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Link Posted: 2/24/2007 4:48:09 PM EDT

Thanks for the info Ed....Here we go again!!  It will NEVER stop is seems.  I sure hope this time around EVERY gun owner will stand up and say enough is enough even WITH a democratic house and senate!  Nancy Pelosi and the Brady campaign are REALLY going to show their strength in the next presidential election especially if a democrat gets in office and the house and senate stays their way!  They ARE starting already it seems with this latest bill.  I hope a few of them remember what happened during Clinton's 2nd term when he openly admitted the NRA and gun voters were responsible for the loss at that time.

I will venture with this bill and sometime in the VERY near future we will see the Supreme Court finally rule definitively on our 2nd amendment.  These next several years are going to be VERY scary years for gun owners with liberal comments such as "terrorist guns" need to be banned for national security etc. We can thank Jim Zumbo to start this terrorist hysteria already!   I feel the future of gun ownership in this country will be tested like it never has before in the upcoming years all the while the UN sits awaiting in the winds.  Thanks again for the heads up Ed!



I absolutely agree and could not have stated it better.

From www.a-human-right.com

Link Posted: 2/24/2007 4:52:16 PM EDT

I have my WebSite fixed up with alot  of information let me know if I need to add more.Send it to everyone you can.

My WebSite Page

WOW your website should be tacked on the front page!
Link Posted: 2/24/2007 5:01:35 PM EDT
I have my WebSite fixed up with alot  of information let me know if I need to add more.Send it to everyone you can.

My WebSite Page

thanks! will do! thanks for putting my letter in there:Dhey
Link Posted: 2/24/2007 5:04:04 PM EDT


- Guns exempted by the Clinton ban. (Ruger Mini-14s and -30s and Ranch Rifles; .30 cal. carbines; and fixed-magazine, semi-automatic, center-fire rifles that hold more than 10 rounds.)

- All semi-automatic shotguns. (E.g., Remington, Winchester, Beretta and Benelli, used for hunting, sport shooting, and self-defense.  H.R. 1022 would ban them because they have "any characteristic that can function as a grip," and would also ban their main component, called the "receiver.")

- All detachable-magazine semi-automatic rifles-including, for example, the ubiquitous Ruger 10/22 .22 rimfire-because they have "any characteristic that can function as a grip." Also the Remington 740 series.

- Target shooting rifles. (E.g., the three centerfire rifles most popular for marksmanship competitions: the Colt AR-15, the Springfield M1A and the M1 "Garand.")

the Clinton Gun Ban was imposed for a 10-year trial period, H.R. 1022 would be a permanent ban.

IMO, the sweeping scope of this legislation is a good thing. The FUDDS, the deer hunters, the skeet shooters, the Garand/WWII Great War purists, the "only got a 10/22 and a S&W Model 10" crowd, and the A-Teamers will now have to either stand with us or hang with us. The Zumboes can no longer deny that they're exempt from this stupidity since they only want to hunt.


It is purposefully of large scope, so the democrats can "graciously" offer a compromise.

Its called "politics".
Link Posted: 2/24/2007 5:10:40 PM EDT
Lets try to make sure this doesn't get out of committee. You can leave comments to the Judicial committee at the link below. If this gets half the attention Zumbo got we should be able to stop it there. Please do this. This ban is permanent.

Link Posted: 2/24/2007 5:32:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/24/2007 5:42:23 PM EDT
I am sick and tired of big government thinking we are all too stupid to think for and be responsible for ourselves.  This is a damn shame, our country was'nt founded as a oligarchy, which it is quickly becoming.  The representatives were supposed to rely on the will of the people to cast their vote, when was the last time any elected official asked you how you felt on an issue.  The only answer is term limits!  No more career politicians.  Their self-serving bullshit will only drive more to this conclusion.  These morons have no right to decide what is right for me, a law abiding, private citizen.  We need to all make phone calls, send emails, write letters, do anything we can do defeat this, and frankly all other moronic legislation that is sure to be presented over the next few years.  Before you know it, we will be gunless, gasless, borderless, pennyless (they will eventually tax us to death) SUBJECTS, not citizens.  Rant over--
Link Posted: 2/24/2007 5:47:00 PM EDT
From what I've read, before the current Congress got down to business, Charles Schumer warned that the democratic party had to stop catering to special interest groups or risk losing the support of the American people.

I suggest writing Mr Schumer, even if you are not from his state, and explaining the danger that H.R.1022 represents to his party.  It may be helpful to point out the recent Zumbo comments, and how those comments have apparently ended Zumbo's career.  If American gun owners are prepared to quickly and decisively do that to "one of their own", what are they prepared to do to the democratic party?
Link Posted: 2/24/2007 5:52:33 PM EDT
From what I understand of the bill - They are seeking to reinstate the ban for another 10 years - not permanently...

But yes, I think this ban is rediculous...(as stated in other posts)
I think it serves no purpose except to strip LAW-ABIDING citizens of there Forefather given/defended rights, and does nothing to hinder ILLEGAL arms sales/crimes...

Sorry - don't mean to preach to the choir. 2cnd Amendment topics just get me all fired up...
Link Posted: 2/24/2007 6:00:36 PM EDT
Thanks for the information.

I already wrote to my elected officials,  didn't take too much time since many of the contacts are already prepared in the NRA-ILA website.  I wrote a quick note letting them know I do not support HR 1022.  This is what I wrote, "Dear Sir.  Please do not support HR 1022.  Even police officers do not want you to support HR 1022.  Supporting HR 1022 weakens the rights of lawful and legal citizens to protect themselves and enjoy the freedoms that the 2nd Amendment promises us. "

I encourage all to take action, it takes 10 minutes if that.  Maybe longer if you want to write something more intelligent than what I wrote.    
Link Posted: 2/24/2007 6:05:33 PM EDT

Before you know it, we will be gunless..SUBJECTS, not citizens.

Along the same lines:

From www.a-human-right.com

Link Posted: 2/24/2007 6:21:14 PM EDT
E-mails sent to my congress critters.
Link Posted: 2/24/2007 6:28:35 PM EDT
I thought it might happen again but i didnt think it would happen under bush's watch this sucks                                             Jim
Link Posted: 2/24/2007 6:39:51 PM EDT
Letter sent today to the House Judiciary Committee considering HR1022

Dear Sir or Madam,

Proposed legislation in the form of H.R. 1022 seems unnecessary due to the implementation at the state level of most of the elements of HR1022. Additionally, elements of proposed HR1022 will criminalize many shooting sports enthusiasts and will create additional and unnecessary strain on federal courts and subsequently federal penitentiaries that could and should be avoided. The passage of HR1022 will overextend the rights of the federal government to managing issues that should be handled at the state level. Worse yet, sportsmen, shooting enthusiasts, and competition shooters will potentially be crimininalized simply due to possession of rifles whose sole intent is for competition shooting engagements. This is simply unacceptable, and HR1022 needs to be either rejected outright or modified so as to NOT criminalize the possession or sale of legally procured semiautomatic rifles, shotguns, and pistols.

Sincerely yours,

Link Posted: 2/24/2007 7:21:22 PM EDT
Received the alert today from the NRA and emailed my rep this afternoon although historically, the ponderous responses from my liberal rep in my very liberal state of CT. weren't real encouraging or promising.

Here's what I wrote:

Dear Representative DeLauro,

Please note that HR 1022 is an unconstitutional proposal and I would
expect emphatic and unequivocal opposition from any and all of my elected
representatives regardless of what my be politically correct or expedient.

Thank you for remembering your oath to uphold the Constitution.

Link Posted: 2/24/2007 11:03:58 PM EDT
IF this becomes law. I would like to see the bastards enforce it. Carolyn McCarthy another damn communist from New York. Lets see her kick the first door down to take somebodys guns. Like was said before IF this passes and enforced THEY are REALLY pushing their luck.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 12:06:59 AM EDT
Emails sent....
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 12:41:17 AM EDT
I just LOVE the fact that elected officals no longer work for (represent) the PEOPLE who elected them into office.
Instead, they push their own personal agenda and beliefs to possibly become a law.

WTF do people like her think?

Link Posted: 2/25/2007 1:40:21 AM EDT
I have emailed both Senator Martinez (R) and Senator Nelson (D); both of them have good ratings from the NRA in terms of pro gun legislation, so I hope they'll get on the ball and do what's right.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 2:16:37 AM EDT
Some Democrats NEVER stop infringing on our 2nd amendment rights.  We must NEVER stop either.

Just fired off emails to my rep. and senators.

Get ready guys, it's starting all over again.  

If the majority of Democrats support these types of bills, they will be voted out of power again IMHO.

If you know any lazy a** gun owners, you better tell them about the new bills introduced by rabid anti-gunner Rep. McCarthy.  It's TIME they joined the fight to protect our 2nd amendment rights.  

After 40 years, some Democrats simply haven't learned their lesson.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 3:30:15 AM EDT

From what I understand of the bill - They are seeking to reinstate the ban for another 10 years - not permanently...

Oh, that makes me fee alot better now

But yes, I think this ban is rediculous...(as stated in other posts)
I think it serves no purpose except to strip LAW-ABIDING citizens of there Forefather given/defended rights, and does nothing to hinder ILLEGAL arms sales/crimes...


Sorry - don't mean to preach to the choir. 2cnd Amendment topics just get me all fired up...

Me too
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 3:35:34 AM EDT

If this happens, How soon can we expect it to go in to law, in other words how long do you have to stock up on things.

The only problem with hording stuff is possible future legislation that prevents you from owning, or selling such items. An ownership ban would render your hoard useless; a ban from selling would render your stash monetarily worthless, but possible worth something to you.

If we let these bans become law, its just a matter of time before possession and transfer bans become law. Thats why hoarding will ultimately be a useless and futile protection from new legislation (if we are unsuccessful in stopping new bans). People will lose alot of money, once their stash becomes non marketable
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 4:51:04 AM EDT
Just mailed/emailed and called all my Vermont reps and suits in the capital and will do so every day if needed.

I am going as Carolyn McCarthy for Halloween this year!
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 5:05:55 AM EDT
Got that in an email from the NRA-ILA last evening.

As of 5 minutes ago, there were still no co-sponsors.


My, she is a busy little bee -

Recognize foreign courts
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 5:08:59 AM EDT
If this happens, How soon can we expect it to go in to law, in other words how long do you have to stock up on things.

The only problem with hording stuff is possible future legislation that prevents you from owning, or selling such items. An ownership ban would render your hoard useless; a ban from selling would render your stash monetarily worthless, but possible worth something to you.

If we let these bans become law, its just a matter of time before possession and transfer bans become law. Thats why hoarding will ultimately be a useless and futile protection from new legislation (if we are unsuccessful in stopping new bans). People will lose alot of money, once their stash becomes non marketable

If you are hoarding solely for the purpose of investment, yes you are probably screwed. I doubt the majority of those buying guns & ammo to put back are thinking about it in that context however.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 5:12:46 AM EDT
From what I've read, before the current Congress got down to business, Charles Schumer warned that the democratic party had to stop catering to special interest groups or risk losing the support of the American people.

I suggest writing Mr Schumer, even if you are not from his state, and explaining the danger that H.R.1022 represents to his party.  It may be helpful to point out the recent Zumbo comments, and how those comments have apparently ended Zumbo's career.  If American gun owners are prepared to quickly and decisively do that to "one of their own", what are they prepared to do to the democratic party?

They certainly know. It is ironic that many of the Democrats recently elected were pro-gun & replaced weak-on-that-issue Republicans. Right after the election the NRA was stating that the current make-up of Congress was the most pro-gun it had been in decades. We'll see if that is true. I agree with the earlier assessment that this is a fight that has to be conducted on a daily basis.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 6:01:39 AM EDT
E-mails sent (Via GOA website) to:
Senate and house reps
Civil rights agency

Lets get on the stick folks....
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 6:09:12 AM EDT
This is the part that gets me, just above the firearms banned by name section:

"`(A) The following rifles or copies or duplicates thereof:"

Thats so vague.. whats the criteria for deciding a duplicate? If it looks the same? if the operating system in the same?

I noticed they didn't mention the AR-180, that design is public domain, yes?
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 6:11:48 AM EDT
I really don't think that shit will pass. Its a massive strategic error. They can't even convince the public that something that "looks scary" should be banned. If you think they are going to convince the public we should ban something that doesnt even look scary, you overestimate them, Especially McCarthy.

On the same note, If I come home from Iraq to find that I need to register/turn in my M4 or my store of "high-capacity" magazines for it and my Springfield XD, I will find that EXTREMELY unsatisfactory.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 6:16:28 AM EDT

I have my WebSite fixed up with alot  of information let me know if I need to add more.Send it to everyone you can.

My WebSite Page

great website!!
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 6:20:51 AM EDT


They are really pushing their luck pissing off so much of the armed population like that.

I don't understand your comment.
Eventually all of this and more will come to pass. Hopefully not in my lifetime.
I do all I can w/emails, donations, spreading the word, ect. but I'm not gonna have a shoot out.
All I'll have is a boating accident so at least I'll have my guns I cannot shoot.
After our guns are banned, there will be plenty tough guys stating that they are now ready to fight.....They should be doing something now.
Just yesterday my stupid brother states that they'll never take his shotgun...I had nothing to say to him.
The "pen" is indeed mightier than the sword......
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 6:38:01 AM EDT
Just sent off 6 emails my self. Time to get friends and family involved...
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 6:55:13 AM EDT
What can we do to attack this?  We nuked Zumbo with an unprecedented attack.  How can we make a bigger statement than just calling or sending letters?
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 7:19:37 AM EDT
Sent my congresscritters 2 emails each this week.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 7:20:16 AM EDT
What we need to do is work at this shit at the state level. If they wouldn't have had all these  Precedents at the state level, this federal bullshit wouldn't be happening.


NO matter what happens we are Americans bound by the Constitution.The Constitution is the Highest form of law in our country. No law that opposes or goes against it, is therefore legit. You are therefore going against the highest form of law in our country by abiding by these bullshit laws. I hope All gun owning Americans will have the resiliance to oppose this. I know I didn't spend over a year in Iraq fighting for someone else's freedoms, only to have someone try to steal my own freedoms. This was the exact reason the 2nd Amendment was written in.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 7:24:56 AM EDT

What can we do to attack this?  We nuked Zumbo with an unprecedented attack.  How can we make a bigger statement than just calling or sending letters?

We need the news media to notice what's going on.  They seem to be beginning to notice what happened to Zumbo, so maybe a flood of emails and letters to various newspaper editors and news directors would give them enough motivation to look into this.

If the 6 o'clock news starts reporting it, you'll see politicians being asked (probably on camera) what their position is.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 8:10:33 AM EDT
Thanks for all the links guys
1 phone call
3 e-mails

Good page

I have my WebSite fixed up with alot  of information let me know if I need to add more.Send it to everyone you can.
My WebSite Page

This link on your page isnt working.
Send your Reps/Senators/Pres and e-mail NOW to oppose HR 1022 and ANY Anti-Gun Leg


Link Posted: 2/25/2007 9:54:22 AM EDT


From what I understand of the bill - They are seeking to reinstate the ban for another 10 years - not permanently...

Oh, that makes me fee alot better now

But yes, I think this ban is rediculous...(as stated in other posts)
I think it serves no purpose except to strip LAW-ABIDING citizens of there Forefather given/defended rights, and does nothing to hinder ILLEGAL arms sales/crimes...


Sorry - don't mean to preach to the choir. 2cnd Amendment topics just get me all fired up...

Me too

Substitute Think with Belive/Feel (Your choice - But intent is the same)
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 9:57:21 AM EDT
It is important for us all to write our representatives and make our voice heard.  The sample letters or slight variations are good, if you should write your own letters be nice.  There have been a few incidents here in Arizona were people made threats against certain representatives over the illegals being here and the threats got more coverage then the idiotic legislation.  This legislation is an issue that we all feel strong about and those emotions are good, just keep them in check and be nice when making you point.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 10:32:08 AM EDT
This is the part that gets me, just above the firearms banned by name section:

"`(A) The following rifles or copies or duplicates thereof:"

Thats so vague.. whats the criteria for deciding a duplicate? If it looks the same? if the operating system in the same?

You could construe that to mean a legally assembled, 922r compliant, AK47 pattern rifle built from a set of parts.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 11:04:55 AM EDT
I lived in Australia when they went through this gun ban b/s. It made no difference to the criminals. Only law abiding honest people were affected. Since the ban the crime rate went off the scale because the criminals were now safe to rob and rape and murder because they did not hand their guns in.

We must do everything in our power to stop this ban.
The way this ban is written the posession of any banned gun is a criminal act. So going out and buying up before the ban will only leave you with more things to hand in.
If this ban passes we as a group should kick our own asses for letting it happen and go and take out guns down to be legaly stolen by the anti's.
The clinton ban was writen to affect future production. this new ban is written to affect all existing guns as well as production. So dont think you are immune just because you own everything you want already. How will it feel to be made a bad criminal at the stroke of a pen when this gets passed. You will be grouped in with the scum of the earth and no mater what you say you will be off to jail just for having a 30 round mag.
Read it carefuly. Just the posesion of some parts is illegal.
So act now and make as much noise on this issue as possible.
DON'T wait for some one else to do it for you by then it will be too late.
DON'T think it wont affect you. If you are reading this you will be affected.

Oh yeah the other little bit for you nfa guys. your legaly registered machine guns will be ok but try using them with out a mag. after you hand in your amunition feeding devices you will have a fun singel shot.Belt fed hey. well the claw is the feeding device.

have fun
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 11:32:59 AM EDT
I just can't see how writing your rep does any good. I would be willing to bet the millions of letters sent to these people each year end up in a big shredder somewhere. And the return letters are so generic they are probably sent out automatically. These people are way too busy out spending there massive paychecks and playing games along party lines to give a damn about regular folks. If your state is represented by a republican than most likely he/she is already going to act on your behalf, if your state is represented by a democrap then all the letters in the world wont do any good. These people tend to only give a shit what  the party says and not a damn about us little peons.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 11:33:52 AM EDT
Yes folks, pretty amazing isnt it? From a state where even a BB gun is considered a firearm (no Joke) and yet somehow maintains one of the higest crime rates by city. (Camdem NJ) Some how can find the logic that restricting the rights of the average american will help crime. (Well, it does help the crooks I guess)
according to the FBI Web Site handguns are most likley to be used in a violent crime but an amazing fact I found looking through their satistics was that Knives and other weapons were more likly to be used than rifles or shotguns (http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/05cius/offenses/violent_crime)
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 11:47:27 AM EDT
E-mails sent to Congressman and Senators.....
Use the NRA sites to respond and follow the progress of the Bill's defeat!!!
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 11:58:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 1:40:41 PM EDT
PTM76 said:

It is purposefully of large scope, so the democrats can "graciously" offer a compromise.

Its called "politics".

This is exactly the junk that scares the hell out of me. Perhaps this is a smoke screen to cover some smaller objective(s). Don't get me wrong, this would be bad stuff if it passed, but we must also be observant of more Machavellian efforts by these yahoo's to acheive their hidden agenda. At any rate I am sending out e-mails to my reps on this. Thanks for the heads-up ARFCOM.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 1:50:58 PM EDT
Just emailed both the Congressman where I live now and the one for the district I just moved from a few years ago.

I knew this was coming.  How long until the prices on lowers and mags go through the roof?
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 2:52:18 PM EDT

`(36) Barrel Shroud- The term `barrel shroud' means a shroud that is attached to, or partially or completely encircles, the barrel of a firearm so that the shroud protects the user of the firearm from heat generated by the barrel, but does not include a slide that encloses the barrel, and does not include an extension of the stock along the bottom of the barrel which does not encircle or substantially encircle the barrel.

This goes to show how stupid they are. Why are the antis so friggin scared of barrel shrouds?

Just amagine this peice of crap law on the books, and Hitlery in office. She'll probably reinstate Janet Reno as Attorney General. More Ruby Ridge, and Wacos.
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 3:44:27 PM EDT
There should be no compromise!  This is obviously why McCarthy asked for such sweeping reforms.  We compromise and loose a little each time this comes up again and again until there is nothing left to compromise for.  As has been said before its time for us to become active in the political process or we can just sit back and bitch about it and watch our freedoms slip away.

I plan to send emails, write letters and join the "Million Gun Owner March" through downtown DC if need be to help protect my rights.  From conversations I have had with our company's PR person a signed letter gets their attention quicker than an email.  There is just something more personal about a letter with a signature.  We need to play the same game as the opposition but play it better.  We can't continue to be the silent majority and just hope that common sense will prevail.  We need to support our own state's grass roots firearms rights organizations and get everyone we can to join the NRA.  We need to show Clinton, McCarthy and anyone else interested in taking away our rights that we will not sit idly by and let them disappear.  Time for me to write some more letters!
Link Posted: 2/25/2007 3:47:28 PM EDT
Thanks for all the links guys hone3 e-mails

Good page

I have my WebSite fixed up with alot  of information let me know if I need to add more.Send it to everyone you can.
My WebSite Page

This link on your page isnt working.
Send your Reps/Senators/Pres and e-mail NOW to oppose HR 1022 and ANY Anti-Gun Leg


Thanks its fixed now.

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