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Link Posted: 10/25/2012 2:06:51 PM EDT
I wasn't all that nervous until I got the phone call.

I was like "shit... Must be bad if they're calling so soon."

Heart was racing... Vision was closing inwards... Then she told me it's nothing to worry about, they just need to remove more tissue because they didn't get it all.

As someone that's had family and friends with melonomas, I  hate the term "pre melanoma"  

––there's really no such thing.  

What it is is really called an atypical nevus.  

If you get told you've got that, or "pre melanoma" then please do get a second opinion / second reading of that biopsy.  

Link Posted: 10/25/2012 2:15:25 PM EDT
I wasn't all that nervous until I got the phone call.

I was like "shit... Must be bad if they're calling so soon."

Heart was racing... Vision was closing inwards... Then she told me it's nothing to worry about, they just need to remove more tissue because they didn't get it all.

As someone that's had family and friends with melonomas, I  hate the term "pre melanoma"  

––there's really no such thing.  

What it is is really called an atypical nevus.  

If you get told you've got that, or "pre melanoma" then please do get a second opinion / second reading of that biopsy.  

You're right.

She said atypical cells initially, I believe. I asked what that meant and she explained it isn't cancer but could become cancerous. Some people say pre melanoma.
Link Posted: 10/25/2012 2:35:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/25/2012 3:01:13 PM EDT
I bet you are glad you went in now

This. And I bet you don't wait around long if the next one pops up.

If there's one thing this forum does, it makes me check myself over in a mirror real good from time to time, and feel around on my nuts on occasion.
Link Posted: 10/25/2012 3:38:02 PM EDT
Glad to hear you caught it before it turned really bad.
Link Posted: 10/25/2012 3:44:27 PM EDT



It's been there for a long time but it didn't itch until now.

I had my wife take a pic... Looks scary.

Any opinions? I'm going to schedule an appointment ASAP.

Eta : size http://i1274.photobucket.com/albums/y425/Thraxarf/Screenshot_2012-10-21-01-01-43_zpse2caa476.png

Update : they chopped 2 moles off at the dermatologist. She seemed concerned. Results in a week.

Gross pics below.

Click To View Spoiler

Update : surgery scheduled for Wednesday. Caught it early, thank god. Pre melanoma, not malignant.

Outstanding!  Now...make SURE you schedule regular visits and do what the doc and his staff tell you!  I got a nasty hole in my scalp now but I'm staying one jump ahead of the Big C.  Ugly yes...but alive.

Link Posted: 10/25/2012 4:57:00 PM EDT
Woo-Hoo!  Glad you are going to be OK...
Link Posted: 10/25/2012 5:54:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/25/2012 6:09:53 PM EDT
great news.

these type threads scare the shit out of me, and I've been fisheyeing all my freckles and moles today.
Link Posted: 10/25/2012 7:18:25 PM EDT
It's possible that, some day, you might say that the Arfcom hive mind saved your life.

Usually we're not THAT useful.

I'm watchful for anything changing about my body that isn't explained by something obvious, like a hammer

dropped on a toe or a mistake with a pocket knife or axe.  

I also subscribe to the very rational school of thought that says that pain has a source.  Unexplained pain might happen

to anyone for any of a variety of benign reasons,  but if the pain persists for more than two weeks,  go see a doctor and

find out what's causing it.   Two weeks is quite enough for the vast majority of unexplained pains to go away or at least

get a lot milder.   After that,  the smart thing to do is go get checked out.

People who ignore warning signs often end up dead of something that COULD have been treated or prevented.

Link Posted: 10/26/2012 8:25:38 PM EDT
I wasn't all that nervous until I got the phone call.

I was like "shit... Must be bad if they're calling so soon."

Heart was racing... Vision was closing inwards... Then she told me it's nothing to worry about, they just need to remove more tissue because they didn't get it all.

glad to hear things are looking good.  my girlfriend is the person who prepares the slide that is looked at under the microscope to determine if they got it all.  she says that she can tell just by looking at the wound that there is a slightly gray circle that is a cancerous area.  sounds like they are on top of it and plan to carve it all out.  she explained that it's only black on the top but cancer is white and looks like fat on a steak.  as long as the cancer is in the skin you can carve it out and be fine.  the danger comes when it grows down deep enough that it reaches the bloodstream and muscles.

Link Posted: 10/26/2012 8:50:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/28/2012 12:10:43 PM EDT
Ouch. Hope they are able to get it all the first time around!!!
Link Posted: 10/29/2012 7:03:10 AM EDT

I wasn't all that nervous until I got the phone call.

I was like "shit... Must be bad if they're calling so soon."

Heart was racing... Vision was closing inwards... Then she told me it's nothing to worry about, they just need to remove more tissue because they didn't get it all.

cancer is white and looks like fat on a steak.  

MMMMMMMMMMM!!! Thanks! I was craving a rib-eye until now

my sister who has/had a few types of cancers when she was in college they worked with cadavers and she got to see a person who had died from cancer
in a room full of nasty smells it had a distinct smell and looked like chewed up bubble gum in the body cavity.
they say the smell can be detected with some animals like dolphins. who are really good at detecting cancer or a fetus in the womb
they had one who wouldnt leave my sister alone in the Bahamas and joked that she was pregnant. found out it was cancer a month or two later
Link Posted: 10/31/2012 1:21:43 PM EDT
First surgery complete.

Local anesthetic is lame. They stuck me with a needle 10 times and it still hurt.

1 more surgery to go. (hopefully only 1)
Link Posted: 10/31/2012 1:33:02 PM EDT

Gotta wear a silly bandage for 2days also.
Link Posted: 10/31/2012 1:35:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/31/2012 1:39:20 PM EDT

You can pass it off today being Halloween... However get ready for the dumb jokes tomorrow.

"You know you can take the costume off, Halloween is over... derrrrrrr"

Glad that part is over. Why didn't they do both at the same time?

Probably stress and time.

It's stressful to have a chunk of flesh cut off.

And it took 30 minutes.
Link Posted: 10/31/2012 1:58:43 PM EDT
something about the face. how did those sutures feel?
I could "feel" them cutting on my face pretty well
I thought I was going to come off the table and beat the doctor when they starting sewing me up
I could feel all of that and he just kept telling me... ohh its not that bad just a few more minutes

interesting, mole removal in same place, same procedure
first was nothing second they come back and cut it all out
Link Posted: 10/31/2012 2:01:37 PM EDT
something about the face. how did those sutures feel?
I could "feel" them cutting on my face pretty well
I thought I was going to come off the table and beat the doctor when they starting sewing me up
I could feel all of that and he just kept telling me... ohh its not that bad just a few more minutes

interesting, mole removal in same place, same procedure
first was nothing second they come back and cut it all out

I could feel the needle piercing my skin. The tugging sensation was odd also.

The cutting was over pretty quick and it didn't hurt much.

My eye teared up when the sutures started going in.

Oh and the burning smell when they cauterized the blood vessels was strange.
Link Posted: 10/31/2012 4:48:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/31/2012 5:09:51 PM EDT
Next time skip the Novocaine, you don't need it

Glad to hear everything else is cool

You're a badass.

I'll take whatever cocaine derivative they want to give me. It may not be perfect, but it helps.
Link Posted: 10/31/2012 5:11:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/31/2012 5:14:22 PM EDT
As many times as they stuck you trying to numb it up it would have been all over

Yea, you're probably right.

Those needles hurt just as bad as the sutures, now that I think about it.

Anesthetic helped with the actual tissue removal, though.
Link Posted: 10/31/2012 5:15:53 PM EDT
great news.

these type threads scare the shit out of me, and I've been fisheyeing all my freckles and moles today.

me too- got about a hundred of em on me....
Link Posted: 10/31/2012 5:18:05 PM EDT
great news.

these type threads scare the shit out of me, and I've been fisheyeing all my freckles and moles today.

me too- got about a hundred of em on me....

Get 'em checked out.

It only takes a minute. They'll probably chop some of 'em off, though.
Link Posted: 10/31/2012 5:19:36 PM EDT
First surgery complete.

Local anesthetic is lame. They stuck me with a needle 10 times and it still hurt.

1 more surgery to go. (hopefully only 1)

got 4 removed by doc––-though they looke suspicious.
one right under my nose- upper lip
let me tells ya about getting jabbed under the nose with a needle 4-5 times
the other ones wenrt too bad

after the doc took the "bad ones" I have FIFTEEN more "burned" off that I did not like (cosmetic)
got a coule shots for each one of those....felt like a frigging pin cusion...
Link Posted: 10/31/2012 5:25:53 PM EDT
First surgery complete.

Local anesthetic is lame. They stuck me with a needle 10 times and it still hurt.

1 more surgery to go. (hopefully only 1)

got 4 removed by doc––-though they looke suspicious.
one right under my nose- upper lip
let me tells ya about getting jabbed under the nose with a needle 4-5 times
the other ones wenrt too bad

after the doc took the "bad ones" I have FIFTEEN more "burned" off that I did not like (cosmetic)
got a coule shots for each one of those....felt like a frigging pin cusion...

My mom had some stuff burned off today. She said it felt like a bunch of bee stings.

Needles don't bother me, but I can't say I enjoy getting stabbed in the face with them. Literally 10 injections.
Link Posted: 10/31/2012 6:56:36 PM EDT
Starting to get pretty painful.

They didn't give me any narcotics, which is fine since hydrocodone doesn't work any better than acetaminophen... But damn.

Throbbing sharp and dull pain.

Link Posted: 10/31/2012 8:00:55 PM EDT
If you can try and do as little as possible tomorrow

Includes chewing
Link Posted: 10/31/2012 8:35:03 PM EDT
If you can try and do as little as possible tomorrow

Includes chewing

I eat 4k calories a day to maintain my weight. Meal replacement shakes coming up.
Link Posted: 11/1/2012 7:03:02 PM EDT
Good news.

In reality I need to see a doctor too, I have extremely fair skin and got a few spots/moles on my head that I'm not too comfortable about. Seems like a couple came about after I got a sun burn on my head once. Damn baldness, damn fair skin
Link Posted: 11/1/2012 9:01:37 PM EDT
Took my bandage off. Couldn't stand it any longer.

Click To View Spoiler

Surprisingly big gash.
Link Posted: 11/1/2012 9:10:04 PM EDT
nice.  not the worst place for a scar.  it's that big because they can't risk even a single cell of cancer to survive.
Link Posted: 11/1/2012 9:12:29 PM EDT
Prayers for yeh.
Link Posted: 11/1/2012 9:15:03 PM EDT
nice.  not the worst place for a scar.  it's that big because they can't risk even a single cell of cancer to survive.

Facial scars are pretty bad ass.
Link Posted: 11/8/2012 3:27:09 PM EDT

Hopefully my last surgery... Shit hurts.

Link Posted: 11/8/2012 3:28:56 PM EDT

The fuck did they close you with 6 gauge wire
Link Posted: 11/8/2012 3:29:45 PM EDT


...Fucking hurt... Apparently I have a tolerance to local anesthetic. Felt sharp pain and it was lame.

Just a data point for you:

My mom, one of her sisters, and at least one cousin don't respond normally to lidocaine, the most commonly used local anesthetic.  My mom didn't experience profound (total) local anesthesia until she was over 50, and a doctor figured it out.  She had wisdom teeth taken out, some kind of brain drill job on a sinus, and other procedures done with no effective anesthesia.  If it works properly, you should feel NOTHING during the procedure.

Be sure to mention to your doctor next time that it didn't work, and he or she will have other drugs that may work better, e.g. marcaine.


Link Posted: 11/8/2012 3:30:24 PM EDT

The fuck did they close you with 6 gauge wire

Feels like it. They had to pull it really tight since it's on my lower back.

You can see it tearing a little. I guess it's better than having it spread open.
Link Posted: 11/8/2012 3:31:53 PM EDT

...Fucking hurt... Apparently I have a tolerance to local anesthetic. Felt sharp pain and it was lame.

Just a data point for you:

My mom, one of her sisters, and at least one cousin don't respond normally to lidocaine, the most commonly used local anesthetic.

Be sure to mention to your doctor next time that it didn't work, and he or she will have other drugs that may work better, e.g. marcaine.


It worked this time. They shot me full of so much anesthetic that my scab literally exploded off.
Link Posted: 11/8/2012 5:48:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/8/2012 5:54:08 PM EDT
Good on ya. I went to the doc to get taken off. Came out of nowhere. Truth be told did it mostly out of vanity, hate moles. Doc told best to get checked out. Friend of his had one on the tip of his ear, dead two months lateer.
Link Posted: 11/29/2012 8:35:12 AM EDT
Any update?

Still mending and doing fine?
Link Posted: 11/29/2012 9:21:55 AM EDT
Any update?

Still mending and doing fine?

Good margins on both surgeries. I'm in the clear.

Appointment scheduled for 3 months, but I can't go due to lack of insurance.
Link Posted: 11/29/2012 9:52:49 AM EDT
Glad it all is good so far. Can you tell me about how much it cost?
Link Posted: 11/29/2012 10:53:51 AM EDT
Glad it all is good so far. Can you tell me about how much it cost?

$100 is all I had to cover. (annual deductible)

I haven't gotten the final bill yet. I'll update when I do.
Link Posted: 11/29/2012 5:22:59 PM EDT
Found the bill. About $1500 total.
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