel across the galaxy in a matter of days. A  federation ship would take six months just to cross from one end of the federation to the next at warp 9.999

The difference is that in star wars they use hyperspace routes to travel the fastest, not doing so could result in a unexpected gravity well pulling your out of hyperspace and right into the middle of a star or some other calamitous event. The best hope star fleet would have would be if a hyper space route was unknown to the empire.
Also do you think the Empire only has Turbo laser?

The SSD alone has 250 concussion missile launchers, 250 ion canons, 250 turbo lasers and 250 heavy turbo laser. The amount of fire they can put out is enormous, and after the battle of yavin the empire began mass producing them.

When the empire launches assaults, they do not send one ship alone.


Admiral thrown would hyperspace into the sol system with thousands of capital ships.
Just to show you a size comparison.


A standard ISD is already much larger then the enterprise.

A super star destroyer dwarfs an ISD


The Eclipse class dwarfs a super star destroy, and its main weapon is like a miniature version of the death stars laser, enough to destroy any vessel in the star wars universe in one hit and destroy the core of planet.


What's that you think fancy pants quantum torpedos  will protect you from a direct assault. Oh ok well the empire will just park its Galaxy gun a couple thousand light years away and shoot its missiles that enter hyperspace at federation planets. They are almost impossible to detect and have armed defense. When they hit a planet say bye bye.


Or how about centerpoint station, a gigantic tractor beam space station used to haul planets to different sectors. That giant beam can be used as a powerful weapon that travels through hyperspace and can not be deflected....much more powerful then anything the death star ever had.


Sorry but starfleet is simply outclassed in men, material, and weaponry. I would like to say they would put up a good fight, but in reality they would be crushed so hard and so fast that resistance would be deemed....futile. Reversing the polarity won't save them this time. There is no last minute deus ex machina that would save starfleet, that stuff is to advance the plot, and there is no plot here.

Ummm one problem


6) energy output of a photon torpedo. 70x10e17Joules.

Shield capacity of a star destroyer. 1E19 joules.

Hint these are numbers from a STANDARD TORPEDO

Quantum torpedo is three times the output of a photon torpedo. I don't even need to look up temporal torpedo energy specs.

So you tell me how long any empire vessel would last when thousands of these thing are being fired

How sir are you going to combat the federations ability so wipe out entire fleets with three or four ships.

Enterprise f alone carried 150 photon torpedoes, 120 quantum torpedoes, and 100 temporal torpedoes.  Combine that with targeting systems thousands of times better than the empire, how do you say they fright it. With manned gun I placements and old school broadside tactics? They would never even get close enough to use their weapons.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 9:51:06 PM EDT

Gelgoog. Hyperdrive is SLOWER.  Warp drive is FASTER THAN LIGHT

So. Ssd looses the race to earth. Shows up and get hit by a dozen or so quantum or temporal warheads from the defiant and her sister ships and goes poof. Total battle time less than 2 minutes. Moving on

Um no its not. Hyperdrive is faster than light.


Star wars ships can travel across the galaxy in a matter of days. A  federation ship would take six months just to cross from one end of the federation to the next at warp 9.999

The difference is that in star wars they use hyperspace routes to travel the fastest, not doing so could result in a unexpected gravity well pulling your out of hyperspace and right into the middle of a star or some other calamitous event. The best hope star fleet would have would be if a hyper space route was unknown to the empire.

Also do you think the Empire only has Turbo laser?
The SSD alone has 250 concussion missile launchers, 250 ion canons, 250 turbo lasers and 250 heavy turbo laser. The amount of fire they can put out is enormous, and after the battle of yavin the empire began mass producing them.

When the empire launches assaults, they do not send one ship alone.


Admiral thrown would hyperspace into the sol system with thousands of capital ships.

Just to show you a size comparison.


A standard ISD is already much larger then the enterprise.

A super star destroyer dwarfs an ISD


The Eclipse class dwarfs a super star destroy, and its main weapon is like a miniature version of the death stars laser, enough to destroy any vessel in the star wars universe in one hit and destroy the core of planet.


What's that you think fancy pants quantum torpedos  will protect you from a direct assault. Oh ok well the empire will just park its Galaxy gun a couple thousand light years away and shoot its missiles that enter hyperspace at federation planets. They are almost impossible to detect and have armed defense. When they hit a planet say bye bye.


Or how about centerpoint station, a gigantic tractor beam space station used to haul planets to different sectors. That giant beam can be used as a powerful weapon that travels through hyperspace and can not be deflected....much more powerful then anything the death star ever had.


Sorry but starfleet is simply outclassed in men, material, and weaponry. I would like to say they would put up a good fight, but in reality they would be crushed so hard and so fast that resistance would be deemed....futile. Reversing the polarity won't save them this time. There is no last minute deus ex machina that would save starfleet, that stuff is to advance the plot, and there is no plot here.

Ummm one problem    

6) energy output of a photon torpedo. 70x10e17Joules.
Shield capacity of a star destroyer. 1E19 joules.
Hint these are numbers from a STANDARD TORPEDO
Quantum torpedo is three times the output of a photon torpedo. I don't even need to look up temporal torpedo energy specs.
So you tell me how long any empire vessel would last when thousands of these thing are being fired

How sir are you going to combat the federations ability so wipe out entire fleets with three or four ships.

Enterprise f alone carried 150 photon torpedoes, 120 quantum torpedoes, and 100 temporal torpedoes.  Combine that with targeting systems thousands of times better than the empire, how do you say they fright it. With manned gun I placements and old school broadside tactics? They would never even get close enough to use their weapons.

I'd like to see a federation ship engage a squadron of TIE Defenders or TIE Advanced.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 9:52:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 9:55:37 PM EDT

Gelgoog. Hyperdrive is SLOWER.  Warp drive is FASTER THAN LIGHT

So. Ssd looses the race to earth. Shows up and get hit by a dozen or so quantum or temporal warheads from the defiant and her sister ships and goes poof. Total battle time less than 2 minutes. Moving on

Um no its not. Hyperdrive is faster than light.


Star wars ships can travel across the galaxy in a matter of days. A  federation ship would take six months just to cross from one end of the federation to the next at warp 9.999

The difference is that in star wars they use hyperspace routes to travel the fastest, not doing so could result in a unexpected gravity well pulling your out of hyperspace and right into the middle of a star or some other calamitous event. The best hope star fleet would have would be if a hyper space route was unknown to the empire.

Also do you think the Empire only has Turbo laser?
The SSD alone has 250 concussion missile launchers, 250 ion canons, 250 turbo lasers and 250 heavy turbo laser. The amount of fire they can put out is enormous, and after the battle of yavin the empire began mass producing them.

When the empire launches assaults, they do not send one ship alone.


Admiral thrown would hyperspace into the sol system with thousands of capital ships.

Just to show you a size comparison.


A standard ISD is already much larger then the enterprise.

A super star destroyer dwarfs an ISD


The Eclipse class dwarfs a super star destroy, and its main weapon is like a miniature version of the death stars laser, enough to destroy any vessel in the star wars universe in one hit and destroy the core of planet.


What's that you think fancy pants quantum torpedos  will protect you from a direct assault. Oh ok well the empire will just park its Galaxy gun a couple thousand light years away and shoot its missiles that enter hyperspace at federation planets. They are almost impossible to detect and have armed defense. When they hit a planet say bye bye.


Or how about centerpoint station, a gigantic tractor beam space station used to haul planets to different sectors. That giant beam can be used as a powerful weapon that travels through hyperspace and can not be deflected....much more powerful then anything the death star ever had.


Sorry but starfleet is simply outclassed in men, material, and weaponry. I would like to say they would put up a good fight, but in reality they would be crushed so hard and so fast that resistance would be deemed....futile. Reversing the polarity won't save them this time. There is no last minute deus ex machina that would save starfleet, that stuff is to advance the plot, and there is no plot here.

Ummm one problem    

6) energy output of a photon torpedo. 70x10e17Joules.
Shield capacity of a star destroyer. 1E19 joules.
Hint these are numbers from a STANDARD TORPEDO
Quantum torpedo is three times the output of a photon torpedo. I don't even need to look up temporal torpedo energy specs.
So you tell me how long any empire vessel would last when thousands of these thing are being fired

How sir are you going to combat the federations ability so wipe out entire fleets with three or four ships.

Enterprise f alone carried 150 photon torpedoes, 120 quantum torpedoes, and 100 temporal torpedoes.  Combine that with targeting systems thousands of times better than the empire, how do you say they fright it. With manned gun I placements and old school broadside tactics? They would never even get close enough to use their weapons.

I'd like to see a federation ship engage a squadron of TIE Defenders or TIE Advanced.

This quote tree is the reason why the plot device nonsense has to be removed.

Also, the "quantum" and "temporal" torpedoes were far in advance, by that time the Republic would be in power with Supercruisers, the Empire has ISD II's and Eclipse Class SSD's, etc.

Lets stick to the basics and not the nonsense added later.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 9:58:39 PM EDT





Gelgoog. Hyperdrive is SLOWER.  Warp drive is FASTER THAN LIGHT

So. Ssd looses the race to earth. Shows up and get hit by a dozen or so quantum or temporal warheads from the defiant and her sister ships and goes poof. Total battle time less than 2 minutes. Moving on

Um no its not. Hyperdrive is faster than light.


Star wars ships can travel across the galaxy in a matter of days. A  federation ship would take six months just to cross from one end of the federation to the next at warp 9.999

The difference is that in star wars they use hyperspace routes to travel the fastest, not doing so could result in a unexpected gravity well pulling your out of hyperspace and right into the middle of a star or some other calamitous event. The best hope star fleet would have would be if a hyper space route was unknown to the empire.
Also do you think the Empire only has Turbo laser?

The SSD alone has 250 concussion missile launchers, 250 ion canons, 250 turbo lasers and 250 heavy turbo laser. The amount of fire they can put out is enormous, and after the battle of yavin the empire began mass producing them.

When the empire launches assaults, they do not send one ship alone.


Admiral thrown would hyperspace into the sol system with thousands of capital ships.
Just to show you a size comparison.


A standard ISD is already much larger then the enterprise.

A super star destroyer dwarfs an ISD


The Eclipse class dwarfs a super star destroy, and its main weapon is like a miniature version of the death stars laser, enough to destroy any vessel in the star wars universe in one hit and destroy the core of planet.


What's that you think fancy pants quantum torpedos  will protect you from a direct assault. Oh ok well the empire will just park its Galaxy gun a couple thousand light years away and shoot its missiles that enter hyperspace at federation planets. They are almost impossible to detect and have armed defense. When they hit a planet say bye bye.


Or how about centerpoint station, a gigantic tractor beam space station used to haul planets to different sectors. That giant beam can be used as a powerful weapon that travels through hyperspace and can not be deflected....much more powerful then anything the death star ever had.


Sorry but starfleet is simply outclassed in men, material, and weaponry. I would like to say they would put up a good fight, but in reality they would be crushed so hard and so fast that resistance would be deemed....futile. Reversing the polarity won't save them this time. There is no last minute deus ex machina that would save starfleet, that stuff is to advance the plot, and there is no plot here.

Ummm one problem    

6) energy output of a photon torpedo. 70x10e17Joules.

Shield capacity of a star destroyer. 1E19 joules.

Hint these are numbers from a STANDARD TORPEDO

Quantum torpedo is three times the output of a photon torpedo. I don't even need to look up temporal torpedo energy specs.

So you tell me how long any empire vessel would last when thousands of these thing are being fired

How sir are you going to combat the federations ability so wipe out entire fleets with three or four ships.

Enterprise f alone carried 150 photon torpedoes, 120 quantum torpedoes, and 100 temporal torpedoes.  Combine that with targeting systems thousands of times better than the empire, how do you say they fright it. With manned gun I placements and old school broadside tactics? They would never even get close enough to use their weapons.

I'd like to see a federation ship engage a squadron of TIE Defenders or TIE Advanced.

It wouldn't need to. Their Capitol ship would be dead before they launched that's the whole point. I love how all the Star Wars guys keep bringing up items and ships and numbers from books that are not canon whereas everything I have used from Star Trek is straight from canon and almost all from movies or vindicated shows. Untill you show me a movie with fleets of supper star destroyers or battles tar Galactica sty broadsides I call bull shit. Janeway fucking one shorted 4-6 Borg cubes then returned home bringing her guns with her.

Link Posted: 5/28/2013 10:01:16 PM EDT





Gelgoog. Hyperdrive is SLOWER.  Warp drive is FASTER THAN LIGHT

So. Ssd looses the race to earth. Shows up and get hit by a dozen or so quantum or temporal warheads from the defiant and her sister ships and goes poof. Total battle time less than 2 minutes. Moving on

Um no its not. Hyperdrive is faster than light.


Star wars ships can travel across the galaxy in a matter of days. A  federation ship would take six months just to cross from one end of the federation to the next at warp 9.999

The difference is that in star wars they use hyperspace routes to travel the fastest, not doing so could result in a unexpected gravity well pulling your out of hyperspace and right into the middle of a star or some other calamitous event. The best hope star fleet would have would be if a hyper space route was unknown to the empire.
Also do you think the Empire only has Turbo laser?

The SSD alone has 250 concussion missile launchers, 250 ion canons, 250 turbo lasers and 250 heavy turbo laser. The amount of fire they can put out is enormous, and after the battle of yavin the empire began mass producing them.

When the empire launches assaults, they do not send one ship alone.


Admiral thrown would hyperspace into the sol system with thousands of capital ships.
Just to show you a size comparison.


A standard ISD is already much larger then the enterprise.
A super star destroyer dwarfs an ISD


The Eclipse class dwarfs a super star destroy, and its main weapon is like a miniature version of the death stars laser, enough to destroy any vessel in the star wars universe in one hit and destroy the core of planet.
What's that you think fancy pants quantum torpedos  will protect you from a direct assault. Oh ok well the empire will just park its Galaxy gun a couple thousand light years away and shoot its missiles that enter hyperspace at federation planets. They are almost impossible to detect and have armed defense. When they hit a planet say bye bye.


Or how about centerpoint station, a gigantic tractor beam space station used to haul planets to different sectors. That giant beam can be used as a powerful weapon that travels through hyperspace and can not be deflected....much more powerful then anything the death star ever had.


Sorry but starfleet is simply outclassed in men, material, and weaponry. I would like to say they would put up a good fight, but in reality they would be crushed so hard and so fast that resistance would be deemed....futile. Reversing the polarity won't save them this time. There is no last minute deus ex machina that would save starfleet, that stuff is to advance the plot, and there is no plot here.

Ummm one problem    

6) energy output of a photon torpedo. 70x10e17Joules.

Shield capacity of a star destroyer. 1E19 joules.

Hint these are numbers from a STANDARD TORPEDO

Quantum torpedo is three times the output of a photon torpedo. I don't even need to look up temporal torpedo energy specs.

So you tell me how long any empire vessel would last when thousands of these thing are being fired

How sir are you going to combat the federations ability so wipe out entire fleets with three or four ships.

Enterprise f alone carried 150 photon torpedoes, 120 quantum torpedoes, and 100 temporal torpedoes.  Combine that with targeting systems thousands of times better than the empire, how do you say they fright it. With manned gun I placements and old school broadside tactics? They would never even get close enough to use their weapons.

I'd like to see a federation ship engage a squadron of TIE Defenders or TIE Advanced.

This quote tree is the reason why the plot device nonsense has to be removed.

Also, the "quantum" and "temporal" torpedoes were far in advance, by that time the Republic would be in power with Supercruisers, the Empire has ISD II's and Eclipse Class SSD's, etc.
Lets stick to the basics and not the nonsense added later.

Um show me isd ii's in the movies. Quantum torpedoes are abstract? Try the Jen hadar wars ( the deffiant rarely used PHOTON torpedoes. They were ALL quantum) and fist contact as well as insurrection as well as voyager. Lol abstract and nonissue my ass

Link Posted: 5/28/2013 10:15:03 PM EDT
Um show me isd ii's in the movies. Quantum torpedoes are abstract? Try the Jen hadar wars ( the deffiant rarely used PHOTON torpedoes. They were ALL quantum) and fist contact as well as insurrection as well as voyager. Lol abstract and nonissue my ass  [/div]

So just how many hours of show/movie and years of timeline are we talking here? Shit like this propagated because the writers snowballed themselves with the latest and greatest "super threat" thus needing the next upgrade of "super weapon". OK fine, but we are talking Vanilla Episode 4-5-6 Star Wars against a decade of shows and a dozen movies, if we start adding Quantum this, Temporal that, and Weasley's nick-of-time antimatter injection to the deflector shield matrix to reverse the polarity and destroy <x> then we need to start pulling in the expanded books for Star Wars.

Even in First Contact they needed Picard to show them where to fire on the Cube because they were getting their butts whooped.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 10:17:53 PM EDT
Transphasic torpedoes and phase cloaking.

Yes both technologies are canon.
Link Posted: 5/28/2013 10:25:47 PM EDT

Gelgoog. Hyperdrive is SLOWER.  Warp drive is FASTER THAN LIGHT

So. Ssd looses the race to earth. Shows up and get hit by a dozen or so quantum or temporal warheads from the defiant and her sister ships and goes poof. Total battle time less than 2 minutes. Moving on

Um no its not. Hyperdrive is faster than light.


Star wars ships can travel across the galaxy in a matter of days. A  federation ship would take six months just to cross from one end of the federation to the next at warp 9.999

The difference is that in star wars they use hyperspace routes to travel the fastest, not doing so could result in a unexpected gravity well pulling your out of hyperspace and right into the middle of a star or some other calamitous event. The best hope star fleet would have would be if a hyper space route was unknown to the empire.

Also do you think the Empire only has Turbo laser?
The SSD alone has 250 concussion missile launchers, 250 ion canons, 250 turbo lasers and 250 heavy turbo laser. The amount of fire they can put out is enormous, and after the battle of yavin the empire began mass producing them.

When the empire launches assaults, they do not send one ship alone.


Admiral thrown would hyperspace into the sol system with thousands of capital ships.

Just to show you a size comparison.


A standard ISD is already much larger then the enterprise.

A super star destroyer dwarfs an ISD


The Eclipse class dwarfs a super star destroy, and its main weapon is like a miniature version of the death stars laser, enough to destroy any vessel in the star wars universe in one hit and destroy the core of planet.


What's that you think fancy pants quantum torpedos  will protect you from a direct assault. Oh ok well the empire will just park its Galaxy gun a couple thousand light years away and shoot its missiles that enter hyperspace at federation planets. They are almost impossible to detect and have armed defense. When they hit a planet say bye bye.


Or how about centerpoint station, a gigantic tractor beam space station used to haul planets to different sectors. That giant beam can be used as a powerful weapon that travels through hyperspace and can not be deflected....much more powerful then anything the death star ever had.


Sorry but starfleet is simply outclassed in men, material, and weaponry. I would like to say they would put up a good fight, but in reality they would be crushed so hard and so fast that resistance would be deemed....futile. Reversing the polarity won't save them this time. There is no last minute deus ex machina that would save starfleet, that stuff is to advance the plot, and there is no plot here.

Ummm one problem    

6) energy output of a photon torpedo. 70x10e17Joules.
Shield capacity of a star destroyer. 1E19 joules.
Hint these are numbers from a STANDARD TORPEDO
Quantum torpedo is three times the output of a photon torpedo. I don't even need to look up temporal torpedo energy specs.
So you tell me how long any empire vessel would last when thousands of these thing are being fired

How sir are you going to combat the federations ability so wipe out entire fleets with three or four ships.

Enterprise f alone carried 150 photon torpedoes, 120 quantum torpedoes, and 100 temporal torpedoes.  Combine that with targeting systems thousands of times better than the empire, how do you say they fright it. With manned gun I placements and old school broadside tactics? They would never even get close enough to use their weapons.

I'd like to see a federation ship engage a squadron of TIE Defenders or TIE Advanced.

All beam arrays can attack multiple enemies  with extreme accuracy

Link Posted: 5/28/2013 10:41:31 PM EDT
Um show me isd ii's in the movies. Quantum torpedoes are abstract? Try the Jen hadar wars ( the deffiant rarely used PHOTON torpedoes. They were ALL quantum) and fist contact as well as insurrection as well as voyager. Lol abstract and nonissue my ass  [/div]

So just how many hours of show/movie and years of timeline are we talking here? Shit like this propagated because the writers snowballed themselves with the latest and greatest "super threat" thus needing the next upgrade of "super weapon". OK fine, but we are talking Vanilla Episode 4-5-6 Star Wars against a decade of shows and a dozen movies, if we start adding Quantum this, Temporal that, and Weasley's nick-of-time antimatter injection to the deflector shield matrix to reverse the polarity and destroy <x> then we need to start pulling in the expanded books for Star Wars.

Even in First Contact they needed Picard to show them where to fire on the Cube because they were getting their butts whooped.

I will stand behind this.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 2:44:23 AM EDT

All beam arrays can attack multiple enemies  with extreme accuracy


STO is your source?  seriously?
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 7:50:04 AM EDT

All beam arrays can attack multiple enemies  with extreme accuracy


STO is your source?  seriously?

There is an enterprise as well as a voyager episode where they encounter squadrons of fighters. The fighters get taken out almost instantly, basically exactly the way that videogame just showed it.

In DS9 most folks figured out they probably aughta put shields on their fighters. But even then, during some of the bigger battle scenes, cardassian and jem hadar ships are seen to engage multiple fighters at once; and those ships dont have arrays like the federation ships do.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 1:35:24 PM EDT


Star wars doesnt need to cloak, they will just send a fighter sized sun crusher and have your sun go supernova.


Expanded universe doesn't count.  And the Sun Crusher is without a doubt one of the most retarded things in the expanded universe.

The shit in voyager is every bit as retarded as anything that happens in the expanded universe. Also Expanded universe is cannon....so yeah it counts.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 1:38:25 PM EDT

is a letter of the alphabet. But thanks for playing "stuff unrelated to this thread" game.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 1:44:49 PM EDT

It wouldn't need to. Their Capitol ship would be dead before they launched that's the whole point. I love how all the Star Wars guys keep bringing up items and ships and numbers from books that are not canon whereas everything I have used from Star Trek is straight from canon and almost all from movies or vindicated shows. Untill you show me a movie with fleets of supper star destroyers or battles tar Galactica sty broadsides I call bull shit. Janeway fucking one shorted 4-6 Borg cubes then returned home bringing her guns with her.   [/div]

"We have what we call Canon, which is the screenplays, novelizations, and other works that are directly tied into continuity, and then there are a lot of marginal things, like the old Marvel Comics series, that we don't really try to work into the continuity when we're planning new projects. Even the LucasArts interactive games have a premise, a backstory with player characters that we're trying to tie into the overall continuity. It is sort of a godlike undertaking. We are creating this universe as we go along, but somebody has to keep his finger on everything that came before."
—Lucasfilm's then-continuity editor

If lucas says the expanded universe is cannon then it is cannon.

As for your torpedos.


"Photon torpedoes and quantum torpedoes both release energy equal to large nuclear fusion weapons. Star Wars shields have been designed to withstand such weapons- in fact, starfighters routinely fire directed-energy nuclear weapons at capital ships with little or no effect. The ROTJ novelization specifically describes a thermonuclear explosion immediately outside Admiral Ackbar's bridge window in the opening minutes of the Battle of Endor, which was undoubtedly caused by a fighter-launched missile since the capital ships of the two fleets had not yet engaged in battle. This explosion had negligible effect upon Ackbar's vessel, which is of course what one would expect. We project that our Star Destroyers should be able to withstand roughly 1000 photon torpedoes or 370 quantum torpedoes before losing shields. This estimate is based on the ISD shield strength of 1E20 joules determined in the Imperial shield analysis.

However, those torpedoes are almost certain to strike our large Star Destroyers repeatedly in spite of their poor maneuverability, because Star Destroyers have slow turning rates (and are very large targets). Also, we project that our TIE fighters will suffer heavy (but acceptable) losses if the Federation uses proximity-fused photon torpedoes against them.

It is our belief that the historically short combat lifespan of Federation vessels is due to inherent design flaws in those vessels, primarily their use of metastable power generation technology which is prone to catastrophic failure due to system damage. While their starships have been designed and optimised for very short-duration confrontations, all Star Wars Imperial warships were designed for prolonged survivability in combat. It is this design philosophy that gives us our primary advantage over the Federation- we can simply outlast their vessels by continuing to absorb and release punishment after their vessels succumb"
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 1:48:36 PM EDT
empire bigger faster ships and a hell of a lot more of them.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 4:07:40 PM EDT




Star wars doesnt need to cloak, they will just send a fighter sized sun crusher and have your sun go supernova.


Expanded universe doesn't count.  And the Sun Crusher is without a doubt one of the most retarded things in the expanded universe.


The shit in voyager is every bit as retarded as anything that happens in the expanded universe. Also Expanded universe is cannon....so yeah it counts.

There is a TNG episode where the Enterprise takes out a squad of three fighters in a second.  It is the episode where the crew is brainwashed to attack another alien's enemy.  TNG is about as cannon as it gets.

Link Posted: 5/29/2013 4:17:05 PM EDT
Not even close! Star Wars
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 4:29:26 PM EDT

is a letter of the alphabet. But thanks for playing "stuff unrelated to this thread" game.

It's actually the end of the jedi
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 4:45:43 PM EDT

is a letter of the alphabet. But thanks for playing "stuff unrelated to this thread" game.

It's actually the end of the jedi

I'll start to entertain that discussion if you could explain to us why you think that he would even get involved, let alone decide to support the Federation rather than the new toys in his sandbox.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 4:49:06 PM EDT
Star Trek wins simply due to having a larger expanded storyline and almost half a century since it's inception to improve the technological language of the series itself.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 4:54:48 PM EDT
Before someone protests! I have read many of the expanded series Star Wars books...yes the books were good, and they added to the story and technology. However, the technology overall is still significantly different and inferior to that of the Star Trek series.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 5:31:31 PM EDT
Star Trek wins simply due to having a larger expanded storyline and almost half a century since it's inception to improve the technological language of the series itself.

Yep, so we are now left with including the nonsense in some of the expanded universe for Star Wars and the silliness continues. People don't understand the difference between plot devices and the basic premise. Fucking Trekkies.

Before someone protests! I have read many of the expanded series Star Wars books...yes the books were good, and they added to the story and technology. However, the technology overall is still significantly different and inferior to that of the Star Trek series.

I don't know about "inferior". Opening scenes of ANH shows that ISDs could detect life forms on a life pod. ESB showed that shore-to-space weapons could annihilate capital ships in the way. Planetary shields that could withstand a fleet bombardment. ROTJ showed you could block FTL travel (later shown as the Interdictor Cruiser in the books). Its just that ST is more sci-tech and SW was more sci-action.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 5:38:15 PM EDT

All beam arrays can attack multiple enemies  with extreme accuracy


STO is your source?  seriously?

STO is canon and everything in it must be approved before it is allowed in

BTW Star Trek convention this Saturday in Chicago. I can't wait
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 5:40:31 PM EDT
I don't know about "inferior". Opening scenes of ANH shows that ISDs could detect life forms on a life pod. ESB showed that shore-to-space weapons could annihilate capital ships in the way. Planetary shields that could withstand a fleet bombardment. ROTJ showed you could block FTL travel (later shown as the Interdictor Cruiser in the books). Its just that ST is more sci-tech and SW was more sci-action.

True. The sensor technology may have been better than they actually showed during the movies. Lucas didn't use in-depth tech lingo like the Star Trek people did... Basic destructive power of weapons (death star) and overall defensive power (planetary shields) was definitely better in Star Wars, but the actual technology wasn't expanded into better applications.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 5:43:40 PM EDT
I don't know about "inferior". Opening scenes of ANH shows that ISDs could detect life forms on a life pod. ESB showed that shore-to-space weapons could annihilate capital ships in the way. Planetary shields that could withstand a fleet bombardment. ROTJ showed you could block FTL travel (later shown as the Interdictor Cruiser in the books). Its just that ST is more sci-tech and SW was more sci-action.

True. The sensor technology may have been better than they actually showed during the movies. Lucas didn't use in-depth tech lingo like the Star Trek people did... Basic destructive power of weapons (death star) and overall defensive power (planetary shields) was definitely better in Star Wars, but the actual technology wasn't expanded into better applications.

That's because Star Wars is science Fantasy and Star Trek is science Fiction. There is a big difference between the 2 shows.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 5:56:06 PM EDT



Star wars doesnt need to cloak, they will just send a fighter sized sun crusher and have your sun go supernova.


Expanded universe doesn't count.  And the Sun Crusher is without a doubt one of the most retarded things in the expanded universe.

The shit in voyager is every bit as retarded as anything that happens in the expanded universe. Also Expanded universe is cannon....so yeah it counts.

There is a TNG episode where the Enterprise takes out a squad of three fighters in a second.  It is the episode where the crew is brainwashed to attack another alien's enemy.  TNG is about as cannon as it gets.

what does that have to do with quote?
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 5:56:39 PM EDT

is a letter of the alphabet. But thanks for playing "stuff unrelated to this thread" game.

It's actually the end of the jedi

Since when was Q part of starfleet and when were the jedi part of the empire?

Fucking trekkies keep throwing in borg and Q and other ridiculous as though they would ally with the federation. You don't see the star wars people here advocating anything but the empire, because that is the premise of the thread Empire vs Starfleet.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 5:56:49 PM EDT

All beam arrays can attack multiple enemies  with extreme accuracy


STO is your source?  seriously?

STO is canon and everything in it must be approved before it is allowed in

BTW Star Trek convention this Saturday in Chicago. I can't wait

The only things that are canon in ST are films and TV shows.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 5:57:38 PM EDT


I don't know about "inferior". Opening scenes of ANH shows that ISDs could detect life forms on a life pod. ESB showed that shore-to-space weapons could annihilate capital ships in the way. Planetary shields that could withstand a fleet bombardment. ROTJ showed you could block FTL travel (later shown as the Interdictor Cruiser in the books). Its just that ST is more sci-tech and SW was more sci-action.

ISD couldn't detect the Falcon when it was attached to it.  Star Trek ships could easily detect objects attached to the hull.  

Link Posted: 5/29/2013 6:01:28 PM EDT




All beam arrays can attack multiple enemies with extreme accuracy


STO is your source? seriously?

STO is canon and everything in it must be approved before it is allowed in

BTW Star Trek convention this Saturday in Chicago. I can't wait

BULL FING SHIT!! STO considers torpedoes kinetic weapons which can't damage to shields.  

If that were cannon, Chang's BOP would not have been a threat to the Enterprise what so ever.


[div]Edit: For those that haven't seen ST VI.[/div]



[div]Shit is really blowing up even with shields up. [/div]
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 6:05:47 PM EDT


All beam arrays can attack multiple enemies with extreme accuracy


STO is your source? seriously?

STO is canon and everything in it must be approved before it is allowed in

BTW Star Trek convention this Saturday in Chicago. I can't wait

BULL FING SHIT!! STO considers torpedoes kinetic weapons which can't damage to shields.  

If that were cannon, Chang's BOP would not have been a threat to the Enterprise what so ever.   [div]
[/div][div]Edit: For those that haven't seen ST VI.[/div][div]
[/div][div] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSqCJ-UGYns
[/div][div]Shit is really blowing up even with shields up. [/div]

Torpedos damage shields as well. You only have to be attacked once to know that
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 6:11:32 PM EDT
Cryptic needs to contact CBS for approval, and then CBS needs to contact Paramount for approval. Any one of the party can say "no" to the deal and end it - and Paramount can also ask for some compensation for allowing it. It's a complex licensing deal.

It gets even worse if you want any of the JJ stuff because JJ also has right of refusal written into his contracts too. So then CBS, Paramount, and JJ all have to say yes - and can all demand compensation.

This is the order of things for STO
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 6:15:33 PM EDT
The Imperium of Man would grind both into dust. Warhammer 40k FTW
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 6:17:39 PM EDT
The Imperium of Man would grind both into dust. Warhammer 40k FTW

Apparently the 40k fans do not agree, because I created a thread on just that issue and they all shot it down saying the imperium would be slaughtered without much of a fuss.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 6:18:01 PM EDT


All beam arrays can attack multiple enemies with extreme accuracy


STO is your source? seriously?

STO is canon and everything in it must be approved before it is allowed in

BTW Star Trek convention this Saturday in Chicago. I can't wait

BULL FING SHIT!! STO considers torpedoes kinetic weapons which can't damage to shields.  

If that were cannon, Chang's BOP would not have been a threat to the Enterprise what so ever.   [div]
[/div][div]Edit: For those that haven't seen ST VI.[/div][div]
[/div][div] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSqCJ-UGYns
[/div][div]Shit is really blowing up even with shields up. [/div]

Torpedos damage shields as well. You only have to be attacked once to know that

A 2:40 "Shields are weakening"

Why would they say that if the shields didn't matter to the torpedoes?  How would they be getting weakened if the torpedoes weren't damaging them?

Star Trek has always had leaky shields that don't stop all the damage coming their way.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 6:27:14 PM EDT


A 2:40 "Shields are weakening"

Why would they say that if the shields didn't matter to the torpedoes?  How would they be getting weakened if the torpedoes weren't damaging them?

Star Trek has always had leaky shields that don't stop all the damage coming their way.

The movies and series are cannon. Torpedoes damage shield in the movies and series but not in World of Warcraft in space....I mean Star Trek Online.

Yes I've played the game but not in over a year.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 6:35:00 PM EDT


A 2:40 "Shields are weakening"

Why would they say that if the shields didn't matter to the torpedoes?  How would they be getting weakened if the torpedoes weren't damaging them?

Star Trek has always had leaky shields that don't stop all the damage coming their way.

The movies and series are cannon. Torpedoes damage shield in the movies and series but not in World of Warcraft in space....I mean Star Trek Online.

Yes I've played the game but not in over a year.

Torpedoes have bleed through damage and take the shields down. You can search it. I however use a an assimilated torpedo and the rest are anti-proton beams :)
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 7:10:20 PM EDT

is a letter of the alphabet. But thanks for playing "stuff unrelated to this thread" game.

It's actually the end of the jedi

Since when was Q part of starfleet and when were the jedi part of the empire?

Fucking trekkies keep throwing in borg and Q and other ridiculous as though they would ally with the federation. You don't see the star wars people here advocating anything but the empire, because that is the premise of the thread Empire vs Starfleet.

I threw in the Borg because if the Empire suddenly appeared in the Star Trek galaxy they would eventually have to deal with them. Borg allying with the Federation was never my point

I love both Star Trek and Star Wars and I have no doubt that the Empire would curb stomp the Federation in short order. The only faction in the Star Trek universe that would have a chance against them is the Borg due to the fact that they assimilate technology and either use it or counter it or both.

Now back to our previously scheduled mayhem.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 8:32:13 PM EDT
I am still not seeing any arguments for how Imperial ships can possibly cope with the fact that Trek ships are capable of combat at FTL speeds. Without covering that, I can't see how the Empire would have any chance. Even if their weapons were ten times as awesome as the SW advocates suggest, capable of totally blasting the Enterprise into dust, those weapons would never HIT the Enterprise. They aren't fast enough, even if you give the Empire the ability to somehow target FTL enemies. (Which they wouldn't have, since they clearly don't even know FTL combat is even possible or they would damned sure be making use of it.)

Meanwhile, the Trek ships are able to fire on the Imperials with impunity. The Imperials are practically standing still compared to the Federation ships. Occasionally, the Fed ships sidestep as a slow-ass SUPERMEGASWGUY 'turbo laser' lumbers toward them at sublight speed, and retaliate with superluminary speed weapons. Even a small rock hitting you at multiples of the speed of light is going to ruin your day. Yes, even if you have the SUPERMEGASWGUY invulnerable armor. Imagine how much more punch three pounds of matter and antimatter wrapped in a magnetic bubble will do. Not enough? Well, how about five or six of them? Or ten? Or twenty? The Federation ships have all day, and their weapons are traveling, again, at speeds beyond anything SW ships can hope to evade.

But what if this Imperial ship is just BADASS? Sure, 20 photon torpedos all in one spot maybe opens up a hole, but...oh, shit, transporters! Unless SW shields can stand up to running into a planet, they are gone by now, and mater/anti matter bombs are being beamed directly inside the ship, or key personnel are simply transported into space, leaving the Imperial ship unable to operate. It's curtains, either way.

I'd love to hear someone argue this, since it's a fun discussion, but I personally don't see any hope for the Imperials because ST tech is basically magic. It utterly makes no sense that you could engage in FTL combat, but it is a staple of the ST universe. Likewise, the transporter is a ridiculous device that is WAY beyond most of their other tech like phasers and photon torpedos. Hell, it was only created to cover for the fact that they couldn't afford a shuttle mock up at the start of the old series, but the HAVE transporters in the show, and they are stupidly powerful. They have to ignore all of the really crazy shit the tech implies or else there wouldn't even be a show to have.

The sad thing here is that I am a SW fanboy. I even had a SW themed wedding. But I see no way for SW ships to have a snowballs chance in hell of beating Trek ships. Trek ships have the advantage of not having to obey shit like physical laws, due to handwavium being liberally applied from the outset of the show. The core technologies of the setting are simply too far out for me to suspend disbelief. That's why I prefer SW. It only asks me to believe a few impossible things, whereas Trek demands I totally abandon all reason.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 8:39:35 PM EDT
The Imperium of Man would grind both into dust. Warhammer 40k FTW

Apparently the 40k fans do not agree, because I created a thread on just that issue and they all shot it down saying the imperium would be slaughtered without much of a fuss.

You mean this thread where not a single person agreed with the empire winning? lol, re-read your thread.
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 8:57:55 PM EDT

is a letter of the alphabet. But thanks for playing "stuff unrelated to this thread" game.

It's actually the end of the jedi

Since when was Q part of starfleet and when were the jedi part of the empire?

Fucking trekkies keep throwing in borg and Q and other ridiculous as though they would ally with the federation. You don't see the star wars people here advocating anything but the empire, because that is the premise of the thread Empire vs Starfleet.

Sith were running the Empire for a while.  

Q, well he just kind of thought he was Starfleet.....
Link Posted: 5/29/2013 10:37:05 PM EDT
I am still not seeing any arguments for how Imperial ships can possibly cope with the fact that Trek ships are capable of combat at FTL speeds. Without covering that, I can't see how the Empire would have any chance. Even if their weapons were ten times as awesome as the SW advocates suggest, capable of totally blasting the Enterprise into dust, those weapons would never HIT the Enterprise. They aren't fast enough, even if you give the Empire the ability to somehow target FTL enemies. (Which they wouldn't have, since they clearly don't even know FTL combat is even possible or they would damned sure be making use of it.)

So the feddies are gonna jump to warp any time they see an ISD?

Empire hyperdrive is much faster then star fleets warp, and the two traveling in FTL will never encounter each other because hyperdrive is in another dimension which allow FTFTL

So pretty much the ability of starfleet to fight in warp is irrelevent. All combat would be in sublight speeds. Star fleet can deny the empire battle by running away in warp, but the numerical superiority of the empire means they can dominate feddy space and occupy/destroy their territory with their massive fleet while still hunting down rogue feddy ships. The empire has thousands of worlds under its control, yet earth is the key target. Federation doesn't have much in the way of planetary defense preventing bombardment, while the empire has planetary shields that take super weapons such as the death star to crack.

But what if this Imperial ship is just BADASS? Sure, 20 photon torpedos all in one spot maybe opens up a hole, but...oh, shit, transporters! Unless SW shields can stand up to running into a planet, they are gone by now, and mater/anti matter bombs are being beamed directly inside the ship, or key personnel are simply transported into space, leaving the Imperial ship unable to operate. It's curtains, either way.

beaming imperial navy crews into space....rofl
A) Imperial capital ships have crews in the tens of thousands. Feddy ships simply do not have large enough transporters to do if effectively
B) beaming things from one ship to another requires that the shields are done on both ships...not exactly a good idea for the feddy ships to do in battle, which is why you never see it happen star trek
C) imperial crews except for officers wear combat suits with life support systems. A storm trooper for example can survive in the vaccum of space for a little while....the empire actually goes into battle expecting hull damage and the loss of life support in parts of its ships.....the feddies just walk around in tights and sit in front of consoles that have a tendency to shoot hot plasma in their face because apparently circuit breakers dont exist.

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