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Link Posted: 10/23/2012 1:49:57 PM EDT

This thread scares the hell our of me.  I am very fair-skinned and I get sun burned very easily.  I have a number of moles all over my body and now I'm worried.  I have one mole that is way bigger than 5mm.  I've had it for years.

Both my parents died of cancer too.

I am a cancer survivor because I got my ass to the doc in a timely fashion.  Otherwise I would be a statistic.  Let that sink in, then get your fluffy feline ass to a dermatologist RFN.
Link Posted: 10/23/2012 1:50:03 PM EDT


How soon could I know the test results after a biopsy?

Takes about a week. I've had numerous moles biopsied and I'd get an automated phone call with a message that it was benign. But then one time I had a mole biopsied and a week later I was without my cell phone for 15 minutes. Come back to the phone and find a message that the doctor left to call her as soon as possible with urgency. She says that even if she's with a patient that she'll interrupt her visitation to speak to me. Of course I got the message after hours so I couldn't call her till the next day, talk about a sleepless night. Turns out the mole was melanoma.


I think it's important to point out that while the mole looks very suspicious and needs to be checked out as soon as possible, it could turn out to be nothing, so don't go into panic mode yet.
Link Posted: 10/23/2012 1:51:13 PM EDT

This thread scares the hell our of me.  I am very fair-skinned and I get sun burned very easily.  I have a number of moles all over my body and now I'm worried.  I have one mole that is way bigger than 5mm.  I've had it for years.

Both my parents died of cancer too.

my sister had/has melanoma. we dont exactly share the same bloodlines but for good measure I get checked and get cut on as needed
a big mole you have had for years isnt much to panic about. if it starts changing... different story
Melanoma can happen to anybody. but your at a higher risk
always better to get checked out and stay monitored.

my sister is checked pretty regular from head to toe and they still on occasion find a spot and cut it out. I think shes up to about 30-40" of scars now
Link Posted: 10/23/2012 1:59:23 PM EDT
To those that have dealt with surgical removal - how bad is the recovery?

if they do a punch biopsy
you will have a few stitches. minor "tightness" local to the area
being that its on your back the first few days you will feel it until the skin stretches in that area
absolutely nothing horrible but its a strange feeling. you will back in the fight no problem but dont go playing any contact sports lol

had a spot cut out of my jaw line. very strange feeling for your face to tighten up when turning your head
I thought I could play some golf 2 days later... I was wrong
Link Posted: 10/23/2012 2:02:46 PM EDT
my grandfather has had two moles that look almost exactly like yours. They are technically cancer but his aren't harmful or threatening to his health. I cannot say for sure you have the same deal going on, they just look a lot alike. If it eventually starts to look like a big black ugly scab then they are most definitely alike. Either way I would definitely have it biopsy'd or whatever...

What is "technically cancer"?

Could you enlighten us?

a spot that isnt "normal" but not yet cancer. they call it atypical
in a person who has Melanoma. these are spots that they will continue to monitor to see if they show back up after the biopsy
Link Posted: 10/23/2012 2:03:36 PM EDT


This thread scares the hell our of me.  I am very fair-skinned and I get sun burned very easily.  I have a number of moles all over my body and now I'm worried.  I have one mole that is way bigger than 5mm.  I've had it for years.

Both my parents died of cancer too.

Fluffy,  Sorry to hear about your parents.  Look at my post (several above yours).  Diameter isn't the sole factor in determining if a mole is cancerous, it is one of the symptoms.  A biopsy is necessary to determine if it is cancerous.  Do yourself a favor and see a dermatologist.  They can give you the information you need, especially when your mind runs wild about medical issues.  The internet coupled with your family history is enough to drive you crazy.  It runs in your family so I'd be vigilant and keep an eye on those moles.  

Link Posted: 10/23/2012 2:06:11 PM EDT
I've got my yearly checkup on Nov 2nd...

If I had one looking like the OPs, I'd have gone the day I found it.  I have had 3 Actinic keratosis thingies frozen off, and my Anglo-Saxon skin vs Chesapeake Bay sunshine childhood has made me paranoid.
Link Posted: 10/23/2012 2:08:38 PM EDT
Well, my mom is crying because she's worried.

Probably shouldn't have told her about the appointment.

She was at the ER with me 2 years ago when the Dr suggested getting it checked.
Link Posted: 10/23/2012 2:18:28 PM EDT
I had four taken off my back a few years ago. They came back from the lab clear but i felt much better. Hang in there!
Link Posted: 10/23/2012 2:20:21 PM EDT
Prayers sent for a good outcome and peace and patience until then...
Link Posted: 10/23/2012 2:22:55 PM EDT
by all means get it checked out OP

before you kill yourself from stress
google image search melanoma
google image search atypical mole
google image search mole

see a pattern? no, no you dont it could be anything at this point in the game
even the experts at MD Anderson dont walk into a exam room take one look and go "yep, Melanoma"
so until the results from the biopsy come back you need to stop making your mom cry  

fwiw every single new mole I found itched from the point I discovered it until the point it was cut out. its just the way we work
ETA: I dont want to come off sounding like a hard ass. every single one I have had sent off I have stressed the hell out over. I have been in your shoes
Link Posted: 10/23/2012 2:36:24 PM EDT
by all means get it checked out OP

before you kill yourself from stress
google image search melanoma
google image search atypical mole
google image search mole

see a pattern? no, no you dont it could be anything at this point in the game
even the experts at MD Anderson dont walk into a exam room take one look and go "yep, Melanoma"
so until the results from the biopsy come back you need to stop making your mom cry  

fwiw every single new mole I found itched from the point I discovered it until the point it was cut out. its just the way we work
ETA: I dont want to come off sounding like a hard ass. every single one I have had sent off I have stressed the hell out over. I have been in your shoes

I don't really see the point in stressing over it too much. It is what it is.

It's probably nothing, but if it is something, we'll deal with it.
Link Posted: 10/23/2012 6:29:29 PM EDT


This thread scares the hell our of me.  I am very fair-skinned and I get sun burned very easily.  I have a number of moles all over my body and now I'm worried.  I have one mole that is way bigger than 5mm.  I've had it for years.

Both my parents died of cancer too.

Fluffy,  Sorry to hear about your parents.  Look at my post (several above yours).  Diameter isn't the sole factor in determining if a mole is cancerous, it is one of the symptoms.  A biopsy is necessary to determine if it is cancerous.  Do yourself a favor and see a dermatologist.  They can give you the information you need, especially when your mind runs wild about medical issues.  The internet coupled with your family history is enough to drive you crazy.  It runs in your family so I'd be vigilant and keep an eye on those moles.  


I just looked at myself in the mirror.  I have many, many moles on my body.  I have one on my chest that measures at least 8mm.  I have another 5 that are in the ballpark of 4 to 5mm in diameter.  I am going to see a dermatologist ASAP
Link Posted: 10/23/2012 7:14:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/23/2012 7:22:08 PM EDT


This thread scares the hell our of me.  I am very fair-skinned and I get sun burned very easily.  I have a number of moles all over my body and now I'm worried.  I have one mole that is way bigger than 5mm.  I've had it for years.

Both my parents died of cancer too.

If this thread scares you, then... GOOD! Go get checked out.

If that mole has not changed in years, you are most likely ok... BUT GET IT CHECKED ANYWAY!

Someone posted earlier the ABCD's of Melanoma... go through it and see if any of them fit what you have.

But get a doc to check it anyway.


My wife had a mole on her thigh. It got red and irritated, had her go in (I went with her) and they sliced it off. Just an irritated mole, nothing more. But a 5 minute procedure and a few bucks out of pocket is a great relief. We actually had to call the doc to get the news, which was another good sign.

My dad had a funky mole removed, one he had had forever that grew cancerous. Went back a month later for a white blood cell count, everything was groovy.

If there's ever a question AT ALL, get it checked out.
Link Posted: 10/23/2012 7:23:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/23/2012 7:27:14 PM EDT
I grew up in Alabama.

I worked on a farm, fished, and swam a lot.

Been blistered multiple times.

We shall find out soon.

Probably just a mole.
Link Posted: 10/23/2012 7:28:39 PM EDT



This thread scares the hell our of me.  I am very fair-skinned and I get sun burned very easily.  I have a number of moles all over my body and now I'm worried.  I have one mole that is way bigger than 5mm.  I've had it for years.

Both my parents died of cancer too.

Fluffy,  Sorry to hear about your parents.  Look at my post (several above yours).  Diameter isn't the sole factor in determining if a mole is cancerous, it is one of the symptoms.  A biopsy is necessary to determine if it is cancerous.  Do yourself a favor and see a dermatologist.  They can give you the information you need, especially when your mind runs wild about medical issues.  The internet coupled with your family history is enough to drive you crazy.  It runs in your family so I'd be vigilant and keep an eye on those moles.  


I just looked at myself in the mirror.  I have many, many moles on my body.  I have one on my chest that measures at least 8mm.  I have another 5 that are in the ballpark of 4 to 5mm in diameter.  I am going to see a dermatologist ASAP
WAIT A MINUTE!!! YOU'RE IN CANADA!! There is not enough sun in Canada... therefore, NO MELANOMA!

Seriously though, One of my docs told me that the incidence of Melanoma is more common for those who grew up in the south. Calif––-AZ––-TX––Florida. Doesn't mean you cannot get it... just chances are less. But go get checked out to be safe.


I'm originally from South Africa

Link Posted: 10/23/2012 7:35:25 PM EDT
The guy that cut mine out (MOH Dr). also did the diagnosis with microscope etc. and then came back in and took out the bad part. Took two tries before it was gone but it was all done at the same session.  Really no pain although I got 17 stitches from my cheekbone to the bottom of my eyelid.  I had ignored a sore that came and went for years. Don't do that.

Not sure where you are but I went to North Idaho Dermatology in CDA.
Link Posted: 10/23/2012 8:20:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/23/2012 8:34:06 PM EDT
I had a bigger one cut off my back last year.  It was a little over a centimeter.  It was through my primary care.  He numbed it up and cut it out, as the punch biopsy was not big enough.

fwiw, I just lost my grandfather last month.  He had melanoma that mets.  It was less than two weeks from the time they caught it until he passed away.

I had a spot on my neck that got distended, then scaly, itchy, cracked and bleeding.

Went to my normal doc, numbed it, lopped it off and sent it to the lab. Sweat it until the lab results came back.... Thank God it was nothing.

I wouldn't ignore that one, that is for sure.
Link Posted: 10/24/2012 12:04:38 PM EDT
How'd it go?
Link Posted: 10/24/2012 12:12:29 PM EDT
How'd it go?

Sitting in the lobby right now.

Bout to go in.
Link Posted: 10/24/2012 12:15:42 PM EDT



How'd it go?

Sitting in the lobby right now.

Bout to go in.

We're all here for you, Brother...

Link Posted: 10/24/2012 12:17:09 PM EDT
I wasn't nervous... Until now.

I want this over with.
Link Posted: 10/24/2012 12:19:17 PM EDT
I wasn't nervous... Until now.

I want this over with.

It'll be fine. Relax.

Link Posted: 10/24/2012 12:19:17 PM EDT
My wife at 32 just had a bunch of pre-cancerous moles removed, some had been there a while but hadn't turned black yet.
Nothing to worry about usually if you get them removed and they haven't gone too deep.
Link Posted: 10/24/2012 12:31:17 PM EDT
If you're at a GP and you get a "ah, looks ok to me" leave and go to a dermatologist ASAP. I've had a number of those cut off me, most were benign, one was precancerous and they had to go back and cut out more to get bigger margins. Looks like I took a .50 cal shot to the gut. Hate to worry you but that looks serious and itching is a bad sign.

Have a friend that had an itchy mole between his thumb & forefinger. Missed two years of college due to the chemo, took a while to recover after they gave him the all clear.

I get checked every year, my dermatologist is a little hottie that's damn good with a razor blade. She gives me a new scar every visit

Link Posted: 10/24/2012 12:44:34 PM EDT
They chopped 2 of my moles off.

1 on my face and the one on my back.

She looked at them and immediately decided to remove.

Didn't hurt but it was weird having a needle stuck in my face.

Results in 1 week.
Link Posted: 10/24/2012 12:48:46 PM EDT
They chopped 2 of my moles off.

1 on my face and the one on my back.

She looked at them and immediately decided to remove.

Didn't hurt but it was weird having a needle stuck in my face.

Results in 1 week.

Needles in the face and neck are always strange
Link Posted: 10/24/2012 1:00:50 PM EDT
They chopped 2 of my moles off.

1 on my face and the one on my back.

She looked at them and immediately decided to remove.

Didn't hurt but it was weird having a needle stuck in my face.

Results in 1 week.

Was she hot?

hope all is well.
Link Posted: 10/24/2012 1:02:34 PM EDT
They chopped 2 of my moles off.

1 on my face and the one on my back.

She looked at them and immediately decided to remove.

Didn't hurt but it was weird having a needle stuck in my face.

Results in 1 week.

Was she hot?

hope all is well.

She was really nice.

Idk if my wife liked that I had to strip down. Haha

Link Posted: 10/24/2012 1:03:18 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/24/2012 1:08:12 PM EDT


If you're at a GP and you get a "ah, looks ok to me" leave and go to a dermatologist ASAP. I've had a number of those cut off me, most were benign, one was precancerous and they had to go back and cut out more to get bigger margins. Looks like I took a .50 cal shot to the gut. Hate to worry you but that looks serious and itching is a bad sign.

Have a friend that had an itchy mole between his thumb & forefinger. Missed two years of college due to the chemo, took a while to recover after they gave him the all clear.

I get checked every year, my dermatologist is a little hottie that's damn good with a razor blade. She gives me a new scar every visit


I think there's porn of that.


Hope all is well, OP.
Link Posted: 10/24/2012 1:18:29 PM EDT
They chopped 2 of my moles off.

1 on my face and the one on my back.

She looked at them and immediately decided to remove.

Didn't hurt but it was weird having a needle stuck in my face.

Results in 1 week.

Was she hot?

hope all is well.

She was really nice.

Idk if my wife liked that I had to strip down. Haha

I go in for yearly checks now after having some nasty looking moles removed. The full body checks are quite detailed. Be thankfully you had a femle doing it. Doenst sit well with me having a male dr checking every bit of skin on my body, and I mean every bit of skin.
Link Posted: 10/24/2012 1:26:49 PM EDT
Raci-!  Oh.  Wait.  You said suspicious black moles.  Sorry - my mistake.

Seriously, though, good luck and try to relax.  My mother is almost 86 now, lives in FL and has pre-cancerous moles removed almost annually.  The first time she told me what was going on, I nearly stroked out with worry.  Not making light of something that could be serious but I've learned to pace myself.  Keep us updated, though.
Link Posted: 10/24/2012 1:34:41 PM EDT




They chopped 2 of my moles off.

1 on my face and the one on my back.

She looked at them and immediately decided to remove.

Didn't hurt but it was weird having a needle stuck in my face.

Results in 1 week.

Was she hot?
hope all is well.

She was really nice.

Idk if my wife liked that I had to strip down. Haha

If they stripped you down and that's all they took you're going well.

Link Posted: 10/24/2012 1:48:32 PM EDT
One time my dermatologist (a small Asian lady) warned me she was going to check my genital area for moles. She pulled my underwear down and looked all around. After she was done looking she said my genitals looked fine. So now I always tell my girlfriend that my genitals have been rated as fine by a licensed doctor.
Link Posted: 10/24/2012 1:58:22 PM EDT
I was worried she was gonna chop my groin mole off.

I was relieved when she said I could keep it.

She did seem worried about the ones she did chop off.
Link Posted: 10/24/2012 4:45:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/24/2012 6:33:16 PM EDT

I was worried she was gonna chop my groin mole off.

I was relieved when she said I could keep it.

She did seem worried about the ones she did chop off.

Look at the bright side. It's off your body now.

Did they remove the whole mole or just biopsy a piece of it?

She tried to take them both completely off.

It may not be necessary for surgery if she got it all.
Link Posted: 10/24/2012 9:42:54 PM EDT
Turns out my peepaw got results from his biopsy today...

He has 2 malignant melanomas. One on face, one on ear.

He's survived the craziest shit... It'll take more than melanoma to take him down. Mesothelioma, prostate cancer, stomach cancer, war, hobos, etc. Toughest man I know. Keep him in your prayers.
Link Posted: 10/25/2012 8:52:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/25/2012 10:49:55 AM EDT

Turns out my peepaw got results from his biopsy today...

He has 2 malignant melanomas. One on face, one on ear.

He's survived the craziest shit... It'll take more than melanoma to take him down. Mesothelioma, prostate cancer, stomach cancer, war, hobos, etc. Toughest man I know. Keep him in your prayers.

Were they able to remove it all? What is the prognosis?

I added two pics to the OP. I won't know if I have to go back for surgery until next week. She cut pretty big chunks out. She said I should be thinking small margins until I get the results.
Link Posted: 10/25/2012 11:45:38 AM EDT
Glad to hear you took notice of this and went to see a specialist. Be prepared for anything but stay in good spirits. You're taking care of it now. Good luck!

Link Posted: 10/25/2012 1:34:01 PM EDT
Got the results back.

Pre melanoma, not malignant.

Have to go have surgery on both spots.

Arfcom may have saved my life.
Link Posted: 10/25/2012 1:43:10 PM EDT
Got the results back.

Pre melanoma, not malignant.

Have to go have surgery on both spots.

Arfcom may have saved my life.

Link Posted: 10/25/2012 1:43:32 PM EDT
That' good to hear.

Don't wait so long in the future!
Link Posted: 10/25/2012 1:45:21 PM EDT



Got the results back.

Pre melanoma, not malignant.

Have to go have surgery on both spots.

Arfcom may have saved my life.

that! Good news!

Link Posted: 10/25/2012 1:55:27 PM EDT
I wasn't all that nervous until I got the phone call.

I was like "shit... Must be bad if they're calling so soon."

Heart was racing... Vision was closing inwards... Then she told me it's nothing to worry about, they just need to remove more tissue because they didn't get it all.
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