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Link Posted: 1/26/2020 4:56:03 PM EDT
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What are you trying to make it about?  You are one of the posters that is outraged.
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An older man hitting on a younger girl isn't the creepy part. Why are you trying to make it about that?
What are you trying to make it about?  You are one of the posters that is outraged.
Oh I'm outraged? I had no idea.

If you still don't understand what it's about (it's not about the age difference) then you haven't been reading the thread. You're just posting your own outraged that anyone would question Taran's behavior.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 5:00:54 PM EDT
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The entire problem with this is an employer pressuring an employee into sexual favors.
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Where are you getting that there was any "pressuring?" The 1st bullet point in sexual harassment law is that a behavior has to be unwanted. At this point, nothing has come out even remotely implying that this wasn't fully reciprocated behavior
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 5:02:45 PM EDT
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I feel like creepy is the wrong word. "Trashy Pervert" seems to fit it much better.

Not because of the age differential, I see nothing wrong with 18 and 50.

If some rich, intelligent, handsome, 50 year old man with a good body somehow met my 16 year old daughter, and they wanted to get married. Then, after a through background check, including "Why is he single?!?! And How did they meet?!?!" I would sign on the dotted line.

@15? Hell no.

@14? Where is my gun?

@13? "Hello, 911, I just shot someone in self defense."

But at 16? Where is my pen so I can sign on the dotted line?

18? Are you kidding me? Why is she still asking my permission?

Men's sperm are viable well into their 60's-70's, in most cases, and they'll make awesome babies together, as long as he fits all my criteria I wouldn't care.

Lots of females with good genetics look about the same from 16 to 29, It's almost impossible to tell the difference between a 16 year old girl and an 18-21 year old woman. As long as they don't drink/smoke/tan, how is a man going to know the difference just by looking at them?

It's not like they are 12. Where is my gun...?

If it's so "creepy" then why do so many states allow parents to sign off on marriages when kids are bellow 18?

Because in the old days (less than 100 years ago) it was a common, and accepted practice.

Notice I keep says "with parental consent". Let my girl marry someone like Taran? Hell to the NO!!! I don't care how much money they have or how well they can shoot. The man is a pervert, as are all men to go to strip clubs. Or talk to women like Taran talked to Jade. The fact that she didn't seem very put off by it tells me all I need to know. I'd like to believe my daughter would slap him in the face. And if I do a good job raising her, she would!
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Well shit.  I found Stefan Molyneux's ArfCom account.

Thanks for your input Stefan.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 5:06:49 PM EDT
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That's my take as well. My full endorsement from the get go but I haven't shot or tested it.
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"It's awesome, it's robust, and it's durable, and I have a feeling that it is going to shoot so clean."

So, in other words she hasn't actually shot the gun she is plugging and has no way of knowing if it is either "robust" or "durable".
That's my take as well. My full endorsement from the get go but I haven't shot or tested it.
Just like 90% of Amazon reviews.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 5:09:31 PM EDT
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Where are you getting that there was any "pressuring?" The 1st bullet point in sexual harassment law is that a behavior has to be unwanted. At this point, nothing has come out even remotely implying that this wasn't fully reciprocated behavior
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The entire problem with this is an employer pressuring an employee into sexual favors.
Where are you getting that there was any "pressuring?" The 1st bullet point in sexual harassment law is that a behavior has to be unwanted. At this point, nothing has come out even remotely implying that this wasn't fully reciprocated behavior
Maybe there was and maybe there wasn't, the point though is that it's unwise, creepy, and generally bad form for a boss/leader/manager to act like this with those he is in ANY sort of position to take advantage of.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 5:13:00 PM EDT
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Maybe there was and maybe there wasn't, the point though is that it's unwise, creepy, and generally bad form for a boss/leader/manager to act like this with those he is in ANY sort of position to take advantage of.
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The entire problem with this is an employer pressuring an employee into sexual favors.
Where are you getting that there was any "pressuring?" The 1st bullet point in sexual harassment law is that a behavior has to be unwanted. At this point, nothing has come out even remotely implying that this wasn't fully reciprocated behavior
Maybe there was and maybe there wasn't, the point though is that it's unwise, creepy, and generally bad form for a boss/leader/manager to act like this with those he is in ANY sort of position to take advantage of.
It seems like many in this thread are not familiar with the concept of "Grooming".

I'm not saying that is in fact what happened here, but it certainly gives that appearance.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 5:15:51 PM EDT
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There you go. What a waste of words. Almost no substantial information given. We don't know what mags it takes what calibers it's available in what it's made out of......nothing. Must be nice to get paid for that.
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But it's super clean.  She said so, twice.

I'm curious how the market will receive it.  Gamers have their brands which aren't necessarily the tactical brands.  A 2011 is a gamer gun but Blackwater is a tactical brand.  There is obviously some crossover with brands like Glock and Safariland which have good penetration in both, but you won't see a lot of CZ or STI in mil/LE holsters while they are common in gun games.  Similarly, Colt & HK have a strong mil/LE following but not a ton in games.

But I'm a dirt shooter that has used Glock, CZ, STI, and HK in USPSA, 3gun, and steel challenge.  I know the best 2011 on the planet won't help me.  
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 5:20:40 PM EDT
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It seems like many in this thread are not familiar with the concept of "Grooming".

I'm not saying that is in fact what happened here, but it certainly gives that appearance.
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The entire problem with this is an employer pressuring an employee into sexual favors.
Where are you getting that there was any "pressuring?" The 1st bullet point in sexual harassment law is that a behavior has to be unwanted. At this point, nothing has come out even remotely implying that this wasn't fully reciprocated behavior
Maybe there was and maybe there wasn't, the point though is that it's unwise, creepy, and generally bad form for a boss/leader/manager to act like this with those he is in ANY sort of position to take advantage of.
It seems like many in this thread are not familiar with the concept of "Grooming".

I'm not saying that is in fact what happened here, but it certainly gives that appearance.
Yeah, and a smart person of character would avoid that appearance.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 6:00:56 PM EDT
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Lol I went to google that knife and her name gives "age" as one of the top suggested searches.
holy shit what a bunch of overpriced crap.


Ear gages. Gross.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 6:01:29 PM EDT
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Yeah, and a smart person of character would avoid that appearance.
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I won’t/wouldn’t say TB is a person of character as I don’t know the guy, but up until this private video was leaked, no one thought there was an appearance of impropriety going on between the two of them.  Probably most of us didn’t know who she was, other than one of the hotties working at his range.

People say and do all kinds of things in private that is no one’s business.  It became public, and the guy apologized for it.  As for JS, she’s still quiet on the subject.  Maybe someday she’ll come out and tell her side of the story, maybe for next shot show when we’ve all forgotten who she is?

This shit show of a thread has been interesting enough to spend some time looking at both TB and JS’s video’s, IG and interviews by gun rags and video gun reviewers alike.  In all of that, there’s no appearance of grooming.  Actually, it’s mostly filled with admiration, respect and accolades.  If there had been something other than that in the last few years, I’m guessing we would have had this discussion sometime ago.

So, this still brings us back to 2 adults, doing questionable stuff in private, with neither one of them ever complaining about it, or anyone that knows them complaining about it, or anyone who has worked with them complaining about it.  Seems like we have one big fat nothing burger here guys...though it would be funny to see this thread get to 50 pages
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 6:05:37 PM EDT
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I won’t/wouldn’t say TB is a person of character as I don’t know the guy, but up until this private video was leaked, no one thought there was an appearance of impropriety going on between the two of them.  Probably most of us didn’t know who she was, other than one of the hotties working at his range.

People say and do all kinds of things in private that is no one’s business.  It became public, and the guy apologized for it.  As for JS, she’s still quiet on the subject.  Maybe someday she’ll come out and tell her side of the story, maybe for next shot show when we’ve all forgotten who she is?

This shit show of a thread has been interesting enough to spend some time looking at both TB and JS’s video’s, IG and interviews by gun rags and video gun reviewers alike.  In all of that, there’s no appearance of grooming.  Actually, it’s mostly filled with admiration, respect and accolades.  If there had been something other than that in the last few years, I’m guessing we would have had this discussion sometime ago.

So, this still brings us back to 2 adults, doing questionable stuff in private, with neither one of them ever complaining about it, or anyone that knows them complaining about it, or anyone who has worked with them complaining about it.  Seems like we have one big fat nothing burger here guys...though it would be funny to see this thread get to 50 pages
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Yeah, and a smart person of character would avoid that appearance.
I won’t/wouldn’t say TB is a person of character as I don’t know the guy, but up until this private video was leaked, no one thought there was an appearance of impropriety going on between the two of them.  Probably most of us didn’t know who she was, other than one of the hotties working at his range.

People say and do all kinds of things in private that is no one’s business.  It became public, and the guy apologized for it.  As for JS, she’s still quiet on the subject.  Maybe someday she’ll come out and tell her side of the story, maybe for next shot show when we’ve all forgotten who she is?

This shit show of a thread has been interesting enough to spend some time looking at both TB and JS’s video’s, IG and interviews by gun rags and video gun reviewers alike.  In all of that, there’s no appearance of grooming.  Actually, it’s mostly filled with admiration, respect and accolades.  If there had been something other than that in the last few years, I’m guessing we would have had this discussion sometime ago.

So, this still brings us back to 2 adults, doing questionable stuff in private, with neither one of them ever complaining about it, or anyone that knows them complaining about it, or anyone who has worked with them complaining about it.  Seems like we have one big fat nothing burger here guys...though it would be funny to see this thread get to 50 pages
Of course nobody thought anything was going on. There wasn't a video posted about it.

You keep sanitizing it. It wasn't just two adults. It was a man who knew her since she was a child, who is a family friend, speaking in a creepy manner to an employee.
It's weird and creepy.

I've seen this kind of thing go down in real life between boss and subordinate. It's shit for morale, and absolutely everyone involved (even if not directly involved) is worse when it inevitably comes crashing down. These types of things are *never* in private. It's the nature of fucking an employee or a friend's daughter.

It's creepy and stupid.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 6:08:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 6:12:57 PM EDT
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I wouldn't loose too much sleep over the untested endorsement, seen as though she already owns and shoots a 2011 (shoots very well actually).

As much as I was hoping we would have 100 pages of rage against TB&JS, looks like we're morphing into more hypothetical (boring) shit.   After watching a bunch of her video's, spawned by this thread, it's clear she shoots very well, probably (most likely) better than anybody on this forum, worldwide.  I kind of think that makes her a SME for how well a gun will shoot.

In the end, I think all the bad publicity is going to turn out to be good publicity for both of them financially. There are now legions more people who know the name Taran Butler and Jade Struck than ever before.  Kind of makes me think of a post in the beginning of this thread wondering if it was done on purpose, coinciding with the firearms industries largest trade show?  Guarantee there were folks walking by the Blackwater booth just to catch a glimpse of our newly found damsel in distress.  There's also been a shit load of folks walking by the TT booth, trying to determine if Taran is there, does he seem remorseful, angry, resentful, etc.  In both cases, the products on display at those booths are getting a TON of views and in the end people wanting quality products aren't going to be too concerned with what happens behind the curtain, that doesn't directly impact the product.  This, like every other controversy nowadays will be forgotten in a week.

If you look at Taran's and Jade's IG, FB, YT, etc pages, their views have only gone up, not down.  JS holy warriors are on her side and TB fans are on his, both were just fine before and both will be more than fine after.  Unless either one of them starts selling Chinesium-CH's as true blue American made versions, I think they'll continue to be just fine
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That's my take as well. My full endorsement from the get go but I haven't shot or tested it.
I wouldn't loose too much sleep over the untested endorsement, seen as though she already owns and shoots a 2011 (shoots very well actually).

As much as I was hoping we would have 100 pages of rage against TB&JS, looks like we're morphing into more hypothetical (boring) shit.   After watching a bunch of her video's, spawned by this thread, it's clear she shoots very well, probably (most likely) better than anybody on this forum, worldwide.  I kind of think that makes her a SME for how well a gun will shoot.

In the end, I think all the bad publicity is going to turn out to be good publicity for both of them financially. There are now legions more people who know the name Taran Butler and Jade Struck than ever before.  Kind of makes me think of a post in the beginning of this thread wondering if it was done on purpose, coinciding with the firearms industries largest trade show?  Guarantee there were folks walking by the Blackwater booth just to catch a glimpse of our newly found damsel in distress.  There's also been a shit load of folks walking by the TT booth, trying to determine if Taran is there, does he seem remorseful, angry, resentful, etc.  In both cases, the products on display at those booths are getting a TON of views and in the end people wanting quality products aren't going to be too concerned with what happens behind the curtain, that doesn't directly impact the product.  This, like every other controversy nowadays will be forgotten in a week.

If you look at Taran's and Jade's IG, FB, YT, etc pages, their views have only gone up, not down.  JS holy warriors are on her side and TB fans are on his, both were just fine before and both will be more than fine after.  Unless either one of them starts selling Chinesium-CH's as true blue American made versions, I think they'll continue to be just fine
There are M Class and GM shooters here. I don't class shame anyone, but 11th PCC, 43rd overall and 2nd A class PCC at an area match isn't bad, but it's not lighting the world on fire either.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 6:15:47 PM EDT
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Ear gages. Gross.
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I didn't even notice those.

They looked like ravaged butt wholes when they remove the ring
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 6:16:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 6:17:36 PM EDT
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I won’t/wouldn’t say TB is a person of character as I don’t know the guy, but up until this private video was leaked, no one thought there was an appearance of impropriety going on between the two of them.  Probably most of us didn’t know who she was, other than one of the hotties working at his range.
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Oh no. It was pretty broadly known how he was with young girls throughout the industry.

It's just kept quiet because people like money.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 6:24:59 PM EDT
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All those girls look the same so I think he has a type. I think he likes the young ones...
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Who doesn’t?
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 6:34:30 PM EDT
Bottom line.....business owners should not be caught in these types of situations, period.

Recording that video or letting someone else record the incident displays a total lack of intelligence.

Trijicon has already removed him from their "Pro Staff" list. Hopefully other sponsors will follow....
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 7:09:00 PM EDT
GLOCK talk forum has a No Taran posts allowed rule now.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 7:14:18 PM EDT
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GLOCK talk forum has a No Taran posts allowed rule now.
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That's just dildos.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 7:31:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 7:42:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 7:47:47 PM EDT
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For this scandal? Or for any mention of him and his products?
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GLOCK talk forum has a No Taran posts allowed rule now.
For this scandal? Or for any mention of him and his products?
GT has been fudd central for the better half of a decade now. I’m not surprised.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 7:51:12 PM EDT
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Look, an inexperienced 21 yo gun bunny has a line of combat knives! They must be extra deadly.
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You’ll also learn Jade shows as much skin on her IG than she showed in the creepy video. Doesn’t mean anything other that girl ain’t that shy.

Look, an inexperienced 21 yo gun bunny has a line of combat knives! They must be extra deadly.
Yeah, I don’t get why anyone would buy one of her knives.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 9:02:38 PM EDT
Word on the street is that Benelli, Trijicon, and STI all dumped him.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 9:04:10 PM EDT
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Word on the street is that Benelli, Trijicon, and STI all dumped him.
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Trijicon and STI confirmed, haven't seen anything with benelli.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 9:05:58 PM EDT
So who do I get my extendos from now?

Serious question.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 9:06:31 PM EDT
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Word on the street is that Benelli, Trijicon, and STI all dumped him.
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Rangemasters on sale for half off now?
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 9:08:54 PM EDT
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So who do I get my extendos from now?

Serious question.
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Are we still mad at Troy?
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 9:08:55 PM EDT
I have no idea who this guy is but y'all acting like you didn't watch hoping to see the edge of the precious.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 9:10:59 PM EDT
Didn't read or watch ever thing but I swear I saw a video on Youtube where the same slut or "victim"  is dressed about the same and trying her fucking hardest to get Kean to notice her to no avail.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 9:11:39 PM EDT
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I have no idea who this guy is but y'all acting like you didn't watch hoping to see the edge of the precious.
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Link Posted: 1/26/2020 9:12:55 PM EDT
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Oh I'm outraged? I had no idea.

If you still don't understand what it's about (it's not about the age difference) then you haven't been reading the thread. You're just posting your own outraged that anyone would question Taran's behavior.
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You're certainly obsessed.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 9:13:17 PM EDT
I would Volunteer to check her for tics.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 9:15:35 PM EDT
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Trijicon and STI confirmed, haven't seen anything with benelli.
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I’ve always though the STI race guns look cool... but then I remember I could buy 6 Glocks, 2 RMRs, and 20 mags for the same money.

Any word from BCM?
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 9:21:30 PM EDT
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You're certainly obsessed.
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Oh I'm outraged? I had no idea.

If you still don't understand what it's about (it's not about the age difference) then you haven't been reading the thread. You're just posting your own outraged that anyone would question Taran's behavior.
You're certainly obsessed.
More news to me. I'm taking part in a discussion, on a discussion board, just like you are.

It's always funny when people cry about this. Uh...you realize you're here doing the same thing I am right? lol.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 9:28:35 PM EDT
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I would Volunteer to check her for tics.
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"ticks"............. though I am sure after bumping precious with taran she has tic, at the thought of it.
Link Posted: 1/26/2020 9:35:47 PM EDT
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"ticks"............. though I am sure after bumping precious with taran she has tic, at the thought of it.
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Link Posted: 1/26/2020 11:27:53 PM EDT
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There are M Class and GM shooters here. I don't class shame anyone, but 11th PCC, 43rd overall and 2nd A class PCC at an area match isn't bad, but it's not lighting the world on fire either.
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That's my take as well. My full endorsement from the get go but I haven't shot or tested it.
I wouldn't loose too much sleep over the untested endorsement, seen as though she already owns and shoots a 2011 (shoots very well actually).

As much as I was hoping we would have 100 pages of rage against TB&JS, looks like we're morphing into more hypothetical (boring) shit.   After watching a bunch of her video's, spawned by this thread, it's clear she shoots very well, probably (most likely) better than anybody on this forum, worldwide.  I kind of think that makes her a SME for how well a gun will shoot.

In the end, I think all the bad publicity is going to turn out to be good publicity for both of them financially. There are now legions more people who know the name Taran Butler and Jade Struck than ever before.  Kind of makes me think of a post in the beginning of this thread wondering if it was done on purpose, coinciding with the firearms industries largest trade show?  Guarantee there were folks walking by the Blackwater booth just to catch a glimpse of our newly found damsel in distress.  There's also been a shit load of folks walking by the TT booth, trying to determine if Taran is there, does he seem remorseful, angry, resentful, etc.  In both cases, the products on display at those booths are getting a TON of views and in the end people wanting quality products aren't going to be too concerned with what happens behind the curtain, that doesn't directly impact the product.  This, like every other controversy nowadays will be forgotten in a week.

If you look at Taran's and Jade's IG, FB, YT, etc pages, their views have only gone up, not down.  JS holy warriors are on her side and TB fans are on his, both were just fine before and both will be more than fine after.  Unless either one of them starts selling Chinesium-CH's as true blue American made versions, I think they'll continue to be just fine
There are M Class and GM shooters here. I don't class shame anyone, but 11th PCC, 43rd overall and 2nd A class PCC at an area match isn't bad, but it's not lighting the world on fire either.
Yeah I did a quick search for her results and didn't see much. I know you can look up a members full results but I am not that motivated. The comment about her already having a 2011 is silly too because that's like saying she already owns a car but she's never driven the one she's reviewing but she's sure it's fast and smooth.
Link Posted: 1/27/2020 12:24:18 AM EDT
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Word on the street is that Benelli, Trijicon, and STI all dumped him.
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Link Posted: 1/27/2020 12:24:49 AM EDT
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Trijicon and STI confirmed, haven't seen anything with benelli.
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Word on the street is that Benelli, Trijicon, and STI all dumped him.
Trijicon and STI confirmed, haven't seen anything with benelli.
Link Posted: 1/27/2020 12:25:58 AM EDT
Now on you tube

Link Posted: 1/27/2020 12:27:17 AM EDT
Let’s see the precious

Link Posted: 1/27/2020 12:29:20 AM EDT
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"Word on the street".

Chatter among people well connected in the industry.  2/3 have already been verified by other posters in the thread.  I've seen screenshots of private messages in which trijicon verifies that they dumped him.
Link Posted: 1/27/2020 12:31:13 AM EDT
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Let’s see the precious

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She’s such an innocent participant in all this.
Link Posted: 1/27/2020 12:35:58 AM EDT
When I worked for big corporations, I'd always wondered why I'd had to waste hours and hours of my life sitting through mandated Sexual Harassment training yearly for stuff that should be common sense to any man in today's world.

Having followed this thread from the near beginning and seeing the continual influx of folks that don't see any issue with any of this, I now know why I've had to.

So, thanks guys!

Thank God I no longer work for a big corp.

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That's just dildos.
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GLOCK talk forum has a No Taran posts allowed rule now.
That's just dildos.
Link Posted: 1/27/2020 12:51:19 AM EDT
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Ear gages. Gross.
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Lol I went to google that knife and her name gives "age" as one of the top suggested searches.
holy shit what a bunch of overpriced crap.


Ear gages. Gross.
LOL at her licking the blade!
Link Posted: 1/27/2020 1:26:29 AM EDT
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"Word on the street".

Chatter among people well connected in the industry.  2/3 have already been verified by other posters in the thread.  I've seen screenshots of private messages in which trijicon verifies that they dumped him.
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"Word on the street".

Chatter among people well connected in the industry.  2/3 have already been verified by other posters in the thread.  I've seen screenshots of private messages in which trijicon verifies that they dumped him.
Will there be another John Wick film ????
Link Posted: 1/27/2020 2:33:49 AM EDT
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words....

Link Posted: 1/27/2020 3:03:53 AM EDT
Those of you who have been going on and on about this on virtually every page, for 41 pages do appear to be obsessed.
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