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Link Posted: 1/11/2024 5:25:20 PM EDT
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Honestly I'd be surprised if the new coach hasn't already been pretty much figured out, but who knows.  Guess we'll see how long before new coach is named
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My money is on Lanning

I'd be really surprised to see Lanning leave, he's seems committed to Oregon...plus, they can pay him just about what he wants and there is a hell of a lot less stress/expectations.

There are reports he is in Tuscaloosa interviewing right now. Wouldn't be surprised to see him announced as the head coach by tomorrow. Lots of former players are already alluding to a new coach, so it makes sense...........but we shall see. I like the guy and wouldnt have a problem with him being the coach

I have a feeling Saban has been working on this for awhile............there are rumors that his wife Terry is ill, and he wanted to retire due to those issues.

Yeah, I think it’s Lanning.

And I think he’s a damn good coach and will make a great hire.

As long as he hires a good DC and a good OL coach, things will be good

Lanning has supposedly said he’s staying at Oregon. Now DeBoer is the odds in favorite at +300 to be the coach.

I have a feeling Knight and Nike got to him, but it's all good......of course Saban was staying at Miami, so you never know anymore............not sure about DeBoer as he's not from the SE and hasnt established ties to schools, but that can be done quick if he's the choice

Some are wanting DeMeco Ryans from the Texans, but he's a long shot as he has no college coaching experience, but he has done well with the Texans and had a great defense with San Francisco..........

DeBoer has won everywhere he’s been. The recruiting thing is overblown. Sark had zero ties to Texas. Saban had none to LSU, and yet they both recruited gangbusters.

Not that Bama recruits itself, but hire some HS coaches around the SE as staffers and evaluators and you'll get some amazing talent.  Winning shouldn't hurt that

Saban is staying around to assist the new coaching staff get settled in and help interview new staff.............I'd imagine what staff he doesnt bring will be filled with people that know the SE and can assist in the recruiting and not something to skimp on.............however it does take time to build relationships, so it's important from that aspect........and Both Sark and Saban had people from the SE on their staffs to help with it. I dont think it's Ryans as he has a playoff contending team.

I think most folks would want some advice from Saban, but it can also cause some issues as you might have a guy in mind.  Unless you're as good as Saban (better ain't really a thing, is it?) its gonna be a rough time at a school with so much sustained success.

I see what you’re saying, but if done correctly it can work. Saban CHOSE to step away, so that will help (in this context).

And he is only going to hang around to help the new guy get acclimatized and get set up, then ride off into the sunset. I'd never see him try and micromanage a new coach, as no one has ever done that to him.

Honestly I'd be surprised if the new coach hasn't already been pretty much figured out, but who knows.  Guess we'll see how long before new coach is named

I think the plan is in place, but gauging interest and getting a deal in place takes awhile...............I do think it will be announced fairly soon, by Saturday at the least. It drives some fans crazy not to know, but few are privy at any school to the inner workings of the administration, so wait we must
Link Posted: 1/11/2024 5:29:41 PM EDT
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I think the plan is in place, but gauging interest and getting a deal in place takes awhile...............I do think it will be announced fairly soon, by Saturday at the least. It drives some fans crazy not to know, but few are privy at any school to the inner workings of the administration, so wait we must
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With the portal and such, I think quick decisions are made even quicker.  Big time coaching salaries start at 4mil so you gotta take some risk to get to the big time paydays of 10mil unless you wanna coach in College Station
Link Posted: 1/11/2024 5:44:08 PM EDT

This stuff all seems shocking to me, as I get paid to entertain folks as part of my gig.
Link Posted: 1/11/2024 7:23:30 PM EDT
How many Alabama players entered the portal after the Saban announcement?
Link Posted: 1/11/2024 7:26:58 PM EDT
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How many Alabama players entered the portal after the Saban announcement?
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None...............one player decommitted but that was expected
Link Posted: 1/11/2024 7:34:08 PM EDT
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None...............one player decommitted but that was expected
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How many Alabama players entered the portal after the Saban announcement?

None...............one player decommitted but that was expected

so far. this starts a 30 day window for players to escape. i would expect it'll depend heavily on who the replacement is

Link Posted: 1/11/2024 8:29:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/11/2024 8:34:55 PM EDT
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so far. this starts a 30 day window for players to escape. i would expect it'll depend heavily on who the replacement is

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How many Alabama players entered the portal after the Saban announcement?

None...............one player decommitted but that was expected

so far. this starts a 30 day window for players to escape. i would expect it'll depend heavily on who the replacement is

There are some indications that the replacement will be named tomorrow, so I guess we will see then
Link Posted: 1/11/2024 8:37:11 PM EDT
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There are some indications that the replacement will be named tomorrow, so I guess we will see then
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How many Alabama players entered the portal after the Saban announcement?

None...............one player decommitted but that was expected

so far. this starts a 30 day window for players to escape. i would expect it'll depend heavily on who the replacement is

There are some indications that the replacement will be named tomorrow, so I guess we will see then

I hear Conner Stalions is available.
Link Posted: 1/11/2024 8:43:46 PM EDT
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fuck the ncaa. i hope fsu tells them to fuckoff.

Link Posted: 1/11/2024 8:46:54 PM EDT
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fuck the ncaa. i hope fsu tells them to fuckoff.

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Quoted for when the Michigan ruling comes down
Link Posted: 1/11/2024 8:48:25 PM EDT
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fuck the ncaa. i hope fsu tells them to fuckoff.

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fuck the ncaa. i hope fsu tells them to fuckoff.

Nut shots keep hitting FSU this year
Link Posted: 1/11/2024 8:54:26 PM EDT
Updated my resume today. Ready to send it in to replace Nick. I mean the thing now is to pay someone not to coach so just letting them know I'm available.
Link Posted: 1/11/2024 8:56:23 PM EDT
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I hear Conner Stalions is available.
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How many Alabama players entered the portal after the Saban announcement?

None...............one player decommitted but that was expected

so far. this starts a 30 day window for players to escape. i would expect it'll depend heavily on who the replacement is

There are some indications that the replacement will be named tomorrow, so I guess we will see then

I hear Conner Stalions is available.

If they were gonna steal signals, I'd call him right up
Link Posted: 1/11/2024 8:56:59 PM EDT
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fuck the ncaa. i hope fsu tells them to fuckoff.

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That's something a cheater would say.
Link Posted: 1/11/2024 9:30:49 PM EDT
Is Bama going to steal FSU’s playoff spot and head coach?
Link Posted: 1/11/2024 9:41:05 PM EDT
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Is Bama going to steal FSU’s playoff spot and head coach?
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bama is the new a&m
Link Posted: 1/11/2024 9:56:29 PM EDT
I don't feel so bad about so e of the Michigan gloating about Alabama when I'm listening to a TON of SEC callers on Paul's show; saying how awesome the start to the new year was. Alabama getting knocked out and then retiring. Lmao. Damn yall harsh.

Link Posted: 1/11/2024 10:44:26 PM EDT
Couple funny tweets I saw today:

Link Posted: 1/12/2024 7:01:29 AM EDT

NCAA put FSU on 2 years probation.
Somebody got their feels hurt.
Fucking Nazi's.
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 7:53:20 AM EDT
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That's something a cheater would say.
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fuck the ncaa. i hope fsu tells them to fuckoff.

That's something a cheater would say.

or thats something everyone else says about the enforcement arm when they look the other way while a confirmed violator of more serious rules goes home with the trophy while barney fife/eric cartman cop goes after lesser offenses
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 9:55:20 AM EDT
SEC Shorts dropped yesterday.  Apologies if already posted.

SEC Shorts - SEC forced to go to a watch party

ETA: "Y'all pull this off, Connor Stations has got to get a raise."  
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 9:58:37 AM EDT
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There are some indications that the replacement will be named tomorrow, so I guess we will see then
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How many Alabama players entered the portal after the Saban announcement?

None...............one player decommitted but that was expected

so far. this starts a 30 day window for players to escape. i would expect it'll depend heavily on who the replacement is

There are some indications that the replacement will be named tomorrow, so I guess we will see then

I think time has passed for many of them to go to another SEC school as class has started. They reportedly had a team meeting and decided to wait for the next coach before deciding. They could transfer again in the spring as well if they wanted to go to an SEC school….just not this period.
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 12:43:33 PM EDT
Getting tired of the SEC poaching FSU's HC's... Hope Norvell sticks it out at FSU, but if offered the Bama job it'll probably be hard to decline.
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 1:16:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 1:16:57 PM EDT
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Getting tired of the SEC poaching FSU's HC's... Hope Norvell sticks it out at FSU, but if offered the Bama job it'll probably be hard to decline.
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Fsu should join SEC poaching each other's coaches is A-OK
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 1:26:52 PM EDT
Attachment Attached File

ESPN should be ashamed for putting out such drivel.
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 1:27:30 PM EDT
Twitter is saying Norvell just signed an 8 year contract with FSU.
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 1:32:24 PM EDT
This is pretty cool:

Your Story: A Tribute to Coach Saban
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 1:35:17 PM EDT
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ESPN should be ashamed for putting out such drivel.
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This seems a little more objective:


"Multiple sources tell FootballScoop that today has been an incredibly active day in the Crimson Tide's ongoing search; Byrne has told the program and others within the athletics department that he intends to name Saban's replacement by the end of this week.

Among those emerging as serious contenders along the lines of earning interviews: Washington coach Kalen DeBoer, Florida State coach Mike Norvell and incumbent Tide offensive coordinator Tommy Rees.

Additionally, prominent figures in the world of sports -- including CAA's Jimmy Sexton and top-tier representatives from Excel Sports -- are in Tuscaloosa today.

Two other names with some measure of traction in the search: former Broyles Award-winning Alabama assistant coach Mike Locksley and current Missouri head coach Eli Drinkwitz, per sources in upper levels of college athletics administration."

*This was written before Norvell signed an extension with FSU
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 1:36:12 PM EDT
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This seems a little more objective:


"Multiple sources tell FootballScoop that today has been an incredibly active day in the Crimson Tide's ongoing search; Byrne has told the program and others within the athletics department that he intends to name Saban's replacement by the end of this week.

Among those emerging as serious contenders along the lines of earning interviews: Washington coach Kalen DeBoer, Florida State coach Mike Norvell and incumbent Tide offensive coordinator Tommy Rees.

Additionally, prominent figures in the world of sports -- including CAA's Jimmy Sexton and top-tier representatives from Excel Sports -- are in Tuscaloosa today.

Two other names with some measure of traction in the search: former Broyles Award-winning Alabama assistant coach Mike Locksley and current Missouri head coach Eli Drinkwitz, per sources in upper levels of college athletics administration."
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Tommy Rees?

Link Posted: 1/12/2024 1:37:15 PM EDT
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Tommy Rees?

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This seems a little more objective:


"Multiple sources tell FootballScoop that today has been an incredibly active day in the Crimson Tide's ongoing search; Byrne has told the program and others within the athletics department that he intends to name Saban's replacement by the end of this week.

Among those emerging as serious contenders along the lines of earning interviews: Washington coach Kalen DeBoer, Florida State coach Mike Norvell and incumbent Tide offensive coordinator Tommy Rees.

Additionally, prominent figures in the world of sports -- including CAA's Jimmy Sexton and top-tier representatives from Excel Sports -- are in Tuscaloosa today.

Two other names with some measure of traction in the search: former Broyles Award-winning Alabama assistant coach Mike Locksley and current Missouri head coach Eli Drinkwitz, per sources in upper levels of college athletics administration."

Tommy Rees?

I think it's unlikely because he's only 31, but Rees was the only in-house candidate to receive an interview.

Link Posted: 1/12/2024 1:38:50 PM EDT
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This seems a little more objective:


"Multiple sources tell FootballScoop that today has been an incredibly active day in the Crimson Tide's ongoing search; Byrne has told the program and others within the athletics department that he intends to name Saban's replacement by the end of this week.

Among those emerging as serious contenders along the lines of earning interviews: Washington coach Kalen DeBoer, Florida State coach Mike Norvell and incumbent Tide offensive coordinator Tommy Rees.

Additionally, prominent figures in the world of sports -- including CAA's Jimmy Sexton and top-tier representatives from Excel Sports -- are in Tuscaloosa today.

Two other names with some measure of traction in the search: former Broyles Award-winning Alabama assistant coach Mike Locksley and current Missouri head coach Eli Drinkwitz, per sources in upper levels of college athletics administration."

*This was written before Norvell signed an extension with FSU
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ESPN should be ashamed for putting out such drivel.

This seems a little more objective:


"Multiple sources tell FootballScoop that today has been an incredibly active day in the Crimson Tide's ongoing search; Byrne has told the program and others within the athletics department that he intends to name Saban's replacement by the end of this week.

Among those emerging as serious contenders along the lines of earning interviews: Washington coach Kalen DeBoer, Florida State coach Mike Norvell and incumbent Tide offensive coordinator Tommy Rees.

Additionally, prominent figures in the world of sports -- including CAA's Jimmy Sexton and top-tier representatives from Excel Sports -- are in Tuscaloosa today.

Two other names with some measure of traction in the search: former Broyles Award-winning Alabama assistant coach Mike Locksley and current Missouri head coach Eli Drinkwitz, per sources in upper levels of college athletics administration."

*This was written before Norvell signed an extension with FSU

Mike Locksley?  From UNM to Bama would be a 30 for 30 for sure
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 1:59:00 PM EDT
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Updated my resume today. Ready to send it in to replace Nick. I mean the thing now is to pay someone not to coach so just letting them know I'm available.
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I thought the username was HourOfAggie.  I thought this was a fitting post.
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 2:56:00 PM EDT
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I thought the username was HourOfAggie.  I thought this was a fitting post.
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Updated my resume today. Ready to send it in to replace Nick. I mean the thing now is to pay someone not to coach so just letting them know I'm available.

I thought the username was HourOfAggie.  I thought this was a fitting post.

Hey. You got to shoot your shot:

Link Posted: 1/12/2024 2:57:50 PM EDT
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I think it's unlikely because he's only 31, but Rees was the only in-house candidate to receive an interview.

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This seems a little more objective:


"Multiple sources tell FootballScoop that today has been an incredibly active day in the Crimson Tide's ongoing search; Byrne has told the program and others within the athletics department that he intends to name Saban's replacement by the end of this week.

Among those emerging as serious contenders along the lines of earning interviews: Washington coach Kalen DeBoer, Florida State coach Mike Norvell and incumbent Tide offensive coordinator Tommy Rees.

Additionally, prominent figures in the world of sports -- including CAA's Jimmy Sexton and top-tier representatives from Excel Sports -- are in Tuscaloosa today.

Two other names with some measure of traction in the search: former Broyles Award-winning Alabama assistant coach Mike Locksley and current Missouri head coach Eli Drinkwitz, per sources in upper levels of college athletics administration."

Tommy Rees?

I think it's unlikely because he's only 31, but Rees was the only in-house candidate to receive an interview.


That was a courtesy interview...............Saban is promoting him, as he now has interest from the Chicago Bears for the OC job.
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 2:59:22 PM EDT
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I wonder if it has anything to do with free crab legs...
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 4:31:40 PM EDT
Looks like its DeBoer.
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 4:33:53 PM EDT
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Looks like its DeBoer.
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He’s won everywhere he’s ever been a HC. He’s a stud. That would be a good hire.
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 4:35:51 PM EDT
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He’s won everywhere he’s ever been a HC. He’s a stud. That would be a good hire.
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Let’s see how he does without an NFL QB
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 4:37:35 PM EDT
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Looks like its DeBoer.
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Great for him and Bama though.

The wife is still sick over Saban leaving but she'll be happy with DeBoer.
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 4:43:27 PM EDT
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Let’s see how he does without an NFL QB
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He’s won everywhere he’s ever been a HC. He’s a stud. That would be a good hire.

Let’s see how he does without an NFL QB

YearTeamRecord (Conference)Postseason
2005Sioux Falls11-2 (9-1)Reached NAIA semifinal
2006Sioux Falls14-0 (10-0)Won NAIA championship
2007Sioux Falls13-1 (10-0)Lost NAIA championship
2008Sioux Falls14-0 (10-0)Won NAIA championship
2009Sioux Falls15-0 (10-0)Won NAIA championship
2020Fresno State3-3 (3-3)--
2021Fresno State9-3 (6-2)Won Fresno Bowl*
2022Washington11-2 (7-2)Won Alamo Bowl
2023Washington14-1 (9-0)Lost CFP national championship

I’ll go out on a limb and guess he didn’t have an NFL QB at Sioux Falls.
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 4:45:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 4:50:59 PM EDT
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YearTeamRecord (Conference)Postseason
2005Sioux Falls11-2 (9-1)Reached NAIA semifinal
2006Sioux Falls14-0 (10-0)Won NAIA championship
2007Sioux Falls13-1 (10-0)Lost NAIA championship
2008Sioux Falls14-0 (10-0)Won NAIA championship
2009Sioux Falls15-0 (10-0)Won NAIA championship
2020Fresno State3-3 (3-3)--
2021Fresno State9-3 (6-2)Won Fresno Bowl*
2022Washington11-2 (7-2)Won Alamo Bowl
2023Washington14-1 (9-0)Lost CFP national championship

I’ll go out on a limb and guess he didn’t have an NFL QB at Sioux Falls.
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He’s won everywhere he’s ever been a HC. He’s a stud. That would be a good hire.

Let’s see how he does without an NFL QB

YearTeamRecord (Conference)Postseason
2005Sioux Falls11-2 (9-1)Reached NAIA semifinal
2006Sioux Falls14-0 (10-0)Won NAIA championship
2007Sioux Falls13-1 (10-0)Lost NAIA championship
2008Sioux Falls14-0 (10-0)Won NAIA championship
2009Sioux Falls15-0 (10-0)Won NAIA championship
2020Fresno State3-3 (3-3)--
2021Fresno State9-3 (6-2)Won Fresno Bowl*
2022Washington11-2 (7-2)Won Alamo Bowl
2023Washington14-1 (9-0)Lost CFP national championship

I’ll go out on a limb and guess he didn’t have an NFL QB at Sioux Falls.

He can probably recruit some decent QBs at Bama
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 4:51:03 PM EDT
He did sign an extension this Nov.  The buyout is $12m.

However, UW is trying to offer a 10yr contract and I believe they are trying to make him one of the top paid coaches in the country.

If Bama doesn't get him, just like missing on Lanning and Sark, then they will have to settle on someone that Bama fans will not really like.

I hope he stays at UW, but I could see why he would be tempted.

He is certainly a culture guy.  He invests in and empowers his players. They seem to respond to that.  However, he also doesn't deal with big ego guys.  He's been working with kids that have a chip on their shoulder or have been doubted in some way.  Coach Petersen was the same way.  Team over individual.

That's not who Bama typically recruts.  That would be a major adjustment.
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 4:52:10 PM EDT
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He can probably recruit some decent QBs at Bama
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He’s won everywhere he’s ever been a HC. He’s a stud. That would be a good hire.

Let’s see how he does without an NFL QB

YearTeamRecord (Conference)Postseason
2005Sioux Falls11-2 (9-1)Reached NAIA semifinal
2006Sioux Falls14-0 (10-0)Won NAIA championship
2007Sioux Falls13-1 (10-0)Lost NAIA championship
2008Sioux Falls14-0 (10-0)Won NAIA championship
2009Sioux Falls15-0 (10-0)Won NAIA championship
2020Fresno State3-3 (3-3)--
2021Fresno State9-3 (6-2)Won Fresno Bowl*
2022Washington11-2 (7-2)Won Alamo Bowl
2023Washington14-1 (9-0)Lost CFP national championship

I’ll go out on a limb and guess he didn’t have an NFL QB at Sioux Falls.

He can probably recruit some decent QBs at Bama

He is a Portal sniper.
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 4:53:10 PM EDT
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He is a Portal sniper.
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He’s won everywhere he’s ever been a HC. He’s a stud. That would be a good hire.

Let’s see how he does without an NFL QB

YearTeamRecord (Conference)Postseason
2005Sioux Falls11-2 (9-1)Reached NAIA semifinal
2006Sioux Falls14-0 (10-0)Won NAIA championship
2007Sioux Falls13-1 (10-0)Lost NAIA championship
2008Sioux Falls14-0 (10-0)Won NAIA championship
2009Sioux Falls15-0 (10-0)Won NAIA championship
2020Fresno State3-3 (3-3)--
2021Fresno State9-3 (6-2)Won Fresno Bowl*
2022Washington11-2 (7-2)Won Alamo Bowl
2023Washington14-1 (9-0)Lost CFP national championship

I’ll go out on a limb and guess he didn’t have an NFL QB at Sioux Falls.

He can probably recruit some decent QBs at Bama

He is a Portal sniper.

Portal QBs are the way to go, IMO.  Let someone else develop them then NIL their faces off and get em a natty
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 4:56:20 PM EDT
Johnathan Smith may not even coach a down at MSU.

Washington may come knocking. Lol.

It will be interesting who UW will pursue.  They did great with DeBoer but it's a different AD making the choices now that she left for USC.

Link Posted: 1/12/2024 4:57:32 PM EDT
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Great for him and Bama though.

The wife is still sick over Saban leaving but she'll be happy with DeBoer.
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Looks like its DeBoer.



Great for him and Bama though.

The wife is still sick over Saban leaving but she'll be happy with DeBoer.

Your family is definitely in a unique situation.
Link Posted: 1/12/2024 5:00:43 PM EDT
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Johnathan Smith may not even coach a down at MSU.

Washington may come knocking. Lol.

It will be interesting who UW will pursue.  They did great with DeBoer but it's a different AD making the choices now that she left for USC.

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Matt Campbell, Lance Leipold at Kansas, or Kleinman at Kansas State would be solid choices
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